  • Stargate SG-1 "PROMETHEUS" EPISODE #P664


    RUNNING TIME: 45:50

    August 15, 2002

    Prepared by: Line 21 Media Services Ltd. #122- 1058 Mainland Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2T4 Phone: (604) 662-4600

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 1




    01:00:01:05 TEAL'C (V/O): Previously on Stargate SG-1...

    01:00:03:29 ADRIAN CONRAD: The exits are sealed, Major.

    01:00:06:26 CARTER: Who are you? What the hell am I doing here?

    01:00:09:02 ADRIAN CONRAD: My name is Adrian Conrad.

    01:00:12:12 ADRIAN CONRAD (CONT'D O/S): You're here because of me.

    01:00:14:14 O'NEILL: What was the $3 million for?

    01:00:16:09 MAYBOURNE: I acquired a piece of merchandise from the Russians and sold it to


    01:00:18:24 O'NEILL: What?

    01:00:20:00 MAYBOURNE: A symbiote.

    01:00:21:00 FRAISER (O/S): It would appear Adrian Conrad is in the late stages of an

    extremely rare disorder...

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 2

    01:00:25:05 FRAISER (CONT'D): known as Burchardt’s Syndrome. It's a condition that effects

    the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to a host of diseases,

    and there's no known cure.

    01:00:33:24 TEAL'C: Except the healing powers of a Goa'uld symbiote.

    01:00:36:06 O'NEILL (O/S CALLING OUT): Where are you going?

    01:00:42:27 ADRIAN CONRAD: Shoot me and you'll kill the host.

    01:00:50:18 SIMMONS: You want to live...

    01:00:51:28 SIMMONS (CONT'D O/S): you come with me.

    01:00:53:09 SIMMONS: Now, once you start delivering on your end of our little bargain, I might

    be able to move you to better accommodations.

    01:00:59:00 ADRIAN CONRAD: You cannot offer anything of equal value to the knowledge I


    01:01:02:29 SIMMONS: I'm not so sure about that.


  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 3


    01:01:25:20 (CAR ALARM DISABLING)

    01:01:28:03 JULIA: Major Carter?

    01:01:30:04 JULIA: My name's Julia Donovan. I'm with Inside Access. I'm wondering if we

    could have a few minutes of your time?

    01:01:35:16 CARTER: I'm a little busy right now.

    01:01:36:25 JULIA: Actually, your name came up in connection with a story I've been working


    01:01:40:09 JULIA (CONT'D): Over the past two years, several billion...

    01:01:41:20 JULIA (CONT'D O/S): dollars of taxpayers' money has been funneled into a secret

    government project called Prometheus. In fact, it's so secret, the

    government appropriated the money without the usual...

    01:01:50:27 JULIA (CONT'D): congressional oversight, which I think my viewers might find

    rather interesting.

    01:01:54:18 CARTER: I'm sure they would.

    01:01:59:20 JULIA: Actually, I thought you might find this particularly interesting. It's a metal

    alloy called Trinium.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 4

    01:02:05:04 (CAR ENGINE TURNING OVER)

    01:02:05:04 JULIA (CONT'D): Supposedly it's being used in connection with Prometheus.

    01:02:08:00 JULIA (CONT'D O/S): I had my experts analyze it. They said it's unlike anything

    they've ever seen before...

    01:02:12:12 JULIA (CONT'D): at least on this planet.

    01:02:16:04 JULIA: Sure you wouldn't care to comment now?

    01:02:19:20 CARTER: I'm sure.

    01:02:21:04 (CAR BACKING AWAY)


  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 5


    01:03:47:13 CARTER: To tell you the truth, Sir, I didn't know what to say. She caught me

    completely off guard.

    01:03:51:20 HAMMOND (O/S): You did the right thing, Major. Our official policy is to deny


    01:03:55:00 CARTER: Unfortunately, in this case, I don't think it's going to be good enough.

    01:03:57:29 HAMMOND: Do you believe the sample of Trinium is genuine?

    01:04:01:20 CARTER: It's hard to say for sure, Sir, but just the fact that she knew the name

    indicates we've had a serious breach of security.

    01:04:07:26 HAMMOND: The Pentagon's already initiated an investigation. We've tapped Ms.

    Donovan's phone and e-mail accounts, and we're tracking her


    01:04:15:01 CARTER: Where is she now?

    01:04:16:11 HAMMOND (O/S): She left Colorado Springs at 0930 this morning. She changed


    01:04:20:02 HAMMOND (CONT'D): in Denver en route to JFK. I'm sending Major Davis over

    from Washington to talk to her.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 6

    01:04:25:09 CARTER: Do we know when this report's scheduled to air?

    01:04:27:12 HAMMOND: In four days.

