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(Student Travel Schools)


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"Don't ever do anything as though you were an amateur.

"Anything you do, do it as a Professional to Professional standards.

"If you have the idea about anything you do

that you just dabble in it, you will wind up

with a dabble life. There'll be no satisfaction

in it because there will be no real production

you can be proud of.

"Develop the frame of mind that whatever

you do, you are doing it as a professional

and move up to professional standards in it.

"Never let it be said of you that you lived an amateur life.

"Professionals see situations and they handle what they see. They are not amateur


"So learn this as a first lesson about life. The only successful beings in any field,

including living itself, are those who have a professional viewpoint and make themselves

and ARE professionals"


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L. Ron Hubbard


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Abstract: the ethical dilemma

Key words: professionalism, travel agency, travel agent, client, employee, legal ethics,

esteem, ethical dilemma.


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The importance of values

Even if values are omnipresent in our everyday lives, we still find it difficult to “get a

handle” on them. Values are something real, yet they are really fluffy. In the same time,

idealists sustain that there is nothing more “real” than values because they lie within us,

they define who we are, they provide guidance for the decision making. Everybody has

these qualities deep inside and yet they are very difficult to comprehend. It is much easier

“to get a handle” on facts than on values.

It is easier to compare how much two

different journeys cost but it is much

more difficult to deal with values like:

service, honesty, quality and team-work,

values that are included in the well

functioning of the journey.

The meaning with this paperwork is that

values enter into practically every

decision that a travel agent makes. Every

travel agency values a world of peace for

its travelers, social recognition in the

society or accomplishment as the key for

its welfare and prosperity. The way to

accomplish these goals is through

ambition, broadmindedness, and

competence. It is a system based on

values that gives consistence and that functions by mutual reinforcing.


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Table 1. The framework for the system of leadership and ethics.

The system functions by a general set of beliefs:

Respect for the individual: to respect the dignity and the rights of each employee.

Customer service: to give the best customer service of any company in the world.

Excellence: to hold the conviction that any

travel agency should pursue all tasks with

the objective of accomplishing them in a

superior way.

In order to clarify the mentioned system

deep researches have been done. The

paperwork is supported by a number of

philosophers, important men of state,

writers, novelists and brilliant debaters.


Organizational Climate for Ethical Conduct

Trust Long-term success


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In order to understand the success and the acquirement of excellence of all the travel

agencies, the investigation method that is to be used is by directly applying to the already

existing developed booking system, the system of values.


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The problem. The importance of values and ethics - development today, in Europe, in

the EU and in Sweden

The importance of values and ethics -development today, in Europe, in the EU

The principle of subsidiarity on which the European Union bases its policy, is that the

power and the decision making

process is to be moved closer to the

citizen, the idea is that in this way

citizens are more concerned and

have more influence on the political

decision making process; in this way

politics stops being an institution

with simply bureaucratic functions,

but a more tangible and a more

human one.

The Treaty of Maastricht signed in

1993 has opened a new era in the

European Union’s ideology and a

new phase has been opened for the

European integration: the building

of an ever-closer European Union.

Ethics and cultural values, as it

naturally should be, are usually

regulated on the national level. They

follow the principle of subsidiarity.

Still, while seeking for collaboration, understanding and harmony at the economical level

but at the human level as well, European directives necessarily touch on the issue of

ethics. Diverse opinions on ethics or values that are rooted in the divergent European

cultures will never be directly addressed by European legislation.


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The European society is a rich cultural tapestry, made up of divergent ethical, religious,

historical and philosophical backgrounds. While respecting these cultural differences, the

European Commission is aiming to promote science and research which respects

fundamental ethical principles1.

Webster’s dictionary describes ethics as “a set of moral principles or values”. A set of

values is what guides a person’s life, and any description of a person’s ethics would guide

a person’s life, and any description of a person’s ethics would have to revolve around his

or her values.

