Page 1: Summer 2013 Edition 78 web.pdfThe magazine of the INTERNATIONAL CARAVANNING FELLOWSHIP OF ROTARIANS FOUNDED BY ROBERT SUTCLIFFE IN 1967 NewsNews andand ViewsViews Summer 2013 Edition

The magazine of theThe magazine of theThe magazine of the



NewsNews andand

ViewsViews Summer 2013Summer 2013 Edition 78Edition 78

Heart of Wiltshire RallyHeart of Wiltshire RallyHeart of Wiltshire Rally

Caen Hill flight of 24 locks Caen Hill flight of 24 locks Caen Hill flight of 24 locks

on the Kennet and Avon Canal.on the Kennet and Avon Canal.on the Kennet and Avon Canal.

Photo by Derek Rogers Photo by Derek Rogers Photo by Derek Rogers

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In this Edition

Adverts in News and Views Includes a link on ICFR website as sponsor

Rates: Full Page £200 per Edition (297mm x 210mm) Half Page £110 per Edition (135mm x 190mm)

Quarter Page £120 for two Editions (135mm x 95mm)

Eighth Page £80 for two Editions (135mm x 47.5mm)

Adverts will be in colour, artwork must be supplied in

jpeg or pdf format. Payment due with order.

Enquiries/Adverts to: Gerard Turley,

Editor, News and Views,

01792 390864, 07836 714461

[email protected]

Closing Date - copy and adverts

31 October 2013

First the apologies. I managed

again to miss a couple of

Christmas Greetings. Sorry John

and Rosemary Butcher and Mike

and Janice Spencer, I was literally

overwhelmed by the response but

it was annoying to have missed

these two and I will try harder for

the next edition. I have, of course

not charged them for their late inclusion below.

Also I do try to let you know who has taken photos but was

a bit confused in the last edition and ascribed the photo of

oyster consumption to Roger Restell. Meryl Stolton firmly

assured me that this was taken by her, and Roger was even

in the photo.

There are some changes to the layout of this edition. I have

looked at past editions and felt that the typeface was a little

large so I have used a slightly smaller one so that articles fit

better on a page, and there are other smaller changes. Do

please let me know if you like or loathe them. If you look at

page 10, which shows part of Bulletin 2 from 1975 the

Editor then was seeking feedback, nearly 40 years may

have passed but the Editor’s plea is still the same.

There are rather more photos in this edition. As you may

know I need to fill 32 pages for this Summer Edition and I

thought this was preferable to too many fillers, but again

please let me know what you think. We have rally reports,

our regular contributions, more from the archives, a report

from some well travelled members and advice to help you. I

do hope that you enjoy these. I have also written a piece on

the progress of the electronic News and Views to keep you

in touch, and I have included some guidance on the writing

of Rally Reports. Sometimes the Rally Marshal is,

understandably, far too busy to pass this on so I though I

would include it. John Stone has also provided advice for

Rally Marshals on food and drink quantities.

Of course Christmas is coming and next edition I will be

again carrying your Christmas Greeting—hopefully all of

them! Do please let me have them. With the cost of postage

it can be a saving for you and helps with News and Views.

At £10 to greet all of ICFR it is a bargain.

I have shown the ICFR advert on the back cover. Please use

it to publicise our Fellowship—caravan window for example.

Finally my grateful thanks to my long suffering wife,

Christine who attempts to catch most of my errors and to

John and Diana Lomax who as proof readers are par


Gerard Turley, ICFR Editor

Views expressed in the articles in News and

Views are those of the contributors and not

necessarily those of ICFR or of the Editor.

When following any advice or instructions

given in News and Views you should apply

common sense and not attempt any action

which could put you or others in danger.

From the Editor 1

President’s Report 2

Secretary’s Report 3

Vice President’s Report 4

News and Views goes electronic 4

International Liaison Report 5

IT Secretary’s Report 5

Treasurer’s Report and Accounts 6

Blast from the Past - the Archivist’s Report 8

Tails of the Dog 9

Bulletin No 2 - July 1975 10

Rally Reports 2012 11

Officers and Committee Nomination Form 15

AF 2013 Booking Form 16

Rally Reports continued 20

Rally Report Guidance 20

Rally Programme 2013 23

Member to Member 24

A Report from the Costas 27

Lincolnshire sailors honoured by HRH the

Princess Royal 28

Three Ds 29

Diana’s Cookery Page 30


Coast Insurance 7

Volt Electric Bikes 13

Premier Motorhomes 19

Leisureshop Direct 29

From the Editor

Mike and Janice Spencer

wished all our friends in ICFR a very happy

Christmas and prosperous New Year

John and Rosemary Butcher

wished all their friends in ICFR a Happy

and Healthy Christmas and New Year

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I am writing this report in the middle

of March. Outside we have a good

covering of snow and temperatures

are minus, Wow! What a contrast to

last year when those attending the

Skelwith Rally were surprised to be in

beautiful sunshine, I even heard that

one Officer needed to buy shorts the

weather was that good.

Well if you are reading this you have survived the winter

and hopefully we are all in sunshine at Chester for the

AGM. Anyway the ICFR Rally season has started and

Sylvia and I will have completed at least 4 of the first 5


My year kicked off nicely at the Bath New Year Rally

when we were hosted by Phil & Ros and David & Jane,

the rally report will be in here somewhere and there are

lots of photos on our website but of course the formal bit

was Don and I dressed as ‘KINGS’ exchanging chains of

office. My thanks to everyone there for taking part and

making it a memorable night.

January allowed us to join my children for some skiing

(some bum sliding too) in Italy, which of course I was

not really fit to do; so more exercise before I go next

year; but home safely.

We had a big shock at our Rotary Club meeting on the

14 Feb when most (some 20+) contracted food poisoning

which put most on their backsides in the loo for the best

part of 2 weeks. It was quite amusing to read the emails

going around as each club member described their

symptoms and the replies saying “Oh me too plus I

got...!” good job they did not catch ‘manflu’ at the same

time! Anyway most are claiming to be 10lbs lighter.

That’s all about me. What have you all been doing? Have

you been visiting warmer places? Perhaps some of you

have been cruising? Well whatever you have been doing,

I hope you are refreshed and thinking about taking the

caravan out this summer, it can’t be another bad

summer can it? Nah! As the man sang ‘always look on

the bright side of Life’. There are lots of rallies you could

sign up for, some might mean a distance to travel, so

why not give another member a call and ask them to

join you on your journey to the site. There are lots of

interesting places still to visit and many CL’s are

including electric hook–up too. Breaking your journey

makes sense but could also make more nights away for

the same fuel cost.

