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===================================== = T H E C O M P L E T E S A G A = =====================================******************************************************************************LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Wii Version)A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZVersion 1.1E-mail: cyricz42 at******************************************************************************

1. Introduction2. FAQ3. Basics 3A. Controls 3B. Menus/Displays 3C. Hints/Tips4. Mos Eisley Cantina5. Story Walkthroughs Episode I - The Phantom Menace 5A. Negotiations 5B. Invasion of Naboo 5C. Escape From Naboo 5D. Mos Espa Pod Race 5E. Retake Theed Palace 5F. Darth Maul Episode II - Attack of the Clones 5G. Bounty Hunter Pursuit 5H. Discovery on Kamino 5I. Droid Factory 5J. Jedi Battle 5K. Gunship Cavalry 5L. Count Dooku Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 5M. Battle Over Coruscant 5N. Chancellor in Peril 5O. General Grievous 5P. Defense of Kashyyyk 5Q. Ruin of the Jedi 5R. Darth Vader Episode IV - A New Hope 5S. Secret Plans 5T. Through the Jundland Wastes 5U. Mos Eisley Spaceport 5V. Rescue the Princess 5W. Death Star Escape 5X. Rebel Attack Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 5Y. Hoth Battle 5Z. Escape From Echo Base 5AA. Falcon Flight 5BB. Dagobah

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5CC. Cloud City Trap 5DD. Betrayal Over Bespin Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 5EE. Jabba's Palace 5FF. The Great Pit of Carkoon 5GG. Speeder Showdown 5HH. The Battle of Endor 5II. Jedi Destiny 5JJ. Into the Death Star6. Free Play Runthroughs (MINIKITS and POWER BRICKS) Episode I - The Phantom Menace 6A. Negotiations 6B. Invasion of Naboo 6C. Escape From Naboo 6D. Mos Espa Pod Race 6E. Retake Theed Palace 6F. Darth Maul Episode II - Attack of the Clones 6G. Bounty Hunter Pursuit 6H. Discovery on Kamino 6I. Droid Factory 6J. Jedi Battle 6K. Gunship Cavalry 6L. Count Dooku Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 6M. Battle Over Coruscant 6N. Chancellor in Peril 6O. General Grievous 6P. Defense of Kashyyyk 6Q. Ruin of the Jedi 6R. Darth Vader Episode IV - A New Hope 6S. Secret Plans 6T. Through the Jundland Wastes 6U. Mos Eisley Spaceport 6V. Rescue the Princess 6W. Death Star Escape 6X. Rebel Attack Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 6Y. Hoth Battle 6Z. Escape From Echo Base 6AA. Falcon Flight 6BB. Dagobah 6CC. Cloud City Trap 6DD. Betrayal Over Bespin Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 6EE. Jabba's Palace 6FF. The Great Pit of Carkoon 6GG. Speeder Showdown 6HH. The Battle of Endor 6II. Jedi Destiny 6JJ. Into the Death Star7. Challenge Runthroughs (BLUE MINIKITS) Episode I - The Phantom Menace 7A. Negotiations 7B. Invasion of Naboo 7C. Escape From Naboo 7D. Mos Espa Pod Race 7E. Retake Theed Palace 7F. Darth Maul Episode II - Attack of the Clones 7G. Bounty Hunter Pursuit 7H. Discovery on Kamino 7I. Droid Factory

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7J. Jedi Battle 7K. Gunship Cavalry 7L. Count Dooku Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 7M. Battle Over Coruscant 7N. Chancellor in Peril 7O. General Grievous 7P. Defense of Kashyyyk 7Q. Ruin of the Jedi 7R. Darth Vader Episode IV - A New Hope 7S. Secret Plans 7T. Through the Jundland Wastes 7U. Mos Eisley Spaceport 7V. Rescue the Princess 7W. Death Star Escape 7X. Rebel Attack Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 7Y. Hoth Battle 7Z. Escape From Echo Base 7AA. Falcon Flight 7BB. Dagobah 7CC. Cloud City Trap 7DD. Betrayal Over Bespin Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 7EE. Jabba's Palace 7FF. The Great Pit of Carkoon 7GG. Speeder Showdown 7HH. The Battle of Endor 7II. Jedi Destiny 7JJ. Into the Death Star8. Bounty Hunter Challenges 8A. Qui-Gon Jinn 8B. Queen Amidala 8C. Jar Jar Binks 8D. Mace Windu 8E. Kit Fisto 8F. Luminara 8G. Ki-Adi Mundi 8H. Rebel Trooper 8I. Shaak Ti 8J. Commander Cody 8K. R2-D2 8L. Obi-Wan Kenobi 8M. Chewbacca 8N. Princess Leia 8O. Admiral Ackbar 8P. Yoda 8Q. C-3PO 8R. Lando Calrissian 8S. Luke Skywalker 8T. Han Solo9. Episode Bonus Missions 9A. Episode I Bonus 9B. Episode II Bonus 9C. Episode III Bonus 9D. Episode IV Bonus 9E. Episode V Bonus 9F. Episode VI Bonus10. Cantina Bonuses 10A. Pod Race (Original) 10B. Anakin's Flight 10C. Gunship Cavalry (Original) 10D. A New Hope

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10E. LEGO City 10F. New Town11. Characters 11A. Story Characters 11B. Extra Characters 11C. Vehicles/Minikits 11D. "Extra Toggle" Characters12. Secrets/Unlockables 12A. Main Unlocks 12B. Extras and Power Bricks 12C. Secret Codes13. Two Player Arcade14. Standard Guide Stuff 14A. Legal 14B. E-mail Guidelines 14C. Credits 14D. Version Updates 14E. The Final Word

******************************************************************************1. INTRODUCTION******************************************************************************

Welcome, readers, to my FAQ/Walkthrough for LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, for the Nintendo Wii! A compilation of the two LEGO Star Wars games, updated for the newest generation of consoles, you can now have the entire LEGO Star Wars experience in one game. In this guide, you'll find walkthroughs for each mission in the Story, quick runthroughs of each mission on Free Play, including how to find all the Minikits and Power Bricks, as well as the means to unlock and pass the myriad bonus missions in the game.

******************************************************************************2. FAQ******************************************************************************

Q: What is LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga?

A: This is a full compilation of both recently released LEGO Star Wars games, on the current generation of consoles.

Q: What is the ESRB rating of this game?

A: This game is rated E10+, with the added descriptor of Cartoon Violence.

Q: Would this game be good for my kids?

A: Absolutely so. There's almost no objectionable material during gameplay. All violence is done to LEGO bricks, not real people. The game is very forgiving in the sense of difficulty, encourages exploration and critical thinking, as well as working together with a friend. However, there are certain situations that mirror the movies, such as the LEGO characters dying or being dismembered (ie. Qui-Gon's death or Luke losing his hand) which are kinda played down given the goofy nature of the LEGOs.

Q: How many people can play? Does this game require a Nunchuk?

A: Two, and yes.

Q: So, what's changed from the individual games? Has a lot of new stuff been added?

A: This game is more than just a "mash-up" of the two individual games. Steps have been taken to make all six episodes one cohesive experience. The

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Original Trilogy has had the fewest modifications, as the game was just about perfect as it was. The Prequel Trilogy has had updates to bring it up to speed with LSW2's gameplay-style. Here are all the changes as a list:

- The Mos Eisley Cantina is now the hub for the entire game, and has been significantly redesigned to reflect this. - A new mission has been added to the beginning of Episode II: Bounty Hunter Pursuit (which was cut from the original LSW). - Episode I: Mission 4 (Mos Espa Pod Race), while still a race, is now one big cohesive area, and instead of reaching a checkpoint before the time runs out, you simply have to beat Sebulba to the end. - Episode II: Mission 4 (Gunship Cavalry) has now become free-roaming, much like the vehicle missions in the OT. - All LSW missions have a hidden Power Brick, and many incorporate the newer "building", "levers", and "vehicles" concepts from LSW2 in various spots. Also, all LSW Episodes now each have a Bonus section incorporating Super Story, Character Bonus, and Minikit Bonus. - In addition to Story and Free Play, there is now a "Challenge" mode for each mission, which has you finding minikit canisters in a certain amount of time. - True Jedi now only needs to be reached either on Story or Free Play, no longer both. - There is a "Powerup" pickup in missions which can be grabbed to give your character enhanced abilities for a limited time (more info in 3C). - There are now a total of 20 Bounty Hunter Challenges. - There are additional characters and extras to purchase. - There is a Two Player Arcade, used to pit players against each other. - There is a "Bonus" lounge in the Cantina, where you can access six special bonus missions. - The game has a total of 160 Gold Bricks to find. - For the Wii version, you can use the Remote and Nunchuk to manipulate the game as well as the standard controls. - The 360 and PS3 versions have online play. Note that this is a FAQ for the WII VERSION of the game, so I won't be expanding on that much.

So, bottom line is that there aren't any huge changes, but enough that if a fan is a big Star Wars fan (like me), they could find a lot to love here.

Q: I can't get to a certain spot! I need Artoo/Threepio/a Jedi/a grappler! What do I do?

A: You'll have to come back to that spot on Free Play, where you can take whatever characters you want.

Q: How can I make studs quickly?

A: First, focus on the multiplier Extras. Once you snag them, you can apply them to Free Play, and you'll rake in the studs. Of course, you have to get to them first. Two missions that give a lot of studs are the Mos Espa Pod Race and the Battle Over Coruscant. As you crash into poles or shoot down ships, you'll get a great amount.

Another method that requires a little more patience and an extra controler is to buy the Fertilizer and Poo Money Extras. Get to an area with two animals and face them back to back with each other, and turn on the Extras. Continually press Z on both Nunchuks and you'll drag in studs indefinitely without having to really watch the game, so you can just watch a movie or something while hitting Z over and over again.

Q: I have all the Gold Bricks and everything, but I still don't have 100%! What am I missing?

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A: Most likely, you're missing the Super Stories. They don't give you Gold Bricks, or any kind of reward, except credit towards your final percentage, so that's probably it.

******************************************************************************3. BASICS******************************************************************************

Most of this information can be found in the instruction manual, like anyone reads those.

==============3A. Controls ===============

General Controls -

Control Stick: Move your character.A Button: Jump or hover (not available for all characters)B Button: Attack or use primary ability.Z Button: Use special ability. Also used to bulid piles of LEGOs and pull levers (non-droids only).C Button: Shift focus. Use when facing another character to transfer control to them.1 and 2 Buttons: Only used during Free Play. Switch between characters you selected for this mission.+ Button: Brings up Pause Menu.


Blaster Character Controls -

A Button: Jump. Some characters have a second diving jump if you press A again.B Button: Fire blaster. Press B just as a blaster bolt is about to hit you to dodge it.Z Button: Use grappling hook on red targets.


Jedi/Sith Controls -

A Button: Jump. Press again for a double jump.B Button: Swing lightsaber. Hold down button to assume blocking position. Press B just as a blaster bolt is about to hit you to reflect it back at its shooter.Z Button: Use the Force. Using the Force will have different results depending on the character and target. Using the Force on any simple object will manipulate it in a predetermined manner (ie. bricks will become stairs). Using the Force on a droid (and certain others) will push it back, where it will be damaged. Using the Force on most non-droid enemies will use Mind Trick, stunning them. Certain characters have a special Force use on enemeis, such as Force Choke or Force Lightning.

There are also some cool moves/combos you can do with a lightsaber. If you jump and attack, you'll perform a jump-slash. This has a good chance of hitting your target, but you're vulnerable while performing it. If you double-jump and attack, you'll perform a diving down-stab. This will create a small outward field that will damage enemies all around you. Finally, there's the standing combo. If you press the attack button again right after you finish your first strike, your second will have sparkly trails. Do it again for a third strike, and you'll perform a "super slash", which has double power AND can break through an enemy's guard.

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Lastly, a reader named Fiera has pointed me out to a move he calls the "Force Flip". It invokes when fighting against another saber wielder. If you block a strike, then shortly press A afterwards, you will leap above and behind your enemy, perfect for a free hit.


Flying Vehicle Controls -

Control Stick: Push in the direction you wish to fly. Push in the opposite direction to perform a U-turn.A Button: Acrobatics. Simply press A to perform a loop. Press A and tap left or right to do a barrel roll and avoid enemy fire.B Button: Fire blasters.Z Button: Fire proton torpedoes that you've picked up.


Motion Sensor Movements -

None of these are required to do. You can play the entire game without so much as twitching your Nunchuk, but they're available if you wish.

Saber Swing - If your character is armed with a saber, swinging the Remote is the same as pressing B. It will perform all the attendant saber moves.

Blocking and Dodging - Holding your Wii Remote horizontally will allow you to block with a saber, or dodge incoming shots if you're a gunner.

Force - Moving the Nunchuk left and right as you hold Z will allow you to move things faster through the Force.

Building - Once you start building something (holding down Z), move both the Remote and Nunchuk up and down (as if you were climbing a ladder) and you'll build faster.

Grapple - If your character can use a grapple, stand on a red target and quickly move your Remote upwards to use it.

====================3B. Menus/Displays =====================

Main Menu -

New Game: Start a new game.Load Game: Load a previously saved game.Options: Opens Options Menu.


Options Menu -

Music: Toggle music on/off.Widescreen: Toggle widescreen functionality.


Pause Menu -

Resume: Get back to the game.Options: Opens Options Menu.Extras: Opens Extras menu, where you can select any extras you've purchased, as well as toggle the Adaptive Difficulty.

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Quit: Return to the Main Menu (will not save).

================3C. Hints/Tips =================

The basic form of progress in this game is the "Gold Brick". You get a Gold Brick for completing a mission in Story Mode, for getting True Jedi status, and for collecting all Minikit Canisters in a mission. Also, bonus missions have a Gold Brick as the reward for beating the threshold. There are also Bricks you can purchase from the Cantina. This gives you a grand total of 160 Gold Bricks to get. Lastly, after your 60th Gold Brick, every one you get thereafter will get you an additional 100,000 studs.

Keep collecting studs. Collecting a specified number will give you "True Jedi" status and a Gold Brick. Once you hit the True Jedi threshold, you cannot lose it, no matter how low your studs get afterwards. You only need to get True Jedi once for each mission, either on Story or Free Play.

Collect Minikit Canisters (I just refer to them as "canisters") to assemble a vehicle. Collecting all ten and completing the vehicle will give you 50,000 studs, a Gold Brick, and will allow you to use that vehicle in Minikit bonus missions.

Each mission has a red Power Brick in them. Collect that Power Brick and complete the mission to unlock an Extra for purchase at the bar. Some of these can be pretty expensive, mind you, but they're the most useful ones.

Watch for "Powerups", which are blue balls of energy new to this game. If you pick one up, you'll get about fifteen seconds worth of "special powers". These include:- Attacks do double damage (sabers, blasters, melee).- Your character is invulnerable (attacks won't even faze him, and blaster bolts will bounce off).- Blindingly fast Force and build times.- You have a large "stud collection" radius, meaning studs will be pulled to you from further away. This doesn't work so well against studs you knock out of things until they settle.- Vehicles will have the "Tractor Beam" power active.- All studs collected will be multiplied by two.

Shoot. Freakin'. Everything. If it's made out of LEGO bricks and not obviously part of the background, gun it down, or saber it down, or whatever you have to do, because a lot of stuff to move ahead in the game requires you to go on a destruction frenzy.

Explore everywhere. Run into walls and behind them to look for any areas you might be missing.

If you die, you'll drop a portion of your studs: usually 2,000, but that can vary if you have Adaptive Difficulty turned on. You can die as many times as you want and you can still finish the mission. However, losing too many studs means you'll have a harder time getting True Jedi status, so be sure to recollect those lost studs when you croak.

Sparklies on an object means that you can use the Force on them, so take that opportunity whenever it presents itself. Red sparklies means that ONLY a Sith can use the Force on those objects. Sith aren't purchaseable immediately, and are usually quite expensive.

******************************************************************************4. MOS EISLEY CANTINA******************************************************************************

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This is the main hub in the game. Lots of characters wander around, and if you start a bar fight, look out. A batch of the characters you've unlocked will also be strolling around the place, inside and outside.

Anyway, there are several points of interest in the Cantina:


Bar -

This is pretty much where you buy everything in the game. Just to the left is a holoprojector that shows your time playing and your total percentage. Walk up to Wuher the bartender to see his menu.

Hints: These are all purchased for 100 studs, except for the last one, which is 1000. They give you basic tips on how to play the game.

Characters: As you progress through missions, you'll be given characters automatically if you used them in the Story. For characters you don't play as in the Story, you'll have to purchase them from here as they're unlocked.

Extras: These are gameplay modifiers. Some help you get through the game. Others are just for show. Some are available for purchase immediately. Others require you to find Power Bricks to make them available.

Enter Code: If, somehow, you come across secret codes, you can enter them here to quickly unlock stuff that would require you plenty of studs otherwise.

Gold Bricks: There are fourteen Gold Bricks available to buy, starting at 10,000, and increasing in price by 5,000. A new one will become available for every few missions you complete.

Story Clips: Pick this to view any movie clip you've seen during Story Mode.


Bacta Tanks -

In these two bacta tanks are your "Create-A-Characters". Get close and you can completely customize two characters to your liking:

Up/Down: Select which part to change.Left/Right: Cycle through available parts.A Button: Switch to other character.B Button: Save and ExitZ Button: Edit the character's name.C Button: Random selection.

You can customize the following parts: Hat/Helmet/Hair, Head, Cape, Body, Arms, Hands, Weapon, Belt (lower torso), and Legs. What you choose as the weapon and head defines your character's class. Lightsabers will be Jedi. Guns will be gunfighters, etc. Putting on a stormtrooper helmet or bounty hunter helmet/head will give your character that access. Also, be warned that some LEGO heads won't accommodate hats, such as Yoda's.

Note that, initially, you will NOT be able to give your characters powers that you do not already have access to in your existing characters. That is, you won't have bounty hunter helmets or red lightsabers to make premature Hunters or Sith until you buy them from the bar.


Episode Lounges -

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These are where you access the respective episodes. At first, only I is open. After the first mission, the other episodes will be available. You must beat each episode's missions in sequential order. Hanging outside the lounge's gate, or each mission's door will give you your stats on that mission/episode so far. Your first visit to a mission is always Story. After that, you can replay the Story, or play on Free Play, or play the Challenge.


Bonus Lounge -

The bonus area to the right of the episode lounges is where your special bonuses lie. You need Gold Bricks to access these.


The Junkyard -

To the far left is the door outside. There are a few things to play with out here, such as a mini-racetrack and a couple of cars to build. Also, you'll find the door to the Bounty Hunter Challenges out here, a minikit viewing area, and the 160 Gold Brick bonus, once you get them all.


Bounty Hunter Challenges -

Once you purchase the follwing six bounty hunters: Greedo, Boba Fett, IG-88, 4-LOM, Bossk, and Dengar, you can access this, which is out in the Junkyard.

******************************************************************************5. STORY WALKTHROUGHS******************************************************************************

Below you'll find walkthroughs for all the main missions in the game. These walkthroughs take relatively few diversions from the main path, nor do they stop to find minikits along the way. We'll cover all that in the next section.

Starting Characters:Qui-Gon JinnObi-Wan KenobiGonk Droid: 3,000PK Droid: 1,500Indiana Jones: 50,000 (Go to Trailers in the Bonus section)

==================5A. Negotiations ===================

"You were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short." - Obi-Wan

Starting Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan KenobiAdded Characters: TC-14Enemies: Battle Droid, Battle Droid (Security), Battle Droid (Commander), Droideka

True Jedi at 31,000: A piece of cake. If you turn right as you go in, you'll find a generator that you can use the Force on to get more than half your total. You can reach your threshold well before the second area.

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Area 1: Play with whatever you want in here, then use the Force (Z) on the door to bust it down. Saber the droids good, then proceed down the hallway. Fight more droids, then bust your way through the canisters. You'll find TC-14 at the end, so use the C button to switch to her. Press Z while she stands in front of the panel with a protocol droid face on it to open the door. In the next room, have one of your Jedi use Z to put together the panel, then have TC-14 use that one. In the next room, use the Force on the wall grating to remove it. Chop up the two droids behind it, then press on.

Area 2: There are several droids populating this area. Note the Powerup in the middle of the room. This will grant you great power when attacking and in using your special abilities (Force and building go much faster), as well as invincibility and being able to pick up studs from far away. As you head to the right, you'll find even more Droids. Smashing them will summon two Droidekas near the force field. Beating them is a matter of either pounding them until their shields drop, then hitting them three times, or using one diving saber attack to lower their shields first. Also, there's a STAP in the front of the room that you can put together and use, if you wish. Also, in the orange bricks on the right side, you'll find a Powerup in one of them. Once the Droidekas are scrap, use the Force on either of the two wall ornaments on the sides of the force field to create platforms. Hop onto them and over. Have both Jedi stand on the two buttons (if you're playing alone, the CPU will help you with the other Jedi). This removes the force field and scares up some more droids. Waste them, then have TC-14 use the panel here. Enter the transport that just opened and you're done! Yes, already!

New Characters:TC-14Battle Droid: 6,500Battle Droid (Security): 8,500Battle Droid (Commander): 10,000Droideka: 40,000

Beating this mission will open up the first mission of each of the other five episodes.

=======================5B. Invasion of Naboo ========================

"You almost got us killed. Are you brainless?" - Qui-Gon"I speak!" - Jar Jar"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent." - Qui-Gon

Starting Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan KenobiAdded Characters: Jar Jar BinksEnemies: Battle Droid

True Jedi at 44,000: Shouldn't be too hard. Studs are pretty easy to come by, and obvious to find.

Area 1: Your path is straight ahead. Droids, Gungans, and others will migrate across your path from the left to the right. Some of the droids will decide to mix it up with you, so oblige them. Eventually, you'll come upon a fallen tree. Force it up to be able to move on. Next, a droid transport will be blocking your path. Use the Force on the lit-up part of it several times to make it explode. Continue on and you'll find Jar Jar stopping to smell the flowers. With him in tow, head up the stone steps. The mob will cease at this point, so continue to the next area.

Area 2: Force the Gungan face into a bridge, then cross. Switch to Jar Jar on the other side, then use his high double jump to reach the top of the

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stone, dropping it down to your level. This will uncover a mechanism that you will need to use the Force on to lower another platform. Switch back to Jar Jar and hop on three more platforms. You'll have to leave that green circle for later, as you don't have any bounty hunters. Press on to the right and the exit.

Area 3: Remove the Force-sensitive blocks above you to release a ramp. Climb up and fight your way along to the swamp area and beyond to a second swamp. Switch to Jar Jar and have him jump up to the high ledge, following the stud trail. At the end, he can stand on a darker stone to make it sink, revealing the passage to the next area.

Area 4: There's not much to this area except to press straight ahead and follow the stud arrow into the water to finish the mission.

New Characters:Jar Jar BinksCaptain Tarpals: 17,500Boss Nass: 15,000

=======================5C. Escape From Naboo ========================

"It seems your negotiations have failed." - Panaka"The negotiations never took place." - Qui-Gon

Starting Characters: Queen Amidala, Captain PanakaAdded Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan KenobiEnemies: Battle Droid, Battle Droid (Commander)

True Jedi at 48,000: This will probably take until the last area. Make sure you focus on everything that can be blown. Don't ignore windows, either. Once you get the Jedi back, use the Force on things before smashing them.

Area 1: While the Jedi saved the Queen's butt, they apparently are needed somewhere else (probably the john), so you'll be controlling your first gunfighters, here. Shoot all droids in the area. Your destination is the back left corner, where you'll find a red target you can use as a starting point to grapple up to the next level (hit Z). Move right along the balcony to find another grapple point to ride up. Move right from there, past the windows, and blow up a flower bed to find yet another grapple point. Blast the droids here, and a nearby flower bed for the next point. At the top, you'll see a big puzzle, but you can't complete it at the moment, so just blast all the bad guys and move on to the back right.

Area 2: Go straight ahead and blast all the droids in your path and head out the doorway.

Area 3: Go down the steps and blast your way out through the windows. Head to the right and shoot the red and yellow target near the gate to open it. Go through.

Area 4: Drop down to the lower level and rejoin your Jedi-folk. Once all the droids are scrap, head to the right. You'll run across another squad of droids, which are near some canisters. Two of these canisters are on top of elevators, so blast them to start them moving. Take a gunner onto the elevators and blast the targets as they come in range. Once all four targets are hit, you can go through the gate.

Area 5: Cross over the bridge to the rooftops. Now, in addition to a bunch of marching droid patrols, you'll notice the main area has three big skylights, each with a button on the top. These buttons remove the smaller skylights on the edges of the roof. Each button removes one skylight from

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each side. The button you want to hit is the middle one, then head to the back of the roof and remove the grating over the hole. Fall down to finish.

New Characters:Queen AmidalaCaptain PanakaRoyal Guard: 10,000Padmé: 20,000

=======================5D. Mos Espa Pod Race ========================

"Better stop you friend's betting, or I'll end up owning him, too." - Watto, translated from Huttese

Vehicles: Anakin's Pod

True Jedi at 46,000: This is a little tricky, because you'll have to run into just about everything out here. Just about all the poles and crystals have studs in them, and you need to run into them to scare the studs out.

Area 1: Here's how it goes. Remember the old LSW where it was a bunch of smaller areas and you had to reach a "checkpoint" before time ran out? Not so much, anymore. The whole race is now one big area, and all you have to do is beat Sebulba to the end. That said, it's still a wild and fast race, with lots of hazards, so you still have to stay awake. Hit the boost pads whenever you can to get an edge. Also, if you blow up, you'll simply start where you were at, not the beginning of the "checkpoint".

The first lap is relatively tame, except for the big canyon, where you'll have Tusken Raiders gunning down at you. Try to avoid their shots to take as little damage as possible.

In the second lap, the path switches after a crash, so you'll need to navigate a new area, although there isn't much else new to it.

In the final lap, the big canyon has rocks in addition to shots firing. These rocks won't destroy you (like they used to), but they will slow you down.

New Vehicles:Anakin's PodSebulba's Pod: 20,000

New Characters:Watto: 16,000Pit Droid: 4,000

=========================5E. Retake Theed Palace ==========================

"Wipe them out... all of them." - Darth Sidious

Starting Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé (Battle), Captain Panaka, R2-D2, Anakin Skywalker (Boy)Enemies: Battle Droid, Battle Droid (Commander), Droideka, Battle Droid (Security)

True Jedi at 60,000: This one's a tall order, as there aren't a lot of big stud dumps in this mission. Just shoot everything that looks shootable, and make sure you try to Force it first.

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Area 1: With your largest cast, yet, head into the main plaza and start causing havoc. Take down all the droids and blow up the tank. This will allow you to Force together a ramp, which you need for Artoo so he can get up on the upper level. Go to the back of the room and use Artoo on the door to open it.

Area 2: Use the Force on the hook, and on the blocks. This will basically create means for all six characters to cross this gap by their own methods. Go to the next area. Destroy the droids and Droidekas, then step on one of the buttons. All your other characters will step on them, as well, which will open the doors to your right. Take out the droids and press on. In the next circular room, blow up the statue and assemble the Artoo panel it reveals. Use it, then head through the door.

Area 3: Head left, then up and waste the droids. In this fountain area, you'll find some blocks near the fountain to the right. Force them into steps so you can climb up to the upper ledges, where you can Force together a bridge going left. Artoo will find his own way to you, so continue to the left until you reach a gate. Remove the nearby flower bed and step on the switch to reveal a vent. Send Anakin through it so he can get to the back area. If you hadn't done so, use Jedi to remove the big boxes so Anakin can reach another vent and then the switch to open the gate.

Area 4: Destroy all the droids in this area. The point of this place is to create the means for all the characters to get to the gate in the upper right. The blocks on the right end can be Forced together into an elevator for Artoo. To the left of that is a flower bed, under which is a grapple point for the gunners. A vent on the back wall is all ready for Anakin. Now, the Jedi. Go to the left side of the area to find two boxes. Have each Jedi stand on the box and you can both use the Force to raise each other to the top. From there, Force the nearby ledge up and you can all go to the right to the six buttons in front of the gate to open it.

Area 5: Head straight across this large hall and up the stairs on the right into the alcove with a Droideka. There are three statues here covering buttons. The ones on the left and right release enemies, while the back one will open the way ahead.

Area 6: You're now in the hangar, and the object is to free six pilots. For starters, there are two right on the ground floor in the middle of the room. Blast the two red-marked droids to free them. There are two more higher up in the middle of the room. Do the two-box-lift trick you did earlier to get your Jedi up there to free the pilots. To get the one above the door you entered by, go to the left and put together a three-block tower, using the biggest one as the base, of course, then hop around the ledges along the walls to reach above the door. The last pilot in the far left corner is freed by another three-block tower just near it. Once all six are loose, go to the far right corner and use the Artoo panel to end the mission.

New Characters:Padmé (Battle)R2-D2Anakin Skywalker (Boy)

================5F. Darth Maul =================

"We'll handle this." - Qui-Gon

Starting Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan KenobiEnemies: Battle Droid, Battle Droid (Commander), Droideka, Darth Maul

True Jedi at 31,000: Not too hard. Most of your studs will be found in

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Area 1 and Area 3. Just make sure to explore all the nooks and crannies.

Area 1: Time for some Maul-tastic action. First thing's first. You need to get that bridge down. Start by reflecting blaster bolts from the droids. Remember to press B just before the blaster bolt hits you to reflect it directly back at the droid. Once all four are scrap, Maul will try to throw something at you. Use the Force on it quickly to send it back at him, which will knock off a heart. Hit him three times like this and he'll drop the bridge and run. Force it back together and head after him.

Area 2: Follow Maul as he flips around the catwalks. Jump up and give chase. When he goes across a large gap, use the Force to pull out a platform, then quickly cross it before it recedes back into the wall. Continue like this. If you fall, you'll have to go back to the beginning to get back up. Once you reach the end, follow him into the next room.

Area 3: As you jump across the platforms to give chase, Maul will drop the last platform leading to him. To get this back up, first you need to go to the left and right. There is a Commander Battle Droid on each end, calling down loads of Battle Droids, so smash both of them. Once the area is cleared of all the droids, two platforms with Droidekas on them will rise. Trash them and step on the switches to raise the platform to the far end.

Area 4: The way through this is for each Jedi to hit each lever to pass through the force fields. It's pretty simple.

Area 5: It's party time. Duel him so he's down two hearts, then he'll start jumping around. Use a jump strike or a down stab to hurt him. When he's down to four hearts, he'll hop onto the nearby platforms and start flinging stuff at you. Catch those objects and Force them back at him to knock him off the platforms, then saber him some more until you drain his hearts.

New Characters:Darth Maul: 60,000

===========================5G. Bounty Hunter Pursuit ============================

"What took you so long?" - Obi-Wan"Oh, you know, Master. I couldn't find a speeder I really liked." - Anakin

Vehicles: Anakin's SpeederEnemies: Zam's Speeder

True Jedi at 45,000: Shoot everything. All the signs. Anything that can be blown up. Be methodical.

Area 1: Whoa! A brand new mission! Here, you need to chase down Zam Wesell. Both you and Obi-Wan will be in a speeder. Basically, all you need to do is follow the path, while not being shot down. There are guns that will try to shoot you down as you chase Zam, but overall, there's not much to focus on besides the chase. Shoot down signs, etc. for studs if you wish. Follow Zam through a traffic tunnel and out the other side.

Area 2: Zam will shoot behind her and trap you between force fields. You now need to bust down the force field generators in order to leave. First, gun down any and all turrets shooting at you, then you need to fly over two spots that are glowing with light. Once you run over both of them, the torpedo dispenser will appear. Grab torpedoes and start firing at the yellow and gray generators on either side of the back force field. Once you take down all six generators with torps, the force field will drop and you can move on.

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Area 3: This is another chase section. Not much different from the last one. Keep up the pursuit.

Area 4: This is another force field section, only you've got twelve generators to take down, an equal number of turrets, and you need to fly over four glowing spots to uncover the torpedo dispenser. If you get lucky and find a powerup, take it and lay waste to the area before you go boom. Anyway, blast away all the generators.

Area 5: Now, it's a flying laser duel. You basically need to down Zam's speeder. It's not too difficult. Just turn away if she starts shooting and try to get behind her. Once you drain the speeder's hearts, you'll finish the mission.

New Vehicles:Anakin's SpeederZam's Airspeeder: 24,000

New Characters:Zam Wesell: 27,500Dexter Jettster: 10,000

=========================5H. Discovery on Kamino ==========================

"I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe." - Jango Fett

Starting Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master), R4-P17Enemies: Floating Gun Pods, Gun Turrets, Jango Fett, Slave I

True Jedi at 50,000: Not too hard, as there are a lot blue studs dotted around. I hit this just after finding Jango (raiding his room).

Area 1: As you enter the area, you'll see lightning strike one of the... uh... "things", that the Kaminoan was working on. Force it back together and the bridge will extend, letting you inside.

Area 2: Follow Taun We into the next room.

Area 3: In this next room, the puzzle is to step on all the lights in the center of the room. Once they're all lit, the door behind Taun We will open. Follow her into the next hall and have R4 open the door.

Area 4: Continue to follow Taun We into the next room.

Area 5: Jango will take off. Smash all the Gun Pods, then follow him.

Area 4: Reflect the blasts from the Turrets back at them, then chase Jango.

Area 6: Jump down the hatch after Jango.

Area 7: Jango will now set bombs in your path. The idea is to get close enough to set them off, then to back away. The path will be broken by the explosion, so you'll have to jump the gaps. When you reach the end, step on the red button to extend a small ledge, then have R4 float across and step on the red button on the far side. When he gets to the far side, have Obi- Wan use the Force on the stuff to the left of the door to uncover the Artoo panel. Unlock it and enter.

Area 8: As you advance, you'll find that two hatches on the upper-right are spewing Gun Pods. There's a Powerup to the left of the elevator you came in on if you want to use it, but the real trick is to switch to R4 have him

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use the two panels near the hatches to close them, otherwise the Gun Pods will continue spilling out. Wipe up the remaining Pods and use the Force on the wreckage to remove it. Activate the Artoo panel and proceed.

Area 9: Time for the fight with Jango AND the Slave I, driven by Boba. Either run up and smack him, or reflect his blasts back at him to hurt him. When you've knocked him down to seven, he'll fire up the jetpack, meaning you'll know be forced to reflect his blasts, and the Slave I will start firing at you. To stop this ruckus, have R4 activate any of the panels, which will fire up a gun that will blast the Slave I to stop it for a short while while it fires back. Once Jango's down to four hearts, he'll switch to his missiles. Use the Force on them to direct them back at him. Do this until he's down to one heart and he'll just run away from you. Chase him down and deliver the final blow.

New Characters:Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master)R4-P17Clone: 13,000Lama Su: 9,000Taun We: 9,000

===================5I. Droid Factory ====================

"Machines creating machines. How perverse." - C-3PO

Starting Characters: Anakin Skywalker (Padawan), Padmé (Geonosis)Added Characters: R2-D2, C-3POEnemies: Geonosian, Battle Droid (Geonosis), Droideka

True Jedi at 40,000: Shouldn't be too much of a problem. Plenty of blues lying around. Just be careful not to fall too much.

Area 1: As you enter the hive area, you'll be attacked by several Geonosians. Crush them and press on.

Area 2: The ledge here will retract once you stand on it, but you probably want to drop down, anyway. Be careful on the front flaps of this conveyor belt, as they will drop you if you stand on them. Move to the right, watching out for nasty pistons that will squash you. Smash the Droideka and continue to the right. You'll find Artoo, shortly. Just past his spot (and a few droids), you'll find some fans you can Force together that will lift you up. Let them carry you to the higher ledge on the far right, then go through the doorway.

Area 3: Switch to Padmé. Have her grapple up to the upper ledge and shoot the target to raise a big bucket, then cross over and grapple up to another target. This will get the big bucket moving. Hop on and it will drop you on the next ledge. Bust away the canisters and Force the target onto the wall so you can shoot it. Now two more buckets are moving to your right. Keep going to the right to a solid platform. Now, you have to hop onto a bucket and then off before it moves past some blue flames, then cross another gap to the door. Have Artoo open it and pass through.

Area 4: Hi, Threepio. The objective of this area is to get him across. Your other three characters can manage just fine, but Threepio will need to be carried by the platforms in the middle of the room. Hop onto them with Anakin and rotate them using the Force. Threepio will cross onto them when he is able to, so keep rotating so he gets to the other side and open the door with him.

Area 5: Proceed to the right in this cavernous area, dealing with any

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Geonosians that give you trouble. After you pass under an arch, have Padmé grapple up to the upper ledge and shoot the bricks on the far right. Have Anakin Force them into a platform, then float across them to the right with Artoo. Use the Artoo panel to extend a bridge so everyone can get to the right and waste the Droidekas. Use the Threepio panel and enter the door.

Area 6: Have Artoo use the right-hand panel to roll a bomb out. Force it over to the force field and blast (or saber) it to blow both up. Take the Powerup that's left behind and head to the right. Quickly take care of all the droids, Geonosians, and Droidekas before it expires. Once they're all scrap, use the Force on each of Obi-Wan's four restraints to free him.

