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  • 8/3/2019 Sudhir Project


    Chapter- 1




  • 8/3/2019 Sudhir Project


    INDUSTRY PROFILEAgro Industry:


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    a. Origin and development of the industry

    Agriculture and industry have traditionally been viewed as two separate sectors both in terms oftheir characteristics and their role in economic growth. Agriculture has been considered thehallmark of the first stage of development, while the degree of industrialization has been takento be the most relevant indicator of a countrys progress along the development path. Moreover,the proper strategy for growth has often been conceived as one of a more or less gradual shiftfrom agriculture to industry, with the onus on agriculture to finance the shift in the first stage.

    This view, however, no longer appears to be appropriate. On the one hand, the role ofagriculture in the process of development has been reappraised and revalued from the point ofview of its contribution to industrialization and its importance for harmonious development andpolitical and economic stability. On the other hand, agriculture itself has become a form ofindustry, as technology, vertical integration, marketing and consumer preferences have evolvedalong lines that closely follow the profile of comparable industrial sectors, often of notablecomplexity and richness of variety and scope. This has meant that the deployment of resources

    in agriculture has become increasingly responsive to market forces and increasingly integratedin the network of industrial interdependencies. Agricultural products are shaped by technologiesof growing complexity, and they incorporate the results of major research and developmentefforts as well as increasingly sophisticated individual and collective preferences regardingnutrition, health and the environment. While one can still distinguish the phase of production ofraw materials from the processing and transformation phase, often this distinction is blurred bythe complexity of technology and the extent of vertical integration: the industrialization ofagriculture and development of agroprocessing industries is thus a joint process which isgenerating an entirely new type of industrial sector.

    This chapter attempts to review some of these issues and assess the actual and potential role of

    the agroprocessing industry in economic development. It starts by discussing the definition ofthe sector and reviewing some of the statistical evidence of its economic importance worldwide.It then moves on to a discussion of the role that the agroprocessing industry can play ineconomic development in the developing countries, before reviewing how conditions for agro-industrial development are currently changing worldwide as a result of changing trade policiesand regimes and the evolution of both technology and food consumption patterns. The chapterthen underlines the growing internationalization of agroprocessing activities, in particularthrough the increasing importance of international capital activities, and the role played bymultinational corporations in this process. Finally, it discusses elements of a conducive policyenvironment for promoting the agroprocessing industry and for ensuring that the sector canprovide the optimum contribution to economic development.



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    Types of agro processing:

    A common and traditional definition of agroprocessing industry refers to the subset ofmanufacturing that processes raw materials and intermediate products derived from theagricultural sector. Agroprocessing industry thus means transforming products originating fromagriculture, forestry and fisheries.

    Indeed, a very large part of agricultural production undergoes some degree of transformation between harvesting and final use. The industries that use agricultural, fishery and forestproducts as raw materials comprise a very varied group. They range from simple preservation(such as sun drying) and operations closely related to harvesting to the production, by modern,capital-intensive methods, of such articles as textiles, pulp and paper.

    The food industries are much more homogeneous and are easier to classify than the non-foodindustries since their products all have the same end use. Most preservation techniques, forexample, are basically similar over a whole range of perishable food products, whether they be

    fruit, vegetables, milk, meat or fish. In fact, the processing of the more perishable food productsis to a large extent for the purpose of preservation.

    Non-food industries, in contrast to the food industries, have a wide variety of end uses. Almostall non-food agricultural products require a high degree of processing. Much more markedlythan with the food industries, there is usually a definite sequence of operations, leading throughvarious intermediate products before reaching the final product. Because of the value added ateach of these successive stages of processing, the proportion of the total cost represented by theoriginal raw material diminishes steadily. A further feature of the non-food industries is thatmany of them now increasingly use synthetics and other artificial substitutes (especially fibres)in combination with natural raw materials.

    Another useful classification of agroprocessing industry is in upstream and downstreamindustries. Upstream industries are engaged in the initial processing of agriculturalcommodities. Examples are rice and flour milling, leather tanning, cotton ginning, oil pressing,saw milling and fish canning. Downstream industries undertake further manufacturingoperations on intermediate products made from agricultural materials. Examples are bread, biscuit and noodle making, textile spinning and weaving; paper production; clothing andfootwear manufacturing; and rubber manufactures.

    A further specification is related to the nature of the production process which, in many cases,can range from craft to industrial organization. For example, in some developing countries the

    same good may be produced both by handloom weavers working in their own home and bylarge textile factories that have sophisticated machinery and complex systems of organizationand that produce a range of industrial products for the domestic and external markets. In suchcases, it can be misleading to define agroprocessing industry just on the basis of the goods produced because only the second method of production mentioned has industrialcharacteristics.


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    Today, however, it is becoming even more difficult to provide a precise demarcation of whatshould be considered an agro-industrial activity: the impact of innovation processes and newtechnologies suggests a widening of the range of agro-industry1 inputs that could be considered,including biotechnological and synthetic products, for example. This implies that agro-industrytoday continues to process simple agricultural goods while also transforming highly

    sophisticated industrial inputs that are often the result of considerable investments in research,technology and innovation. Corresponding to this growing complexity of inputs is an increasingrange of transformation processes, characterized by physical and chemical alteration and aimedat improving the marketability of raw materials according to the final end use.

    All these factors the growing complexity of inputs, the impact of innovation processes andnew technologies, the sophistication and the growing range of the transformation processes makes it increasingly difficult to draw a clear distinction between what should be consideredstrictly industry and what can be classified as agro-industry.

    b. Growth and present status of the industry

    Agriculture industry

    From the time of its Independence, agriculture has been the most important deciding factor of Indias

    economy. backbone of Indias economy. Agriculture segment in India alone was responsible for not less than

    18% of Indias GDP in addition to offering jobs to about 60% of Indias entire population. Services related to

    the agriculture industry in India could make up a bulk of 62% to the countrys GDP. However, irrespective of

    its immense contribution to the GDP, it only employed 28% of the total population of the nation. The volume

    of exports has been increasing between 2001 to 2009, making up a 200% increase during this time. On the

    other hand, for the past three years, imports have not changed much. The enormous growth in the agricultureproducts segment has helped India significantly increase the production of food.

    Despite the commendable growth in agriculture and agriculture products mentioned above, there has been a

    fall in the total volume of exports of agriculture products from India since 2004 to 2009 from 12.7% to


    Statistics also reveal that the average daily food consumption in India per head is blow 2,500 kilocalorie per

    day which implies that there is a sizeable room available for growth. In addition, it is also noted that the

    population of India will be on a steady growth over the next thirty years at the rate of 1 percent per year.

    However, there are no chances for India to take over Chinas position as a major engine growth in the global

    agricultural demand owing to the fact that the cultural traditions in the nation advocate and promotevegetarianism, which will hold back the nations demand for animal feeds and meet much below what is

    noticed in China.

    Experts in the arena reveal that the Indian Agriculture Industry is poised towards a great revolution that will

    modernize the whole food chain since the total volume of food production in the sub continent is most likely to

    double over the next ten years period.


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    Recent studies show that the value of the total food market in India at present is about Rs.250000 crore (US $

    69.4 billion). In this figure, the size of value-added food products alone makes up Rs.80000 crore (US $ 22.2

    billion). Most importantly, the Indian government has sanctioned approval for a number of joint ventures and

    collaborations with foreign firms besides licensing several industries and fully export units anticipating an

    investment of about Rs.19100 crore (US $ 4.80 billion) in the segment. Out of this figure, the foreign

    investments alone are expected to be more than Rs. 9100 crore (US $ 18.2 Billion). The agricultural food

    industry also is gaining more significance on account of Indias substantial agrarian economy, which is

    responsible for the countrys 35% of GDP while the sector has also given employment to more than 65 per

    cent of Indias population. With respect to foreign investments and also a number of joint- ventures and

    collaborations with foreign firms, the consumer food segment in India has always remained the top priority.

