
STRESUL istoric şi evoluţie a conceptului

Prep.univ. Ana-Maria VasiliuANEFS, Bucureşti

AbstractStress is an everyday fact present in all daily activities, is a

necessary aspect of the proper conduct of life, an optimal dose of stress is necessary for mobilizing people to adapt to events. However, too much stress can harm life. The term stress is Anglo-Saxon origin, and designate the response to factors that require an adjustment. These factors may be illness, unpleasant emotions even enjoyable.

At first this term was not widely accepted. Thus, in Germany was proposed initially a name of Latin or Greek origin, as scientific names were almost always those origins. Thus, a German linguist proposed word „trouble”.

The main representant of the research on this phenomenon is the Canadian man of science Hans Selye, with Hungarian origins, also called „father of stress research”. Selye defines stress as any response of the body to any demands or claims exerted on the body by a large fan causal agents – physical, chemical, biological, psychological etc.

Keywords: stress, stress gene, eustres, distress, alarm response, response adaptation, exhaustion.

Cuvinte cheie: stres, genă a stresului, eustres, distres, reacţia de alarmă, reacţia de adaptare, epuizare.