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Struts 2.x


Page 2: Struts 2

OGNL is an expression language that is used to

retrieve values from stack.

Normally when actions are called, request parameters,

values passed to action, the action bean instance, all

are pushed into a stack called as “Value Stack”.

The value stack holds values for the action.

OGNL is used in views to retrieve values from this


OGNL: Object Graph Navigation Language

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The best thing about struts 2 is OGNL can also be used in the

struts.xml file.

The following code specifies how OGNL can be used to specify

values in the value stack:<action name=“ShowMail” class=“com.example.ShowMails”>



This means when the result page would be rendered the url

would be appended with the value retrieved by the username

property of the present action class i.e. ShowMails.


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Apart from retrieving data from action class. OGNL helps retrieve data from the

following objects: #application





For example the following code would fetch the value username from the user

object in session.

<s:property value=“#session.user.username”/>

This in essence is equivalent to:

<% User user=session.getAttribute(“user”);




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Functionality for creating views in JSP is provided by

Struts in the form of tag library.

The struts tag library is included in the following way in

JSP pages that contain struts-tags:

<%@taglib uri=“/struts-tags”


The TLD file for the struts tags is present in the jar files

of the struts libraries.

Building Views

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Struts tags fall into these two categories:

Generic Tags: Generic tags control the execution flow when

pages are rendered. They are also used to extract data.

UI Tags: UI Tags are used to create user interface elements like form

field etc.

Apart from the tag library, Struts 2 also provides

OGNL(Object Graph Navigation Language), an intuitive way

to retrieve values and embed them in views from the

session, action beans etc.

Building views(Contd.)

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Generic Tags are of two types: Data Tags: They are used to retrieve data from

objects and display them in web pages.

Control Tags: Control tags are used to emulate loops

and decision making constructs like while, for, for

and if…else.

Generic Tags

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The action tag: This tag is used to invoke some other action

from the present page, where it is embedded. Its beneficial

when you want some functionality to be invoked in the JSP

page without using scriptlets.

Syntax<s:action name=“AuthenticateAction” executeResult=“true”/>

Data Tags-action tag

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Attribute Meaning

Id For referencing the element

Name The name of the action that is being called

executeResult Whether the result of the action should be displayed or not

Namespace Namespace of the action that has to be called

Flush Whether the writer should be flushed after execution of this tag

var Reference name of the action bean so that it can be used later in the page

ignoreContextParams Whether the request parameters are supposed to be included while calling the action

Attributes of Action tag

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The property tag: The property tag is used to inject values contained in objects into the JSP page. These values are fetched from the value stack (The value stack is a stack that contains all the objects that the action is dealing with, while the action’s methods are called).

Syntax:<s:property value=“user.username”/>

Output:Hello Chandrakant

Data Tags- property tag

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Attribute Meaning

id For referencing the element

value The value to be displayed

default If the attribute is not started then the default value that would appear in its place.

escape Whether HTML would be escaped.

Attributes of property tag(Contd.).

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The bean tag: The bean tag is used to instantiate a class

that conforms to the java bean specification. It’s similar to

jsp’s useBean tag.


<s:bean name=“com.example.Employee” var=“emp”/>

Data Tags-bean tag

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Attribute Meaning

id For referencing the element

name Name of the class whose instance is supposed to be created.

var Name of the reference for the bean object that can be used later on.

Attributes of bean tag

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The set tag: This tag is used to set some data into a bean instance or into one of the following:

Session scope Application scope Request scope Page scope Action(by default)

Syntax<s:set name=“firstName” scope=“session” value=“user.firstName”/>

Data Tags-set tag

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Attribute Meaning

Id For referencing the element

name Reference name of the variable that is set in the specified scope.

value The value that is set

scope The scope in which the value should be placed

Attributes of set tag

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The include tag: This tag is used to include certain JSP

page’s or Servlet’s result into the present page. Its

functionality similar to the jsp include action.


<s:include value=“listAllDepartments.jsp”/>

Data Tags-include tag

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Attribute Meaning

value The name of the JSP page or the servlet’s alias that has to be included in the present page.

Attributes of include tag

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The url tag: The url tag is used to

Render absolute or relative URLs

Handle parameters

Encodes URL’s so that it can be used in browsers where cookies are



<s:url action=“Login.action” var=“loginURL”>

<s:param name=“useType” value=“Admin”/>


Data Tags- url tag

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Attribute MeaningId For referencing the element

value The base url

action Name of the target Action

namespace Namespace of the action that has to be called

encode Used to add session id to the url

var Reference name of the url so that it can be used later in the page

includeParams/include To include the parameters or the context

method The method of the action that has to be called

Method The method of the action that has to be used

Scheme The protocol(http/https)

Attributes of url tag

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The param tag: This tag is used for providing parameters to

other tags.


<s:param name=“color”>#ff0000</s:param>

Data Tags-param tag

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Attribute Meaning

id For referencing the element

name The name of the parameters to be set

value Value that has to be set for the parameter

Attributes of param tag

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Control tags used for referencing emulating control

structures like loops and decision constructs.

