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*Stem Cell Treatment for Strokes Stroke is caused by a blockage of the blood supply to a region of the brain (ischaemic stroke) or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spilling blood into the spaces surrounding brain cells (haemorrhagic stroke). Brain cells die when they no longer receive oxygen and nutrients from the blood or there is sudden bleeding into or around the brain.  Depending on the area of the brain that is affected, several functions may be impaired, including walking, talking and cognitive ability.Stem cells from fetal brain, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, and embryonic tumours have yielded some improvements when transplanted into animal models of stroke. In a clinical trial in which patients received implants of nerve cells generated from a human embryonic tumour, some of the patients showed improvements. In most of these cases, the transplanted cells acted by releasing substances that enhanced the survival of existing cells.One of the favoured approaches to long-term, effective stem cell therapy for stroke is to transplant neural (brain) stem cells into patients. Ideally, these cells, generated from either embryonic or fetal brain stem cells, would then specialize into the cells that have died in the affected area of the brain. In several studies using animal models the new cells were able to move to the affected area, replace the dead cells, survive, connect to existing healthy cells and re-establish the damaged circuits of the brain. Another approach to stem cell therapy for stroke could be to stimulate the stem cells naturally present in the brains of stroke patients, so that they could generate replacements for the dead cells. Scientists are testing several substances for their effect on stimulating the existing stem cells.Evidence suggests that transplanted cells may work in the following ways: • increase vascularisation: Increased blood flow in the ischaemic area within a few days after stroke is associated with neurological recovery. The induction of new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) has been reported with transplantation of several stem cells including those from human cord blood.• enhance endogenous (inherent) repair mechanisms. Human cord blood cells in the ischaemic cortex increased sprouting of nerve fibres.• reduce death of host cells. Several cell types elicit a neuroprotective effect whereby, presumably by the secretion of trophic factors, there is often reduction in lesion size and inhibition of cell death.• reduce inflammation. It has been reported that stem cells can directly inhibit T-cell activation, thus inhibiting the immune response. Intravenous injection of human umbilical cord blood cells reduced leukocyte infiltration into the brain thereby reducing the stroke-induced inflammatory/immune response.

*Cord blood presents new hope for diabetes patients

Stem cell therapy is getting acceptance everywhere in the world. Now the therapy is gaining its importance, in the treatment of diabetes, especially for the type 1 diabetes (IDDM).

It can be added that as many as three million Americans may be living with type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults and was previously known as juvenile diabetes.The disease causes the body to stop producing insulin, a hormone that converts sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life and it can lead to various problems like heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, nerve damage, foot complications and skin problems.

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Current therapies for type 1 diabetes involve delivering insulin to the bloodstream. However, the new parents have a choice when their child is born: they can either bank or discard their newborn´´s umbilical cord blood. After a baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, some blood remains in the blood vessels of the placenta and the portion of the umbilical cord still attached to it. The cord blood contains all of the normal elements of blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma; however, it is also rich in blood-forming stem cells similar to those found in bone marrow.

Researchers from the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville, Fla., are the first to experiment with cord blood infusions as a treatment for children with type 1 diabetes. The investigators received the idea in part from a patient´s father who had read scientists elsewhere were able to reverse diabetes in mice by taking bone marrow from an animal and infusing it into its identical sibling without using chemotherapy or radiation. In the lab, scientists were able to coax stem cells from cord blood into making insulin.

For the study, researchers identified children recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes whose families had banked their cord blood at birth. Most of the participants were still producing a small amount of insulin. The researchers then gave patients intravenous infusions of stem cells isolated from their own cord blood. In the first six months, patients given the infusions required less insulin: on average, 0.45 versus 0.69 units of insulin per kilogram per day.

The experimental treatment is not a cure, but it is a significant step toward a better understanding of the disease. In the future, researchers hope they can intervene and repair early damage during the "honeymoon period" �� the first several months after diagnosis when insulin needs are minimal. They hope the cord blood treatment will eventually become part of a combination therapy approach to treating the disease. The study was funded by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

*Will bone marrow stem cell cure kidney disease?