    Over and above, there are also several other attractive features in the Indian agriculture industry that are

    capable of luring foreigners with promising benefits like deep sea fishing, aqua culturing, milk and dairy

    products manufacturing, poultry segments and meat.

    The notable feature of the Indian agriculture industry can be listed as export prospects, competitive pricing and

    international standards. These features are responsible for generating enormous trade opportunities in the

    Indian agriculture industry. In addition, this portal has also served as the gateway for all the exporters andimporters in and out of the country to satisfy their requirements and make use of the benefits of buy sell

    business leads and other trade opportunities connected to the agriculture products industry.

    With a country of more than a billion people, entrepreneurs can choose from a wide variety of areas in the

    agriculture products segment in the country ranging across food grains, canned, dairy, processed, fisheries,

    frozen food, meat, poultry, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.

    Agriculture is the backbone of Indias rural economy around which both the socio-economic privileges and

    deprivations surround. Any small change in the structure of this segment in India will invariably pronounce its

    impact on the nations present pattern of social equality. During the 50 years period following the

    independence of the nation, the growth of Indias agriculture was recorded at an impressive rate of 2.7 % perannum of which not less than two-third is brought about by the gains in crop productivity. Since the country

    attained independence, the nation has been applying a thoroughly need based strategy in the agriculture sector

    eventually intensifying the same after mid sixties with a chief focus on meeting the nutrition needs of the

    countrys exploding population so as to make the nation self reliant with respect to food production.

    In India, agriculture has been able to demonstrate a growth of more than four times during the planned area of

    development raising the figure from just 51 million tonnes in 1950-51 to 199.1 million tonnes in 1997-98.

    Starting from sixties, the growth witnessed in the sector is phenomenal aptly aided by several factors like

    extensive usage of high yielding varieties of seed, fertilizers and pesticides, especially in well irrigated areas.

    History and present day status of Agriculture industry

    In the Indian sub continent, agriculture has a long history of more than 10,000 years with majority of the

    population solely dependent on the industry. Consequently this sector has played a significant role in the

    overall socio economic development of the nation. The Annual Report 2009-2010 pertaining to this sector

    released by the Ministry of Agriculture has revealed that the total geographical area of India is 328.7 million


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    the United Sates of America but this scenario is changing with a rapid pace with the

    Indian steel companies on an acquisition spree.

    History Of The Steel Industrydates back to the ancient times in Armenia which is

    approximately around three thousand and five hundred Before Christ. Steel is nothing but

    the alloy of iron and carbon. But the History Of The Steel Industry in the modern times

    was initiated during the medium half of nineteenth century (during 1850s to be precise).

    The initiator of it was a person named Mr. Henry Bessemer of England. At the same time,

    another person named Mr. William Kelly, a resident of United States, has also started the

    production of steel and was completely an independent approach from Mr. Bessemer. The

    process in which the first ever production of steel was carried out came to be known as

    Bessemer Process. This helped the steel industries to produce steel in large quantities and

    also at comparatively low costs.

    History Of The Steel Industry was enriched and modernized through the introduction of Open-

    Hearth process of steel production which made the industries to produce steel out of domestic

    iron ores. This process was first adopted by the steel industries situated in United States Of

    America in the year 1888. This time saw rapid innovations in the processes of steel production

    which got its impetus from the increased want for steel from various industries namely, railway

    industry, automobile industry, industry involved in construction of bridges, etc. During this time

    period, the enhanced demand as well as supply of steel pushed the ranking of USA to the first

    position, in terms of the steel production.

    b. Growth and present status of the industry

    India has traditionally been one of the major producers of steel in the world. Till the 1990s the

    steel industry of India was regulated and controlled by government policies.

    After the economic reforms of the early 1990s, the Indian steel industry has evolved

    significantly to conform to global standards.

    India has set a vision to be an economically developed nation by 2020. The steel industry is

    expected to play a major role in India's economic development in the coming years. The steel


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    industry of India has a very high growth potential and is expected to register significant growth

    in the coming decades. India is expected to emerge as a strong force in the global steel market

    in coming years.

    The two major aspects that are expected to play a significant role in the growth of the steel

    industry in India are -

    Abundant availability of iron ore in the country

    The country has well established facilities for steel production

    Steel production in India has grown from 17 MT in 1990 to 36 MT in 2003. It is expected

    that by 2011, the steel production in India will grow to 66 MT.

    The major sectors where consumption of steel is expected to grow in the coming years are -



    Ground transportation

    Hi-tech engineering industries such as power generation, petrochemicals, fertilizers

    The current scenario of the Indian steel industry indicates that there is huge growth

    potential in this industry. The per capita-consumption of steel in India, according to

    latest available estimates, is only 29 kg. This is much less compared to the global

    average of 140kg. The per capita consumption level of developed nations like the

    United States of America is 400kg. In this respect, one of the major initiatives that

    need to be taken is to focus on increasing the consumption of steel in the rural areas of

    India. The potential for the growth of consumption of steel in the rural areas of India

    for purposes like rural housing, rural infrastructure, etc is high which needs to be

    tapped efficiently.

    In order to realize the growth potential in the steel industry of India, it is essential to


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    ensure that the industry can remain competitive. One of the major aspects in this

    regard is the availability of inputs. Shortage of inputs like coke has led to increase in

    costs earlier. Moreover proper infrastructure facilities like transport infrastructure,

    power etc are of prime importance in maintaining the competitiveness of the industry.

    Most developed countries have regulations that are aimed to protect the domestic steel

    industry. The Indian steel industry has comparatively much lesser protection through

    regulations. Proper regulatory measures should be adopted by the government to

    protect the domestic steel industry.

    c. Future of IndustryIn the recent past, a major swing has been observed in the global steel production trend

    with a shift from developed countries to developing countries. During CY 03-05, the CAGR

    of steel production in developing economies like China (25.5%) and India (9.5%) was much

    higher than the CAGR of world steel production (8.1%).

    On the consumption aspect, globally, India has emerged as the 5th largest consumer of

    steel in CY 05. Indian steel industry is characterized by fragmentation, particularly in the

    downstream segment, with a large number of unorganized players.

    Energy intensiveness of Indian steel industry is highlighted by its consumption of about10% and 27% of total electricity & coal consumed respectively by the entire Indian

    industry. Primary producers (Integrated Steel Producers (ISPs)) in the country produce

    majority of flat products and secondary producers (mini steel plants) produce most of the

    long products. Globally, 65.4% of crude steel is produced by BF/BOF route, 31.7% by EAF

    route and rest by Open Hearth method. In India, blast furnace/BOF route dominates with

    41% share, followed by induction furnace at 31%, EAF at 25% and COREX at 3%. In FY

    06, domestic steel production was apprx. 43 mt. Imports and exports as a % of steel

    produced stood at 8.8% (3.77 mt) & 10.2% (4.35 mt) respectively.

    In FY 06, India consumed about 38 mt of steel, infrastructure sector being the largest

    consumer. The demand for the flat steel in the country is increasing with the growth in

    automobile and consumer durable industries. Cost of production of steel depends on


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    technology employed for production and extent of backward integration, sourcing of power

    and raw material. Typical power consumption per tonne of steel produced ranges between

    500-650 Kwh. Raw material accounts for 60- 70% and energy (coal and power) 25-30% of

    total cost of production. India has self sufficiency in iron ore but for coking coal, coke and

    scrap it has to depend upon imports. In FY 06, India produced about 166 mt of iron ore out

    of which 66.3 mt was consumed by domestic steel producers and the rest was exported. The

    demand growth of scrap is expected to be lower because of substitution by sponge iron.