New Characters:Anakin Skywalker (Padawan)Padmé (Geonosis)C-3POGeonosian: 20,000Battle Droid (Geonosis): 8,500

=================5J. Jedi Battle ==================

"This party's over." - Mace Windu

Starting Characters: Mace Windu, R2-D2Added Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master), Anakin Skywalker (Padawan), Padmé (Clawed)Enemies: Geonosian, Battle Droid (Geonosis), Battle Droid (Security), Super Battle Droid, Droideka, Jango Fett

True Jedi at 8,000: A rather low amount, given that there is only one small area to work with, anyway. Just quickly search the perimeter and you should get enough in short order.

Area 1: Okay, this whole level is just one area. The idea here is to first free the captives. To do so, you need to blast the enemies guarding them. First is Padmé, guarded by five Security Droids and two Droidekas. Force her down once they're all toast. Next is Anakin, guarded by five Supers and two Droidekas. Lastly is Obi-Wan, guarded by two Supers and five Droidekas. It should be noted that most of the bombs in the area have Powerups inside if you want to risk blowing them (and yourself) up. Don't be ashamed to grab one if things are getting ugly.

All right, once all three of your chums are free, the battle begins in earnest. Enemies will start coming out of the gate, and you need to take out those enemies specifically to move on. Taking out the pinkish battle droids and the Geonosians won't get you anywhere. Focus on the specified enemies. The first wave is six Security Droids. The second is three Security Droids and three Supers. Now, Jango will drop down and attack. Fight him the same as you did two missions ago. Deflect his blasts at him while he's in the air, and Force the missiles he fires back at him.

New Characters:Mace WinduPadmé (Clawed)Super Battle Droid: 25,000Jango Fett: 70,000Boba Fett (Boy): 5,500Luminara: 28,000Ki-Adi Mundi: 30,000Kit Fisto: 35,000Shaak Ti: 36,000

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Aayla Secura: 37,000Plo Koon: 39,000

=====================5K. Gunship Cavalry ======================

"You call this diplomacy?" - Anakin"No, I call it aggressive negotiations." - Padmé

Vehicles: Republic GunshipEnemies: Spider Droid, Hailfire Droid, Techno Union Ship, Turbolaser

True Jedi at 30,000: You're probably going to die a lot in this mission, so try to avoid that. Don't worry too much about studs early on: the Techno Union ships don't give you that much. Your real bank comes from the second area, blowing up turbolasers and whatever it is they're guarding.

Area 1: Hey! This is different. This area is now free-roaming, as opposed to on-rails as it was in LSW. Blast everything, duh. The things you can't blast, sadly, are the turbolasers that basically form the "wait and then go" policy of this area. At the halfway point, you'll see a force field. You'll need to go back and to the left to find a bomb dispenser. Use Z to latch your tow cable onto the bomb and drag one to each of the two generators next to the field. You'll do the same thing in the next area, only you'll have to drag the bombs through a bunch of turbolasers, making life a pain.

Area 2: Now, you need to bring down the Trade Federation Control Ship. To do this, you need to blow up all the Turbolasers guarding it with bombs. Blowing up to adjacent turbolasers will remove the blue shields from the... whatevers, and you can shoot them up. Do this for all four sides to complete this area. Oh, and shooting up those things will get you a Powerup, so take advantage of the invincibility to quickly bomb the next two turbolasers.

New Vehicles:Republic Gunship

=================5L. Count Dooku ==================

"Powerful you have become, Count Dooku. The dark side, I sense in you." - Yoda"I have become more powerful than any Jedi. Even you." - Dooku

Starting Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master), Anakin Skywalker (Padawan)Added Characters: YodaEnemies: Battle Droid (Geonosis), Geonosian, Super Battle Droid, Count Dooku

True Jedi at 22,000: This is best done on Free Play, as you don't seem to get enough on Story.

Area 1: Chase after Dooku. Take down any droids and Geonosians that get in your way. Once he hides behind a door, go to the right. Step on the red button on the floor and your partner will step on a button you revealed, revealing another button, etc. Continue this until you both reach the top ledge above the door and both of you can Force the levers down to open the door and pass through.

Area 2: Duel Dooku down to seven hearts, where he will retreat to the right side and surround himself with a "repulsion" field. You'll now need to Force things that he throws at you back at him. Do this three times and he'll take Anakin out of the fight, and you'll take over with Yoda. Hit him three more times and he'll retreat again to the right side. This time,

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he'll use lightning. You need to switch characters when he does this so you won't be hurt, and then hit him with your free character. Do this three times, then you'll be able to resume the duel once more, so finish him off.

New Characters:Yoda

===========================5M. Battle Over Coruscant ============================

"This is where the fun begins." - Anakin

Vehicles: Jedi Starfighter (Yellow), Jedi Starfighter (Red)Enemies: Droid Trifighter, Vulture Droid, CIS Cruisers

True Jedi at 75,000: Seems like a tall order, but there are dozens of fighters flying around that could help you reach your goal. Just keep shooting. You get a nice big concentration of fighters in the latter half, so take advantage of it.

Area 1: This mission is only slightly changed from the original. You'll have your barrel rolls, but you're still on rails, so just hang on for the ride. Basically, shoot anything that shoots back. After passing two cruisers, you'll turn directly towards a third, with five red circles on it. Shoot all five to bust the cruiser so you can fly through. You'll fly around some more shooting up enemies, then pass low over the top of a cruiser. You need to shoot two red circles on the ship's bridge tower so you can keep going past it. Soon afterwards, you'll have to blast two circles on either side of a cruiser to open the hangar doors so you can pass through. After some more flying, you'll finally come up on Grievous' ship, the Invisible Hand. As you close in on it, shoot the red circles on either side of the shield to drop it, and you'll fly right in.

New Vehicles:Jedi Starfighter (Yellow)Jedi Starfighter (Red)Droid Trifighter: 28,000Vulture Droid: 30,000Clone Arcfighter: 33,000

=========================5N. Chancellor in Peril ==========================

"I sense Count Dooku." - Anakin"I sense a trap." - Obi-Wan"Next move?" - Anakin"Spring the trap." - Obi-Wan

Starting Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III), Anakin Skywalker (Jedi)Added Characters: R2-D2, Chancellor PalpatineEnemies: Battle Droid (Security), Battle Droid, Battle Droid (Commander), Super Battle Droid, Droideka, Count Dooku, Grievous' Bodyguard

True Jedi at 60,000: I had few problems with this. One thing to point out is a generator in Area 2 that spills a bunch of studs. It's guarded by a Droideka.

Area 1: Head straight up. Grievous will send some droids out, so trash them and Force the door apart.

Area 2: Drop down and smash all the droids down here, then use the Force

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in the far area to create two ledges so you can jump to the upper area. Use the Force on the yellow grates (either one) and continue through the tunnel.

Area 3: Push through the droids and Droidekas and go right. After cleaning out this area, Artoo will pop up out of one of the doors. Use him to open the door on the furthest right to find a crate. Force that crate to the next room, then Force it again to blow it up, creating a new path.

Area 4: Head to the right and jump up to the ledges. You'll see a wall panel that you can Force, so do so to create a ledge. Hop up to the valve above and Force it to create an air flow to your right that will lift you up to the top ledge. Crush the Droideka, and have Artoo use the nearby panel to go through.

Area 5: Time for your rematch against Dooku. He's much simpler this time. Duel him as normal, and if you uses Lightning on you, switch to your partner so he can hit Dooku. After six hearts, Dooku's in pieces, and you can now leave by the upper door. Go straight ahead into the elevator shaft.

Area 6: Yes, you're on your side, and yes, that's an elevator chasing you. You're now running down the wall. Run and run until you hit the end. Avoid the holes because they're actually vents that slam you into the ceiling. It's easiest to hug the left-hand wall and you'll be safe. The elevator will stop before the end, and you can leave by the door. If you want to go back and collect studs, you can use the Artoo panel to raise the elevator.

Area 7: Go through this area, then to the ledge on your left. There are several spots you can Force for studs, but your first obstacle is a bunch of steam jets blocking your path. Have Artoo go through them and activate the panel on the other side so everyone can get through, then have him hit the panel at the end of the room.

Area 8: You'll face off against two of Grievous' Bodyguards. Duel them as you would saber-wielders and continue on to the bridge. Bust down all the droids, then use the Force on one of the levers and your other Jedi will use it on the other lever.

New Characters:Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III)Anakin Skywalker (Jedi)Chancellor PalpatineCount Dooku: 100,000Grievous' Bodyguard: 42,000

======================5O. General Grievous =======================

"Back away! I will deal with this Jedi slime myself." - Grievous"Your move." - Obi-Wan

Starting Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III), Commander CodyEnemies: General Grievous

True Jedi at 3,500: A piddling amount, but studs are pretty hard to come by here, especially on Story. There aren't any really hidden, either.

Area 1: Knock one heart off Grievous and he'll jump to the far left. Switch to Cody and have him shoot the two bombs near Grievous, which will knock off another heart. Duel two more hearts off him, and he'll jump to the back. Force the bridge together, then climb up to the right (double jump and grapple, respectively). Once on the next ledge, use the force to bring

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some bricks down, then hop onto them as Cody so you can jump and shoot the bomb near Grievous. Go back to the middle and duel him down to three hearts. He'll now jump to the back right. Head back to the ledges and you can Force together some steps. Climb up and Force a bomb over to near Grievous. Shoot it and he'll jump back to the middle. Follow him and finish him off.

New Characters:Commander CodyGeneral Grievous: 70,000

=========================5P. Defense of Kashyyyk ==========================

"Go, I will. Good relations with the Wookiees, I have." - Yoda

Starting Characters: Yoda, ChewbaccaAdded Characters: WookieeEnemies: Battle Droid, Battle Droid (Commander), Clone, Clone Commander (two hearts), AT-XT Walker

True Jedi at 65,000: A decent goal, but doable, if you fight smart and try to stay alive. You won't get too much from the early parts. I'll just tell you that, now. I got most of it from the third and fourth areas.

Area 1: Use the Force on the two lights near the bridge to lower it, then cross. As you make your way around the tree to the next platform, Order 66 will be issued, and you'll have to plow down all these Clones. Once you do that, Force the lights near the bridge to lower it. Now, you'll have to free three Wookiees so you can move ahead. Move the nearest tree. For the first one, grapple up using Chewie, then around to the left. You'll reach a spot with two Clones, so blast them to free the Wookiee. Now, drop back down and head to the right. A bridge here goes to a new platform. Once you deal with the Clones, go to the right. Force together a Grapple Point and grapple up to the second captured Wookiee. Free him, then go back down to the left, and then to the back area, where the third Wookiee is very obviously being held. Free him, and all five of you can go further down the bridge to the buttons which will lower the bridge out of this area.

Area 2: This place is dangerous. Droids and Clones are flooding the area. Your best strategy is just to keep moving to the left so you stay alive. Use Chewie to shoot the Clone out of the AT-XT Walker, then climb in yourself. Keep moving left and try not to draw too much attention to yourself. As you reach the end, Force the suspension bridge on the ground into position, then Force the plant that's just to the left of the bridge to find a Grapple Point. Grapple up to the top, then shoot the two targets to lower the bridge to get out of this mess.

Area 3: In this area are several Battle Droids being called down by Commanders. The Commanders are up on the rocks, so take Chewie to shoot them down from a distance. Alternatively, if you don't feel like exploring this area, you can always just beat cheeks for the far end.

Area 4: Cut down more Clones and press on along the path. As it winds around, you'll face another AT-XT, so gun it down from a distance, then head to the corner at the end. Remove two plants with the Force to reveal some platforms leading up to the ledges. Watch out for boulders (you can shoot or Force them) and continue to the very end. Force together a platform, then step on the two switches to open the gate. Blast the Walker on the other side to unseat the Clone, then clean up the rest of the area and move to the left. You're in the last area, now, so use the Force on all four corners of this little hole, then smash the little modules.

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Yoda's ship will rise up, so use the Force on it and you'll hop on.

New Characters:ChewbaccaWookiee: 16,000Clone (Episode III): 10,000Clone (Episode III, Pilot): 11,000Clone (Episode III, Swamp): 11,000Clone (Episode III, Walker): 12,000

======================5Q. Ruin of the Jedi =======================

"Killed not by clones, this Padawan. By a lightsaber, he was." - Yoda

Starting Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III), YodaEnemies: Disguised Clone, Clone

True Jedi at 75,000: This is actually quite a tall order. This is better done in Free Play where you have access to more areas.

Area 1: Run to the right and saber all the Clones. Continue up the steps and Force open the doors to the Temple. Enter.

Area 2: Head forward and saber the clones. Use the Force on the red pillar to turn it into steps and climb up to some more Clones. Jump off to the right and head to the right (you can go down the steps to the Council Room, but it's unimportant). Use the Force on the red pillars to find some gears. Have both Jedi use the Force on the gears to open the door to the next area.

Area 3: Walk ahead in this room, watching for Clone ambushes on either side. In the main room, you need to go to each of the little alcoves on the right, Force platforms so you can jump on them, and Force the lever at the top to add power to the room. Most of the climbs are relatively straightforward. For the one that has a force field in the way, just pull out a higher platform so you can step on the switch on top. Once all three are lit, the moving arm moves away from the door and you can press on.

Area 4: Saber all the Clones, then use the Force on the little archive slot to finish this mission.

New Characters:Mace Windu (Episode III): 38,000Disguised Clone: 12,000

=================5R. Darth Vader ==================

"You were the Chosen One!!" - Obi-Wan

Starting Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III), Anakin Skywalker (Jedi)

True Jedi at 26,000 - You'll get most of your studs in the second area. Make sure you have a decent amount. Probably around 20,000 would be best before moving on.

Area 1: This mission's kinda weird, as the two of you are trying to kill each other, but help each other at the same time. Of course, it's because they needed two characters, so let's play it out. Anyway, quickly run to the south. The camera's in a lousy place, so you need to watch closely to make it across the jumps over the lava, or you'll fall in and have to

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Area 2: That timer is how much time you have before the area collapses on you. You can extend this by Forcing the pillars in the middle to hold up the roof. What you need to do is go to the right side and Force away all the beams blocking the door. Once all four are gone, have both Jedi Force the door open.

Area 3: You need to go right. First, smash the two orange containers and have both of you step on the buttons underneath. Run right. Force the valve near the steam jet and your partner will go to the other side and Force another valve to hold it open for you. In the next part, both of you need to Force the two red nodules onto the blue thing, then Force it into the wall to extend a platform. Get on it.

Area 4: Hop across these platforms. The square platforms will sink if you stand on them too much, so move quickly to the big vertical beam in the back. Wait for it to fall down, then hop over so you reach the rocky shore.

Area 5: It's clobberin' time. Both you and Anakin have ten hearts. This is kind of fun in two-player. The best way to destroy Anakin is to just down-stab him over and over again. Once he's drained, you're done.

==================5S. Secret Plans ===================

"Darth Vader. Only you would be so bold." - Leia

Starting Characters: Princess Leia, Captain AntillesAdded Characters: C-3PO, R2-D2, Rebel FriendEnemies: Stormtrooper, Imperial Shuttle Pilot, Beach Trooper

True Jedi at 28,000: Should be no prob, Bob, especially if you blow all the walls out of the ship.

Area 1: You start in the data room on the ship. Assemble both piles to open the door leading out. You can play with the lever on the left wall to get some silver studs (infinitely, if you're really patient). In the next room, you both need to pull the levers at roughly the same time. If playing by yourself, the computer controlled character will help on his own. Once you open the door, note the Rebels headed to the left. To your right is where they came from, but the door shuts, and those red sparklies mean only a Sith can access it. Note that just about any wall in the ship can be blown up for studs, so keep pounding on them. Follow the Rebels and you'll come upon a door that stormtroopers will burn down. Gun down all the troopers that attack. Head into the next area.

Area 2: Grapple up to the top and assemble the two structures to extend the bridge and move on.

Area 3: Well, lookie. It's the big man himself. Vader won't allow you to get close to him, and he'll rally up some troops to gun you down. What you need to do is have both characters pull the levers on one side. This will release an explosive container near Vader. Do the same for the other side. Now, shoot up those containers. Vader will get spooked (I guess) and leave, and you can proceed. There's not much to do in the next room. You can only get one of those weird grape bricks, and you can't access the green door until Free Play. Go to the left and gun down all the troopers that are in this room, and the ones that show up. You can't access the white circle without being a stormtrooper. That's another one to come back to on Free Play. You can, however, pull the levers on the left and right side of the room for studs or to view a humorous scene. Otherwise, move ahead.

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Area 4: Now, the idea of this room is to push each of the two blocks onto the red dots. Note that you can only move the blocks inside their areas. Once both are in place, the door will open. Take out the troopers, then walk up to C-3PO. Have him use his panel and then you'll remove the force field. You'll now also have R2-D2, but the Princess will leave. At this point, you could go back to the panels previous that had a Threepio or Artoo on them, but it's not necessary, nor rewarding at this point, so press on. Have Artoo open the panel at the end of the corridor to the next area.

Area 5: You're on one side of a pit. On the other is another Rebel having it out with some stormies. What you need to do is go over to the crane and hop in using C. Move the crane over a trooper and press B or Z to pick him up. Drop the trooper down the hole in the middle of the room, then do the same for the other. "Rebel Friend" will then pull a lever allowing you to cross to his side, and he'll also join your cause. Now, we're not quite done using the crane, yet. See how Threepio just went over to the other side on his own? Note the Threepio panel on the door. Everyone else can cross the gap to the panel, but not Threepio, so you have to lift him with the crane, then drop him in front of the door. Head on over there yourself and activate the panel.

Area 6: Shoot the troopers to free some buds, then be prepared for an attack by troopers and shuttle pilots. Press on through the door (don't worry about the flower behind the wall, you can't get all three, yet). Go into the corridor and assemble the little walkway across the gap. Continue and build another little walkway. You're finally at the escape pods. There are two doors with Artoo panels, and another with a Threepio panel, but it's blocked. Have Artoo use the two panels and beat the enemies inside (including the creepy-looking Beach Troopers o_O). Pull the levers in these pods to open the Threepio panel. Have him use the panel, then guide Artoo in and have him use the panel inside to finish the level.

New Characters:Princess LeiaCaptain AntillesRebel FriendRebel Trooper: 10,000Stormtrooper: 10,000Imperial Shuttle Pilot: 25,000

=================================5T. Through the Jundland Wastes ==================================

"The Jundland Wastes are not to be travelled lightly." - Obi-Wan

Starting Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Ben KenobiAdded Characters: C-3PO, R2-D2Enemies: Jawa, Tusken Raider, Sandtrooper

True Jedi at 60,000: Shouldn't be too much of a pain, but make sure to look for spots in the Sandcrawler than can be destroyed. You have a Jedi, so use the Force on anything sparkly.

Area 1: As you may have guessed, this is playing out a little differently from how the movie goes. Instead of Artoo running off, Jawas grab the droids and Luke and Ben have to get them back. You'll start in a canyon. You can play around on the banthas if you want, but they're a very lame vehicle, and you're very vulnerable to Tusken attacks on them. Your main objective is off to the right. Blast or saber away the bricks under a rock outcropping to lower it, then hop up and further down the causeway. In the next large desert area, remember to use the Force first, then blast if you want the max possible studs out of something. Your objective is the crashed escape

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pod on the hillside. Using the Force on it will turn it into a ramp up the slippery slope. Climb up it to move on.

Area 2: Assemble the box in front of you, and either blast or deflect the Tuskens on the ledge. Push the box all the way to the forward side and hop up to the ledge, then across to the next one, then down to safe ground. Continue up the slope to find the Jawa Sandcrawler. After clearing the area of debris, you'll find you can Force a couple of blocks into a stack, and build a grapple point. Also, you can use the Force on one of the walls to open the flap. Grapple up to the lever and pull it so Ben can get up, then use the Force to pull down another flap, then grapple and double jump up to that spot and pull the lever to get a lift moving nearby. Hop on and ride to the top. Pull both levers and you'll activate the droid-sucking tube at the bottom. Drop down and jump up into the tube.

Area 3: We're inside now. Just around the corner is a locked door. Blast away the coverings on the valves, then use the Force on the five of them on the right to open the door. Use the Force on the rest to release two blue studs. Head through to the next room. Pull the lever to release a box which you can push on the recessed area. Put it on any red square and it will blow up. You can use this in four places to free a canister, several blue studs, and R2-D2, your objective. Use Artoo on the panel on the door to open the lift.

Area 4: In this small area, you simply have to run over each set of four buttons in relatively quick succession. Doing so will raise two levers. Pull them both and you'll open the door to the next area.

Area 5: Subdue the Jawas here so they don't zap Artoo (he's out for few seconds when that happens). Push the rotator switch in the middle counter- clockwise until the gray module is above C-3PO's cage. Once it's lit up, have Artoo access the panel to get him out. Now that you have Threepio, you can go back to an early part of the Sandcrawler (where you can assemble a Threepio panel) and access an extra room for a ton of studs. Useful if you're going for True Jedi. Anyway, have Threepio hit the panel in this room near the door to the left and go through it. Use the Force on all four supports on the big ramp to lower it. You may now leave the Sandcrawler.

Area 6: Okay, here's the deal out here. There's quicksand mud puddles all over the place. Your job is to operate vaporators to make it safe to cross. You ready? Take out all the Tuskens you can see, then have Threepio access the nearest vaporator (front right of the area) to harden the sand. Walk across the sand to the pile and assemble a ramp for Threepio to climb up to the next vaporator. Once that's operated, you can proceed to the next area. There's a nice big chasm to cross, and Ben's your man. Hop up on the rock ledges to the left and you'll see bricks attached to the wall. Force those into a nice bridge. Cross and you'll see a rather obvious pushable box up a few ledges. Drop that off the back end of the ledge, then Force it into a bridge to the next vaporator. This will allow you to continue on to the end of the area.

Area 7: Last one. Assemble the obvious speeder parts and you have your classy ride. The Landspeeder doesn't do much apart from gliding around, but it does that job well. Use it to cross the quicksand. You can go further back if you wish for some more studs, or just go to the right to finally reach Ben's house. Of course, there are four buttons in front of the house, requiring four characters to step on them. Assemble the lever near the quicksand's edge and pull it to create the bridge for the rest of the characters. Now, you can explore and bash some stormies, or just have everyone step on the buttons (when you put one of them on, the rest follow suit automatically), pull the lever, and head in to finish the level.

New Characters:Luke Skywalker (Tatooine)

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Ben KenobiTusken Raider: 23,000Jawa: 24,000

==========================5U. Mos Eisley Spaceport ===========================

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." - Obi-Wan

Starting Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2Added Characters: Han Solo, ChewbaccaEnemies: Sandtrooper, Imperial Spy, Seeker Droid

True Jedi at 60,000: There's a lot of studs to pick up in this area, but a lot to potentially miss as well. Just be careful and Force things before you blast them.

Area 1: Well, there's lots to do in this place. Plenty of items to destroy and objects to use the Force on. Sandtroopers patrol this area, though. Sometimes they leave you alone, but most of the time, they harrass you. To leave this area, find the stairs made out of bricks near the back. Use the Force on those and you'll make a ramp further back. Walk Threepio up it and have him use the panel to open the main door and move on. You can also bring the Landspeeder with you if you wish.

Area 2: More things to blow up, more studs, more troopers. In this area, it's time to make yourself something good, but it takes some effort. First, use the Force on the obvious glowing part near the back rubble gate. Next, have Artoo hover up and open the door on the left. Smash the large barrels to the right of the rubble gate, then break open the box containing the blue stud further to the right. Breaking that box will allow you to assemble a ramp which will lead Threepio up to the panel he can work. Okay, time to get to work. What was in the barrels will make feet. Use the Force to move those. Next, use the Force on the obvious leg parts, then assemble the pile near the gate to make the cabin base. Force that onto the legs. Finally, assemble the head and Force that onto it. Suddenly, some jerk will decide to steal your ride. Either blast him out of the AT-ST, or just use Ben's Mind Trick and he'll hop right out. Use C to get in so no one else can steal it. Use the AT-ST to break down the two rubble gates here. The one closer to the entrance is a small bonus area with a Double Score Zone. Clean up there as you will. You can also run your Speeder through the car wash here, then drop it off at the dealership for some studs (just don't try to take it back!) Anyway, move ahead past the furthest rubble gate. You'll come upon another AT-ST, which your partner can use. Clean up all the garbage in this area and move on through the far shutter, leaving your vehicles behind. The door won't open until you clean the area of troopers and seeker droids.

Area 3: This is the cantina entryway. Shoot down the four droid detectors so the metal guys can get through. Hop on one of the four buttons near the door and your companions should follow suit, letting you get in.

Area 4: After the cutscene, you'll be in charge of Han and Chewie for a while. There's not much to do in the cantina except start a bar fight or blow up the chairs for studs. Exit by the far right.

Area 5: Ah, remember him? That's a Kubaz named Garindan, but in this game he's just referenced as "Imperial Spy". He'll sic some troopers on you, so bust them up. If you wish, you can build the grapple point over here now and leave by the top doorway. Both lead you to the same area.

Area 6: If on the upper area, you can use the grapple point to grapple over to the other side and pull a lever, which will give you a crate. Push the

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crate off the edge and down the trail to the end. Shoot it to blow it up so you can move on to the next area (after cleaning up studs).

Area 7: Gun down all the stormies in this area, including those on the dewbacks. Either jump and shoot at the ones high up, or climb on a dewback and jump off it to reach the upper area. Once you're all set here, hop on a dewback, then vault off it to reach the higher area in the upper left where Garindan ran off, then down the stairs and through the shutter. Make sure you have True Jedi by now, because you can't come back this way.

Area 8: You run back into the other four, here. Also here is Garindan, who will call in stormtroopers. Shoot them all down and he'll call in a second wave. Shoot that wave up and Garindan's lifebar will appear. At this point, you have to drain his life or else he'll keep calling in more stormies, so blast him to smithereens, then mop up the rest of the troopers and studs. Hop in the Falcon to end this long mission.

New Characters: Han SoloSandtrooper: 14,000Greedo: 60,000Imperial Spy: 13,500

=========================5V. Rescue the Princess ==========================

"If you were to rescue her, the reward would be..." - Luke"What?" - Han"More wealth than you could imagine!" - Luke"I can imagine quite a bit!" - Han

Starting Characters: Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper), Han Solo (Stormtrooper), Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, Ben KenobiEnemies: Stormtrooper, Imperial Officer, Death Star Trooper, TIE Fighter Pilot, Beach Trooper

True Jedi at 60,000: Some side areas really help with this. Beyond that, just gun down all that you can see.

Area 1: You'll begin in the control room near the hangar, helmetless. Use the Force on the door to turn it into a TIE Fighter and move on out. Use the helmet dispenser to get a stormtrooper helmet, which will allow you to access the doors with white circles. Stand in the circle and press Z and the door will open. Take out the troopers and officer (they may not attack just yet if your character is still wearing the helmet). Assemble the two control panels and use the resulting Artoo panel. At this point, Ben will take off to deactivate the tractor beam, Artoo and Threepio will hide in the closet, and it'll be up to the three remaining characters to finish this mission. Head out the now open door to the left.

Area 2: Ben will run ahead of you. Take out the troopers. You can't follow him across the chasm, so go to the left.

Area 3: Blast them! Note the helmet dispenser here. Here's a trick I learned. Being hit once will make you lose your helmet. To prevent this, have a character take a helmet, then switch off to another character. Since the one you control is generally in the lead, he'll take the most hits, so your helmet will be a lot safer. This doesn't work 100% of the time, but it does give you better odds. Anyway, move ahead and you'll find Ben being attacked by troopers. Blast them all and he'll repay you by giving you a bridge to cross. Once across, you'll find TIE pilots will be upon you by climbing up the catwalk. If you shoot the hook they're using, they'll stop bugging you. Take them out and blast the crates blocking your

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way. Blast your way through the corridor and turn right at the end.

Area 4: In front of you is a white circle. If you still have a helmet, quickly use it to open the door before the pilots come up and tag you. Fight if you wish, or just pass through the door.

Area 5: At the center of this room, assemble the rotator switch, then use it to move the bridge. Rotate it until it stops and you can climb up these ledges. Blast the troopers and take a helmet if you need it, then pass through the door.

Area 6: Hmm. Looks like they haven't noticed you, yet. I say go to the door and assemble the panel so you can quickly use the helmet, then blast the bagoogies out of the place. Continue on to the next room. Take out the troopers here. If you still have a helmet (or want to go back and get one), you can use it to access the near elevator and ride up to a Double Score Zone with a bunch of Beach Troopers. Otherwise, take the far elevator down.

Area 7: Blast the bad guys. Also, take out the cameras over the elevators (they take about four clean shots) to prevent more troopers from coming. Assemble the levers in the middle of the room and pull them to move to the actual cell block. You can access any of the six cells for goodies, but the Princess is in the third one on the right. Have two characters in there to step on the buttons to free her and finish this mission.

New Characters:Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper)Han Solo (Stormtrooper)Beach Trooper: 20,000Death Star Trooper: 19,000TIE Fighter Pilot: 21,000Imperial Officer: 28,000Grand Moff Tarkin: 38,000

=======================5W. Death Star Escape ========================

"Will somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?" - Leia"No reward is worth this." - Han

Starting Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess LeiaAdded Characters: C-3PO, R2-D2Enemies: Stormtrooper, Imperial Officer, Death Star Trooper, TIE Fighter Pilot

True Jedi at 46,000: This one is tough, particularly given the possibility of dying so much. Stay clear of crowds of stormies, and try not to rely on melee attacks, as you'll only get hurt.

Area 1: Assemble the pile near the door, then hop up and use the lever and you're out of the garbage disposal. As soon as you head out, you'll be set upon by stormies and the like, so move cautiously. Don't worry about the helmet dispenser. You won't need it, yet. Head out the far end of the corridor.

Area 2: Use the lever at the back wall, but I suggest you NOT try to use the grapple point just yet, unless you want to be face down amidst a gaggle of stormies. Take them all out from a safe distance, then clean up the lower floor. In particular, move the structure with a blue platform over onto the red dot, which will connect it to the rotator. Rotate it to raise the blue platform a bit, then head back up to the upper level near the entrance. Hit the lever to move the grapple point (and get some studs), then hit the

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lever one more time and you'll be able to cross over as long as the blue platform's raised. You can't quite get to the door, so pull the lever to drop a box. Push that along the track and off the ledge so you can access a lower compartment. Hop in the yellow... I guess it's a floor waxer or something. Use it to cross over the five red lights on the floor in quick succession, which will give you a platform near the door. Now you need a helmet, so go back to the first area and grab one (you can use the "other guy gets a helmet" strategy that got you through the last mission relatively painlessly). Now, head back and use it on the door.

Area 3: Blast the squad to the left. Head over to the right and assemble the lever on the right wall. Pull it. Gun down the stormies and pull the next levers. In the next small room, push the box into the wall to activate the next lever and move on down the corridor to the end.

Area 4: Activate the three levers at the end, here to start a platform rotating. Hop on when you can. Once across, mind the dropping stormies. Grapple up to the next level and pull the lever to drop some pieces. Drop down and assemble them to get the elevator moving. Grapple back up and hop on. Get off to the left to find more stormies and a helmet dispenser, which you'll need to get back on the elevator and to the top. Activate the door and head out.

Area 5: Just pass through this corridor.

Area 6: No, you didn't take a wrong turn. Assemble the pieces as quickly as you can because there's no end to the bad guys that are going to be pouring through the door. You can buy some time by closing both levers to close the door, but you need to get the grapple point built. Swing across, then build the next one, quick. Get a helmet from the dispenser inside, then swing across and use it. Head through the door.

Area 7: Keep moving forward and shoot the door at the end. Yikes! Gun down all these guys as quick as possible, then shut both doors to keep more from coming in. I suggest shooting the stuff in the back right, as there is a Powerup hidden among them. Quickly build the door on the far wall. Unless you utilize the Powerup, it will probably take a few tries and reshutting of doors, but keep at it. Once the door's together, bust it down and move on.

Area 8: Almost home. You can now see Ben and Vader fighting up a level. Run around the front of the area. Push the structure on the back right wall over to the right and you'll get pieces for a grapple point. Grapple up and hit the lever. This will raise the Falcon a little bit and drop a ton of stormies, so fight your best. At the near right wall is a small pile. Put it together and push the door to the left to release Artoo and Threepio. You'll need to use Artoo to unlock the two switches down here (near left and far right) and each time you do, you'll release a flock of stormies. When you hit the near left one, you'll have to manuever another floor waxer over five switches. For the last one, flip the lever near the entrance to release a steam jet. Put Threepio on it and he'll be jetted up to where he can access the last switch. You can now hop on the Falcon and get out of here.

==================5X. Rebel Attack ===================

"That's impossible, even for a computer!" - Wedge"It's not impossible, I used to bullseye womprats in my T-16. They're not much bigger than two meters." - Luke

Vehicles: X-WingEnemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter (Darth Vader), Turbolasers

True Jedi at 30,000: There's not much to say except "shoot everything".

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Area 1: Shoot any stuff you can for studs, naturally. Grab a torpedo from the purple light and shoot it with Z while the target in front of the shield gate is bracketed. Past the gate, you'll find TIEs will be upon you. In addition to turbolaster batteries and more TIEs, you'll also find the next shield gate ahead. Head to camera right to find four targets that you need to blow up with torpedoes to remove the shield. Blow up all four targets and blast down the blue barrier to move on.

Area 2: Cause general mayhem in this next area (I know you love it). There are two "quad targets" to torp this time, one halfway up on the right, and one near the shield gate at the back. Dust them like the Top Ace you are and press on.

Area 3: More of the same here, really. Two more quad targets. Plenty more turbolasers and TIEs, though. Once you bust down the shield, continue on to the trench.

Area 4: I never get tired of the trench run. Simply press on ahead and take out as many laser batteries as you can, avoiding fire from the TIEs behind you. Once you reach the end, a rather famous cutscene will occur and you'll be at the exhaust port. Simply blast to pieces all the guns guarding the exhaust port. You'll know you're done when the shield is gone and you've got a target lock. Let fly your torpedo. Oh, and if you miss, you'll have to go all the way back to the beginning of the trench. Boom.

New Vehicles:X-WingY-WingTIE Fighter: 35,000TIE Interceptor: 40,000TIE Fighter (Darth Vader): 50,000

=================5Y. Hoth Battle ==================

"Right now, I feel like I could take on the whole Empire by myself." - Dack"I know what you mean." - Luke

Vehicles: SnowspeederEnemies: Probe Droid, Speeder Bike, AT-ST, AT-AT

True Jedi at 26,000: This is a tough mission to get that much. You'll more than likely have to drag some of the bombs into the white walls to knock loose some extra studs, because you'll need the boost. This is very tough to complete with doing it in Free Play or with multipliers. I suggest you have a good 20,000 under your belt before going to the last area.

Area 1: Use ground emplacements for studs. Enemy vehicles won't cut it. Don't worry about going left, there's a Imperial gate, there. Just cut straight ahead through the area. Your objective is to go to the right and back as far as you can. In the very back, the terrain will dip towards a wall of rocks. Near your launching point, you may notice red lights and a small round object. That's a towable bomb. You can use that bomb to take out the white walls in the area, but your main objective is to tow it all the way to the end and let it roll into the rocks to blow them up. If you roll it into an AT-ST or something, it will detonate. Also, Probe Droids will try to grab the bomb away from you, so shoot them down. Once the gate is down, proceed.

Area 2: There are two AT-ATs in this area. I shouldn't tell you what you have to do to them, but press Z near them and wrap around them with your tow cable. Just that's not enough, though. You need to grab a bomb near

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the base and drag it into the fallen AT-AT to blow it up. Do this to the one near the back rock wall to remove the rocks. Then you can roll a bomb into the wall itself to clear the way forward. The next wall is much further ahead, has white walls placed to block your way, and you have to roll the bomb down a narrow causeway to get to the end. It may actually help to take it slowly here. The Probe Droids won't harrass you too much in this area, thankfully. Once the back wall is destroyed, press on.

Area 3: This final area is a big circle, with the camera at the center. What you need to do here is take out the enemies specified. First, you need to down eleven Probe Droids, then eleven AT-STs, then two AT-ATs, then a group of four Probes, six AT-STs, and one AT-AT. Once they're all kaput, this mission is complete.

New Vehicles: Snowspeeder

===========================5Z. Escape From Echo Base ============================

"Hurry it up, Goldenrod! You're gonna be a permanent resident!" - Han

Starting Characters: Han Solo (Hoth), Princess Leia (Hoth)Added Characters: C-3PO, ChewbaccaEnemies: Snowtrooper

True Jedi at 40,000: Shouldn't be too hard. Just explore, shoot, and make sure you don't die.

Area 1: As you make your way to the door, rubble will fall in your way. Assemble the rubble into a bomb, which will blow the door. Continue down the tunnel, blasting snowtroopers. At the end, assemble the generator, then shoot it three times to melt the ice. Continue on.

Area 2: Take out the troopers in this next room. To move ahead, push the generator onto the red bar to melt the ice. In the next tunnel, take out the snowtrooper, including the one manning the E-Web blaster. You can reassemble the E-Web after you blow it to blast the gates on the back wall. Just watch out for the troopers that show up. Hop off to get them to stop coming. You can't access the Threepio panel, yet, so blow the containers off to the right and move on.