    01:04:39:06 JULIA: No, Tuesday's no good. I've got an interview with the Chinese

    Ambassador, and then on Wednesday, I fly out for the G-8 summit.

    01:04:48:22 JULIA: I'll call you back.

    01:04:50:25 JULIA: Why are we stopping?

    01:04:53:10 (CAR DOOR OPENING)

    01:04:57:10 MAJOR DAVIS: Good evening.

    01:04:58:20 JULIA: What is this?

    01:05:00:13 MAJOR DAVIS: Major Paul Davis, United States Air Force.

    01:05:02:27 JULIA: If you came to intimidate me out of running my story, it's not going to work.

    Just the fact that you're here tells me it's too important to let go.

    01:05:10:14 MAJOR DAVIS: Oh, it's more important than you know.

    01:05:12:09 JULIA: Here comes the national security speech.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 7

    01:05:14:16 MAJOR DAVIS: Oh, no, no speech, just a simple fact. You run that story, you

    endanger people's lives.

    01:05:19:22 JULIA: All right. You tell me what Prometheus is, and I'll reconsider.

    01:05:24:20 MAJOR DAVIS: I don't think so.

    01:05:26:10 JULIA (O/S): I'm serious.

    01:05:27:20 JULIA (CONT'D): I have unconfirmed reports that it's some kind of fusion reactor.

    01:05:30:16 JULIA (CONT'D O/S): They're building it out in the desert.

    01:05:32:01 MAJOR DAVIS: Where'd you hear that?

    01:05:33:12 JULIA: I'm not ready to reveal my source.

    01:05:35:20 MAJOR DAVIS (O/S): Ms. Donovan, by revealing...

    01:05:37:00 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D): classified information, your source is violating about 17

    federal laws.

    01:05:41:20 JULIA: Is that a confirmation?

    01:05:43:10 MAJOR DAVIS: It's a warning.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 8

    01:05:47:10 JULIA: You should know, Major, I've made arrangements. If anything happens to

    me, the report gets released.

    01:05:56:10 MAJOR DAVIS: Have a good evening, Ms. Donovan.

    01:06:09:23 MAJOR DAVIS: She's stubborn, Sir.

    01:06:11:10 HAMMOND: Do we know where the leak came from?

    01:06:13:00 MAJOR DAVIS: We're working on it, but so far, we've got nothing. It could be

    anything from a technician working on the project to Senator Kinsey.

    01:06:21:20 HAMMOND: How much does she know?

    01:06:23:00 MAJOR DAVIS: She thinks Prometheus is some kind of fusion reactor.

    01:06:25:14 HAMMOND: Then maybe we don't have a problem.

    01:06:27:28 MAJOR DAVIS: She also has a money trail, Sir, and the Trinium. Now, if she can

    get that much, odds are she can get a lot more.

    01:06:38:27 HAMMOND: This is General Hammond. Get me the President.

    01:06:49:10 JULIA: Al, we need to talk about this production schedule.

    01:06:53:20 JULIA: What the hell is this?

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 9

    01:06:54:29 AL: Take it easy, Julia.

    01:06:55:29 JULIA: No. If you think you can kill my story by going over my head to my

    producer, you're wrong.

    01:06:59:10 AL (O/S): Just sit down, please.

    01:07:10:05 AL: The head office has decided that for the time being, it's in their best interests

    not to run the story.

    01:07:16:07 JULIA: You mean they caved.

    01:07:18:03 MAJOR DAVIS (O/S): It was a personal request...

    01:07:19:23 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D): from the President to the Chairman of the corporation

    that owns this network.

    01:07:22:23 JULIA: I don't believe this.

    01:07:24:14 CARTER: We're going to need all the material you have on this story--

    01:07:27:03 CARTER (CONT'D O/S): tapes, notes, interviews.

    01:07:28:18 JULIA: You can't force me to give you anything.

    01:07:30:10 MAJOR DAVIS (O/S): Actually, we can...

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 10

    01:07:31:25 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D): but we were just hoping that you'd be willing to

    cooperate, given that your story is dead.

    01:07:36:12 JULIA: You see, that's where you're wrong. All I have to do is make a couple of

    phone calls to some foreign broadcasters. I'm sure they'd be very


    01:07:42:26 MAJOR DAVIS: I'd advise against it.

    01:07:44:04 AL: Okay, okay, look, maybe there's a compromise here.

    01:07:48:15 AL (CONT'D): Whatever this thing is, I figure it's too big to stay secret forever, am

    I right? Eventually, you're going to go public.

    01:07:55:10 AL (CONT'D): You let Julia take a camera crew to document Prometheus top to

    bottom. When the time is right, we get a world exclusive.

    01:08:04:06 CARTER: I don't think so.

