Page 1: Strep throat Streptococcal pharyngitis streptococcal tonsillitis

Presenter: Jennifer Wang (:


Page 2: Strep throat Streptococcal pharyngitis streptococcal tonsillitis

What is it?• Bacterial infection in throat and tonsils• Throat becomes inflamed and irritated• Primarily caused by : Group A streptococcal bacteria• Most common from ages 5-15• Typically, sore throats are caused by viral infections—not bacteria.

Page 3: Strep throat Streptococcal pharyngitis streptococcal tonsillitis

Discovery• Streptococci bacteria were observed by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek in 1674 with his trusty microscope.

• In 1904 Friedrich Reinhardt Strep discovered it as the cause of the throat illness, hence its name.

Page 4: Strep throat Streptococcal pharyngitis streptococcal tonsillitis

How can it be diagnosed/identified? SYMPTOMS:• Severe and sudden sore throat with no cold symptoms• red and white patches, or coating, in throat• pain and difficulty swallowing• swollen glands/lymph nodes in neck• red and enlarged tonsils• Fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit• loss of appetite and nausea, headache, belly pain• Skin rash (scarlet fever)

Page 5: Strep throat Streptococcal pharyngitis streptococcal tonsillitis

Tests• Physical exam (swollen lymph nodes, presence of symptoms…)• Rapid strep test-analyzes bacteria in throat to see if strep is the cause. • Throat culture-analyzes cells in back of throat. The cells are placed in container with substances that promote strep growth. If strep bacteria do grow, the culture is positive. • Throat culture is more accurate.

Page 6: Strep throat Streptococcal pharyngitis streptococcal tonsillitis

How can you get it? O_O• Strep throat is highly contagious!• You can get it by breathing in droplets with strep bacteria in the air, usually when a person who has strep throat breathes, coughs, or sneezes.

• Strep throat usually goes away in 3 to 7 days. • Doctors may suggest over the counter relief medicine.• May give antibiotics to prevent spread. • Some home remedies: Drink water, sleep, throat lozenges, herbal tea, etc. • BUT…complications may occur if infection spreads to other parts of body.

Page 7: Strep throat Streptococcal pharyngitis streptococcal tonsillitis

Pretty pictures of strep throat yay

White tonsillar exudate Small red spots

Page 8: Strep throat Streptococcal pharyngitis streptococcal tonsillitis