Ethics and values go hand-in-

hand. Everybody has these

values deep inside, according

to everyone’s experience, they

can be developed or they can

be left unexploited. If these

values are left unexploited, the

person can not define them

anymore or has trouble in

understanding them in the

actions of the others. One has

an idea about them but one can not really define them as something tangible, as a

product. The problem is even more developed because ethics or values are very hard to

explain; they can be described but the “picture” is never complete.

But what are values? Milton Rokeach 2, in “The Nature of Human Values” defines value

as “an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is

personally or socially preferable to an opposition or converse mode of conduct or end-

state of existence.”

1 2 Rokeach, Milton. “The nature of Human Values” New York: The Free Pree, 1973


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Rokeach stresses the fact that values are beliefs; that they are

not facts. He points out that values are enduring, they do not

vanish. He insists on the fact that values are the ones that

provide us with guidance with respect to two aspects of our

lives: our moral conduct (or the personal behavior) and our

desired end-estate of existence (or our personal goals). In a

system where one respects its values the results would be:

“true friendship”, “mature love” and the basic verbs are: to

love and to forgive.

The importance of values and ethics -development of the problem - Sweden

The serious ethical questions of concern to European citizens

rise once with the rapid scientific and technological progress.

These questions may have potential implications for future


There is for example the manager or the travel

agent, in our case, that complains about a two-

hour meeting that he is attending every Monday.

These meetings had not been generally well-

conducted and apparently had no relevance to

his job. He felt that these meetings were a

complete waste of time and still he was

attempting them.

While asked why he was doing this, his answer

came: “Well I have always attempted these meetings. It is a habit!”

This is in fact not an isolated case. Many managers, just like the one in the example given

above, get caught up in the “Activity Trap” and loose track of what their job really is

about: the focus should be on performance.


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The aim of the paper: Professionalism. Why and how to treat things professionally?

As suggested by the motto of this paperwork, L. Ron Hubbard sets the framework of the

importance that things should be done to Professional standards.

This paperwork is to show the importance that the Professional behavior of the travel

agent has for the wellbeing of the travel agency. The travel agent cannot be an amateur,

everything that he does has to be done at Professional standards. It is very important that

the travel agent doesn’t just go through the travel agency withought having a clear idea

about what is going on in the agency. The better the travel agent knows its business, the

better his work and his results shall be.

As logical as it might appear, in order that the travel agency

should prosper, the work of the travel agent is necessary.

The same way, beyond the economical benefits that will

recompense the work of the travel agent, as logical as it

might appear, there are also benefits on the personal level.

But in order to obtain these personal benefits that are the

real products as much as the travel agent is concerned, one

needs to be proud over his work.

The travel agent cannot treat things with amateurism, it is a situation that is not benefic

nor for the society or for himself! In order not to treat things as an amateur, one should

have broadened knowledge and should be an open minded person ready to challenge

himself towards excellence.


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Questions that are to be answered in the paperwork:

1. A professional behavior and an amateur one: which attitude should a travel agent


2. How to make a better world for our employees and for our clients?

3. Study case: STS (Student Travel Schools)

1. The professional behavior and the amateur one: which attitude should a travel

agent adopt?

Most of the travel agents are supposed to “sell themselves” at one point or another. A

competent staff that took its time for understanding the clients business, their goals and

their problems, would not been seen as “pushy sales people” but as individuals that have

the information and the necessary contacts for the benefit of the client.

A successful selling asks for a person with particular attributes. And this includes social

aptitudes, a good negotiation quality and the product enthusiasm. All these qualities

should be put into practice at the right moment.

Generally, the communication

is on the visual level, vocal and

verbal level.

The first impression or the

visual impression is very

important and it’s almost

instant. They show to the

potential clients that they can trust that the travel agent would treat things with


The choice of the clothing, the appearance, the personal hygiene and the accessories, they

are all a part and give a good first impression. There are cases where the personal has


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special uniforms in order to keep the “image” or to give a kind of unity for the staff’s

appearance. The appearance can damage the message that the organization wants to give

to its clients: wearing a suit might be appropriate for an elegant hotel but a simple t-shirt

might be much more appropriate for a summer resort.