    Since2003, India has been the largest sponge iron producer in the world. In 2005, out of

    total global production of 56.05 mt of sponge iron, India produced around 11.1 mt (19.8%).

    In line with production target of 110 mt of steel (National Steel Policy) by FY20, many steel

    producers have announced their capacity expansion plans by signing MOUs with various

    state governments like Chattisgarh, Orissa and Jharkhand. The steel producers are

    expected to add around 8 mt of capacity by FY 08. CARE estimates that during 2006-09,

    demand for steel in the domestic market would grow at a CAGR of 8.4%. HR steel because

    of its widespread applicability is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.5%. During this period,

    major demand drivers would be Consumer durables, Automobiles and Construction. After

    latent scenario till 2003, international steel prices rose to touch record highs in early 2005,

    mainly driven by rapid growth in steel demand from developing economies.

    Domestically, steel prices of flat products follow the international trend. Globally, steel

    prices are expected to firm up with continued growth in steel consumption. Further, the

    winds of consolidation have gathered pace with Arcelor-Mittal merger and latest

    acquisition of Corus by Tata Steel. The Indian steel industry has announced huge capacity

    expansions. With commissioning of these capacities demand-capacity ratio is expected to

    decline in FY 09 due to excess capacity. Will this lead to a drop in prices withcommissioning of these capacities? With China and India becoming the focus of major

    global steel companies, will the consolidation of steel industry in these countries continue?

    For comprehensive analysis and CAREs future outlook on the sector, please refer to the

    exhaustive report on the Indian Steel Industry by CARE Research.


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    Telecommunication Industry:

    a. Origin and development of the industryThe history of telecommunication began with the use of smoke

    signals and drums in Africa, theAmericas and parts ofAsia. In the 1790s, the first

    fixed semaphore systems emerged in Europe; however it was not until the 1830s that

    electrical telecommunication systems started to appear. This article details the history

    of telecommunication and the individuals who helped make telecommunication

    systems what they are today. The history of telecommunication is an important part of

    the larger history of communication.

    b. Growth and present status of the industry

    The telecom industry is growing at a great pace and the growth rate is expected to double withevery passing year. There are many newdevelopments in the telecomm sector, including the ingress of 3G technology that the Indianmarket is witnessing at present.

    Public and Private Players

    MTNL, BSNL, VSNL are the major Public Players, whereas Airtel, Idea, Hutch, Tata, Reliance,BPL are the leading Private Players in the country. Some of them are entering foreign markets aswell. The Bharti Telecom will be launching its services for the NRIs in the US with the help ofAirtel CALLHOME service.

    The market shares of the leading public and Private Players

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    Investment And Growth

    In 2005-2006, the telecom industry witnessed a growth of 21% with a total revenue of Rs.86,720 crores, and the total investment rising to Rs. 2,00,660 crores. It is projected that thetelecom industry will be enjoying over 150% growth in the next 4-6 years. The growth alsorequires a huge investment by the players in the sector. Bharti Airtel is planning to invest about$8 billion by the year 2010.

    Liberalization policy and some socio-economic factors are mainly responsible for the immensegrowth in the sales volumes. The lifestyle of the people has changed. They need to be connectedto the other people all the time. With the lowering down of the tariffs the affordability of the

    mobile phones has increased. The finance sector has also come up with loans for handsets on 0%interest. Mobile services providers are also expanding their coverage area by installing more andmore antennas and other equipments.

    The telecom sector in the country has already adopted the latest technological advancements tocater to the demands of the growing market. Telecom Expo India, Convergence India, VAS Indiaand IPTV India being organized year to year are all efforts in this direction.

    Budget 2007 has brought disappointment to the telecom sector. Mobile service providers havebeen asked to cut down their roaming rentals as well as their long distance and international calltariffs. This has led to discontent on the part of the service providers. However, Telecom

    Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is of the opinion that this will lead to increased use ofroaming, which will ultimately lead to more revenue generation. Moreover, with cheaperhandsets and lesser tariffs, it is expected that by the year 2010 there will be over 500 millionsubscribers in the Indian telecom market.

    Also, the telecom industry this year will be focusing more on rural areas to connect them withthe urban areas so that the farmers and the small-scale industries can have faster access toinformation related to weather and market conditions.


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    Employment Status

    With the coming of more and more projects, the telecom industry is going for high scalerecruitments. There is a huge demand for software engineers, mobile analysts, and hardware

    engineers for mobile handsets. Besides, there are ample opportunities for marketing peoplewhose services are required to capture more and more customer base.

    The new projects, setting up of new service bases, expansion of coverage areas, networkinstallations, maintenance, etc are providing more and more employment opportunities in thetelecom sector.

    c. Future of Industry

    The Indian telecommunication sector in India is the third largest sector across the globe

    and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. This rapid growth has beenpossible due to various proactive and positive decisions of the Government and contribution of both the public and the private sector. The rapid strides in the telecom sector have beenfacilitated by liberal policies of the Government providing thetelecom equipments an easyaccessto the market and a fair regulatory framework for offering telecom services to the Indianconsumers at affordable prices.

    The sector also witnessed a substantial change in terms of mobile versus fixed phones and publicversus private participation. The preference for use of wireless phones has also beenpredominantin the sector. Participation of the private entities in the telecom sector is increasing rapidly,alongside, giving rise to enormous growth opportunities. There is a clear distinction between the

    Global Satellite Mobile Communication (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)technologies used within the Indian telecom sector.

    Market size

    The sale of mobile devices in India will show of rise of 8.5 per cent in 2012 by growing up to231 million units from 213 million units last year, according to a research report from Gartner.The research firm says that the Indian mobile handset market is expected to show steady growththrough 2015 when end-user sales will surpass 322 million units. The Indian mobile devicemarket is very competitive with more than 150 manufacturers. Smartphone sales in India madeup 6 per cent of device sales in the first three quarters of 2011, and this share is expected to

    increase to 8 per cent in 2012. The Indian mobile device market is driven by the lowest call ratesin the world and dominated by low-cost devices, which account for 75 per cent of sales in Indiain 2011.


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    Indian Telecommunication - Major Investments

    Nokia has unleashed its biggest-ever marketing campaign in India for the launch of its Windows-based smartphone Lumia, so as to keep itself relevant in a market being swarmed by GoogleAndroid phones such as Samsung Galaxy range. This is the first product under the Nokia-Microsoft partnership and Nokia has put in high stakes in the Indian market.

    Citi India has launched a cash management service which will help its corporate customerscollect receivables from their retailers or customers using mobile payment technology. Known asCash-To-Mobile, this solution will increase the efficiency of collection for the company. It willalso help in reducing the cost of transaction and will ensure safe transfer of money.

    Nokia Siemens Networks has decided to ramp up its India operations in three core areas ofmobile broadband, manufacturing and Global Network Operations Centres. "India will be thehub of the transformation that NSN has initiated globally. Investments into India are beingramped up in key focus areas, including global delivery centres and manufacturing. So all ofthese facilities which gives us global scale and advantage of centralisation is being ramped up,MrSandeepGirotra, head of Nokia Siemens in India, told Business Line.

    The implementation of India's low-cost telecom model in the African market seems to have paiddividends for the country's largest company in the sector, BhartiAirtel, with the companycrossing 50 million subscribers in mobile operations. Bharti acquired Zain's assets in 16 Africancountries in June 2010, with a subscriber base of 42 million, brought down to an active user baseof 36 million. In these 17 months, it has got 14 million users, on the back of low and innovativerate plans, it said. It has 173 million subscribers in the Indian market.