    01:08:05:29 AL: Everyone'll sign a nondisclosure agreement, including me.

    01:08:08:23 AL (CONT'D O/S): The videotape will be the property of the United States Air


    01:08:11:13 AL (CONT'D): You'll be in complete control.

    01:08:12:25 JULIA: Forget it. They're going to sit on this thing for 50 years.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 11

    01:08:14:26 AL: Julia, when the President of the United States kills your story, that's it, game

    over. You go foreign with this, they could charge you with treason.

    01:08:28:10 JONAS (V/O): Do you think that she would really go through with it?

    01:08:30:23 HAMMOND: We have no way of knowing, and the fact is, we can't take the


    01:08:33:24 MAJOR DAVIS: There's also the question of where she's getting her information.

    01:08:36:00 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D): If we kill the story without plugging the leak, there's no


    01:08:38:14 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D O/S): this won't happen all over again.

    01:08:40:00 JONAS: What are you suggesting?

    01:08:41:08 MAJOR DAVIS: Once Ms. Donovan left the meeting, her producer agreed to

    reveal the source in exchange for a tour of the facility.

    01:08:45:24 HAMMOND (O/S): The Pentagon feels this is...

    01:08:48:07 HAMMOND (CONT'D): the best way to contain the situation. Once we've

    confirmed we have the source, we destroy all videotape...

    01:08:53:10 HAMMOND (CONT'D O/S): and any related materials.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 12

    01:08:55:05 JONAS: So essentially, we're just double-crossing her?

    01:08:57:06 HAMMOND: We have no choice.

    01:08:58:23 MAJOR DAVIS: Without any hard evidence, the only place she'll be able to run

    the story is in the tabloids.

    01:09:04:00 O'NEILL: This is an insanely bad idea.

    01:09:08:15 HAMMOND: The decision has been made. Major, I want you and Jonas to take

    care of this.

    01:09:14:10 CARTER: Yes, Sir.

    01:09:15:21 HAMMOND: Dismissed.

    01:09:47:11 CARTER: Ms. Donovan.

    01:09:48:27 JULIA: Major.

    01:09:50:28 CARTER: This is Jonas Quinn. He'll be joining us on the tour.

    01:09:56:17 AL: I guess a couple billion dollars doesn't buy what it used to.

    01:09:59:13 JONAS: You'd be surprised.

    01:10:03:16 CARTER: Shall we?

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 13

    01:10:33:20 JULIA: How far down are we going?

    01:10:35:15 CARTER: Several hundred feet.

    01:10:49:07 CARTER (O/S): This is Prometheus, otherwise known...

    01:10:51:09 CARTER (CONT'D): as the X-303.

    01:11:09:18 JULIA: I hope you brought a lot of tape.


  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 14


    01:11:49:16 JULIA: This is a joke. It would take at least 20 Saturn rockets to get this thing off

    the ground, let alone into orbit.

    01:11:55:25 CARTER: Prometheus is the third in a series of designs that incorporates both

    human and alien technology.

    01:12:01:10 AL: You're saying little green men helped you build this?

    01:12:04:23 CARTER: Actually, they're gray. All the key systems were reverse-engineered

    from a ship that crashed a hundred miles north of Fairbanks, Alaska in

    1978. It was only in the last few years that our technology evolved to a

    point where we could take advantage of what we had.

    01:12:22:00 JONAS (SOTTO): Fairbanks?

    01:12:24:20 CARTER: Better than Roswell.

    01:12:28:03 JULIA: It doesn't look very alien to me.

    01:12:31:04 CARTER (O/S): The controls are all standard design.

    01:12:33:04 CARTER (CONT'D): Some of the key systems use crystal technology rather than

    wires and chips. The hard part's making them compatible.

    01:12:39:04 JULIA: All right, let's set up in here. I'd like to see more.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 15

    01:12:51:22 CARTER: The ship will be capable of reaching orbit in under 30 seconds.

    01:12:56:06 JULIA: What about G-forces?

    01:12:57:25 CARTER: Well, if the inertial dampeners and artificial gravity are functioning

    properly, it shouldn't feel like much more than a ride in a fast elevator.

    01:13:04:06 AL: How long until this thing is ready to fly?

    01:13:06:05 CARTER: It'll be a while. A number of the support systems are still being


    01:13:29:02 SERGEANT GIBSON: What are you doing?

    01:13:51:15 JULIA: What is this?

    01:13:52:25 CARTER: The engine room.

    01:14:08:19 AL: How fast does it go?

    01:14:11:10 CARTER: Using sublight engines, the ship can accelerate to 110,000 miles per


    01:14:16:06 CARTER (CONT'D O/S): It's over half the speed of light.

