Page 1: State Sentint!. plff PrtMtliMN Oregon. · 2017. 12. 13. · fj T"" Titaaa ceaTtriBss B NOW APPBOTE IT, v.'Mi.N n;s M ' N.ft..i: i! r,-rSB i TUB vnv.w K--. VENT Ol,!': OW N PI

JuDmua State Sen tint!.BE.H i wei:k UY.

ETCHNAL Vic.ll. M'K is IHK rmo K Mill KTV.

mm ii oi. ji'i.i r. 11 it;

Down ;i ir "'s min; . t ion..f'r f 1' rrr nor,

J A Til 1: S W 11 I T C O 31 IE .P r L:iufrii''.nt .' rem r,

" 1 H 81 s f 1 ÜLÜL! i; '

i iii- - Tt i

'i be following v ill be (he ftrmammt lernof ihr H .'.',' lifilir.ti S;.:!.- H litiuit:

fiV .'aynicnts to be made always in advance.I. Lmft... ftMtmM , iiirO1'IM 1, i"T , l8P.0l'

5.1 0Thro" copses, M yrar,Fir copies, one tear,

1 .", 1 M ITfii mmea. t i 1 r. - -

Twentj ta--, one year, directed tu one person, 2tMa)

srnii-t- - M-k-

' I,hai,' uoi.Ji ist .which so frequently are the distinguish- -l

fPubl Med three nuns a we. k during the session.).lecopy, sl.lM


Ihne, shMU,

To oi rc-poiulri- us.

B. Ilnrh, Stile --vi !!r. cluh if tweatf MM mi!. i ilrs iJ RJi. . ,.t..l.l, nnJ l;ys 11 umlcr furtlier obli: lion

Win ml mmm mm it" eu Uh-- Mimr plan Ii H;iil. . . , i

'i.i- - i.. t k.- ' ! Oi'-.'wl- in have tnril ii, hmJ it uiiikrs our Ii " is' ImIi 'ip " litMU lot "t if i all !

QnestleBf ;r tin eM iii imtf asRnmcsilily Icatl&es1 '.! I ii l":i m iz

h iii to !r!:-;;- t CJov. Wlr.ii uiiib!.'! !!.The most deSBftftC eff rta ever known in political

Je have been nade t dtrfeat ;v. Whitcomo. Hisrodent management of tlie State SXBJimns and hi t

masterly and smctssfal rfiwl leweem the peeph? I

from a State debt, brenrl an them by tbe eld WhigJunto, had girea hiss serh werss plaee in the ntfc- -

liens ef the .people that this misewble Clique of polt--

! treeVre see defeat storing litem in tbe race. As

s last hc, when they eonW not prevent eitisens ofa!! parties from volentesiitig t dcU ml tlicir contry,dMsn men, American Rom, hnt Wxican ot heart, mc

hs this city and aVtermined, nri fo etsicl WhiUomb, j abut to amass r him by a rtgutarl nrrnnged mm . -- .. . j . i ... . . . .... I ..... .....inia mmm ..a......rrguariy nrrangKm Fmnit. inii. si powwe exiew, sna its mmwom n ur neni

. . . .ft 1 I - ...1Ke-'- .fffntss W'Ti" Bt'ni . n:iiiy pnpT w;i? si.tiiiu.Th-s- His matlenntl invented evert riri tv of Uk&

Theme falsehood were pttblrehed mm troihe orcrth" State, tlnnigh Known hy many t lie Bfeconrertrd

talechoxls. Voim men in in I f money vvrre toldiu

that they v. niM nt v it, 44 for Whiteomh iinnajjPtloi

that!?1 Attempts were ninih- - ! get tlie volunteenTo Pf i: T'H :; BEST FKtE.XU IN n.' V. But, in-

stead of burning thi,- - Gm riw in ''"-.- ', tlicy uni- -

rersallvJ elieered him wlien he passed from tent to tent of

to ssntuire rata lh ir neecesities. We knew of many

of ihese things and knew also that an intelligentpeople would uneVrstand the ln"e motives that pro-shape- sl

thens. And in this we were not disappointed.Tue vry men who wete said to have Ik-- h mi'ftreatedhe Gosernor Wbitconsb, the othcers of the Indiana ct

suiniilciciin, hotli Whigs and Ecu:ecrat, of the highesd

moral charai ter, did most cheerfully " sign w rit-

ten cTtifieat':, qeqn their 'drid d approbation "fit hts c nhir' tkrf': ',.' t'htt it has merit't'i ;' ''' ' v' '' u; i.n it " nffic rs nf ihe ttgmY fa

lar tinrtf. n h n nmparin i tnth that nj other States."This pTj.i-- r was simd by nearly every officer who

on i.miMrtnniii' t.. t.i ui Thiv mnss of mum- -

poachable testimony lias jiven the lie so ketssstly sndboldly to every one oi the saunters ot the oia Junto,that they f C themselves detected, and in their furyhave commenced ihe meal BBsrarrantable attacks uponeven the brave Whiff officers who sinnt 1 this c riili-cat- e.

ofHear tlie hase BSStnnntioas of the Indiana

Journal of the SSM inst, whin sneaking oft Coi, C C .

Kate, Surgeon I. 8. Lane, Cants, s. Lassseile, J . W. ti

McLsnas, I. W. Eswis. J. McDuegal, I. .Mien, Ef.

k-,h- nd li.-i- f V. Iu I'rown T iv. iw . , jI

V Ceatia, R. W. Juaesand otherss bcssesl and good

Whig omeen as any Stats can boasl of. Ws -- aylisten to the base insinuations t the Journal when

speaking of these men of its own party for signing a

p.i; or Mating that Wcrnof Wnitcomb's conduct metth ir M tided opfrtii rfsew.1

fj T"" Titaaa ceaTtriBss B NOW APPBOTE IT,v.'Mi.N n;s M ' N.ft..i: i! r , - rSB i TUB vnv.w K- -.

VENT Ol,!': OW N PI ' SO nRATIONS ; Rl r,B ,n . OF TOES Dil SOT ! 'VF. ii- - tfjITtL THATWAS S OOamJSBEBu

The above is the hnruage of Dotvees or some one

of the editors of the State Journal. It is a charge ofe rrtiptinii d. l.! r:i!ely and malieioosly made ujk.hi

the men bovc named. It wis expected that thesenssnpUS'inlsd anderer rouhl abuse the hijh mindedDemjOcrati who ikgnod that certificate of approval,

.il . . ....I ftiiiiiiiAul ll.'it tili.. V .'iililil .liflVO. l!iiuiu ft .ft i .v.. I i ft..- - j ' m ...ft.

heartlcs-sness- , in the frenzy i i disappointment, to in- -i.sinuate that tins; certifiers had basely sunned a

tying txrtißeate, toi the sike of a little promotion.

Ii :u! the art;eli. ahmt j.i ited or look at the originalami ask if iiiit is n t the ejbarge. The inferencethen 1. 11. "it all these men w re " i am; (

by Iii ,k management" HOW stands the fact. Col.