In a groundbreaking research of its kind, the US researchers announced to have launched a study on the use of adult stem cell to prevent kidney failure. Based on the successful experiment on the animal, the researchers are hopeful of its application on human being. The research, if successful, can bring an end to kidney disease. Two patients here have already had the transplants.

As open heart surgery places stress on the kidney.That´´s why this group has been selected for the clinical trial. A special kind of adult stem cell taken from the bone marrow of living donors will be injected into the blood stream shortly after their heart surgeries.

The stem cells don´´t even have to match the patient´´s blood type. They´´ll be kept frozen until needed, then processed at the University of Utah´´s cell therapy lab using a technique developed by a Salt Lake biotech company called Allocure.John Doty, M.D., with the Intermountain Medical Center, said,

*Will bone marrow stem cell cure kidney disease?

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In a groundbreaking research of its kind, the US researchers announced to have launched a study on the use of adult stem cell to prevent kidney failure. Based on the successful experiment on the animal, the researchers are hopeful of its application on human being. The research, if successful, can bring an end to kidney disease. Two patients here have already had the transplants.

As open heart surgery places stress on the kidney.That´´s why this group has been selected for the clinical trial. A special kind of adult stem cell taken from the bone marrow of living donors will be injected into the blood stream shortly after their heart surgeries.

The stem cells don´´t even have to match the patient´´s blood type. They´´ll be kept frozen until needed, then processed at the University of Utah´´s cell therapy lab using a technique developed by a Salt Lake biotech company called Allocure.John Doty, M.D., with the Intermountain Medical Center, said,

*Human stem cells promote healing of diabetic ulcers Human stem cells promote healing of diabetic ulcers

ScienceDaily (Apr 20, 2009) research at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies casts the role of a neuronal growth factor receptor-long suspected to facilitate the toxic effects of beta amyloid in Alzheimer´´s disease-in a new light, suggesting the molecule actually protects the neuron in the periphery from beta amyloid-induced damage.The receptor molecule in question, a protein better known as p75, regulates neuronal growth, survival, and degeneration, and guides nerve fibers in growing embryos to their final destinations. Some studies have suggested that it also exacerbates the neurotoxicity associated with beta amyloid deposits, which litter the brains of Alzheimer´´s patients, giving the molecule its questionable reputation.Yet a team of scientists in the laboratory of Kuo-Fen Lee, Ph.D., a professor in the Clayton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide Biology, found that p75 instead has a neuroprotective effect on the sympathetic nervous system in mice that were genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer´´s disease.Their findings, published in this week´´s early online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, challenge the prevailing view of p75´´s harmful role in the condition and could lead to new insights and, ultimately, new protocols for managing the secondary deficits that accompany dementia and memory loss in Alzheimer´´s.Scientific interest in the peripheral nervous system has been growing as investigators studying neurodegenerative diseases seek new insights into disease progression. "How a disease damages the peripheral nervous system could add a great deal to our understanding of its process, possibly leading to applications down the line that impact patient management and quality of life issues," says Lee, who led the study.Proteins, like people, are often judged by the company they keep. For instance, p75 belongs to the same family as tumor necrosis factor and was widely thought to mediate cell death in some context. Various in vitro studies have examined p75 in combination with beta amyloid, seeking evidence that it helps induce nerve cell death in Alzheimer´´s disease.To gather evidence about P75 and the sympathetic nervous system, Lee´´s team crossed a mouse model for Alzheimer´´s disease with a line of mice genetically modified to lack the

