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Story of Adam a.s , Jesus a.s and Muhammad s.a.w …..until today the year of 2011.

Universiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaFakulti Undang-undangProgram PHD Undang-undangP58462

Musbri MohamedDIL; ADIL ( ITM )MBL ( UKM )

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Belief in His Prophets

Muslims believe in all the prophets that Allah s.w.t has sent. Allah has sent many prophets (122,000/ 144,000). There is no nation or ethnic group that has not been sent a prophet at some point in their history.

In the Qur’an, 26 prophets are named, some of whom are the same as the patriarchs of the Old Testament, some are unique to the Arab tradition (Shuaib, Hud, Salih, Dhu’l Kifl, etc.), and from the New Testament, Yahya (John the Baptist) and Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus son of Mary).

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Of these, Muslims believe that before the time ofMuhammad, there were six great prophets whoadvanced “the history of salvation” of humanity.

Adam a.s . The first man was the first prophet to Receive God’s revelation. This means that there wasnever a time in history when humans were left withoutGuidance. Adam sinned but repented and wasforgiven; his sin was personal and Islam has noconcept of “original sin.”

Nuh (Noah)a.s. Adam’s descendants abandonedGod and divine teaching, so that God sent Noah to

warn them. They did not listen to Noah and God sent theflood, after warning Noah to build the ark. After the flood, Noah became the “second father” of humanity.

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Ibrahim (Abraham) a.s . After Noah, men once again took to sinning and worshiping idols. God sent Abraham to break the idols of his father’s house and started on his wandering. After Sarah expelled Hagar and her baby Ismail, Abraham traced her to the region of Mecca, where he built the Ka’ba,the first structure on earth dedicated to the worship of God. With Abraham came the introduction of formal worship of God. Abraham was especially beloved to God (called Khalil, that is, “the close friend” of God) and is for Islam the model of faith.

Musa (Moses) a.s . Moses represents a new stage of God’s guidance. He received the Torah, formed a religious community, the Jews, and gave them a law. But the Jews committed a serious error, believing that God had done all that for them alone, not realizing that God’s mercy was for all people.

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Isa (Jesus) a.s . God sent Jesus to correct the mistakes of the Jews, proclaiming God’s will for all peoples. God sent Jesus with the Injil (Gospel) and through him worked many signs of His favor. His followers understood well the universal nature of Jesus’ prophetic message, but they too committed a serious error. They began to worship the messenger, equatingJesus with God.

Muhammad s.a.w, the final Messenger.Finally, God sent Muhammad with the perfect, complete message of the Qur’an and formed a community that would live according to its teachings. After Muhammad, God’s revelation was complete, so Muhammad is called “the Seal of the Prophets.” There can be no other prophets/messengers after Muhammad.

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"Say: We believe in God, and that which was revealed unto us, and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which was bestowed upon Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord; We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. "

[The Holy Qur'an 3:84]

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The teaching of the Qur’an about Jesus.

The Qur’an makes claims about Jesus that are not even alleged of Muhammad. Jesus was born of a Virgin, his birth foretold by the angel. He spoke as an infant and worked miracles as a child (paralleling stories in apocryphal gospels), worked miracles, giving sight to the blind, making the lame walk, and raising the dead by God’s grace. He formed a community of disciples(hawariyyun) and left them a communion meal as a memorial.

He predicted that another prophet (Ahmad, the Most Highly Praised One) would come after him. He did not die on the cross, but was assumed directly into heaven, where he awaits the end of time. His return will mark the beginning of the Last Days.

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Jesus is called ‘abdu’llah (Servant of God), the Word of God, and the Spirit of God. He is the model of holiness and the only person in the Qur’an called min al-muqarrabin (someone brought near to God). Muhammad said, affirming Jesus’ sinlessness: “Of all children born since Adam, all have been touched by sin except Jesus and his mother.”

Jesus is not called “Son of God,” as this is always understood in a physical way, and the Qur’an affirms that God is far beyond begetting children. The traditional Semitic trinity - Allah, Allat, and their son Baal - had been erroneously interpreted by some poorly-informed Arab Christians to indicate God, Mary (his wife), and Jesus (their son). This is strongly rejected by the Qur’an.