    01:14:18:00 JONAS (O/S): Of course, it's nowhere near fast enough...

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 16

    01:14:19:12 JONAS (CONT'D): to achieve interstellar travel. For that, we need the hyperdrive.


    01:15:04:05 JONAS: What is it?

    01:15:05:15 CARTER: I'm not sure. The computer was running a series of hyperdrive

    simulations, but they've been interrupted.

    01:15:11:00 JONAS: So?

    01:15:12:22 CARTER: So there are no other tests scheduled for today.

    01:15:18:25 CARTER: Engine room to the bridge.

    01:15:22:15 CARTER: Sergeant Gibson, this is Major Carter. Come in.

    01:15:26:14 JONAS: Maybe the comm system isn't finished yet.

    01:15:28:26 CARTER: All right. I'll go check it out. Keep an eye on these two.

    01:15:44:18 JONES: I think I've got it.

    01:15:48:12 JONES: We're in business.

    01:15:50:17 SMITH: Go get the others.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 17

    01:16:01:10 REYNOLDS: Major Carter.

    01:16:02:25 CARTER: Aren't you supposed to be on the bridge?

    01:16:05:00 SANDERSON (O/S): We had a little trouble with the equipment.

    01:16:06:29 SANDERSON (CONT'D): We're going to need to get another battery from the


    01:16:29:10 JULIA: What is it?

    01:16:30:22 JONAS: Someone's trying to lock down the ship. I can't stop them, but I think I can

    slow them down.

    01:16:44:19 SANDERSON (O/S): Where is she?

    01:16:45:29 SMITH (O/S): This way.

    01:16:56:06 SMITH (O/S FILTERED): Jones, come in.

    01:16:58:23 JONES: Go ahead.

    01:17:00:03 SMITH: I need you to seal a room for me. Charlie, Charlie 4107.

    01:17:07:15 JONES: Done.

    01:17:08:20 SMITH: Let's go.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 18

    01:17:17:18 JONES (O/S): Full diagnostic?

    01:17:19:03 JONES: No, no, no.

    01:17:28:06 AL: What is that?

    01:17:29:11 JONAS (O/S): The control crystal.

    01:17:30:22 CARTER: This is Major Carter. Can anybody hear me?

    01:17:49:25 JULIA: What the hell's going on?

    01:17:50:19 REYNOLDS: Shut up.

    01:17:52:02 REYNOLDS (CONT'D O/S): Over there.

    01:17:54:02 JONES: Smith, come in.

    01:17:55:17 SMITH: Go ahead.

    01:17:56:27 JONES: We've got a problem. The computer's been tied up with a diagnostic


    01:18:00:25 JONES (CONT'D O/S FILTERED): I need you to shut it down.

    01:18:03:07 SMITH: Yeah, we've got it.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 19

    01:18:09:05 SANDERSON: The controls are frozen.

    01:18:11:02 JONES (O/S FILTERED): If you don't close that program, I'm not going to be able

    to establish a lockdown, and we're going to be overrun by security.

    01:18:17:04 AL: He removed the control crystal.

    01:18:19:07 JULIA: Al, what are you doing?

    01:18:20:24 AL: It must link the computer to the alien systems.

    01:19:10:11 JONES: There we go.

    01:19:21:05 JULIA: What's happening?

    01:19:22:20 JONAS: They're activating the hyperdrive generators.

    01:19:24:20 JULIA: While we're on the ground? Is that such a good idea?

    01:19:28:14 JONAS: No, it's not.

    01:19:31:10 (ENGINES HUMMING TO LIFE)

    01:19:35:05 JONAS: Unless you're deliberately trying to create an overload.

    01:19:38:25 JULIA: I don't understand.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 20

    01:19:41:05 JONAS: The hyperdrive generators create an enormous amount of energy, and if

    it's not channeled into creating a hyperspace window, it can cause some

    serious problems.

    01:19:50:07 JULIA: You mean, it could explode?

    01:19:52:09 JONAS: With enough force to turn the entire state of Nevada into a smoking

    crater, yes.

    01:19:57:00 SMITH (O/S): That's right...

    01:19:58:11 SMITH (CONT'D): but I wouldn't worry about it. As long as our demands are met,

    it won't come to that.


  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 21


    01:20:55:18 O'NEILL (SHOUTING ANGRILY): Major Davis!

    01:21:00:18 O'NEILL (SHOUTING): What the hell happened?

    01:21:02:05 MAJOR DAVIS: At approximately 0900 this morning...

    01:21:04:09 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D): the X-303 was put into lockdown mode. At 0920, we

    received a communication from someone inside the ship informing us

    that they had destabilized the hyperdrive.

    01:21:11:03 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D O/S): They're threatening to blow it.