Advertised in the centre of News and Views today is the

booking form for Brean Sands where we are on a new

site, in a field on our own which allows dogs, has hard

standings for everyone and electric hook–ups too. If you

have not been to a major rally for a while please give us

a try, I am really looking forward to it

My thanks to all the Rally Marshals and the districts who

have planned such a great programme, Sylvia and I

would love to meet up with you at this or any other rally

so please make yourselves known to us.

Peter Skerratt, ICFR President

President’s Report The standard answer to this is “behind every man is an

amazed woman” in my case this would be Sylvia but you

have to start at the beginning

I am the seventh son and had three sisters but sadly we

are only three of us left, a brother who lives in Cheshunt

and a sister who emigrated around 1958 to Perth W.A.

My father died before my first birthday and mum, who

paid the toll of a heavy life, when I was 12. My family

home/s were in Tottenham, originally in Bromley Road,

and then moving to White Hart Lane. My earliest

memories were of seeing my ‘big brothers’ arriving on

match days, to then stand behind the goal to cheer on

the Spurs. If it was an ‘away’ weekend then they would

visit mum on the Sunday.

From junior school I made it to grammar school and

initially worked hard with the intention going to Hendon

Police College. However in the fifth form I ‘blew it’ when I

found out I was colour blind and that I would not qualify

to get admission. My brother said that I rebelled and left

with less GCE’s than we expected. He arranged for me to

‘sign papers’ to join an accountancy firm and this lasted 3

months and I opted to be a Van-Boy earning almost as

much in a week as I did in month and I did not have to

catch a train to the City. I continued to play sport usually

both Rugby and Football in a weekend, I also started to

find my way at our Baptist Church where Boys Brigade

took over and at the same time I started to notice girls,

and at 19 Sylvia and I got engaged and were married two

years later.

The change in me happened and although I did not find a

meaningful job until 1964 having tried, a transport office

followed by being a fishmonger I eventually became an

Insurance Man (on his bike) and I loved it. We lived in a

flat at the manse in High Road, Tottenham. In 1965 we

had Craig and 2 years later my daughter Tracy, a year

later we had a semi in Enfield, I drove an S-type (and so

did Sylvia) and I was moving up the management line.

We took a promotion to Eastbourne where I continued to

find selling was my niche but the opportunities for Branch

Manager became less as ‘one waits for dead man shoes’.

Not being a patient person I applied to Kalamazoo

Business Systems to be a representative and they said I

could have a new car each year at their cost. So 28+

years later I took early redundancy. When I spoke to my

MD, a Man U supporter and asked him why they had sold

Cantina, he said “he was getting past his sell-by date”

and when I said that was how I felt he laughed and

assisted me to go early

Sylvia and I had already joined ICFR in 1994 and had run

our first Rally in South Woodham Ferrers but we decided

that our lump-sum payment would buy us a new car and

caravan to see us through retirement. We have managed

in excess of 100 nights per year since then, mostly with

ICFR members but I am pleased to say that my son,

daughter, son-in-law and 2 granddaughters still wish to

have a ‘family holiday’ with us.

I was invited by Alan Robinson to apply for Editor which I

enjoyed immensely and then to greater heights when a

poor butcher from Catford asked me to be his vice and

here I am now.

Peter Skerratt

Peter Skerratt (or what makes him tick)

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Whilst I feel that I haven’t long started the role of Secretary it is already time to find my successor to take over from me on 1st January 2015. Yes it is a long time away but the process does take a while, so if you feel that you may wish to be at the heart of what happens in the fellowship, you are welcome to contact me to find out more about

what is involved.

Executive Committee 2011 Further to the report in the Winter 2012 News and Views, all the Officers, those nominated as Trustees and Executive Committee Members as listed for 2012 have taken office and are as published in the 2013 Directory.

Nominations for Officers for 2014 Under the Constitution Rule 10 all Officers (except IPP) are required to be elected annually, at the AGM. As the Hon Secretary I have received completed nomination forms for these officers as follows:

Executive Committee 2014 Nominated to serve for 2014-16 and to be elected at this year’s AGM are: John Stone, Geoff Fewings & Richard Swainston. Currently the Executive Committee consists of all officers and the following elected members:

and Co-opted members:

Nominations for Officers & Executive Committee Rule 13 requires nominations for Officers and Committee Members to be submitted by 31 October for entry in the winter edition of News & Views for approval and/or election at the following AGM for a post to be taken up the following January.

Nominations are now required by 31 October 2013

for Vice President, Secretary, Membership Secretary

and three elected members of the Executive

Committee for the period 2015-17.

Constitution and Rules In accordance with Constitution 19 (a) a written proposal has been received to amend Constitution 12 (c) – (Executive Committee) to add: “Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend two (2) meetings during their three (3) year term will be deemed to have resigned from the committee.” Thus amending Constitution 12 (c) to read “Each committee member will be elected for a period of three (3) years, one third retiring annually but any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend two (2) meetings during their three (3) year term will be deemed to have resigned from the committee.”

This will be voted on at the 2013 AGM at Chester

ACCEO I am also pleased to confirm that the ICFR ACCEO Membership had been renewed for 2013.

Personal membership is available. Please contact me for details/membership form.

Natural England (NE) Our Exemption Certificates for England, Scotland and Wales remain in force and I hold the Exemption Certificates issued by Natural England, the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Government.

Copies are also held by Tim Hadrill for issue to Rally Marshals where appropriate.

On Sites where our Exemption Certificate is necessary can I remind you that our certificates are for caravanning only. Only pup tents are allowed in support of the caravan.

District Reports and Matters Thank you again to District Secretaries for sending me copies of their District Minutes and also for keeping me up to date with committee changes.

Where a District Committee feels that an issue ought to be considered by the Executive Committee please make this point clear and submit a separate report where appropriate.

Where a District wishes to propose a change to the Constitution, this must be sent in writing, to the Honorary Secretary and be signed by ten (10) members and must be received by 31st October for inclusion in the Winter Edition of News & Views and voting on at the following AGM.

Derrick Sanders, ICFR Secretary, March 2013

President Peter Skerratt Vice President Gerard Turley

Secretary Derrick Sanders Treasurer Paul Quinlan

Programme Secretary Terry Cooke

Membership Secretary Gwyn Weallans Editor John Hackney

International Liaison Bob Wright (Immediate Past President Don Howard)

Honorary Secretary’s Report

Please come to

AF 2013 at Brean

John Allen Peter Jennings Ted Walmsley Philip Cary Brian Key

John Hackney Keven Roberts

David Shaw (IT Secretary) Maureen Morrison (Equipment & Sales)

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Vice President’s Report These days there are not many people who can claim to

have been given a job by Elvis. But there I was in a

large tent on Bath Marina in the early moments of 2013

and Elvis was coming towards me brandishing my badge

of office, and I was trying to look like a playing card (not

easy as few would describe me as card thin). Mind you

Elvis himself had been anointed President only a minute

or so earlier by a Pearly King. Who says ICFR does not

have a sense of humour.

