Page 1: Stress Management (causes of stress n how to manage them) by Sukant GUpta

Prepared by :-SUKANT GUPTA


Page 2: Stress Management (causes of stress n how to manage them) by Sukant GUpta


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Page 6: Stress Management (causes of stress n how to manage them) by Sukant GUpta

STRESS IS:- Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress.

Stress happens when we feel that we can't cope with pressure and this pressure comes in many shapes and forms, and triggers physiological responses.

Stress is a common thing in everyone’s life. It is always associated with the happiest movement of life or the dangerous movement of the life.


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Acute stress is the most common form of stress. It comes from demands and pressures of the recent past and anticipated demands and pressures of the near future. Acute stress is thrilling and exciting in small doses, but too much is exhausting. A fast run down a challenging ski slope.


For example:-1. Emotional distress.

3. Muscular problems.

4. Stomach, gut and bowel problems.

2. Transient over arousal.


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1. Over stimulation.2. Headaches or migraines.3. Hypertension.4. Chest pains.

For Example :-

Episodic Acute stress is a stress which affects those who suffer from acute stress frequently.People that suffer from this tend to always be in a rush. They take too much on and can’t organise themselves to deal with the demands and pressures.  Episodic Acute stress affects interpersonal skills and can make sufferers hostile towards. 


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CHRONIC STRESS :-Chronic stress is the stress that wears sufferers down.

It grinds away at them, making them feel burned out every day, every week, every year. It’s the stress that someone can feel when they can’t see a way out of the demands and/or pressures that make them feel depressed, miserable and disheartened on a constant basis.  The stress of feeling trapped in an unhappy marriage or in a career they despise can both be factors.  Chronic stress is associated with ill health, alcohol excess, violence and even suicide.


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CAUSES OF STRESS AT WORK :-To meet out the demands of the job.

Support you receive from your boss, colleagues and juniors.

To train your staff and take work from them.

Your relationship with colleagues.

To control staff under you.

Excess work pressure.

To meet out deadlines.

To give new results.

To produce new publications if you are in research area. 11

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CAUSES OF STRESS AT HOME :-Loss of money in burglary, pick-pocketed or share market.

Not sufficient money to raise your standard of living.

Marriage of self or son or daughter or brother or sister.

Death of spouse, family, near relative or friend.

Injury or illness of any family member.

Children’s educational performance.

Pregnancy or birth of a new baby.

Children’s behaviour or disobedience. 12

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OTHER CAUSES OF STRESS :-Fear, intermittent or continuous.

Threats: Physical threats, Social threats, Financial threats and other threats.


Lack of sleep.

Somebody misunderstands you.

Setback to your position in society.


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There is no doubt that stress is one on of the leading factor in illness and absenteeism. Beside lowering a person’s immune response, stress makes us want to avoid whatever is causing it. If there is stress at work, workers who feel mildly off will feel even worse and resist coming to work. This costs many hours of productivity, especially when key personnel or production worker are absent in fact, it’s estimated that $300 billion is lost on stress-caused illnesses and absenteeism.

A workplace that supports stress management through workplace wellness programs not only helps their employees to handle pressure better and stay healthier during times of stress, it also sends a message that their company cares about them. This provides emotional supports as well as physical support for fighting the effects of stress. 14

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Page 17: Stress Management (causes of stress n how to manage them) by Sukant GUpta

NEED OF STRESS MANAGEMENT In the past decade, the news headlines have definitely made it clear that the need for stress management should be one of the top agendas in the modern day society. The rages alone such as Road Rage and the trends of violent acts in life today prove a lot of it well.

Living today is a lot tougher than it was even in the days of the great depression. It’s been coming out in many ways such as all time occurrencesof stomach and intestinal ulcers. Others find sleep disorders and wind up zombies during their busy days. Insomnia is growing in leaps and bounds.

Today stress management is important in everyone’s lives. It’s necessary for long happy lives with less trouble that will come about. There are many ways to deal with stress ranging from the dealing with the causes of stress to simply burning off its effects. 16

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Stress Management Techniques


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Self esteem and self confidence.

Brisk walk and self talk. Develop a +ve attitude. Anger management. Change your thinking. Listen music. Organised work. Light party.


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Understand the nature of work. Change your thinking. Exercise. Meditation. Sleeping. Yoga. Plan.



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What Team AatharavUse To Do To

Overcome FromStress ????


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“Leading To Success”Stress Management


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Managing stress can help you have less pain and feel healthier. It can also help you cope with the extra demands made on you by your Scleroderma. By following these suggestions, you may be able to get stress to work for you instead of against you.

Learn to identify those situations you can do something about and those you can't. Work at reducing the cause of your stress by communicating better, and respecting your limits of energy and pain. Simplify your life, "look on the bright side," and develop and keep a sense of humour. Prepare for stressful events by getting extra rest.

Remember that you can't change others. Keep in mind that no one is perfect. Seek professional help for serious problems.

Practice relaxation methods to overcome the effects of stress that you can't avoid. Engage in hobbies and simple pleasures that give you joy. Finally, remember that managing stress is your job. With stress under control, it'll be easier to keep your disease under control.



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Sukant Gupta