ECave at;d Surgeon Lane re the onlya ones of thoe noi

named who coald have been heecjfiied, for not one ofw I

the others was piesseted except i'apt. Lasselle and

I.ieut. Brown who were promoted in eortseqncnes ofthe re,. 'uation of Ckpt Titton. Yet this mouth- -

piece of the old Junto cr.niwt even ;- hv the honest wn

s ldicrsof Its own pdit ai party, w ithout stahhin- - ar

ni their shiad ein meters, while they are BUM to Itrfile . Ti,.. r.w.. IK:- - ,.,.,,..;,.. c;.w.i ofII l ! IV." 4 r IUUII I Jf 1 k. I-

-, Ift.. - V. - I H l IV ft. w , Clpi ..-f- t.

mm St esL bar earls evarv oScer who hast an onoor !- ' 7 j 4W m I

tunily 0 do this act of justice to a slandered man,

has spiked the Ibnlsottthed artillery of the hireling he

pari at the JfunUs press. to

We put fife ipiestions to the ssVl Junto, arid if it

ssas n snrviving rnesMt, wa cad neon that friend t"

SXISWet them.

lt. Was there aa arrangement made when Marv

shall sraa here la June to send certain men to New

Albanv, to disatT-- ct the --olde rä wiih Governor Whit- -

comb ! Answer t at.2nd. Webs rin.i.r. hucdsbb atsb nvt noLan

raised by the Jtmln to peeliati a daily paper near the

saearssosrient ? Answer ti. it.1

:W. When Messrs. McüonaW and Anatin, two

Whigs, had to : o loa D. nsocratic paper n ith eertifi--

sntSB to prove your lured 1 rj in a Imr, to shield their'"' r..u,- - ....,r,.t ex- -

oend.ture d vom j0il We answer that 1 r you,' ,

you certainly I d.

4th. Was it not bnnsiliating to knoss that your

hired or in owes the soundness of his hide and the

sifetv-- 4of his Btesa la msgnanimitv and high hear-- 1

ier of the Adiut neral, w ho positively rui,ed;

pcrnii-s- i ui to on iraged otheers and soldiers to COW- -

bide him, and tear mom 11 his tikhy lj in' pre-- s !' Ves,

v u feel a httle humbh tl.'

5th and lastly. Did you not f- - ! M k at hear', .henyou Hiw tlie broad seel put on ail your fraud by the !

certificate' of the esVsrs. wiflSBg 0i all the fake- -

iood.)ou led teen se long pfepaiing snd circeJating !

AiiöW.r that. of

ken 9-JiT- on Inss-rsrs-w. it dees appear that

liecertain whi editors had determined to make thnn-selve- s

infimoti. The New Albany Bulletin takes

eery fjocaion Is slander Irishmen; and iu Botseiag ui

B aVsirllH says that he is an 'Trishman, very

talkaiive and ieipudent, a preat boaster and bragger."

This soft soapinir nativirn is perfectly characteristic

of aBsigjrery, and shows how ready it is to unite with

sssn faction to get hold of the loaves and li-h- aV

.!! FfjHsssvtuThe celebration of this society which too!; place 011

Tuesday last was respectable, being about 100

Hlllbl IS in the procossion. The services at the iM

Presbyterian Church were interesting. They con-

sisted of I. a VulonUry, by the Choir; II. Prayer by

Die Rev. Mr Beecher; 111. Hymn: IV. Address by

Dr. .1. I;. McFarland of Lafayette ; V. Odo; VI. Ben--1

edict ion by tlie Kv. ZNI r. Mycin. Tbe leading idem I

1 the Address WBS tnt exemplification of the utilityof a-- s. dated trffi rt, far the purpose of in some dc

tfrce reih vine the misfortunes to which all are liable,and for which society makes very inadequate provi"ien. This was enforced very happily by the Orator.

There was a tone of honest sinceritv, and commenda-

ble HMsVety of pretension, pervading the whole, thatmust have satisfied the ai dience of the purity of prin- -

i pic and ein volonte of i)urjoo, not only of the

speaker, but of the Order which be represented.I'l'l...... . . ........ . C 1 1 t -- M mtm umum at. !. 1 MhlUl li: W ÜB IlOIiv." ll lllill I" II 'l M Bliwiliu mj


in-- ' teauires oi sucli auuresses ; tau a ' unu pnw. ..

tical enforcement of the great duties ol universal be-- ,'

nevulencc m.d charity, and a development of the ca- -

.le;,-- s of this Order to carry them into efibct Ita dimcuk thing lor m orator to find anything new

sTk- -.tossy upon these suljects in the abstract : this instance wt happen to know to be the case,

ins speaker had but a day or two for preparation, we

have s riht to anticipate but little. Mr. Wcrarland.

therefore is entitled to the greater praise tnai he whs, , ,vo ,,OIirM.:. ntisfaction. The prayer, by

t)C jcv .,.,.i;..r mm appropriate, )nsfl what itmiWmiitt have been ; the odes were excellent, and were

mfmt arablr suog by the Choir ; and the bswedic--

J)V j.,.v frcn wa8 feelingly pmnounc- -

ttl s,.rvu.)t. ;,t tjc ci!Ur,rb, the Order again

.......ettrmftA.. ... nroceeaion.j . snd nfoceeded, to dinner. This

m9t9 ivcn at the eastmrn market louse, whic h wasj, ßlted op ami acorated for the occasion hy

i.,,;,,. , ,p ti.c K. Meth idhrt charge, under srhosedi--

n(.tl ,n .,; f t,c dinner was provided and prepared. As-- ,1 thing, we eoneider public dinners ns public

.mm. . ,. ..... lk;fl. fnrmed an sxeentkm to the rule.r. . ...Ever. tluiM was done in the very he t stylo; ami it

tmge about it. it wai thefreat u -

perabwneianee r viands. blessing st the fsblejthfl Cuaamercial to think a ooontry1 'ii

was invoked hv the Uev. Smith. Dinner over, that Wbv. man, we h:i- - more cburcbeatte Order rctorned to Ihcir leetge-roos- s, bigbly grati--

t!'il thai not the slightest incident dependent on hn

in sgency occurred to mar the happiness of the

;isl '11.

Kerp it before the Pcele),That Jtw. G. Marshall voted sgainot redncing tbe pay

the members of ths Legislature from three to twodollars a ds

And tell them that he voted against reducing the

salaries id" O&Ci TO.

JYll ihfin that Marshall voted gainst reducing the1 .., ... k-- ..,r... i . ...,. ...ll'lllllll I UI I" III HUM.-- in LI'. -- ' M V V

.. ... ... rp. ,,nam cvuiHiea, irwn w aW ....u

porting against summooing jurors frosa rs,

which would have mane a saving f over Iwenty-flv- e

thoosand dollars a y:ir to the .st:ito.