The job of VP in ICFR is quite varied. Clearly supporting

the President is important and I look forward to working

with Peter who promises an exciting couple of years. It

is also about preparing for the important task of

President of our Fellowship and also about publicising

the Fellowship and encouraging new members.

The first challenge was handed to me very early in the

New Year by an apologetic Phil Cary. He felt that with

the problems they have had this time the New Year

Rallies in Bath may have passed their sell-by date.

Anyway he and David felt it was time to give someone

else a chance to organise New Year for the handover.

The New Year Handovers in Bath have been a feature for

a few years now and Bath is certainly nicely located to

be convenient for many of us. Christine and I had a

great time this year. So it would be useful to hear

members thoughts, advice and offers on this.

I have already started putting out feelers for Districts to

host the major rallies during 2015 and 2016 and It is

great to have had such a willing response to my initial

enquiries—watch this space.

As a Recreational Fellowship our raison d'être is fun,

fellowship and enjoyment. But we all know that such

only happens because of the hard work put in by Rally

Marshals, Fellowship Officers, Executive Committee

Members, District Committee Members

and many others who make it all look

(fairly) seamless. But we all need to be

involved in raising the awareness of

who we are, what we do, and being on

the lookout for potential members.

Please do take the time to help in this

effort and where possible become

involved in spreading the load of the

work involved in ICFR.

District Officers and Committees have a particularly

important role in publicising ICFR around their districts

and it is encouraging that so many are now attending

District Conferences to spread the word. Many thank to

Eric Matkins & Maureen Morrison for their often unsung

role in leading this effort. I would like to be involved

helping Districts with this vital task, and in encouraging

the dormant members of ICFR to become involved, and

will be in touch to see what more I, and they, can do.

I have decided to impose a talk on fellowships on my

own club. Clearly ICFR will feature heavily! Once I have

experimented on them (they or I seem to keep pushing

the date back,) I will be looking to reprise it in other

clubs in the District. Talking to Rotarians there is a

surprising and disappointing, amount of ignorance about

Rotary Fellowships and particularly ‘Rotary’s best kept

secret’ ICFR.

This year I will be continuing as Editor as well as being

VP. This is partly because having only done two years as

Editor it would, I feel, be a job half done. It takes a

while to get into such a job and anyway I do rather like

it and will miss it when I pass it on to John Hackney for

2014, very capable although I know him to be.

Gerard Turley, Vice President ICFR.

News and Views is going Electronic

Always available from the website or

emailed to you, but to ensure a paper copy (if you have not already) you will need

to tick, stamp and post.

News and Views goes electronic I am delighted to report that there has been very much

the expected response to the idea of News and Views

going electronic.

The whole idea was that those who regularly read News

and Views and who take it away with them, or keep it

and occasionally re-read it, or show it to friends, should

have access to a paper copy, but that others who do not

so avidly read, or refer to it, will have an electronic

version available via the web site. The web site will also

carry back issues for the use of all.

My initial guess was that there would be about 200

members who would want paper copies, plus additional

copies for publicity, but this meant that we would save

at least the postage on about 400 copies. Not an

insignificant sum these days.

By the beginning of April, 216 have asked for a paper

copy (so slightly more than I thought) and there are still

occasional additions to the number. Those who have not

asked for paper will have another chance this edition.

I am seeking authority from the executive to make the

next edition the first when a paper copy will be made

available only to those who have asked.

Can I thank all those who have taken the trouble to

respond and for the many kind remarks.

Gerard Turley, Editor

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My main task is keeping the web site up

to date, this involves quite a lot of work

at the beginning of the year when the

new rally programme is launched.

After that mammoth task the main

function is to update the news letters

f r om our i n t e rna t i ona l s i s t e r

organisations, and I would like to thank

John Lomax for some timely prompts when I forget to

update them.

Rally organisers have always been a little tardy

producing their rally documents and I have got used to

this now, having organised three rallies I know how

difficult it can be to get the final arrangements made, I

just sit back and await their arrival now and only send

one reminder at the beginning of the season.

I have tweaked the presentation of the site and removed

many outdated rally pictures. I add new pictures to the

site as they are sent after rallies or events.

This year I added three new pages, one special page for

the AGM and a page which I called Splash and Dash, this

page is intended to emulate a foreign sites directory

which was published by ICFR a few years ago. I don’t

know if members use it and only one member has

responded to my request for suggested convenient sites

for brief stops while travelling across France and Spain.

[Ed David has expanded on this in an additional piece

‘Wanderings on the Web’.] The third page is the News

and Views page where members can download current

and past editions of our newsletter.

Emails from John Horler are not as frequent as they

were. I’m either getting it right these days or John has

given up on me as a bad job.

I would like to thank everyone who sends information for

the web site because without up to date information the

site would be of little use.

David Shaw, IT Secretary.

Programme Secretary

At this stage we are hearing that several

rallies seem to be down on numbers of

caravanners booked. Could this just be

the foul weather preventing us from

putting pen to paper and so causing

Rally Marshals anguish - I hope that this

is the only reason.

A plea from this desk. At the Autumn

Fellowship there were only 22 rallies

notified to me. In the six weeks after, another 16 came

in - brilliant many thanks. However it would have been

great if at least some of those 16 could have appeared in

time for our Autumn Meeting to increase the enjoyment

of those who attended. If Rally Marshals next year are

able to help in this matter we would all be most grateful.

Happy and safe caravanning and roll on some warm


Tim Hadrill, Programme Secretary

In my report to the Winter 2012 issue of

“News and Views” I asked if anyone was

thinking of attending the 2014

International Rotary Convention in

Sydney. The question was asked

because at that stage consideration was

being given to the organisation of an

associated Recreational Vehicle Muster,

travelling from Brisbane to Sydney. Two or three

couples from ICFR expressed interest but awaited


The original proposal came from the Recreational

Vehicle Fellowship of North America but this has now

been taken over by the RVF of Australia. President John

Spath of that Fellowship has informed me that he is the

organiser of the 2014 Convention Muster which will start

in Sydney on 28th May, before the Convention (1st to 4th

June 2014), and then after 10th June will travel west

through the Blue Mountains, then heading north through

the middle of New South Wales to Armidale and on to

the coast at Coff’s Harbour or Port Macquarie and then

north to the Gold Coast and into Brisbane, probably

taking about 10 days. There will be the option of joining

another Muster for 2 or 3 weeks, travelling to Cairns.

