Page 1: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

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Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?

Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali


Kalau dilihat dari Jumlah Pemeluk Baru karena konversi (mualaf atau murtadin):

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:12 am

Page 2: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

Disini Kristiani paling banyak karena konversi atau perpindahan agama:


Dalam satu tahun jumlah pemeluk baru karena pindah adalah:

1. Christianity 2,501,396

2. Islam 865,558

3. Buddhism 156,609

Page 3: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

4. Sikhism 28,961

5. Baha'is 26,333

Jumlah Murtadin adalah 3 kali lipat jumlah mualaf.


Rangking jumlah pemeluk agama sampai tahun 1950:

1900 1) Christianity 2) Chinese folk-religions 3) Hinduism

1970 1) Christianity 2) Islam 3) Hinduism

1990 1) Christianity 2) Islam 3) Hinduism

1995 1) Christianity 2) Islam 3) Hinduism

2000 1) Christianity 2) Islam 3) Hinduism

2025 1) Christianity 2) Islam 3) Hinduism

2050 1) Christianity 2) Islam 3) Hinduism

Jadi sampai 2050, Kristiani masih mayoritas.

Jumlah pertambahan mutlak dari pemeluk agama.

1. Christianity 25,210,195

2. Islam 22,588,676

3. Hinduism 12,533,734

4. Chinese folk-religions 3,715,548

5. Buddhism 3,687,527

Islam mendekati Kristen karena:

Page 4: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

Tingkat kesuburan Muslim 2x lipat walaupun kecenderungannya menurun.

Perkiraan jumlah pemeluk agama dari tahun 2000, 2025 dan 2050.

Page 5: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

Jadi Muslim menjadi mayoritas pada tahun 2050 adalah mitos.


Britannica Encyclopedia

The CIA World Fact Book, 2008 ed

World Christian Encyclopaedia

Page 6: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

Re: Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali

What is The Fastest Growing Religion?

Short answer: Christianity

Slightly longer answer: Christianity is the fastest growing religion in absolute growth, meaning the fastest growing religion in the

annual increase of new adherents. The absolute growth number is calculated as the annual number of new Christian converts

subtracted the number of ex-Christians + number of births subtracted number of deaths (new converts - former Christians +

births - deaths).

Christianity is the fastest growing religion at both parameters, both in absolute number of new converts and absolute number of

new Christians due to population growth. In all, this sums up to an additional approximately 25.2 million new Christians

annually(Table J). 22.7 million due to population growth and 2.5 million due to conversions(Table J).

Another slightly longer answer: Another way to calculate growth is in relative terms. How much does a particular religion grow (or

shrink) compared to last year. Since relative growth favours smaller base numbers, in terms of relative growth, the fastest growing

religion in the world will be some very small obscure sect few people outside the sect have ever heard of. The mathematics of

relative growth dictates that it much easier to post impressive sounding relative growth rates, if your base numbers are small. A small

sect growing from 5 to 10 adherents, sums up a relative growth of 100% - but with only 5 new adherents. A slightly larger sect of 100

adherents, adding 5 new adherents to this only results in a relative growth of 5%. Relative growth favours smaller religions.

Of the 12 classic world religions, Zoroastrianism(Term 9) is the fastest growing religion. Growing at an annual pace of approximately

2.65%(Table J). But note that this is with only 58.5 thousand new adherents (zoroastrians) annually, or 0.2% of Christianity's approx.

25 millions new Christians.

The 12 classic world religions are(Term 11): Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Bahá'í, Confucianism,

Jainism, Shinto, Taoism and Zoroastrianis

What about Islam. I've been told/heard/read that Islam is the Fastest Growing Religion: Islam is the second fastest growing religion.

Tagging Christianity by an annual growth of approximately 2.6 million less Muslims than Christians. Approx. 1 million less due to

slower population growth and approx. 1.5 million less due to fewer conversions to Islam than to Christianity(Table J).

Longer answer:


Christianity is the fastest growing religion and projections of current trends will must likely result in it progressively distancing it

further from other large religions.


Christianity is the fastest growing religion at the only parameter for which such a statement has any meaning: the absolute number of

new adherents. Other religions are showing faster growth trends at relative growth, but this is a construed and almost meaningless

way to calculate growth rates, since it speaks nothing of how many new adherents the various religions in actual get.