    01:21:12:21 O'NEILL: I don't believe it. I do not believe this.

    01:21:14:06 MAJOR DAVIS: We're getting energy readings that confirm an overload building

    in the ship's generator.

    01:21:16:20 O'NEILL: This is supposedly the most secure facility on the face of the planet.

    01:21:20:25 MAJOR DAVIS: We think it was the camera crew, Sir.

    01:21:22:09 O'NEILL: Did anyone bother with a background check?

    01:21:24:25 MAJOR DAVIS (O/S): Yes, Sir...

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 22

    01:21:25:29 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D): and they were clean. Their cameraman was a

    decorated marine in Somalia.

    01:21:29:22 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D O/S): Every member of the crew has been at the

    network for well over a year, Sir. This plan has obviously been in the

    works for some time.

    01:21:34:10 O'NEILL (YELLING): What?

    01:21:35:10 TECHNICAL SERGEANT: Sir, we're receiving a transmission. It's from the


    01:21:37:08 MAJOR DAVIS: Patch it through.

    01:21:42:19 MAJOR DAVIS: This is Major Davis. Go ahead.

    01:21:44:19 SMITH: I assume by now you've confirmed the status of the hyperdrive, so you

    know we're not bluffing.

    01:21:50:21 MAJOR DAVIS: What do you want?

    01:21:52:10 SMITH (O/S FILTERED): You're currently holding two prisoners we want

    released, Colonel Frank Simmons and Adrian Conrad.

    01:22:00:26 SMITH (CONT'D): You have exactly three hours to deliver them, or we blow up

    your ship.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 23

    01:22:36:25 (RADIO STATIC CRACKLING)

    01:22:38:25 CARTER: This is Major Carter. Can anyone hear me?

    01:22:41:25 (RADIO STATIC CRACKLING)

    01:22:47:18 MAJOR DAVIS: Yes, Sir. Perfectly clear, Sir. We're doing everything we can.

    Thank you.

    01:22:56:15 MAJOR DAVIS: The Joint Chiefs are calling an emergency meeting.

    01:23:00:02 TECHNICAL SERGEANT: Sir, I'm picking up on a signal from inside the ship, but

    it's on a different frequency.

    01:23:05:13 MAJOR DAVIS: Patch it through.

    01:23:07:20 CARTER (O/S FILTERED): Repeat, this is Major Carter. Is anyone reading this?

    01:23:12:00 O'NEILL: Carter, it's O'Neill. What's your status?

    01:23:14:03 CARTER: I'm locked in the storage room on deck seven.

    01:23:19:22 O'NEILL: What happened in there?

    01:23:21:07 CARTER: It was the TV crew. They had a zat.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 24

    01:23:24:15 MAJOR DAVIS (O/S FILTERED): Major, the hijackers are demanding the release

    of Colonel Simmons and Adrian Conrad. We believe this is a rogue NID


    01:23:30:12 O'NEILL: Carter, is there any chance they can get that ship off the ground?

    01:23:34:08 CARTER (O/S FILTERED): It's not finished, Sir. It could lose structural integrity.

    01:23:37:28 O'NEILL: Will it fly?

    01:23:39:08 CARTER: Yes, Sir.

    01:23:41:10 MAJOR DAVIS: Major Carter, the sublight control relay is right above you on deck


    01:23:46:06 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D O/S FILTERED): If you can get to it and sever the

    connection, that'll ground them for sure.

    01:23:49:23 CARTER: I found a plasma cutter in here, but it'll take me a while...

    01:23:51:28 CARTER (CONT'D O/S FILTERED): to get through the Trinium alloy.

    01:23:52:28 MAJOR DAVIS: We have less than three hours to deliver the prisoners before

    they blow the ship.

    01:23:56:23 CARTER: Copy that.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 25

    01:24:07:15 JULIA: Al, why are you doing this?

    01:24:09:09 AL: They're paying me.

    01:24:11:27 JULIA: We're supposed to be friends.

    01:24:16:10 AL: They're paying me a lot.

    01:24:21:20 JONAS: Hey, you know there's only two ways off of this ship, don't you?

    01:24:26:09 JONAS: Handcuffs or a body bag.

    01:24:28:12 REYNOLDS: Who says we want to get off?

    01:24:56:05 SIMMONS (O/S): You know, I hate to say it, Major...

    01:24:58:00 SIMMONS (CONT'D): but if I had been in charge, none of this would have ever

    happened. It seems to me you brought me down here to figure out a way

    to retake the ship.

    01:25:05:07 MAJOR DAVIS: These individuals are threatening to blow up the X-303 unless

    their demands are met.

    01:25:09:25 SIMMONS: Yeah? What do they want?

    01:25:11:20 MAJOR DAVIS: You.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 26

    01:25:13:04 SIMMONS: Me?