There are basically two control tags

Iterator tag

If, elseif and else tags

Control Tags

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The iterator tag is used for iterating through the collections of objects.

The collections can be one of the following types:







<s:iterator status=“num” value=“{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}”>

<s:property value=“top”/>


Control Tags-iterator tag

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Attribute Meaning

Id For referencing the element

Value The object to be iterated over

Status It is used to mention whether an instance of the IteratorStatus should be pushed into the stack in each iteration.

Attributes of iterator tag

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The if, elseif and else tags: These tags are used to emulate an if…else

if…else construct.


<s:if test=“%{#userRole==‘Admin’}”/>

<!–- Do something here.. -->


<s:elseif test=“%{#userRole==‘HR’}”/>

<!–- Something else--> -- >


<!– Do what should be done if all fails. -->


Data Tags- if, elseif and else tags

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Attribute Meaning

Id For referencing the element

Test The expression of that needs to be tested to determine if body of the tag would be executed.

Attributes of if/elseif tag

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UI Tags are used to generate form elements or display data in

simple are reusable format.

Tags, themes and templates combine together to produce flexible,

feature-rich and extensible UI components.

The struts UI tags are backed by templates that do the actual work.

Templates group together to form themes. The various themes are:





UI Tags

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UI Tags are used to create form elements.

The following are few Struts UI Tags:

◦ s:form, s:textfield, s:password, s:hidden, s:textarea, s:submit,

s:file, s:checkbox, s:select, s:radio, s:reset

UI Tags at a glance:

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Views are usually specified in the struts.xml as results of actions. For


<action name=“LoginScreen”>



The result tag has a type attribute that can take the following values:

Redirect – This is specified as the value of type if we want the controller to

redirect to a different page on the event of an action’s result. This can redirect to

another JSP page or servlet.

redirectAction – This is similar to redirect, however with redirectAction, the name

of some other action can be specified.

Views and struts.xml

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Struts 2 Validation framework

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The struts2 validation framework is one of the most

comprehensive ones that struts 2 core is composed of.

Struts 2 provides support for both server-side and client-side


A lot of predefined validators and ability to create and plug in

custom validators adds to the validation prowess of the


Struts provides both declarative and programmatic validation


Validation in struts 2

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Programmatic validation is achieved in Action classes by implementing the

Validateable interface in the action class.

This interface has the void validate() method, which needs to be overridden.

Validation code is put in this function.

In case the Action class needs to report the validation errors, then it needs to

implement the ValidationAware interface that has methods for error logging.

These two interfaces are implemented in the ActionSupport class. So

extending ActionSupport automatically makes the action class possess

validation capabilities. All that needs to be done is overriding of the validate()

method and reporting of the validation errors.

Programmatic validation

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Usually programmatic validation is used in complex validation scenarios.

In case things like pattern of input data, input data length, data type(number

or string or email address) have to be validated, declarative validation is a

better choice.

Declarative validation is done in xml files that are present in the same

directory as the Action class.

These files are named in this manner

<Action class name>-validation.xml

For instance if the name of the Action class is Employee the validation.xml

file would be:


Declarative(Domain-Level) Validation

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<validators><field name=“count”><field-validator type=“int” short-circuit=“true”><param name=“min”>1</param><param name=“max”>100</param><message key=“invalid.count”>

value must be between ${min} and ${max}</message></field-validator></field><field name=“name”>…</field>……</validators>

Sample Action-validation.xml file

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Inside the validation xml file there can be multiple <field></field>

entries, each corresponding to a property of the action class.

The <field> element may be contain one or more <field-validator>

entries. Each of these field-validator represents a validation rule.

The type attribute of the <field-validator< tag specifies what kind of

validation is required.

The short-circuit attribute(if set to true) would prevent the rest of

the validators from validating.

Param tags can be used to specify validation parameters.

Validation xml file structure

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Validators can either act upon single fields or can

act upon the whole action context.

In case a validator has to act upon the whole

action context then instead of <field-validator>,

the <validator> tag is used.

<validator> has a higher precedence over <field-


Validator scopes

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Validator type Parameters

required fieldName

requiredString fieldName, trim

stringLength fieldName, maxLength, minLength, trim

Int fieldName, min, max

Double fieldName, maxInclusive, minExclusive, maxExclusive

Date fieldName, max, min

Expression Expression

fieldExpression Expression

Email fieldName

url fieldName

Conversion fieldName

Regex fieldName, expression, caseSensitive, trim

Validator types

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In case errors are encountered during validation(programmatic or

declarative), the result of the action automatically becomes input.

Therefore to handle result of type input, there should be an appropriate

element in struts.xml.

For example:

<action name=“SaveEmployeeDetails”


<result name=“input”>employeeForm.jsp</result>

<result name=“success”>saveSuccess.jsp</result>


struts.xml level changes