α) The effect of demographics and global falling birth rates

Religions that obtain the largest part of their overall growth through basic population increase (rather than conversions) are going to

be the most vulnerable to population growth stagnation. Of the four largest religions this will be most vivid for (in order of affect)

Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism, which all source a much larger part of their growth from population compared to Christianity(Table


All the larger religions are still growing at a fast pace through basic population increase. A rising sea floats all boats. But of a greater

future importance will be the comparatively large number of people who chose to become Christians through conversions. At an

annually rate of approx. 2.5 million, the number of people who freely chose to become Christians is more than twice the combined

number of people converting to all the rest of the twelve tabulated world religions(Table L).

As a result of the demographic transition phase from a high fertility / high mortality to low fertility / low mortality, the demographic

trend the last half a century has been steadily towards lower population growth rates. Consequentially with a continuation of the

current falling population growth rates, conversions are destined to become increasingly more important for the overall growth.

The world average total fertility rate has declined from 3.50 child per woman in 1989 to 2.61 child per woman in 2008(Table N). A

25% decline, resulting in an average 0.89 children less per woman. In just twenty years. From a level clearly above the replacement

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:16 am

Page 7: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

level, to a number only slightly over or around the replacement level. The replacement level is the point at which the number of

births per woman will over time result in a stable population; neither rising now shrinking, but exactly replacing itself. This declining

fertility is shared by all the larger religions. But not shared equally. Starting from 1989 the weighted average fertility rates for all

Christian dominated countries has declined from an average of 3.26 children per woman to 2.60 children per woman(Table N). A 20%

decline or an average of 0.66 less children per woman. From a level below the world average to a level about on par with the world

average. Whereas the weighted average fertility rates for all Muslim dominated countries has declined from an average of 5.17

children per woman to 3.30 children per woman. A 36% decline or an average 1.87 less children per woman. Starting from a higher

level the Muslim percentwise decline is only about a third higher than the Christian (36% vers. 25%), but in absolute numbers this

translates into about three times as large a drop in fertility (1.87 vers. 0.66).

This relative smaller declined for Christian predominated countries is mostly due that many Christian countries have already passed

through the demographic transition phase, and starting from a lower fertility level (in 1989) not declining so fast - indeed the last

two years have showed an increase. But also due that a number of Christian countries (in south Sahara Africa) are still early in their

transition phase and so have a very high fertility.

The average fertility rate for Muslim predominated countries in 2008 remains higher than for Christian predominated countries,

although the gap from 1989 has been reduced by an approximately 44%. By a projecting of the current trends - slow Christian fertility

declined - rapid Muslim decline, the average Muslim and world/Christian fertility rates will converge in around 2022 or 2023. Overall

population growth can, and probably will, still be higher for Muslim predominately countries for a number of years thereafter. But

this will be due to a demographics momentum and the consequence of an aging population, which will even out later in the century.

β) The effect of demographics and different levels of replacement levels

Another element to factor in is an approximation of the replacement level. A often used rule of thumb puts this at around 2.1

children per women. This indicates that a very high rate of newborn babies will live to the end of their reproductive age (set at

around 45 years). However this approximation will only fit Western and industrialised countries with a highly developed health

infrastructure, a general satisfactory nutritional level, an educated population, a well functioning sanitary system, etc. which all

contribute to lower mortally rates and lengthen life span. Countries with lower standards will sadly invariable experience a higher

mortality and thus a higher replacement level. Sometimes considerable higher. Someplace as high as 3.5 children per women.

Indicating a comparatively large number of newborn babies will not live to the end of their reproductive age. Populations with a high

replacement level will likewise need a high total fertility for the population to remain stable. Christian predominantly nations are on

average better off economically, and in regard to health and education, meaning they will have a lower replacement level, than the

average for the rest of the world, and will need a lower fertility rate for the same population growth.

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by KadalBuluk

@ Kuta Bali

Bro buat yg jumlah penduduk agama2 di indonesia yang paling terbaru yaa kira2 2 tahun yang lalu (2009-2010) ada gak dari situs2

lembaga yang independen?

yg bukan bentukan DEPAG atau MUI

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali

Saya sudah mencari diinternet, tapi tidak ada.

Tapi yang jelas saya yakin Islam menurun jumlahnya, kalau gak menurun kenapa ini semua ditutupi rapat2?