    Indian Telecommunication - Policy Initiatives

    The Telecom policy 2011, will replace the existing framework that has been in place since 1999,and it aims to make the country's telecommunications sector more transparent, relax merger andacquisition norms to encourage consolidation and also give more teeth to sector regulatorTelecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). The new policies by the Indian Government alsoproposes to do away with roaming charges, introduce a stronger customer grievance redressalmechanism, recognize telecoms as an infrastructure sector giving it tax concessions, and extend preferential status to 'Made in India' hardware products, thereby strengthening the IndianTelecom Industry for future challenges.

    Indian Telecommunication - The Road Ahead

    The Indian telecom sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Indian economy during thepast 4 years and has witnessed strong competition as a result of which tariffs have decreased bysignificant margins, promotion of customer and industry friendly policies and regulations. Thishas led to a healthy competition scenario within the sector. With a target to further increase theopportunities in the sector, the Indian government is taking proactive measures to develop this


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    sector with the help of the various players in this segment. India, with its telecom success story,represents one of the sought after destinations for investment in the telecom sector.



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    Integrated Service Point P Ltd (ISPPL) was established in 1999 by professionals

    experienced in the field of Agro based commodities, Telecommunication & SteelStructural fabrications.

    Through several decades of enterprising and continuously pioneering, this family-

    owned business has evolved into an export house of relatively large economical

    scale under the ISP Banner.


    The company began the journey as a modest EPC Contractor and within a short span of

    time has been able to emerge as a reputed and reliable EPC contractor in the

    Telecommunication and Petroleum Sectors.

    ISPPL has been in the forefront in laying of Primary Cable, Distribution cable ,

    Optical Fibre Cable , Rehabilitation and Erection of distribution panels, across

    Tamil Nadu and has offered services to the best in the telecommunication industry

    like Bharati Airtel, Reliance, BSNL, HCL etc. The company completed target of

    60% of telecomm network of Bharati Telenet Ltd (Airtel) in Chennai, Coimbatore

    and Tiruppur.

    ISPPL also ventured into fabrication and has been instrumental in constructions of

    various retail outlets across South India for all the reputed Oil Companies Viz India

    Oil Corporation Limited (IOL), HPCL, Reliance etc. The companys quality and

    timely execution of canopies and hoardings recognized by Reliance Industries Ltd

    and awarded South India Vendors for all Franchisees of Reliance retail outlet. The

    company completed execution of canopies and hoardings in Tamil Nadu, Andhra


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    Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala for Reliance Industries Ltd to the tune of 60


    ISPPL has diversified in the recent years with main focus on the import and exportof various kinds of agro commodities. We are also into operation of Liquid Cargo

    Storage Terminals at various Ports in India namely-Chennai (20000 KL), Mumbai

    (25,000 KL), Karwar (10000 KL) and Vijaydurg (15000 KL). We specialize in export

    of various agricultural commodities from India. Our network encompasses agri

    commodity markets in countries like Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam,

    Yemen, Sri Lanka, Amsterdam etc. and is rapidly growing in other international


    Over the Years our company has developed networks and resources in the local

    Indian markets for procurement of quality products at competitive cost.

    The product portfolio of our company includes Molasses, Sugar, Rice Maize,

    Soybean Meal, Rapeseed Meal, Groundnut Meal, Castor Seed Meal, Rice Bran


    Our clients include all the major international traders and manufacturers of animal

    feed who are leaders in their respective markets. Our strength has been

    procurement and delivery of uniform quality products as per customer's

    requirements. Quality checks are conducted at various levels of procurement by

    the independent surveyors.

    We guarantee quality products, timely execution of the orders, proper feedback

    mechanism to meet the global standards. We are committed to provide superior

    services to our customers in terms of quality of the products, timely shipments and

    competitive prices.


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    ISPPL has carved a respectable position in the Asian Subcontinent and is extremely

    proud to flaunt that it has established a very strong competitive edge in the Cane

    Molasses industry, and thus is one of the biggest exporter and seller of Cane

    Molasses from India. In fact, the companies export trade turnover has jumped

    from just above Rs.2 Crores in 2006-07 to Rs100 Crores in the year 2011-12(upto Dec 1,2011).Primarily due to good working relations with its suppliers,

    determination, business expertise, and zealous commitment to both honoring

    contract and customer service, it has obtained and sustained its competitive edge.

    Nevertheless, ISP is constantly thinking ahead to stay in tune with the dynamic

    global demands. In realizing the new developments in the global open market

    economy, ISP has accelerated the readjustment of its operating strategy.

    Considering desired opportunities, perfect commercial goodwill, and existingassets, ISP has confirmed a new managing system of three combination:

    combination of youth and experience;

    combination of domestic and international focus; and

    combination of human resources and technology.

    With over a decade of experience, ISPs professional staff is capable of

    coordinating the importation, exportation, distribution, and marketing of agro

    commodities in the Middle East, Far East , Europe, Africa, Asian subcontinent and

    emerging countries.

    With a view to emerge as a vibrant and robust export house, we have incorporated

    a public limited company - ISP EXPORTS INDIA LIMITED. This is a registered public

    limited company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act

    With the Government of India liberalizing trade policies to promote agri business,

    India is a good base for export operations. Excellent export prospects, competitive

    pricing of agricultural products and standards that are internationally comparable

    has created trade opportunities in the agro products. We are being flooded with


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    firm enquiries for supply of various commodities to various export destinations and

    the company has initiated exploring the concept of corporate farming and

    plans to take up the same in the land holdings belonging to its associate to

    the tune of 200 acres.

    Being an intermediary between all parties involved in the trading requires a

    multi-disciplinary approach. ISP is geared for this purpose can undertake in

    variety of ways which best fits the customer needs. Each company/customer

    relationship is approached individually with suggested relationships being either

    contract oriented or consultation base.

    As commodity demands increase, ISP will continue to transform into a betterinternational commodity trading in the future. However, it will remain dedicated


    Addressing global trade opportunities

    Providing a zealous commitment to honoring contracts

    Providing a zealous commitment to honoring customer service

    Supplying customers quality products at the best prices

    Providing quality trading and marketing

    Providing personal service to each customer

    Meeting customer expectations

    Providing long-term concept and orientation

    Giving attention to each trade project from start to finish

    Utilizing effective trading and marketing tools and techniques

    Willingness to assume responsibility

    Poviding clear and effective communication

    Advancing through innovation for customer satisfaction

    We make it our business to remain knowledgeable about the latest economical and

    commercial developments in all aspects of global trading and marketing. ISP


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    affords the optimum advantage to its customers. Our traders are successful

    because we give special attention to areas of commodity trading which require our


    involvement, skill, and judgement.

    Our Contact Address


    No 32, VOC Colony, Annanagar East

    Chennai 600 102 (INDIA)

    Tel : +91 44 26633600, 26633800

    Fax : +91 44 26633700

    Contact Person:-

    Suresh Gatreddi-General Manager

    H/p : +91 9382899099

    E-mail : [email protected]




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    The management is assisted by a professional team having hands on experience in

    various discplines with focused attention by virtue of which the company is registering

    an impressive growth and also providing an ideal platform to sustain the companys

    growth plans

    1. G.K.B.Narayana Prasad Chief Executive

    2. Suresh Gatreddi General Manager

    3. Ravi Balakirishnan Sr.Manager

    4. R.S.Meenakshi Sundaram Adminsitrative Officer

    5. B.Selvam Manager

    6. R.K.Vardarajan Terminal Manager

    7. V.Stanley Accounts Officer

    The following are the Board of Directors who are actively engaged in managing

    the affair of the company

    1. G.Ahoram Managing Director

    2. K.Madhav Sri Apparao Director ( Startegy & Public Relations)

    3. K.Ramnath Apparao Director (Marketing & Business Dev)

    4. K.Srikanth Apparao Director ( Finance & Admin)

    5. K.Sasikanth Satynarayana Director( Operations)

    The promoters hail from the family of Zamindar Karlapati Appa Rao, of AppaRao Gardens, Sydenham Road, Choolai, Chennai.