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gene for p75. Without p75, they theorized, the neurotoxic effects of beta amyloid would be reduced, and the mice would show fewer Alzheimer´´s symptoms."The role of p75 had been controversial for some time, but based on the evidence at the time, we expected to see indications that it mediates beta amyloid neurotoxicity," says co-first author Tasha Bengoechea, Ph.D., a former graduate student in Lee´´s lab. "We thought removing p75 while overexpressing amyloid would have a positive effect on neuron viability. The opposite was true."Along with profound motor problems, the p75-deficient mice exhibited severe defects in the wiring of nerves to multiple organs, and the majority died within just three weeks. (Mice normally live up to two years.)When the researchers scaled down the production of toxic beta amyloid by deleting one copy of BACE1, which encodes the molecular shears that make the first cut in the production of beta amyloid fragments, the nerves in the sympathetic nervous system of p75-deficient mice were substantially restored."This is the first time the interplay between p75 and beta amyloid in the peripheral sympathetic system, a system that has not been paid much attention before, has been demonstrated," adds postdoctoral researcher and co-first author Zhijiang Chen, Ph.D. "Our findings will ultimately help to design novel strategies to treat the symptoms of the Alzheimer´´s disease and improve the quality of life for Alzheimer´´s disease patients."The study was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health. Researchers who also contributed to the work included postdoctoral researcher Deborah O´´Leary, Ph.D., of the Salk Institute´´s Clayton Foundation Peptide Biology Laboratory, and Eliezer Masliah, Ph.D, a professor in the Department of Neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego. *Treatment schedule Time Table for Stem Cells Treatment Program at Wu Stem Cells Medical Center Note: This schedule is subject to changes based on patient´sdisease situation. This time table includes 4 stem cells injections program. The number of injections will be determined based on the patient´sdisease situation Some patients prefer to wait a day or two to get settled in before taking all the tests as they are quite thorough and can be strenuous after a long trip. The first day in this time table refers to the first day you will feel strong enough and ready for the initial check up. First Week:Day 1     Doctor´s visit for initial check up: Reviewing the medical history of the patient, taking tests (physical examination, blood pressure, breath, lung function etc.) and making first Neurological evaluation. ECG-heart condition check will also be taken at the first day. MRI or CT scan will be scheduled during the first week.                    Day 2:       06:00 Blood test * blood tests whenever will be required by the doctors will be taken at this hour.07:00 Breakfast09:00-10:00 Doctors visit During the day you will be introduced by a speaking English staff with the Hospital facilities: the rehabilitation center, the Head Nurse counter, laundry services etc.  A tour to the local neighborhood, including the local phone card shop, supermarket, restaurants, hair salon, massage place, shopping centers etc.                   Day 3-Day7: 07:00 Breakfast09:00-10:00 Doctors visit

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1. Finishing all the standard tests, blood tests and neurological tests.The medical team will make the final medical plan-determine the kind of stem cells that will be used, schedule the operation for the stem cells injection, and will inform Beida (Beijing University Stem cells Lab) to start culture the stem cells.)2. Self stem cells activation and proliferation program starts:09:00-12:00 IV will be proceededOral medication will be taken three times a day. 3. Rehabilitation therapy starts: 2 classes each day of physical and occupational therapy. The classes´´hours are flexible but taken one class during the morning and one class during the afternoon.      (Week 2)Day 8-Day 14: The first operation of stem cells injection will be scheduled to the second week of your arrival.*If special preparation would have to be taken before the operation such as fasting-you will be notify by the nurse a day in advance.09:00-10:00 (approximately): surgery.*Day of operation: resting. No rehabilitation activity.(Recovering time after the operation may take another day of rest depending on the patient´´s condition.) After recovery: usual schedule:07:00 Breakfast09:00-10:00 doctor´´s visit.Self stem cell activation treatment continuous:09:00-12:00 IV + oral medications three times a day.  Blood tests, brain scans and Neurological evaluation are taken to follow up changes and improvement.Morning hours: 1 hour rehabilitation class.Afternoon: 1 hour rehabilitation classEvening: free time (Week 3)Day 15- Day 21 07:00 Breakfast09:00-10:00 doctor´´s visit.The second operation of stem cells injection will be scheduled one week after the first operation.Self stem cell activation treatment continuous.  Blood tests, brain scans and Neurological evaluation are taken to follow up changes and improvement.Morning hours: 1 hour rehabilitation class.Afternoon: 1 hour rehabilitation classEvening: free time (Week4)Day 22-Day 28 The third operation of stem cells injection will be scheduled one week after the first operation.Self stem cell activation treatment continuousSee second week schedule (Week 5)Day 29-35The fourth operation of stem cells injection will be scheduled one week after the first operation.Self stem cell activation treatment continuous. Adjusting the cocktail´´s medications according to the patient´´s condition. Blood tests, brain scans and Neurological evaluation are taken to follow up changes and improvement.Rehabilitation: 2 classes a day.See third week schedule.Discharge: According to patient´´s current condition, make sure the date patients can go home.