Bahkan majalah Syiar menyebutkan kalau jumlah muslim tinggal 75% saja.

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:15 am

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:26 am

KadalBuluk wrote:

@ Kuta Bali

Bro buat yg jumlah penduduk agama2 di indonesia yang paling terbaru yaa kira2 2 tahun yang lalu (2009-2010) ada gak dari

situs2 lembaga yang independen?

yg bukan bentukan DEPAG atau MUI

Page 8: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

by asal usil

Minta linknya dunk...

tar disangka hoax lagi...

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by asal usil

Minta linknya dunk...

tar disangka hoax lagi...

what do you think about this :

Pew Research: World Muslim population doubling in 20 yrs ... in-20-yrs/

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:52 pm

kuta bali wrote:

Bahkan majalah Syiar menyebutkan kalau jumlah muslim tinggal 75% saja.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:55 pm

kuta bali wrote:

Bahkan majalah Syiar menyebutkan kalau jumlah muslim tinggal 75% saja.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:38 am

asal usil wrote:

Page 9: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

Ini dari Pew juga:


Pada tahun 1900, Jumlah Islam 2x lipat jumlah Kristen, namun sekarang terbalik 180 derajat.

Jumlah Kristen 2x lipat jumlah Islam di Afrika.

Dan berkembang dari cuma 7 juta ,menjadi 470 juta.


Pemetaan Jumlah Islam dan Kristen di Afrika.

Warna hijau adalah Islam dan biru adalah Kristen.

Seperti Sudah selatan yang mayoritas Kristen, maka Afrika bagian selatan mayoritas juga Kristen.

Minta linknya dunk...

tar disangka hoax lagi...

what do you think about this :

Pew Research: World Muslim population doubling in 20 yrs ... in-20-yrs/

Page 10: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

Muslim banyak melakukan kekerasan:

Page 11: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

In little more than a century, the religious landscape of sub-Saharan Africa has changed dramatically. As of 1900, both Muslims and

Christians were relatively small minorities in the region. The vast majority of people practiced traditional African religions, while

adherents of Christianity and Islam combined made up less than a quarter of the population, according to historical estimates from

the World Religion Database.

Since then, however, the number of Muslims living between the Sahara Desert and the Cape of Good Hope has increased more than

20-fold, rising from an estimated 11 million in 1900 to approximately 234 million in 2010. The number of Christians has grown even

Page 12: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

faster, soaring almost 70-fold from about 7 million to 470 million. Sub-Saharan Africa now is home to about one-in-five of all the

Christians in the world (21%) and more than one-in-seven of the world's Muslims (15%).

While sub-Saharan Africa has almost twice as many Christians as Muslims, on the African continent as a whole the two faiths are

roughly balanced, with 400 million to 500 million followers each. Since northern Africa is heavily Muslim and southern Africa is

heavily Christian, the great meeting place is in the middle, a 4,000-mile swath from Somalia in the east to Senegal in the west.

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali

Kamu bisa baca statisti gak?

Perkembangan Islam berasal dari banyak anak, bukan karena mualaf.

Mualaf dunia cuma 1/3 nya dari yang keluar dari Islam.

Baca grafik2 diatas.

Islam memang berkembang banyak, itu karena mereka melahirkan lebih banyak dari Kristen.


Lihat trend tingkat kesuburan diatas? Trend tingkat kesuburan menurun, dengan menurunnya tingkat kesuburan tetapi dengan

tingginya konversi, maka dikemudian hari kenaikan Islam tidak significant lagi.

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:41 am

asal usil wrote:

Minta linknya dunk...

tar disangka hoax lagi...

what do you think about this :

Pew Research: World Muslim population doubling in 20 yrs ... in-20-yrs/

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:45 am

kuta bali wrote:

Bahkan majalah Syiar menyebutkan kalau jumlah muslim tinggal 75% saja.

asal usil wrote:

Page 13: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

Cari di google dengan kata kunci:

"tabloid SIAR edisi No. 43, 18-24 Nopember 1999 hal. 14"

Poinnya seberapa pun tingkat kenaikan jumlah umat Islam, namun kalau cuma karena kelahiran sama saja, itu bukan karena


Popularitas Islam sudah jelas rendah dilihat dari rendahnya jumlah konversi.