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    As commodity demands increase, ISP will continue to transform into a better

    international commodity trading in the future. However, it will remain dedicated


    Addressing global trade opportunities

    Providing a zealous commitment to honoring contracts

    Providing a zealous commitment to honoring customer service

    Supplying customers quality products at the best prices

    Providing quality trading and marketing

    Providing personal service to each customer

    Meeting customer expectations

    Providing long-term concept and orientation

    Giving attention to each trade project from start to finish

    Utilizing effective trading and marketing tools and techniques

    Willingness to assume responsibility

    Poviding clear and effective communication

    Advancing through innovation for customer satisfaction

    Products of ISP in Market:

    The product portfolio of our company includes Molasses, Sugar, Rice Maize, Soybean

    Meal, Rapeseed Meal, Groundnut Meal, Castor Seed Meal, Rice Bran Extraction.

    Our clients:

    Our clients include all the major international traders and manufacturers of animal

    feed who are leaders in their respective markets. Our strength has been procurement

    and delivery of uniform quality products as per customer's requirements. Quality

    checks are conducted at various levels of procurement by the independent surveyors.


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    CHAPTER- 3



    N ame: K. SATYA SUDHIR

    D esignation : HR trainee

    My Profile:


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    Roles and Responsibilities:


    Types of compensation

    Internal equity its components

    Acts relating to the employees payments and deductions:

    Payroll processing:

    Calculation of monthly payroll

    Factors considered in formulating salary offers


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    CHAPTER -4


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    Human Resource is the most vital resource for any organization. It is responsible for each

    and every decision taken, each and every work done and each and every result. Employees

    should be managed properly and motivated by providing best remuneration and compensation as

    per the industry standards. The lucrative compensation will also serve the need for attracting and

    retaining the best employees.

    Compensation is the remuneration received by an employee in return for his/hercontribution to the organization. It is an organized practice that involves balancing the work-

    employee relation by providing monetary and non-monetary benefits to employees.

    Compensation is an integral part of human resource management which helps in motivating the

    employees and improving organizational effectiveness.


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    There are several difficult obstacles that you will come across when opening your own

    business. However, they will become more manageable over time. A certain amount of capital is

    always required when starting a new business, but without an efficient workforce the businesswill be unproductive and the capital wasted. It has been stated that a good company is made from

    good employees, and every international company is well aware of the importance of a capable


    At the outset of opening a business, you typically dont have to bankroll a large staff of

    employees. As a business grows, however, a company is faced with expanding payroll

    complexity as their staff grows. It is proven that increased compensation draws a higher grade of

    employees to a business.


    Compensation which includes direct cash payments, indirect payments in the form of

    employee benefits and incentives to motivate employees to strive for higher levels of productivity

    is critical component of the employment relationship. Compensation is affected by forces as

    diverse as labour market factors, collective bargaining, government legislation and top

    managements philosophy regarding pay and benefits. _Wayne FCascio

    The standard definition of "payroll management is quite simply the management ofwages and salaries of all employees of any business.



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    The term wages has been defined as all remuneration (whether by way of salary,

    allowances or otherwise) expressed in terms of money or capable of being expressed which

    would in terms of employment, express or implied, were fulfilled, be payable to a person

    employed in respect of his employment.


    As has been pointed out earlier, this act intends to remedy the evil practices growing out

    of the freedom of the employers to determine the mode and manner wage payment as they liked.

    This act deals with removing of the evils done by the employers to the workers, they are as


    Ensuring regularity of payment:

    Ensuring payment in legal tender:

    Preventing arbitrary deductions:

    Restricting employers right to impose fine: and

    Providing remedy to workers:


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    It's important to give a lot of consideration to your business's compensation structure

    because it ultimately reflects how employees are valued.

    When it comes to employee compensation, most managers are busy asking: "What do I

    have to pay to?" That is not an easy question to answer. A better question might be: "What do

    I want my compensation package to say?"

    Whether you realize it or not, it is already saying a lot. Child care and health benefits say

    that you value family. Giving longevity bonuses for employees on the anniversaries of their

    employment with you says that you value employees who stay with the business. Throwing a

    party at the end of your business's busy season lets the employees and their families know that

    you appreciate it when your people go the extra mile. No matter what compensation elements

    you use, they all carry a message.

    That message is important. Compensation packages can be linked to business structure,

    employee recruitment, retention, motivation, performance, feedback and satisfaction.

    Compensation is typically among the first things potential employees consider when looking for

    employment. It is important, therefore, to give a lot of consideration to your business'scompensation structure. After all, for employees, compensation is the equivalent not to how they

    are paid but, ultimately, to how they are valued.


    It's easy to think "dollars per hour" when thinking about compensation. Successful

    compensation packages, however, are more like a total rewards system, containing non-

    monetary, direct and indirect elements.

    Non-Monetary Compensation can include any benefit an employee receives from an

    employer or job that does not involve tangible value. This includes career and social rewards

    such as job security, flexible hours and opportunity for growth, praise and recognition, task

    enjoyment and friendships.


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    Direct compensation is an employee's base wage. It can be an annual salary, hourly wage or any

    performancebased pay that an employee receives, such as profit-sharing bonuses.

    Indirect Compensation is far more varied, including everything from legally required public

    protection programs such as Social Security to health insurance, retirement programs, paid leave,child care or housing.

    Employers have a wide variety of compensation elements from which to choose. By

    combining many of these compensation alternatives, progressive mangers can create

    compensation packages that are as individual as the employees who receive them.

    The general consensus of recent studies is that pay should be tied to performance to be

    effective. However, with traditional farming operations, that is not easily done. Business

    performance can be affected by many factors over which employees have no influence,

    specificallyweather. Successful managers must search for things employees influence and base

    performance objectives on these areas. Your operation may benefit from the following: tenure

    bonuses for long-time employees, equipment repair incentives to encourage good equipment

    maintenance, or bonuses for arriving to work on time.

    The more production information data your business has, the easier this is to accomplish.

    Measures such as feed conversion rates, somatic cell count or mortality can offer great sources

    for performance incentives.


    Basic Pay: Cash wage paid to the employee. Because paying a wage is a standard

    practice, the competitive advantage can only come by paying a higher amount.

    Incentive Pay: A bonus paid when specified performance objectives are met. May

    inspire employees to set and achieve a higher performance level and is an excellent

    motivator to accomplish farm goals.

    Stock Options: A right to buy a piece of the business which may be given to an

    employee to reward excellent service. An employee, who owns a share of the business, or

    just a few animals or acres, is far more likely to go the extra mile for the operation. For

    example, very few people leave their own gates open.

    Bonuses: A gift given occasionally to reward exceptional performance or for special

    occasions. Bonuses can show an employer appreciates his/her employees and ensures that


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    good performance or special events are rewarded. Some indirect compensation elements

    are required by law: social security, unemployment and disability payments. Other

    indirect elements are up to the employer and can offer excellent ways to provide benefits

    to the employees and the employer as well. For example, a working mother may take alower-paying job with flexible hours which will allow her to be home when her children

    get home from school. A recent graduate may be looking for stable work and also an

    affordable place to live. Both of these individuals have different needs and, therefore,

    would appreciate different compensation elements.

