
Welcome to LavaCon 2012The Conference on Digital Media and Content Strategies

Photo by Rachel HoughtonOctober 7-9, 2012 | Portland, OR #LAVACON

What is LavaCon?Where did the name come from?

Past LavaCon locationsWhere have previous events taken place?

Who attends LavaCon?How has the audience changed over the years?

Location, location, locationWhere does our audience hail from?

What’s on the roster today?Meals, special events, after hours activities

Housekeeping itemsRestrooms, breaks, emergencies, internet

Tweeting to your tweeps?The hashtag for this event is #LAVACON

Diamond SponsorStop by the Adobe booth to see what’s new

Platinum SponsorsSupport our sponsors - stop by their booths

State of the Industry ReportWe’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

What is LavaCon?Where did the name come from?

Let’s start with some statistics

South Korea 80%United Kingdom 73%

Germany 72%France 72%Japan 68%

Canada 68%Italy 62%

United States 61%Spain 57%

Australia 54%Czech Republic 32%

Mexico 32%Poland 28%Russia 23%China 22%Brazil 21%

India 3%


Source: Strategy Analytics Connected Home Devices, April 2012

Wireless changes everything

Mobile is Exploding!International Telecommunications Union 2011 ICT Facts and Figures

The mobile phone is the primary access point to the internet for many. In the US, mobile internet access is more common

among some demographic groups.

75%+ of world population has access to a mobile telephone

Estimated world population at 11:50am on Oct 2, 2012

7,043,062,3405,282,296,755 people on Earth have access to mobile phone

US and World Clock Population Estimates Calculator AND International Telecommunications Union 2011 ICT Facts and Figures

Smartphones are fast-replacing mobile handsets. In the US and UK, more than 50% of

mobile subscribers own one.

9,759 new human beings per hour

we’re experiencing a population explosion!

234,216more people on Earth than 24 hours ago

US and World Clock Population Estimates Calculator

Although Apple iPad commands 62.5% of sales wordwide,

Interestingly, they’re getting smaller.tablets (and other device types) of all sizes are emerging.

107.4 million tablets will be sold in 2012

Source: IDC via Business Today

If the rumors are true (and usually, they are)

with sales starting just in time for holiday shopping

Apple is expected to launch smaller iPad in November 2012

Source ComputerWorld Magazine

the announcement will be made October 17, 2012

10” tablets Samsung Galaxy Tablet

as tablet size decreases , so too, does use of the




9” tablets Apple iPad



7” tablets Amazon Kindle Fire



5” tablets Samsung Galaxy Note



Source: comScore

Source:, Jakob Nielsen.

Why the decrease?

The smaller the content on the screen, the more frequent tap errors and accidental activations. Users are more

successful when using sites optimized for mobile. Repurposed designs from larger screen size devices

deliver terrible small screen experiences.

other trends

ebooks - 20% of all books sold this year are eBooks

readers prefer to buy over borrow (or steal) eBooks

booksellers are becoming technology companies

corporate publishing is the new black: eBooks, apps, and mobile web are the new products

What is the solution?

a big trend in formatting involves focusing on

multi-device designresponsive * adaptive * content-centric

new specifications

The W3C is an international membership organization where member organizations, full-time staff, and the public work together in a painstakingly slow process to develop web standards. HTML5 is a specification, not a standard. Although you will hear tose words used as synonyms, they are not.

living standards

The WHATWG is the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group is a growing community of people and organizations interested in evolving the web. They aim to address what they believe is “an apparent disregard for the needs of real-world authors” by the W3C.

living standards

HTML5 is actually the latest rendition (a work in progress, a moving target) of the “living standard” known as HTML.

target: 2022

No, you can’t just take your time and wait for HTML5 to be finished. It’s not supposed to be completed -- the final specification delivered -- until 2022.



new terminiology

tap errors, swipe, touch, tap, entry speed, exit speed, multi-lingual search, multi-fingertouch, multi-device

layout pattern, fluid graphics, fluid proportion-based grids, fluid tables, progressive enhancements, specifications,

fixed width layout, transcation-basedcontent, unobtrusive javascript, accidental activation,

data visualiztion, augmented reality, api, sdk

Source: Anyone who has ever accidentally butt-dialed another person AND Wikipedia

new terminiology

Refers to the accidental placement of a phone call resulting from a smartphone being placed in a pocket, pocketbook, napsack, handbag, or purse. The recipient of the call typically hears random background noise when they answer the phone. If the caller remains unaware, the recipient will sometimes ‘overhear‘ (or record) whatever is happening in the caller’s vacinity for later playback or social sharing.


new devices

too many to keep track of, actually. nexflix video-on-demand service currently

supports 837 different mobile device configurations...yes, you read that correctly...

837 different ones!

new standards

EPUB is a distribution and interchange format standard for digital publications -- based on existing web standards like XHTML, CSS, SVG and others.

sharing documentation & training content




technical communication

sharing documentation & training content




technical communication

sharing documentation & training content




technical communication