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The teaching of the Qur’an about Mary.

Mary is mentioned in the Qur’an 34 times (19 times in the New Testament). She is the only woman mentioned by name in the Qur’an, the only woman to have a Qur’anic sura named after her. Mary is said to have received wahy (revelation), leading some Muslims to classify her among the prophets. The Qur’an recounts her Presentation in the Temple, the Annunciation, and the Birth of Jesus with stories that parallel the apocryphal gospels. She was without sin, strongly preserved her virginity and is said to be the “greatest of all women.” One obscure passage in the Qur’an may be an allusion to her Assumption into heaven.

In popular piety, Mary is revered as a model for women, her shrines are visited by Muslims (Damascus, Jerusalem, Ephesus), and a “Marian fast” is undertaken by women expecting their first child.

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Islam teaches that some of the prophets were sent with Scriptures. The “scrolls” of Abraham are lost, but the Torah given to Moses, the Psalms to David, the Wisdom to Solomon, and the Gospel to Jesus still exist. The Qur’an says that the Jews misinterpreted the Torah. In the polemics that ensued between Christians and Muslims, some Muslim scholars claimed that the original texts of the Torah and Injil were corrupted, so that the scriptures that Jews and Christians now have are no longer original. More cautious scholars claim that some corruption may have occurred or that the corrupted passages were minor. Others hold that Christians, led by St. Paul, virtually rewrote the original message given to Jesus, so that it is impossible today to recreate the revealed Book. Since Jews and Christians were recipients of revealed Books, even if they later may have corrupted them, they are called “the People of the Book” and have special privileges in Islamic law.

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According to Islamic teaching, the Qur’an was revealed word-for-word to Muhammad. God, not Muhammad, is considered the author of the Qur’an. The name is taken from the Arabic verb qara’a, meaning “to recite, to read”; hence Qur’an means “Recitation,” i.e., the recitation of God’s revelations.

The Qur’an is shorter than the Christian New Testament and is divided into 114 suras or chapters. Muslims believe that God revealed His Word to Muhammad in the course of 22 years by mediation of the Angel Gabriel. Muhammad memorized each revelation and taught these verses orally to his early disciples, who would recite them together during the night.

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According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad was illiterate, which would not have been unusual in Arabia at that time. The revelations were not written down until the final years before Muhammad’s death, when some disciples began to record verses on smooth stones, leaves, camel hide, tree bark, papyrus etc. Shortly after Muhammad’s death, in the time of the Calif Uthman, all these fragments of the Qur’an were collected and a committee of scholars and huffaz (those who memorized the Qur’an) studied any variations and determined a definitive text. The earlier fragments were then destroyed. The “’Uthmanic edition” is that used by Muslims today.

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The Book that God gave to Muhammad (s) through revelation, and which he passed on to the Muslims in the form in which we know it today. The internal evidence provided by the Qur'an itself, as well as historical research, proves beyond a shadow of doubt that not even a comma of the original Qur'anic text has been changed or is likely to be altered in the future. This is a unique attribute of the Qur'an and is not shared by any other revealed book now extant. The Qur'an embodies the din revealed to the earlier Anbiya in its true and perfect form.

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Al-Quran does not give us merely a code of ethics; it provides us with a code of life which embodies guidance, principles and laws relating to every sphere of human life and activity. The Qur'an, according to Islam, is the final authority in matters of din. The injunctions and the principles enshrined in the Book form the corner-stone of the Islamic polity and the limits laid down by it provide the framework within which the laws of the Islamic State may be formulated. These principles, or limits, or framework, are immutable, but the statutes made by the state within these four corners are open to modification and change according to the needs of the times.

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The Qur'an is the last of the Divine Books, because nubuwwah ended with Muhammad (s). No subsequent human opinion or pronouncement in matters of din, therefore, can be recognized as authoritative; nor can any man-made law repugnant to the Qur'an be regarded as binding upon the Muslims. The Qur’an is a book of guidance for all mankind and transcends the barriers of time and space.