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*Our unique treatment program Many programs report to be "faster and cheaper" but the end results show death of implanted stem cells and a lack of clinical results. Our treatment program is specifically designed to provide the greatest clinical results. It consists of five steps: 1. Before the stem cells treatment, a complete examination of the patient´´s condition will be done by our neurology doctors, including a function check of the body´´s organs, and an evaluation of the nervous system.  2. Medication to adjust the condition of the patient´´s immune system: according to the patient´´s clinical condition, an effective medication will be used to adjust the immune function, nourish neurons and clear away the internal microenvironment to protect the neurons and help the growing of stem cells.  3. Stem Cells Activation and Proliferation Treatment - Patients receive a daily IV of neurotrophic factors and medications used to stimulate the production of the body´´s own stem cells. 4. Stem Cell Implantation: Neural Stem Cell injections are delivered via lumbar puncture into the cerebral spinal fluid in four separate injections. Those stem cells will grow into neurons and rebuild new body neural innervations, at the same time the new neurons can provide nourishment to the peripheral nerves and nerve roots, repairing the damaged neural system and improve the muscular atrophy. 5.Rehabilitation: The rehabilitation program is an integral part of stem cell therapy. The treatment includes daily physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions and a complementary Chinese traditional medicine treatment. 

 6. Stem Cell Implantation: Neural stem cells injections are delivered via lumbar puncture into the cerebral spinal fluid in four separate injections. Those stem cells will grow into neurons and rebuild new body neural innervations, at the same time the new neurons can provide nourishment to the peripheral nerves and nerve roots, fix the damaged neural system and improve the muscular atrophy.The whole program length is about 4-5 weeks. Lumbar Puncture  During a lumbar puncture, a needle is carefully inserted into the spinal canal low in the back.  A small amount of CSF is collected, then mixed with the stem cell fluid and injected back into the CSF.  The CSF circulation (Cerebral Spinal Fluid) goes in and around the brain, separated from the blood circulation by the Blood Brain Barrier. One cycle of the CSF circulation takes between 6-7 hours. Within this time frame the stem cells will flow through the CSF into the brain. 

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           The CSF circulation pathway body position during a lumbar puncture for stem cell injection.

*Our ground-breaking technology Factors influencing the stem cell therapy effect :        1) the unchanged pathological internal environment    2) the lack of precise positioning of the stem cells activated or implanted    3) the impassable scar tissues that are hard for the neural stem cell cone to pass through     4) the technical difficulties in targeted differentiation of the stem cells inside        the body and in the cross-TM trophoblast transformation of the stem cells      5) the nonfunctioning of the surviving stem cells   Any of these factors may contribute to the poor,or non-effectiveness of the stem cell therapy.      2. Our innovative approaches: To overcome the above-mentioned difficulties, Dr. Wu proposed an innovative approach that combines the activation of autologous neural stem cells with exogenous stem cell transplantation . The approaches to activate autologous stem cells:  1) by activating the immobilized neural stem cells inside the body              2) by prompting the embryonic reversion and the differentiation of the    mature nerve cells.    The approaches to make the exogenous stem cells function:  1) by having the implanted stem cells activate the autologous stem cells  and make them form neural networks with the implanted stem cells   2) by making the autologous stem cells functional through chemical and physical signal regulation and thus inducing the implanted stem cells todifferentiate into the functional cells. What our innovative approaches have achieved:    1) It has improved the patient´´s internal environment    2) It has allowed the accurate  positioning of the cell receptor and gene targeting to occur   3) It has softened the scar tissues to allow the neural stem cell cones to pass through and to induce the directional stem cell differentiation inside the body, or to make the stem cells cross the embryonic layer for transformation. By chemical and physical regulations, the survived stem cells are able to take their functions

The advanced therapeutic outcome

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We own the unique advanced stem cell technology in the world, patients will get obvious

improvement within 4-5 weeks.