These details are an indication only and the organiser is

looking for feedback from interested travellers before

finalising the programme. Anyone considering attending

the International Convention and joining the Muster

should contact John Spath ([email protected]) for

more detailed information. [the above information has

been sent to members with e-mail addresses and is

included on the ICFR website but is repeated here for

those without access to a computer].

Still in Australia information has been received from the

Secretary of the Rotary e-Club of NextGen about its

2014 Australian Red Centre Safare. This is a 9,000

kilometre journey through the remote South Australia;

the Northern Territory; outback Queensland and parts of

New South Wales. Full details from:

Are e-Clubs becoming more popular? David Werrett,

the only ICFR member living in Canada has notified me

that he has transferred to the Rotary E-Club of Canada

One. His new Club is the first in Canada and the newest

of almost 100 E-Clubs scattered around the world.

David invites ICFR members to have a look at and possibly “do a meeting”

and receive a makeup credit for meeting attendance.

Newsletters from New Zealand, Australia and North

America are reproduced on the ICFR website. The latest

versions (at the time of reporting) are: New Zealand

ICFR – Wentworth Valley/Waihi Beach, January/

February 2013; Australia RVF – The Overlander 64,

December 2012/February 2013; North America RVF –

The Caravanner, January 2013. Anyone without access

to a computer wishing to see any of these newsletters

should contact the ILO who will be pleased to provide

hard copies.

John Lomax, International Liaison Officer

International Liaison IT Secretary's Report

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Treasurer’s Report and Accounts

The accounts for 2012 have

now been audited and are

shown in this edition of

News and Views. Once

again, with care, we have a

Net Surplus only slightly

smaller than 2011. The

Operational Surplus was

£67 and after the net increase in the Party

Tent fund and the Bank Interest of £124, we

were left with a Net Surplus of £485.

As you see in the income side, we have over

600 family members, some of our retired

members still give a donation to receive

copies of News and Views, which covers the

interesting rally reports.

I am pleased with the number of members

who had Christmas Greetings in News and

Views and hope that we will be able to get

even more adverts for the summer edition.

The sale of new name badges has fallen

during the year, because only new members

now require them.

On the expenditure side, the Summer and

Winter editions of News and Views cost the

same as in 2011 and still maintained its very

high standard. The printer of the Directories

changed in 2012, with a saving of £400. Most

of the other items remained almost the

same, with the exception of postage, for

News and Views, the Editor has ideas on

sending them electronically, which will

reduce the postage costs, he will expand on

this in his report.

David Cooper, Treasurer


Income and Expenditure Account for the year 2012

2012 2011

£ £


Subscriptions 6,050 5,960

Donations 320 496

Adverts in News & Views 1,250 860

Surplus on sale of merchandise 95 11

Sale of Name Badges 191 404

Transfer from Party Tent a/c - 296

Total Income 7,906 8,027


News & Views 2,448 2,448

Directories 716 1,152

Printing & Stationery 668 608

Postage, Telephone & Travel 1,685 1,217

Insurances 933 933

ACCEO subscription 90 90

RIBI Conference 277 30

Rallies 163 199

Website 30 26

District Expenses (Imprest) 232 313

Sundry Expenses -

Depreciation 597 466

Party Tent Purchases - 296

Total Expenditure 7,839 7,778

Operational Surplus/(Defict) 67 249

Party Tent Replacement Fund 294 158

Deposit Account Interest 124 117

Net Surplus for year 485 524

Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2012

2012 2011

£ £ £ £

Tangible Assets

Cost as at 1st January 2012 8,916 8,446

Additions during year 986 470

9,902 8,916

Less: Depreciation at 1st January 2012 7,516 7,050

Provision for year 597 466

8,113 1,789 7,516 1,400

Current Assets

Debtors/Prepayments 1,158 150

District Imprest Accounts 1,050 1,170

Stock of Merchandise 2,260 1,008

Bank Current Account 670 3,190

Bank Deposit Account No.1. 13,570 13,451

Bank Deposit Account No.2

(Party Tent) 974 675

19,682 19,644

Less: Creditors payable within 1 year 72 19,610 130 19,514

21,399 20,914

Represented by:

Accumulated Fund at 1st January 2012 20,914 20,390

Surplus for year 485 524

21,399 20,914

President 2012 Don Howard Hon.Treasurer 2012 David Cooper

Independent Examiner's Report to the Members of ICFR

I have examined the books and vouchers of ICFR for the year to 31st December 2012,

and certify that these accounts are in accordance therewith.

Mike Segon - Auditor

A Tricky Little Quiz for you

(answers on page 8)

1. You are a participant in a race. You

overtake the second person. What

position are you in?

2. You are a participant in a race If you

overtake the last person, What position

are you in?

3. This must be done in your head only. Do

not use paper and pencil or a calculator.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add

another 1000 now add 30. Add another

1000. Now add 20. Now add another

1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

4. Mary's father has five daughters: Nana,

Nene, Nini, Nono, and ? what is the

name of the fifth daughter?

5. A mute person goes into a shop and

wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating

the action of brushing his teeth he

successfully expresses himself to the

shopkeeper and the purchase is done.

Next, a blind man comes into the shop

who wants to buy a pair of sunglasses;

how does he indicate what he wants?

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Blast from the Past - the Archivist’s Report This edition of our magazine is number 78. The first

edition was issued in January 1975 with Victor Halstead

as editor. Typed and duplicated on Quarto size paper it

ran to eleven pages and was entitled “Bulletin”. The

cover, shown below shows a photograph of ICFR

Chairman, Ralph Pitchfork with two Rotarians from the

ULM and Biberach Rotary Clubs outside Ulm Cathedral.

The format we are familiar with. Editorial, a letter from

the President Jim Bennet, a letter from the Chairman

Ralph Pitchfork and a list of Officers and Committee

Members. At that time the Secretary was Robert

Sutcliffe, the Treasurer David Davies and membership

Secretary L G Holdsworth. There were five International

Liaison Officers. Bert Lloyd was responsible for Dutch

speaking countries and South Africa; Ralph Pitchfork for

German speaking countries plus Australia and New

Zealand; Robert Hills for Scandinavian Languages; North

America was covered by Philip Hurst and lastly French

and Italian speaking countries and all other countries,

Robert Sutcliffe. There were twenty four area

representatives and also contacts in France,

Netherlands, Italy, West Germany and South Africa.

Robert Sutcliffe writes a “piece” opening with “It has

been very interesting to see the development of the

ICFR from our 20 or so Founder members who

journeyed together to Nice in 1967 to our present

membership of some 800.”

There had been 27 home rallies in 1974 and very brief

reports are given for 18 of these. Space was limited and

in some instances only one line was allocated! A slightly

longer article concerned the Tour of South Africa in

November 1974.