In the same time, every person subjectively analyses the person that one meets according

to the “subconscious judgments” that each one of us has according to our past experience.

The vocal impression is the next thing that a person notices after the visual impression

and this includes the tone and the capability of talking on a clear and friendly tone. A

note of irritation is not welcomed even if just slightly perceived in the voice of the travel


The voice can be also

influenced by

someone’s feelings.

The verbal impression

is created by the way

one expresses itself.

The use of an informal

language is to be

avoided because this

does not show

professionalism from

the part of the travel agent.

Some of the qualities of the mental approach of the travel agent are very hard to describe:

paying attention, listening to the client, being confident and yet sensible, keeping “eye

contact” to inspire trust and a friendly attitude.

The travel agent should be interested by his clients needs. Certain clients know exactly

what destination to choose, others are not so sure. This is the point where the travel agent


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should try to find out which are the clients needs in order to guide him in his making a

choice. The travel agent should know very well the terms of the deal that he is about to

present and should try to get together all the facts before the deal is done. To go back to

the client and renegotiate the business shows that the travel agent has done his job as an

amateur and this shall not be benefit for the both parts.

The travel agent should agree with certain small changes that can be done: special offers,

discounts or to compromise for benefit of

the two parts. As long as this person

knows his freedom of choices before the

interview or the meeting, one can talk and

negotiate with self confidence and shall be

able to improvise in order to have a

professional attitude.

The selling techniques have improved

during the time and it is important that the

travel agent has a long practice and

experience and that he has learned as well

from his mistakes. There are never two

sells that are the same but the important

thing is that the travel agent shall be able

to face the critics, the unexpected or unusual demands or to the difficult clients that

represent the real challenges. Often, the experienced managers assist the less

experimented staff to meetings and give them feed-back and will guide them. This thing

impresses the clients that see themselves as more important than the ordinary ones

because the company steps out of its routine in order to treat them more carefully.

In order to show that one is a professional one has to have a clear picture about what the

company has to offer. One can not sell a product if the simple questions of the client put

him into difficulty or if the given information is incorrect. The better one know one’s job

the easier is to improve and to adapt to the clients needs or to present different


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alternatives that meet client’s needs. Of course that none is supposed to know everything

but the important part is that one knows enough in order to live a professional impression.

2. How to make a better world for our employees and for our clients?

Close related to ethics is the behavior of managers. One can point out four types of

leadership behaviors:

The manipulator: is the leader that rules according to “the end justifies the

means”. The main function of leadership is to use deception and cunning to attend

his purposes.

The bureaucratic

administrator: is the leader

that rules according to

“structure is preserved

through rules”. The main

function of leadership is to

communicate and impose


The professional manager: The main function of leadership is to use people in

order to achieve organizational objectives.

The transforming leader: is the leader that lifts followers to their better selves.

The best way to motivate them is by bringing out the best in others.

The principal theme of transforming leadership is that of lifting people to their better

selves3. It is important to describe closer the transforming leader type because this type

of leaders is very hard to find.

These leaders are the ones that not only that they try to know very closely their followers

but they also take a personal interest in the development of their staff. These leaders are

3 William D. Hitt “Ethics and leadership: putting theory into practice”, p161


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the ones that try to remove barriers, they provide effecting coaching, they witness the

development of their staff and this gives them a great joy. This knowledge includes how

they see themselves today and how they would like to see themselves in the future.

Most of the managers view their staff as what they are in the present or as what they have

been in the past, rare are those that see their staff as what they might become. This is the

exceptional quality that these leaders have. They perceive both what these individuals are

and what they might become and they even take joy from helping them to become what

they might become.

The “transforming” leaders and their followers complete each other in such a way that

they raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality.