The center was named after Dr. Wu, the co-founder Chief Neurologist and the Managing Director of

the Center. From 2005 to 2008, Dr. Wu served as the Chief Director of the Department of Neurology

of Beijing Tiantan Puhua Hospital (BTPH). He was the founder of BTPH´´s stem cell research and

treatment programs. Using the unique stem cell technologies innovated by Dr. Wu, in the past three

and half years, Dr. Wu and his medical team have successfully treated over 400 patients from all over

the world suffering from various neurological diseases, including Parkinson´´s, Stroke, Batten

Disease, ALS, MS, MSA, PSP, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries, etc. This

has laid solid foundation for application of stem cell technologies to treat those previously incurable

neurological diseases.


Our clinical application is based on stem cell research from the last ten years. The investor and the

founder of WSCMC, Mr. Eric Huang, is also the founder and a major investor of Beijing SinoCells Bio.

Co., Ltd. (SinoCells). Since it was founded in 2000 with the Stem Cell Research Center with Peking

University, several research projects sponsored by national fund (such as "863", "973" and "221"

programs) for science and research have progressed to a stage of commercialization and clinical



Scientifically, stem cells have made it possible that currently incurable diseases can be treated, but,

clinically speaking, stem cells alone only have very limited curative effect. That is probably the reason

behind the many unsuccessful treatments using stem cells. Our core technology is a combination of

using stem cells as a tool or "raw materials" with our unique clinical technologies that create a most

suitable internal environment to allow the auto mobilization of stem cells to happen, or the implanted

stem cells to survive long enough to take their repairing or reconstruction effects.


The stem cells used for transplant are all processed and produced in the SFDA certified GMP facilities

and inspected through our "Quality-Certificate-Approval" system. This insures the highest product

quality and safety.

*What are stem cells? What are stem cells?

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Stem cells are the master cells of the human body.  What define stem cells from other cells is their ability to self-generate themselves and the ability to differentiate into other cell types.Stem cells are at the center of a new field of science called regenerative medicine. All stem cells?regardless of their source?have three general properties: they are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods; they are unspecialized; and they can give rise to specialized cell types.Self-regeneration is the ability of stem cells to divide and produce more stem cells. During early development, the cell division is symmetrical i.e. each cell divides to gives rise to daughter cells each with the same potential. Later in development, the cell divides asymmetrically with one of the daughter cells produced also a stem cell and the other a more differentiated cell (such as brain cell, blood cell, etc.)When stem cells are being transplanted into the body and arrive (through migration or through direct injection) into the injured part of the brain being targeted for tissue regeneration, the stem cells are coming into contact with growth chemicals in the body.  These chemicals program the stem cells to grow into the tissue surrounding it. Stem cells can typically be broken into four types:

      Embryonic stem cells - Stem cells taken from human embryos       Fetal stem cells- Stem cells taken from aborted fetal tissue

      Umbilical stem cells - Stem cells take from umbilical cords

      Adult stem cells - Stem cells taken from adult tissue

*What are Neural Stem Cells?   What are Neural Stem Cells? Neural Stem cells are self-regenerating, multipotent cells, found in the human

brain which have the potential to differentiate into three major cell types: nerve cells (neurons), astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, and to self renew sufficiently to provide adequate number of cells in the brain.

When brain cells are damaged or are dying, due to a disease or an injury, fetal stem cells are the best known source for human neural stem cells.

Since most brain injuries, stroke, degenerative diseases and Demyelinating disorders affect several areas in the brain and not only one, the most effective and safe procedure to deliver neural stem cell into the brain is via a Lumbar Puncture (also called Spinal Tap): a spinal injection in the lumbar area (lower back) into the CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid).