Sekarang Afrika yang tingkat kelahirannya tinggi sudah mulai di kuasai Kristen, jadi tidak menutup kemungkinan Jumlah Kristen

meledak karena baby boom Murtadin di Afrika.

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by saya_cinta_damai

yg ini mksudnya ya bang? ... &Itemid=98

ini dari situs Islam sendiri :

atau dibuat thread baru aja bang?

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali

Silakan, kalau ingin bikin thread baru gak perlu lapor, semakin banyak thread semakin baik karena google semakin senang.

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by asal usil

Minta linknya dunk...

tar disangka hoax lagi...

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:56 am

kuta bali wrote:

Cari di google dengan kata kunci:

"tabloid SIAR edisi No. 43, 18-24 Nopember 1999 hal. 14"

Poinnya seberapa pun tingkat kenaikan jumlah umat Islam, namun kalau cuma karena kelahiran sama saja, itu bukan karena


Popularitas Islam sudah jelas rendah dilihat dari rendahnya jumlah konversi.

Sekarang ini banyak terjadi upaya pemurtadan. Dalam tabloid SIAR edisi No. 43, 18-24 November 1999, halaman 14 memuat data

yang sangat mencengangkan. Umat Islam, menurut BPS (Biro Pusat Statistik) semula berjumlah 87,3% (dibulatkan menjadi 90%).

Sedangkan umat Kristen Protestan hanya 6%, umat Katolik 3,6%, Hindu 1,8%, Budha 1%, dan agama lainnya hanya 0,3%. Akan

tetapi, dalam waktu yang relatif singkat jumlah umat Islam turun drastis menjadi 75%. Sedangkan umat Kristen Protestan dan

Katolik jumlahnya semakin melejit.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:21 am

saya_cinta_damai wrote:

atau dibuat thread baru aja bang?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:55 pm

Page 14: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

Bang kuta punya data sensus terbaru ga tahun 2010. klo angkanya masih dikisaran 85-86% berarti umat Islam meningkat lagi 10% dari

75% tahun 1999 menjadi 85% tahun 2010.. gitu ya...?

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali

Kamu harus tanya dari sumber yang sama, silakan kontak majalah syiar, saya hanya kopas saja.

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kukuruyuk

Mantabs bro informasinya,,,terimakasih banyak yah,,, gue ijin copas yah bro,,,biar muslimin di facebook nyang suka2 koar2 pada


Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by asal usil

Paling koar2 klo muslim di eropa fastest growing religion ya emang bener sih...!

emang kenyataannya sih....!

Klo agama sebelah kan fastest growing religion di sub sahara afrika

yang berbanding lurus dengan fastest growing AIDS pandemic region di seluruh dunia...

selamat copas...

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by dione

saya_cinta_damai wrote:

ini dari situs Islam sendiri :

"Sekarang ini banyak terjadi upaya pemurtadan. Dalam tabloid SIAR edisi No. 43, 18-24 November 1999, halaman 14 memuat

data yang sangat mencengangkan. Umat Islam, menurut BPS (Biro Pusat Statistik) semula berjumlah 87,3% (dibulatkan menjadi

90%). Sedangkan umat Kristen Protestan hanya 6%, umat Katolik 3,6%, Hindu 1,8%, Budha 1%, dan agama lainnya hanya 0,3%.

Akan tetapi, dalam waktu yang relatif singkat jumlah umat Islam turun drastis menjadi 75%. Sedangkan umat Kristen Protestan

dan Katolik jumlahnya semakin melejit".

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:17 am

asal usil wrote:

Bang kuta punya data sensus terbaru ga tahun 2010. klo angkanya masih dikisaran 85-86% berarti umat Islam meningkat lagi 10%

dari 75% tahun 1999 menjadi 85% tahun 2010.. gitu ya...?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:33 am

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:12 pm

kukuruyuk wrote:

suka2 koar2 pada mingkem

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:54 am

Page 15: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

banyak sekali penyakit mematikan sumbangan kafir pd dunia,mulai dr Aids,meningitis,sampai flu babi dll

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by kuta bali

Tapi yang mati banyak karena perang Muslim vs Muslim loh.