Many are those managers that see

their employees only according to

the functions that they perform. But

this is not the case of the

transforming leader; he/she sees

every person as a human being and

as a person of worth. As Immanuel

Kant’s philosophy sustains, every

person is an end in itself and not a way of means to some other end.

The transforming leader does not stop to the knowledge of the “follower’s” present

values and motives; this is just a starting point. The transforming leader is facilitating the

movement of each person up on the hierarchy, and as a result of this advancement, new

values and motives emerge.

The transforming leaders consider coaching being as important as their job functions and

they evaluate their performance on the basis of how much their people are learning,

growing and expanding in job responsibilities. By serving as a role model, by providing

appropriate job opportunities, and by coaching, the potentiality is transformed into



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3. Study case: STS Student

Travel Schools

3. a STS Student Language


The key words that represent STS are:

responsibility, safety and quality. One

has started working with language schools and academic foreign programmes in 1958. It

was then that one had begun with the modern language school trips for teenagers and

now this kind of trips are organized all around the world.

STS is represented in most of the European countries, USA, Canada, Brazil, Venezuela,

Australia, China, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Korea,

Thailand and South Africa.

With it’s multiple departments, STS High School, STS Solresor(Sun Travels), STS

Språkresor(Language Schools), STS Alpresor(Alp Travels), Au Pair and

IBS(International Business Schools)

one has always made a choice for its

travels where quality is guaranteed.

STS Language Schools organizes

every year summer language school

abroad for teenagers between 10-18

years in England, Scotland, France,

Austria, Malta, USA and Australia.

One can choose between a two-, three-

or a four weeks visit, among 20 different cities and 10 different languages.

Students can complete a language course with a sport course like: football, golf, tennis,

riding or another hobby.


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Among the language courses that are offered, one can choose:

A General Language Course offered for the high-school students with four hours daily

tuition I small groups of 15 persons. All the students are Swedish students.

The International Course is similar to the General Language Course but the students are

mixed from different countries.

The Intensive Course offered to the students

that are to work harder and it has a two hours

extra daily tuition.

The Oxford Intensive Course is offered to

the students that, besides learning English

intensively, are willing to learn about

England’s history and culture.

The STS Golf camp, Chelsea Football Camp, STS Riding Camp and Sailing Camp or

the hobby courses come all as a substitute for the language courses.

While on a Summer Language School one is welcomed in foster families and apart from

school, the leaders’ role is to see that the students have something to do all the time. The

thing that makes STS Language Schools so unique and special is the team-work which

includes backing one another through taught times, putting into practice the theoretical

part explained above to the case study of STS Language Schools.

3.b STS Solresor and STS High School


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STS Solresor (STS Sun Travels) has been grounded in 1988 and today is the biggest

Swedish own Charter Company. The

idea behind the STS Solresor (STS Sun

Travels) business idea is to give as

much value as possible for money in a

perfect combination of sun and joy.

STS Solresor sees each one of its

costumers as person and not as one

among millions of others.

STS Solresor is specialized on offering quality travels to Azores islands, La Gomera,

Madeira, Malta, Majorca, Manorca, Tenerife, Grand Canaries, Thailand, Malaysia and


STS High School is for students that are between 14-18 years old and want to study

abroad for one year.

3.c STS Au-pair

To the young people that are

between 18-26 years old, STS

opens for them the opportunity

of working as au-pair in USA

for one year. USA, as a great

mix of different cultures,

nationalities and ethnic

background is the best way for

living and knowing the

country. It is the year when one grows up and stays on his own feet. Au pair year is not

just taking care of the children and learning a foreign language but it offers in the same

time the chance for seeing things from other perspectives.


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By living in an American family and taking care of their children one is welcomed in the

family as a family member.