*Stem cell treatment for SCI (spinal cord injury)   Stem cell treatment for SCI (spinal cord injury) A teenager diving into a shallow lake, a young mother in a car accident on her

way to work, a collapse of a workman´´s scaffolding, an elderly woman falling down a set of stairs - spinal cord injuries can happen to anyone at any time. Going from a daily routine to a life-changing spinal cord injury can put independent living in jeopardy and totally change the realities of daily life. The events that cause spinal cord injuries are sudden and unexpected; however, the resulting physical and lifestyle constraints and limitations remain lifelong challenges. 

Chances of survival and recovery depend on the severity and location of the injury, as well as on quick medical treatment after an accident. A spinal cord injury at the neck level may impair a person´´s breathing and cause paralysis to the arms, legs and trunk (quadriplegia). Injuries lower down the spine may cause weakness and loss of movement or feeling only in the legs and lower parts of the

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body (paraplegia). A severed spinal cord cannot be repaired. In less severe cases, recovery depends on the extent of the damage. Prospects for recovery are good if you are able to move or feel sensation within a week of your injury. 

Lack of feeling and strength in parts of the body may lead to complications such as loss of bladder and bowel control; increased risk for urinary tract infections; impotence and lack of ability to reach orgasm (see Sexual Dysfunction); skin break down and pressure sores, particularly in the buttocks; spasticity; blood clots; osteoporosis; and cardiovascular disease because of reduced physical activity.

Symptoms of spinal cord damage usually appear immediately after the injury. Symptoms can develop slowly, however, if an infection or tumor is gradually increasing pressure on the spinal cord.

The symptoms may include: Weakness, poor coordination or paralysis, particularly below the level of the injury Numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation Loss of bowel or bladder control Pain Causes: Nearly half of the estimated 7,800 nonfatal spinal cord injuries that occur each

year are the result of motor vehicle accidents (44 percent). Other main causes include acts of violence (24 percent), falls (22 percent), and sports injuries (8 percent), primarily diving accidents.

Any trauma that pulls, compresses, pushes sideways or cuts your spinal cord may cause SCI. Penetration of a foreign object, such as bone or metal, into the spinal cord can cause serious damage, as can pressure from bleeding, swelling and fluid accumulation.

Much less commonly, spinal cord injuries are caused by blood clots, abscesses (infections), tumors, polio, spina bifida and Friedrich´´s Ataxia, a rare inherited disorder.

Stem cell treatment for Spinal Cord Injury: We have recently developed a comprehensive program for SCI patients

combining nerve stem cell activation / stimulation treatment and self stem cells injections. This combined treatment has so far proven itself to be the most effective in providing high levels of recovery. 

This treatment includes a self stem cell implantation, a "cocktail" of medications and brain nutrition materials given through IV, biofeedback treatment and comprehensive rehabilitation.

By employing all of the above methods we can maximally improve functions such as sensibility, mobility, also we can manage the pain and improve bowel and bladder control.

The key to the success of this treatment method is the overall customized treatment regimen for each patient.

Self Stem Cells Activation and Proliferation: Under a non-invasive procedure, through daily IV of an individually customized

cocktail of neurotrophic medications, we are activating the patient´´s own stem cells and thus turning these cells into nerve precursor cells. These cells have signalization and migrate to lesions along the nerve developing-chord.

Self Stem Cells Injections: 1. Before injection of the stem cells, we will use medicine to ablate the glial scars. Glial scars in a chronic injury represent a physical and molecular barrier to axonal

regeneration. Before the injection of stem cells, we will use medicine to ablate the

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scar and create a beneficial microenvironment for the stem cells around the injury site, which is an important step into treating a chronic spinal cord injury.