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by reus

biasakan yah bung kalau ngomong pakai data yah

biar seru juga...

islam bukan yang fastest juga berdasarkan informasi yang aku dapat

tapi Budha

ratenya 1,39

Islam 0,7

Kristen 0,5

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:26 am

dione wrote:

banyak sekali penyakit mematikan sumbangan kafir pd dunia,mulai dr Aids,meningitis,sampai flu babi dll

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:56 am

asal usil wrote:

Paling koar2 klo muslim di eropa fastest growing religion ya emang bener sih...!

emang kenyataannya sih....!

Klo agama sebelah kan fastest growing religion di sub sahara afrika

yang berbanding lurus dengan fastest growing AIDS pandemic region di seluruh dunia...

selamat copas...

the continent "Europe" we observe that while Muslims are growing faster than Christians, Buddhists claim the prize for the

fastest growing religion at a rate of 1.39. Muslims make up only 5% of the population in Europe and most of the Muslim growth

in Europe is from immigration. Although 77% of Europeans are Christians, Buddhists, not Muslims, are the fastest growing

religion in the continent of Europe.

Page 16: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia

All times are UTC + 7 hours [ DST ]Page 1 of 3

katanya sih cepat karena imigrasi yang besar2an

dan natalitas yang tinggi

well perlu diappreciate juga sih prestasinya

but ngomong2 soal perbandingan yang disebutkan bro asal usil diatas

sebagai engineer, pemikiran seperti itu maaf

terkesan sangat ****

karena yah seperti yang aku bilang data lah yang bermain

kalau cuma asumsi entar komponennya jujur banyak loh


1. persentase jumlah muslim dan jumlah kristen yang kena

2. saat isalm berkuasa, intensitas AIDS gimana, terus saat kristen gimana juga

jadi banyak lah..

makanya..argumen kayak gitu cuma fatamorgana aja

yah kecuali ada fakta yang diembedded

tapi banyak juga sumbangsih mereka yang positif bro..

kalau gak senang ama kafir, gak usah pakai sumbangsih mereka juga yang positifnya

biar pas posisinya netral gitu... :)

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by tania

minta buktinya donk klo ilmuwan mulsim yg nemuin itu smua,biar gak dibilang muslim asbun...

klo babi haram knapa auwloh kamu tu sibuk nyiptain babi?gk ada kerjaan apa!!!!!

klo makan babi haram..tapi kok mau naik haji disuntik dulu ya pake vaksin yg mengandung babi..??

klo kamu gak suka ama org kafir ya gak usah pake produk kafir sekalian...gak usah internetan,pake hp,motor,mobil dll ITU BUATAN


kamu tinggal aja di goa sono... munafik...

Re: Statistik Perkembangan Agama Tercepat Didunia, Islamkah?by Rasionalis

...Syukurlah kalau rasio populasi muslim di negeri ini terus menurun. Tetapi, berapa puluh tahun lagi populasi muslim baru menyusut

hingga di bawah 50%? Selama populasi muslim masih di atas 50%, negara ini akan tetap menjadi "negara bukan" (bukan negara sekular

dan bukan negara agama, tetapi uang negara digunakan untuk kepentingan agama, terutama Islam ).

...Selama suatu negara tidak beralih menjadi negara sekular murni, agama Islam yang ingin mengeksploitasi negara, akan tetap

menjadi penghambat pembangunan. Perekonomian kita akan berjalan pelan-pelan di run-way dan tidak akan tinggal landas (take off)


...Agaknya mayoritas di antara kita orang dewasa, terutama generasi saya, tidak akan sempat melihat pembangunan yang melesat di

negeri ini.

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dione wrote:

banyak sekali penyakit mematikan sumbangan kafir pd dunia,mulai dr Aids,meningitis,sampai flu babi dll

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:21 pm

temuan baru tak akan ada tanpa temuan dasar dr para ilmuwan muslim,spt angka,notifikasi nada,ilmu matematuka

dasar,aljabar,dasar otomatisasi,engsel,optik dll,juga otaknya serta kesempatan u/ bisa membuat temuan itu karunia Allah

SWT,lol! Nah,kl timbulnya penyakit2 itu,akibat ulah kafir sendiri,sdh dilarang eh msh aja jorok makan babi dan brg2 haram

lainnya,jd timbul macam2 penyakit mematikan,manusia seluruh dunia jd ikut menanggung akibat keboudohan

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:30 am