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The reader would notice that some of the Quranic terms are retained as such (in Arabic) in this exposition, e.g., Allah, Deen, Hamd, K’afir, Momin, Mushrik, Nabi, Rahman, Raheem, Rasool, Sal’at, Zak’at, etc. These concepts have special significance in the Quran and it is just not possible to translate them in few words in English (as would be appreciated while consulting the Glossary of Terms). The other reason was their oft-repeated use in the Quran, and every time their elaboration was not possible. Their translation in one word, as had been done by almost all the other translators, would only convey Biblical or conventional concepts, which, in many cases is contrary to or far away from the concepts of the Holy Quran. The third reason was the inability of the English language to convey the concepts of Arabic language, which is the richest language in the world. For instance, Quran has used three different words while describing the various stages of the creation of the universe: Khalaqa, Fatara, and Bada’a. English language, on the other hand, has only one word "Created" which fails to explain the subtle differences between these stages.

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In general it is very difficult to translate a piece of literature from one language into another; particularly to translate the language of Allah’s Revelation, the Holy Quran, retaining its beauty, force, seriousness and grandeur is just not possible. A language coins particular words according to the traditions of its people, culture, concepts and values; so how could it be possible for English, or for that matter, any other language, to give one word for a concept which does not exist in their culture? Hence the necessity of retaining these words in Arabic and adding a Glossary of these terms. In the Quranic text certain places have been specifically mentioned. A map has been added to assist the readers to be appraised of their geographical location.

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It is an honest and serious human effort to convey the pristine concepts of the Holy Quran. The original Arabic text of Wahi, however, is eternal and its interpretation during any span of time cannot be taken as the last word; that shall have to be left to the last man on earth. As Allah has stated in the Holy Quran (41:53), The TRUTH of His Guidance shall ever continue to manifest itself in the outer space and within the human psyche till IT is finally established.

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Allah s.w.t , the Creator and the Sustainer has declared that Holy Quran is His last and final Book revealed to the mankind for its guidance (6/115). As such, it should contain a complete code of life and permanent values which would remain unalterable even with the passage of time, and give guidance to all the problems which mankind would face for all times to come. This message should obviously be in such a language which, on one hand, should be simple, clear, unambiguous, and definite, and on the other all-comprehensive, deep, dignified and consciously superior. Arabic seems to be the only language in the world which has all the characteristics mentioned above, and therefore, is suitable to meet these challenges.

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There appeared no Rasool in Arabia in-between the times of Ishmael and Rasool-Allah, Muhammad (peace be upon him). It seems that during all this time of 3,000 years, the Arabs remained busy in enriching their language so that it should be capable of bearing the last message of Almighty Allah. Arabic language has 80 different words for honey, 200 for snake, 500 for lion, 1,000 for sword, and 5,744 for camel (Cosmic Consciousness - Richard Mauvice Bucke pp. 30-31), which helps illustrate the tremendous vastness of this language. So, when an Arab used a particular word for a camel, the listener would know its age, colour and all the numerous qualities.

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Al-Quran 85 Al-Burûj

1.         The locations and movements of stars, which manifest themselves in space;2.         And the Revolution, the occurrence of which has been repeatedly promised (in the Quran);3.         And this Rasool who stands witness to the occurrence of this Revolution and the very system whose establishment and stability is being assured.

Were these sentences and words from Muhammad s.a.w in the year of 615 ? Definitely not; this are the words of Allah s.w.t. i.e the World Creator.

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“Read! In the Name of your Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer) Who created — created man, out of a leech-like clot. Read! And your Rabb is Most Bountiful. He Who taught (the use of) the  Pen, taught man that which he knew not..”

(Qur'an 96: 1-5) 

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“You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind. You enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allah...”

(Qur'an 3:110)

“But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness. We shall soon admit them to Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath, to dwell therein forever. Allâh’spromise is the truth, and whose word can be truer than Allâh’s?”

(Qur'an 4:122) 

“Allâh has promised the believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allâh: that is the supreme success.”

