Page 1: STV Thanksgiving Photo Story


Baltimore office Gives thanks

Every year on the Thursday before Thanksgiving, Baltimore employees gather together with their “STV family” for their pre-holiday feast. Nearly every one of the office’s 150 employees brings in a dish or volunteers for clean-up duty, while the office’s managers treats employees to turkey, ham and gravy. Many Baltimore employees say this feast is their favorite group activity the office organizes all year.

November 2010

Savannah Eisen made a beautiful spice cake shaped like a Thanksgiving cornucopia.

Volunteers who set up the lunch line await the arrival of the hungry masses. From left to right: Paula Sessoms, Kathy Zwobot, Donna Mannino, James Capalbo, Ryan Barth, and Jennifer Johnson-Surniak.

Two tables of side dishes illustrate the wealth of culinary talent in this potluck event.

The conference room serves as the gathering spot for employees to eat together.