Following this were reports from areas around the world

assembled by Robert Sutcliffe who reports “that as a

result of rapid extension in membership these areas are

moving steadily towards becoming self administered.”

There were reports from North America and Italy a page

in Italian “for our Italian speaking members”, one in

French for French speaking members and one in German

for German speakers.

ISSUE NO. 2, July 1975 was a much more appealing

edition being professionally printed and containing

similar articles to the first edition together with two

black and white photographs; but no reports in Italian,

French and German. [a page from this edition is

reproduced on page 10]

Issues 3 and 4 were five pages in 1976 with the fifth

page being the Rally Programme. 1978 Issues 4 and 5

were six pages with a rally programme and eight pages

for editions 7 and 8 in 1978 plus a separate Rally

Programme. Issues 9 and 10 returned to six page in


Issue 27 which published in 1987 was the last in this

format. When Peter Jeffries took over from John

Waddington it was all change. Until that time there had

only been three editors; Victor Halstead 1975 – 1977,

Issue 1 to 6; Robert Sutcliffe 1978 – 1982, issue 7 to 16

and John Waddington 17 – 27.

Finally a word of thanks to Betty and Granville Vining

and Jim Hancock, himself a past editor of News and

Views, for their help in identifying people in the

photograph published in the last issue.

More next time.

John Hackney, Archivist

A Tricky Little Quiz for you - Answers

A1. If you answered that you are first, then you are

absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second

person and you take his place, you are in second


A2. If you answered that you are second to last, then

you are. Wrong again. Tell me, how can you

overtake the last person??

A3. Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually

4100…if you don't believe it, check it with a


A4. Did you answer Nunu? No! Of course it isn't. Her

name is Mary! Read the question again!

A5. It's really very simple he opens his mouth and

asks for it.

Tricky little Quiz wasn’t it.

Please come to AF 2013 at Brean

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Page 9

Well hello my doggie friends. Its been

a while since I last wrote to you and

I've had my usual round of


Hasn’t the weather been terrible, with

all the wind, rain, and snow but I still

insist on my daily constitutional.

Do you like my coat? It keeps me

warm and dry and means They can

see me in the snow. I do have others

but I think this colour rather suits my


I hear the Man and Woman complain a

lot when they have to take me out in the bad weather,

but don't they realise I'm good for their health!! No

wonder these people of mine suffer from weight

problems - they should take more exercise with me.

Never mind the gym - take me out three or four times a

day and they would soon get slim. Apparently they are

organising a daughter’s wedding, hence the diets, and

guess what? I'm not even invited (and I thought they

liked me). Oh well, I'm off to stay with my cousin Ruby

who is a Shibu Inu and a woman is going to look after

us. I will no doubt have to keep Ruby in check, and

show her who is boss. She's a bouncy little thing, but I

soon sort her out with a bit of swearing (and a quick nip

when no one is looking), and put her in her place.

I hope you all had a good Christmas. I had to spend

mine in the Motorcaravan outside their daughter's house

because she has those nasty little

creatures called cats, and they know I

can't stand the pesky things. The cats

love to wind me up by taunting me,

and then climbing the nearest tree

knowing I can't catch them.

Christmas was not a good time for me,

as I spent a lot of time in the 'van on

my own, Santa forgot me, and then on

top of everything else I was a bit

under the weather, so the Woman had

to take me to the local vets. They

thought I wouldn't know where I was

going, but I'm not stupid. I sat down by the door and

refused to budge, but I was soon carried inside

trembling like a leaf. However, it was soon over and a

short course of antibiotics sorted me out, and I was

better in no time and ready to go on to the Bath Rally

for the New Year. I spent a lonely New Years Eve on my

own listening to fireworks outside, whilst the Man and

Woman dressed up as a King and Queen for a party in a

tent. Why do they do these things I wonder? They are

so embarrassing.

I'm looking forward to the Rally season starting in full

swing shortly, and I overheard that I'm going to quite a

few rallies this year, so look out for me and come and

say hello.

Have a wonderful Rally season everyone.

Dictated to the Woman AKA Christine Turley by Daisy

Tails of the Dog

by Daisy the Caravanning Cairn Terrier

There are several views on how to design a web site,

some think that they should be full of fancy new gismo’s

and have gazillions of pages and menu’s with sub

menu’s and popup’s and drop down’s and lots and lots of

pictures of members having a good time last year and

the year before that.

I don’t subscribe to this view, I think that web sites

should have relevant up to date information that is easy

to find, a few pictures of what we did recently and a

page to tell non-members who we are and what we do.

Too many pages isn’t good, you can never find what you

want. Have you visited RIBI web site lately? It’s huge, a

labyrinth of mostly useless (to the average Rotarian)


Now having said all that I was given an idea for yet

another page on our web site. Past president Don and

Derrick Sanders were reminiscing after dinner when (I

assume a little wine was consumed) about a directory

created by Bob Birtwistle before the days of the World

Wide Web. The directory was made to help members

travelling abroad to find sites, that were conveniently

located near the main highways, so that you could stop

there overnight on your way to your final destination.

I christened the embryo page Splash and Dash, now I

know that for some of our senior members this might

create some confusion. It is not however a guide for the

retentionally challenged to public toilets. Splash and

Dash refers to a Formula 1 pit stop procedure. When the

race strategy has gone completely wrong and they know

that there just isn’t enough fuel to get to the end of the

race. The driver pulls into the pit and gets a Splash of

fuel, just enough to Dash off and finish the race.

I started the page with just one site that Jeanne and I

found very convenient, and have since had more

suggested sites from those intrepid members who

regularly go south for the winter. The sites may be

suitable for a longer stay but they are mainly suggested

for their location on routes to destinations further afield.

If you know of any site like this, all I need is the name

of the site, the nearest town, the region, and country. If

you use ACSI sites the reference number in that

directory would be useful. And for those technically

minded I could also include the longitude and latitude

for satnav users.

Wow that was a bit of a rant. Hope you have a look at

the new page on our new look web site. .

See you in a field somewhere.

David. David Shaw, IT Secretary.

Wanderings on the Web

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Bulletin No 2 - July 1975

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Page 11

Thu 18 - Tue 23 October

Autumn Tints

Autumn Tints was the title and this ever-popular rally in

the Lake District fully lived up to its name in late

October 2012.

The Caravan & Camping Club site at Windermere, close

to Kendal, played ‘host’, as in previous years, and again

did not disappoint the 30 vans that attended. Although

the format was ‘tried and tested’, it provided all that was

required for a five-day event, with the beautifully

clement weather adding to the attraction.

After a brief, but informative, welcome meeting on the

Thursday, most took advantage of the on-site pub

restaurant for the night-time repast.