Area 3: Assemble the cart to get it rolling around. You can use the cart as a step to get to the ledges with studs and the minikit. After which, push the rotator switch to get it rolling down the far track. Return the way you came.

Area 2: Cross now to the door on the left that was just cleared. Inside is Threepio. Have him access the panel on the far door (use the E-Web to clear it if you haven't done so already).

Area 4: First, take out all the troopers. Next, bust open the containers in the center of the room and assemble the little car it makes. After that, move at least two of the blocks into the obvious spots on the sides of at least of the fans to get them going. Lastly, reassemble and use the E-Web to clear the door. Okay, the objective is to get in the car. Threepio should move himself over to one of the fans. Let him drop down on the back of the car, then drive him over to the door and press B or Z to launch him towards it, then use him to hit the panel. Head through the tunnel. Watch out for the panels that fall. Assemble the bomb so it blows open the far door.

Area 5: This area is a super fun ice slide. Head left and climb up the rock

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slope, then head over to the slide and slide down. Your objective is to hit all five buttons. You don't have to get them in one go, so don't be worried about mid-slide manuevering. Once all five are pressed, the door opens.

Area 6: Blow the containers to uncover the buttons, then push one of the boxes onto a button, and have the rest of your crew stand on the other three. Head through the door, then out the door at the far end.

Area 7: We're in the hangar, finally. Take out all troopers and guns, here. Chewie will be in this area, as well. Pull the levers on the right wall to access some boxes. Push them into the slots to release some tauntauns. Now, you need to use the E-Webs. At the left and right ends of the force field are little modules that take three hits each, so blast them with the E-Web while avoiding enemy fire, then assemble the gate to the Falcon. Use a leap from a tauntaun's back to jump up on top of the Falcon and assemble the gun on top and the ramp will lower. Climb aboard to finish.

New Characters:Han Solo (Hoth)Princess Leia (Hoth)Han Solo (Hood): 20,000Rebel Trooper (Hoth): 16,000Rebel Pilot: 15,000Snowtrooper: 16,000Luke Skywalker (Hoth): 14,000

====================5AA. Falcon Flight =====================

"What are you doing? You're not actually going into an asteroid field!?" - Leia"They'd be crazy to follow us." - Han

Vehicles: Millenium FalconEnemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, Imperial Star Destroyer

True Jedi at 30,000: This is quite easy when you realize that the blue asteroids regenerate, with studs. It'll take a minute or two, but you can have 30,000 in almost no time.

Area 1: Don't worry too much about studs here. Just concentrate on taking out the sixteen guns, four on each Star Destroyer.

Area 2: You're in the asteroid field, now. The blue-marked ones can be destroyed for studs and torpedoes, so take them out hard. At the end, use four torpedoes (you'll have to go back for more) on the rock wall in the big asteroid, then push on through.

Area 3: Plenty more asteroids and TIEs. Blast down the rubble at the end with four torpedos. After a quick run along a big asteroid, you'll come upon a hole which is, of course, the space slug. You can get torpedoes in here if you wish, or just go back out and blast the far wall to get back out.

Area 4: Hey, more asteroids. At the end is a sizable asteroid with several targets that you need to blow up with torps. Once it's kaput, head out and you're done!

New Vehicles:Millenium FalconTIE Bomber: 60,000Imperial Shuttle: 25,000

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==============5BB. Dagobah ===============

"Mudhole? Slimy? My home, this is!" - Yoda

Starting Characters: Luke Skywalker (Pilot), R2-D2Added Characters: Luke Skywalker (Dagobah), YodaEnemies: Bat, Swamp Snake, Vader Apparition

True Jedi at 52,000: Shouldn't be hard. Remember all plants are blastable, except those which you need the Force for.

Area 1: Assemble the ramps and head up the hill. Watch out the bats. They're small, but they'll crawl ya. Proceed through the swamp. In the first pond area, watch out for the swamp snake. Luke can grapple across, but Artoo will have to just go through the swamp, using his scope to see above. Once you reach the end of the path, have Artoo hover across and use the panel to raise a bridge so Luke can cross. Blast the plants away and move on.

Area 2: In this next area, assemble the button, then step on it. Have Artoo hover to and step on the remaining buttons, as each one raises a new part of the bridge. Once across, head up to Yoda's hut. He'll lead you into a training area.

Area 3: Okay. You've switched characters now. Dagobah Luke can double jump and swing his saber, but he cannot use the Force alone. Find Yoda and press C near him and he'll hop on you. You'll be able to use the Force, then. Destroy everything in the area with your saber, then use the Force on the remaining stuff to create a bridge to another part of land. From the second section, hop on the buttons to get across the swamp, as you did earlier in the mission. On the last section of land, you have to lower two mushrooms to get Artoo to a panel. It sounds easy, except that Artoo gives you no help in this regard. What you need to do is lower one mushroom, wait a moment, then lower the second mushroom. Quickly switch to Artoo and get on the first until it rises, then hover over to the second, wait until it rises, then hover over to the panel, use it, and leave by the gate.

Area 2: Believe it or not, you're back in Area 2, only further ahead. You've also got Yoda as playable and Luke has his own Force powers, now. If you go toward the camera, you can go back to exploring the area around Yoda's hut if you want, but let's move ahead. Use the Force some ways forward to find a tractor. Use the Force again to take the back end of the tractor and make a ramp. Have Artoo go up the ramp, then hover around the tree to find a panel he can use, which will raise a platform for Luke and Yoda. Saber down the barrier to enter the cave.

Area 4: Proceed along the ledges, stepping on buttons to allow Artoo to follow. Keep moving straight along the tunnel until the end, where you'll find the Vader Apparition. Knock off two hearts and it will hide on a ledge. There are two boxes in front of that ledge. Jump on one and Yoda will jump on the other, and the two of you can lift each other up. Knock two more hearts off Vader and he'll move to a higher ledge. Assemble the step and Force them all into position. Take two more hearts and the apparition will go back to the ground floor, so finish him off, then leave by the far gate.

Area 5: Use the Force on all the plants here, to uncover a pile. Assemble it into a rotator switch and push it to raise a bridge. Then, head across to the next area and clean up the plants. In the back are two boxes that need to be dual-raised by Luke and Yoda just as before. Push off the box that's on top, here, and turn it into an Artoo panel, which will blow up the gate when activated, and you'll find your X-Wing (how it got over here,

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we'll never know). Luke can't raise it, so switch to Yoda and have him do it to complete the level.

New Characters:Luke Skywalker (Pilot)Luke Skywalker (Dagobah)

======================5CC. Cloud City Trap =======================

"The Force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi, yet." - Darth Vader

Starting Characters: Luke Skywalker (Bespin), R2-D2Enemies: Stormtrooper, Darth Vader

True Jedi at 14,000: Small total, but a short level. Watch for blues, and try not to fall off too much.

Area 1: Force one of your wings into a platform, then have Artoo hover to the back side of the room with the Artoo panel and activate it, which will let Luke cross to the door, where he can assemble another Artoo panel, which opens the door.

Area 2: Periodically, stormies will drop down to fight you. Use the Artoo panel and bust down the nearby wall. Push the structure into the center of the room, then use the pile from the wall to make an E-Web. Force it onto the stand and blast down the blue bars on the door, then pass through. Go to the end of the corridor and use the Artoo panel.

Area 3: Look at that. Already Vader shows up. Head down and duel him. Once you take a few hearts away, he'll start playing coy, bouncing around the room away from you. At that point, have Artoo use the panel to jet some steam and stun him. Once you drain all his hearts, he'll run off, leaving a pile. Assemble it into a crane, then grab Artoo and drop him off near the door. Artoo will automatically activate a panel to let you over. Go grab a helmet from the dispenser, then use it on the white circle to move on.

Area 4: Use the Force on the wall to create a fan, then have Artoo use the panel to get the lift moving. Jump Luke onto the fan to get blown up to the ledge, then ride the lift to the other side. Hop on the lift below to lower it so Artoo can cross, then use the Force on another fan to ride it up. Activate the panel on the lift, then ride up to the doorway.

Area 5: Time to fight again. Knock down a few hearts and he'll jump away. Take out the stormies, then use the Force on the two things on the back wall to make a ramp. Have Artoo go up the ramp and use the panel to steam jet Vader. Hit him some more. Next, assemble the rotator switch and the elevator panel. Artoo will stand on the elevator, so rotate the switch and he'll hit the panel on top to steam Vader again. Continue on doing this until Vader is drained again and he'll run off. Chase him.

Area 6: Now, Vader is across the way, and stormies are popping out of holes. Have Artoo float across and use both panels to close them, then switch back to Luke. When Vader Forces something at you, Force it as it gets close to push it back. Then, he'll come back for more dueling. Continue this until you Force an object into him that breaks the window. Force the glass to create a platform, then follow him out.

Area 7: Chase Vader down this area. Use the Force to create a ramp, then continue. Have Artoo activate a lift. It's all pretty simple. Chase Vader to the end and drain his hearts to finish the level.

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New Characters: Luke Skywalker (Bespin)

===========================5DD. Betrayal Over Bespin ============================

"I love you!" - Leia"I know." - Han

Starting Characters: Lando Calrissian, Princess Leia (Bespin), ChewbaccaAdded Characters: R2-D2, C-3POEnemies: Stormtrooper, Beach Trooper, Imperial Officer, Boba Fett

True Jedi at 34,000: Wall structures made of bricks are breakable. The long corridor with the third blue and white module has lots of them to break, including ones stacked on top of them, so gun them all down.

Area 1: Go straight ahead, chasing Fett and gunning down stormies. Fett will pull a lever to turn stairs into a ramp. Blast the nearby wall to find another level which will reverse it. Continue up the passage, following Fett. You'll fight him for a little bit, here. Shoot him as he jets around to drain his hearts, then follow him back out of the room. He'll operate a green circle, so follow him through that. Keep tailing him until the end of the corridor. Fett will take off in his ship, Slave I, leaving you behind, but at least you'll find Artoo. Head back the way you came, because there are plenty of doors for Artoo to use. You'll notice there are now steam vents open. Go into the steam as Artoo and use the Artoo panel to shut them down so everyone else can pass. Continue back along the corridor until you find another Artoo door. Open it to find the garbage room. Take out the Ugnaughts and clear away the garbage. Push the plug back into its socket and pull the lever to get all of Threepio's pieces. Put him back together and now you've got him, and you can access the Threepio panel nearby. You'll need the helmet dispenser in the next room eventually, but for now, just run ahead and clear the place out. You'll come upon two elevators. The right-hand elevator has a white circle, and the left-hand one has a green circle. Naturally, you need to use the helmet dispenser earlier and use the white circle to move ahead, just watch out for incoming fire.

Area 2: Take out all the troopers here, then assemble the grapple point that rains down. Grapple across, then hop in the crane and use the magnet to get the droids over to your side. Grapple up another level and assemble the lever. Pull it to get the elevator moving to get the droids up to your level. Now, either double jump or float past the red beams which keep the conveyor moving, then hold down the switch so everyone can get cross without being pushed back. Manuever Artoo around the little obstruction and float him across to the panel to allow the non-droids to get across, but you still need to get Threepio to your area, and he can't jump over the gray object in his way. Grapple up to the top and blast the thing hanging to drop it on the obstruction so Threepio can get by. Have him access the door panel to open it, then press on through this corridor. At the end, have Artoo get rid of the steam jets and proceed to the back of the room.

Area 3: There's the Falcon. Step on both sets of buttons to fix the levers, then pull both to extend the bridge to the ship. Head back out.

Area 2: Follow the wall past the vents to another Artoo door. Head on out.

Area 3: Now, you just have to take out a jillion troopers guarding the Falcon. Once the door opens, you're ready to go!

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New Characters:Lando CalrissianPrincess Leia (Bespin)Lobot: 11,000Ugnaught: 36,000Bespin Guard: 15,000Princess Leia (Prisoner): 22,000

=====================5EE. Jabba's Palace ======================

"If I told you half the things I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you'd probably short circuit." - C-3PO

Starting Characters: Princess Leia (Boushh), ChewbaccaAdded Characters: Luke Skywalker (Jedi), C-3PO, R2-D2, Han Solo (Skiff)Enemies: TT-8L, Gamorrean, Rancor

True Jedi at 43,000: Not much to this one. Just be sure to hit all the torches.

Area 1: You're starting outside Jabba's Palace. Going up to the gate will release two TT-8L's who will open fire on you, so blast them repeatedly. Assemble the platform in front of the gate and hop up to expose the third one. Once all three are blown, the gate will open. As you enter, you'll be set upon by Gamorreans. They keep popping out of the holes in the ceiling until you pull the levers to shut them. Once both are closed, you can explore more freely. The door at the far end will only open for bounty hunters. Happily, you can provide such credentials, soon. Head to the left and you'll find a helmet dispenser. Not only will this give Leia the Boushh helmet and allow her to use green circles, it will also allow her to throw thermal detonators by pressing Z. That'll be quite useful. When something can be blown by a thermal detonator, you'll know because it'll be a shiny gray and your shots will rebound off it. Anyway, use the green circle and move on up the stairs. At the top, the door will open, and hey! It's Luke! Close the two hatches to stop the Gamorrean flow, then assemble the Bounty Hunter Panel. Have anyone wearing a Boushh helmet use it, then move on through the door.

Area 2: In this room, there's another Gamorrean hatch on the left that you should close quickly. Blow up the contraption on the right, then assemble it into a platform. Take control of Leia. Chewie will hop on automatically, so hop on yourself and Luke will raise you up. Go left, then drop into the nearby cell and pull both levers to open the door at the far end of the room. With a Boussh hat on from the helmet dispenser, face the shiny bricks blocking the way forward and press Z to toss a detonator on them. Quickly go to the far end of the next room and pull the lever to close another Gamorrean hatch. Blast the four supports on either side of the door on the right to open it and move on. Watch out for loose grates in the floor, then move on to the droid workshop. Take out the Gamorreans. Now, to free your droid pals. Use the Force on the left wall and assemble the resulting pieces to make a box. Now, go to the machine on the right and pull both levers. Assemble both sets of pieces to make four buttons. These buttons will move the box. What you need to do is place the box near the cages where Artoo and Threepio are kept, then use Luke to jump on the box, then double jump into the cage which will lower with your combined weight. Do so for both droids, then have them open their respective panels. Continue up the stairs and open the door at the top to move on.

Area 3: This large room has two Gamorrean hatches, but you can't close one of them until you can get into position. See the three pushable objects in the center? You need to line them up on the right in their holes in ascending order, then use the Force on each to make a proper ramp. Once

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at the top, destroy the containers and assemble a platform which you can use to Force into part of a bridge. Use the Force on the opposite side's structure to finish the bridge, then cross and close the hatch. Now, have Artoo hover to the left and activate his panel to extend a bridge, then have Threepio use his panel next to the door and leave. As an addendum, if you wish to get the hatches closed as quickly as possible, you need only move one or two of the ramp pieces into position, as Luke can double jump his way to the upper hatch if need be.

Area 4: Head down the stairs and close two hatches as quickly as possible. Beat down all the Gamorreans and the gate ahead of you will open.

Area 5: Clean up the Gamorreans and close the two hatches in this room. Once they're all down, you need to use the green circle next to Han's carbonite block, so go back to the previous room to get a helmet. Once you've used the green circle, you can't go back, so I suggest making sure you have True Jedi, or are at least pretty close, before moving on.

Area 6: Okay. You've lost Leia, but gained Han, and there's a big ugly rancor in this room ready to chomp on you. He only has three hearts, but you can't hurt him using conventional means. The trick is to bring either Threepio over to the hatch on the left or Artoo to the hatch on the right and use the panel to open it, which will drop a Gamorrean. The rancor will go right for the tasty bacon, then will walk into a corner to start chowing down. Blow up the container nearest him and he'll lose a heart. For the last heart, he'll go to eat the Gamorrean under the gate. Pull both levers on each side of the gate and crunch!

New Characters:Princess Leia (Boushh)Luke Skywalker (Jedi)Han Solo (Skiff)Gamorrean Guard: 40,000Bib Fortuna: 16,000Palace Guard: 14,000Bossk: 75,000

===============================5FF. The Great Pit of Carkoon ================================

"I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I'm seeing a big bright blur." - Han"There's nothing to see. I used to live here, y'know." - Luke"You're gonna die here, y'know. Convenient." - Han"Just stick close to Chewie and Lando. I've taken care of everything." - Luke"Oh... Great..." - Han

Starting Characters: Luke Skywalker (Jedi), Lando (Palace Guard)Added Characters: Han Solo (Skiff), Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, Princess Leia (Slave)Enemies: Skiff Guard, Gamorrean Guard, Boba Fett

True Jedi at 50,000: Try to fall as little as possible. Lots of pieces on the skiffs and the barge are bustable, so make sure you get everything, because studs can be tight on this mission if you're sloppy (but not nearly as tight as they were in LSW2).

Area 1: After that impressive tumbling act, take out the guards here, then assemble the levers. You can also break the nearby containers and turn them into guns if you wish to fend off the enemies on the barge. Pull the two levers, which will extend a bridge to another skiff. On the second skiff, you'll get the use of Han and Chewie. Use the Force at the right end to create two levers, which, when pulled, will extend another bridge to the

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third skiff, where Boba Fett is. Fight him the same way you fought him in Bespin: one shot to ground him, another to damage him. Once he's Sarlacc food, a fourth skiff will float over to you. Hop onto it and take out its inhabitants. At the back, use the Force to make a floating raft. Jump onto it then over to the barge, itself. Take out all the guards on this part of the skiff. You now need to pull three levers to proceed. There are two levers here on ground level. One is obvious, the other is behind one of the bigger flaps, which you need to Force upwards. There's a third lever higher up. What you need to do is use the Force on a flap near the left lever and jump up with Luke. Push the box over the edge and assemble the resulting grapple point. Grapple up and proceed down the little passage to the third lever, which will extend the last of the platforms leading around the side. At the back of the barge is the entrance. This part is tough because of the enemies harassing you, but it can be done alone. Use the Force on both sides of the door. The left one shows the code you need, and the right one is where you have to match it. Use the Force on the right module to rotate the middle light (it needs to be yellow) and use the rotator switch to rotate the lower light (it needs to be blue). Once the code's broken, the door will open up.

Area 2: Blow all the containers here to make pieces to assemble into two E-Webs. Use them to blast the gate and any guys behind that charge. Here is where you'll get the droids back. Once this area is clean of bad guys, use the Force to assemble a generator in two parts, one on the right side, and other on the left after you smash it. Assemble the Threepio panel and have him use it. Hop on the elevator.

Area 3: Blow up all that you can here, and assemble all that you can. You need to Force a wall-hanging into a box-like structure. Then, blow the two middle yellow hooks on the right wall so you can make a ball with the two halves using the Force. Use the nearby grapple point, then push the box up here off the ledge. While up here, assemble the mounting that goes on the ceiling. Now, drop down, assemble two speakers in the back corners, and Force the ball into the ceiling. Doing all this will open up the floor. Step on a lit panel and your computer-controlled friend will step on the other. Do so over all the panels and the back door will open, as well as having some Gamorreans rocking out. Leave this spectacle and move on ahead to the next room, then up the stairs.

Area 4: All right. You've got Leia back, and your largest party yet. Make your way across the deck, taking out all the enemies. As you progress you can uncover a box behind the nearest mast, which you can push along its intended path. There's another box on the right side of the big modules on the deck of the ship. Push these to either side of the lower of the two and you should blow the covering off it. Next, have Threepio access the upper module to blow its covering. At the right end, you'll find a pile that you can assemble into part of a stairway. Also near here is a structure you can blow to unearth a hole. Go down that hole and follow the tunnel to get inside the enclosure on the right. Pull the lever to let both yourself and the pushable box out. Push that behind the stairs and use the Force to create a ramp. You can now go up to the next level. Use the Force to create a small ramp, then blow the ladder-like structures on the back wall and Force those into the rest of the ramp. Climb up to the top.

Area 5: This is the "big gun". You'll need Artoo to power it up, and you'll get eight shots to destroy those big modules. You have to hit the bullseye on each side to blow it up. Once they're both destroyed, this mission is complete. Oh, and I'm told you should be careful using Thermal Detonators in the area, as you can blow up the big gun, with no way to finish.

New Characters:Lando Calrissian (Palace Guard)Princess Leia (Slave)Skiff Guard: 12,000

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Boba Fett: 100,000

=======================5GG. Speeder Showdown ========================

"Over there! Two more of them!" - Leia"I see them-- wait, Leia!" - Luke

Starting Characters: Princess Leia (Endor), Luke Skywalker (Endor)Enemies: Scout Trooper, Stormtrooper, Speeder Bike, AT-ST, AT-AT

True Jedi at 55,000: Just focus more on studs while on the bikes than your target bikes. Shouldn't be a problem.

Area 1: Gun down the vegetation to uncover a platform that Luke can assemble. Switch to Leia and stand on it and Luke will lift her over the tree trunk. On the other side, shoot some more plants and assemble a grapple point. From the high point on the right, step on the suspended platform to allow Luke to join you. Have Luke Force the next object into a ramp, then cross over.

Area 2: As you progress into this area, two Speeder Bikes will be dropped off here by stormies. This next part will be slightly tedious if you're going for studs. You can move in either direction (the area's one big circle), but you can see further ahead going north, so go north. Your objective is to take out the two troopers on speeder bikes. If you're collecting stuff, I suggest making at least a full loop and getting True Jedi, and the six minikits, before taking out the bikers. Use the A button to loop if they get behind you. Once the bikes are down, you'll pull over into a shielded area. Your objective while here is to blow down that big spinny module in the back. You'll need the AT-ST roaming around for that, so either shoot the driver out of it or use the Mind Trick with Luke to take control and blast the module. Once it's boom, get back on the bikes and you'll have to deal with three bikers. Take them down, and you'll pull over again. In this area, head to the left and Force the block into a step. Double jump up and Force the second block to make stairs for Leia. Assemble the grapple point, and grapple up to the lever to drop pieces for another AT-ST. Force it together, then use it to destroy the big module, then get back on your bikes. Now, you have to take out four bikes, then, once again, use the AT-ST to destroy another module. Then, five bikes. At the last stop (which, incidentally, is the first area), head towards the camera, across the bridge, and bust up all the plants to find feet and the pieces to a rotator switch. Free the AT-ST and put it together, then use it to destroy the two cages hanging just north. Force those into a bridge, then cross with the AT-ST and blow up the last module to lower the shield gate. Finally, leave this area by going right.

Area 3: There's lots to blow up, here, but all you need to do is activate both levers and take the elevator up.

Area 4: Cross to the left.

Area 5: Whoa! This is scary! Okay, your objective in partial is actually to commandeer that big ol' AT-AT back there. If you wish to cut back on stormtrooper interruptions, take out the hooks on front wall. First, pull the four levers that are stationed around the platform. These will deactivate the shields on each of the modules in the distance. Once they're all gone, go over to that green-lit platform near the AT-AT to be launched into it. Whee! Go postal on all four of the modules to activate two more levers. Hop out and pull the levers and you're done this mission.

New Characters:Luke Skywalker (Endor)

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Princess Leia (Endor)

==========================5HH. The Battle of Endor ===========================

"I love you." - Han"I know." - Leia

Starting Characters: Han Solo (Endor), Princess Leia (Endor), Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, WicketEnemies: Scout Trooper, Stormtrooper, Imperial Officer, AT-ST

True Jedi at 90,000: Shouldn't be too bad. Blast all the vegetation you can outside, and bust up whatever wall ornaments you can inside.

Area 1: Head off to the right after wreaking havoc in the area. Take Wicket, then press Z near the hatch to crawl through it. Have Wicket assemble the two sides of the bridge to let everyone across. Continue to the right, bust down the gate at the next hut you see, and hit the Threepio panel, which will release a grapple point. Put it together, grapple up, and pull the lever to raise the bridge. Go all the way right and down the ramp.

Area 2: Continue down the path. Watch out for Scout Troopers. Blow away their grapple hooks to prevent them from coming up. Clear all the debris off the "pushing area", then assemble the box and push it into the yellow clamps. You may have to kind of adjust to get it in just right. Once it's in, have Wicket crawl up and pull the lever, then push the box into the slot. Have the entire crew step on the six buttons that just came up to head down.

Area 3: Take out all the troopers, then start blowing up plants. Near the tree with the troopers up in it, you'll find parts for a rotator switch. Rotate it so Wicket can reach the shaft. Have him stand on the button to keep a grapple point visible, so one of your cohorts can grapple up and pull the lever to let everyone else up. Head along ground level until you reach the two large gates. Blow open the module in front of the gates to make a Threepio panel. Activating it uncovers six buttons, three on each side. Have everyone step on them to open the first gates. There are two more gates after these, one on each side. Go to the right and assemble the ramp so the droids can get up, then go left, have Wicket crawl up, pull the lever, and assemble the grapple point so everyone else can go to the left gate. Pass through and on to the next area.

Area 4: Move ahead, taking out all the bad guys. Use C to man the catapult and hurl about five rocks into the wall to break it down. Take out the bad guys and the AT-ST. Commandeer the AT-ST and use it to break down the far wall. You've now made it to the shield generator bunker. Remove all the bad guys and empty the AT-STs. Your objective, naturally, is to get into the bunker. Take an AT-ST and blast the structure surrounding the tree at the north end. Hop off the AT-ST near the platform it uncovers and step on the button to make a grapple point visible, which your buddy will use to pull a lever, releasing another grapple point, which will allow you to get on top of the bunker. Break the stuff up here to uncover pieces you need to assemble a pushing surface. Push the canister off the bunker and assemble an Artoo Panel in front of the bunker. Lastly, assemble a small ramp so Artoo can get up to the panel. Activate it and go on in.

Area 5: Head down the stairs and blast the lock on the door. Clean out the room. You need to go further in, here, but you need to remove the blast shield first. First, pull the blue lever to remove the blue node. Blast down the door to the left. Clean out the room and much of the debris. You need to find three floor buttons to make platforms on the left. Hop up them and clear out a pushing area, where you can push a box into the wall, making

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the platforms a ramp, so Threepio can access a panel, which will reveal a lever that removes the purple node of the blast shield. Head back and blast the door to the right. Use the Artoo panel to get the elevator going, then go up, hop the gap to the right, and build a small bridge so Threepio can reach the panel and you can shut off the green node. Now, go up the elevator with Artoo, then float him across in front of the window to reach the Artoo Panel, which will create a hatch for Wicket. Go through and you can shut off the yellow node. Pull the levers in the main room, now, to remove the blast shield. Head in and assemble the four charges to complete the mission.

New Characters:Han Solo (Endor)WicketEwok: 34,000

===================5II. Jedi Destiny ====================

"So be it... Jedi... If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed!" - Emperor Palpatine

Starting Characters: Luke Skywalker (Jedi), Darth VaderEnemies: The Emperor, Imperial Guard

True Jedi at 40,000: Well, first of all, ignore the Emperor for a bit and run around and clean up, first. You won't get the total, but you'll get close, so you can focus on fighting him, and when you get access to new areas, take the opportunity to explore. Don't forget that Vader has Sith Force powers that can access what a Jedi's powers can't. You should just make it. In the part with the lightning floor, definitely wait until you chase the Emperor off to Sith Force all the red lights. You'll get a good amount of studs from that area.

Area 1: Wow, that's a lot of hearts. Duel him. When he puts on the lightning hurt, switch characters and smack him. Get him down by about five hearts and he'll run off, leaving a small mess behind. Also, two Imperial Guards will attack every time he runs off. They have four hearts and good dueling skills, so be careful. If you can, just use Vader's Force Choke to do them in. Go over to the spot the Emperor took off from to find piles and a fan. Put them together, then have both characters use the Force to make the fan. Float up to the rafters. He'll electrify the floor in front of him. Watch for the path that darkens and follow it, stopping on the safe spots. Once you reach him, you'll duel him a bit more. Once you get him down to seven, he'll run off again. Chase him and knock down two more hearts. He'll fly up above. Assemble the elevator and have both characters use the Force to ride up. Knock off another heart, then chase him to the other side. Knock off another and he'll drop back down to the floor. Another two will put him near the edge. Strike him once more for the last one. That's it!

New Characters: Darth VaderImperial Guard: 46,000The Emperor: 275,000

==========================5JJ. Into the Death Star ===========================

"The shield is down! Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor!" - Admiral Ackbar

Vehicles: Millenium Falcon

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Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber, Imperial Star Destroyer

True Jedi at 35,000: This is a huge pain in the butt. Not only is there a rather small amount of studs to be had, but you will die. A LOT. Costing you 2,000 studs every time. The only way I managed this was to take a X2 multiplier in with me and blast everything on the way out. Even having next to nothing going in, I made the amount.

Area 1: It's you against four Star Destroyers. You need to pick up torps from shooting down TIE Bombers, then shoot each of their shield generators to destroy them. Destroy all four Star Destroyers to move on.

Area 2: You're inside, now. Press on ahead, blowing up everything you can. Once you see the torps, you'll need them for up ahead, with four targets flanking a shield gate. Destroy all of them and move on.

Area 3: You're heading deeper, now. Take a bunch of torps and press on ahead. Once you reach the end, you'll find the two targets will fire missiles at you, so blast them quickly. If you get a missile on you, just keep flying around and it'll eventually self-detonate. Head into the core.

Area 4: Okay, your task here is to blow up each of the nodes guarding the core along the walls. If you get too close, you'll bounce off, so keep a distance and wait (slowly) for the nodes to open so you can blow them up. Once they're all gone, wait in front of the core for it to expose its blue casing, then blast it. Once that's done, just torp it and boom. Time to go. You'll progress back through each of the areas you just went through. Just keep shooting to clear debris and you should be okay. Yeeha.

New Characters:Admiral Ackbar: 33,000

To get the following characters, you need to beat ALL the missions:IG-88: 100,000Dengar: 70,0004-LOM: 45,000Ben Kenobi (Ghost): 1,100,000Anakin Skywalker (Ghost): 1,000,000Yoda (Ghost): 1,200,000R2-Q5: 100,000

******************************************************************************6. FREE PLAY RUNTHROUGHS******************************************************************************

In Free Play, you'll enter the mission with only two characters. Adjustments will be made so you CAN complete the mission with two characters. At the outset, you'll be allowed to pick whichever character out of all available you wish. Once that's done, the computer will add on other characters that you will need to access all the stuff in the mission (if you have them available). This allows you to go and get all the stuff without having to worry about building the proper team.

The type of characters added tends to go like this, assuming you have them: you'll definitely get an astromech, a protocol droid, a Sith, a bounty hunter, a high jumper, an Imperial, and a shortie. You may also get a Jedi or a normal gunner, too. Also, depending on the mission, you may also get a bunch of the mission's enemy characters.

In vehicle missions, you'll simply get access to every vehicle. There are few enough so it won't be too overwhelming.

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There will be no story clips, and some missions will be slightly changed to reflect this. All you need to do is reach the end and get all the stuff, so go for it!

Note that some collectibles have specific requirements. Here's what I mean when I say each:

"Grappler": You basically need any of the non-droid gunners with the ability to grapple. You'll get some in I-3, II-3, III-3, IV-1, V-2, or VI-1, depending on the paths you decide to take.

"High Jumper": You need a character that double jump rather high. You can use Jar Jar Binks for this (I-2), Captain Tarpals, a Grievous' Bodyguard (which technically have a high "single" jump, but let's not mince), or General Grievous. I should point out that High Jumpers only work in Episodes I-III. In IV-VI, their second jump is nerfed, because that game didn't use high jumpers.

"Astromech": You need R2-D2 or any of the other astromech droids. You can get R2 at I-5, III-2, IV-1, V-4, or VI-1, and you can get R4 at II-2.

"Shortie": You need Anakin Skywalker (Boy), Boba Fett (Boy), a Jawa, Wicket, an Ugnaught, or an Ewok to crawl through a vent. Anakin you get right away at I-5, and Wicket at VI-4. The other four you have to buy.

"Bounty Hunter": You need to be Zam Wesell, Jango Fett, Greedo, Boba Fett, Dengar, Bossk, 4-LOM, or IG-88. You'll need them for their Thermal Detonators and their ability to access green circles.

"Imperial": You need to be some kind of Imperial character to use a white circle. Any clone trooper, stormtrooper, officer, even Vader or the Emperor, the first of which you can get access to in II-2, III-3, IV-1, V-2, or VI-5. Commander Cody and Vader are the only ones you get for free.

"Sith": Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Vader and the Emperor have destructive Sith powers which can be used on red sparklies. Vader's the only one you get for free, after VI-5. The other three are pretty expensive.

"TIE": You need to purchase one of the TIEs to access special TIE Gates in the flight missions, which you can get after IV-6, V-3, or VI-6.

"Cable Craft": You'll need the tow cable of the Snowspeeder or the Republic Gunship to tow bombs around, which you get in V-1 and II-5, respectively.

Well, you'll notice I didn't bring up you needing Jedi or protocol droids. Since you get each in the very first mission, and there's no possibility of you being without them when going into Free Play, I thought it moot to mention them as being "required". Also, for missions where you get certain characters automatically, I thought it pointless needing to take them in, as you will be given them no matter what (ie. I don't mention Grapplers in Episode I in I-3 or beyond, because you'll have some from that mission no matter what).

Lastly (and I know I've been going on for a while), just because I don't list a special requirement for a canister, it doesn't mean that you necessarily can get it in Story. Sometimes, you'll have to get it on Free Play even if you don't need the seriously specialized characters, for one of two reasons: you need a simple character (like a gunner) that just doesn't show up in the Story (a Jedi specific level, for instance), or you need to utilize the Free Play effect of switching characters on the fly (such as grappling up to a ledge, then needing to hover across as an Artoo).

==================6A. Negotiations =

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Required Character: High Jumper, Astromech, Shortie

Canister #1: As you go down the first hallway, you'll see six blue markers along the walls. Use the Force on all six and a canister will appear at the end.

Canister #2: In the opening hallway, hang a left and use the Threepio panel. Have two characters stand on each of the buttons to uncover this one.

Canister #3 (Shortie): Midway down the first hallway (where it turns right), there's a Threepio panel on your left. It leads to a room with blocks and force fields. Send a Shortie up through the left-hand vent to find this at the end of the walkway.

Canister #4 (Shortie, High Jumper): In the same area as #3, use a Shortie to get through the vent to the upper ledge, then hit the button in the upper-left corner, which will remove the force fields from the area. Force the four blocks on the ground into a tower, then use a high jumper to go up to the upper-right for this one.

Canister #5: Similar to the one above with blue lights, there are six purple lights after you turn the corner in the first hallway. Force all six to make a canister appear.

Canister #6 (Astromech, High Jumper): In the same area as #5 is an Artoo panel on your left. In this next room, there is a small square cart that moves forward when the Force is used on it. Step on it and your companion will move it forward. High jump up to the canister above you.

Canister #7 (Astromech, High Jumper): In the same room as #6, go up to the back vent and Force it away. Go through it with a high-jumper. In the next room, hover across as an Artoo unit, then get onto the fighter and high jump up to the canister. The nearby Artoo panel will deactivate the force field so you can go back.

Canister #8 (High Jumper): As you remove the vent leading to the second area of the mission, it makes a box. High jump off it to get this one.

Canister #9: As soon as you reach the second area, you'll see a canister above a ledge to your left. Use the Force on items on the floor to your left to make a tower you can use to climb up to the ledge that has it. You might also be able to make the jump from the entrance itself.

Power Brick (Astromech, High Jumper): In the second area, force the large canister on your left so you can high jump up to the Artoo panel. Use it, then go to the next room. Step on the gray space (not the button) and your buddy will step on the button. Double jump into each of the canisters on the left and right to lower them. Once both are down, have each of you step on the two new buttons to reveal the brick.

Canister #10: In the large area of the hangar on the right side, Force the big block, then three little blocks on top of it. Climb onto the over-hanging platform above. You may be able to make the jump to the canister, but it's much easier to Force the lever (to the left of the magnet thingy) to move it there.

Minikit: Republic CruiserPower Brick Extra: Super Gonk (100,000)

=======================6B. Invasion of Naboo ========================

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Required Characters: Grappler, Bounty Hunter, Shortie

Canister #1 (Grappler): Take the first right to the clearing with rocks. Stack the three rocks on top of each other and shoot the target. Double jump up to the canister.

Canister #2: As soon as you stand the tree up in the first area, smash it up to make a canister appear.

Canister #3: This is one of the few that you can mess up on and have to go back in to get. Once you destroy the droid transport using the Force, DON'T smash it. High jump off the left end to get up to this one.

Canister #4: After smashing the droid transport on your way to the rocky area, saber the whole thing into scrap. You'll find a hole with the canister underneath.

Canister #5: Once you reach the rocky steps, Force away the plants on the left at the bottom of the steps to reveal a block. Force it into the wall, then have a high jumper jump off it to reach the canister.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter): As you cross the sinking stones, you'll see a green Bounty Hunter circle. Use it to open a panel with this behind it.

Canister #6: After crossing the sinking stones that you need Jar Jar to jump on, you'll find some stones on a higher platform that you can use the Force on (you need to do this to proceed). On top of that ledge is a canister.

Canister #7: As you enter the third area, you Force some blocks to lower a ramp. Drop down to where you moved the blocks to to find this one.