    01:25:14:04 MAJOR DAVIS (O/S): They're also demanding we bring them...

    01:25:15:18 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D): one of you former associates, Adrian Conrad.

    01:25:18:08 SIMMONS: I hardly think of him as an associate. He's a Goa'uld, after all.

    01:25:22:17 MAJOR DAVIS: You helped him escape when we had him trapped.

    01:25:24:20 SIMMONS: I thought it would be best if we kept him in our custody.

    01:25:28:23 MAJOR DAVIS: Sure you did.

    01:25:30:26 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D O/S): The two of you made some kind of a deal, didn't


    01:25:34:22 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D): We know what the Goa'uld wants from you, Colonel.

    He wants to escape. What we don't know is what he offered you in


    01:25:40:15 SIMMONS: I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to help you.

    01:25:43:13 MAJOR DAVIS: either give me what I need and we make

    arrangements, or we make a U-turn and I take you right back to your


  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 27

    01:25:54:20 SIMMONS: It seems to me that you're in a bit of a bind, now, aren't you?

    Fortunately for you, I am willing to board the X-303 in the interest of

    saving lives.

    01:26:07:11 SIMMONS: Of course, I'm going to need a change of clothes, something nice.

    01:26:14:07 SMITH: The delivery's on its way. We're moving to phase two now.

    01:26:17:15 SANDERSON: We've got a problem. Somebody recalibrated the ignition module.

    The settings we have are all wrong.

    01:26:25:25 JONAS: Don't look at me.

    01:26:27:10 SANDERSON: We need the new settings.

    01:26:29:18 SANDERSON (CONT'D O/S): If we're off by as much as 1%, the engines won't


    01:26:32:14 SANDERSON (CONT'D): and the module will burn out. We'll be stuck.

    01:26:38:00 SMITH: Give me those settings now.

    01:26:39:18 JONAS: I don't know what you're talking about.

    01:26:46:20 SMITH: I'm not fooling around here.

    01:26:48:25 AL: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell are you doing? This wasn't part of the plan.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 28

    01:26:53:17 SMITH: I'm improvising.

    01:26:55:23 AL: I was told no one would get hurt, that was the deal...

    01:26:58:13 AL (CONT'D O/S): so quit waving...

    01:27:00:04 AL (CONT'D): that gun around.

    01:27:06:06 SMITH: Now, where were we?

    01:27:09:29 JONAS: All right.

    01:27:19:03 SMITH: No mistakes.

    01:27:22:05 SMITH: If those engines don't start, both of you die.

    01:27:29:00 TEAL'C: Adrian Conrad has arrived.

    01:27:32:05 MAJOR DAVIS: Did he say anything to you?

    01:27:33:20 TEAL'C: He was uncharacteristically silent for a Goa'uld. Have we received word

    from Major Carter?

    01:27:37:20 O'NEILL: No, not yet.

    01:27:45:11 TECHNICAL SERGEANT: Sir, we're approaching deadline.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 29

    01:27:51:11 MAJOR DAVIS: Radio the hijackers. We're sending in the prisoners.

    01:28:13:18 JONAS: There, it's done.

    01:28:16:05 SANDERSON: Sublight engines are on-line.

    01:28:18:02 JONAS: This doesn't change anything. Even if you get this ship off the ground,

    they're going to track you wherever you go.

    01:28:23:02 SMITH: You're forgetting about the hyperdrive.

    01:28:25:04 JONAS: Well, the hyperdrive is far from operational, and that is something that I

    cannot help you with.

    01:28:29:08 ADRIAN CONRAD: Perhaps not...

    01:28:34:04 ADRIAN CONRAD: But I can.

    01:28:49:02 SIMMONS: Are we set?

    01:28:50:17 SMITH: All systems are go.

    01:28:52:06 SIMMONS: Then release the docking clamps.

    01:29:06:01 TECHNICAL SERGEANT: Major.

    01:29:09:20 TECHNICAL SERGEANT: They're preparing to take off.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 30

    01:29:12:00 MAJOR DAVIS: Thank you.

    01:29:13:06 O'NEILL: She's running out of time.

    01:29:14:21 TEAL'C: Major Carter may still succeed in disabling the ship once they reach orbit.

    01:29:18:05 MAJOR DAVIS: Teal'c, deck seven isn't pressurized. The airlock in that section is

    still under construction. By the time they reach orbit, she'll be dead.


  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 31


    01:29:57:25 SIMMONS: Major Davis, this is Colonel Simmons. We'd like to leave now. Would

    you be so kind as to retract the roof?

    01:30:10:10 MAJOR DAVIS: Colonel, you're going to have to wait a couple of minutes. We're

    having problems with the hydraulics.