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3. d Hotel Salzburger Hof

In 1992 Hotel Salzburger Hof has been inaugurated in the Austrian paradise of

Badgastein. It is STS owned hotel for conferences and business men. The hotel is one of

the most beautiful hotels in Europe and is one of the three hotels (Hotel Kaiserhof, Grand

Hôtel de l’Europe and Salzburger Hof) that STS owns in the friendly and full of color

Austrian nature. Many members of Europe’s royal house have enjoyed Badgasteins warm

and benefits waters and the nice nature.

Situated in the heart of the Alps, Hotel Salzburger Hof welcomes its costumers with good

food, beautiful

and rooms and a


atmosphere. The

hotel welcomes

its guests with


furniture where

every room is

unique, as much

as design as well as in size.

One has tried to keep as much as possible the old atmosphere on the hotel, with beautiful

and old furniture that is to give a mythical atmosphere and the best opportunity for

relaxing and enjoying the time spent at the resort.

The Ritz restaurant serves the best food and the hotel invites its quests with the best of

the Austrian and international wines and all kind of international food. The bar has an

impressive high of 12 meters and it’s the meeting point just before the dinner.


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The hotel has a piano bar as well, library, brasserie and an outside terrace for the lovely

summer nights. The watering place invites its clients to relax and enjoy the pool, Jacuzzi,

sauna, solarium and the mineral thermal bath.

While enjoying one’s stay at the hotel during the summer one can take long walks on the

small paths in the surroundings; play tennis or squash, bike, play golf or one can visit the

city with an own Swedish speaking guide.

One can also go riding,


Från en liten by i grannskapet som heter Grüner Baum kan man åka häst och vagn in i den vackra

Kötschach-dalen. Det storslagna landskapet bjuder fantastiska vyer över brant stupande

bergsväggar och glaciärer. Genom den svalkande skogen når man efter en timmes färd fram till

dalslutet där man kan äta lunch eller dricka kaffe på värdshuset Prossau innan man återvänder. Till

Grüner Baum kommer man antingen till fots eller med taxi. Man kan också beställa droska direkt

från och tillbaka till hotellet.


Bad Gastein är känt som kurort sedan medeltiden och det är vattnet från de underjordiska källorna

som har givit orten sitt rykte. 5 miljoner liter vatten med temperaturer upp till 45° C pumpas

dagligen från källorna till de olika kurhusen. Även på Salzburger Hof kan man bada s.k. Thermalbad.

I närheten av Salzburger Hof ligger "Felsenbad" med sina stora

bassänger. Hit kommer också en stor del av vattnet som pumpas

från källorna. Här kan man motionssimma eller bara koppla av. I

de varmare polerna kan man sitta på bänkar och låta sig

masseras av undervattenstrålar eller av det konstgjorda


Teambuilding Vi kan hjälpa till att ordna flera olika team building aktiviteter. Gör t ex en femkamp med grenar såsom snow rafting och inner tubing (gummidäck). Man kan välja mellan hel- eller halvdag.

VattengymnastikTidigt på morgonen samlas vi i poolen på Salzburger Hof för att värma upp kroppen inför dagens aktiviteter. Enkla stretchrörelser blandat med litet lättare konditions- övningar gör att vi får upp aptiten lagom till frukost.

FelsenbadBara 150 meter från Salzburger Hof ligger utomhusbadet Felsenbad. Här kan man njuta av det härliga vattnet som springer fram ur djupa källor i underjorden. Temperaturen på vattnet i bassängerna ligger på 32-37 grader celsius. Från bassängen inomhus kan man simma genom en


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kanal till utomhusbassängen som håller en temperatur på 37 grader. På Felsenbad finns dessutom tillgång till bastu, solarium, thermalbad och massage mm.

Thermalbad Badgasteins eget berömda kurvatten som kommer uppvärmt direkt ur berget. Vattnet innehåller radon och är bra för leder, reumatiska besvär och är allmänt avkopplande.