Keep it before Ihess, t hut Marshall scknowledgchis circular that he lives in the line honse huilt hy

ckftith with Bsoney pinnderi d from the State, andMarshall was Ueckwiihs counsel. Tboogfa bel. . .. 3 I... A..m Lm .Ii! n 1,..-- . ..r r..- o ..0 -Uly j

niember BOW the State was swindled. The people

have it to pay.

When the Fountain volunteers departed for theMexican srsr, Rev. Mr. Reed, Methodist clergyman

'hat masse, hv rennest, we understand, delivered i-

valedictory address to the company. Pnnog the Je- -. .... ... ...f I I. ii M iiirln twoi o orn r.ilt.Ti.tuu'.v.!. um.,,,.,, ...uv.y.

to the highest pilch, Kev. K. paused, then rescnee0,41 hn,,d " ,l'ud VoKe f111.'"yhrothTs! When twilight begin 1 to draw her

roa eommencs kindling your,,m).tirrs to prepare yonf evening meal, n member,nt,? remember, that your bumble speaker is on his

nees at a Throne of Grace, imploring our AlmightyFather for your protection and success!1

llovv diih-ren- t frotn our Whig friend and writerf,r the Journal. Uev. II. W. Ceechf.i ! tl SRI USED." " -W

when requested l, hiaown party friernfe, tlie arm nftKx-(jo- v. Wallace smons the numhi r. Whv I Tic8

n rants since, answer, according to some. Wesee, also, another reason, il nut two, lethaps our

friend B. wishes t go to C ingress; titat may be one. !

Perhaps he bssj object to Gov, Wbjtcossb f.r being 1

friendly to the Sletktxlisi church in. tend of Mr. U.'a.

.o matter. Mr. I;. is a pood preacher, and irrcat on

distilleries, but is a greater politician, prthaps. A

CossisTEBCY. The Wabash Express endeavors to,.....t.. n t.r. I... I imlnal AI Ii, , tin. n'r'i liivi'-- , i iu ft. j'l.jiii.ft' ....iiift, tjmwm. iiviii .ft

candidate fr Senator from Vigo, Sullivan and t hv,because he was i.imnatcd hv a convention ol dele- -


galea from the three counties. He calls him the"caucus" candidate, live. Wonder if a few indlVl

duals mostly residing at the capital of tlie State andmembers of the old junto of feeeral whiga, who aenaHiI

ted the federal whig candidate lor Lt. Governor, da I

cnmn a little teuer a caucus ! Whom do thrur i

renro at but intriiruins! noliticians 1 To whom areB mm Op

they responsible 1 .None ! ! 1

The federal whig party wiU be apt a f; er election,think, to esteem the opinions ot fU little high- -

than tJiey bow do, and use somewhat milder hui- -

ntl WWanli him. lib iSSerti 11 that "the pansagethe hall f r the scttlcmi nt of the State dent would

ehret Whitcomb by 10,000 majority," may come

nearer the mark than they think for. At all events

must have believed it, and showed it by declining! land s poll.

( n 1 Rai 1 ejusi ic. Tue Kswi ft nd Mr. Daffses, who

M the money ol A. W. .Morns, f which lie Bad an--1

oiced to swindle the honest people Out of their pro- -

perty under his Fraud Bill) al the point of the ptslol. j

siill prat s ahoot Gov Whitcomb being a Metho-- 1

di-- t. 1 io en, m iir,h'.r. 'I he lirt Mondav m A mustwill tench you a h mob, let it result IS it may, whichvon will not soon fbreet.

Iid not Joseph MaraLtall, the Wbig catsdidste for I

neighbor nf the Journal is the son-in-la- w of HonUforri Morris, kte Andttor of State. We make theam rtee.

afifrA felhnv hv the name of Mykss, supMesd tol

eerreaeessssrt of theLn.ov.vie American, and whose vioraf cemmunications have received the ssusetioa of the Wing press

...1 1

..- ,,.Loo .1.. .

......I.'..I 'r i t' i . riii"..... It IMUMN

hat he rohlnd ihe eovcrnment a well as Lis eoiuiaihs.Wonder if he will M keep " h:s cirresjKndencc ?

(rvTiie Wabash EsfVSSS copies the base deceptiontiic Indiana Journul, relative to the duty on salt.

The Espffvea knows of course that it is as rascally a

as ever was told, yet knowing this, it does notksjajtatrj to publish it as a truth. This is VYbiggary


The Express is ishiag for Abolition votes for Mar-

shall, because, it says he gave away some risen left

bias. Why did he not set them free ! AgSUt: it isfrying to make Whitcomb an abolitionist ! ! What

es it expect to gain by blowing hot and cold ?

plff Ifggcir Court.Diagonal vs. Out-lo- t. F.rrur to Mniristrate's

Court. Old Cock, J .

In a suit for debt for Physician's fcenrotint theparent, for scrit'ers, visits, and quinine, to daughterof said parent, the plaintiff must recover. The evi-

dence adduced by def. that said minor daughter had

The this "wickedMr. account.


been in the habit, by def.'a consent, of receiving andappropriating her wages to her own use and benefit,docs not hold pood, except IB a cao where a thirdparty was concerned, vi.: the employer who had o


paid. Qiotl kite: Justice is as equal between nig--

gen as white men. Judgment reverted

The CtlBlliWe congratulate the citizens of this city that the

breach in the Canal, which occurred some four weeks

ago, is about repaired. The poisonous effluvia ari-

sing from the stagnant pxds and decaying vegetable

mailer, to which we have no doubt the health and.

lives of many citizens have been sacrificed, will soonhe checked, snd wonted hcalthfulness will resume the

,place ol fatal mlious eiseases.

Will Curtis please explain One thing to tM 1 Howdo these people meaning tue people of Felicity, O.Jremain Uppy, seeing aln.ot every family tskes theDollar Weekly Commercial! The Bible : "He

lncrcath knowledge increaseth SOrroi."Lou- -isxiUt D mocrat.

lly rcadine the context," neighbor, your will findthe sentence is supplied as follows: "He that


inm m m -

rrraseth knowledge in wicaeeneM mcrcasem tor--;(, .' ( 'omen tctal.

Wo don't see but that the reply should prevent snyVm every one nut desirons of "incrcasbg torrotr

jftnm reading the Commercial. The smeadawnt reads,"knowfcdf in wickedness;" and the police reportiof the Commercial certainly M increasetb our know- -

ledge in wickedness,1 and hence "increaseth our;sorrow that Cincinnati is s wickeQ.

Th editoe of tlie Naahville Gaaette is out on theinhabitants of that piece f r swearing. Tbats live in a wicked country. Preach a:ul pray.( tnctnnoit ( 'ommercuu.

We say also, 44 that's ri;;h? Wo have tried to. . .. - . ... . I

hivak a Jar ot nur Multv ones I t lilC lialnt, amihave strong liones of succeeding. But we dont wish

than any other place of its size in the country, andrind (ewer babies without fathers, respectable :.t that.Deny it, if yen dare !