Friday saw most of the group embark on a leisurely

walk, led by Bob and Phyllis Hamilton across the lowland

fells to Stavely village for lunch – another annual treat.

Van hospitality was held in the evening – two hours

being allowed for the festivities. However, one did hear

rumours of some reaching midnight before the parties

‘dissolved’ That’s Rotarians for you… offer them

fellowship and they just cannot stop themselves from

enjoying themselves!

Saturday was ‘Go as you please’, but the lasagne

extravaganza in a local hall beckoned at night and did

not disappoint. The food was magnificent and the after-

meal entertainment from a talented young singer from

near Rochdale – Gracie Mack – had everyone on the

dance floor by the end of the evening.

Sunday brought another walk – organised by Rob and

Sally Metcalf. And, with the sky hardly showing a cloud,

the fellside autumnal vistas were spectacular.

And so to the final full day, where friends old and new

scattered far and wide to explore the lakes, looking

forward to the final night banquet in the Windermere

Hydro. The after-dinner entertainment from Wendy and

David Richardson was great, ably assisted by the

irrepressible Colin Bradford on his accordion and then it

was fond farewells and back to the vans to prepare for

the drive home.

Another triumph for RMs Ivy and Duncan Dearden, who

were congratulated by incoming ICFR President Peter

Skerratt for their efforts in making the rally run like


Like all good rallies, it proved a time to cement past and

present friendships and to launch new ones.

Stuart Gilbert

Thu 8 - Tue 13 Nov

Hogbarn’s Back

This rally was definitely educational, as we were all

asked to bring with us either an old credit card or a

round ended knife, anyone who had been to Hogbarn

before knew that Don and Paula would have something

up their sleeves, and sure enough on the second night

we were all given a “Christmas bauble kit “ comprising of

a polystyrene ball, strips of material and with a dab of

glue and some gold or silver headed pins we all made a

Christmas tree decoration which I must say looked very

professional when finished.

We then moved on to Christmas trees made from

magazines and folded page by page, it has to be said

some of the men took a long time to fold the pages that

contained pictures of ladies modelling underwear.

The following evening we were entertained by Don and

Paula in the “kitchen” Paula showing us how to make a

starter which we all sampled and enjoyed and Don then

gave a demonstration on boning a chicken and stuffing

it, He then boned a leg (chicken that is) and stuffed

that, very tricky, he then passed round some he had

prepared earlier and they where really tasty.

Pat Jeffries also had the men dressing up their other

halves with all sorts of craft material, after a short

parade the winner was presented with her prize.

Finally we had a horse racing evening with a very

dubious tote and a very excitable Peter who not only lost

all his funny money but Paula’s as well.

On the last evening the owner of the campsite joined us

for a lovely fish and chip supper.

We all had a great time and thanks where given to the 2

Dons, Paula and Pat.

Roger Restell

Thu 22 - Tue 27 Nov


What a show!! What a Rally!!

Although the air was somewhat cool, the arrival was

warm and friendly with very good cup of soup. A

welcome supper of punch with sausage rolls and mince

pies gave us time to catch up with old friends and make

new ones.

After a wet and windy night, we set out on a brisk walk

to give us an appetite for the pre-show dinner before

we went to the Thursford Spectacular and what a

marvellous show it was, continuous singing, dancing and

comedy, we hardly knew where to look. We thoroughly

enjoyed it.

Next morning we were left to our own devices but met

up in the Clubhouse in the evening for entertainment

from ICFR. We had 2 nights of pure entertainment ( I

use the term loosely), such talent in ICFR.

On Monday , although a few ralliers left for home (they

couldn’t stick the pace !), the rest of us visited the Jack

Richards Transport Museum which also included Jack’s

experience with the RAF New Zealand 75 Bomber

Squadron in the last war, interesting stuff. Finally the

“Sound of Music” fancy dress supper and sing-a-along,

so many nuns, some with moustaches!

Tuesday we left for home, after farewell coffee, through

a very wet England but it was truly a super rally. Thank

you to our hosts Mike & Barbara and Peter & Sylvia.

Phil Cary

(Continued on page 20)

Rally Reports 2012

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Autumn Tints Photos by Colin Bradford

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Hogbarn’s Back Photos by Don Howard

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Page 15



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Thursford Photos - The Sound of Music. Photos by Don Howard

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Sat 29 Dec 2012 to Thu 3 Jan 2013

Bath New Year’s Eve Rally 2012/13

Royal New Year frolics in Bath

On a freezing cold day at the end of December an

intrepid bunch of ‘Royal personages’ straggled along the

banks of the River Avon to prepare to welcome in the

New Year. They brought with them everything essential

to celebrate such an auspicious occasion and wasted

little time before commencing festivities, greeting friends

old and new, in their “Regal Gathering Tent” (their

previous venue being unavailable - whatever happened

last year?). It was suitably decked with tapestries to

keep out the chill winds and warmed by a huge flame-

blowing dragon strategically tethered at one end!

As one would expect they celebrated each evening in

true royal fashion with piping hot gourmet dinners,

sumptuous desserts and copious quantities of fine wines.

During the day they boarded coaches for the short

journey into Bath to visit local places of aristocratic

interest and ‘take the waters’ – some even sought out

bargain New Year rarities.

New Year’s Eve was a grand affair with royalty attending

from the Middle Ages to the Present Day - the ladies

looking resplendent in their magnificent gowns and the

men cutting a fine figure in their uniforms! The highlight

of this glittering evening arrived when the time came for

the ‘Old King’, ICFR Donald (and Queen Paula) to

abdicate - and the new ‘King of Rock and Roll’ ICFR

Peter (and Queen Sylvia) to be crowned. What a

splendidly spectacular occasion!

The following afternoon many took their relaxation at a

wonderful Viennese Concert in the Bath Forum, while

others strolled quietly along the peaceful riverbank. On

the last day the kings (suitably attired) demonstrated

their culinary skills roasting game on open fires, whilst

the queens prepared fine delicacies in the warmth of

their own kitchens. That evening they took their leave

over a warming ‘post-prandial punch and pies’ before

making their final farewells the following morning….

resolved to meet again to celebrate in similar fashion

next year!

Generous thanks are rightly due from all royalty

attending - to Lord David and his Lady Jane and to Lord

Philip and his Lady Rosalind - for all their travails

organising such a splendidly successful celebration.


(actually Alison Levin but don’t tell her I told you)

Wed 13 March to Tue 19 March

Skelwith, Lake District

After the unseasonal warm weather of last year we returned to wintry conditions for the Skelwith rally, but our hosts Ted and Ann gave us a warm welcome and a hot cuppa on arrival.