    In a tight labor market, indirect compensation becomes increasingly important.

    Businesses that cannot compete with high cash wages can offer very individualized

    alternatives that meet the needs of the people you want to employ. Such creative

    compensation alternatives are the small business's competitive advantage.


    Flexible working schedules

    Elder care

    Retirement programs

    Moving expenses

    Insurance (health, dental, eye) Subsidized housing

    Paid leave (sick/holiday/personal days)

    Subsidized utilities

    Tickets to events (ball games, concerts)

    Magazine subscriptions

    Boots and clothing

    Laundry service

    Company parties

    Use of firm vehicles, machinery

    Farm produce/foods/meals

    Cellular phones/pagers

    Child care


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    Use of firm pastures and gardens


    Ask ten different people what a fair wage is and you'll get ten different answers. While

    there are no hard and fast rules in determining a fair wage, the importance of the task is obvious.

    Research according to Gregory Billikopf indicates that employees expect wages to 1) cover basic

    living expenses, 2) keep up with inflation, 3) provide some funds for savings or recreation, and

    4) increase over time. Discussing wage expectations with employees can help determine what

    their compensation package should look like.

    The first thing employers should consider when developing compensation packages is

    fairness. It is absolutely vital that businesses maintain internal and external equity. Internal

    equity refers to fairness between employees in the same business while external equity refers to

    relative wage fairness compared to wages with other farms or businesses. No matter the

    compensation level, if either internal or external equity is violated, a business will most likely

    experience employee dissatisfaction and employees with begin to balance their performance

    through a variety of ways ranging from decreased productivity to absenteeism and eventually to

    leaving the business.

    So, what constitutes a fair wage? One approach to determining a fair wage is a market

    survey. These are typically fast and easy ways to establish compensation guidelines for many

    businesses. A few phone calls to other employees in similar businesses can determine the

    "market" value for a specific job. Unfortunately, this technique is not necessarily well suited for

    agricultural producers. An agricultural manager can do informal surveys of other agricultural

    producers to determine the "going rate" for labor or modify existing studies of non-agricultural

    businesses to compare employees not by job title but by skill sets. For example, operating a

    forklift in a factory and driving a tractor may require similar skills and, therefore, can be

    compensated similarly.

    Broadbanding was used in a Cornell University study. Five competency levels were

    developed to classify employees according to three criteria: authority to make decisions, skill

    level and supervisory capacity. By using a competency scale, each employee can be cross-

    referenced by job title and competency level or studied solely within either category. Employees

    of similar skill levels or competency are taken together in compensation "bands" regardless of


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    job title. These bands then compensate like employees at like rates across the entire organization

    and serve to maintain both internal and external equity.


    Todays compensation systems have come from a long way. With the changing

    organizational structures workers need and compensation systems have also been changing.

    From the bureaucratic organizations to the participative organizations, employees have started

    asking for their rights and appropriate compensations. The higher education standards and higher

    skills required for the jobs have made the organizations provide competitive compensations to

    their employees.

    Compensation strategy is derived from the business strategy. The business goals and objectives

    are aligned with the HR strategies. Then the compensation committee or the concerned authority

    formulates the compensation strategy. It depends on both internal and external factors as well as

    the life cycle of an organization.

    Evolution of Strategic Compensation


    In the traditional organizational structures, employees were expected to work hard and

    obey the bosses orders. In return they were provided with job security, salary increments and

    promotions annually. The salary was determined on the basis of the job work and the years of

    experience the employee is holding. Some of the organizations provided for retirement benefits


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    such as, pension plans, for the employees. It was assumed that humans work for money, there

    was no space for other psychological and social needs of workers.


    With the behavioral science theories and evolution of labour and trade unions,

    employees started asking for their rights. Maslow brought in the need hierarchy for the rights of

    the employees. He stated that employees do not work only for money but there are other needs

    too which they want to satisfy from their job, i.e. social needs, psychological needs, safety needs,

    self-actualization, etc. Now the employees were being treated as human resource.

    Their performance was being measured and appraised based on the organizational and

    individual performance. Competition among employees existed. Employees were expected to

    work hard to have the job security. The compensation system was designed on the basis of job

    work and related proficiency of the employee.


    aslo ws




    Abraham Maslow, an eminent U.S. psychologist, gave a general theory of motivation

    known as Need Hierarchy Theory in his paper published in 1943.


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    According to him

    1. People have a wide range of needs which motivate them to work

    2. Human needs can be classified into different categories.

    3. Human needs can be arranged into hierarchy

    4. Human beings start satisfying their needs step by step.

    5. A satisfied need does not motivate human behavior.

    The classification of human needs by Maslow was widely appreciated. He classified the

    needs as follows:

    1. Psychological needs: These needs are related to the survival and maintenance of life.

    These include food, clothing, shelter, etc.

    2. Safety needs: These consist of physical safety against fire, murder, accident, security

    against unemployment, etc.

    3. Social needs: These are also called affiliation needs and include need for love, affection,

    belonging or association with family, friends and other social groups.

    4. Ego or esteem needs: These are the needs derived from recognition, status, achievement,

    power, prestige etc.

    5. Self fulfillment or self actualization needs: It is the need to fulfill what a person

    considers to be his real mission in life. It helps an individual to realize ones potentialities

    to the maximum.

    Maslow is of the opinion that these needs have a hierarchy and are satisfied one by one.

    When first needs are satisfied then the person moves to the second and when this is satisfied, he

    moves on to the third and so on.


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    Maslows need priority is simple and logical. It is compatible with the economic theory

    of demand. The theory contains some fundamental truths. His critics say that it is another

    simplification of human needs and motivation. The hierarchy of needs is not always fixed. They

    also say that this theory is not empirically tested. Inspite of all this criticism, Maslow explainsinter-personal and intra-personal variations in human behavior.

    Todays modern compensation systems

    Today the compensation systems are designed aligned to the business goals and

    strategies. The employees are expected to work and take their own decisions.

    Authority is being delegated. Employees feel secured and valued in the organization.

    Organizations offer monetary and non-monetary benefits to attract and retain the best talents in

    the competitive environment. Some of the benefits are special allowances like mobile,

    companys vehicle; House rent allowances; statutory leaves, etc


    Compensation and Reward system plays vital role in a business organization. Since,

    among four Ms, i.e. Men, Material, Machine and Money, Men has been most important factor, it

    is impossible to imagine a business process without Men. Every factor contributes to the process

    of production/business. It expects return from the business process such as rent is the return

    expected by the landlord, capitalist expects interest and organizer i.e. entrepreneur expects

    profits. Similarly the employee expects remuneration. Labour plays vital role in bringing about

    the process of production/business in motion. The other factors being human, has expectations,

    emotions, ambitions and egos.

    Labour therefore expects to have fair share in the business/production process.

    Therefore a fair compensation system is a must for every business organization. The fair

    compensation system will help in the following:


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    An ideal compensation system will have positive impact on the efficiency and results

    produced by employees. It will encourage the employees to perform better and achieve

    the standards fixed.

    It will enhance the process of job evaluation. It will also help in setting up an ideal job

    evaluation and the set standards would be more realistic and achievable.

    Such a system should be well defined and uniform. It will be apply to all the levels of the

    organization as a general system.

    The system should be simple and flexible so that every employee would be able to

    compute his own compensation receivable.

    It should be easy to implement, should not result in exploitation of workers.

    It will raise the morale, efficiency and cooperation among the workers. It, being just and

    fair would provide satisfaction to the workers.

    Such system would help management in complying with the various labor acts.

    Such system should also solve disputes between the employee union and management.

    The system should follow the management principle of equal pay.

    It should motivate and encouragement those who perform better and should provide

    opportunities for those who wish to excel.

