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  • 8/3/2019 Sudbury_ICMT2008


    Built-In Self-Test (BIST) and Built-In Self-Repair

    (BISR) techniques in syncronous memory devices

    Alberto Rui Frutuoso BarrosoIntegrated Master in Electrical and

    Computers Engineering

    Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

    Porto, Portugal


    AbstractThe use of a symmetrical BIST system in prefetchedmemory architectures, associated with BISR adaptative field pro-grammable redundancy mechanisms, can increase the productionyield at wafer level, transfer auto-test operations to the exteriorof the microprocessor, and will allow to auto-repair or replacememory cells during the normal operation on the end product.


    The current CMOS manufacturing processes using sub

    100nm resolutions allows the development of Multi-Gigabit

    discrete memory devices, and to integrate several megabits of

    memory in microprocessors and in application specific inte-

    grated circuits (ASIC). Due to the fact that the number of dies

    without defects present in the wafer diminish with the increase

    of the number of storage cells [1], BISR and BIST mechanisms

    must be implemented in RAM products to rescue dies from

    wafers that have a yield of zero (all dies are defective before

    wafer level repair operations). Integrated in standard JEDEC

    RAM devices [2], the BIST and BISR mechanisms proposed

    in this paper will introduce a new production flow for devices

    that are partially tested during the front-end and back-end man-ufacturing operations. This new production flow will be added

    to the current low power, industrial/military temperature and

    high speed test flows, recovering RAM devices that my be used

    as main memory in embedded systems with parallel processing

    architectures in price competitive consumer, communications

    and computers (CCC) products. This new type of RAM (with

    mirror BIST) can be used in mechatronic equipment used in

    harsh and remote environments, allowing to soft repair failing

    memory locations in the power on self-test (POST), and as a

    background task during normal operation.


    July, 2008


    A. Description

    The mirror BIST mechanism developed in this work was

    projected to be integrated in multiple banks prefetched mem-

    ory devices, with the addition of soft repair capabilities to the

    conventional hard repair (laser fusing or electrical anti-fuses)

    redundant memory elements. Using a remapping scheme to

    store a n bit wide failing address in a typical m bits wide

    data bus (m

  • 8/3/2019 Sudbury_ICMT2008


    B. Implementation

    To evaluate the area used in the die to implement the mirror

    BIST mechanism, a Xilinx Spartan-3 (X3S400) FPGA was

    used to sinthetize a reference datapath and the datapath with

    mirror BIST. The reference datapath is similar to the datapath

    used in DDR devices: minimal control pins, multiplexing of

    the address lines, and burst operations counter. In a DDR

    device this datapath is normally located between the output ofthe sense amplifiers, and the DDR FIFO and output registers.

    The datapath with Mirror-BIST have the same structure as

    the reference datapath, with the additional inclusion of bus

    multiplexers and BIST control logic. Both datapath implemen-

    tations where done in Verilog, and sinthetized and tested in the

    developed FPGA system.

    Fig. 1. Mirror BIST: state machine

    A bare bones version of the mirror BIST was implemented

    using a symmetrical state machine (figure1), with the objec-

    tive to obtain a solution with a minimal die overhead. This

    value will be used as a base reference for comparison with

    more complete (with checkerboard and stripes test topologygeneration) microcode implementations of the mirror BIST.

    The area occupied by the storage cells was not included in

    the calculation of the die overhead, because this is a mixed

    signal area using distinct cell topologies (8F2, 6F2, 4F2)

    with different types of sense amplifiers (folded, open, hybrid).

    The die overhead was calculated using the area taken in the

    placement of logic cells in the exterior of the matrix of storage

    cells (the spine of the die), comparing the area needed to

    implement a normal data path and a data path with the mirror

    BIST. The Verilog HDL used to design this two data paths, was

    synthesized in the FPGA using the Xilinx XST, and physically

    (AMS 0.35m) using the Synopsis Design Compiler, and

    the Cadence SOC encounter. The BIST data path synthesisreached operating frequencies equivalent to the reference data

    path; a summary of the synthesis results is presented in the

    table I.


    A. Soft BISR

    The main reason for the lack of adequate granularity to

    repair single cell fails in RAM devices is the use of a short

    number of fuses (laser cut) or anti-fuses (electrically disrupted


    Software Units No BIST Mirror BIST Overhead(%)

    Xilinx X ST ISE equivalent gate count 570 1622 184

    Synopsys D esign C om piler total cell area 22422 37291 66

    Synopsys D esign C om piler total area 25644 44086 72

    Ca den ce SOC Enco unt er area 0,0233 0,0385 65

    dielectric). There are physical restrictions that limit the maxi-

    mum number of fuses and anti-fuses, and both suffer somereliability issues after been used. The proposed soft-BISR

    (integrated with the mirror BIST) gives maximum flexibility

    to the self repair mechanism present in all DRAM/SRAM

    discrete devices[3]. The granularity of this soft-BISR will be

    defined after some statistical evaluation of the number of SCF

    present in the cell matrix, for a particular process-technology.

    The repair registers will be accessed via test modes, with a

    maximum number limited by die overhead issues and address

    location access delay.

    B. Adaptative refresh BISR

    This BISR solution uses programmable refresh controllers

    (PRC) distributed in the memory array, this solution wasdesigned to be used in pseudo static RAM (PSRAM), and in

    the self refresh circuit of DRAM devices. In a PSRAM device,

    the PRC can be integrated in the partial array refresh (PAR)

    circuit and replace the temperature self refresh controller

    (TCSR) used in the standby mode. The core component of the

    PRC is a time measurement unit (TMU), designed to measure

    the retention time of the cells failing to operate at nominal

    temperature and refresh times. This TMU was implemented

    in the FPGA system, using a 16 positions state machine.


    The feasibility of integrating a basic mirror BIST mecha-

    nism in memory devices, with a die overhead in the spine zoneless than 72%, became proved using the synthesis results of

    a typical DDR data path as a reference, and implementing a

    state machine mirror BIST solution in this data path. Using

    this BIST and BISR mechanisms we can rescue devices with

    single cell fails that are tormenting the yield of the DRAM

    industry, and extend the operational life of degraded memory

    devices in end products.


    I am extremely grateful to Professor Joao Canas Ferreira

    for his constant support, and to Herr Christian Seibert for the

    huge interest in this work.


    [1] A. Miczo, Digital Logic Testing and Simulation, 2nd ed. Wiley, 2003.[2] JEDEC, Joint electron device engineering council, July 2008, http://[3] R. Adams, High Performance Memory Testing, 1st ed. Kluwer Academic

    Publishers, 2002.