The following csnstic eui is hy the Crcehen Demo

erst, snd applies very well here; snd we would add

üiat while they are furnishing tin i'. that Ihey

throw in few more d.::s, the accompaniment ol

their vocal powers being so exceedingly pleasant to the j

;;ck, especially in the night., , ,

m s forgot to mentioa that the principal object offencing the square wss to lurnisti conveniences torhitcbins! horses. We notice Jiie matter now, as we

wItave lately seen several horses hitched at other places, , , tJ xU ,Q hudi tuu rur.nishea foddef as well ji shade.

.1 . . . . - -e sirfLr st to our corporation, o, in. jiiOjiririvof furnishing destitute families with a sow and pigsat t ie l u'die expense. Aside ttoin the proht, themusic is dclinhtfu).


Or-TI- ic people of Lexington, Ky., have passed ,l

series of resolutions, censuring the Judge and Jury. . . . . 1 1 ... 1.--1 n 1 i.oeiore wnom uie inai ei uaiajeiws oociwy wc.j wupace. The JndgG and eight of tbe jurors Were hang

ine in effirv, during the meeting, and a resolution

was adopted that they aheuid he taken down, marchedround the streets of Lexington, and the:, bs publiclyburnt, All ol was nccotuph-l- u i dj

in broad dny - :

h. The murder perpetrated by ShelBy, Use par- -..1 11 t .1 a!t icu la rs oi which wc pumisiiCu some nine aj:o, was

moA unnrovoked and cold-hleode- d on I

r,W- - H,l,.

w.n, , 1U. ...nllll.r B ii ,. Ad i nation of

the people of Lexington, that such a wretch shoold j

escape punishment merely beeanse be is a son of a

Governor, sad was defended by the Hon. Henry Clay.

Burial oi a Volunteer. The Arkansas Journal,,f the lOlb. savs: 'C. J. MeNultv. of Ohio, of', j...I ,.r ..... Lm h.n UmA I rut of1 11 7II 1 II i..'fl l, il "111 i imi ir im iiii.-- V.

the Hou--e of iReprcs ntatives of Congress, was buriedt

at this place last Monday, by the volunteer companyrrom Mount Vernon, ( Hlio, of which he was a private.j0 j..j otl fteamloat Jamestown, last Sunday!

Booming, some distance above .M osphis, after a few

bcnia1 illness. It was a melancholy light to see hiscwaradea (allowing him to his la t resting place.'

Mr. Freeman II. 'riss. a volunteer in Col. Lanesregiment from Indiana, and a relative of the gentle- -

man of that name belonging to the Louisville Legion,d of Col. Cross, Killed on the Rio Grande was

Jrownei 1V rallinn off the wharf-bo-at at Vkksbonr,- i..i. Tlui WkL mmmm.... hat f hie hrntv

11. I 11 .11 II ."1. Kill. I II ail' I' llw sk m m "mm - ' f-- J g

Bilol,u b- - found, it w ill he decently interred, so thathis friends can reclaim il if they desire. Mr. C. was

from Charkrstown, Indiana.

Hann Wobk. The New A lbany Bulletin finds ithard work to back out from its false Btatcmi its in re- -


latum to (lov. Whitcomh, and dues it with abad grace. Dot even Uiks than theny BvansviUe loornal which publishes correc--

fklsehoods it believesC;: Tamiu i j.

O'Wc do not P. ElUogwood! cemtr.uuibecause we wish to endorse his sentiment , but

merely for his It was presented to

the Journal in the first place, but efused a place iathat paper, though the writer All

articles wc pntdish when requested, whether suitour views or not.

Pbettt U A Mr. tiall, who travelled latelythrough Indiana and Illinoi s, complains bitterly ot theroads; not on account ot Up but onaceoont tbe nsirowness nf 1k nk. U ...VJheavy crops pressing out the Hs camenear being lost consequence

hc election of a QofefttOff ill misethcexpensss of the probably not .; than

.ft ..... ............. . ...iii.w ill go again forty thousand do!

(ars a year. Marshall always Opposed their rcduction ss made under Whitcomb' s idministiition. irethe people willing forty thousand doliors extra

fot having a Geveawe with Whig !

Ih rut RSPUBLICAM. is the title of an eveeDettt DetBocratic paper, which supersedes the late0racl is mlited ami published by J. R. Hobslet,Esq. Wfe it will meet the success iimerits.

Hoass roa Tin: BuTUtn Btix 1 Bays.

on Wahash. II; now fs to Wsbashandswear that he is a friend to the Billthan Whitcomb

don't corporation attend to the sidewalksin of Levy's and Ramsay's We sup-

pose some of thorn pass way occasionally.

.Miss Hohnes bei u arresscd iu Newfor stealing silver her mother. In

this case, ai asMff1 sure eSMSSgh.

m riii-MiiPt- ; IlinT it l:ir-i:i- 1 l i 1 1.. "

PrtMtliMN in the Anny.We copy below an excellent article from the A'txiuy

Evening Journal, on the subject promoting privates in the Army to official grades as a reward ofmerit. A great deal has been aid, and a good th ai

of demagogueiam has been played off, on the pfopldirrancc more strength than activity mora sound- -

sition to the pay of the soldiers a d dlar or two nam than show.MV month. This no doubt ought to be none But it! His Phieriological development presents a marked

is of no consequence comparedI with the removal ofthe restrictions which compel a soldier, however doserving, forever to serve in the ranks. Vet nothingis said about this shameful injustice in Congress

Power" and "influence" are armyedagainst the "rank and file;" they arc in fact d.sfiauchiscd, and no not excite the sympathies even- 1., ...l.m.. " ('..., 1.1 tlw. .: ,.C .. . .,w


majority of the People be regarded, this system would 1

Ibe reformed instantly; but the Aristocracy of Officer!has more influence with Congress the people

Ihi tnus tlie abominable system is perpetuated. I

There is no other G iveinment in the woi Id whose prac-tice so cutistaully rouf und' its thcoiy, as that of America.Our saatnplss are fsrevei in connict with our precepts. Wehave pioclairneit the principle of Kqi amtt to the world asa bright feature in ovff PjrttMa Honors andt Hon ami nsk, aie ikeoietieslly to be obtained by

Wu txmst t!i;it the liu nbltO may become the most txaltidciozen of Ihe Republic This, in some lepeci, is piacti-esll- y

tiue; while in it is a cruel SMtkery.We refer now especially to Army, where, unlcs some-thi- ll

like a human miracle is wrought, a Private SoLMBBnever obtains a fom:ni-- n. Iheie are in cvciy Keimeiil"f our Ary,8oldleis whose Eduestios, Pstriotis, and Gal- -I nitty Ii' tin m smioestly they a ssstsentlr de---- erve PeoMOTIOU. Hut promotion comes not to the Soluii.r,however dsVStediy he m u s his ctuntry. No fidelity, nosttaiasnents, no tcaisveiBsatS, arc sufficient to extott anKi'Ai i r.TTr f ir the Private Soldier. Theie i BO ander.spirit tmiik thr besrio ami eepsrUncat sf Soldiers i todiscern, in the ranks, UM elements of giesteSSI t lie m;ife-ii.- tl

for command, 't he (lovermenl is careless of tlie menwho nullit be rssblsBed bits usefulness.