    Sound Compensation/Reward System brings peace in the relationship of employer and


    It aims at creating a healthy competition among them and encourages employees to work

    hard and efficiently.

    The system provides growth and advancement opportunities to the deserving employees.


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    The perfect compensation system provides platform for happy and satisfied workforce.

    This minimizes the labour turnover. The organization enjoys the stability.

    The organization is able to retain the best talent by providing them adequate

    compensation thereby stopping them from switching over to another job.

    The business organization can think of expansion and growth if it has the support of

    skillful, talented and happy workforce.

    The sound compensation system is hallmark of organizations success and prosperity.

    The success and stability of organization is measured with pay-package it provides to its



    2600 BC: Clay tablets used by the Babylonians to record how long labourers worked and

    wages received.

    2000 BC: Cowrie shells (a rare mollusc found near the Maldives Islands) used as

    currency in China.

    200 BC: Origin of the word "salary". It comes from the word "solarium," meaning "salt-

    money". Roman soldiers were paid their allowance in salt, a valuable seasoning and

    preservative at the time.

    30 BC: Augustus Caesar reforms the Roman monetary and taxation systems issuing


    1275 - 92: Marco Polo introduces Europe to paper money after travelling to China.


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    1529: First use of the word "payday" in English print.

    1800s: Worker's wages begin to be paid by the hour instead of the day in response to

    more stringent time-recording requirements.

    1890s: First "punch clocks" are developed by Edward G. Watkins for the Heywood

    Brothers Company in Heywood, Massachusetts.

    1920s: Increased use of cheques by employers for payroll because of the security risks

    involved in transporting and storing large amounts of cash.

    1950s: First automatic deposit of cheques begins in the U.S.

    1970s: Advances in computer technology lead to the increased use of computers for

    payroll services.

    1978: Founding of the Canadian Payroll Association by a small group of payroll

    professionals who decided to challenge proposed revisions to the Record of Employment


    1995: National Payroll Week founded by the Canadian Payroll Association and members

    of the payroll community.


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    Once job analysis has been done organizations need to decide upon the pay structures. Pay

    structure refers to the process of setting up the pay for a job in an organization. The process deals

    with internal and external analysis to estimate the compensation package for a job profile.

    Internal equity, External equity and Individual equity are the most popular pay structures. Job

    description provides the in depth knowledge about the job profile and its worth.

    Pay structures are the strong determinant of employees value in the organization. It


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    helps in analyzing the employees role and status in the organization. It provides for fair

    treatment to all employees. Pay structures also include the estimation of incentives.

    The level of incentives also depends on the level of job position in the organizational hierarchy.


    Job Analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties

    and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job Analysis is a

    process where judgments are made about data collected on a job.


    An important concept of Job Analysis is that the analysis is conducted of the Job, not the

    person. While Job Analysis data may be collected from incumbents through interviews or

    questionnaires, the product of the analysis is a description or specifications of the job, not a

    description of the person.

    The purpose of Job Analysis is to establish and document the ' job relatedness' of

    employment procedures such as training, selection, compensation, and performance appraisal.


    Organizations have to bridge the gap between the industry standards and their salary

    packages. They cannot provide compensation packages that are either less than the industry

    standards or are very higher than the market rates. For the purpose they undertake the salary

    survey. The Salary survey is the research done to analyze the industry standards to set up the

    compensation strategy for the organization. Organizations can either conduct the survey

    themselves or they can purchase the survey reports from a reputed research organization. These

    reports constitute the last 2-5 years or more compensation figures for the various positions held

    by the organizations. The analysis is done on the basis of certain factors defined in the objectives

    of the research.


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    To gather information regarding the industry standards

    To know more about the market rate i.e. compensation offered by the competitors

    To design a fair compensation system

    To design and implement most competitive reward strategies

    To benchmark the compensation strategic


    There are two types of compensation surveys undertaken by the organizations.


    Standard surveys are undertaken by organizations on a regular basis. These surveys areconducted annually based on the organizational objectives. These surveys attempt to cover the

    same companies every year and provide the same time of analysis. The reports are published

    annually by the research organizations. The organizations willing to formulate their

    compensations strategies based on the surveys purchase the reports from the research


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    At times, a few organizations need to know some specific information. The surveys

    which cater this need are known as custom surveys. The organizations either higher research

    organizations to conduct theses surveys for them or they themselves conduct the survey by

    sampling few of the competitors on their own. These surveys do not have any time interval. They

    are undertaken as the need arises. They focus on important issues usually one or two.


    The survey reports consist of the analysis and conclusion drawn from the evaluative data

    based on the objectives of the study. The reports also include the data, facts and figures to

    support the analysis and conclusion. The supportive data and annexure provided in the report

    form the basis for the un-biased conclusion and validation of the analysis.

    Types of data gathered in a salary survey include:

    Base salaries

    Salary Ranges

    Starting Salary


    Allowances and Benefits

    Working Hours

    Working Conditions

    The results of surveys conducted by third parties (e.g., associations, consultants, survey

    vendors) can be relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of developing the same results

    yourself. Surveys conducted by associations and vendors are often have a large number of

    participants which results in a more accurate analysis.


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    1. Direct compensation

    2. Indirect compensation

    Compensation provided to employees can direct in the form of monetary benefits and/or

    indirect in the form of non-monetary benefits known as perks, time off, etc. Compensation does

    not include only salary but it is the sum total of all rewards and allowances provided to the

    employees in return for their services. If the compensation offered is effectively managed, it

    contributes to high organizational productivity.


    The internal equity method undertakes the job position in the organizational hierarchy.

    The process aims at balancing the compensation provided to a job profile in comparison to the

    compensation provided to its senior and junior level in the hierarchy. The fairness is ensured

    using job ranking, job classification, level of management, level of status and factor comparison.



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    This method is one of the simplest to administer. Jobs are compared to each other based on theoverall worth of the job to the organization. The 'worth' of a job is usually based on judgments of

    skill, effort (physical and mental), responsibility (supervisory and fiscal), and working

    conditions. It is very effective when there are relatively few jobs to be evaluated (less than 30)


    A set of compensable factors are identified as determining the worth of jobs.

    Typically the number of compensable factors is small (4 or 5). Examples of compensable factors


    1. Skill

    2. Responsibilities

    3. Effort

    4. Working Conditions

    Next, benchmark jobs are identified. Benchmark jobs should be selected as having certain


    1. Equitable pay (not overpaid or underpaid)

    2. Range of the factors (for each factor, some jobs would be at the low end of the factor

    while others would be at the high end of the factor).

    3. The jobs are then priced and the total pay for each job is divided intopay for each factor.


    The primary objective of position classification is to define and describe accurately

    the current duties and responsibilities of positions for purposes of determining proper

    compensation and qualification requirements; to facilitate the functioning of other personnel

    processes, such as developing performance standards and actual performance appraisals based

    upon the assigned duties of specific positions; identifying career ladders and promotional lines;


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    and translating broad organizational plans into the assignment of duties and responsibilities to

    individual positions.

    Classification is based upon the objective elements of a position and does not consider

    the status of an incumbent. Information relative to the employees length of service, time spent atthe maximum salary level of the position, or the quality of his/her performance is not considered

    in determining the appropriate classification of a position. Factors that are considered include

    such elements as the nature, scope and level of the duties and responsibilities; the relationship of

    the position to other positions in the department; supervision given or received; and exercise of

    independent judgment.



    Here the market pricing analysis is done. Organizations formulate their compensation

    strategies by assessing the competitors or industry standards. Organizations set the

    compensation packages of their employees aligned with the prevailing compensation packages in

    the market. This entails for fair treatment to the employees. At times organizations offer higher

    compensation packages to attract and retain the best talent in their organizations.