Canister #8 (Shortie): Just before you reach the first swamp puddle. You'll see an obvious vent. Crawl into it as a Shortie.

Canister #9: Once you reach the second swamp puddle in the third area, you'll see some logs blocking a cave. Force them away to find this one.

Canister #10: In the last area, there is a three-piece statue on the ground. Force it together in the proper order: legs, body, head, and a canister will appear.

Minikit: Gungan BongoPower Brick Extra: Poo Money (100,000)

=======================6C. Escape From Naboo ========================

Required Characters: Astromech, Bounty Hunter, Shortie, Sith

Canister #1: In the first plaza, blast away all the doors on the ground floor. Use the Force on each of the pillars in-between to make boxes, then stack the boxes. High jump from the top of them.

Canister #2 (Astromech): In the upper plaza in the first area (with the puzzle), use the Force on the back wall sections. High jump up to the higher one, then float across as an astromech to get to it in the far corner.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter, Sith): You need to solve the "puzzle" in the upper plaza in the first area. One block is already made for you. Another needs to be assembled in the canisters in the upper left. The third needs a thermal detonator on the shiny canisters in the back right. The last needs a

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Sith to remove the flowers with red sparklies, then blow up the planter they were in. Once all four blocks are assembled, they need to be pushed to their lit-up "ready" spots, and they're all in the opposite corner they need to be in. Once all four are in place, Force them to their spots on the puzzle, and you're done.

Canister #3: As soon as you reach the second area, go towards the screen, and it's right in front of you.

Canister #4: In the third area, after you bust out of the windows, go down to the left. When you reach the bottom ledge, go to the right and to the end to find this one.

Canister #5 (Astromech, Sith): In the same basic area as #4 (down and to the left in the third area), use an astromech's hover to get to the far left ledge. Grapple up to the top and use Sith Force on the flower beds, then destroy them to unearth this one.

Canister #6: In the fourth area (where the Jedi come back), go to the right as normal, then onto the ledges in the back of the area. You'll eventually come across a grapple point. Grapple up and go to the left to find another point, which leads to an area with little swinging gates on the ledge. Force open all of these gates to make this one appear.

Canister #7 (Shortie): In the fourth area (where the Jedi come back), go the same way as #6 to the first grapple point. There's a vent up here that a shortie can go through, which leads to a canister.

Canister #8 (Shortie, Bounty Hunter): Go up the vent described in #7, then go to a ledge on the right. Drop down below you to find a balcony with shiny windows. Use a thermal detonator on those, then use the Force on the painting inside to find this one.

Canister #9: In the last area there are four round trees surrounding the middle skylight. Destroy them so you can move their bases to the center. Once you have all four stacked, use a high jumper to reach the canister.

Canister #10 (Bounty Hunter): In the last area, press the red button on the right-hand big skylight to uncover a shiny grate covering on the right side. Use a thermal detonator on it.

Other Fun Stuff:- On the last area, the back left grating (need Sith Force) has a purple stud under it, worth 10,000.

Minikit: Royal CruiserPower Brick Extra: Walkie Talkie Disable (5,000)

=======================6D. Mos Espa Pod Race ========================

Required Vehicles: TIE

NOTE: This is still technically a race, so there is no shooting or acrobatics.

Canister #1: On the main path in the first rocky area, just after a boost pad.

Canister #2: Just before the drop off (which is before the service ramp), you'll see it to the right of the boost pads.

Power Brick: Just after all the rocks, there's the drop off (not long before

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the service ramp). After that drop off, hold left to go around the holes. It will be in your path.

Canister #3 (TIE): Take an Imperial Fighter through the gate up the service ramp to find it.

Canister #4: In the middle of the cavern with all the crystals. You really can't miss it.

Canister #5: In the left side of the Tusken Raider canyon, between two boost pads.

Canister #6: Just after the Tusken Raider canyon, after some poles.

Canister #7: After the canyon, you'll see two holes in a rock formation. The right-hand hole has this one.

Canister #8: Soon before the open plain area, you'll have a little jump up. The canister is on the right just before this.

Canister #9: In the open plains before the end, you'll find one on the right side's boost pads.

Canister #10: Pretty much right before the finish line, after some poles.

Minikit: Sebulba's PodPower Brick Extra: Power Brick Detector (125,000)

=========================6E. Retake Theed Palace ==========================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1: In the first plaza, either use a Grappler to get up to the top, or Force the objects on the right side to get on the high balcony. There's a canister behind the lattice on the right side. Just walk around the back.

Canister #2: On top of the high balcony in the first plaza, in the center, is a circular window. Blast it open and double jump into it.

Canister #3: In the second area (with all the buttons on the floor), smash the statue in the background and step on the button to uncover this one.

Canister #4 (Sith): There's a part in the second area that branches off and has red lights. Follow this area and use Sith Force on the black object on the floor to move it so you can jump up to the upper ledge that has an odd insignia on the wall. Sith Force it down to find this canister.

Canister #5: In the fountain area, go to the back and use a Shortie to reach the upper area (near the elevator for Artoo). Go around to the right and back to find this one.

Canister #6: This is in the fountain area, high up on the near left side. To get up here, it's best to go up the Force-stairs and across the bridge. Hop off to the left and use the Force on the brick-wall to get up to the top.

Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the area after the fountain (six buttons on a high balcony), drop down the front side to find some stacked boxes. Blow them up and assemble the shiny canister. Blow it with a thermal detonator.

Power Brick: In the dining area (with all the tables and the shiny floor), go to the left side and Force together the chairs, then the tables. Smash

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the statue in the back and step on the button, then Force out the plates and cups. Now, blow up the whole mess to make this appear.

Canister #8: In the dining area, go to the left of the stairs up and Force the two tables over to the wall on the left. Jump into the alcove behind them and grapple up. Go left and climb up to the top ledge, then keep going left to find this.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter, Sith): In the hangar, go to the far left (where the lone pilot is) and use a thermal detonator on the shiny canisters. Build the block, then Sith Force it into place to reach this one.

Canister #10: In the hangar, in the far right upper corner. To get there, climb up to the spot where one droid is guarding two pilots. Use a high jumper from there to get up to the right ledge, then walk all the way around to the corner.

Minikit: Naboo StarfighterPower Brick Extra: Super Slap (5,000)

================6F. Darth Maul =================

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1: In the hangar, on top of the Starfighter on the left side. You may find it easier to get to after activating it.

Canister #2: In the hangar, on top of the Starfighter on the right side.

Power Brick (Imperial): At the exit to the hangar, you'll find lifts on either side of the doorway. Hop on them and use the Force so the two characters will raise each other. Use an Imperial to get past the white circle at the top. In the next room, step on all ten of the black buttons on the floor, turning them red, which will make the brick appear. You do have to be quick.

Canister #3 (Imperial, Sith): In the same location as the Power Brick, use Sith Force on all six lights on the walls to make this appear.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): In the second area, go to the very end of the ground floor area and use a thermal detonator on the shiny wall.

Canister #5: Use a grappler in the second area at the grapple point to reach the top area (with the ton of studs), then go all the way around to the right. Hop on the yellow lift and use the Force on its gear three times to raise it high enough to reach the canister.

Canister #6 (Imperial): When you enter the third (open) area, use an Imperial on the panel to your left, then quickly hop on the platform to be carried to it.

Canister #7: In the third area, there are four beams that lift you up a long way. Enter the back right beam and ride all the way up to a canister.

Canister #8: In the final room. Use a high jumper to get on top of the platform to camera right.

Canister #9: In the final room. Once Maul activates a platform, jump on it with a high jumper.

Canister #10: In the final room. Once Maul activates another platform, jump on it with a high jumper.

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Minikit: Sith InfiltratorPower Brick Extra: Force Grapple Leap (15,000)

===========================6G. Bounty Hunter Pursuit ============================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Canister #1: There are ten "light columns" dotted throughout the mission. Blast them all to make this one appear. There are six in the first flight area and four in the second. They shouldn't be too hard to spot, and they make a big "#/10" when you shoot them down.

Canister #2 (TIE): Once you see your first "torpedo trolley", hang a hard left and look for a TIE Gate. It's right behind it.

Canister #3: In the first area, blast all five guns that shoot back at you and you'll make this appear.

Canister #4: There's a skyscraper some ways down the first area that has five blue spires on the top. Torpedo all these. There are ships in the area that have torpedoes behind them to use.

Canister #5: Just before the first tunnel, blast the stoplight. A tram will drive by dragging a sign with a Gungan on it. Blast it.

Canister #6: In the first force field area, find and shoot all the red squares on the floor, which will raise up a canister.

Canister #7 (TIE): After the first force field area, make a hard right. You'll find a TIE Gate, with this behind it.

Power Brick: After the first force field area, make a hard right. To the left of the Imperial gate are several pylons with green lights on top. Shoot all of these before any of the lights shut back off and a balloon will appear with the Power Brick on it.

Canister #8: In the second flying area, blast all five guns that shoot back at you for this.

Canister #9: As you fly through the second area, you'll see three triangle signs (near a gold circle building). I think you have to blast all three in a specific time to get this.

Canister #10: In the last force field area, shoot all the red squares to raise up the canister.

Minikit: Zam's AirspeederPower Brick Extra: Stud Magnet (100,000)

=========================6H. Discovery on Kamino ==========================

Required Characters: Grappler, High Jumper, Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Shortie, Sith

Canister #1 (High Jumper): Head to the left of your ship and Force some gears onto a platform, which will raise up. High jump to reach the canister.

Canister #2: Send an astromech back behind your ship to hover across the stud chain to the canister.

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Canister #3 (Bounty Hunter): After seeing the clone army, instead of going the usual left, go right. Open the door with a bounty hunter. In the next room, hop onto the button and wait for your partner to hop on the other. Continue this until you lower a white mass. Force the elevator open so you can jump up to the canister.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): From #3, shoot the target on the back wall, then head to this back area. The trick here is that you enter one of the vents as a shortie, but end up in a different capsule above. If you enter the far right one, you'll end up in the one with the canister.

Canister #5: From the clone army area, follow Taun We down the hallway to the left. Use the Force on all six mountings on the wall to reveal this.

Power Brick (Imperial): Use an Imperial on the left hand door in the hallway outside Jango's room. In this room, step on a light and wait for your partner to step on the other. Continue this pattern until all lights are lit and the disco show begins.

Canister #6: In Jango's room, go to the back right and pull the lever in the corner with the Force four times to release all the bricks. Force them onto the wall to make a Jango portrait and open the hatch to this.

Canister #7: The second room you chase Jango to (he goes into the tube) has circles on the floor and wall. Step on the corresponding circle on the floor that matches the one on the wall (your partner will follow suit). Do this three times to unlock the canister.

Canister #8: In the outside area where you chase Jango, turn left and hover across the gap to this one.

Canister #9: In the outside area, when Jango turns and goes up to the elevator in the back, go right instead to find a grapple point. Grapple up, then use the Threepio panel to lower a lift. Hop on and shoot all three targets to open the hatch to the canister.

Canister #10 (Sith): In the area where Jango releases two tubes worth of Gun Pods, there's a Sith Force door on the left wall. Enter the room and have both players work the wheels on the far wall to release all the Gun Pods and the canister.

Minikit: Jedi StarfighterPower Brick Extra: Disarm Troopers (100,000)

===================6I. Droid Factory ====================

Required Characters: High Jumper, Imperial, Shortie

Canister #1: Go straight down from the beginning.

Canister #2: The second alcove on the right in the first hallway has this.

Canister #3 (Shortie): As soon as you enter the second area, before the ledge recedes, hop to the left and climb up the vent to find this one.

Canister #4 (Imperial): At the end of the second area, go down towards the camera from the middle fan to find another door. Grapple up to it, shoot the target, then use an Imperial on the panel. This next room requires some color combining, using the Artoo panels on the primary colors. First, use red and yellow to make orange, then yellow and blue to make green, then red and blue to make purple.

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Canister #5: This one is lying in plain sight in the third area, after you ride the first big bucket, on the back ledge, to the left of the Artoo panel door.

Canister #6: In the third area, open the Artoo panel door. Hop across the platforms to get to this one.

Canister #7: In the fourth area (where you meet Threepio and have to rotate platforms), grapple along the back and you'll pretty much trip over this one.

Canister #8 (High Jumper): In the fifth area (with all the Geonosians), you'll find a gate made out of bricks you can smash down. Do so, then Force the remains into a platform on the left. Use a high jumper to get up to the canister high above.

Power Brick: In the fifth area (with all the Geonosians), you'll find a gate made out of bricks you can smash down. Do so, then enter the doorway. In this next room, you need to hit several Artoo panels to move blast shields. It's a pretty obvious pattern. Hitting the fourth one will allow you to get the Brick.

Canister #9: At the very end of the fifth area, go down and right past the exit door and this one should be quite visible.

Canister #10 (High Jumper): In the last area, use the Artoo panel on the left to release some bricks you can use to make a lift and its raising mechanism. Stand on it so your partner can help you up, then use a high jumper to reach it.

Other Cool Stuff:- In case you're wondering, the Artoo panel in the second area (in the factory) just shuts down the machines.

Minikit: DroidekaPower Brick Extra: Character Studs (100,000)

=================6J. Jedi Battle ==================

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Shortie, Sith

Canister #1 (High Jumper): Near Padmé's post, high jump up to the left and then the back right to find this.

Canister #2 (High Jumper): Mere inches from #1, high jump forward from the back right.

Canister #3: To the right of Padmé's post, have two Force-users use the levers near the gate to open it.

Canister #4: Near Anakin's post, use a grappler to get up to this one.

Canister #5: Again, mere inches from #4, grapple again to reach this.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter): To the right of Anakin's post, use a thermal detonator on the shiny object to create bricks, which you can use to build small steps to the Brick.

Canister #6 (High Jumper): Near Obi-Wan's post is a grapple point and an Imperial panel, which gets a lift moving, but a high jumper can also make the jump quite easily.

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Canister #7 (High Jumper): Right near #6, either Force together the lift on the right or just high jump to it.

Canister #8 (Shortie): To the right of Obi-Wan's post, Force together a platform near the vent and use a Shortie to crawl through to this one.

Canister #9 (High Jumper, Sith): In the empty alcove, use the Force to put the pillar together. You need to go in proper order of color. The dark brown goes on the bottom, then the medium brown, then the light brown, then the ornate top. Next, use Sith Force to lower the platforms, and use a high jumper to reach it.

Canister #10: Just to the right of the big gate where new enemies spill out, you'll find this hiding behind a pillar.

Minikit: Republic GunshipPower Brick Extra: Perfect Deflect (25,000)

=====================6K. Gunship Cavalry ======================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Canister #1: At the very beginning, to the left of your starting point.

Canister #2: In your path after a few turbolasers.

Canister #3 (TIE): There's a TIE Gate on your left before the first force field. You'll find this behind it.

Canister #4: In your path after the first force field, after three consecutive turbolasers.

Power Brick: Not long after Canister #4, this is hidden behind a rock on the right near the cliff.

Canister #5: Not long before the second force field is a wall on the left, obviously protecting this. You'll need to slam a rolling bomb into it.

Canister #6: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Canister #7: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Canister #8: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Canister #9: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Canister #10: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Minikit: AT-TEPower Brick Extra: Exploding Blaster Bolts (20,000)

=================6L. Count Dooku ==================

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Shortie

Canister #1: In the first area, use the Grapple Point.

Canister #2: In the first area, use an astromech to float out to the left of the landing platform and back, or just jump out there and die.

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Canister #3: Just before entering the larger hall, use the Force on two objects to move them in front of the rock wall, then blow them up.

Canister #4: In the large hall, step on the buttons on the left to climb up to this one.

Canister #5 (High Jumper): Continue climbing past #4 using a high jumper to find this.

Canister #6 (High Jumper): In the large hall on the right side, use a high jumper while stepping on the ledge buttons to get up to this.

Canister #7: In the second area, look for an orange container with two targets. Shoot them to open the container.

Canister #8: In the back of the second area, stand up the three parts of the pillar one at time to reach this one.

Canister #9: From the ledge of #8, shoot the orange hanging object to your right to uncover this one.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): Near Dooku's standing spot is a shiny box. Use a thermal detonator on it and then Force the vent. Crawl through with a Shortie, then grapple up to the top of the structure to find this.

Canister #10 (High Jumper): High jump on top of Dooku's Solar Sailor and then to this one on a nearby ledge.

Minikit: Solar SailorPower Brick Extra: Force Pull (12,000)

===========================6M. Battle Over Coruscant ============================

NOTE: I know my descriptions aren't that great, but these really aren't that tough to find. Remember, you're looking for a floating spinning object. That's your target.

Canister #1: Straight in front of you after you make the nosedive past the first Republic cruiser.

Canister #2: Straight ahead as you fly past the second Republic cruiser.

Canister #3: Soon after busting apart the first shootable CIS cruiser.

Canister #4: As you pass under a Republic cruiser.

Canister #5: As you fly through a rather open space with a frigate not far off to your right.

Canister #6: As you pass over the top of a Republic cruiser.

Canister #7: Just after you blow up the bridge tower on a CIS cruiser.

Canister #8: Inside the cruiser you fly through.

Power Brick: Not long after you pass through a cruiser's hangar, you'll see the brick spinning on the left side of the screen. Fly through it.

Canister #9: There's really very little to landmark this, except that it's right in front of you after the Power Brick.

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Canister #10: Not long before you hit the Invisible Hand (Grievous' ship), you'll find this as you fly under a Republic cruiser.

Minikit: Drop ShipPower Brick Extra: Vehicle Smart Bomb (15,000)

=========================6N. Chancellor in Peril ==========================

Required Characters: Grappler, High Jumper, Bounty Hunter

Canister #1 (Grappler): In the hangar, grapple up on the right hand side to get to the upper ledge where this is.

Canister #2 (Grappler): In the second area, use the obvious grapple point early on to fly right through this one.

Canister #3: In the third area (with the four doors), access the far left locked door (Artoo panel) to open the way to this one.

Canister #4: In the third area, access the third door from the left (Threepio panel) to open the way to this one.

Canister #5: In the fourth area (thin rafters), head all the way to the left to find this one easily.

Canister #6 (High Jumper): In the fourth area, there's one above the entrance. Either use a high jumper, or a shortie in the vent on the right side of the room.

Canister #7: After taking out Dooku, and going to the next room, go to the door on the right to find this one.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter): In the dropping elevator area, one of the vents has a shiny covering. Use a thermal detonator on it to remove its cover and get this. You'll probably find this easier to get to once you use the Artoo panel to make the elevator go back up.

Canister #8: In the area after the elevator (where you cross a ledge with a bunch of contraptions), there's a canister hidden behind the contraption at the end. Force it out of the way.

Canister #9: In the very last room, to the left of the entrance.

Canister #10: In the very last room, to the right of the entrance.

Minikit: Emergency ShipPower Brick Extra: Super Astromech (10,000)

======================6O. General Grievous =======================

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter

Canister #1: Once Grievous jumps to his second hiding place, you can go to the back wall. The left side has bricks that can be Forced into steps leading up to this one.

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): As you get to the back ledges, go to the lowest left one, then hover further to the left using an astromech. You'll find a shiny wall you need a thermal detonator for.

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Canister #3 (High Jumper): The spot that Grievous stands for his second hiding place has a canister high above it that can be high-jumped to.

Canister #4: There's an obvious one on a low ledge near a Powerup below Grievous' second hiding spot.

Canister #5: Just above #4 behind a breakable wall.

Canister #6: Go to the far right along the back ledges and down to a red grapple point to find this one.

Canister #7: Grievous' third hiding place is right next to this one.

Canister #8: The bomb you move to Grievous' third hiding place has one hidden right behind it.

Canister #9: Moving further right (near the natural bridge to the hidden area) is where you'll find this one.

Canister #10: In the hidden building on the far right, blow away all the mines to make this appear.

Power Brick: In the hidden building on the far right, use the Force on all four parts of the central structure to make this appear.

Minikit: Jedi Starfighter (Episode III)Power Brick Extra: Super Jedi Slam (11,000)

=========================6P. Defense of Kashyyyk ==========================

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Sith

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter, Sith): In the first area, at the first junction in the bridge path, take a right to get to an object that you need to Sith Force. Once you take away the outer casing, use a thermal detonator on the inner part to blow it up.

Canister #1 (High Jumper): In the big tree that you climb around to get to the first captured Wookiee, starting from the spot where you find him, hover to the left using an astromech, then grapple to the left, then high jump to the ledge with the canister.

Canister #2: In the crossroads (while saving Wookiees), go to the left, to the only dead end area that doesn't have a Wookiee. Grapple on the left-hand grapple point to get this easily.

Canister #3 (High Jumper): In the beach area, high jump up on the right side. You should be able to see it easily when you enter.

Canister #4 (High Jumper): In the beach area, there is a tree with some platforms on it about halfway. High jump up the platforms, then hover to the right as an astromech to find this one.

Canister #5: In the beach area, there are three hidden carrots in the ground. From first glance, they look just like all the other plants. The only noticable difference is that they have a larger "aura" than the rest. You need to Force all three out of the ground to make the canister appear. There is one on the far right side, one on the far left, and one near some rocks in the middle that is VERY tough to get without Fast Force or a buddy fending off all the bad guys.

Canister #6: In the pond area with the two Commander droids, go to the

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high ledge on the right with the Commander and you'll find this one.

Canister #7 (High Jumper): In the pond area, Force the downed ARC Fighter up out of the swamp, then quickly switch to a high jumper and jump up from the ship to this one.

Canister #8 (Sith): In the forested area with the slanted ledges, there is a black plant you need to use Sith Force on, which reveals a grapple point. Grapple up, then hover over with an astromech to the right to get this.

Canister #9: As you climb up the ramps with the rolling rocks, you'll see a grapple point. Grapple up and you'll hop into this one.

Canister #10 (High Jumper): In the last area, raise up Yoda's little ship, but don't open it, yet. High jump on top of it, then up to the canister.

Minikit: Wookiee CatPower Brick Extra: Super Thermal Detonator (25,000)

======================6Q. Ruin of the Jedi =======================

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1: From the beginning, go straight back and to the right. This one should be obvious.

Canister #2 (High Jumper): About halfway to the stairs, there is some rubble out in front that is actually three boxes. Force them all into a stack, then high jump from the top.

Canister #3 (Sith): Beneath one of the objects on the far right of the stairs is a grapple point. Go up to the window above the big door and use Sith Force on the window to uncover some pieces. You may have to destroy some things first, but in the end, you can build the canister.

Canister #4: After climbing the red stairs in the second area, use the white circle and enter the room. You'll find this in the projector. You have an Imperial in Commander Cody if you need it.

Canister #5: Instead of heading for the archives, go down the stairs towards the council chamber. To the left of the door is a canister out in midair. Hover to it with an astromech.

Canister #6: Instead of heading for the archives, go down the stairs and into the council chamber. Force all the seats into a stack and climb up to the top to find this one.

Canister #7 (High Jumper): In the large archive chamber, go to the rightmost alcove on the right side, and above the lever you should see this one. High jump to get it.

Canister #8: In the large archive chamber, go to the leftmost alcove on the right side and above the lever you should see this one. You can pull out platforms to get up to it.

Canister #9 (High Jumper): In the large archive room, once you move the three levers, the platform blocking the door will shift to a flat position. High jump onto it, then to the ledge in the back of the room. Move around to the left, then hover over the force field in the alcove on the left side and drop down to get this one.

Power Brick (High Jumper): After getting #9, use the Threepio panel to lower

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the force fields on the left-side alcoves. Use the Force to pull out platforms, then high jump up to all the levers (one needs a button to lower a force field). Once all three levers are pulled, a platform moves to the upper left ledge. Climb back up there and high jump up to the brick.

Canister #10 (Bounty Hunter, Sith): In the last room, use a thermal detonator on the left-hand panel, and Sith Force on the right-hand one. Stepping on both buttons at once lowers the force field in front of the shiny boxes. Thermal detonate them, then build a lever and pull it.

Minikit: ARC FighterPower Brick Extra: Deflect Bolts (150,000)

=================6R. Darth Vader ==================

Canister #1: In the very first area, before hopping all the way to the end, turn camera left at the gap to find this.

Canister #2: In the very back middle of the second room, amongst a pile of studs.

Canister #3: In the second room, smash yellow bricks in the back left to uncover this.

Canister #4: Just south of #4, flip the lever to find this one.

Power Brick: On the left side of the second room, use the Artoo panel to open the door to the brick.

Canister #5: In the front left of the second room. Flip both levers to blow up the screen, uncovering this one.

Canister #6: Right behind you as you enter the third area.

Canister #7: Right in your path in the third area as you hop across platforms.

Canister #8: In the last big lava area, on the right side of the room.

Canister #9: In the last big lava area, on the left side of the room.

Canister #10: In the last big lava area, in the very back right of the room. The best way to get there is to hover from the big pillar leading to the last rock.

Minikit: V-WingPower Brick Extra: Dark Side (25,000)

==================6S. Secret Plans ===================

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1 (Sith): Just as you exit the first two rooms, the Rebel Troopers will be leaving from a door, which has a red aura. Bust it down.

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): In the first room with grapple points, toss a TD onto the shiny module to blow open the floor. The small character panel is a red herring.

Canister #3: At the top of the room with grapple points, use the Force to move

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two platforms into place, then hop up.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter OR Imperial): Use the green circle or white circle to access a hallway. At the end, enter the two pods to toss out pieces. Assemble them into a door.

Canister #5 (Bounty Hunter OR Imperial): There are three pieces with grapes on them to be found. The first is right in front of the green circle door, the second is in the hallway behind it, and the third is behind a Threepio shield in that hallway. Get them all to make the canister appear near where #4 is.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter OR Imperial): In the same area as Canisters 4 and 5, continue ahead through the door to reach a shower area. Force the nearest one on the right to create plants, which can be destroyed to find the brick.

Canister #6: In the room with push blocks, Force two containers on top of each other and double jump up above.

Canister #7: Whose dumb idea was this one? Just after the first Threepio panel, use the Force on the first upper-left panel to open a secret door. It's hard to distinguish this one from the others.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): In the same area as Canisters 4 and 5, blow up the shiny module with a TD to find the parts for a car. Drive it all the way to the crane room and onto the lift. You can also use the milk truck you can create in the shower room (same room as Power Brick).

Canister #9 (Imperial, Bounty Hunter): Early in the last room, behind a wall on the left side, is a flower. Behind the white circle door is another. In a shiny module later in the hallway is the third. Find all three to make the canister appear.

Canister #10 (Sith): In the bath in one of the escape pods is a plug that a Sith needs to drain. Do so.

Other Cool Stuff:- There's not much in it, but the first Threepio panel has a goofy perspective room.

Minikit: Star DestroyerPower Brick Extra: Super Blasters (15,000)

=================================6T. Through the Jundland Wastes ==================================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter): Just after the bantha area, on the right are two shiny structures. Hover over there and use TDs to blow them away. This is the Tusken Village. Near you on the right are three boxes. Make a tower out of them and hop up to the rock. Hover over to the far rock and push the mine cart down the slope so it rolls into the wall, breaks it, and uncovers the brick. If you have trouble getting over there with the structures intact, or have a hard time throwing TDs, you can also use the Droid Self- Destruct, which gives the same kind of explosion.

Canister #1 (Bounty Hunter): In the Tusken Village (see above), use the Force to raise the mound of dirt so you can hop up. Continue over to the cliffs and hover across.

Canister #2 (Sith): Just past the first chasm is a wall that can be Forced down by a Sith. Build a charge to blow open the rock wall. Go inside and

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put together and use another charge on the next rock wall so you can double jump up the ledges to the canister.

Canister #3 (Shortie): Put together and use the first grapple point, float across, and crawl through the vent.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): At the top of the sandcrawler, use a TD on the nine caps to the left. Two of those cover buttons. Step on both to raise a vent you can crawl through.

Canister #5: Inside the Sandcrawler, once you're in the room with the pushable boxes, push one into the slot on the right to free the canister.

Canister #6 (Sith, Shortie): In the room of the Sandcrawler after the elevator, you'll find a console near one of the two gates. Sith Force it to open a vent to crawl through. Once out, have both characters step on the buttons, then Force the valve, then the structure above it to stop the lava flow. You can make the jump across if you use the lava output, but it's easier to hover across.

Canister #7: In the first vaporator area, put together the grapple point, then Force the hook into position so you can grapple up to this one.

Canister #8 (Sith): In the first vaporator area, you'll find supports that need to be Sith Forced. Go up to this area. There are two buttons that need to be held down, but one's pretty big. Finally, a use for banthas as you can steer one onto the big one, then step on the other yourself.

Canister #9: Further down the canyon, after the vaporators, is a pillar, just after the bones you need to make into a bridge. Step onto that pillar to lower it, revealing this one.

Canister #10: Put together a landspeeder and take it up to the big mud bog up north. Go to the rocks with the canister and put together the grapple point. Grapple up, then hop over to the canister.

Other Cool Stuff:- The Threepio panel first in the Sandcrawler leads to a TV room. Put it together to get some neat shots of "elsewhere".

Minikit: SandcrawlerPower Brick Extra: Fast Force (40,000)

==========================6U. Mos Eisley Spaceport ===========================

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Power Brick: To the left of the door out of the first area are four garbage cans. Use the Force on all four to remove their lids, then again to remove all the parts inside. Once all the parts are out, assemble the door.

Canister #1 (Imperial): To the right of your starting point is a white circle door. Once inside, use the Force on both faucets of both showers to drain the pool.

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): Okay, go up to the Double Score Zone, then hover across the broken bridge to the left. Access the green circle to loose a bunch of bricks you can put together into a fan system. Now, you need to find three carrots that are in garbage cans. There's one by the beginning, one further out on the left, and one further out on the right. Just bust everything open and you should have it. Once you have all three, float up on the fans to the canister.

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Canister #3 (Sith): In the upper right part of the first area is an obvious object to use Sith Force on. Blow it up and drop down.

Canister #4: In the second area, stack two crates to climb up to this obvious one.

Canister #5: In the second area, either use an AT-ST, or use the white circle near the door in the first area with an Imperial to hop up near the nearest rubble gate. Put together the two blaster chairs, then hop in and start bulls-eyeing womprats. Peg ten and get your prize.

Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): Near the crooked wrecked ship in the second area is a shiny vaporator. TD it to reveal the parts for a rotator switch, which will straighten the ship and drop a grapple point. Grapple up and double jump to the canister.

Canister #7 (Shortie): In the cantina, crawl in the vent in one of the back alcoves.

Canister #8: The only real requirement for this one is that you do it on Free Play, because you at least need Threepio. You need to get into a back area by either a green circle door, a Threepio panel, or Sith gates in the dewback area after the cantina. Back here there's a cell-type thing. You'll need two Force users to open one of the gates to get to this one.

Canister #9: You need to find three big radishes. One is right outside the back door of the cantina, another is in the area mentioned in Canister #7, and the third is in the dewback area. Bust down the garbage cans hiding these and a canister will appear in the block pushing area.

Canister #10: Use Artoo at the movie theater to let yourself in. Once you put together the movie screen, shoot it down.

Other Cool Stuff: - Bring your Landspeeder through the wash, then over to the lot. A Jawa will drop off studs to buy it.

Minikit: LandspeederPower Brick Extra: Super Lightsabers (40,000)

=========================6V. Rescue the Princess ==========================

Required Characters: Shortie, Sith

Canister #1: Turn right just after the first area to find a crane. Use the crane to dump stormies and troopers into the hole in the hangar. Once you dump ten, pick up the canister as well.

Canister #2: In the control room, use the Threepio panel to find one in the closet.

Canister #3: You need to enter the "Ben Area" by crossing the large pit with a Jedi or Artoo, then turn left to find one at a dead end.

Canister #4 (Shortie): Still in the Ben Area, hover across to the right, then grapple up and crawl through the vent.

Canister #5: Continue on in the Ben Area to the tractor beam controller. Force the bridge over to the other side, then pull all three levers and grapple up to the canister.

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Canister #6 (Sith): Continue on to the next part of the Ben Area and Sith Force the door into platforms. Hop up onto them to another canister. Be careful because there's an invisible ceiling on the causeway itself. You need to jump out over the pit to get some height.

Power Brick: Partway up the normal path is an Artoo panel. Enter the room, hover over to the left side, then grapple up.

Canister #7: In the room with the rotating bridge, just before dropping down in front of the door to the next room, hover across to this canister.

Canister #8: In the room with control panels and stormtroopers (after the rotating bridge), destroy all the control panels and the TV will start working. A canister will pop up, then.

Canister #9: Just before the elevator to the cell block, Force three blocks into a tower, then climb up and push the module into the hole to free this canister.

Canister #10: Use Threepio on the last cell on the left to find this.

Minikit: Millenium FalconPower Brick Extra: Tractor Beam (15,000)

=======================6W. Death Star Escape ========================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Power Brick: After exiting the compactor, use the Threepio panel to access another compactor. Put together the fridge and use the Force to open it up.

Canister #1 (Bounty Hunter): Just after the first helmet dispenser, use a TD on the brick wall to find one.

Canister #2 (Shortie): In the first big room, go down to the enclosure with the floor waxer and crawl through the vent.

Canister #3: After the first big room, you'll see two stormies cleaning a window. Hop in the crane and use it to cover all the dirty spots. Once they're all gone, the window will break and you'll get another one.

Canister #4 (Sith): After the window room, you'll eventually come upon a panel for Siths. Break it open for another one.

Canister #5: After climbing around the causeway and getting an elevator in motion, at the top, near the white circle, is an object that can be Forced into a platform.

Canister #6: After the big pit with the swinging across, go towards the camera and hop out the window to the left.

Canister #7: After the big pit, you'll find orange tanks on the side of the passage. Each one has a "grape piece" in it. Find all three to make this one appear.

Canister #8: In the room with the ton of stormtroopers, Force two boxes into a stack, then double jump up to the catwalk above.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter): In the last room, near Vader, use a Bounty Hunter on the green circle.

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Canister #10: After opening the door with Artoo and Threepio, you'll find one in their room.

Minikit: Y-WingPower Brick Extra: Invincibility (1,000,000)

==================6X. Rebel Attack ===================

Required Vehicles: TIE, Cable Craft

Canister #1: After the first shield gate, there will be a red and green spinner to your left. Blast it to raise a cage that has the canister.

Canister #2: Near the first quad target, you'll see four blue strips lined up on the right wall. Blast them all and behind them is the canister.

Canister #3 (TIE): To the left of the second shield gate is an area only accessible to TIEs. Drop a torp at the target to find the next canister.

Canister #4 (TIE): Halfway up after the second shield gate on the left side is another TIE Gate. Within it are several green squares. Fly over all these green squares quickly to get another canister.

Canister #5: Just in front of that Imperial gate is another spinner. Spin it to reveal another canister.

Canister #6: Further up near the third shield gate, and to the right, is yet another Imperial gate. Just to the right of that gate is another series of blue bars. Blast them open to get another canister.

Canister #7 (TIE, Cable Craft): Before the third shield gate, there are two TIE Gates on the right side. One has a towable bomb, and the other has an electric field. Open both gates first, then tow bombs into either side of the electric field.

Canister #8: Just after the third shield gate is yet another spinner to bust open.

Canister #9: Just after the fourth shield gate, to the left, is another series of blue bars, behind which is another canister.

Canister #10: At the end of the trench, to the left of the exhaust port is another spinner. Break it open.

Power Brick: At the end of the trench, on the back right side of the exhaust port's enclosure, is a small tucked away corner which has the brick.

Minikit: TIE AdvancedPower Brick Extra: Score X2 (1,250,000)

=================6Y. Hoth Battle ==================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Canister #1: Use your tow cable to pull down ten AT-STs in the first area.

Canister #2: In the first area, past the second white wall, in a little pod on the right.

Canister #3 (TIE): Behind the first TIE Gate, under a snow drift in the back

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of the trenched area.

Canister #4 (TIE): Drag a bomb behind the first TIE Gate to the back wall. You'll find some of your fellows chased into the cave. Blast the three AT-STs and the two Speeder Bikes to get it.

Canister #5: Use your tow cable to pull down ten AT-STs in the second area.

Canister #6 (TIE): Behind the second TIE Gate (in the second area), you'll find this down the tunnel on the left.

Canister #7 (TIE): Behind the second TIE Gate, and through the tunnel. This is amongst a pile of snow outside.

Power Brick (TIE): Behind the second TIE Gate, and through the tunnel, this is behind a wall at the end. You need to drag a bomb from the beginning of the tunnel all the way through, avoid the AT-AT, and hit the wall with it.

Canister #8: In the second area, just before the last wall on the right (down in the trench).

Canister #9: In the back of the third area, near where you enter.

Canister #10: In the back of the third area, near some snow drifts opposite the entrance.

Minikit: AT-ATPower Brick Extra: Self Destruct (25,000)

===========================6Z. Escape From Echo Base ============================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1: Force all four control panels in the first room.

Canister #2: In the room with the cart on the track, leave it on the circling track, hop up onto it, then to the ledge with the canister. Alternatively, you can just double jump.

Canister #3: In the room where you find Threepio, there are four buttons. You can come back to this room when you have four people, or use a Bounty Hunter's TDs to blow the modules and create generators to free the skeletons who will work for you as well.