I Badgastein har du lika mycket skidåkning ovanför som under trädgränsen. Detta ger en frihetskänsla och skapar stora valmöjligheter att välja olika nerfarter. Badgastein är en skidort man gärna återvänder till.Stubnerkogel. Stubnerkogels dalstation ligger på gångavstånd från våra hotell. Väl uppe på toppen finner du ett rikt varierat skidområde, praktiskt taget utan liftköer. Liftkapaciteten är hela 75 000 personer i timmen. Stubnerkogel är ett av Österrikes finaste skidberg med långa, välpreparerade pister, bl a den 11 km långa pist nr 11. Via Angertal tar du dig sedan snabbt över till Schlossalms liftsystem.

Schlossalmområdet är perfekt för alla kategorier skidåkare. Här finns mängder av pister och nedfarter. Området är helt täckt av snökanoner vilket garanterar en säsong från november till maj. Här kommer man upp på 2 400 m och den 13 km långa nedfarten från Hohe Scharte ger en fallhöjd på hela 1600 m (Österrikes högsta). Tag den nya kabinbanan från Angertal upp mot Schlossalm. Det är moderna åttapersonerskabiner som snabbt och effektivt tar dig upp i Schlossalmsystemet. På detta sätt minimeras väntetiden i Angertal.Sportgastein. Den stora liftkapaciteten har gjort att man snabbt och lätt kommer upp på hela 2 700 m ö h. Hela skidområdet är en orörd nationalpark i högalpin terräng. Nedfart nr 10 (Nordabfahrt) är en mäktig naturupplevelse. Denna nedfart har aldrig sett en pistmaskin över sina enorma vidder. Südabfahrt åker man med guide.Graukogel. På Graukogel (2 492 m) finner du Badgasteins World Cup-pister. Bl a den svarta pisten B3 där herrarnas störtlopp tidigare ägde rum. Dorfgastein. Längre ner i dalen ligger Dorfgasteinsystemet som erbjuder bra skogsåkning och långa breda pister. Systemet omfattar 20 liftar med pister i varierande svårighetsgrad. Terrängen påminner om den man finner i USA. De flesta pisterna är uthuggna ur skogen och därmed vindskyddade.

LängdåkningI hela Gasteinerdalen finns flera olika längdåkningsspår. Dessa finns inte enbart längst ner i dalen, där snön försvinner först utan även i höjd med liftarna. I Sportgastein och i Bad Hofgastein finns fina spår.


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Slädfärd "Gruner Baum"Med häst och släde går färden genom den täta trollskogen. Månens ljus och bjällerklang ger en härlig stämning under en timmes slädfärd. Väl framme på bergrestaurangen Prossau serveras traktens specialitet - forell. Efter den rejäla måltiden, som självklart avslutas med den österrikiska national desserten Apfelstrudel, är det än en gång dags att bäddas ner bland filtar och låta hästarna pulsa tillbaka mot Badgastein.

SkridskorDu kan åka skridskor på två olika ställen i Gasteinerdalen. Dels i Badgastein och även Bad Hofgastein. Priset är ca 60 Ats och då ingår både inträde och hyra av skridskor.

KälkrodelKälkrodel är egentligen ingen tävling, men oerhört kul. Man tar liften upp till Bellevue Alm och där dricker man en Gluhwein för att sedan susa ner mot Badgastein igen. I

priset ingår lift, rodel (kälke) och Gluhwein. (Kvällsarrangemang)

Egen skidguideHyr en egen skidguide som guidar Er runt i skidsystemet.Vinprovning De österrikiska vinerna har på senare år vunnit i internationell uppmärksamhet. Bland annat har Munskänkarna utnämnt Wien till "årets vinby 1996" och tidningen Gourmet har utnämnt "Freie Weingärtner" i Wachau till årets vinmakare. På Hotel Salzburger Hof har ni möjlighet att prova några av dessa nya spännande viner tillsammans med vår sommelier.

RidningEn tur på Islandshästar bland berg och dalar i kristallklar alpluft…..Man har mått dåligt av mindre! Vi bjuder på något gott att dricka som t ex Glühwein efter turen.