In the few m and far het ween " instances of inomoti m fiomthe Risks, the Goreremcet h;rs sees peculiarly fbrteoeteIn the RsVulStisn, OttcSffS WStS called flOSS Iht n Fields,tbeif Anvil-- , and their Lap-stone- s. The rwrrfrnrj de-

manded it. In the war of the Anny was Officered byOenllement si least aae-tbl- rd ol whom proved worthiest anddis-iati- Hut in the few pi om otions made f om tho R ink-- ,lbs Government rsfced spesllant ami dsvoted Oficers, Thelamented lien. Viwr. was the S n of a Soldier, Son and cia-dle- il

in the C amp. The Ute Capt. an eolUted Soldier,i - is huiioi to the Army ai d Ui Country . The IsBMBted

Mal Brown, wboss Gea. Taylor It ft iu command of Ins Foi- -titi'-ations- , wa a private Soldier in the l i- -t War with Eng

,. Hut with the hhrhest evkleOCC of the Wiüdum of Die--tn ling gallant an l metltorloai hoidtert, noi moie man adoses Ceeamiseiotts Save Leen given to Soklicrt iu thuly)t :us !

Koropeas GowumtHti, witk ws 'm War is a protection,s'tidiiusly avail themselves of Military talent ant meiilwbtreVSf it is to he found. And that it i found tn tabandantljf is tie Raaks, w here InSocnitabl apitiUi coai(ie-tfal- e,

is i lecrsl known to all GoVCfBSJCBtl hut OSrS. KenKn4ia1.1l, wuii all ker arUtocrscj, fails not to reward

Merit in the Piivste Soldier.N wo 1 BOB, the Unilfs cx mplar, in as U will

known, MNiakl and found, in the l inks, those inn-f- iIlint-piou- f, and tcclrwittiss' men vhm SN invineihleGcSCials and Maishals weie compel d. Ii was his lulut tolevaid, is sesss appropriate manoet, ras e who, i,y iUmiv i., t inm vi' I vri w.iilliL- - i f ni t n i ili-- r 1 1. ill I hisBBimated an chcen d all with the prospect and hope of rceard. lie thus, n borrow a practical illustration, manufac- -. 1 t. . .1 . . r. .i ... . . . ui111 u 111 Mine I s 1 0111 u 1 .1 n 10 1 1 vi 1.1 1.

f wc f Q ljC).omt. R W;lllike Nttise--if sei Ploagb- --- haies and PrantO(-hoo- kf aie to he conveited into unple- -

ments of ilaarliter, s sfefsl lesson may bs learned hy clancm: at the Army of rasolbov.

Matshal AvOKSe IV. th it ii.domitaMe General w ho per-firm- ed

pruditfieii hy his vahr, anlinst the AtMn.ins illItalvi' who. alt 1 Kuceefsive renulees.aad kftei eolatas uion.column had hem niowid down, stormed ihe of Cas -iigliont who, immedittely afterwards, ikfeated the Aes -

n army, superior m ssssuen oj ens-isir- a, sy s terraetharjce who was di'tiagaisbed Is ihe dreadful battits sfAreata, who at Bytes, lb agb so ill debilitated tintbs hud to tc braced as ... his saddle, hd ., throughhosts uf enemies ti.11 M.ur,;i avecssauGroeei in the Pausbeent el StMamaa, Paris snd Jossedthe Aimv a- - a ("nmmun Sol lirr.

Marshal 8t. Cva, dtstisxailied for kis talents ia Ike Fieldand in the Cabinet, sflSf sbtsiaing some nnMftatiSB as

Ir... . .. t. . i ft . r . . i . . .H 1;.??"WMarshal LakHE. deeds Of valor would lill a vol- -

i " jj "- J-

crowed the n..lji Lodl ius sh ,weis ol raniMii,rntps snd mukt hails, only to encounter bies and bayo- -m-.- s , ,, , u r.c ""f-- j " I

i unMaren,ril . aIlll at j, ,,e death uoon the battle-fiel- d, amklUm thendei f eassea, the Bmperer, far eecs snssanned, jwc llk(' :i rl M"h-'- 1 KNM VV;,N thv S,,M "f J"

Shoemaker, bat se ike tHeakiasoet of Use sssvstatssa ras

11? m!w1wtomüZ bslisvs sf Bee- -aarte military galaxy, aod M meter of War ts the presentKing sf France, who dntinjretshed at Austerlitz jwkajwlth 8,000 ssen,eoc sad repulsed ikeArek- -Hike . n.llll' ai uir nr. in ui .,ini cum- -

, Bn.t. ...,t i...r......i .1- .-'uiiit' 1 in .kiiii iini 1 u 1 1, iiii'i iiuiii prunawieed iaablest taclictas in his Ars tkij Marshal


socLT entered the Army as a volunteer, at tns see ot six 1

tMluMarshal Munsr, tkal indomitable Cavalry Officer, whossj

rmpetttoss, toweling, sablims achievcmeiits filled Use worralwith smazemeot srhosc preaigies of .iKi Eüypt, ans

hose sppalling ebarcs ;t Eylas, where twelve ussesammen ami :x Ikoaaand korsss wcic left riimoning the m owwitfc their uiood ti. is MsisBal Mua.T was the ion sf aTsvein Keeper in as hamlet, uf reckless habrtiand ficiy tempi ranunt, he ran away fnm SctMel, ml BS

iitui is s Piivate Soklter, bat caate to so distioctiofl untilthe breaking sat si ibe Krcsefa Itevslutiou, wkea he roseft oca the Raaks, tiuwajes all the Istscasediate g:ale, ta aThreat,

M.n-- h il M."r.!f a, who-- o sirjic of t.enoi; whose braverat Atpent sod Wataan, extorted frees Boospsrts tle lemarkthat he was hnaself M eqaivalenl to ox mossand nu n I

hoafies redaciag Cindad Rodrigo, droes Wn.nM.r o t.iTorres Vedrasi wne,anri the death of L, while the

. . . . .....t .1. i. t --lftitjltfl lill'fllJillillli'lIlltr 'Willow IIII'I III! It'll . III 011 It MielilllHlll Uli I l o l ii I Hi, m i u uiv i'niiui'i ivip,ui nunterriüc coinage that BoaaBavte exclaiiacd,M Befetohl my ricaiarm ! " tins Marshal Masse a, Ikhb at Nice, olpsrents,waslensoOn)baio hisiofsaey.anUicu w. l"


. iiii a


i'Ä säjssässtb these

,..t,., .



cued ammo!WCanon













saacars ,.,.Pf..