Canister #4: In the large room with push blocks, by the exit door, Force away the rubble to make a snowman, then push a block into the slot near the fan to get it going. If it seems to get stuck, push it towards the screen a little.

Canister #5: In the large room with the push blocks, use the Artoo panel in the front right. Use the Force on one of the fishing holes and assemble the canister.

Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): In the large room with the push blocks, use a TD on the structure in the back right to bust a hole to this one.

Canister #7: In the large room with the push blocks is a canister suspended in midair. Push a box close if you can then double jump into it.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): Go to the Threepio door in the small room with four buttons and two blocks. Use a TD on the rubble, then go through the door and Force the control panel near the canister to free it.

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Canister #9 (Sith, Shortie): There are four panels you can turn into steps with Sith Force before the hangar. It's tough to scale them, but it's doable. At the top, go left and grapple up. Crawl through the vent up here.

Canister #10 (Sith): Go up the same platforms you went to Canister 8, only go right this time. Use the Artoo panel. There are levers in this room that do a sort of slot machine thing. Pull the lever on the green and yellow circles to open a door in the hangar, which has the canister behind it.

Power Brick (Sith): Do the same thing as Canister #10, only pull the lever on the red and white slot machine to open a door with the brick.

Minikit: SnowspeederPower Brick Extra: Fast Build (30,000)

====================6AA. Falcon Flight =====================

Required Vehicles: TIE, Cable Craft

Canister #1: Next to the bridge tower of the near right Star Destroyer.

Power Brick: This one is behind the back right Star Destroyer as you look at it. Just fly around behind the bridge tower and you should pick it up eventually.

Canister #2, #3 (TIE, Cable Craft): Open the TIE Gate in the second area, then use the Snowspeeder to tow bombs onto the red buttons, each of which will release a canister.

Canister #4: In Area 2 (first asteroid area), you'll find this one before the first big barrier, to the left of the asteroid.

Canister #5: In Area 3 on the right side. Just keep shooting and you'll hit it.

Canister #6: In Area 3, once you hit the big asteroid. Fire a torpedo at one of the floor spots to unearth it.

Canister #7: In Area 3, once you hit the big asteroid. Fire a torpedo at another of the floor spots to unearth it.

Canister #8: Inside the Space Slug, near the right wall.

Canister #9 (TIE): Take a torpedo past the TIE Gate on the big asteroid and blast the blue structure.

Canister #10: In the last area on the right, you'll see a blue asteroid blocking a hole in a bigger one. It's back there.

Minikit: TIE FighterPower Brick Extra: Score X4 (2,500,000)

==============6BB. Dagobah ===============

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1: Stack the three boxes, then climb up to the tree branch and hop over to the one on the right.

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Power Brick (Sith): In the first area, use Sith Force on the black plants, then jump across the gap. Walk to the race track and bust the box to find a tractor to assemble. Roll the tractor over all the red lights to make them green. Do it quickly.

Canister #2: In the center of the first big pond, in the blue box. A double jump can cross from the Artoo panel to the rock on the left side, then up to the big rock.

Canister #3 (Sith, Bounty Hunter): To the right of Yoda's Hut is a red box that you need to Sith Force. Build the remains into a raft, then float across to the island. Use a TD on the back wall.

Canister #4 (Sith): Inside Yoda's Hut, Sith Force his widescreen TV.

Canister #5: In Yoda's trial area, bust open all three hatches to make a canister appear.

Canister #6: After exiting Yoda's trial area (not long before the entrance to the cave), there's an obvious grapple point leading to this one.

Canister #7 (Sith, Bounty Hunter): Inside the cave, use Sith Force on two parts of a bridge, then blow containers with a TD to make a grapple point.

Canister #8: There's a Threepio panel before the ledges. You actually don't need it, as you can just double jump over to the nearby window, then strike the cage.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter): Just before the Vader fight area, use a TD on the rubble on the right wall. Watch out for the falling parts of the floor and cross to the canister.

Canister #10 (Shortie): In the last area, crawl up the vent, then double jump or hover to your left. You should see the canister above. Double jump up the ledges to reach it.

Minikit: X-WingPower Brick Extra: Regenerate Hearts (150,000)

======================6CC. Cloud City Trap =======================

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Power Brick: (Bounty Hunter): In the first area, float to the back of the room, then use a TD on the bars to open the way to the brick.

Canister #1: Around the right of the first door inside, hover to this one.

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): Use the green circle door just after the E-Web room.

Canister #3 (Sith): Not a very intuitive one. Sure, you can figure out to use the lever in the carbon freezing chamber, but to drop a stormtrooper in there? That takes thinking outside the nine dots.

Canister #4: After the carbon freezing chamber, put together the fan, ride up, and gun down the wall above the canister to make a platform to double jump up to.

Canister #5: You can see one in the same room as #4 at the second fan, but it won't blow you up high enough. Simply activate the elevator to the right and hover over to it.

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Canister #6 (Shortie): In your second duel against Vader, there is a vent you can crawl through.

Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the third duel against Vader (with stormtroopers and flying objects), use a TD in the corner that's obviously LEGO bricks.

Canister #8: The most obvious one in the game. Right to the left in the last area.

Canister #9: Second-most obvious one. Right after #7, double jump towards the camera to find another one.

Canister #10 (Imperial): Right before the end is a white circle door with the canister behind it.

Minikit: Cloud CarPower Brick Extra: Score X6 (5,000,000)

===========================6DD. Betrayal Over Bespin ============================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1: The Threepio panel at the beginning. You can bring Threepio back here after he's reassembled.

Canister #2: Throughout the area are three blue and white structures. They're in obvious places. Assemble all three to make a canister appear.

Canister #3: In the room you fight with Boba Fett, use the Force on the central structure to release it.

Canister #4: Open the Artoo door just after the Fett fight. Pull the lever to lower a platform then double jump over to it. Don't worry about the platform you can use the Force on unless you have two players.

Power Brick: On Free Play, the Slave I actually stays. Hop on top of it to find the brick.

Canister #5: On the terrace diner before the twin elevators, use the Force on all three tables.

Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): When you have two elevators, use the green circle in the left-hand one to ride to the top of a tower. Destroy everything leaving some blue cups. Use the Force to shake two of them, making a canister.

Canister #7: As soon as you get to the large outdoor area, run back the way you came to find another canister.

Canister #8: In the large outdoor area, just before the Threepio panel at the end, grapple up to the ledge on top, then hover to the right.

Canister #9 (Sith): Open the Sith Force door panel at the end of the level (second fog cloud) to find the dining room. Shoot the chandelier.

Canister #10: At the very end, double jump onto the Falcon.

Minikit: Slave IPower Brick Extra: Minikit Detector (250,000)

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=====================6EE. Jabba's Palace ======================

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1 (Bounty Hunter): Blow up the shiny rubble to the left with a TD, then grapple up and hover across.

Canister #2 (Sith): Use Sith Force on the pile of black rubble, then grapple to the left a few times and drop down.

Canister #3: To the right of the first green circle door is a passage to a Threepio panel. Behind it is a canister. You can also get this by getting close enough to hop onto the spider walker behind the bars. To get out, just jump in on a second controller, and jump out on the first controller.

Canister #4: In the room you find Luke, use Artoo on the left door.

Power Brick: In the room you find Luke, up in the area on the right. Either double jump off the box up there, or push the box onto the button, which holds a grapple point visible.

Canister #5 (Shortie): In the room with the cells, crawl through into the back left one, then through the vent to the front left one. Blast open the grate on the floor inside, then run through and saber the blockage under the front right cell to get inside.

Canister #6: In the second area, just after using your first TD on a big gate. Put together a generator on your left and blast it to blow up the prison wall.

Canister #7: In the workshop room, down-stab into the obvious brick floor, then follow the tunnel.

Canister #8 (Sith): In the large open room where you have to build a ramp with three pieces, there are two black torches on the back wall. Sith Force them, then the grating behind to uncover the canister.

Canister #9 (Imperial): In the room with Han in carbonite, use the white circle to open the door to this one.

Canister #10: In the rancor pit, put together the grapple point, grapple up, then double jump to reach the last one.

Minikit: Desert SkiffPower Brick Extra: Super Zapper (14,000)

===============================6FF. The Great Pit of Carkoon ================================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1: On each of the first two skiffs are two guns. Assemble all four. You'll need to use boxes from using the lever on the second skiff.

Canister #2: The second skiff has a diving board. The canister is floating out by it. Hover to it.

Canister #3 (Sith): At the last skiff, use Sith Force on the barge to make another raft, which will lead you around the front side of the barge. Grapple up to find two levers. Put one together and pull them both. Smash the colored wall and assemble the canister.

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Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter, Sith): From #3, go around to the left (port) side of the barge. Flip open all the panels to find two Artoo panels and a Threepio panel. Use them all, then use the grapple point near here and head through the tunnel. Use a TD on the last wall.

Canister #5 (Sith): At the back side of the barge, use Sith Force on the box to make a grapple point. Pull the two normal levers, then quickly Sith Force the left one.

Canister #6 (Shortie): In the first room inside the barge, crawl through the vents in the back. Pull both levers.

Canister #7: Just after the disco room, shoot up all the windows on the left, then assemble the canister.

Canister #8: At the top of the barge, Blast the nearest circular covering. Use the Force on the pieces to create steps. Double jump up to the platform above, then across. Grapple up to reach the canister.

Power Brick: Near the last deck on the top of the barge, bust open a box and assemble a grapple point. Grapple up to the platforms above, then hover over twice to the brick.

Canister #9 (Shortie): At the back end of the barge deck, crawl into the obvious vent to get this one.

Canister #10: When you get the big gun under control, take out the module on the right first. Go back to that module and take the canister under it. Minikit: Sail BargePower Brick Extra: Bounty Hunter Rockets (20,000)

=======================6GG. Speeder Showdown ========================

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6: There are six canisters on the speeder bike run. This is the order you'll find them if going away from the screen. The first you need to hit a red-lit ramp to raise a bigger one. The second, you need to run over three red-lit ramps to raise another. The third, you need to hit two red-lit ramps. The fourth, four red-lit ramps. The fifth, one red-lit ramp to raise a ramp, then three more to lower the cage. The sixth (which is just before the looping point), you shouldn't need to do anything special for. It's right there.

Canister #7 (Sith, Shortie): At the first stopping point, use an AT-ST to vault up to the right-side ledge. Sith Force the black plants, then crawl up the vent, and hover over to the lever. You'll need the speeder bike to blow through the cage.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): At the second stopping point, Force together the step to get up, then use TDs to find three boxes. Stack them to get up to the lever.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter): At the third stopping point, assemble the step, hop up the right side, and blow up the container with a TD to find a grapple point. Force together a landing point for that grapple point, then grapple up to the lever.

Canister #10 (Imperial, Bounty Hunter): At the landing platform, go up the elevator on the right, then pull both levers to drop the cage. You'll need

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a TD to blow it open.

Power Brick (Shortie): At the landing platform, push the box into the left support pylon, then crawl into it.

Minikit: TIE BomberPower Brick Extra: Score X8 (10,000,000)

==========================6HH. The Battle of Endor ===========================

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith

NOTE: Having Wicket means an automatic shortie from here on, so I won't mention it.

Canister #1: At the beginning, destroy the purple containers and put together the rotator switch. After you move it, hover Artoo over to the elevator in the back.

Canister #2: After the first bridge, ride the elevator up to the lever on the right and pull it. Then jump over to the hanging rock and Force it down. Hop onto the lowered panel, then pull the lever when it's raised.

Canister #3: After the second bridge, use the Force to bring down one of the tree platforms, then hop over and up to the right side, then use the Force to bring it back up, then hop to the left.

Canister #4: After reaching the ground, go left and destroy the purple containers to make a grapple point. Grapple up and break down the bricks blocking the tree entrance.

Canister #5: After crossing the small stream, destroy the purple containers to find parts for a tractor. Put it together, then drive it up the stream to get another canister behind a waterfall.

Canister #6: Just before the third area (after the series of gates), crawl up the vent and hover over to the canister.

Canister #7: Outside the bunker, find a grapple point under a bush, and a rotator switch in some purple boxes. Rotate the switch to lower a platform, then grapple up. Force the hanging rock, then hover over to the left. Force the hanging rock, here, then hover to the left more to reach this one.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): Outside the bunker, to the right, blow the shiny containers with a TD, then put together the platform. Hop on and Force the hanging rock, then crawl through. Use the Force on the ledge to lower it, then go left, raise it back up and get the canister.

Power Brick (Imperial, Sith): Inside the bunker, go left to the purple lever room. Use the Sith Force on the panel on the floor, use the white circle, then bust down the blockage on the right. Push the box into the hole, go up on the catwalk above by hovering from the other side of the room. Use the Threepio panel, then crawl through the vent. Push the box to the back of the room, then the brick will appear.

Canister #9: Inside the bunker, go right to the green/yellow lever rooms. Blast all the panels on the back wall to find four panels you can use the Force on. Use it on all four, then assemble the canister.

Canister #10: Once through to the yellow lever, simply hover to the back of the room.

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Minikit: AT-STPower Brick Extra: Super Ewok Catapult (25,000)

===================6II. Jedi Destiny ====================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter

NOTE: Vader counts as both a Sith and Imperial, so I won't bother mentioning needing one for particular spots, and you also still have Wicket.

Power Brick: Sith Force the eight red lights flanking the Emperor's throne. Do it quickly and the brick will appear above the throne.

Canister #1: Force together the platform to the left of the throne and hop up.

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): Go down the steps and to the right. Use a TD on the containers to reveal a grapple point. Grapple up.

Canister #3 (Bounty Hunter): In the central elevator, toss a TD onto one of the vertical shiny strips to uncover this one.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): Use the green circle to make a Threepio panel behind you. Use it to open a secret door.

Canister #5: Go on the area to the right of the throne area (the elevator). Crawl through the vent and push the box off the ledge. Blast the items to blow open the door and enter a new area. In this area, stack three chairs on top of each other in the back of the room, then crawl through the vent to reach one.

Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): In the same area as #5, use Sith Force, then a TD on the fan in the back left to free another canister.

Canister #7: In the same area as #5, uncover a grapple point near the door. Then pull the lever at the top to drop a box. Assemble it and push it onto the green circle. Next, bust up the nearest chair and assemble the rotator switch to rotate the box. Now, push the box all the way around and into the arrows to start up a lift. Now, go left of the door you came in by and smash up some stuff to uncover a Threepio panel. Activate it to lower a platform to a lever in the back right of the room. Hop on the lift and go right. Pull the lever to uncover the canister below you.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): Go to the area left of the throne room (under the electric floor). Use Sith Force on the vent on the right, then assemble the step, then uncover the green circle and use it to extend a platform. Hop up the step to the platform, then hover across to the canister.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter): In the same area as #8, go through the door, and remove all the wall-coverings using thermal detonators, then walk over all twelve air vents to make a canister appear above the pit.

Canister #10 (Bounty Hunter): This is a long one. Its spot is above the door leading to the separate area, and it's flanked by four lights that you need to turn on. For the first, go to the middle area and toss a TD onto one of the shiny parts of the wall to find a white circle. Use it, which will deploy some bricks near the light second from the left. For the second, up on the electric floor area, quickly use Sith Force on all ten red lights to make some bricks off to the right (the way you came here), which make a green circle. This will create bricks in front of the light second from the right. For the third and fourth go to elevator area (last part of the fight) and smash everything up on the top to find parts for the last two. These last two you need to use Sith Force or a TD on. Once all four

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lights are assembled and uncovered, Force them all to get the final Canister.

Minikit: Imperial ShuttlePower Brick Extra: Score X10 (20,000,000)

==========================6JJ. Into the Death Star ===========================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Canister #1: Just left of the first Star Destroyer's bridge tower is this one.

Canister #2: Just right of the back Star Destroyer's bridge tower is this one.

Canister #3: Once you're inside the Death Star, you'll eventually come across torpedoes. Toss three into the purple vents right afterwards to make a canister appear.

Canister #4 (TIE): To the right of the gate with four targets is a TIE Gate. Head through it to find another one.

Canister #5: Near the second torpedo dispenser, fly to the back right, and there's a small tunnel leading to this hard-to-find kit.

Canister #6 (TIE): In the area after the first gate (cross-shaped passage), there's an TIE Gate on your left with another behind it.

Canister #7: You can find this one in the core relatively easily.

Power Brick: This is in the core, on the left side. Get two torpedoes and torp each side of the enclosure to release it.

Canister #8, #9, #10: On your way out of the exploding Death Star, each area has a canister on the way. Just keep shooting ahead and you should get all three with no problem.

Minikit: TIE InterceptorPower Brick Extra: Infinite Torpedoes (25,000)

******************************************************************************7. CHALLENGE RUNTHROUGHS******************************************************************************

This new mode tasks you with going into each mission and finding ten blue canisters. You will have ten minutes to find them all on most missions. They are NOT in the same areas as the canisters in Story/Free Play. Once you find all ten, the mission will end, and your best time will be recorded.

As general tips, I suggest searching in alcoves or behind things that you normally wouldn't expect to look. Some of the hiding places can be quite devious. However, none of them are "invisible" hidden, as in, you don't need to perform any special tasks to get them to appear, so try to save as much time as possible by not manipulating useless objects.

Note that you will NOT have access to Extras. You will, however, be given the standard Free Play set of characters. I suggest taking a Ghost Jedi with you, as they won't be bothered by enemies. Also, to save time, keep track of how many "shifts" you are from your astromech, protocol, high jumper, etc.

Upon completing a Challenge, you'll get your remaining time in studs, as

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well as an extra 50,000 the first time you do it. Nothing else, though.

==================7A. Negotiations ===================

Required Characters: High Jumper, Astromech

Blue Canister #1: In the meeting room, in the back left corner.

Blue Canister #2: Turn right in the first hallway. Force together the platform on the left and ride it up.

Blue Canister #3: In the main hallway, use the second Threepio panel. This one is to the left, behind two glowing blue conduits.

Blue Canister #4 (Astromech): In the main hallway, use the Artoo panel. This is in one of the showers.

Blue Canister #5 (High Jumper, Astromech): From #4, break open the vent in the upper right and jump up to it. In the next room, hover over to the right.

Blue Canister #6: In the room just before the second area, double jump from the container you made the vent out of.

Blue Canister #7 (Astromech): In the second area, go through the Artoo panel in the upper-left corner. Stand on the grey platform and wait for your partner to step on the button. Double jump into the right-hand enclosure.

Blue Canister #8: In the lower-left corner of the second area.

Blue Canister #9: In the lower-right corner of the second area.

Blue Canister #10: Behind the droid transport at the end.

=======================7B. Invasion of Naboo ========================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter

Blue Canister #1: Turn right at the first junction to find this near the rocks.

Blue Canister #2: Amongst the flowers just before the droid transport.

Blue Canister #3: On the right side of the first area, just before the stone stairs.

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, behind the LEGO Gungan face.

Blue Canister #5: In the second area, behind the fourth sinking block.

Blue Canister #6: In the second area, on the upper platform after the sinking blocks.

Blue Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the third area, blow up the droid transport with a thermal detonator and enter the hidden area. It's behind the big stone head.

Blue Canister #8: In the third area, near the droid transpor, Force the engine onto the tree. High jump up to this one.

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Blue Canister #9: In the third area, behind the long bricks in the second swamp area.

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, on the left behind the Gungan statue.

=======================7C. Escape From Naboo ========================

Required Characters: Astromech, Bounty Hunter

Blue Canister #1: In the first plaza, behind the third of four blastable doors.

Blue Canister #2: After going up to the first ledge with windows, smash the first window to find this one.

Blue Canister #3: At the end of the first area, behind two shiny containers.

Blue Canister #4 (Astromech): In the third area, drop down to the left and float across the gap. Grapple up to the ledge with the two Droidekas to find this one behind them.

Blue Canister #5: In the third area, drop down to the left and at the very bottom walk around to the right. This one is just hidden behind a corner.

Blue Canister #6: In the fourth area, a bit behind the elevator.

Blue Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the fourth area, go to the balconies above, and to the right-hand one with shiny windows. Blow them apart with a TD to find it.

Blue Canister #8: In the fourth area, just before the exit, high jump from the target lifts to the top area to find this one.

Blue Canister #9: In the last area, in the back left behind some containers.

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, at the very near-right corner.

=======================7D. Mos Espa Pod Race ========================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1: Right next to the starting line. Can't miss it.

Blue Canister #2: Just before the first set of boosts.

Blue Canister #3: Veer left after the drop-off to find this one.

Blue Canister #4 (TIE): Go through the TIE Gate to find this one.

Blue Canister #5: In the middle of the cavern.

Blue Canister #6: On the right side of the Tusken Raider canyon.

Blue Canister #7: After the canyon, through the right-hand hole in the rock.

Blue Canister #8: Right in front of you just before the last stretch.

Blue Canister #9: Just to the left of the second set of boosts in the last stretch.

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Blue Canister #10: Only on the third lap, as the first part of the path veers to the right, can you get this one.

=========================7E. Retake Theed Palace ==========================

Required Characters: Sith

Blue Canister #1: In the very first alcove, grapple up, then hop one balcony to the left.

Blue Canister #2: In the first plaza, grapple up and head right behind the latticework (this is the same spot as a regular Canister).

Blue Canister #3: In the area with the six buttons (now two) go left to the end of the hallway.

Blue Canister #4 (Sith): Head down the red-lit corridor and use Sith Force to get to the upper alcove to find this one.

Blue Canister #5: Early in the fountain area, blow up the latticework to your right as you climb stairs to find this one.

Blue Canister #6: In the fountain area, high up on the near left corner, where a Canister was in Free Play.

Blue Canister #7: Late in the fountain area, you'll see this one on a back ledge easily.

Blue Canister #8: In the large plaza area after the fountain, drop down to the lower balcony to find this one.

Blue Canister #9: In the dining hall area, go to the back alcove and hit the right-hand button. It's hidden in here.

Blue Canister #10: In the hangar, near the third starfighter, just back and to the left.

================7F. Darth Maul =================

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter

Blue Canister #1: Just to your left as you begin.

Blue Canister #2: On the left side of the hangar, Force together the starfighter, then Force both levers on either side of the hangar door. Once it opens, you'll find this one.

Blue Canister #3 (Imperial): Ride up the lifts in front of the hangar exit and use an Imperial on the white circle to access the "dark" room, where this one is.

Blue Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): In the second area, go all the way to the right along the bottom and use a TD on the shiny gate to find this.

Blue Canister #5: In the second area, grapple up to the top, and move around to the left.

Blue Canister #6: In the third area, go to the far left of the room.

Blue Canister #7: In the third area, go to the back-right beam of light to

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ride up to it.

Blue Canister #8: In the third area, go to the near-left beam of light and ride all the way up.

Blue Canister #9: In the next-to-last area, you'll trip over this one.

Blue Canister #10: In the final area, use a high-jumper to get on top of the high platform to the right.

===========================7G. Bounty Hunter Pursuit ============================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1: Not far in front of you as you begin.

Blue Canister #2 (TIE): In the TIE Gate in the first area, out to your left.

Blue Canister #3: To the right of the big skyscraper with all the torpedo targets on it.

Blue Canister #4: In front of the stoplight before the first tunnel.

Blue Canister #5: In the first force field area, go back and to the right.

Blue Canister #6: Right in front of you in the second open area.

Blue Canister #7 (TIE): In the TIE Gate in the second area, out to the right at the beginning.

Blue Canister #8: Just before the second tunnel, on the left.

Blue Canister #9: In the second tunnel, in front of a laser cannon.

Blue Canister #10: In the second force field area, go back and to the left.

=========================7H. Discovery on Kamino ==========================

Required Characters: (Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith)

Blue Canister #1: Walk down and to the left at the beginning.

Blue Canister #2: In the broom closet in the second area.

Blue Canister #3: In the third area, in the main room, go to the near right corner near some containers.

Blue Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): From the third area, take the back-right corridor to the green circle and go through. Hop across all the buttons in the next room, then ride up one of the beams on the far right side to get to this one.

Blue Canister #5 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): Same area as #4, shoot the target on the back wall. Crawl through the far-left vent.

Blue Canister #6: In the fourth area (Jango's hallway) move down towards the screen.

Blue Canister #7 (Imperial): Use the white circle in Jango's hallway to open this room. Use the Artoo panel.

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Blue Canister #8: While chasing Jango outside, you'll see this on the upper catwalk. Grapple to it from the right side.

Blue Canister #9: In the end of the outside area, this one is above the door to the exit. High jump from the nearby platform.

Blue Canister #10 (Sith): In the second-to-last room, use Sith Force on the door to the left, where you'll find this one.

===================7I. Droid Factory ====================

Required Characters: Imperial

Blue Canister #1: In the first room, in one of the left-hand alcoves.

Blue Canister #2: In the main assembly line, on top of the structure just after the first piston.

Blue Canister #3: In the cylinder after the conveyor belt.

Blue Canister #4 (Imperial): In the "color matching" secret room. From the end of the assembly line area, go towards the screen on the extended path to find this door that will have a white circle when you shoot the target.

Blue Canister #5: In the third room, about halfway down, use the Artoo panel on the back wall. Hop across the moving platforms.

Blue Canister #6: Just to the left of the big blue fire, on the upper ledge.

Blue Canister #7: In the platform rotating room (fourth area) along the back wall.

Blue Canister #8: In the open area with all the Geonosians, smash down the bricks on the back wall. Enter the force field area and go right to find it.

Blue Canister #9: Just after #8, leave the room and go straight towards the camera to find a little piece of land that juts out. Hover directly towards the camera from there to find this.

Blue Canister #10: In the open area with all the Geonosians, there's a ramp that leads down into the lava near the end. This is on it.

=================7J. Jedi Battle ==================

Required Characters: High Jumper

Blue Canister #1 (High Jumper): On top of Padmé's post. High jump to it.

Blue Canister #2: Just right of Padmé's post, behind a pillar.

Blue Canister #3: To the left of Anakin's post, closer to the middle of the arena.

Blue Canister #4: Behind Anakin's post.

Blue Canister #5: To the left of Obi-Wan's post, behind a pillar.

Blue Canister #6: Just to the left of Obi-Wan's post.

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Blue Canister #7 (High Jumper): Near Obi-Wan's post, up high and to the right. High Jumpers can get up there without having to use the lifts.

Blue Canister #8: To the right of Obi-Wan's post, near a bunch of bricks.

Blue Canister #9: In the empty alcove.

Blue Canister #10: In front of the gate where all the enemies come out of.

=====================7K. Gunship Cavalry ======================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1: Just in front of the very first turbolaser.

Blue Canister #2: On the right, just past the first set of turbolasers.

Blue Canister #3: Near the TIE gate is a hole. Just south of that hole.

Blue Canister #4 (TIE): Behind the TIE gate.

Blue Canister #5: Just above the second rolling bomb (near three turbolasers), you'll find this one on the left side.

Blue Canister #6: Behind the wall that you would need to roll bombs into.

Blue Canister #7: Just before the second force field is a double set of turbolasers. You'll find this one far out to the right of them.

Blue Canister #8: Around the control ship. Midway from the ship.

Blue Canister #9: Around the control ship. Next to a shielded module.

Blue Canister #10: Around the control ship. Far from the ship on a rock.

=================7L. Count Dooku ==================

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Shortie

Blue Canister #1: Use the grapple point at the beginning.

Blue Canister #2: Poorly hidden just inside the entrance.

Blue Canister #3: In the first room on top of the speeder bike.

Blue Canister #4: On the left side of the first room on the floor.

Blue Canister #5 (High Jumper): High on the left side in the first room. Use the platforms.

Blue Canister #6: In the second room, behind Dooku.

Blue Canister #7: In the second room, to the left of Dooku.

Blue Canister #8: In the second room, behind the fallen pillar.

Blue Canister #9: In the second room, on the Solar Sailor.

Blue Canister #10 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): To the right of Dooku, use a TD

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on the containers, then Force the vent open. Crawl through it.

===========================7M. Battle Over Coruscant ============================

NOTE: Remember, you only get one shot at these as you fly by, so make them count. Like Free Play, these Canisters are only picked up by sharp eyes. The problem with this one is that instead of shooting them, you actually have to fly through them, making it tougher.

Blue Canister #1: Very early on. Watch closely.

Blue Canister #2: Just before you turn for the five red button cruiser smash.

Blue Canister #3: After the crusier smash, as you pass over another cruiser.

Blue Canister #4: After you fly under a cruiser.

Blue Canister #5: In the middle of your path as you pass amid cruisers.

Blue Canister #6: Near a cruiser's hull as you pass over it.

Blue Canister #7: Soon after two button bridge smash.

Blue Canister #8: On the right side of the ship that you fly through.

Blue Canister #9: Not long after you pass under the next cruiser.

Blue Canister #10: Just before the Invisible Hand becomes visible. HA!

=========================7N. Chancellor in Peril ==========================

Required Characters: Grappler

Blue Canister #1: Just to the right of Anakin's crashed fighter.

Blue Canister #2 (Grappler): In the first room, grapple up to the upper ledge and go all the way to the left.

Blue Canister #3: In the second area, climb up to the upper floor, then go around to the left through a passage that a Droideka is guarding. Walk behind this generator to find this one.

Blue Canister #4: In the third area, use the third door in the room with four doors (Threepio panel).

Blue Canister #5: In the fourth area (the catwalks), go straight left from where you come in.

Blue Canister #6: In the fourth area (the catwalks), go straight right from where you come in.

Blue Canister #7: In the room where you fight Dooku, go to the lower left corner of the room and jump on a cylinder platform to find this.

Blue Canister #8: In the room where you fight Dooku, go to the right alcove on the second floor.

Blue Canister #9: In the area where you go along a wall ledge, this should be right in your way.

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Blue Canister #10: In the final cockpit area, in the back left.

======================7O. General Grievous =======================

Blue Canister #1: To the right, on the main platform.

Blue Canister #2: Just across the bridge to the ledges.

Blue Canister #3 (Bounty Hunter): Hover to the far left, then toss a TD on the shiny wall.

Blue Canister #4: Next to Grievous' second hiding spot.

Blue Canister #5: Below Grievous' second hiding spot, to the left.

Blue Canister #6: On the lower ledge between Grievous' second and third hiding spots.

Blue Canister #7: On the far right ledges in the back.

Blue Canister #8: On the bridge to the hidden building area.

Blue Canister #9: In the hidden building area, on the back wall.

Blue Canister #10: In the hidden building area, Force all four parts of the central structure.

=========================7P. Defense of Kashyyyk ==========================

Blue Canister #1: Before heading to the actual battle, turn right at the first big tree to find an odd module. This one's behind it.

Blue Canister #2: Right next to the commander who receives Order 66.

Blue Canister #3: In the big tree where you save the first Wookiee, float further to the left using an astromech to find this one.

Blue Canister #4: At the crossroads after the big tree, go left and grapple up to the right-hand ledge.

Blue Canister #5: At the beach, there's some wreckage in the water on the right side. This one's right next to it.

Blue Canister #6: At the beach, at the very left edge behind a rock.

Blue Canister #7: In the swamp area, on the ledge with the Commander Droid on the left.

Blue Canister #8: In the forested area with the rock slide, this will be on your right soon after you enter.

Blue Canister #9: In the rock slide area, go to the far left and jump out onto the rock with this one.

Blue Canister #10: In the last section, behind a rock near the last walker.

======================7Q. Ruin of the Jedi =======================

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Required Characters: High Jumper

Blue Canister #1: In the first area, just behind a container. Should be quite visible.

Blue Canister #2: On the far right side of the first area.

Blue Canister #3: Above the main doors to the temple.

Blue Canister #4: In the first temple room, behind the huge ball on the left side.

Blue Canister #5: Use the white circle in the first temple room (just up the red stairs). This one's kinda hiding near the left side of the projector.

Blue Canister #6: In the Jedi Council room (go southeast from the red stairs).

Blue Canister #7: In the large archives room, in the second alcove to your left, grapple up to it.

Blue Canister #8 (High Jumper): Once you move the round panel to the right, hop onto it, then the ledge above the door to find this one.

Blue Canister #9 (High Jumper): From #8, keep going left and jump into the first force field area. Use the Threepio panel, then go to the far left alcove. The canister is at the top of this alcove.

Blue Canister #10: In the last room, hang a left after the wall, it's in the corner.

=================7R. Darth Vader ==================

Blue Canister #1: Right behind you in the very beginning.

Blue Canister #2: In the back of the second room.

Blue Canister #3: Behind the yellow panel in the back-left corner of the second room.

Blue Canister #4: Use the Artoo panel in the second room to get to this.

Blue Canister #5: Right near you in the beginning of the third area.

Blue Canister #6: Behind the folded platform in the third area.

Blue Canister #7: In the lava area, on the last long platform.

Blue Canister #8: In the lava area, off to the left.

Blue Canister #9: In the lava area, off to the right.

Blue Canister #10: In the lava area, in the very back right. Get to the giant pillar in the back and float over with an astromech.

==================7S. Secret Plans ===================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter

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Blue Canister #1: Right next to you in the first area.

Blue Canister #2: Next to the Sith Force door near the beginning.

Blue Canister #3: Right outside the Threepio panel door in the first area.

Blue Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): In the second area, blow up the shiny container with a TD and drop down to get this one.

Blue Canister #5: Just above Vader when you chase him off.

Blue Canister #6: Just after the Vader chasing, break down the panels in the next hallway to find this behind the left-hand ones (this is the same room as the green circle).

Blue Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter OR Imperial): Go to the green or white circle in the third area, to the back passage. Use the Threepio panel and you'll find this beyond the force field.

Blue Canister #8: In the area with the push blocks, in the near-right corner.

Blue Canister #9: In the area with the Rebel Friend, this is high in the back-left corner. Grapple up from next to the exit door, the float across.

Blue Canister #10: You trip right over it in the last area on your way to the escape pods.

=================================7T. Through the Jundland Wastes ==================================

NOTE: You get thirteen minutes for this one, instead of the usual ten.

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Blue Canister #1: Just to your left at the beginning.

Blue Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): Go into the hidden Tusken village (turn right just before the first canyon and use a TD on the shiny stuff) and you'll find this behind a box.

Blue Canister #3 (Bounty Hunter): Still in the hidden Tusken village, go to the upper ledges and open the left-hand door. The canister is inside.

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, this is on a high ledge that you need to assemble a grapple point to get to.

Blue Canister #5: In an alcove on the side of the Sandcrawler. Double jump from a container or drop down from above.

Blue Canister #6: Use the first Threepio panel in the Sandcrawler to get to the TV room, where this one is.

Blue Canister #7 (Sith): In the second area of the Sandcrawler (with the eight buttons) use Sith Force on the wall to the left.

Blue Canister #8 (Sith): In the first area outside after the Sandcrawler, use Sith Force on the scaffolding and hop up to the area. You'll see the canister in the back.

Blue Canister #9: At the last vaporator area, once you drain the water, smash the left-hand vaporator and all the flowers it makes to make a ledge up to the Double Score Zone where this one is.

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Blue Canister #10: On top of Obi-Wan's house. Jump off a dewback to get up there.

==========================7U. Mos Eisley Spaceport ===========================

Blue Canister #1: Just to the right as you start, near the white circle.

Blue Canister #2: In the first area, along the left-hand wall.

Blue Canister #3: In the second area, on top of the ledge next to the white circle door. Either come here using the white circle, or hop off an AT-ST.

Blue Canister #4: Just before entering the cantina, go to the back right corner.

Blue Canister #5: In the cantina, on one of the back tables.

Blue Canister #6: In the secret area in the second half (use the green circle, Threepio panel, or Sith Force), you'll find this in an alcove near some junk.

Blue Canister #7: In the lower-right corner of the box pushing area.

Blue Canister #8: In an alcove behind the theater.

Blue Canister #9: Inside the theater, among the seats.

Blue Canister #10: In the Falcon's hangar, jump to the top ledge (use the brown pipes in the back), then go to the right to find this one.

=========================7V. Rescue the Princess ==========================

Blue Canister #1: In the first hallway, turn right to the crane room to get this one.

Blue Canister #2: In the closet in the control room that you have to use a Threepio panel on.

Blue Canister #3: Take the back passage to the tractor beam generator and you'll find one next to the generator.

Blue Canister #4: After the generator, continue on the back passage until you come to a cylinder on the right wall. Smash it down to find this one.

Blue Canister #5: Take the front passage to near the elevators and double jump off a container to grab it.

Blue Canister #6: Use one of the Artoo panels in the aforementioned elevators to get to the room with this one.

Blue Canister #7: Take the front passage to the end (where it goes to the back passage) and you'll find one at the end.

Blue Canister #8: In the control room after the rotator switch, right on top of the blue thing in the middle.

Blue Canister #9: In the area just before the detention block, this is on the high section at the very left. Force three blocks into a stack to get on top.

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Blue Canister #10: In the detention block, in the very first cell on the left.

=======================7W. Death Star Escape ========================

Blue Canister #1: In the very first room, walk south to find this in the water.

Blue Canister #2: Use the Threepio panel to access the other garbage room to find this one.

Blue Canister #3: In the large room with the floor waxer etc., pull the lever twice so you can grapple to the platform with this on it.

Blue Canister #4: In the room with the window cleaners, this is to your left in the corner.