Fondueafton Fondue kan man äta i "Hofkeller" på Salzburger Hof. I denna gemytliga restaurang i källarvalv med levande ljus, stenväggar och robusta trämöbler får man en mysig kväll. Gourméfondue Kaiser Franz Joseph Steinplatte - täljstensplatta

PicnicVi dukar upp en härlig måltid i en glänta vid backen. (ej lördagar).

FelsenbadBara 150 meter från Salzburger Hof ligger utomhusbadet Felsenbad. Här kan man njuta av det härliga vattnet som springer fram ur djupa källor i underjorden. Temperaturen på vattnet i bassängerna ligger på 32-37 grader celsius. Från bassängen inomhus kan man simma genom en kanal till utomhusbassängen som håller en temperatur på 37 grader. På Felsenbad finns dessutom tillgång till bastu, solarium, thermalbad och massage mm.

Thermalbad Badgasteins eget berömda kurvatten som kommer uppvärmt direkt ur berget. Vattnet innehåller radon och är bra för leder, reumatiska besvär och är allmänt avkopplande.

STS egenägda hotell- och konferensanläggning med nära 400 bäddar och alla tänkbara


 Professionella medarbetare -

STS framgångsrecept genom åren Professionella medarbetare, med en målmedveten

ambition att prestera kvalitet i varje del, har blivit STS mest värdefulla konkurrensfördel.

Det innebär att samtliga produkter skall erbjuda ett mervärde, så tydligt upplevt att det

stimulerar till återköp. Vårt produktsortiment har också attraktiva studie- och

resealternativ för varje ålderskategori, vilket ofta resulterar i en långvarig kundrelation.


Page 25: STS Som Resebyra

Vår marknadsposition i Sverige är stark; med något undantag är vi marknadsledande

inom samtliga verksamheter. Utomlands tillhör vi marknadsledarna i de flesta länder där

vi idag är etablerade.


STS Alpresor (Alp Travels) was founded in 1976 Sveriges idag största skidresearrangör.

IBS (International Business Schools) offers courses for students over 18 years old.

 Varför skall du välja STS?

När du ger oss ditt förtroende, då skall du veta att du väljer en organisation som nått

framgång genom en uttalad ambition att leverera kundtillfredsställelse, alltså att genom

hög personell kompetens, god effektivitet och en ständigt pågående produktutveckling

leverera högre upplevd kvalitet till samma eller lägre pris än vad alternativen erbjuder.

Endast på detta vis går det att långsiktigt överleva inom våra verksamhetsområden.

u som då sträcker sig programmen 3 till 4 veckor.

STS Alpresor, STS Solresor

Tel. 031-60 03 20

Kyrkog. 48, 41108 GÖTEBORG

The Materials and Methods Section

Results and analyses

First impressions: “First impressions are strong impressions; a title ought therefore to be

well studied, and to give, so far as its limits permit, a definite and concise indication of

what is to come.” T. Clifford Allbutt

Discussion Acknowledgments

List of authors and References Tables of contents


Page 26: STS Som Resebyra

A word on rediscovering the human soul “The first principle of my own philosophy is

that wisdom is meant for anyone who wishes to reach for it. It is the servant of

commoner and king alike and should never be regarded with awe.”


Page 27: STS Som Resebyra


Day, Robert A. “How to write & publish a scientific paper” Cambridge: Cambridge

Univ. Press, 1998

Hitt, William D. “Ethics and leadership: putting theory into practice” Columbus:

Battelle Press, cop.1990

Horner, Pauline “Travel agency practice” Harlow : Longman, 1996

Patel Runa, Davidson ”Bo Forskningsmetodikens grunder: att planera, genomföra och

rapportera en undersökning”

Tourism and hospitality marketing / Sharron Dickman

Urban tourism : attracting visitors to large cities / Cristopher M. Law


Rokeach, Milton. “The nature of Human Values” New York: The Free Pree, 1973