    01:30:13:22 SIMMONS: Nice try, Davis. You have 30 seconds or we're going to detonate the


    01:30:43:28 SIMMONS: 10...

    01:30:45:20 SIMMONS (CONT'D O/S): nine...eight...

    01:30:48:02 SIMMONS (CONT'D O/S FILTERED): seven--

    01:30:49:00 TECHNICAL SERGEANT: They're powering engines.

    01:30:49:25 SIMMONS (O/S FILTERED): Six...

    01:30:50:01 (ENGINE HUMMING)

    01:30:52:15 CARTER: Crap.

    01:30:53:25 SIMMONS (O/S FILTERED):

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 32

    01:30:56:12 MAJOR DAVIS: Retract the roof.

    01:31:08:19 JONES: We're good to go, Sir.

    01:31:11:06 SIMMONS: Take us out of here.

    01:31:13:07 (ENGINE ROARING)

    01:31:49:27 (ROOM DEPRESSURIZING)

    01:32:34:05 TECHNICAL SERGEANT: They're entering low-Earth orbit.

    01:32:37:25 MAJOR DAVIS: Now what?

    01:32:39:10 TEAL'C: Does the ship not possess a docking bay capable of receiving the X-


    01:32:42:21 MAJOR DAVIS: We don't have any ready to fly.

    01:32:49:06 O'NEILL: We've got the death glider from Anubis.

    01:32:53:12 MAJOR DAVIS: The radar system on the X-303 is still incomplete.

    01:32:56:10 MAJOR DAVIS (CONT'D CALLING OUT): Fly through the lower bay. They'll never

    see you coming.

    01:33:05:08 JULIA: So that guy with the weird voice, he was an alien, wasn't he?

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 33

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 34

    01:33:09:10 JULIA: You might as well tell me. We're probably not going to survive this anyway.

    01:33:12:15 JONAS: Well, we've been in tighter spots.

    01:33:20:00 SIMMONS: Ms. Donovan. I just had to come down here and say hello. I'm a big

    fan of your work.

    01:33:25:01 JULIA: Terrific.

    01:33:27:01 SIMMONS: And you, Sir, you must be Jonas Quinn, our new alien friend.

    01:33:35:13 JULIA: You're an alien too?

    01:33:39:00 JULIA: I don't believe this.

    01:33:40:14 JONAS: Where are you taking the ship?

    01:33:41:28 SIMMONS: Oh, well, you don't worry about that, all right? You just sit tight, and

    you'll be released when everything's over.

    01:33:47:16 JONAS: Do you really think it's wise to be working with a Goa'uld?

    01:33:52:29 SIMMONS: He's fixing the hyperdrive. It's in his best interest. We'll deal with him


    01:33:57:10 JONAS: Yeah. What about Major Carter?

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 35

    01:34:00:19 SIMMONS: Major Carter...Major Carter should've stayed with the group, but she

    wanted to play the hero, and she got herself killed.

    01:34:09:23 (DOOR SHUTTING)

    01:35:04:15 (ALARM SOUNDING)

    01:35:06:10 SIMMONS: What is that?

    01:35:07:16 JONES: Sublight engines are off-line.

    01:35:08:21 SIMMONS: What does that mean?

    01:35:09:26 JONES: We still have full power, but I've got no control.

    01:35:18:23 SANDERSON (O/S): The circuit's been cut...

    01:35:20:08 SANDERSON (CONT'D): access tube, deck eight.

    01:35:22:06 SIMMONS: It's Carter. I want you boys to get down there.

    01:35:28:22 SIMMONS: And leave me your gun.

    01:35:32:00 JONES: Sir, we don't have enough altitude.

    01:35:34:00 JONES (CONT'D): If I don't get engine control back soon...

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 36

    01:35:35:22 JONES (CONT'D O/S): our orbit's going to start to decay.

    01:35:37:21 SIMMONS: Bridge to engine room.

    01:35:39:06 SIMMONS (CONT'D O/S): Come in.

    01:35:40:18 ADRIAN CONRAD: What is it?

    01:35:42:00 SIMMONS (O/S FILTERED): Are we going to get into hyperdrive anytime soon


    01:35:44:22 ADRIAN CONRAD: I'm working on it. The design is incredibly crude.

    01:35:47:16 ADRIAN CONRAD (CONT'D O/S): It amazes me that a race as backward as

    yours could even think of attempting interstellar travel.

    01:35:53:00 SIMMONS: Spare me the supervillain riff. We're on the clock here.

    01:36:05:04 SMITH: That's enough.

    01:36:33:08 JONES: Orbit's starting to decay.

    01:36:35:24 ADRIAN CONRAD (O/S FILTERED): Engine room to bridge. The hyperdrive is


    01:36:40:20 SIMMONS: Can we open up a window from low orbit?