Mventees lie enlisted a piivate soldier, an. I servedBar years aa Corporal Seimi before tadiag bs epsorlanity to dbtinsnih when lie ran through thim : la.;.. uuui ne naruimi 01 mua vummoi Kivoli

poor ami ijraorsDl paffnts. who, company with .Me- -SAT, wetil dating Heise sf Tenor, sad Jaiaedthe Coietitstteeal Gaaid Piivate.

Jluu. "K ZZt. rfBkbattles, tlwsys sad sad sstaani escaped withou.

wh is W01,j.wit,e , wkossstiel of battles and victories i whoeoaldaetbeeoe- -

qoercd ; who always a CbSsgS and covered Retreat;whom lU.fttAruui. iletinjuiicJ s The of tben ...1 .Ik. mm s.... r,, ........ .,l i.maiw -- wu .v, mj ci.,f()UKht ivs ksndred battles for France, and set see acatastser, saot sy rases a 1 : taw IfET

lkh.nMl........... -- ..,ininr lm,, ............ll-n- nn,. iil.l.P-im- n... ....ft.wmQf9 gsaias sno courage iisea nun iuku m inc

"ii ft---.f

Wapslsos ii foi a Soldier whu coulda good hand.

lint tliutili Scarcely half the of distinguishedGenerals Bonaparte raised lbs Raaks, ws saastpaoss, not. aswever, without ;ii;e.iiiiig to Coasrrsi in la'- -

I.u tit. Van BUBBN, of State, has openeda rendezvous at Indianapolis for enlisting recruitsfor the regular army in new regiment ofrifkmon. This rrg'.nient is said tobe destined for' regen st rt , Any ol our y ung wishsee that beautiful at same to enterthe servics of th ir cannot better thanenter this regiment, and eertainljf they cannot findcleverer fellow or an officer more attentive tocomfort, then friend M. K. Huron. Heis Wolverine every inch ofPress.

Wc second every w ord of the Ümlintl.

Juan PB Ui.loa. is now said Coun-

cil of Naval Tost Captains been by

head of tiic Navy repayment to Washington to

decide the practicability expediency anassault on Castle of Juan dc L'lloa.

Inoian FlnnNEMENT. yenr theappropriated jjs'J(,t for the sappott of

schools equal to 'St per head person, a

larger proportionate son appropriated in anyate the Union.

For the Indiana Stale Sentind.etiological Desci iptioii ot Gov.


He hai a laro sized and a temperamentwhich indicates orretl stability, and en- -

predominance of some faculties over others; he hasl?ertb.,e tilitT bul

m F!"IUi ! 'ns "?"C .f si,ec,al 2? 01 lh0r

are first, integrity ; second, firmness and Berserer- -nnre ; third, love of country ; fourth, devoted friend- -

s:np. in n.aniiesung mese mm in cuarai;ur, uewould br peculiarities so strongly marked that they jMeould not fail to ben ti-e- Whatever circumstances.... . ..... . .

.li iiiigin w jinn,' vi III, -- ii"ll ill pwi ' joccupy, he could be swerved from w hat be eoo- -

. . ...... ... byI 1 1' 1 t .l II. 11 I. ..1cieuuousiv neueeu to uerigiu. iiewouiu ne siow ti

in expressing his mind, perfespe wait to bear theAmIm! ...... mT .t I I. lit lir. 11'MllliT t..l-.- i flm nMif... l t.wl.Vililvrllo vi wiiiii- -. out iiv in iiiu im. turn -- v .iiv.ii, , ,ln ... .ooil tu In- - nrwl firm ntiil iwirm-crini- r U'

pursue it, cVSO though in do.n; this be Ssinht BacnBee his own interest, meet the reproofs of hisfriends. This trait of character would ho liable to

into great errors ami he unfavorably manifestedunder some circumstances, were it not that cautieun-nes- s

is very prominent, lie gives his opinionany subject, nor his influence in support of any cease,till he thoroughly examined all the and

that can h brought to hoar for andagainst. Ic is conscientiously firm, but not wilfullystubborn. His self-estee-m is too stnsil to dispose himto intrude hie own opinions, or set himself up as aBtandard of right. Truth, developed hy careful in-

vestigation, he maintained ; justiec must bedour. In seeking to effect this, every act of hii ex-dib- its

more thin an ordinary degree of humility.patriotic feelings are remarkably strong. They is

form a leading trait of character. To gratify thembe would cheerfully sacrifice his own interest, theease comforts of home, snd undergo great trialsand hardships. He is by no means snamhitioos ofdistinction, hut much of his apparent ambition ariCNfrom hi.s of country. By his Isrgebe is preserve d from an aversion to foreign countries;but no sacrifice is too great bisovm country maybe preserved, its institutions maintained, and itsobeyed. He loves the people dearly. His friendshipsare genuine; be never betrays tlie confidence that isplaced in in, and WÜ d much to promote the hap-piness of his friends. is sometimes th ught to hecold and indifferent to the wants of his friends;however is merely apparent, and not real. His de-

votion in this respect is ardent; it is not modified bythe presence absence f his friends; under all cir- -

be will Kir their interest w hen lie cando so consistently with bis stronger feelings of justice.

is slow in bestowing his confidence, but be-slow-

it is unwavering till betrayed, or the personrenders himself ttUWortny . then ho silently and for-

ever drops him, without cherishing towards him feel-ings of revenue. is unite social and domesticin his feelings, fond I f home and of female society ;

well adapted enjoy the married life, andwith a suitable companion would certainly be happyand make her happy. lie is ogrccahlo and polite,yet dignified when necessary never trifling In convernation. He is naturally disposed to have peace).una an ana woaiu go mure man inn way 10

preserve it. In si:ht of danger he rather timid,ir injr disposed to guard against all düficulliesi hutwhen in difficulty, in u ar or conflict, his scu-- e ofjustice, love of country, snd devetedness to his fn

0d relatives call into exercise all the propelling JI

poerera of his soul, and he becomes the bold, intrepid1 gencr 1 determined upon v,ctory or death." Ordi- -

lvu.llv !l0 nftfl ot ft.uir(.rll. confidence in hnin- -i il is, retiring, and too sensitive to wis is

.7'r Ii in lti w 1 II ili'.": 1 iri c I ;, ki wilit' 11. j 11M11..V. ft..... .ti.l 11- - T T MftMWfVftl ...w V IIJmerits, rather than by assuming what he does notnossess, for he is strictly houcst and honorable. His .wi

moral qualities are nijfhly developed, and ne is cape--, , of a purely moral und, r all circumstances. He is religious from principle, and never

ithnsiasüc-unif- orm andI circumspect ingvinpatluses deeply With the distressed, from whom,;0 Withholds not the liberal band of relief a friendto the friendless, and a succor to the impress d

His intellectual faculties a very lnurl order.possessing mere strength than activity lie luis awrv comprehensiva mind, which tskes general views

e s;r,,n' r ana Mica powers an ex- -eellenl financiering Hence he is successfulin originating plans snd documents. He is a asan of jthought is connected and protracted in thoughtsand feelings. In his speaking and writings he deep showy; his style is plain, practical, Vl

concise and forcible, well arranged, and to the pointtl 1 ftÄ g- -

tie is aaanieu to govern tue ouiic, lor ne canhimself

tsrs. ('. ' Chapman Yon willFrancis billingwood, of Hamilton county, hyhis notions concerning few alterations iu the

Constitution of the Slate of Indiana, for the purposaof improving our condition and economy, and to allayexcitement. ci

I. That the Legislature Shall once it throewith


' - " 1,1 "!ut Kid.Bcc or Wbea :, ssere boy, be


I,- -ioJJ for a breach ol law, , be paid intoMs, bat itioagiy uabeed with Military asatratiens, at the the fuuda in the lownship or district where col--

Biembenia hour Steee,


tney neveromce



bunsrlf, ioteioecaaae



f.,mc waas


v....u .a



lieve, when

whom frees

late this


men toand time


our Vana kam.