(Qur'an 9:72)

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Dr. Maurice Bucaille said in his book "The Bible, the Qur'an and Science", which was published by the American Trust Publications 1979:

"Thanks to its undisputed authenticity, the text of the Qur'an holds a unique place among the books of Revelation, shared neither by the Old nor the New Testament. In the first two sections of this work, a review was made of the alterations undergone by the Old Testament and the Gospels before they were handed down to us in the form we know today. The same is not true for the Qur'an for the simple reason that it was written down at the time of the prophet".

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What the world hasn't realized is that there is a silent majority of Muslims who want an Islamic state that has nothing to do with bombs, repression, censorship, oppression, chauvinism or violence. The Islamic state we envision is actually not too much different from the modern American legal, social and political expression. Among the few differences would be that the basis of the legal code would be derived from the Qur'an, rather than from simple majority rule. After all, it was the opinion of the majority that allowed slavery and oppression of women in this country. (A good presentation of an Islamic government at work can be found in the book, "Al Ahkam as Sultaniyyah" by Abul Hasan al Mawardi. It's in English!) There would be elected leaders, representatives, an independent judiciary, a tax agency, non-interest based banks, theaters, shopping malls, suburbs, etc...

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The Qur'an and example of the Prophet would be the basis of cultural and social norms and if you've ever really looked at them, they're very lenient, understanding and beneficial. In addition, laws that forbid indecency would be enforced. And what's so bad about that? In America today, the law books are filled with anti-indecency laws, they just haven't been enforced in a few decades. Look at the social devastation that that has wrought!

The Islamic government would simply enforce the laws that even American courts are supposed to. That's all we want: a government based on eternal principles as revealed by our Creator and a stable and peaceful commonwealth.

Those who use Islamic symbols or names, but then do deeds of violence against civilians, are no better than calling the KKK or the Nazis good Christians.

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Islam, is being suppressed everywhere and unIslamic cultural influences have corrupted almost all the young people in every Muslim country.

The Western world has established its hegemony and control over the world's resources, finances, culture and technological direction.

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But while the world has been busy suppressing Muslims, regardless of whether they're "good" or "bad," what else has it been up to? It seems clear that the global trend is towards a more unified and closely linked world, both in political and economic terms as well as in social terms. There seems to be a mono-culture forming all over the place! Whether you're in Botswana, Brazil, Brunei or Belgium, you drink soda-pop, wear jeans, listen to popular music, surf the net, eat burgers and pizza and wear shirts that say, "DKNY".

Nations are making trade links with each other, establishing free trade zones that cover whole hemispheres and even mutual defense pacts and large alliances. NATO will probably grow to encompass all of North America, all of Europe and Russia, too, within twenty years or so.

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Muslims believe there is only one God, Allah s.w.t , who alone is worthy of being worshipped. Mankind has been guided at various times by the messengers of Allah of whom the most prominent were Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed.

The final message was sent to the last prophet, Mohammed s.a.w, which replaces all previous messages. None of the prophets claimed to be god or part-god - they were human and were obedient to Allah s.w.t.

Finally, we wish to inform you that Islam is the universal message of Allah s.w.t to all mankind and Prophet Mohammed s.a.w (peace be upon him) is the last and final messenger of Allah. Therefore, Allah will not accept any way of life except Islam. He said in the Gracious Qur'an which is translated as follows:

"And any one who chooses a way of life other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers." (3:85)

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Muslims await a Day of Final Judgment at which Allah s.w.t will judge people according to their deeds. This doctrine emphasizes human responsibility for one’s actions; one day, Allah s.w.t shall ask each to account for the way they lived.

The Qur’an teaches that Jews,Christians, and Sabaeans, along withMuslims, who believe in God and the Last Day, will have nothing tofear nor will they lose their reward. At the Final Judgment, the prophets will intercede for their respective communities (Moses a.s

for Jews, Jesus a.s for Christians and Muhammad s.a.w for Muslims).

On the Last Day, humanity will consist of three groups:1) The damned, who disbelieved and disobeyed, will be consigned

to the fires of Hell.2) The saved, who believed and obeyed, will be rewarded with

Paradise ( Janna, the Garden).3) The holy ones, min al muqarrabin, whom Allah s.w.t has

graciously brought near to Himself.

Thank You.

Musbri Mohamed 2011