2. Collection of self stem cells First our doctors will collect potential stem cells from the bone marrow, and then

they will culture and proliferate them into Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC). This is done in cooperation with Beijing University. In this procedure it takes usually up to 4 weeks to culture enough MSCs (c.a. 20,000,000). Then an experienced orthopedic surgeon implants the Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) either through the SCF (spinal cord fluid) by a lumbar puncture or through surgery under the instruction of Navigation equipment into the damaged area, depending on the medical condition of the patient. Each injection consists of around 5,000,000 stem cells. The big advantage of this treatment is that there are no immune system side effects since those stem cells are from the patient´´s own body; therefore, there is no need to use an immunosuppressant.

During the time period of culturing the cells, we will provide self stem cell activation programs, Chinese traditional medicine and Comprehensive Rehabilitation to the patient. The surgery itself is a safe procedure. 

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation therapy is a crucial part of the entire treatment regimen. The adult stem cell mobilization technique we use is combined with signal

induction in the rehabilitation training procedure which can significantly improve brain function.

In our rehabilitation center we use different kinds of rehabilitation methods such as: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy.

If the patient wants to get the maximum amount of improvement, it is recommended that they continue with the treatment schedule. Sometimes one cycle of stem cell treatment can only provide a primary neural connection. To establish the neural innervations of your body, persistent rehabilitation training is important, and this needs more time.

Written by Dr. Like Wu and Dr. Xiaojuan Wang What are Bone Marrow stem cells?   What are Bone Marrow stem cells? Bone marrow stem cells are the most primal cells in the marrow. From them all

the various types of blood cells are descended. Stem cells from bone marrow can also, under special conditions provided in the laboratory, give rise to non-marrow cells - such as neural cells.

Bone marrow cells, unlike other types of stem cells, are available to be extracted from the patient´´s own body. This availability carry very significant advantages for certain medical conditions: bone marrow cells, when extracted from the patient´´s own body, have no risk of stimulating the immune system. This advantage is crucial when the patient´´s immune system is weak.

In medical conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, certain brain infections, seizers and epileptic disorders or at any condition when the immune system is weak - bone marrow stem cell implantation will be recommended.

The procedure of Bone Marrow culturing and implantation: On the first week upon the patient´´s arrival to the hospital, bone marrow is

extracted from the patient´´s hip in a short and simple operation. This procedure is not painful and is done under a local anesthesia. The bone marrow cells are then sent to the lab and being cultures for about 3-4 weeks. In the lab, the cells are being induce into neural stem cells and then cultured to increase their number. The number of stem cells will be depending on the patient´´s age and the level of his bone marrow activity.  

*The stem cells we use The Stem Cells We Use

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  To comply with the NICPBP (National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical &

Biological Products, SFDA) standards for clinically used stem cells, the stem cells we use for transplantation are all processed and produced in the SFDA certified GMP facilities and are inspected through our "Quality-Certificate-Approval System.�� This ensures the highest product quality and safety.

  The following QC report is from one of our stem cell providers ����Union Stem

Cell & Gene Engineering Co., Ltd�� which is China��s largest stem cell research and manufacturing company (also known as ��National Industrial Base of Stem Cell Technology�� ) located in Tianjin.  

*Self Stem Cells Activation and Proliferation: How do the stem cells survive, migrate and proliferate in the brain?  

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Our stem cell program includes three main elements that are working together to initiate a regeneration process in the patient´´s brain and functional recovery:

        Stem cell implantation       Daily IV of medicines (intravenous)       Physical and Occupational therapy   Wu stem cells medical center holds the credit for a unique therapy of medicines, given through 4-5

weeks of daily IV. This formula, individually tailored for each patient´´s condition, aims at several targets:

      1.To prepare and enhance the microenvironment in the patient´´s brain, to support and protect the

implanted stem cells.     2.To cause migration of the stem cells to the relevant areas in the brain by creating chemical

signalization.      3.To activate inactive neural stem cell in the patient´´s brain, allowing them activation, proliferation

and then differentiation into mature functional brain cells.    Adult stem cells can be found in different places in our body.   Such adult stem cells are also found in our brain, residing within the periventricular subependymal

zone and hippocampus. These cells are multipotent and can give rise to all three types of cells of the central nervous system. However, these stem cells are not active and are used as reserve cells. They exist in our brain as if ´´sleeping´´, waiting for a signal that will ´´wake´´ them into action.