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 37

    01:36:42:19 JONES: Yes, Sir.

    01:36:44:04 SIMMONS: Then do it, and use the coordinates the Goa'uld gave us.


    01:37:04:13 JULIA: What is that?

    01:37:06:26 JONAS: The hyperdrive.

    01:37:09:10 JULIA: That's bad, isn't it?

    01:37:15:07 TECHNICAL SERGEANT: Sir, we're getting a report from AF SATCOM. The X-

    303 just disappeared from Earth orbit.


  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 38


    01:38:06:05 O'NEILL: Clear.

    01:38:08:10 O'NEILL: Can you shut down the hyperdrive?

    01:38:10:00 CARTER: The computer's been reprogrammed and I don't have the access


    01:38:13:10 O'NEILL: All right, let's find the others.

    01:38:20:28 SIMMONS: Smith, Sanderson, come in.

    01:38:24:05 SIMMONS: Come in, damnit.

    01:38:27:05 SIMMONS: Wait here.

    01:38:35:28 ADRIAN CONRAD: You're finished here.

    01:38:49:01 (GUNSHOTS FIRING)

    01:39:21:00 TEAL'C: This one is injured, but alive.

    01:39:22:24 O'NEILL: Toast.

    01:39:27:15 TEAL'C: Where are the hostages?

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 39

    01:39:30:28 JONES: Supply room...deck four.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 40

    01:39:35:05 TEAL'C: Supply room.

    01:39:39:27 O'NEILL: Carter, keep an eye on the bridge.

    01:39:43:10 CARTER: Simmons.

    01:39:45:20 O'NEILL: Yeah, I know.

    01:40:38:24 SIMMONS (SYMBIOTE SPEAKING): I'm going to savor this moment.


    01:41:48:27 JONES: Where's the rest of my team?

    01:41:50:20 O'NEILL: Just never you mind about the rest of your team.

    01:41:53:20 CARTER: Sir, I have no idea where we are.

    01:41:56:06 JONES: There should be a planet here.

    01:41:58:02 CARTER: What planet?

    01:42:02:20 JONES: Back when Colonel Maybourne was running our off-world op, we found a

    tablet written in the language of the Ancients. It described a large cache

    of weapons and technology...

    01:42:12:00 JONES (CONT'D O/S): hidden in a secret location.

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 41

    01:42:15:19 JONES: Colonel Simmons wanted it bad. The only problem was we couldn't

    translate the coordinates.

    01:42:21:16 TEAL'C: Therefore, Colonel Simmons enlisted the aid of the Goa'uld.

    01:42:24:18 JONES (O/S): After that, it was just a matter of waiting until we could get


    01:42:30:10 O'NEILL: Okay, let's go home.

    01:42:31:26 CARTER: Sir, it's possible when the hyperdrive was brought on-line, no one fully

    accounted for the instability of the Naquadria.

    01:42:38:22 O'NEILL: Well, who does?

    01:42:41:16 CARTER: Well, what I'm saying is if I don't know where we are, I can't plot a

    course for home.

    01:42:49:13 JULIA: So what do we do now?

    01:43:11:03 JONAS: Gibson and Finney are checking the food supply, but it doesn't look very


    01:43:14:20 CARTER: Sir, based on the amount of time we spent in hyperspace, I'd estimate

    we're at least 1,200 light-years from Earth.

    01:43:22:00 O'NEILL: How does that help us?

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 42

    01:43:25:13 CARTER: Uh, it doesn't.

    01:43:28:00 JONAS: Colonel.

    01:43:37:09 CARTER: It's the Asgard.

    01:43:44:13 O'NEILL (EXCITED): Thor, buddy, nice timing.

    01:43:48:12 THOR: It has been some time, O'Neill.

    01:43:51:09 THOR (CONT'D O/S): I owe you all a debt of gratitude for rescuing me...

    01:43:54:21 THOR (CONT'D): from my Goa'uld captors.

    01:43:56:18 O'NEILL: Eh...Hey, I thought you were going for the new body?

    01:44:01:06 THOR: I did.

    01:44:06:00 O'NEILL: It's nice.

    01:44:08:19 CARTER: So how did you find us?

    01:44:10:17 THOR: The Asgard monitor all hyperspace activity in the vicinity of Earth. We

    have been tracking you since you left orbit.

    01:44:18:17 O'NEILL: Excellent. Can you help us out here?

  • Stargate SG-1--“PROMETHEUS” Episode#P664 43

    01:44:21:11 THOR: In fact, it is we who need your help. The Asgard homeworld has been

    overrun by the Replicators.

    01:44:34:20 THOR: We have need of both you and your ship.