Blue Canister #5: In the open railing room (with three levers), right in front of you as you enter.

Blue Canister #6: In the room before the big pits, you'll trip over this one on your way to them.

Blue Canister #7: In the room with the big pit, this is in the small side room with the helmet dispenser.

Blue Canister #8: In the room with the ten million stormies, go into the right-hand door that spits them out.

Blue Canister #9: In the room with the ten million stormies, go into the left-hand door that spits them out.

Blue Canister #10: In the last hangar, go to the right and you'll see this in the back-right corner.

==================7X. Rebel Attack ===================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1: Just to the right as you begin.

Blue Canister #2: After the first force field, this is on the right side (near a TIE hangar).

Blue Canister #3: Near the first quad target, to the right.

Blue Canister #4 (TIE): Behind the first TIE Gate near the second force field.

Blue Canister #5 (TIE): In the second area, behind the TIE Gate that leads to the rolling bomb.

Blue Canister #6 (TIE): In the second area, behind the TIE Gate that leads to the green lights.

Blue Canister #7: As you take the left path up the second area, you'll soon see two turrets on the right-hand side. This one is between them.

Blue Canister #8: In the third area, there are a few turrets on the far

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left (near the entrance). The canister is near them.

Blue Canister #9: In the trench, turn around immediately to find this one.

Blue Canister #10: At the very back of the trench past the exhaust port.

=================7Y. Hoth Battle ==================

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1 (TIE): Behind the first TIE Gate, suspended over a gap in the snow.

Blue Canister #2 (TIE): Use a bomb to destroy the wall behind the first TIE Gate, then you'll find this in the cave beyond.

Blue Canister #3: Follow the main path of the mission and you'll find this in the back left corner, near the generator.

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, near the second AT-AT.

Blue Canister #5 (TIE): Go through the TIE Gate in the second area. This one is right by the entrance.

Blue Canister #6 (TIE): Go through the TIE Gate in the second area. This one is down the tunnel a ways.

Blue Canister #7 (TIE): Go through the TIE Gate in the second area. Drag a bomb all the way through the tunnel and past the AT-AT to the wall at the very back to uncover this one.

Blue Canister #8: After taking down the two AT-ATs and breaking down the wall behind them, go into the trench further down, then to the right corner to find this one.

Blue Canister #9: Just to your right in the last area.

Blue Canister #10: On the other side in the last area.

===========================7Z. Escape From Echo Base ============================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Blue Canister #1: Go straight left and use the Artoo panel to find one behind it.

Blue Canister #2: When you reach the crossroads (with the E-Web), go to the right, and you'll find this in one of the alcoves in the room.

Blue Canister #3: Use the trolley in the right-hand room to smash into the rocks blocking the left-hand room and you'll find one inside.

Blue Canister #4: In the big open room with the fans.

Blue Canister #5: Behind the Artoo panel in the big open room (fishing stormies).

Blue Canister #6: On the slope with all the buttons.

Blue Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the room with four buttons, use the

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Threepio panel. In the next room, throw a TD at the wreckage, and go through the door. You'll find this in a near corner.

Blue Canister #8 (Sith): Use Sith Force on the steps in the room just before the hangar and climb up. It will be right in front of you.

Blue Canister #9: From #8, turn right and use the Artoo panel to find this in the next room.

Blue Canister #10: Go to the hangar and operate both levers to find this one behind the force field.

====================7AA. Falcon Flight =====================

Blue Canister #1: In the first area, go behind the back-left Star Destroyer to find this one.

Blue Canister #2: In the second area, early on to the right side.

Blue Canister #3: In the second area, just to the left of the big light gray asteroid (which is to the left of the asteroid you go through).

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, just to the right of the asteroid you go through.

Blue Canister #5: Right in the middle of the first asteroid you plow through.

Blue Canister #6: In the third area, early on to the left side.

Blue Canister #7: In the third area, about midway on the right side.

Blue Canister #8: On the gigantic asteroid, at the far right end.

Blue Canister #9: In the last area, early on to the left side.

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, midway on the right side.

==============7BB. Dagobah ===============

Required Characters: Sith

Blue Canister #1 (Sith): Go through the Sith Force plants on the right side of the path to the racetrack to grab this one.

Blue Canister #2: In the pond area, float across the island with this one on it.

Blue Canister #3: Just to the left of Yoda's hut.

Blue Canister #4 (Sith): To the right of Yoda's hut is a dark box you need to use Sith Force on. Turn it into a raft then ride to the far island, where you should see this one.

Blue Canister #5: In the training area, you'll find this behind the last hatch in the back.

Blue Canister #6 (Sith): In the cave, use Sith Force to put the bridge together, then cross to this one.

Blue Canister #7: In the cave, this one is near the cage area behind an

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Artoo panel.

Blue Canister #8: In the area where you fight the Vader specter, on the left side.

Blue Canister #9: In the last area, head to the right to find this on a rock.

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, between the two blocks that can be raised up.

======================7CC. Cloud City Trap =======================

Blue Canister #1: On top of your X-Wing.

Blue Canister #2: In the second room, in the far right corner.

Blue Canister #3: In the carbonite chamber, floating off to the left.

Blue Canister #4: In the ledge room after the carbonite chamber, right in front of you.

Blue Canister #5: Just before the exit of the ledge room, to the right.

Blue Canister #6: In the second room you fight Vader, in the lower-left corner.

Blue Canister #7: In the room where Vader throws stuff at you, in the lower-right corner.

Blue Canister #8: In the room where Vader throws stuff at you, near the left-hand stormie elevator.

Blue Canister #9: In the last area, this is near an Artoo panel.

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, on the white circle.

===========================7DD. Betrayal Over Bespin ============================

Blue Canister #1: Behind the Threepio panel at the beginning.

Blue Canister #2: In the room where you fight Fett, on the left side.

Blue Canister #3: In the crossroads, go right to the Artoo panel.

Blue Canister #4: In the path on the way to Fett's ship.

Blue Canister #5: Just behind the Slave I.

Blue Canister #6: In the outside area (after fighting a bunch of stormtroopers) you'll find this on top of an elevator.

Blue Canister #7: After the large gap before the door back inside, you'll see this above you. Grapple to it.

Blue Canister #8: In the area with all the steam, just before it is a grapple point. Grapple up, then hover to the right and towards the camera to the near-right alcove to get this one.

Blue Canister #9: This is in the room with the steam, in the hallway leading to the control room.

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Blue Canister #10: This is out behind the Falcon.

=====================7EE. Jabba's Palace ======================

Required Characters: Shortie, Sith

Blue Canister #1: In the first area, to your right.

Blue Canister #2 (Sith): Use Sith Force on the black bricks, then grapple all the way to the left.

Blue Canister #3: At the first green circle, turn left, then go around the fence to the right to get this one.

Blue Canister #4: In the large room with the second green circle, use the Force on the hatch cover on the right side of the room.

Blue Canister #5 (Shortie): In the room with the cells, go through the vent in the back-left cell, then break the bed and crawl through the next vent to get to this one.

Blue Canister #6: As you get to the area with the floor panels that drop away, you'll see this one.

Blue Canister #7: In the droid area, break the floor panels and go into the tunnel a short ways.

Blue Canister #8: In the room with the pushable ramps, you'll find this in the back right corner on the ground floor.

Blue Canister #9: In Jabba's throne room, on the left side in an alcove.

Blue Canister #10: In the rancor pit in the back-left corner.

===============================7FF. The Great Pit of Carkoon ================================

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Blue Canister #1: On the skiff where you fight Boba Fett.

Blue Canister #2 (Sith): This one is quite visible on the right side of the sail barge. You need to use Sith Force to make a platform there.

Blue Canister #3: On the front side of the barge, you'll find this behind the panels (just to the right of the hole in them).

Blue Canister #4: Once you get to the left end of the barge, keep going around the back to find this one suspended in midair.

Blue Canister #5: In the first room inside the barge, this is on the right side of the room.

Blue Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): Once you're up the elevator, toss a TD on the grate to your left to find this one.

Blue Canister #7: In the disco room, go up the right ledge to find this.

Blue Canister #8: On top of the barge, just to your left as you enter.

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Blue Canister #9: On top of the barge, near the back shielded module.

Blue Canister #10: On top of the barge, on the second level.

=======================7GG. Speeder Showdown ========================

Blue Canister #1: In the very first area, to your left.

Blue Canister #2: Once you enter the main area, go straight down to find this one in the lower-left corner.

Blue Canister #3: Once you get on the bikes, this one is near the first ramp.

Blue Canister #4: On the bikes, this one is behind a gun on the right side, just after a hill on the left.

Blue Canister #5: On the bikes, not long before the first clearing, you'll find this on the left side.

Blue Canister #6: On the bikes, this one is further down on the left just before another turret.

Blue Canister #7: Once you stop for your first generator, this is on the ledge to the far right. Hop from the AT-ST to get to it.

Blue Canister #8: When you stop for your second generator, this is just to your left.

Blue Canister #9: When you stop for the third generator, this is in the lower left corner. You can actually hit this while riding the bikes, too.

Blue Canister #10: After all the generators are down, you'll go to the next open area. Build the grapple point and ride it up.

==========================7HH. The Battle of Endor ===========================

Blue Canister #1: Hop on the chair and your partner will Force you over to this one.

Blue Canister #2: At the second set of huts, go around back to the left to find this one.

Blue Canister #3: Once you cross the bridge, continue to the right, and watch the bottom of the screen to find this one near three containers.

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, you'll find this amongst the junk in the block-pushing area.

Blue Canister #5: Once you hit the ground floor, go to the lower left and blow up the purple boxes to reveal a grapple point to this one.

Blue Canister #6: As you pull a lever to drop a gate, this will be right in your path.

Blue Canister #7: As you enter the second area of the ground floor (the bunker area), go straight to the right from your starting point to find this in the corner.

Blue Canister #8: As soon as you destroy the gate with the catapult, go to

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the left of where the gate was to find this.

Blue Canister #9: Just outside the bunker and to the right, behind some bushes.

Blue Canister #10: Once you enter the bunker, go to the main room, then through the left door. This is in the back corner.

===================7II. Jedi Destiny ====================

Blue Canister #1: To the right of the throne. Force together the box.

Blue Canister #2: Just below the throne.

Blue Canister #3: Behind the white circle in the middle of the room.

Blue Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): Behind the green circle in the middle of the room.

Blue Canister #5: In the area under the electric floor, this is up near the window.

Blue Canister #6 (Shortie): Go to the elevator side of the room and demolish the panels on the right side to uncover a vent. Crawl through it, then push the box off the ledge. Destroy the objects to open the door to this hidden room. The first one in here should be obvious.

Blue Canister #7 (Shortie): From #6, go to the lower-left corner of the room to find this one.

Blue Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): From #6, use a TD on the containers near the door to uncover a grapple point, then grapple up to a lever and pull it to drop bricks. Build them into a box, then smash the chairs in the middle and build a rotator. Move the box onto the rotator and turn it so the arrow points right. Push the box all the way to the right side, and into the elevator to get it moving, then ride it up to find the canister on the right.

Blue Canister #9: After the first fight with the Emperor, follow him up to the upper area to find this one.

Blue Canister #10: This is at the top of the elevator that requires two Force users.

==========================7JJ. Into the Death Star ===========================

Blue Canister #1: This is right in front of the bridge of the first Star Destroyer.

Blue Canister #2: This is in front of the bridge of the Star Destroyer in the back left.

Blue Canister #3: This is in the second area, just behind a turret on the left side before the path bends.

Blue Canister #4: In the area with the four purple targets, on the left side of the "room".

Blue Canister #5: In the third area, keep to the right side as you go down the passage and you should hit this one.

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Blue Canister #6: This is on the left side of the room with the two rocket targets.

Blue Canister #7: This is in the core room, in the back left part.

Blue Canister #8: This is in the first part of the escape, along the right side. You can take your time to make sure you hit it.

Blue Canister #9: This is in the second part of the escape, along the left side.

Blue Canister #10: This is in the third part of the escape, along the left side.

******************************************************************************8. BOUNTY HUNTER CHALLENGES******************************************************************************

To access these, you must have unlocked all the following six Bounty Hunters: Greedo, Bossk, Dengar, IG-88, 4-LOM, and Boba Fett. Your objective in these missions is to take these six hunters and scour the level and look for your intended target, who's hiding somewhere. The target's always in the same location. You have three minutes to find them, or else you'll have to start again.

As a general tip, I'd stick with Boba Fett for the majority of the missions. He has a powerful gun and can use his jetpack to float. IG-88 and 4-LOM have their uses too, as, being droids, they can use either droid panels.

Another good tip is to watch for the character's emblem to appear on the bottom of the screen. As it start's flashing, you'll know you're getting close.

After you finish a mission, you'll get a gold brick and credit for your remaining time.

==================8A. Qui-Gon Jinn ===================

Area: Droid Control Ship (Negotiations)

Go straight out into the hallway. When the hallway turns right, go to the left and open the door with the Threepio panel with IG-88 or 4-LOM. Qui-Gon is right there.

===================8B. Queen Amidala ====================

Area: Theed Palace (Escape from Naboo)

Switch to Boba Fett. Drop down to the lower floor, then head right and hop onto the back ledges. Go up the first grapple point, then use Fett's jetpack to hover over to the right, to the balcony with shiny windows. She's standing right there.

===================8C. Jar Jar Binks ====================

Area: Forests of Naboo (Invasion of Naboo)

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Head straight right, up the ramp, and to the first swamp area. Throw a thermal detonator at the droid transport on the back wall and go to the back area. Jar Jar's here.

================8D. Mace Windu =================

Area: Geonosis Mountains (Droid Factory)

Head to the right and bust down the bricks blocking the passage to the back. Use a droid on the first Artoo panel to uncover the way to Mace Windu.

===============8E. Kit Fisto ================

Area: Kamino (Discovery on Kamino)

Switch to Fett, head left, then jetpack across to the platform. Now THAT was easy.

==============8F. Luminara ===============

Area: Geonosis Arena (Jedi Battle)

Go to the right a little and you should see her behind the gate. All you have to do is use the green circle and you're in.

==================8G. Ki-Adi Mundi ===================

Area: The Invisible Hand (Chancellor in Peril)

Head straight back, then turn right. Go to the door on the far right and use a TD on the shiny box to lower the ramp to the next area. In this area, switch to Fett and jump and jet to the left all the way to Ki-Adi's hiding spot.

===================8H. Rebel Trooper ====================

Area: Wookiee Village (Defense of Kashyyyk)

Blast the two sides of the bridge to drop it, then head across to the next bridge. Blast that down, then move on to the big tree (a Wookiee was held captive here). Switch to Fett, then grapple up to the Wookiee's capture spot, then jetpack left to continue around the tree. Grapple to the left to find him.

==============8I. Shaak Ti ===============

Area: Jedi Temple (Ruin of the Jedi)

Head to the right and you should see her hanging out on a ledge above the main door. Head right past the door and blast the containers to find a grapple point. Switch to Fett (he jumps a bit higher than the others) and grapple up. Walk around the ledge and jump up to Shaak Ti's spot.

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====================8J. Commander Cody =====================

Area: Utapau (General Grievous)

Switch to Fett, then head back across the bridge, then turn left and jetpack over to the left. Use a TD on the shiny wall. Cody's right behind it.

===========8K. R2-D2 ============

Area: Tantive IV (Secret Plans)

Grapple up to the top and jetpack across to the next area, then run straight ahead. Turn right and hit the green circle, then go back to the end of the hallway. Hop in the two pods to toss out their pieces, then assemble them to make the door. Artoo's right there.

====================8L. Obi-Wan Kenobi =====================

Area: Sandcrawler (Through the Jundland Wastes)

Proceed all the way through the Sandcrawler. Use 4-LOM or IG-88 for the droid panels you come across, but watch out for Jawas, who'll zap you and slow you down. At the last room in the Sandcrawler, bust up the canisters to the right to find Ben.

===============8M. Chewbacca ================

Area: Mos Eisely (Mos Eisley Spaceport)

Grapple up and assemble the grapple point. Grapple up and use the top exit. Get the box from the other side and push it to the far door. In the next area, go to the doors with blue sparklies and bust down the left ones. Chewie's behind there.

===================8N. Princess Leia ====================

Area: Death Star (Rescue the Princess)

Leia is in the cell just opposite the one she normally occupies. Use Fett to quickly jet through the first area, then plow straight ahead past the control station and down the corridor to the last elevator. Put together the levers and pull, then take the third cell on the left.

====================8O. Admiral Ackbar =====================

Area: Echo Base (Escape from Echo Base)

Quickly turn left and access the Threepio panel with one of the droids. In the next room, use a TD on the rubble, then head on through and assemble the console to find Ackbar inside.

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==========8P. Yoda ===========

Area: Ewok Village (The Battle of Endor)

Quickly go left and hover over the gap of the bridge. Near the throne, blow the purple boxes and assemble the rotator switch. Lower the platform, then jet over to it carefully. Yoda's right at the top.

===========8Q. C-3PO ============

Area: Cloud City (Betrayal On Bespin)

He's on top of the secret terrace. Proceed straight through the level. Use the green circle door, then go straight ahead and use the Threepio door. Go all the way to the two elevators and use the left-hand one. Oddly enough, you can assemble him in the junk area, just like before, but it won't give you credit.

======================8R. Lando Calrissian =======================

Area: Cloud City (Betrayal On Bespin)

He's in the room that you pulled levers to bridge to the Falcon. Assemble the grapple point, then switch to a droid and activate the panel at the door. Go all the way to the end, through the fog, to the room with the levers.

====================8S. Luke Skywalker =====================

Area: Mos Eisely (Mos Eisley Spaceport)

He's on top of the wrecked ship. Simply use a TD on the shiny module in the center, assemble the rotator switch, then rotate it, assemble the grapple point, and up you go.

==============8T. Han Solo ===============

Area: Echo Base (Escape from Echo Base)

He's in the area with the cart on the track. Go to the door out of there, put together the bomb, then move ahead. Assemble the heater and shoot it to melt the ice. Push the next heater into place to melt the next ice, then turn right at the crossroads and use a TD on the boxes at the end. Assemble the cart and ride it around to the right-hand alcove and jump up.

******************************************************************************9. EPISODE BONUS MISSIONS******************************************************************************

Once you complete all six missions of an episode, you'll gain access to the Bonus Missions in that particular episode. Each episode has three bonus missions, all with the same general theme for each episode.

NOTE: You will no longer get Gold Bricks for Super Story, but you will get

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percentage of the game complete.


Super Story

Each episode bonus has this as their first selection. You basically go through all six chapters as fast as possible and collect as many studs as possible. You don't get anything for doing this, mind you, besides percentage of the game complete. It's just a race to see if you can get through it with good records.


Character Bonus

These missions put you in characters, then drop you in a specialized area and challenge you with getting one million studs. You'll get a standard Free Play set of characters. Sadly, you cannot keep the studs you gather here, but if you beat the time limit, you get a Gold Brick.

Of course, you won't be completely free to just hunt for studs, as multiple enemies will harrass you no matter where you are.

With the inclusion of Powerups, the whole experience becomes much easier, not only with the ability to draw in more studs, but also the double count while it's active.

Be on the lookout for purple studs, as they'll give you 10,000. These can most often be found in shiny objects that you would need a thermal detonator for.

Good Extras to use for these would be Exploding Blaster Bolts (but be careful to try not to shoot when surrounded by enemies) for shiny stuff, Super Jedi Slam, Force Grapple Leap, and of course, Invincibility or Deflect Bolts to remove the pain of enemies.


Minikit Bonus

Much like Character Bonuses, these have you collecting one million studs. The only difference is that you'll be using vehicles you make from minikits. You cannot access these until you make at least one complete vehicle. Get one million within the time limit and you get a Gold Brick.

General tips in these are to look for torpedo targets, as they'll tend to give you the most studs, as well as a good chance for Powerups.

Good Extras to use for these would be Infinite Torpedoes and Tractor Beam.


The following Extras are disallowed in both Character Bonus and Minikit Bonus:Poo Money, Stud Magnet, Character Studs, and all multipliers.

=====================9A. Episode I Bonus ======================

Character Bonus (Theed Palace)

This is a pretty easy one to begin with. Even regular containers will drop a purple stud or two on occasion, so shoot and saber to your heart's content.

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It's also a big area, so don't worry about hemming yourself in.


Minikit Bonus (Tatooine)

This is a large rocky area. Rocks and pylons all over the place make collecting a breeze. The torpedoes are in the lower right corner, but you don't even really need them, studs are so plentiful.

======================9B. Episode II Bonus =======================

Character Bonus (Geonosis)

This area is a connection of walkways and moving buckets. Ride any bucket around for a large amount of studs (but it's a little slow). There are shiny containers dotted around for a good chance of a Powerup.


Minikit Bonus (Coruscant)

This is a diagonally connecting series of skyscrapers in the city of Coruscant. Like always, torpedo targets have the best chance of powerups, so search the southernmost area for the torpedoes.

=======================9C. Episode III Bonus ========================

Character Bonus (Mustafar)

This is a series of platforms in the lava of Mustafar. There are shiny containers at the corners, which will most likely have Powerups, so focus on those.


Minikit Bonus (Kashyyyk)

The forest and beach on Kashyyyk has a few torpedo targets, and the torps are on the right side. Keep blasting plants, rocks, whatever's not nailed down.

======================9D. Episode IV Bonus =======================

Character Bonus (Mos Eisley)

For Mos Eisley, quickly get into a bounty hunter and start dropping TD's on the shiny modules. That's several purples easy. Just keep moving and tossing, collecting wherever you can.


Minikit Bonus (Death Star)

On the Death Star, shoot all the dishes and guns. In particular, look for the four-part structure on the lower end. It gives you a LOT when you fire four torps into it. After hitting that big one, simply fly around blasting, looking for powerups, as those make life so much easier.

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=====================9E. Episode V Bonus ======================

Character Bonus (Bespin)

The Ep V version puts you in Bespin, upon a bunch of catwalks. Take Boba Fett, so you can have his powerful gun, jetpack, and TDs. Hunt around for things you can TD for the most studs and highest possibility of powerups, then, when you get a big crowd behind you, toss a TD at them, for a good boost. Probably the best location is at the south end. There are two platforms with TD-able containers next to each other. Just keep walking back and forth between the two to harvest them.


Minikit Bonus (Hoth)

This arena is on Hoth, in a circular area. There are torps at one end, and a torp target at the other, which is what you should focus on. You COULD use towable bombs with a Snowspeeder, but it's largely useless, and takes far too much time. Just circle the area, pick up torp, blast target, repeat. It's even easier with infinite torps. Cirdan tells me an even EASIER route. Switch between Droideka minikit and the nearest reasonable ship. Turn Self-Destruct on, then use it near the barriers to blow them up for LOTS of studs.

======================9F. Episode VI Bonus =======================

Character Bonus (Endor)

Ep VI Character Bonus is easier than Bespin. You have a good spot. Go far left over the downed bridge. Again, take Boba Fett for his powerful gun and jetpack. There's a shiny container which you can TD for massive studs, then head right and hide in the hut, tossing out TDs to take out any crowds that show up.


Minikit Bonus (Endor)

This area is a three-part Endor forest (which is actually pretty clear). There's a torpedo target in each section, and the torpedoes are in the right-hand section. Focus on taking out the torp targets for the highest concentration of studs and highest probability of powerups.

******************************************************************************10. CANTINA BONUSES ******************************************************************************

Going to the far right door in the cantina, past the episode lounges, will bring you to this room. In addition to the Trailers door, there are six Gold Brick doors. If you have enough Gold Bricks, assemble the doors and you access these special missions, some of which you may have played before on previous games, some all new.

Passing each mission will get you a Gold Brick.

Just in case your wondering, you don't "spend" Gold Bricks in this area. If you have ten under your belt, you can access all three missions that require ten bricks, and only need ten more to access the one for twenty, for

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==========================10A. Pod Race (Original) ===========================

Requirement: 10 Gold Bricks

Overview: This is the original LSW's pod race, where there are three portions to each lap and you need to reach the end of each portion before time ran out, as opposed to just beating Sebulba. Dying or failing to pass a portion in time simply put you back at the beginning of that portion.

Vehicles: Anakin's Pod

So, you'll notice right away at the original Pod Race that the Pod doesn't handle the same way. You need to hold down A to accelerate, so don't let off it. Also, you'll see a green arrow as you race. This is pointing to the racer you need to be ahead of at the end of the "portion" before time runs out, pretty much. Watch out in the final stretch of each lap, as there are bombs placed to stymie you. Lastly, you'll need to hit probably most of the boosters, particularly in the last lap, or else you won't make it to the end.

======================10B. Anakin's Flight =======================

Requirement: 30 Gold Bricks

Overview: Intended for the original LSW, but cut at the last minute, this mission details young Anakin Skywalker's attack with Bravo Flight on the Trade Federation Control Ship during the Battle of Naboo.

Vehicles: Naboo StarfighterEnemies: Vulture Droid, Turbolasers

Area 1: You'll cut across the dorsal face of the Droid Control Ship. Your objective, in addition to wreaking general havoc, is to find four torpedo targets and smash them. There are two on either side of the ship. Once they're trashed, the hangar will open, so fly inside.

Area 2: You're now flying through the hangar. Blast whatever you can. At the back end is a hangar with a red button and purple module. Blast the red, and torpedo the purple. If you're out of torps, blast some objects to see if one or two cough one up, or just go back outside (or use infinite). In the next hangar, there are now four objects to shoot down, two to blast, and two to torp, which opens up the next gate.

Area 3: This is the ship's main reactor. First, you need to shoot down the two wall objects powering its shield. With that done, take three torps and fire them at the gun defending the reactor to blow up its three purple spots. Now, there's a weird shield thing going on here where shields extend and rotate, and you have to keep up with them. When they go down, blast the little lights on the ground near the reactor. You'll have to blast more than once to get all of them.

New Vehicles:Naboo Starfighter

=================================10C. Gunship Cavalry (Original) ==================================

Requirement: 10 Gold Bricks

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Overview: This is the original LSW's Gunship Cavalry, where it was far more rails-oriented. You basically travelled automatically in a diagonal direction and had to gun down everything that was in your way, including force fields before you crashed into them.

Vehicles: Republic GunshipEnemies: Spider Droid, Hailfire Droid, Techno Union Ship, Turbolaser

So, in the first area, you can control your position on screen, but you're always shooting in an upper-right direction. Shoot everything you can. Time your movements past the turbolasers. Make sure you collect dropped hearts. Being shot down will put you back at the beginning of your current area. Don't fly over holes in the canyon as you'll crash. When you find gates with blue force fields, shoot the two generators to drop them. After the second gate, you'll pass onto the next area.

The second area has you trying to take down the Droid Control Ship. You will always be facing towards the ship as you rotate around it. You have one minute to clean up the area before the Ship escapes and you have to try again. First, blast all the turbolasers. Each pair shields a trio of modules. Once you drop a pair of turbolasers, you can blast the modules. Blast all four sets of modules to down the ship.

=================10D. A New Hope ==================

Requirement: 20 Gold Bricks

Overview: This is the "final" bonus mission from the original LSW, meant as a teaser to the upcoming LSW2. Like "Secret Plans", this mission takes place on the Tantive IV, only the player is in control of Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper as they assault the ship in an attempt to capture Princess Leia.

Starting Characters: Darth Vader, StormtrooperAdded Characters: C-3PO, R2-D2Enemies: Rebel Trooper

Area 1: Go straight ahead, blasting or sabering Rebels. At the panel, head left. (You can also go right to find an area to spell LEGO in for lots of studs). Head all the way down the hallway to the end.

Area 2: Blast or saber all eight button-coverings, then walk over all eight to free Threepio. Head back.

Area 1: Use the Threepio panel. Use another panel in the next room. At the junction, you can turn left to find a room where you can construct a turbine to power some fans (leading to studs), or you can just go right to the end. Uncover then use the Threepio panel and step over to Leia.

================10E. LEGO City =================

Requirement: 10 Gold Bricks

Overview: This is the "final" bonus mission from LSW2. This is meant as more of an exercise in silliness than anything else, as it puts any of your LSW characters in a more "classic" style LEGO city, complete with simplistic modern houses and other "town"-related LEGOs.

This is a sort of special "Character Bonus" mission. There's no time limit,

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but time is kept. You need to get one million studs in this "classic" LEGO area.

The bad news first: you can't keep the studs, and in the entire area, there is very little more than the one million you need to finish.

The good news is that whenever you uncover studs, they will automatically go to your total, without you having to get close to pick them up. You cannot lose studs, either.

Okay, here's the breakdown of objects:

Loose studs:1. The streets to the upper-left of your starting point have studs.2. The playground in the lower corner has loose studs.3. On the yellow service station on the right corner.4. On top of the red service station.5. On top of the red tower.6. Inside pretty much every house in the area, but you may have to bust some open to get to them.

Basic Destruction:1. All the people wandering around and the womp rats.2. All the white fences.3. All the green trees.4. The bus stop near the banthas.5. All the street lights after you put together the fans.6. Use a thermal detonator on the shiny container near the merry-go-round to find the rotator switch. Put it together. Turning it doesn't give you anything.

Construction:1. Plant seeds for flowers.2. Force the flower beds near your starting point, then smash them.3. Put together the two fans in the back right, which will light up the street lights.4. On the left corner are flowers that spring up as you walk over them. Walk very carefully over the entire area. There are 19 flowers to find, after which you'll get the studs for them.5. Along the back wall, you'll find colored blocks. You need to spell "LEGO". The pattern is as follows:

* *** *** **** * * * ** ** * * * ** * * * * **** *** *** ***

House by House:1. Red Service Station and Tower - Force all the windows. Smash the roofs of each of the two garages. There's more to do in the Wookie Flyer section below.2. Floataway House in the back right - Use a TD on the shiny container to unearth the parts for an orange car.3. Lot Full of Trees in the back - Blast all the trees to make a full house.4. Force-able House near the LEGO letters - Force away all the pieces and smash the left-over pillar. Build the miniature house.5. Yellow Service Station - Force the glass doors and windows. Smash the yellow windows and flowers.6. Small Red and Yellow House - Smash it to the ground, except for the yellow door. Build the tractor.7. Black-Roofed House - Smash it all to uncover the AT-ST.8. Red-Roof Next Door to Black Roof - Smash it all.

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9. Red-Roof in the Center - Smash it all.

Vehicles:1. Wookiee Flyer - Between the red service station and the red tower, you can uncover a hole with a Wookiee Flyer in it. Force the part near the red tower onto it, then use the levers on the service station to find another part to Force onto it. Lastly, get on the nearby dewback and jump from it to the top of the red tower. Build the antennae onto the flyer, then Force it out of the hole.2. Unearth the orange car under the floataway house, then ride it around, picking up all the studs that appeared.3. At the small red and yellow house in the right corner, smash it to uncover a green tractor. Ride it around.4. In the center red house are three trash cans. Smash them and assemble the delivery truck. Ride it around.5. Take any Tauntaun and ride it to find studs.6. Smash the entire black house to uncover the AT-ST. Naturally, the AT-ST is good for smashing, but all you really need to smash with it is the rubble in the very back to uncover the Landspeeder.

NOTE: The red car, the Landspeeder, the Wookiee Flyer, the AT-ST, the dewback, and the banthas will NOT make studs appear when you ride them.

Anyway, once you get the million (just keep exploring), the mission will end. Your best time will be recorded.

===============10F. New Town ================

Requirement: 50 Gold Bricks

Overview: Not to be outdone by its predecessor, the new LEGO city pulls out all the stops to be just as charming and silly.

Okay, the first thing you'll notice is that this is more or less the same city, just at a different angle. There are some notable changes, though. There's water with a boat near it, a monorail, a fire truck, a church, and a basketball court, among some other minor changes.

Loose Studs:1. From the start, follow a path of studs to the boat.2. On the playground (slide, swings, merry-go-round).3. On top of the red service station.4. Behind the landspeeder in its enclosure.5. Under the bleachers at the basketball court.6. Inside the orange service station on the right side.7. On the monorail. To get on, find the rotator switch near the track, then turn it to get the car all the way to the beginning. Hop from a Tauntaun onto the car and ride it.8. Inside most of the houses that you can destroy.

Basic Destruction:1. All the people, womp rats, stormtroopers.2. All the white fences.3. All the green trees.4. All the yellow benches.5. All the ducks in the water.6. Use a thermal detonator on the shiny container near the merry-go-round to find the rotator switch. Put it together. Turn it to make the merry-go-round fly off.

Construction:1. Plant all the flower seeds.

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2. Force all the flower beds near your starting point, then smash them.3. Assemble the two fans. I don't think this does anything special this time.4. In front of the church are 18 hidden flowers that you need to walk over. Fourteen are on the right side of the church, and the last four are to the left of the door.5. In the back left are four letters that spell GOLE. Look in the previous LEGO City section if you want to know how to make the letters. Once they're all made, have two Force users correct their position.

House by House:1. Lot Full of Trees in the back - Blast all the trees to make a full house.2. Floataway House - Use a TD on the shiny container inside to make an orange car.3. Force-able House near the LEGO letters - Force away all the pieces and smash the left-over pillar. Build the miniature house.4. Orange Service Station - Force all the windows. Smash the two glass roofs over the garages.5. Red Service Station - Force all the windows and glass doors. Smash the flowers and the windows on the right.6. Red House in the Center - Smash it and its garbage cans. Put together the delivery truck.7. Black-Roofed House - Smash it to uncover a giant trophy. Use the Force on that trophy several times.8. Red and Yellow House - Smash the little thing. Put together the resulting tractor.9. Blue Church - Put together the steeple. Pull the lever to ring the bell. Sith Force open the door. Drive the fire truck over to the church and Force the ladder to the wall. Grapple up to scare away the bird.10. Red House in the Back Right - Can only be destroyed with the AT-XT.11. Basketball Court - Smash all the fences and the spectators. Blast the lightbulbs on the front of the light stands. Grab the ball shooter and make a basket.

Vehicles:1. Take any Tauntaun and ride it to find studs.2. Grab the fire truck and follow the trail of studs.3. Take the AT-XT and use it to smash the red house on the right side.4. Finally, the boat in the lower corner. Assemble the parts to put it together, then push it into the water. Ride it around and collect all the studs.

So, once again, explore and destroy. There are some of the same tactics used before: bust down all the houses, Force whatever can be Forced. The LEGO sign becomes "GOLE" at first, then you double Force it to the right formation.

As for the new stuff, to use the monorail, rotate the switch under the track, then hop off a Tauntaun onto the car, and wait to ride it to the end. To use the boat, put together the parts near it, then push it into the water and ride it around. The fire truck needs to be parked near the church so you can Force the ladders up to the steeple. There's a basketball shooter in the court that will give you credit for making a basket.

Again, once you hit the million, your best time will be recorded.

******************************************************************************11. CHARACTERS******************************************************************************

There are a total of 128 characters to play as in this game: 47 which will be given to you throughout the story, 79 which you can purchase from the

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bar, and your two Create-A-Characters. On top of the characters found in LSW and LSW2, you'll find an extra 13 characters available new to this game.

These characters are presented in the order they appear on the Free Play select screen, unless they are the same character with a pallette swap.

=======================11A. Story Characters =======================

* Qui-Gon Jinn * - Available at beginning of game

One of the more venerable members of the Jedi Order, Qui-Gon Jinn has had a life much like any other Jedi Master. Despite his abilities and positive attitude, he was considered by many in the order as a maverick, often going against the will of the Council.

Qui-Gon Jinn is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Obi-Wan Kenobi * - Available at beginning of game* Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) - After II-1* Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) - After III-2* Ben Kenobi * - After IV-2

General Kenobi is one of the great heroes of the Clone Wars. Having started his life as most other Jedi going through his training, Obi-Wan grew up as Padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn, where he remained until Qui-Gon's death. He then became Master to Anakin Skywalker, until the end of the Clone Wars. After the rise of the Empire, he went into seclusion, where he observed Luke Skywalker, and began training him in the ways of the Jedi.

These four different Obi-Wans are the Jedi at various stages of life, first as a Padawan under Qui-Gon, then as a Master before the Clone Wars, then his shorter hair during the Clone Wars, then finally his gray hair look late in his life.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* TC-14 * - After I-1

A simple silver-colored protocol droid in the service of the Trade Federation, it was TC-14 who escorted Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to the conference room when they arrived aboard the Federation's flagship.

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TC-14 is a protocol droid. Her disabilites are a lack of weapon and a lack of jump. She also cannot manipulate anything. She will not be targeted by enemies, however.

It's worth noting that when protocol droids takes damage, they will continue to lose pieces of themselves. This does not affect abilities, but it's kinda funny.

Abilities:Protocol Access (B or Z at a Threepio panel, opens doors, etc.)


* Jar Jar Binks * - After I-2

A rather accident-prone Gungan, Jar Jar was recently banished from the city of Otoh Gunga following an accident due to his clumsiness. Despite his character traits, he became a General in the Gungan Army, and later the ambassador of the Gungans to the Senate.

Jar Jar is a Gungan non-combatant. He cannot attack, but he can still build and pull levers. Also, he does have the ability to jump higher than most other characters.