It thatthe



for everyis






















Institution denies them that power by the secondtide, etat they assumed a right not belongto

III. That the fines that for dehcien- -cics of militarv dutv, shall so to defray the expenses

...111,1.1 11'l.l.r.l ....'l(l..'..l ..1.1

lee ted.That those who contest td ms. do

before tlie Legislature meet-- before a juelieial tribtmal,save to ihe State.

VI. it Legislature shall not hire thanJ one thousand dollars, without vote uf

people and they sanction loan, they know- Vantage, and cheerfully.

,1- - I',at toe members cd Legislaturse .'Mill

not take public f private use fornor for any for it onconaütntional.That the Governor, Lieut. Governor, nor

--CTCry tnditnr Trea-ur- er noi snauomjjuueiiiTO Willi uut uefined to tlieir personal privileges; if they super- -

Slate Bank and Branches.That Bumber of members be reduced one

thud h ast.shall he no assistant judges of

to the law, and disfranchised, and not holdof honor or profit in the State ever after.

XIII. That the pardoning power shall be given toat...

100 governor anw aasige. in..!.! CI .IJU.

every Demo nil Etcmenihrr,,Ar......t W ..fl.J;.for the who, in 1M,

traversed the .State, and retailed the petty slandersconcocted by Sioonu Ualt and his ncaiust'7.Marin Van other prominent (pen ol ourparty.

Keinem .' too!That this Joseph (t. .Marshall, is

during dlSfracefol ajsd everwesaora--hie asserted that he rather havethe word


V.N UL'KKN MAN!" Dees look SB werevery a im- -j arttj man We trow not. Then,BgatB Democrats, be not Moditon Courier.

OThe election place next Monday week-- letDemocrat at poll- -.

'Vs 0111 Oregon.The St. Incuts American of the 17t!i, has fal-

lowingA Mr. Palmer from Indiana, .Mr. Smith

Ohio, arrived in this city last evening, direct frmOregon These gentlemen, with fifteen leftDfSgua City on the 5th af March, and the Wallawalla

on the 11th of April. 11ns settlement is repre-

sented as beiii" a very flourishing condition, andeojoynsg the confidence and friendship the amine

Oregon City contains about eight tundred mhabt- -

A railroad is contemplated are uim me auc- -

mette Falls. The territory contains about sevent!OUSami inhabitants who are all osrer;ng in tin irVar.(us nursuits The intercourse between the Hl

y i'0,n.Kiny liln tlC Americans IS representUmimm Very (Vieodly and barsasSSSBBSi althougii

k....n.l.nrv of tlie""v--- au.vo ai-- h hi ;.nuterritory. The country of the Columbia is said.

these fj, n. lernen, to be better than has repr- -

nted, and is a good wheat country.This party pur.-tic-d the usual route home. Ir.

Smith gives a account of the Si. Joseph's Co., un-

der control of stupid, stlf-- w llh-- fellow, natu d

Meek. The company lost their way encounteredgtent hardships from BSJBger, fatigue and sicknessby WBSch they lost seventy-fiv- e of their number. ThePawnees seem disused to be troublesome. Ist yearfive families passed over to the side of the Co-

lumbia river, nt Pttget's and were much pleasedwith the country.

I.:ifer from Texas.The steamer Telegraph, at New Orleans from Cal-reeto- n,

reports that all the rivet boats which latelypasied C ah eton, except Potomac, have safely ar-

rived st --Matamoras. W.thout them Taflet wunldunablo to note his army and stores, and with them

he will probably send his supplies up the river, andthe troops in motion w ithout los of time. There

Birthing further from the army hy this arrival. TheGalveston News of the Till says

The last accounts represent Carrabajal at San Fer-

nand , J miles above jfstamnfBS. With 90Q men and800 horses thence he is said to have pissed down toCtnssTgO, overhauling and examining all he met, aasj

concealing the arclnvi-- s and public proaecty cverx --

where. Canales is said to have had interviews vxitii

the Alcaldes of iieynoa and Camarpo, wlio hacagreed upon declaration of independence, (ieue- -

rals Torrejohn and Jenriqne are in llonteiey. Am- -

pudia is in Sun Louis Potosi. .Mejia is wiih thejemnant of the army, in which sickness prevail--- , andArista is at his hacienda, decliaiag to obey the ordersrequiring bin to u to the of .Mexico.

From the "Republic vf the KSf liran!r.yy

IfATAllOEAS. (Hir town is Urtiming daily moreAmericanized, the old citiaens are show ing muchdesire to assimutate with the new comers. Thegreat part that hyuees luhew artuiu SS vliichWSSSrOnt to characterize them, given place to fa-

miliarity and amity, and they talk lugathoi, sal legs)ther, and luujli together, as though the line of enmi-ty had bean Completely erased or covered over withthe link friendship that seems hourly cementing.This il as it should he. and its vod elTccts are beinfelt over tlie place. The combined efforts of the twohave given an impetus to business, and buried in oh- -

livion dull lethargy which prevailed w the onewas opposed to the other. men have

arrived here from New h Texas, andplaces, and find S good market for all they have totell. Mexhanici, tao, are found busily plying theirimplements of trade, and everything gives token of)L.nvr t.mcs ahead What the jrrand finale ma be

j0 t,j8 occunancv" (civilly sieakin" we knownot lml wc d() bVosrSjss countenance all wcmctt grcms (f) CXI,rcg!j m 'mse all right1

Tun Akmv. The health of the as:r 1J 1..K"iu, 1 not ueuer, ue urirn uns

son of the year, and under the circumstances oid ofexcitement, and a few hours of the day expo d In

L.ftl ...... Cm ft.'ft i

nie neui ui uie uioiini" miii, im mm. ivvu ...ithat the thin Lowells of which their tints are com

posed, is but little impediment to it scorching ray.yH jtl..(.,M(inff llti there few or tiocas's

fevcrs, ornnv maUetiant disorders prevalent and1,1,8 U)' ,n a "f5 iir--

v ",r', ,i 8m"ron this river, manv unacclunated even in theSouth. Were it not for the diarrhu a, of all di immost prevalent, which roiluces such general dehilit)

may lie reckoned ns healthy at this paintas they be on Allegheny mountains.