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    As part of the process of determining external equity, various markets are utilized to fill

    positions, depending upon the requirements and the level of the vacancy. They are usually as


    1. Department head level positions: national markets;2. Professional and administrative positions below department head level: regional markets;


    3. Support staff and entry level exempt positions: local markets.


    Payroll is administered on monthly basis and annual basis. While administrating the

    monthly payroll basic salary, HRA, conveyance, and other special allowances such mobile, etc

    are considered. There are some deductions which are provident fund (12%) of the salary, taxes

    and other deductions.


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    Deductions such as tax and loan/advances taken by the employee from organizations are

    deducted only where applicable. Dearness Allowance and House rent allowance is provided at a

    fixed rate stated by the employment law. Provident fund is deducted from the gross salary of

    employee on the monthly basis as per the employment law, which is provided later to the

    employee. Organizations also contribute the same amount to the provident fund of the employee.


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    Direct compensation refers to monetary benefits offered and provided to employees in

    return of the services they provide to the organization. The monetary benefits include basic

    salary, house rent allowance, conveyance, leave travel allowance, medical reimbursements,

    special allowances, bonus, Pf/Gratuity, etc. They are given at a regular interval at a definite time.


    Salary is the amount received by the employee in lieu of the work done by him/her

    for a certain period say a day, a week, a month, etc. It is the money an employee receives

    from his/her employer by rendering his/her services.


    Organizations either provide accommodations to its employees who are from different state

    or country or they provide house rent allowances to its employees. This is done to provide

    them social security and motivate them to work.



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    Organizations provide for cab facilities to their employees. Few organizations also provide

    vehicles and petrol allowances to their employees to motivate them.


    These allowances are provided to retain the best talent in the organization. The employees

    are given allowances to visit any place they wish with their families. The allowances are

    scaled as per the position of employee in the organization.


    Organizations also look after the health conditions of their employees. The employees are

    provided with medi-claims for them and their family members. These medi-claims include

    health-insurances and treatment bills reimbursements.


    Bonus is paid to the employees during festive seasons to motivate them and provide them

    the social security. The bonus amount usually amounts to one months salary of the



    Special allowance such as overtime, mobile allowances, meals, commissions, travel

    expenses, reduced interest loans; insurance, club memberships, etc are provided to

    employees to provide them social security and motivate them which improve the

    organizational productivity.


    Indirect compensation refers to non-monetary benefits offered and provided to

    employees in lieu of the services provided by them to the organization. They include Leave

    Policy, Overtime Policy, Car policy, Hospitalization, Insurance, Leave travelAssistance Limits,

    Retirement Benefits, Holiday Homes.


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    it is the right of employee to get adequate number of leave while working with the

    organization. The organizations provide for paid leaves such as, casual leaves, medical

    leaves (sick leave), and maternity leaves, statutory pay, etc.


    Employees should be provided with the adequate allowances and facilities during their

    overtime, if they happened to do so, such as transport facilities, overtime pay, etc.


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    The employees should be provided allowances to get their regular check-ups, say at an

    interval of one year. Even their dependents should be eligible for the medi-claims that

    provide thememotional and social security.


    Organizations also provide for accidental insurance and life insurance for employees. This

    gives them the emotional security and they feel themselves valued in the organization.


    The employees are provided with leaves and travel allowances to go for holiday with their

    families. Some organizations arrange for a tour for the employees of the organization. This

    is usually done to make the employees stress free.


    Organizations provide for pension plans and other benefits for their employees which

    benefits them after they retire from the organization at the prescribed age.


    Organizations provide for holiday homes and guest house for their employees at different

    locations. These holiday homes are usually located in hill station and other most wanted

    holiday spots. The organizations make sure that the employees do not face any kind of

    difficulties during their stay in the guest house.

    FLEXIBLE TIMINGSOrganizations provide for flexible timings to the employees who cannot come to work

    during normal shifts due to their personal problems and valid reasons.


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    Annual payroll consists of leave travel allowances, incentives, annual bonuses,

    meal vouchers/reimbursements, and medical reimbursements

    Components of annual payroll

    Allowances, incentives, bonuses and reimbursements are based on organizational

    policies. Some organizations provided the allowances on a fixed rate say 10% or 12% of the

    basic salary. Some organizations go for performance based incentives.

    Calculation of gross salaries and deductible amounts is a tedious task which involves risk. Some

    of the organizations use the traditional manual method of payroll processing and some go for theadvanced payroll processing software. An organization opts for any of the following payroll

    processing methods available

    Acts relating to the employees payments and deductions:


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    There are several acts framed and passed for the well being and welfare of the

    employees and workers. These acts are relating to the employees provident fund, employees

    state insurance, payment of gratuity, payment of bonus etc.

    These are explained hereunder:

    The Employees Provident Funds Act 1952

    This is applicable to every establishment which is a factory engaged in an industry

    specified in schedule-1 and in which 20 or more persons are employed.

    Provident Fund returns to be sent on or before 25th in Form-5, form-10 and form-12(A)

    Annual returns to be sent on or before 30th

    April in Form-3A and Form-6A.

    Employees State Insurance Act 1948

    It provides for certain benefits to employees in case of sickness, maternity and employment

    injury and for certain other matters in relation.

    The wage limit for coverage of this act is Rs.7500/-

    Remittance of E.S.I contribution by way of challans on or before 21 st of every month.

    Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

    Provisions of this act apply to all employees who have put in minimum of 5 years continuous

    service. Gratuity payable at the rate of 15 days salary/wage for each completed year of service

    the maximum amount of gratuity payable being Rs.3,50,000/-.

    Workmens Compensation Act 1923

    For all areas where ESI coverage is not extended, provisions of workmens compensation at will

    apply. This act comprehensively covers all liabilities of partial/full disability and for

    temporary/permanent disablement, and for loss of life, in industrial accidents, as per schedule

    provided therein. This liability can be immunized by taking a policy with LIC or any other

    National Insurance Company.


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    Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

    The maximum applicable limit of salary is Rs.3500/- and eligibility will be based on Rs.2500/-

    per month. Therefore, maximum bonus payable, which is 20% of Basic + DA, is Rs.6000/- per

    year. Forms A B C are to be maintained to give a clear indication of bonus payable, available

    surplus, set-off, set-on, development rebate, depreciation etc.



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    Manual payroll system is the traditional payroll system which involves pen and ink,

    adding machine, spreadsheet, etc instead of computers, software and other computerized aids.

    The process was very popular when there were no computerized means for payroll processing.

    Now-a-days it is only few small scale organizations in the remote areas that use the

    manual payroll. Sometimes the construction industry and manufacturing industry also use themanual payroll systems for the contractual labour, as theses contracts are on daily/weekly basis.

    There is full control in the hands of owner. But the process is tedious, time consuming and risky

    as it is more prone to errors.


    Accountant is a professional having a degree/diploma course in finance/accountancy.

    He/she is responsible for all the activities related to payroll accounting. He/she has the sound

    knowledge of accounting principles and globally accepted standards.

    The process adds costs to the organization. It involves paying someone who is

    responsible for calculating the salaries of others. The financial control regarding salary goes in

    the hand of accountant.


    In todays computerized environment, payroll system has also developed itself into

    automated software that performs every action needed by the payroll process. It helps in

    calculating the payable amounts and deductions very easily. It also helps in generating the pay

    slips in lesser time. Automated calculations result in no errors. Data is validated automatically

    byt he software. It needs professionals to make use of the software for its efficient working.


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    In global competitive environment organizations need to focus on cost-cutting strategies

    and high qualitative results. Organi