Abilities:High Double Jump (press A twice)


* Queen Amidala * - After I-3* Padmé (Battle) * - After I-5* Padmé (Geonosis) * - After II-3* Padmé (Clawed) * - After II-4

Padmé Naberrie was raised among the nobles of Naboo, eventually becoming their elected queen at the age of fourteen and taking her name of state, Amidala. Once her term had ended, she stayed in the political spotlight as the representative of Naboo in the Senate. It was then that she fell in love with the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, and gave birth to twins, Luke and Leia, dying shortly thereafter.

These four are the same character with a costume change. The first is the odd ornamental red dress of the Naboo Queen, then a simple red combat outfit, then her white outfit from the second movie, then her torn outfit after being attacked by the Nexu on Geonosis.

Padmé is an experienced gunner.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of face-slaps, followed by a hair flip)


* Captain Panaka * - After I-3

Panaka is the chief of security tasked specifically with protecting the Naboo royalty. He accompanies her throughout the Naboo/Trade Federation incident, then stays behind to protect the new Queen Jamillia once Padmé's term expired.

Panaka is an experienced gunner.

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Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)


* R2-D2 * - After I-5 (or II-3, or III-2, or IV-1, or V-4, or VI-1)

Everyone's favorite astromech droid began (we imagine) his programming as a repair droid on a Naboo Star Cruiser. He's been a surprisingly large number of places for a droid: Naboo, Tatooine, Coruscant, Geonosis, the Death Star, Yavin IV, Hoth, Dagobah, Bespin, Endor. He's also the only droid to know EVERYTHING that went on in the Star Wars movies. It's a shame he only speaks in bleeps/bloops.

Artoo is an astromech. The disabilities of an astromech are a lack of weapon. He also cannot manipulate anything. However, Artoo will not generally be targeted by enemy fire.

Abilities:Hover (hold down A, very little height, but long distance)Zap (press B, disables most anything for a small time except for Jedi)Astromech Access (Z at an Artoo panel, opens doors, etc.)


* Anakin Skywalker (Boy) * - After I-5

Born a slave on Tatooine, Anakin lived his young life in the service of Gardulla the Hutt, then later Watto the Toydarian. Anakin was raised by his mother, and thus he is very attached to her. At his mother's urging, he helps Qui-Gon and his companions fix their damaged ship and leaves with them for Coruscant, then later Naboo, where he is instrumental in the victory.

As a boy, Anakin is a non-combatant shortie. He has no weapon, but can jump and manipulate things.

Abilities:Crawl (press Z near a vent)


* R4-P17 * - After II-2

R4 is an astromech droid like most others. She accompanied Obi-Wan on his mission to Kamino, and later Geonosis. She also participated in the Battle of Coruscant, but did not survive.

R4 is an astromech. The disabilities of an astromech are a lack of weapon. She also cannot manipulate anything. However, she will not generally be targeted by enemy fire.

Abilities:Hover (hold down A, very little height, but long distance)Zap (press B, disables most anything for a small time except for Jedi)Astromech Access (Z at an Artoo panel, opens doors, etc.)


* Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) * - After II-3* Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) * - After III-2

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Despite being too old for formal acceptance into the Jedi Temple, Anakin was trained to be a Jedi under Obi-Wan Kenobi, where he excelled at using his powerful connection to the Force. Soon after the outset of the Clone Wars, he was anointed as a Jedi Knight and became one of the Clone Wars' greatest heroes.

Anakin's two costumes are for his different looks between the two movies where he was an adult. First his Padawan robes, then his darker Jedi robes from Episode III.

Grown-up Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* C-3PO * - After II-3 (or IV-1, or V-2, or VI-1)

This fussy protocol droid began his programming on Tatooine, in Anakin Skywalker's house. He spent his early years helping with chores and farming, until collected by Anakin to travel to Geonosis. He's suffered a memory wipe following the rise of the Empire, so remembers little before his tenure on the Tantive IV.

Threepio is a protocol droid. His disabilites are a lack of weapon and a lack of jump. He also cannot manipulate anything. Like Artoo, though, he will not be targeted by enemies.

It's worth noting that when Threepio takes damage, he'll continue to lose pieces of himself. This does not affect his abilities, but it's kinda funny.

Abilities:Protocol Access (B or Z at a Threepio panel, opens doors, etc.)


* Mace Windu * - After II-4

One of the more prominent and talented members of the Jedi Council, Master Mace Windu has been touted as one of the finest lightsaber combatants in history. He personally gathered a team of Jedi to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi from Geonosis.

Mace Windu is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Yoda * - After II-6 (or III-4, or V-4)

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One of the most renowned Jedi Masters in the galaxy. Yoda's species is still unknown. A master of lightsaber combat and use of the Force, Yoda has seen much in his 900 years of life, but can he handle a headstrong farmboy, son of the Chosen One?

Yoda is an Old Jedi. His normal walk is very slow. When his saber is ignited, he gains speed. Note that he does not have the "hover seat" that he had in LEGO Star Wars I.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Chancellor Palpatine * - After III-2

The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic is a position of moderator and diplomat. During Palpatine's term, however, he began to exert far more control than his station warranted. More power came to him, still, after he was granted emergency powers for the purpose of war.

Chancellor Palpatine is a non-combatant. He can still build and pull levers, but he can't attack.


* Commander Cody * - After III-3

One of the millions of clones employed by the Republic to combat the Trade Federation, Cody is a command unit meant to lead. He assists Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau after he chases General Grievous there, for a time, anyway.

Cody is a basic gunner. Mockups of him (clones with shoulder pads) also appear as enemies in one mission, where they have two hearts.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)


* Chewbacca * - After III-4 (or IV-3, or V-2, or VI-1)

While he started his life in peace on Kashyyyk, war came to his planet, and he rose up along his Wookiee brothers to fight. Following the war, he was captured into slavery. He was then freed by Han Solo, who he then owed a life-debt to. He stands as his partner's conscience and muscle. He's also an exceedingly skilled mechanic, and a good friend. Just don't make him mad.

Chewbacca is an experienced gunner.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (pulls the arms of his enemy if they can be beat in one hit, otherwise punches)

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* Princess Leia * - After IV-1* Princess Leia (Hoth) * - After V-2* Princess Leia (Bespin) * - After V-6* Princess Leia (Boussh) * - After VI-1* Princess Leia (Endor) * - After VI-3

Adopted in infancy by the Royal House of Alderaan, and given the name Leia Organa, this firebrand grew up in luxury, but became the Senator to Alderaan and a vital member of the Rebel Alliance. When she was exposed as a member, she became one of the most popular beacons of hope for the Alliance, with her charm, charisma, and ferocity.

These five Leias are all the same character with a costume change. The original being her white senatorial robe (or pantsuit), Hoth being a more bundled up affair, Bespin involves her with longer hair and a tan costume, and Endor in forest camo greens. Boussh is her dressed up as an Ubesian bounty hunter in order to infiltrate Jabba's Palace.

Yes. Read that again. In LSW:CS, Leia (Boussh) is NOT a bounty hunter. She's just a gunner like everyone else. She will only get bounty hunter abilities in Jabba's Palace with the hat.

Leia is an experienced gunner.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of face-slaps)


* Captain Antilles * - After IV-1* Rebel Friend * - After IV-1

His first mission (when we saw him chronologically) was to give C-3PO a memory wipe. Antilles is the captain of the Tantive IV (and no relation to Wedge Antilles). He met his end about twenty years after that first mission at the hands (literally) of Darth Vader. The Rebel Friend is just a red-shirted (poor guy) version of Antilles.

The Rebels are basic gunners.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)


* Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) * - After IV-2* Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) * - After IV-4* Luke Skywalker (Pilot) * - After V-4

This farmboy from Tatooine grew up dreaming of flying the stars, and was always jealous when his friend Biggs would come home with stories of adventures. He got his wish when he lost his adopted uncle and aunt to the Empire.

These three Lukes are the same character with a costume change. The first is his simple desert outfit from Tatooine. The second is a stolen suit of stormtrooper armor, and the third is his Rebel pilot jumpsuit.

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Luke (pre-Jedi) is a master gunner.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)


* Han Solo * - After IV-3* Han Solo (Stormtrooper) * - After IV-4* Han Solo (Hoth) * - After V-2* Han Solo (Skiff) * - After VI-1* Han Solo (Endor) * - After VI-4

A Corellian smuggler wise in the ways of the galaxy and the almighty Credit. Han Solo is a cocky fellow living the life of a freelance. He'll soon find himself swept up in the Galactic Civil War, taking sides with the Rebel Alliance.

The five Hans are the same character with a costume change. The first is his white shirt and black vest. The second is a suit of stolen stormtrooper armor. The third is his heavy blue jacket he wears on Hoth. The fourth is a basic white shirt. The fifth is his basic outfit with green camos.

Han Solo is a master gunner.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)


* Luke Skywalker (Dagobah) * - After V-4* Luke Skywalker (Bespin) * - After V-5* Luke Skywalker (Jedi) * - After VI-1

Having realized his destiny as a Jedi, Luke takes up his father's lightsaber and is ready to be the shining light of the Force to stand against the Empire.

These three Lukes are the same character with costume changes. The first is brief training clothes with a backpack. The second is a simple light-colored outfit. The last is black Jedi robes and a green lightsaber.

Luke (Jedi) is... a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)Force Choke (hold down Z while focused on a Gamorrean)


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* Lando Calrissian * - After V-6* Lando (Palace Guard) * - After VI-2

This scoundrel has had many occupations in his life, from gambler, to smuggler, to Baron-Administrator of Cloud City. He's always in the mood for a good deal, generally regardless of the party involved. Like Solo, he'll also end up throwing his chips in with the Alliance.

Lando's normal costume is his Bespin Baron garb. The second costume has a helmet which obscures his roguish features.

Lando is a master gunner.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of kicks and a super uppercut)


* Princess Leia (Slave) * - After VI-2

After being captured by Jabba, Leia is placed in a rather brief costume. It's not too different from her other setups, except in one key area.

Leia (Slave) is an experienced gunner (sort of).

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Dance (hold down Z, doesn't do anything, but sure looks hot, eh?)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of face-slaps)


* Wicket * - After VI-4

Wicket Wystri Warrick is an Ewok from the forest moon of Endor. Although a simple hunter-gatherer, Wicket is plagued by an intense curiosity of foreign objects and people.

Wicket is an Ewok.

Abilities:Slingshot (main weapon, travels in an arc)Crawl (press Z near a vent)


* Darth Vader * - After VI-5 or A New Hope bonus mission

One of the most terrifying symbols of the Empire's power, Darth Vader was the Emperor's personal envoy throughout the galaxy, and his apprentice in the dark side of the Force. Dressed in black armor, cape, and a skull helmet, Vader struck fear in his enemies and allies alike.

Darth Vader is a Sith.


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Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Sith Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with red sparkles)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)Force Choke (hold down Z while focused on an enemy)Imperial Access (press Z on a white circle)

=======================11B. Extra Characters ========================

All these characters must be bought from the bar.


* Gonk Droid * - Available at the beginning (3000)

The EG-6 Power Droid is an ungainly-looking machine. Basically a box on two stubby legs, the Gonk is nonetheless an important part of starships, as it can create and store incredible amounts of power.

The Gonk Droid is a non-combatant. Further, they have no abilities, cannot jump, and walk very slowly.


* PK Droid * - Available at the beginning (1500)

The PK series are simple worker droids. They are very cheap models and can easily be bought in bulk. The Trade Federation employed a large number of them for maintenance on their many ships.

The PK Droid is a non-combatant. While faster than the Gonk Droid, they still cannot attack or jump, and have no abilities. Like most non-combatant droids, though, most enemies will ignore them.


* Battle Droid * - After I-1 (6,500)* Battle Droid (Security) * - After I-1 (8,500)* Battle Droid (Commander) * - After I-1 (10,000)* Battle Droid (Geonosis) * - After II-3 (8,500)

Battle droids are typical droids designed for combat, and heavily employed by the Trade Federation. The simplest droids are the B1 series, which are capable of little more than attacking their enemies. The more advanced predecessors, the OOM series, are programmed with more strategy and intellect, and are capable of more complex tasks such as security or command.

The four battle droid types are mostly the same. The first is the standard droid from Episode I, the second is the type with red markings used for security, the third is the type with yellow markings used for command (they can take two hits as enemies), and the last is the more reddish type used on Geonosis.

Battle Droids are droid gunners. They cannot jump or manipulate anything, but they can fight back.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Walkie Talkie (Commander Only) (press Z, does nothing)


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* Droideka * - After I-1 (40,000)

One of the more feared sights in the Trade Federation army, Droidekas are fast, deadly, and resilient. They travel by curling themselves up in a wheel, then unfold upon reaching their destination, where they will deploy personal shield generators and twin blaster cannons. When fought as enemies, their shields take about six or so hits (or one down-stab with a saber), and their bodies take another three hits.

Droidekas are rather unique. Like other droids, they cannot jump or interact with the environment, but they're formidable fighters, as their shields allow them to take several hits and their blasters are lethal.

Abilities:Twin Blasters (main weapon)


* Captain Tarpals * - After I-2 (17,500)

Tarpals is the leader of the security forces of Otoh Gunga, and a fine warrior in his own right. He stood beside Jar Jar Binks in the Battle of Naboo among the rest of the Gungan Army.

Tarpals is a Gungan Warrior. He has the high jump of Jar Jar, but he's not a total wuss, bringing his spear and shield into battle. However, he has nothing much to attack with besides a basic triple standing attack.

Abilities:Spear and Shield (main weapons)High Double Jump (presss A twice)


* Boss Nass * - After I-2 (15,000)

Rugor Nass is an Ankura Gungan, the current leader of the Gungan people of Otoh Gunga at the time of the Battle of Naboo. While he generally holds to the Gungan tradition of remaining separate from outside peoples, in the end he pledges the support of his people in fighting the Trade Federation.

Boss Nass is a non-combatant. He can only jump, build, and pull levers.


* Royal Guard * - After I-3 (10,000)

Members of the Royal Security Force on Naboo, dedicated to protecting the Queen and the nobility.

Royal Guard are experienced gunners.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)


* Padmé * - After I-3 (20,000)

Padmé in her blue handmaiden outfit from Episode I. See Padmé for more info.

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* Watto * - After I-4 (16,000)

This Toydarian runs a junk shop in Mos Espa on Tatooine. Ever the gambler, Watto often bets on podraces, and sometimes even asks his young slave, Anakin Skywalker, to participate in them.

Watto is a unique character. Similar to a Geonosian, he can fly, and his weapon is a simple zapper.

Abilities:Zapper (main weapon, disables anything but Jedi for a few seconds)Fly (press A twice to hover in midair)


* Pit Droid * - After I-4 (4,000)

The DUM-series droids are used in light repair and construction. Watto and several podrace owners maintain small numbers of these droids for use in their work.

Pit Droids are non-combatants. They can do nothing apart from walk around, much like the PK Droid.


* Darth Maul * - After I-6 (60,000)

A Zabrak from the planet Iridoinia, Maul was taken in early childhood by Darth Sidious and trained in the ways of the Sith. He was trained to be nothing more than a tool of his master, and acted accordingly, performing assassinations and other dirty work when his master wasn't free to move around.

Darth maul is a Sith. While he does have his trademark lightsaber, it doesn't make him that much different from other saber-users, apart from a different moveset.

Abilities:Double-bladed lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Sith Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with red sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Zam Wesell * - After II-1 (27,500)

One of the galaxy's few Clawdites, Zam Wesell is a shape-shifting bounty hunter. She tends to assume the form of a human woman. She is known for often partnering with the Mandalorian, Jango Fett.

Zam is a bounty hunter (huntress).

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade)

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Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)


* Dexter Jettster * - After II-1 (10,000)

A Besalisk originating from the planet Ojom, Dexter is a cook who owns a diner in Coruscant. He's spent a lot of time in several less than legal jobs throughout the galaxy. As such, he knows a lot more about the galaxy's ways than most.

Dexter is a non-combatant (which is a shame with those four big arms). He can jump, build, and pull levers.


* Clone * - After II-2 (13,000)* Clone (Episode III) * - After III-4 (10,000)* Clone (Episode III, Pilot) * - After III-4 (11,000)* Clone (Episode III, Swamp) * - After III-4 (12,000)* Clone (Episode III, Walker) * - After III-4 (12,000)* Disguised Clone * - After III-5 (12,000)

Modeled off of bounty hunter Jango Fett, the Clone Army was developed by the Kaminoans under the order of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Superior to droids in almost every way, the Clones were created to be the perfect soldiers:skilled and obedient, yet being able to reason on their own.

All Clones are the same, mostly with slight costume changes. The first is the Clones as they appear in Episode II. The next four are varied forms of Clones based on their affiliation. The last one is something that wasn't seen in the films: Clones dressed in Jedi cloaks to trick Jedi into letting their guard down.

All Clones are experienced Imperial gunners.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)Imperial Access (press Z on a white circle)


* Lama Su * - After II-2 (9,000)* Taun We * - After II-2 (9,000)

The Kaminoans have hard lives on Kamino. After an ice age almost drove their species to extinction, they focused on science, specifically genetics and cloning, to keep themselves from dying out. This is the reason that Kamino is so well-known for its cloning proficiency and efficiency.

Lama Su and Taun We are both non-combatants. All they can do is jump, build, and pull levers.


* Geonosian * - After II-3 (20,000)

The dominant species on the rocky planet Geonosis are a hardy and insect-like species. They live in hives in their mountain home. Considered a

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barbaric race, they enjoy public displays of combat and violence.

Geonosians are unique gunners.

Abilities:Geonosian Blaster (main weapon)Fly (press A twice to hover in midair)


* Super Battle Droid * - After II-4 (25,000)

The B2 series of battle droid is well-known for being far more deadly than its predecessor, with better armor and armament. They were deployed in service to the CIS at the beginning of the Clone Wars.

Super Battle Droids are droid gunners. They cannot jump or interact with the environment. As enemies, Supers take three hits to destroy.

Abilities:Hand Blaster (main weapon)


* Jango Fett * - After II-4 (70,000)

A talented bounty hunter from Concord Dawn, Jango Fett began his career as a member of the mercenary unit, the Mandalorians. After they were wiped out, Jango continued on his own. He was chosen as the template from which the Clone Army would be conceived.

Jango is a Mandalorian bounty hunter.

Abilities: Dual Blaster Pistols (main weapon)Jetpack (press A while in the air to activate the jetpack, which allows you to hover for a time; press A again to drop to the ground)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches and kicks)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)


* Boba Fett (Boy) * - After II-4 (5,500)

Jango Fett, besides his pay, made one request of those who would make him as the template of the Clone Army: one clone, unaltered, which he would treat as his son, who grew up learning much from his father.

Young Boba Fett is a non-combatant shortie. He has no weapon, but can jump and interact with the environment.

Abilities:Crawl (press Z near a vent)


* Luminara * - After II-4 (28,000)

Luminara Unduli is a Mirialan Jedi Master. She was part of the platoon gathered by Mace Windu used to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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Luminara is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Ki-Adi Mundi * - After II-4 (30,000)

A Cerean Jedi Master, and a member of the Jedi Council, Ki-Adi is one of the few Jedi allowed to marry and have a family, as his species is known for a very small birth rate.

Ki-Adi Mundi is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Kit Fisto * - After II-4 (35,000)

A Nautolan Jedi Master, Kit was part of the platoon Mace Windu gathered to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's a generally positive and laid-back Jedi.

Kit Fisto is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Shaak Ti * - After II-4 (36,000)

A Togrutan Jedi Master, Shaak Ti was part of the platoon Mace Windu gathered to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. She also served on the Jedi Council. She is reportedly one of the few Jedi to survive the Great Jedi Purge (despite having two unused death scenes filmed for her for Episode III).

Shaak Ti is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)

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* Aayla Secura * - After II-4 (37,000)

A Twi'lek Jedi Knight, Aaylas'ecura was part of the platoon Mace Windu gathered to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Aayla is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Plo Koon * - After II-4 (39,000)

The Kel Dor Jedi Master, and member of the Jedi Council, Plo Koon was considered one of the more powerful Jedi, having incredible telekinetic powers and the judgement to use Force Lightning, although never to harm sapients.

Plo Koon is a Jedi.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Count Dooku * - After III-2 (100,000)

Dooku of Serenno was one of the twenty Jedi who had walked away from the Jedi Order during his life to pursue other goals. Unfortunately, his goal was involved with overthrowing the corrupt Republic, as he created the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He led the CIS against the Republic during the Clone Wars.

Dooku is a Sith.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Sith Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with red sparkles)Force Lightning (hold down Z while focused on an enemy)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)


* Grievous' Bodyguard * - After III-2 (42,000)

The IG-100 MagnaGuard is an advanced battle droid designed to be the bodyguards of General Grievous. They stand two meters tall and wield electrostaffs with rather deadly skill. They were created to be used against the Jedi.

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Bodyguards are unique melee combatants. Their electrostaffs allow them to cross swords with Jedi. They also have a very high single jump, and the ability to perform a down-stab, much like Jedi.

Abilities:Electrostaff (main weapon)High Jump (press A)


* General Grievous * - After III-3 (70,000)

Born Qymaen jai Sheelal, a Kaleesh warlord, Grievous assumed his current cyborg form after a shuttle crash. He is the Supreme Commander of the droid armies of the CIS. He is also a formidable combatant, trained by Dooku in the ways of the lightsaber. He holds one saber in each of his four arms, trophies he has taken from fallen Jedi.

Grevious is a unique melee combatant. He has lightsabers (yes, four), but no Force powers. However, he does have a very high double jump.

Abilities:Quad Lightsabers (main weapons)High Double Jump (press A twice)


* Wookiee * - After II-4 (16,000)

See Chewbacca for info on him and his species.


* Mace Windu (Episode III) * - After III-5 (38,000)

Mace Windu in his Episode III outfit. See Mace Windu.


* Rebel Trooper * - After IV-1 (10,000)* Rebel Trooper (Hoth) * - After V-2 (16,000)* Rebel Pilot * - After V-2 (15,000)

See Captain Antilles. These are just different models of Rebels; one with a blue shirt, one in white Hoth warms, and one in a pilot jumpsuit.


* Stormtrooper * - After IV-1 (10,000)* Sandtrooper * - After IV-3 (14,000)* Beach Trooper * - After IV-4 (20,000)* Death Star Trooper * - After IV-4 (19,000)* TIE Fighter Pilot * - After IV-4 (21,000)* Snowtrooper * - After V-2 (16,000)

Once clones under the Republic Army, the rank and file Imperial soldier opened its doors up to enlistment later on in the history of the Empire. Dressed in bright white armor and a menacing helmet, stormtroopers are remarkably easy to kill even with all that on.

The DS Trooper and TIE Fighter Pilot are unique in that as enemies they have two hearts.

There are four models of the stormie. The first is the standard. The second

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has a big backpack to supply for the desert. The third is a blue swimsuit-clad trooper (and helmet), not nearly as creepy as the Speedo guys. The fourth is a streamlined model for use in snowy areas. The Death Star Trooper is assigned to specific part of the DS for control work, and the TIE Fighter Pilot should be obvious.

Troopers are Imperial gunners.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Swan Dive (double press A to do a face plant on the floor)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Imperial Access (press Z on white circles)


* Imperial Shuttle Pilot * - After IV-1 (25,000)* Imperial Officer * - After IV-4 (28,000)

These suits are the "upper class" of the Imperial soldiers. They're assigned to more specific tasks than just milling about and getting killed. However, they act roughly the same. They have two hearts as enemies.

Officers are experienced Imperial gunners.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)Imperial Access (press Z on white circles)


* Tusken Raider * - After IV-2 (23,000)

Also known as "Sandpeople", these creatures rove the deserts of Tatooine. They're a scavenging people, but they do have a rich culture.

Tuskens are basic gunners.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (rifle butt)


* Jawa * - After IV-2 (24,000)

Also a scavenging people, but they're less inclined to kill and more inclined to just run off with stuff. They always wear their hooded robes.

Jawas are shorties.

Abilities:Zapper (main weapon, disables anything but Jedi for a few seconds)Crawl (press Z next to vents)


* Greedo * - After IV-3 (60,000)

Greedo was a cocky young Rodian, blinded by his species rich history of

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being successful bounty hunters. He was skilled, but not as much as Han Solo.

Greedo is a bounty hunter.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)


* Imperial Spy * - After IV-3 (13,500)

His name is Garindan. He's a Kabuz spy stationed on Tatooine. Also known as "Long-Snoot". He tips off the Imperials to "those two droids".

Imperial Spy is a non-combatant. He cannot attack, but can jump, build, and pull levers.

Abilities:Walkie Talkie (press Z, doesn't do anything)


* Grand Moff Tarkin * - After IV-4 (38,000)

The ruler of the Empire's Outer Rim territories, Wilhuff Tarkin was a man of vast ambition. He was the overseer of construction and acting commander of the Death Star.

Tarkin is an experienced Imperial Gunner.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)Imperial Access (press Z on white circles)


* Han Solo (Hood) * - After V-2 (20,000)

Han Solo in his winter wear. See Han Solo.


* Luke Skywalker (Hoth) * - After V-2 (14,000)

Luke in his Hoth uniform. See Luke Skywalker (non-Jedi).


* Lobot * - After V-5 (11,000)

The aide and de facto administrator of Cloud City, Lobot was once a pirate before being forced into a contract and becoming a cyborg, attached to the city's central computer.

Lobot is a melee fighter.

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Abilities:Melee Attack (a series of punches, followed by a headbutt)


* Ugnaught * - After V-5 (36,000)

Small humanoids known for their tiresome work ethic, Ugnaughts are known as excellent miners throughout the galaxy, many having found their way to Bespin.

Ugnaughts are shorties.

Abilities:Zapper (main weapon, disables anyone but Jedi for a few seconds)Crawl (press Z next to vents)


* Bespin Guard * - After V-5 (15,000)

A volunteer force from the ranks of Bespin's citizenry, these guards have been trained to defend Cloud City in the event of ruckus or invasion.

The Bespin Guard is an advanced gunner.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of kicks)


* Princess Leia (Prisoner) * - After V-5 (22,000)

Leia in less of her Bespin costume. See Princess Leia.


* Gamorrean Guard * - After VI-1 (40,000)

Large porcine beings from the planet Gamorr, these brutes are known for their great strength and warrior natures. Jabba the Hutt obtained a tribe of these folk as guards for his palace. As enemies, they have two hearts.

Gamorreans are unique melee fighters. They have a triple combo much like lightsabers do, and they can block using the axes. Also, after jumping in the air, they have a jump slam attack similar to the Jedi's double jump down-stab, in that it makes an small explosion of energy.

Abilities:Vibro-ax (main weapon)


* Bib Fortuna * - After VI-1 (16,000)

This ambitious Twi'lek has served as Jabba's majordomo for many years, but he secretly yearns to usurp his master's power.

Bib Fortuna is a melee fighter.

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Abilities:Melee attack (a series of punches, then kicks)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)


* Palace Guard * - After VI-1 (14,000)* Skiff Guard * - After VI-2 (12,000)

In addition to the Gamorreans, Jabba also maintains a contigent of guards of varying species, from human to Nikto.

Jabba's Guards are basic gunners.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)


* Bossk * - After VI-1 (75,000)

A ferocious and well-known Trandoshan, Bossk has earned a nasty reputation for himself over his life. Being a member of a species who are lifelong enemies of the Wookiees, Bossk is far more interested in Chewbacca's pelt than Han Solo.

Bossk is a bounty hunter.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)


* Boba Fett * - After VI-2 (100,000)

One of the galaxy's most feared bounty hunters, and the clone son of another legend, Boba Fett wears the armor of the feared warriors of Mandalore. He rarely speaks and is ruthlessly efficient.

Boba Fett is a Mandalorian bounty hunter.

Abilities: High-powered Blaster Rifle (main weapon, does double damage)Jetpack (press A while in the air to activate the jetpack, which allows you to hover for a time; press A again to drop to the ground)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches and kicks)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)


* Ewok * - After VI-4 (34,000)

See Wicket. This is just an Ewok with a brown hood instead of a red one.


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* Imperial Guard * - After VI-5 (46,000)

A special cadre of gifted soldiers with sworn allegiance to the Emperor, these red-robed enforcers are armed with force pikes and are dangerous foes. As enemies, they have four hearts.

Guards are unique melee fighters. They have a triple attack combo as Jedi do.

Abilities:Force Pike (main weapon)Dive (press B while in the air, does no damage)Imperial Access (press Z on a white circle)


* The Emperor * - After VI-5 (275,000)

Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, is probably one of the most evil and ruthless beings in galactic history. He rose from being a simple diplomat to ruler of the galaxy, and nearly succeeded in bringing about the complete extinction of the Jedi.

The Emperor is a Sith. His double jump has a slightly higher reach than any other Jedi/Sith's, so it may be easier to reach higher canisters with him.

Abilities:Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Sith Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with red sparkles)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)Force Lightning (hold down Z while focused on an enemy)Imperial Access (press Z on a white circle)


* Admiral Ackbar * - After VI-6 (33,000)

One of the greatest tactical geniuses of the Rebel Alliance, Ackbar was once a peace-loving Mon Calamari much like the rest of his people, until the Empire enslaved his race. He and his people then used their starship technology to recreate their space-going ferries into machines of war, with frightening results.

Ackbar is an advanced gunner.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)


* IG-88 * - After VI-6 (100,000)

An assassin droid meant to be the next generation of killing machines, IG-88's creators made a horrible blunder by accidentally giving their masterpiece sentience. IG-88 went on to become a fearsome and emotionless bounty hunter.

IG-88 is a droid bounty hunter.

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Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a punch, kick, then a detach-head-and-slam)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)Protocol Access (press Z at a Threepio panel)Astromech Access (press Z at an Artoo panel)


* Dengar * - After VI-2 (70,000)

Dengar is a Corellian who partially owes his current sad state to Han Solo, who bested him in a swoop race, leaving him horribly injured. His recovery led to his becoming a bounty hunter with almost no emotion.

Dengar is a bounty hunter.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)


* 4-LOM * - After VI-2 (45,000)

4-LOM is a former protocol droid who had a mishap with his programming when he reasoned his way into thievery, and then later into becoming a bounty hunter. He partnered with the Gand Zuckuss, but seems to be without him in this game.

4-LOM is a droid bounty hunter.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon, does double damage)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (a series of punches, then a spinning arm attack)Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle)Protocol Access (press Z at a Threepio panel)Astromech Access (press Z at an Artoo panel)


* Ben Kenobi (Ghost) * - After VI-6 (1,100,000)* Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) * - After VI-6 (1,000,000)* Yoda (Ghost) * - After VI-6 (1,200,000)

One of the greatest Force abilities ever known, developed by Qui-Gon Jinn, is the ability to linger after one's death as a specter, able to continue to communicate with the land of the living, even if they cannot interact physically. Qui-Gon taught the ability to Yoda after his own death, who then taught it to Obi-Wan. It is assumed that Anakin developed this ability on his own.

These guys are ghost Jedi.

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Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon)Double Jump (press A twice)Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles)Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments)Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid)Invincibility (cannot be harmed and will not lose studs from a fall, can still be shot out of vehicles, though)Invisibility (enemies will not interact with a ghost Jedi)


* R2-Q5 * - After VI-6 (100,000)

Well, I don't know why they brought this guy in, because there's really no story behind him apart from him being present on board the second Death Star when it was destroyed.

R2-Q5 is an astromech. The disabilities of an astromech are a lack of weapon. He also cannot manipulate anything. However, he will not generally be targeted by enemy fire.

Abilities:Hover (hold down A, very little height, but long distance)Zap (press B, disables most anything for a small time except for Jedi)Astromech Access (Z at an Artoo panel, opens doors, etc.)


* Indiana Jones * - View the trailer in the Bonus section (50,000)

Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. is a renowned archaeologist and adventurer. He searches the world for ancient relics in the 1930's, ever evading the Nazi menace. In this game, he's simply a bonus character, as the next LEGO game by Traveller's Tales will be LEGO Indiana Jones.

Dr. Jones is a master gunner.

Abilities:Revolver (main weapon)Dodge (press B at incoming fire)Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Melee Attack (the whip!)

========================11C. Vehicles/Minikits =========================

Vehicles are largely very similar. Their blasters do the same amount of damage, and their manuvering and speed capabilities are pretty much the same. There are some exceptions, though, as I'll address. Unless otherwise specified, all craft have blasters, carry three torpedoes, and can perform acrobatics.


* Anakin's Pod * - After I-4

Anakin Skywalker's homebrew podracer was cobbled together by the boy at the age of nine. Using his technical prowess, Anakin was able to craft a podracer of amazing speed.

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While podracers have no armaments, they do have a higher top speed than most craft, although it's not particularly noticable.

Attributes:High speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Naboo Starfighter * - After Anakin's Flight Bonus Mission, Minikit I-5

The Royal N-1 Starfighter was employed by the Naboo government as a craft to be used for defense, patrol, and escort. The chromium finish on the front marks it as a craft specifically in service of the Royal House.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobaticsTow Cable


* Anakin's Speeder * - After II-1

The XJ-6 Airspeeder is a custom-built airspeeder that was owned by Senator Simon Greyshade. Anakin "commandeered" this speeder for his chase of Zam Wesell through the skyways of Coruscant.

While the "real" XJ-6 was a simple pleasure craft, this version is pretty much a standard fighter.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Republic Gunship * - After II-5, Minikit II-4

The Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (LAAT/i) was a gunship employed by the Grand Army of the Repbuilc, often as air support for ground troops. It was crafted by Rothana Heavy Engineering, as part of its efforts to support the Republic in the coming war.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobaticsTow Cable


* Jedi Starfighter (Yellow) * - After III-1, Minikit III-3* Jedi Starfighter (Red) * - After III-1

The Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, also known as the "Jedi interceptor" was one of the primary ships used by the Jedi in the later years of the Clone Wars. Both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker piloted one in the

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Battle of Coruscant.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* X-Wing * - After IV-6, Minikit V-4

The Incom T-65 Space Superiority Star Fighter is still a popular piece of machinery even so many years after its inception (both in the Star Wars universe and in popular culture).

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Y-Wing * - After IV-6, Minikit IV-5

The Koensayr BTL Attack Starfighter is the workhouse of the Rebel fleet, and of their earliest. Known for its raw power over its speed, the Y-Wing can pound capital ships to dust.

Attributes:Dual LasersFive TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Snowspeeder * - After V-1, Minikit V-2

The Incom T-47 Airspeeder wasn't meant for the combat, but the industrious Rebellion managed to retrofit a group of speeders with laser cannons to be an effective combat weapon.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesFair speedGood maneuverability plus acrobaticsTow Cable


* Millenium Falcon * - After V-3, Minikit IV-4

Han Solo's YT-1300 CEC Freighter is probably the most famous ship in the galaxy. Beginning its life as a simple Corellian freighter, it underwent massive and illegal modifications to increase its durability, firepower, speed, and smuggling capabilities.

Attributes:Dual LasersTracking Laser TurretThree Torpedoes

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Good speedFair maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Sebulba's Pod * - After I-4 (20,000), Minikit I-4

The Collor Pondrat "Plug-F Mammoth" was the racer used by the famed Dug racer, Sebulba. He personally and illegally modified the racer to ensure his victories, including such dirty weapons a flamethrower. The pod was trashed following his loss to Anakin Skywalker at the Boonta Eve Classic.

While podracers have no armaments, they do have a higher top speed than most craft, although it's not particularly noticable.

Attributes:High speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Zam's Airspeeder * - After II-1 (24,000), Minikit II-1

The "Koro-2 Exodrive" Airspeeder was Zam Wesell's personal craft for her planetside missions. She utilized it in an attempted getaway following her attempted assassination of Senator Amidala. Unfortunately, she was no match for the piloting skills of Anakin Skywalker, and her speeder crashed in the streets of Coruscant.

While the "real" Exodrive was a simple pleasure craft, this version is pretty much a standard fighter.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Droid Trifighter * - After III-1 (28,000)

The CIS's droid-based dogfighter, the droid tri-fighter was an autonomous starfighter used during the later parts of the Clone Wars. It is easily recognized by its three arms that branch out of the rear and converge near the front of the ship.

Attributes:Triple LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Vulture Droid * - After III-1 (30,000)

The mainstay fighter of the Trade Federation all the way up to the Clone Wars, the Variable Geometric Self-Propelled Battle Droid was a common sight among TF and CIS forces. Like all droid fighters, it had no pilot, just a droid brain connected to a control ship.

Attributes:Quad Lasers

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Three TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* Clone Arcfighter * - After III-1 (33,000), Minikit III-5

The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter was designed by Incom and Subpro. It was a heavy starfighter for its time, and was used chiefly by the Grand Army of the Republic (mostly pilot clones). It's considred an ancestor to the X-Wing.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood maneuverability plus acrobatics


* TIE Fighter * - After IV-6 (35,000), Minikit V-3* TIE Interceptor * - After IV-6 (40,000), Minikit VI-6* TIE Fighter (Darth Vader) * - After IV-6 (50,000), Minikit IV-6

The TIE series (stands for Twin Ion Engine) was designed to be very recognizable as a symbol of the Empire. Consisting of a ball cockpit and solar panels on either side, these craft were meant to look alien and menacing. The standard TIE Fighter, the basic model, has hexagonal panels. The newer Interceptor has bent and dagger-shaped panels, as well as better performance overall. The Advanced is a part prototype and part Vader's personal ride, with the addition of hyperdrive and deflector shields.