  With a certain combination of medicines these stem cells can be ´´awaken´´ and start to proliferate,

differentiate and produce more brain cells. ´´Wakening up´´ these ´´sleeping´´ neural stem cell is the main goal of the daily IV you will be receiving daily thorough the whole treatment period.  

  Through several years of applying this cell therapy for a wide range of neurological disorders, this non-

invasive and safe treatment has proved itself to be a highly effective for both moderate level and severe level of neurological disorders.  

  What are hRPE Stem Cells?   hRPE (Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial) Stem Cells, are adult multipotent stem

cells that are found in the retina of the human eye. The original function of these special cells is producing Dopamine that participates in the pigmentation process inside the retina.

Due to their function, hRPE cells are a new and most promising solution for Parkinson´´s Patients who suffers from degeneration of their Dopamine-producing cells. Dopamine is a neuro-transmitter in our brain that supports our movement fluidity and continuity.  hRPE cells can replace degenerated dopamine-producing neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway and provide a source of increased dopamine production to promote functional recovery in Parkinson´´s patients.

The hRPE cells are derived from a single donor, then cultured in the laboratory to produce the amount and the type of cells fitting for implantation.

The cells are then being injected within a single operation into 4 targets in the Putamen area in the brain, using MRI 3D image guided stereotactic technique.

While the treatment can not completely remove all symptoms of the disease, it can greatly reduce the tremors, decrease muscle tension and rigidity, improve movement continuity, movement initiation and balance, increase muscle strength, improve slurred speech, reduce the freeze ups and strengthen the overall body.

Every patient who wishes to apply for this treatment should undergoa thorough evaluation process.

*Understand Stem Cell Therapy

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In this new age of medical science, stem cell therapy can provide both help and hope to these patients. Diseases and conditions, which where not possible to treat before are now curable. But, as it is with any new advancement, people, who are not too familiar with it, try to use it for their own gain.

Therefore, if the prospect of stem cell medical treatment arises, patients or relatives must inform their self thoroughly about the treatment. They can expect, and must inquire, to be informed by the doctor not only if there are hopes for recovery, but more detailed what kind of results are to be expected after the treatment. A doctor who can not provide these information or claims that only time after the treatment will tell is not to be trusted.

  Who are we?   Our Medical Team is led by Prof. Dr. Wu Li Ke and Prof. Dr. Wang

Xiao Juan, both of which have gained over 20 Years of Experience in the field of Stem Cell therapy. Together with their Team they used to work for the Beijing Tiantan Puhua Hospital Stem Cell Research and Application Centre and managed to treat and heal over 400 patients with difficult treatable nervous disorders.

  By the end of 2008 they and their team left the Tiantan Puhua

Hospital to found the independent China Stem Cell Medical Center in Beijing.

  The China Stem Cell Medical Center is to be a haven for all people

all around the world who are suffering serious diseases such as Parkinsons, ALS, MS Brain or Spinal Cord injuries and other difficult nervous disorders and diseases. In fact, according to clinical research, patients will show obvious improvement within 5 weeks during the stem cell treatment procedure.

  While these patients the possibility of an effective stem cell

treatment is often denied in their country, they are welcome to give themselves in our professional and international care.

  The stem cell treatment applied in our facility is not only done by

very experienced specialists, but also accepted as one of the most advanced stem cell technologies worldwide.


*Our special treatment Autologous stem cell activation treatment for sequela of cerebrovascular disease:Sequela of cerebrovascular disease is recognized as a common disease which is lacking of effective treatment methods and seriously affects the quality of a patient´´s life. Combining the most advanced stem cell techniques with nerve repair and remodeling application, using signal inducement, starting facilitation mechanism and systemic neurological rehabilitation, we solve the difficult problem and create a new treatment area in this field. All patients will benefit greatly from our treatment.

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