&ATH DI Norris a member of Tnp- -

tain Fountain's Company, L V., dicd on the Kith

A Mexican Solwek'h Hi kiai.. A corres;-nden- t

i: i...i icayune uius saeicnvs lunerai luiusteuBl .wata moras

he .Mexicans iravc us a sample yestenhv oi themanner in which they burr their deVd soldiers. Itmust, in justice to them, however, he remembered.that thie in a cajrtswed city, where they aien.t allowed to ass their arm 1 dead limn asbrought out of a hospital, in lonjj wooden box, COV- -ered with coarse black muslin. Four men acted asbearers, smoking cigatetto. They were pre- -

ded iOttte ten vards hv a hand coiisihling of a horn,flute fife. Cluse behind the corpse

un his chunk of lire. Next followed a cro.d ofironscn, aoioking cigars. '1 he bearers viijiMd severallimes, changed their burden to a Iresh huuJticr, andluziated their eseair

'.... K......l.ft'?frssSssan.Aiber the li-- ht ol became general,

a private, an Irishman, found a aseeeef the ehapparelintervenins! betu een hiuwdf and stranpnifj Mexi- -

can. The Mexican Ins pure and taking do--

liberate ami, pulled the trigger The ssees did notso off, the .Mexican again raised and Mia p ed

fight, threw away his musket, placing himself mail attiUide that wunld have delighted Deaf Hurke,aua out " h hv the powers, vou wiU not find meamiss with the lists if that's vef jrame" Lieut.who sraa observing this singular exhibition of coolnessutd chivalry, ordered the BoidilT to take up hi.s properweapon and scad Mexican to his long home, whichwas done aecordingly.ITLprjtatej on the 9th, who had followed Lieutenant

,11 ,.f ... .r".,iiinii"" iiuiii';ii tii inn rv.--i hi- - ..ic,111tLl., nt .nd uould have blown him

n Iconsdroppingidvanced

ken theinstant

lulled the ienerous American. Tliis so etunged Lt.DobWns that l--

e iiew Bowie knife, and at a" boundrnirhrd the Goarard. and litem llv stdlt his head in

veteran in napoleon After having ancnassJin the terrible conflicts of Aii-tcrh-

tz and W agfSUSS,and iu the retreat from Moscow, and the ofWaterloo, he lived to fall on the Tulo Alto, by a canno-

n-shot from a MexscSUl batterv. An his fellowoldiers psssed him, and notified at every pulsation d

his heart the blood flowed Irotn hi wounds, they

Tai QtTBBTtO-- t. Who w ill the people elect Marsliall, w ho assisted to plunge our State in debt dmfinvansbiy voted agatast reducing expenses of thestateand who now Jives in a magnificent by the money of the people of Indiana, and w hohas done as much to ruin the State as any man in it

or be James Whitcomb the man who re- -deemed the State introduced ri trein-hmon- t nn.l r...

I form in evcrv department of its eovcrnment, andpinccd Indiana side by side with her sister Statessaved millions of dollars for the people, and by hisacts has proved himself to be the best mar Itult-an- a

has ever had This question the people illon first .Monday in next. .V.


years ami no oftener, only iu ease of emergency, by kisred a little buy a brand of lire, and his jkcK-.- 1

call of the Governor. ets crammed of India ctackerH." haII. That the Legislature slnll not divorce. The pulled out O&e another, and touched USBSS off

VieTOB.who won rlsry ll tfsrsBfS and Prisdlsad . 1 the that Will Bot attend to paddy all tune looking coolly an. Al the Messai3t Tatsvera, vai of bumble paientaso, and enlisted as one after th' ir uaroce arc called, shall failure 10 discharge his the .Mexican, in

'"VV'0 ,f ,A,,'1KS wh,"n, ,,rtet'n yiar? Vv I receive pay for the and second offence; and lirtisssi of wrath, throw his musket went.s '- - Ur. Tiiriliiaat ever liberty or a reasonable excuse.) takmr eccentricities for a challenno for a

sette that right, snalJ lose their omee and if the poor fellow had not nsostwas 111c .i'ii .iiu ciiieicu wie .viiii us a ii; aie, t,

- iT.- - 1 001a in ms otaie nereancT. out anuj. at the same tune" " ia i uc re sii.i nov ue euiuiMii nor .,u-.- - ti;e private (lut the same, anil


in tli Ktnto hn nb ur nL c, nv. .


i. i:.r,uiiu r a i j ' towaru me uicxicau to iaae nun prisoner, w



of ..




nvuK'vei Olren or eui ine ,...,-...- 1 t.. ...1' .l A .111 i iiii i j i ' 111.3 I

see as


on inti tlie

si a


lifseootin-e- d

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same the identicalpeiBOn who,



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! !the Augu.t .4.

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Governor, concoct the pBfn of the Vidantetr slander 1 1 thousand dollars yearlv. ihe taxes, then, must ne- - half of the rights of the Paivaes Solmesu Theie lejcircuit courts president has to d( an ti:e lim- -7V Veteran af Vai mm on hurchilts battali on

We p.a,:is to he did, in connection with cessarily bs rahed upwards of one halt of their present LTcn frm. Ikekswer ae4eaivalrj ""r'1' rc Vvrfvcl droI1CS CXICI,SC tU lh of srtilh ry w. re advancing to take ihcir position mt1L. i'tUVa Whig Junto, who desire a;ain to pet pos- - rates. Are the people desirous of Mich result Not i,f "tlie fount. y would take the Seid. The Anny is sow to C"'j p .p?1 ?Jv I'gStc TS be held to 'rict ac 80cOn" huv ,,f battIc 09 t,,c th a private 111 the

,.r,..,. lv;t10,,:,, ,.,, Und Fr.,!, Ur a ilcop pernor, wc Ibi--k. tÄ Ä COC-Ubi-

lity, cd if Ihcy shall Ujpiih-- f mal-- l. ttt-t'Ä-

sSmmV be vatched. VVn forirot to mention that our TTrT ... i.,vate yo.niaas. son. sliall lose their office, accountable --... j

veryis two-pen- -

theof hut I o



srsnawhig. such--bey


. ......of fences



State forly

.......expenses up seine

to paypolities

i This


hope with

Marshallthe is In

stronger Butlerhimself.

Why theshops?


Charity hasYork, spoons from

"Charity bejJ--M








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liiftiMUiion. .j - IV i' u I i I v e iii







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j Marshal

the s,,ave believe

j a ?offi a

. . . I thev . ,




rtoppedan iQgtiQ. to sympaUiire with him;.the noble

hearted fellow, as ,h:s eves were- ''laing in death,waved them on, and with his lat hre.ilh, said, ncomrades, I have only jjot what a soldier enlists for."