Attributes:Dual Lasers (Quad Lasers for the Interceptor)Three TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobaticsImperial Clearance (pass through TIE Gates)


* TIE Bomber * - After V-3 (60,000), Minikit VI-3

The TIE Bomber is a double-hulled TIE. The second hull (to the left of the cockpit) is the warhead bay, holding any missiles or bombs that the mission would require.

Attributes:Dual LasersFive TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobaticsImperial Clearance (pass through TIE Gates)


* Imperial Shuttle * - After V-3 (25,000), Minikit VI-5

The Lambda-Class Shuttle is a typical shuttle used to ferry passengers. Its most distinct feature is its three wings, the lower of which fold up when the shuttle lands.


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Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Republic Crusier * - Minikit I-1

The CEC Consular-class space cruiser was specifically painted red as the color of diplomatic immunity, and was used by the Republic in its latter years to ferry ambassadors, diplomats, and Jedi. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were ferried to Naboo in such a craft.

Attributes:Laser CannonThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Gungan Bongo * - Minikit I-2

The tribubble bongo is a submersible craft created by the Gungans for travelling through the planet's underwater passageways. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi used one to travel through the planet's core en route to Theed.

Attributes:No LasersThree TorpedoesFair speedFair manueverability, no acrobatics


* Royal Cruiser * - Minikit I-3

The J-Type 327 Nubian royal starship is one of several types of starships employed by the Naboo. It is a long, sleek, chrome-covered craft. When Queen Amidala fled Naboo en route to Coruscant, she did so in a J-Type 327.

Despite its weapons, the real J-Type 327 had none.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Sith Infiltrator * - Minikit I-6

The Scimitar, also known as the Sith Infiltrator, is Darth Maul's personal prototype starship. It was given to him by his master, Darth Sidious to aid in any missions his master would send him on. One of the remarkable aspects of the craft is its prototype small-scale cloaking device. Jedi who have inspected the ship comment on how "alive" with the dark side it is.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree Torpedoes

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Good speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Jedi Starfighter * - Minikit II-1

The Delta-7 "Aethersprite"-class light interceptor was a craft commissioned by the Jedi specifically for bolstering their motor pool shortly before the Clone Wars. A very small craft, it relies on a seperate hyperdrive module, which it attaches onto in flight, for long-range travel. Obi-Wan Kenobi employed an Aethersprite for his mission tracking Jango Fett.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Droideka * - Minikit II-3

One of the more feared sights in the Trade Federation army, Droidekas are fast, deadly, and resilient. They travel by curling themselves up in a wheel, then unfold upon reaching their destination, where they will deploy personal shield generators and twin blaster cannons. When fought as enemies, their shields take about six or so hits (or one down-stab with a saber), and their bodies take another three hits.

Attributes:Dual Lasers, only when deployedNo TorpedoesHorrible speedWhen shield is deployed, Droideka is invincibleGround CraftCan have "Self Destruct" Extra applied to it


* AT-TE * - Minikit II-5

Developed by Rothana Heavy Engineering as part of the mustering for the Clone Wars, the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer is a "walker" assault vehicle. Its two most imposing features were its six walking legs and the massive cannon on top of it.

Attributes:Laser CannonNo TorpedoesSnail's pace speedGround Craft


* Solar Sailor * - Minikit II-6

The Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop is a somewhat unique craft that was designed for Count Dooku by his Geonosian benefactors, but became more unique when Dooku fitted it with a solar sail, which would normally be far too small compared to other solar sails of its time. Dooku used this sloop to evade capture on Geonosis and return to Coruscant.


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No LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability, no acrobatics


* Drop Ship * - Minikit III-1

A cousin the Republic Gunship, the LAAT/c (Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier) is a gunship designed by Rothana Heavy Engineering. Its primary function was to serve as a carrier for heavy assault vehicles, such as the AT-TE, hence its simplified name, the Drop Ship.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Emergency Ship * - Minikit III-2

The emergency firespeeder is a standard ship utilized to quickly race to the scene of a fire and suppress it. Many were deployed during the Battle of Coruscant, near the end of the Clone Wars, as there were many ships dropping from orbit.

Attributes:No LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Wookiee Cat * - Minikit III-4

The Oevvaor jet catamaran is a sporting and fishing craft developed by the Wookiees for use in surveying the harsh wilderness of Kashyyyk. Despite its primitive appearance, it utilizes modern repulsorlifts and engines, yet normally has no weapons.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability, no acrobaticsGround Craft


* V-Wing * - Minikit III-6

The Alpha-3 Nimbus-class starfighter is a short-ranged starfighter that was employed by the Galactic Republic late in the Clone Wars, and later the Galactic Empire. It was a follow-up to the Aethersprite Jedi Starfighter, and was said to be partly a predecessor to the forthcoming TIE Fighter.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speed

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Good manueverability plus acrobatics


* Star Destroyer * - Minikit IV-1

The Imperial-class Star Destroyer is one of the most visible reminders of the Empire's might. The giant, dagger-shaped, mile-long battle cruiser sports a frightening array of military might.

Attributes:Laser CannonFive TorpedoesPoor speedPoor manueverability, no acrobaticsShip scaled to be as small as a fighter


* Sandcrawler * - Minikit IV-2

Powered by steam-powered nuclear fusion engines, the Sandcrawlers are ancient vehicles originally brought to Tatooine in an attempt to mine the planet. When the planet's prospect turned fruitless, they were abandoned and subsequently adopted by the local Jawas, who use them to travel the deserts.

Attributes:No LasersNo TorpedoesPoor speedPoor manueverability, no acrobaticsCan hop a tiny bit by pressing AGround Craft


* Land Speeder * - Minikit IV-3

The SoroSuub X-34 landspeeder is a modest, yet sporty, civilian speeder. Boasting not much more than a trio of engines and a repulsorlift, Luke Skywalker still enjoyed his time travelling between vaporators during his days on the Lars farm.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesFair speedFair manueverability, no acrobatics


* AT-AT * - Minikit V-1

A perfect example of the Empire's "rule through fear" doctrine, the AllTerrain Armored Transport is an Imperial walker designed for ground assault. Appearing to be a giant, fearsome, metal beast, the walkers boasted heavy firepower and considerable armor. Multiple AT-ATs were employed during the Battle of Hoth.

Attributes:Dual LasersNo TorpedoesSnail's pace speed

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Poor manueverability, no acrobaticsGround Craft


* Cloud Car * - Minikit V-5

The Bespin Motors "Storm IV" Twin Pod Cloud Car is a modest security vehicle employed by the Bespin Guard for patrol and security over Cloud City. Two of the craft escorted the Millenium Falcon as it approached the city during the Galactic Civil War.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Slave I * - Unlock all Minikits (Free Play), Minikit V-6

The Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft is an oddly shaped starship designed by Kuat Systems Engineering. While the prototypes were being tested on Oovo IV, Jango Fett stole one and destroyed the rest, heavily modifying the craft to suit his bounty hunting needs. The ship was later owned by his clone son, Boba Fett.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesGood speedGood manueverability plus acrobatics


* Desert Skiff * - Minikit VI-1

The Ubrikkian Bantha-II cargo skiff is a relatively small repulsor craft often used on desert planets, such as Tatooine. Jabba the Hutt employs a small motor pool of these craft for his security detail when he travels on his sail barge. He also uses them for prisoners being fed to the Sarlacc.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesFair speedFair manueverability, no acrobaticsGround Craft


* Sail Barge * - Minikit VI-2

Jabba the Hutt's prized sail barge, the Khetanna, is a decent-sized luxury repulsor craft developed by Ubrikkian Industries. It was his personal transport across the sands of Tatooine to places such as Mos Eisley or the Great Pit of Carkoon.

Attributes:Laser CannonThree TorpedoesFair speedFair manueverability, no acrobatics

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Ground Craft


* AT-ST * - Minikit VI-4

Sometimes humorously labeled as "chicken walkers", the All Terrain Scout Transport is a smaller and faster cousin of the Imperial AT-AT. Still a menacing sight, but with lower firepower than the AT-AT, an AT-ST is used for scouting and fire support for ground troops.

Attributes:Dual LasersThree TorpedoesSnail's pace speedPoor manueverability, no acrobaticsGround Craft

================================11D. "Extra Toggle" Characters =================================

These characters are present only when you buy the Extra called "Extra Toggle". Basically what it does is that you turn it on, then go into a mission on Free Play or Challenge. As you cycle through the characters, you'll come across a few that aren't in the usual list. I'll tell you right now that none of these characters are particularly special, but here they are, documented.


* Skeleton *

Available in: II-4, III-5, IV-2, IV-4, V-2, V-4, VI-2, VI-4, VI-5, Episode IIi Character Bonus

This is, quite simply, a bag of moving bones. It has really no impact on the Star Wars universe.

The Skeleton is a melee fighter.

Abilities:Melee Attack (swinging its arm, then kicking out its leg)


* Buzz Droid *

Available in: III-1, III-2, III-3, Episode II Character Bonus

The Pistoeka sabotage droid is a small droid used for precise attacks. They were generally deployed by a vulture droid's discord missile, where they would attach to starfighters and systematically pull them apart.

In III-1, the Buzz Droid is useless and does nothing. In the others, the Buzz Droid is a droid melee fighter. It has all the disadvantages of droids (no jump, no manipulating) only it has a melee attack.

Abilities:Melee Attack (swinging its front arm)


* Training Remote *

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Available in: III-5

The remote is a small spherical droid armed with a light blaster, generally used for training purposes, either by gunners or for lightsaber users.

The remote is a rather unique and mostly useless droid. It floats, so it can't depress switches or the like and its light blaster does no damage.

Abilities:Light blaster (main weapon, does no damage)


* Rebel Engineer *

Available in: IV-1, V-2, A New Hope

Like all good groups, even the Rebels have engineers to maintain their technology.

The Rebel Engineer is a basic gunner, just like the Rebel Troopers.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)


* Droid 1 ** Droid 2 ** Droid 3 ** Droid 4 *

Available in: IV-2, IV-3, Episode IV Character Bonus

Droid 1 a WED Treadwell, used for repair. Droid 2 is a droid that I can't identify. Droid 3 is an Asp Droid, used for basic multifunctional work. Droid 4 is an R1, a precursor to the R2 series, used for navigation.

Despite their appearances, all the droids operate the same. They're droid gunners. They also move rather slowly.

Abilities:Blaster (main weapon)


* Womp Rat *

Available in: IV-2, IV-3, VI-1, VI-4, Episode IV Character Bonus, LEGO City, New Town

A womp rat is a larger than usual scavenging rodent. Their native world is Tatooine. They're known for their ferocity in packs and alarming reproduction rate.

Womp rats are non-combatants. Their only use is the fact that they move quite fast and that they go unnoticed by enemies.


* Mouse Droid *

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Available in: IV-4, IV-5, VI-5

The MSE-series of mouse droids were a series of service droids used to deliver messages and guide personnel in facilities where one could easily get lost.

Mouse Droids are non-combatants. Their only use is the fact that they move quite fast and that they go unnoticed by enemies.


* Imperial Engineer *

Available in: IV-4, IV-5, VI-4, VI-5, Episode VI Character Bonus

On hand in most facilties, the Imperial Engineer is also known for his notorious slacking off (see opening cutscene for VI-1).

The Imp Engineer is an Imperial Gunner.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Swan Dive (double press A to do a face plant on the floor)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Imperial Access (press Z on white circles)


* Han Solo (frozen in carbonite) *

Available in: V-5, V-6, VI-1, Episode V Character Bonus

As a test to see if Luke Skywalker could survive the freezing process, Han Solo was placed into a block of carbonite in the hopes that he could be contained. He did survive, but after being removed, he had a small bout of hibernation sickness, which included temporary blindness.

Carbonite Han is a non-combatant. All he can do is hop around and look silly.


* AT-AT Driver *

Available in: VI-3

Specially trained to pilot heavy vehicles, these troopers are still not much more than the average Imperial Grunt.

The AT-AT Driver is an Imperial Gunner.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Swan Dive (double press A to do a face plant on the floor)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Imperial Access (press Z on white circles)


* Scout Trooper *

Available in: VI-3, VI-4

A specialized group of Imperial troopers who are often tasked with recon and

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scouting missions, they are considered hot hands on a speeder bike.

The Scout Trooper is an Imperial Gunner.

Abilities: Blaster (main weapon)Swan Dive (double press A to do a face plant on the floor)Grapple (press Z on grapple points)Imperial Access (press Z on white circles)


* Rancor *

Available in: Episode I Minikit Bonus

While their homeworld is Dathomir, rancors can be found in odd places throughout the galaxy, as they are incredibly ferocious and large predators. Jabba kept one in his palace to feed troublemakers to.

The Rancor is a non-combatant. All it can do plod around incredibly slowly. To its credit, though, it's invincible to enemy fire.


* Wampa *

Availble in : Episode V Minikit Bonus

A semisentient scavenging mammal, this white and hairy beast roams the wastes of Hoth for whatever it can scrounge. It tends to live in caverns of ice to avoid harsh storms.

Like the Rancor, the Wampa is a non-combatant that plods around and is invincible.

******************************************************************************12. SECRETS/UNLOCKABLES******************************************************************************

Here's where I put all the stuff that's not a mission. You'll find a quick list of basic unlocks, how all the Extras work, and a collection of codes you can enter to save yourself some studs.

===================12A. Main Unlocks ====================

For a mission:Unlock Free Play by completing the mission.Unlock the mission's minikit by collecting all ten minikits in it.Get a gold brick by completing the Story.Get a gold brick by earning True Jedi.Get a gold brick by completing the minikit.Unlock that mission's purchaseable extra by finding the Power Brick.

For outside the missions:Unlock any Episode's Bonus Missions by completing all six missions.Unlock the Bounty Hunter Challenges by purchasing Greedo, Bossk, Boba Fett, Dengar, IG-88, and 4-LOM.

Find all 160 Gold Bricks and the Garage will have a large Gold Brick structure to assemble. Put it together and all Extras will automatically be unlocked. The structure will also spit out studs (but not nearly as

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much as LSW2's Stud Fountain).

Earn 100% in the game by purchasing everything and finding every gold brick, minikit, power brick, and by completing all Challenges.

IF you earn 100%, you can create characters with "Super Jedi Powers". What does this mean? It means your customizable characters will now have multiple abilities attached to them.- All characters will have: - High double jump (on I-III, regular double jump on IV-VI) - Thermal detonators (press Z) - Sith Force (hold down Z, works on blue and red sparklies) - Random Force Powers (press Z when facing an enemy and you can perform Mind Trick, Choke, or Lightning) - Ability to crawl through vents (press Z) - Ability to access ANY door panel (Artoo, Threepio, Imperial, Bounty Hunter)- Gunners will have: - Lando's melee attack (kicks and uppercut)- Saber wielders will have: - Very fast saber combo - Force Grapple Leap

=============12B. Extras ==============

Extras are fun (or useful) little goodies you can apply to your game. You can purchase them at the bar, then activate them in the Extras Menu.

Extras can be used in the cantina, in Story, in Free Play, or in the Character Bonus or Minikit Bonus missions. They cannot be used in Super Story, LEGO City, or Bounty Hunter Challenges. Furthermore, certain Extras cannot be used in Character Bonus or Minikit Bonus (which I explain in that section).

For the sake of having a quick list, I've also listed how to get each Power Brick, although you can also find this info in the Free Play section.


Normal Extras (can be purchased at any time)

Adaptive Difficulty (Available at beginning)- With this off, you only lose 2,000 studs every time you die. With this on, things will be adjusted depending on how you play. If you play well, you'll lose 4,000 studs if you die. If you play poorly and die a lot, you'll only lose 1,000 studs. Thanks to C.J. Morton for clearing this up.

Extra Toggle (30,000)- Activate this and enter a mission on Free Play. In addition to the character you've picked and have been given, you'll also have a few extra characters depending on the level. See Section 11D for more info.

Fertilizer (8,000)- Activate this, then hop on a bantha, dewback, or tauntaun, then press Z. Yay, poop!

Disguise (10,000)- Activate this and all characters will have a fake nose and glasses on.

Daisy Chains (5,000)- Activate this to turn a grappler character's wire into a line of flowers.

Chewbacca w/ C3PO (10,000)

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- Activate this and the Chewbacca character will have a mildly displaced Threepio on his back, regardless of whether or not you're controlling him, nor if Threepio is already there.

Tow Death Star (5,000)- This will change all towable bombs into mini Death Stars. The change is purely cosmetic.

Silhouettes (10,000)- This turns all characters into black silhouettes, although light will still shine off them.

Beep Beep (7,500)- With this on, press B in a vehicle that can't shoot, and it will beep its horn.


Power Brick Extras (require finding the requisite Power Brick in a mission)

Super Gonk (100,000, Power Brick 1)- This turns the slow, plodding Gonk Droid into a speed demon that can jump. That's about it, but it's kinda cute. Location: I-1 (Negotiations) - You need an Astromech and probably a High Jumper for this. In the second area, force the large canister on your left so you can high jump up to the Artoo panel. Use it, then go to the next room. Step on the gray space (not the button) and your buddy will step on the button. Double jump into each of the canisters on the left and right to lower them. Once both are down, have each of you step on the two new buttons to reveal the brick.

Poo Money (100,000, Power Brick 2)- When using this extra along with Fertilizer, pressing Z on a bantha, dewback, or tauntaun will cause it to poop money! Location: I-2 (Invasion of Naboo) - You need a Bounty Hunter. In the second area, as you cross the sinking stones that you need Jar Jar for, you'll see a green Bounty Hunter circle. Use it to open a panel with this behind it.

Walkie Talkie Disable (5,000, Power Brick 3)- If you use any character with a walkie talkie (Battle Droid (Commander) or Imperial Spy), then using it will disable all droids in the area for a short time. Location: I-3 (Escape From Naboo) - You need a Bounty Hunter and a Sith. You need to solve the "puzzle" in the upper plaza in the first area. One block is already made for you. Another needs to be assembled in the canisters in the upper left. The third needs a thermal detonator on the shiny canisters in the back right. The last needs a Sith to remove the flowers with red sparklies, then blow up the planter they were in. Once all four blocks are assembled, they need to be pushed to their lit-up "ready" spots, and they're all in the opposite corner they need to be in. Once all four are in place, Force them to their spots on the puzzle, and you're done.

Power Brick Detector (125,000, Power Brick 4)- With this turned on, you'll have an arrow pointing at all the Power Bricks. This doesn't tell how to actually GET them, just where they are. Location: I-4 (Mos Espa Pod Race) - Just after all the rocks in the opening, there's the drop off (not long before the service ramp). After that drop off, hold left to go around the holes. It will be in your path.

Super Slap (5,000, Power Brick 5)- This will double the damage of any non-saber melee attack. Location: I-5 (Retake Theed Palace) - In the dining area (with all the tables and the shiny floor), go to the left side and Force together the chairs, then the tables. Smash the statue in the back and step on the button, then

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Force out the plates and cups. Now, blow up the whole mess to make this appear.

Force Grapple Leap (15,000, Power Brick 6)- This will basically turn any Jedi into a grappler. Press Z on a grapple point and they'll leap to its endpoint. Location: I-6 (Darth Maul) - You need an Imperial for this one. At the exit from the hangar, you'll find lifts on either side of the doorway. Hop on them and use the Force so the two characters will raise each other. Use an Imperial to get past the white circle at the top. In the next room, step on all ten of the black buttons on the floor, turning them red, which will make the brick appear. You do have to be quick.

Stud Magnet (100,000, Power Brick 7)- You want this. This increases your stud pickup radius considerably, making collecting SO much quicker. Location: II-1 (Bounty Hunter Pursuit) - After the first force field area, make a hard right. To the left of the Imperial gate are several pylons with green lights on top. Shoot all of these before any of the lights shut back off and a balloon will appear with the Power Brick on it.

Disarm Troopers (100,000, Power Brick 8)- All enemy guns (except those on droids) will become delicious carrots, which cannot shoot. Location: II-2 (Discovery on Kamino) - Use an Imperial on the left hand door in the hallway outside Jango's room. In this room, step on a light and wait for your partner to step on the other. Continue this pattern until all lights are lit and the disco show begins.

Character Studs (100,000, Power Brick 9)- With this active, defeating enemies will make them drop studs. Not a lot, but every little bit helps, right? Location: II-3 (Droid Factory) - In the fifth area (with all the Geonosians), you'll find a gate made out of bricks you can smash down. Do so, then enter the doorway. In this next room, you need to hit several Artoo panels to move blast shields. It's a pretty obvious pattern. Hitting the fourth one will allow you to get the Brick.

Perfect Deflect (25,000, Power Brick 10)- This will allow you always deflect blaster bolts back at the shooter, as long as you have the block active. You don't need to press the attack button just as the bolt hits you, anymore. Location: II-4 (Jedi Battle) - You need a Bounty Hunter. To the right of Anakin's post, use a thermal detonator on the shiny object to create bricks, which you can use to build small steps to the Power Brick.

Exploding Blaster Bolts (20,000, Power Brick 11)- With this on, your blaster will explode on contact. This will splash to anyone in the vicinity (yourself included). It will also blow up shiny things (that need thermal detonators) and when used in vehicle missions, it will destroy things that normally need bombs or torpedos. Location: II-5 (Gunship Cavalry) - After you pass the first force field, keep an eye on the right side of the screen. The Power Brick is behind a rock on the right side.

Force Pull (12,000, Power Brick 12)- What this does, instead of pushing droids, you will pull them towards you instead, where they will break on you. This pretty much just means that droids will always be broken instead of just possibly incapacitated. Location: II-6 (Count Dooku) - You need a Bounty Hunter and a Shortie for this. Near Dooku's standing spot is a shiny box. Use a thermal detonator on it and then Force the vent. Crawl through with a Shortie, then grapple up to the top of the structure to find this.

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Vehicle Smart Bomb (15,000, Power Brick 13)- I think I finally have this one figured out. With this active, hold down Z and any flying or walking enemies on screen will be destroyed. This works on any starfighters, AT-STs, probe droids, or anything else small that moves around. It DOESN'T work on gun emplacements or other things you'd need to blow up to move ahead, like AT-ATs. Location: III-1 (Battle Over Coruscant) - Not long after you pass through a cruiser's hangar, you'll see the brick spinning on the left side of the screen. Fly through it.

Super Astromech (10,000, Power Brick 14)- With this enabled, a droid's zap will destroy an enemy droid in one shot. Location: III-2 (Chancellor in Peril) - In the dropping elevator area, one of the vents has a shiny covering. Use a thermal detonator on it to remove its cover and get this. You'll probably find this easier to get to once you use the Artoo panel to make the elevator go back up.

Super Jedi Slam (11,000, Power Brick 15)- This will increase the area effect of the Jedi Slam (double jump, then attack). Makes cleanup of mobs rather easy and fun. Also, this causes unlimited damage to everyone but bosses. Location: III-3 (General Grievous) - In the hidden building on the far right, use the Force on all four parts of the central structure to make this appear. You can't get this on Story. You have to come back on Free Play for it.

Super Thermal Detonator (25,000, Power Brick 16)- This one about doubles the range of the thermal detonators, and it probably increases their power, too, which was already pretty sizable to begin with. Location: III-4 (Defense of Kashyyyk) - You need a Bounty Hunter and a Sith. In the first area, at the first junction in the bridge path, take a right to get to an object that you need to Sith Force. Once you take away the outer casing, use a thermal detonator on the inner part to blow it up.

Deflect Bolts (150,000, Power Brick 17)- Who needs a saber, now? With this active, all blaster bolts will bounce off you, no matter what. Location: III-5 (Ruin of the Jedi) - You need a High Jumper for this. In the second to last room, after you activate the three levers on the right side of the big archives room, high jump onto the platform that moved, then move around the upper ledge to the left side of the room. Hover behind the closest force field as Artoo, then use the Threepio panel to lower the force fields on the left-side alcoves. Use the Force to pull out platforms, then high jump up to all the levers (one needs a button to lower a force field). Once all three levers are pulled, a platform moves to the upper left ledge. Climb back up there and high jump up to the brick.

Dark Side (25,000, Power Brick 18)- Give in to your anger. Actually, all this does is give any Jedi the ability to manipulate objects with red sparklies. You have a red saber to play with, too. Location: III-6 (Darth Vader) - On the left side of the second room, use the Artoo panel to open the door to the brick.

Super Blasters (15,000, Power Brick 19)- This will double the damage of all blasters. This includes Fett's blaster, which already does double damage anyway. Unfortunately, bosses will still only take one heart of damage per hit. Location: IV-1 (Secret Plans) - You need a Bounty Hunter or an Imperial. After chasing off Darth Vader, you'll find a hallway with a green circle nearby, and a white circle further down the hall. Use either with their respective character and head into a secret hallway. Use the Threepio panel here, and continue ahead through the door to reach a shower area.

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Force the nearest one on the right to create plants, which can be destroyed to find the brick.

Fast Force (40,000, Power Brick 20)- This basically makes using the Force on objects go much faster. Useful if impatient or you're surrounded by bad guys. Location: IV-2 (Through the Jundland Wastes) - You need a Bounty Hunter. Just after the bantha area, on the right are two shiny structures past a big hole. Hover over there and use TDs to blow them away. This is the Tusken Village. Near you on the right are three boxes. Make a tower out of them and hop up to the rock. Hover over to the far rock and push the mine cart down the slope so it rolls into the wall, breaks it, and uncovers the brick. If you have trouble getting over there with the structures intact, or have a hard time throwing TDs, you can also use the Droid Self-Destruct, which gives the same kind of explosion.

Super Lightsabers (40,000, Power Brick 21)- This makes your lightsaber purple and doubles its damage. Sadly, you will still only take one heart off bosses. Location: IV-3 (Mos Eisley Spaceport) - To the left of the door out of the first area are four garbage cans. Use the Force on all four to remove their lids, then again to remove all the parts inside. Once all the parts are out, assemble the door.

Tractor Beam (15,000, Power Brick 22)- This is for vehicle missions. Enemies that get too close to you will get sucked up behind you and will not be able to fire straight, giving you a clear shot at them. Location: IV-4 (Rescue the Princess) - As you progress past the first control room, you'll come upon an Artoo panel on your left. Enter the room, hover over to the left side, then grapple up.

Invincibility (1,000,000, Power Brick 23)- As it says, you will not be docked hearts if hit by an enemy. However, you will still react and be interrupted if you're Forcing something or building something. Location: IV-5 (Death Star Escape) - After exiting the compactor, use the Threepio panel to access another compactor. Put together the fridge and use the Force to open it up.

Score X2 (1,250,000, Power Brick 24)- Very useful, and very expensive. As implied, silver studs will be worth 20, gold studs 200, and blue studs 2000. This will allow you to get True Jedi much more quickly in missions. The REALLY cool part about the score multipliers is that they stack, meaning that if you bought all of them, you'd be getting Score X 3840, which is just ridiculous. Location: IV-6 (Rebel Attack) - At the end of the trench, on the back right side of the exhaust port's enclosure, is a small tucked away corner which has the brick.

Self Destruct (25,000, Power Brick 25)- If you're a droid, press B with this active and you'll blow up. Simple, and you won't lose studs. You can actually use this within a group of enemies to take them out, and it acts as a Thermal Detonator, blowing up shiny objects. Location: V-1 (Hoth Battle) - You need a TIE for this. Behind the second TIE Gate, and through the tunnel, this is behind a wall at the end. You need to drag a bomb from the beginning of the tunnel all the way through, avoid the AT-AT, and hit the wall with it.

Fast Build (30,000, Power Brick 26)- This seriously shortens your build time. Useful if you're impatient, or if the bad guys keep interrupting you. Location: V-2 (Escape From Echo Base) - You need a Sith for this. In the

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area just before the hangar, use Sith Force on the wall ornaments on the slope to create steps. Climb up them carefully using double jumps, then go to the right and open the Artoo panel. In this room, pull the lever on the "slot machine" that has red and white circles. Once you get the circles, a door in the hangar will open that has this.

Score X4 (2,500,000, Power Brick 27)- Score multiplies by 4. See Score X2 for more info. Location: V-3 (Falcon Flight) - In the first area, this one is behind the back right Star Destroyer as you look at it. Just fly around behind the bridge tower and you should pick it up eventually.

Regenerate Hearts (150,000 Power Brick 28)- Every few seconds, you'll gain a heart back if you've lost some. Good for staying alive, and quite a bit cheaper than invincibility or a Ghost. Location: V-4 (Dagobah) - You need a Sith. In the first area, use Sith Force on the black plants, then jump across the gap. Walk to the race track and bust the box to find a tractor to assemble. Roll the tractor over all the red lights to make them green. Do it quickly.

Minikit Detector (250,000, Power Brick 29)- You'll see a big flashing arrow pointing to hidden minikits. Of course, since I tell you where to find them all in this guide, you won't find many uses, will you? Location: V-6 (Betrayal Over Bespin) - On Free Play, the Slave I actually stays. Hop on top of it to find the brick. NOTE: Despite being #29, this one is found in V-6.

Score X6 (5,000,000, Power Brick 30)- Score multiplies by 6. See Score X2 for more info. Location: V-5 (Cloud City Trap) - You need a Bounty Hunter. In the first area, float to the back of the room, then use a TD on the bars to open the way to the brick. NOTE: Despite being #30, this one is found in V-5.

Super Zapper (14,000, Power Brick 31)- This actually makes Jawas and Ugnaughts (somewhat) useful. With this turned on, their zapper weapons will actually cause damage. Location: VI-1 (Jabba's Palace) - In the room you find Luke, up in the area on the right. Either double jump off the box up there, or push the box onto the button, which holds a grapple point visible.

Bounty Hunter Rockets (20,000, Power Brick 32)- This is fun. Press C while either Jango Fett or Boba Fett and you'll launch a rocket, which will home in on enemies. Location: VI-2 (The Great Pit of Carkoon) - Near the last deck on the top of the barge, bust open a box and assemble a grapple point. Grapple up to the platforms above, then hover over twice to the brick.

Score X8 (10,000,000, Power Brick 33)- Score multiplies by 8. See Score X2 for more info. Location: VI-3 (Speeder Showdown) - You need a Shortie for this. At the landing platform, push the box into the left support pylon, then crawl into it.

Super Ewok Catapult (25,000, Power Brick 34)- I bet you think this does something to those big catapults in the forest, right? Nope! What this does is turn an Ewok's slingshot (also known as a "catapult" in some dialects) into a torpedo launching weapon! BOOM! Location: VI-4 (The Battle of Endor) - You need an Imperial and a Sith. Inside the bunker, go left to the purple lever room. Use the Sith Force on the panel on the floor, use the white circle, then bust down the blockage on the right. Push the box into the hole, go up on the catwalk above by hovering from the other side of the room. Use the Threepio panel, then

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crawl through the vent. Push the box to the back of the room, then the brick will appear.

Infinite Torpeodes (25,000, Power Brick 35)- In vehicle missions, generates torpedoes behind your craft (if they can carry them) for quick use. Makes Minikit Bonuses a lot easier. Location: VI-6 (Into the Death Star) - This is in the core, on the left side. Get two torpedoes and torp each side of the enclosure to release it. NOTE: Despite being #35, this one is found in VI-6.

Score X10 (20,000,000, Power Brick 36)- Score multiplies by 10. See Score X2 for more info. Location: VI-5 (Jedi Destiny) - Sith Force the eight red lights flanking the Emperor's throne. Do it quickly and the brick will appear above the throne. NOTE: Despite being #36, this one is found in VI-5.

===================12C. Secret Codes ====================

Here are several random codes as contributed to GameFAQs by its code-searching population. I claim no responsibility for finding these codes. I only wish to have them here as part of the document.

If you find or know of any more codes, please share. Also, please don't ask me if I know of any codes for whatever. If I find new ones, they will go up immediately.


ACK646 Admiral AckbarKPF958 Battle Droid CommanderLA811Y Boba FettHHY697 Boss Nass QRN714 Captain TarpalsDDD748 Count DookuEUK421 Darth MaulA32CAM Darth SidiousEMP666 The EmperorEWK785 EwokPMN576 General GrievousZZR636 GreedoGIJ989 IG-88GUA850 Imperial GuardKLJ897 Jango FettMUN486 Ki-Adi MundiLUM521 LuminaraVBJ322 PadméEVILR2 R2-Q5CBR954 SandtrooperNBN431 StormtrooperXZNR21 Super Battle DroidPRX482 Taun WePLL967 Watto584HJF Zam Wesell


AAB123 Droid TrifighterHUT845 Imperial Shuttle INT729 TIE Interceptor DBH897 TIE FighterBDC866 Vulture Droid UUU875 Zam's Airspeeder

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BRJ437 DisguiseCLZ738 Force Grapple Leap

******************************************************************************13. TWO PLAYER ARCADE******************************************************************************

Naturally, you need a second player in order to access this. This basically puts you and another player in a specially designed arena. You will compete for points. You earn these points by ways of parameters you set at the outset:

Level: Select any of the twelve arenas. I will describe these further below.Mode: Duel - You earn a point every time you strike down your opponent. Battle Enemies - Standard enemies will be dropped into the fray and you have to destroy 10, 25, or 50 to get a point. Collect Studs - You earn a point every time your stud total reaches 50,000, 100,000, or 250,000.Target: If Off, then you'll play until you decide to stop. If set to 5, 10, 25, or 50 points, then the game will end when you reach that number, and the winner will be credited with the match.Reset Scores: Select and the match score will be reset to zero all.

Once you select your parameters, you'll select your characters. You can each pick one, and then the game will give you a standard Free Play set. You'll both be able to switch through all available characters. After that, the game will begin.

The winner of the match is determined by what your Target is set to. Every time a player completes the role of the "Mode" (striking down the opponent, beating the requisite number of enemies, or finding enough studs), the player gets a point. If you've set the Target to be a number, the game will stop and the winner will be given a match point.


Levels -

Senate: A large circular arena based around the Senate chamber on Coruscant. There are three major levels and grapple points connecting them.

Utapau: This is a semi-circular area based on the fight with Grievous. There are platforms that extend towards the center, as well as a high ledge that can be grappled up to.

Hoth: The ice planet's arena is a trench-laden affair. Tight passageways make for close combat, and watch for grapple points to get to higher ledges.

Dagobah: This swampy mud-hole is roughly based off the training area on Dagobah. A series of islands separated by deadly water makes for a rather flat arena.

Kamino: This open area is circular platforms and back ledges, connected by grapple points and gaps that you would need to hover over to get to.

Kashyyyk: The woods of Kashyyyk are largely just platforms connected by bridges. It's not a big area, but look out for some spots where you can grapple or Force to get to some cool back areass.

Theed Palace: This is the Character Bonus for Episode I. One main low path

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plus a bunch of high ledges along the sides.

Geonosis: This is the Episode II Character Bonus in the Droid Factory, complete with moving buckets and square platforms, plus buttons that connect bridges.

Mustafar: The Episode III Character Bonus is a squarish area with small rocky platforms and lots of lava for quick instant kills.

Mos Eisley: The Episode IV Character Bonus is an area of lots of walls and confined passages.

Bespin: The Episode V Character Bonus is an open area of platforms and connecting bridges which need to be extended with buttons.

Endor: The Ewok village is the Episode VI Character Bonus, situated with large platforms, huts to hide in, and a few hidden areas.

******************************************************************************14. STANDARD GUIDE STUFF******************************************************************************============14A. Legal =============

This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2008 Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format. Please don’t post this on your site unless you have express consent by me. I’ve put a lot of time into this. Give me some credit.

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:

I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ. They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the LEGO Star Wars TCS guides, but, trying to keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I trust.

========================14B. E-mail Guidelines =========================

If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines...

- Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide.- Make sure it has something to do with LEGO Star Wars TCS. I don't want spam, chain letters, offers for friendship. Compliment me on the FAQ all you want, though.- Make sure you say LEGO Star Wars at one point in your e-mail. I have more than one Star Wars FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I beat the last level?" doesn't tell me much.- Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile.

==============14C. Credits =

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CJayC, SBAllen, and all respective webmasters for having this on their sites.

CJ Morton for explaining adaptive difficulty.

mr_rex for his list of Extra Toggle characters.

Several people for pointing out what Walkie Talkie Disable and Super Astromech do.

Lucasarts Entertainment Company and Traveller's Tales, for this fine example of a Star Wars game.

LEGO, for their world of imagination.

George Lucas, for his world of imagination.

======================14D. Version Updates =======================

Version 1.0 - 1/2/2008 - Oops. Didn't fill this in the first time. >_> Um, so yeah. Retroactively, this had everything except Two Player Arcade, really, but...

Version 1.1 - 1/12/2008 - Filled in lots of gaps. Added walkthroughs to LEGO City and New Town. Two Player Arcade is complete. This guide should be pretty much done.

Version 1.2 - 3/1/2008 - A few corrections, minor additions. Thanks to everyone for your help!

=====================14E. The Final Word ======================

Ah, good. They gave us the whole experience in one game, caught up the original game, and gave us enough new stuff so that it's (more or less) a justifiable purchase.

Take care and may the farce be with you! (No, that's not a spelling error. Look up the word.)

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