Page 1: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

!Subtle Body Anatomy - 5 !

Subtle Body Energetics !


Page 2: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”


The Subtle Body !

Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine

Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !!

“Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.” !“Surrender to the sensation and allow the sensation to become the teacher” !

- Rameen Peyrow


Page 3: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

Three Main Gunas !

The three doshas also have three energetic counterparts “the three vital essences” Prana - Tejas - Ojas


“life force” essence of vata dosha

guides intelligence force behind all mental and physical processes


“inner radiance” essence of pitta dosha

digests everything we take in (foods, liquids, impressions, thoughts, actions)


“primal vigor” essence of kapha dosha

governs immunity and vitality most important aspect to a healthy pregnancy



Page 4: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

Prana !

“Prana governs the biological functions of the two other subtle essences, ojas and tejas. During pregnancy, the navel of the fetus is the main door through which prana enters the womb and the body of the fetus. This prana also regulates the circulation of ojas in the fetus. This prana also regulates the circulation of ojas in the fetus. Thus, in all human beings, even in the unborn, a

disorder of prana may create an imbalance of ojas and tejas, and vice versa. !-Dr. Vasant Lad, Textbook of Ayurveda !!

Prana Shakti The life force

Ida nadi Feminine

!Manas Shakti

The mental force Pingala nadi Masculine

!“(Prana and manas shakti)…are the two fundamental creators. Every object in the universe, right from the smallest atom in the largest star, is composed of these two shaktis or energies. When they interact with each other, when the interplay of these two shaktis takes place, then

creation begins to unfold. When the two shaktis are separated from each other… then creation is dissolved. That is the great (annihilation of matter).

!- Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Swami Muktibodhananda !


Page 5: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

Breathing exercise #1 !

Masculine/Feminine Left/Right side equalization

!Examine the breath in its current quality/state

!Notice if it feels like you are breathing more out of one nostril than the other

(look for sensations of more heat or blockage on either side) !

Block the left nostril - exhale by right nostril inhale by right nostril

!Block right nostril - exhale by left nostril inhale by left nostril

!Repeat !


Page 6: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

Nadis !

Nadi = River !

Most sources say there are over 72,000 nadis within the body, some say even more !

The nadis to ancient systems are comparable to what western medicine defines as the nervous system !

Of the 72,000 - three are said to be of highest importance !

Ida Pingala

Sushumna !

The ida and pingala (left and right governing channels) are said to circulate around the central (and most powerful) nadi - the sushumna.

!Ida Nadi

Feminine/energy of creativity !

Pingala Nadi Masculine/energy of consciousness

!Sushumna Nadi

Whole system governing, central nervous system channel running from crown of the head to the base of the spine

!The remaining thousands of nadis run as communicators to and from the



Page 7: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

Breathing Exercise #2 !

Balancing Breath Nadi Shodhana

!Balance out the left and the right (masculine/feminine) sides of the body

!Balance out the breath

!Draw right hand up towards face and create mudra (hand position)

(pointer and middle finger tucked in, using thumb and ring to block nostrils) !

Exhale out both nostrils !

Block left nostril, inhale through right nostril Block right nostril, exhale left nostril. Inhale left nostril, exhale right nostril.

!(one round)

!Repeat a minimum of three rounds


Page 8: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

Chakras !

Muladhara (Root) Instinct, primal force

Governs emotions of safety and fear Controls elimination system !

Swadhisthara (Sacral) Creativity, emotional

Governs authentic communication to how we see ourselves Controls reproductive system !

Manipurna (Navel) Power, emotional

Governs how we release our emotions and how others receive us Controls digestion !Anahata (Heart)

Connections, devotion Governs ability to learn, higher thought, and self contentment

Controls thymus and immune system !Vishuddhi (Throat)

Communication, expression Connects body with mind, student with teacher

Controls thyroid functions !Ajna (Third Eye)

Intelligence, intuition Gateway to the teacher, portal into deeper awareness

Controls pineal gland !Sahasrara (Crown) Consciousness, being

Union between the body, mind & spirit Controls Endocrine, hypothalamus, CNS


Page 9: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

Vayus !

Vayu = Wind !

Through exploration of the body and breath, ancient yogis discovered an expanding awareness of the subtle qualities of prana (life force energy) as it flows within the body in the form of breath. The yogis found they were able to cultivate and control these vayus by simply bringing focus and

awareness towards them. !The five vayus of prana all have subtle yet distinct energetic qualities including specific functions

and directions of flow. !It is not necessary to master control of the vayus to receive benefit and understanding of them. It is

powerful enough to be aware of their presence and start to feel into them, drawing our attention further inwards and welcoming the ability to direct the flow of our inner energies. !

!Prana-Vayu / Upward Moving

Apana-Vayu / Downward Moving Vyana-Vayu / Outward Moving Samana-Vayu / Inward Moving Udana-Vayu / Circular Moving

! !!


Page 10: Subtle Body Anatomy - fileThe Subtle Body ! Prana, Tejas, Ojas Masculine/Feminine Nadis Chakras 5 Vayus !! “Challenge reality as you know it in order to evolve.”

Homework !Start to bring a breath work practice into your regular routine. Choose a

time for just a few moments once or twice a day to practice these new techniques. The more you practice these techniques, the more natural

they become and the better they start to feel. !

Get curious about the subtle energetics mentioned in this segment. Is there an aspect that you connect with?

One that you don’t? !

Find a more detailed experience of these energies in the meditation section.