On the Thursday 20 Rotarians and partners visited Ambleside Rotary Club and enjoyed a lunch with good fellowship. In the evening we were treated to a slide show of local scenery in the recently refurbished St Mary’s community hall courtesy of Kendal Photographic

Society. The delightful Isobel provided wine, tea and coffee and a good evening was had by all.

Friday night entertainment was “Call my Bluff” where we had to guess the meaning of words like Bumbershoot,

Battycatter and Lordswike. Do you Know?? We didn’t and the brilliant team of Margaret, Wendy and Bill completely beguiled us with their witty definitions.

We were pleased to welcome a new rally member Michael Arnott and Past President John Warrack

presented him with his first time plaque.

On Saturday we had a very good meal in Hawkshead

and we were well entertained by Lakeland’s answer to Reginald Dixon, Paul Gregson, on his mighty organ. The

playing was superb and everyone joined in by singing with enthusiasm! Our own version of The Last Night of the Proms accompanied by much flag-waving raised the roof of the Town Hall with song.

Sunday brought a generous covering of snow.

“Hospitality” proved a great evening of shared friendship in our vans.

On the Monday we enjoyed morning coffee at the new Daffodil Hotel and Spa in Grasmere followed in the

evening by our farewell meal at Ambleside Rugby Club,

where John Hackney thanked Ted and Ann for giving us an excellent rally.

Paul Quinlan

Rally Report Guidance Our magazine would not have the interest it does for without the excellent and varied Rally reports for which as editor I am most grateful. Without wishing to be too prescriptive can I set out a few bits of guidance to ensure that we all continue to enjoy these reports .

1) If you are a Rally Marshal please appoint your correspondent early in the rally. It means they can take notes and not have to rely just on memory.

2) If you offer to write the rally report; please do it sooner rather than later. You will not forget to do it, or what happened, and it reassures the Editor.

3) A report should say what is different or special about a rally and should be up to 300 words for the 5 day

rallies which together with a photo fills a half page. For longer, larger or foreign rallies you will need more words but 600 should be plenty.

4) A photo is worth a thousand words and it is nice to

include one. If there is space (as this time) the Editor may include more. Please send photos separately (not part of the report), and do not reduce too small—send less not smaller!! Please say who took them, what it is, and if possible who is in it.

Many thanks and keep up the good work. Editor

(Continued from page 11)

Rally Reports continued

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Bath New Year Photos - Kings and Queens. Photos by Don Howard, Gerard Turley and Gwyn Weallans

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Skelwith Photos by Martyn Griffiths, John Warrick and Colin Bradford

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Wed 5 to Thu 20 June

The Ardeche to the Tarn This rally starts about 580 miles from Calais and is on three relatively close

sites. For those wishing to holiday before or after the rally the last site is only 70 or so miles from the South

Coast at Montpellier. Max 15 RM: Terry & Carole Cooke

Thu 20 June to Wed 10 July

La Belle France Enjoy 20 nights on two sites in Normandy and Finestere.10 nights 20-30th June near Bayeux. Visit Pegasus Bridge, the Beaches and Bayeux Tapestry and enjoy Calvados countryside around Caen. Second 10 nights 270 miles to the West between Brest and Quimper, 1km from Chateaulin, with its shops, bars, restaurants and weekly market, a pleasant 20 min. walk or cycle alongside the River Aulne into Chateaulin. Ideal base to explore Finestere, with beaches within 20 minutes drive in this beautiful area of Brittany.

Max 12 RM: John & Margaret Warrack

Thu 22 August to Thu 5 Sept

A Real Taste of Holland Centred in Hummelo between Doesburg and Doetichem in the province of Gelderland. A non-tourist area with unique Dutch markets, excellent shops , and close to Arnhem and the famous bridges. Dunkirk to Hummelo is about 235 miles nearly

all motorway. Booking will close at the end of March. Full Facilities. Max 14

BO: Theo Sakkers

Thu 22 August to Tue 10 Sept

Provence Revisited A Moot meeting south of Lyons, then near Lac Serre Poncon followed by Vaucluse. 3* sites. Plenty of Sun, Fun

and Fellowship! Plenty of activities. Experienced RMs. We intend to be back in the UK for the AF Max 12

RM: Arthur & Mavis Marrow


Wed 22 to Mon 27 May

Gelderwood This rally is held on a delightful

award-winning site with ful l facilities. It coincides with the

famous Saddleworth Whit Friday Walks and Brass Band Contests, as featured in Brassed Off. Members will be allowed to arrive on site following the AGM at Chester but the

rally begins on the Wednesday. Max 20

RM: Tom & Denise Hobson

Thu 30 May to Tue 4 June

Gainsborough's Elegance Set in sleepy Suffolk, this licensed

site near Sudbury, set in the Stour Valley an area of outstanding natural

beauty. Surrounded by the attractive countryside so often painted by Constable and Gainsborough. You can visit Flatford Mill, Colchester, Lavenham, Bury St Edmunds and Cambridge. Max 20

RM: Gwyn & Eileen Weallans

Thu 30 May to Tue 4 June

Derbyshire Dales Based at Youlgrave in the heart of the Peak District National Park. This rally is ideal for keen walkers and cyclists and for anyone wanting to tour the countryside: Dovedale, Matlock Bath, Haddon Hall and

Chatsworth are all within easy reach. Max 15 ELECTRICS BUT NO WASHBLOCK RM: Anthony & Joanna Johnson

Tue 4 to Sun 9 June

Steeple Returning to this site with stunning views over the Blackwater Estuary. The riverside towns of Maldon and

Burnham on Crouch only 20 minutes

away. Max 15

RM: Roger & Christine Restell

Thu 6 to Tue 11 June

Duke of Wellington Minnows is a small intimate touring park beside the Grand Western

canal. There is a modern heated

toilet/ shower block with disabled room. Minnows is conveniently located between Tiverton and Wellington in open countryside just 3/4 mile from the M5. Max 13

RM: Paul & Christine Brunsch

Thu 13 to Tue 18 June

Severnvale Small quality commercial site, owned by ex-Rotarian, hook-up, heated toilet block. 1 mile M5-J13. Close to Cotswolds, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Bristol, Berkeley Castle, Slimbridge.

WWT Visit. Hidden Gardens of

Frampton on Severn on Sunday 15th+delightful gardens in this jewel of a village with longest village green in England. Max 20

RM: Derek & Gill Rogers

South Wales Holiday

Mon 17 to Sat 22 June

Pen y Fan Rally at Pen y Fan Caravan Park near

Blackwood. Trace the heritage of the South Wales Valleys. Easy access to

places of interest. Explore castles, Brecon Beacons National Park and the attractions of Cardiff. Good shopping centres within easy travelling distance. Full facilities on site with own pub/restaurant. Max 20

RM: Mike Spencer

Sat 22 to Thu 27 June

Picturesque Pembroke We return by popular demand to Windmill Hill Farm, near the picturesque Medieval/Georgian town of Pembroke. This beauti ful landscaped, friendly, family run site has full facilities with hardstandings.

Nearby is the truly spectacular Pembrokeshire Coast with ancient castles, sandy beaches and lovely walks. Max 20

RM: John & Dot Edwards Follow on at Swansea Bay.

Sun 23 to Fri 28 June

Middle England Golf Non golfers are welcome at this

rally based in the middle of England (Meriden). Easy access to Coventry, Leamington Spa, Solihull, Birmingham, and many local tourist attractions. Golf in the mornings leaving rest of the day free. Max 10

RM: Bruce & Sue Liddle Look for updates on the website

To obtain Booking Forms

1.Download from Club website

2.Request by email. RM & BO email addresses from Directory

3.Request by post but include. SAE RM & BO addresses from Directory

Rally Programme 2013

RM and BO Contact


Available from your


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Follow on from Picturesque Pembroke

Thu 27 June to Tue 2 July

Swansea Bay On the Gowerton CC site with easy access to the extended Swansea Bay area with the coastline and castles of Gower; the town centre shopping of Swansea with its renowned market,

and the out-of-town shopping delights of the lower Swansea Valley and Llanelli. Further afield visit waterfalls and the Brecon Beacons. Max 20

RM: John Lomax

Thu 4 to Tue 9 July

Lichfield City Return visit to a full facility site one mile from the centre of Lichfield. Fine

views and lots to do during this period including the well known Cars in the Park event organised by local Rotary Clubs. Also the Lichfield Arts Festival Max 20

RM: Alan Robinson

Follow on from Lichfield City 30 miles

Tue 9 to Sun 14 July

Claverley Claverley is a small village on the Shropshire/Staffordshire border. Ironbridge, Bridgenorth, Severn Val ley Rai lway, RAF Cosford (museum) and David Austin Roses all nearby. Max 22 LIMITED ELECTRICS

RM: Derrick & Sheila Sanders.

Thu 11 to Thu 18 July

Holt Rugby Club, Norfolk Close to the North Norfolk Coast, Cromer and Sheringham. Many attractions including North Norfolk Steam Railway, End of Pier Show at Cromer and Thursford in the summer.

We have use of clubroom and toilet facilities. Max 25 NO ELECTRICS battery charging available

RM: Mike & Barbara Segon

Fri 26 July to Fri 2 August

Family Rally At Blackford, Somerset, in the relaxed grounds of Hugh Sexey’s School. Come and enjoy with your

children or grandchildren. Swimming, sandcastles, sports and, of course, food & fellowship. Max 30 NO ELECTRICS

RM: Judy Maynard & Clive Little

Thu 8 to Tue 13 August

Heart of the Fens Rally will be held at Spalding Yacht

Club on the banks of the River Welland. The club allows use of the showers and toilets. Local visits will be arranged. Max 15 NO ELECTRICS

RM: Terry and Carole Cooke

Fri 16 to Wed 21 August

Ashbourne Long established rally. Green field site. Scenery, walks, cycle trails. Places to visit: Chatsworth, Bakewell, Matlock, Kedleston Hall, Calke Abbey, Sudbury and Chrich Tram Museum Max 25 NO ELECTRICS

RM: David Huxley

Thu 29 Aug to Tue 3 Sept

Robin Hood Adjacent to the National Watersports

Centre, five miles South of Nottingham. This rally provides easy access to Nottingham and the surrounding area. Max 20

RM: Derrick & Marilyn Nurse

BO: Bruce & Sue Liddle

Thu 5 to Tue 10 September

Rosedale Park Wrexham At Rosedale Caravan Park Overton which is situated in beautiful countryside on the Wales/Shropshire

Border near to Ellesmere (capital of Shropshire's Lake District) and

Llangollen by the River Dee. Max 15 RM: John Walgrove BO: Paul Quinlan

Thu 12 to Tue 17 September

Jack & Jill A Pre Fellowship rally on a new small charity owned site at Keymer, Sussex. In sight of Jack & Jill Windmills and close to Bluebell Steam

Railway and Brighton. Fabulous new loos. Good for dogs and great local pub. Max 12

RM: John & Rosemary Barber.

Sat 14 to Thu 19 September

Hardwick Park Witney Site used in 2011 quite close to Oxford. Being organised by District

1090 it is sure to be a good pre Autumn Fellowship rally. Max 20

RM: Clifford Dorling

Thu 19 to Tue 24 September

Autumn Fellowship A return to Brean but to a new

venue offering hardstandings and

electric hook-up for all vans.

Entertainment within easy reach.

Max Unlimited

RM: Tony Rawlings

BO: Judy Maynard

Thu 10 to Tue 15 October

Return to Stonham Barns 1080/1240 District Lunch support rally in the heart of Suffolk with Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket all

within easy reach. Max 15 RM: Roger & Christine Restell

Thu 10 to Tue 15 October

Cotswold Water Park An informal rally at the Cotswold Water Park where we held our AF a few years ago. It is being run by Districts 1100 & 1200. This is an attractive site in an accessible and interesting area. The District 1200

Conference is being held at the Four Pillars Hotel just down the road. Max 20 NO DOGS ON THE SITE

RM: Bob & Carole Wright BO: Philip Cary

Fri 11 to Thu 17 October

Return to Chipping On the edge of Chipping Village; all level hard pitches; under floor heating in toilet block; modern Village Hall for our events; free bowling green; great views. Max 21

RM: David Shaw Follow on at Autumn Tints.

Thu 17 to Tue 22 October

Autumn Tints Come and join us on this site on the Lowland Fells just north of Kendal, and see the Lakes at their colourful best. The rally programme affords lots of time to enjoy fun food and fellowship. Max 25

RM: Duncan Dearden

Thu 28 Nov to Tue 3 Dec

Thursford Christmas

Spectacular Thursford's Christmas Spectacular features Phil Kelsall on the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ and the cast of over 100 Dancers, Singers, and Musicians are West End Quality. A full evening

p rogramme i s p l anned . A l l hardstanding with 16 amp electrics. Toilet/showerblock and clubhouse. Early booking please Max 32

RM: Mike and Barbara Segon

Mon 30 Dec to Sat 4 Jan 2014

Tallington Lakes, New Year Excellent site with full facilities - used for New Year Rally in 2011/2012, can

be viewed on Tallington Lakes web page. Full Festive programme p l anned - fe l l owsh i p and f un guaranteed. Close to Stamford, Peterborough, Melton Mowbray, Camb r i d g e . Ea r l y b o o k i ngs appreciated. Max 21

RM: Keven & Barbara Roberts

Rally Programme continued

For any other 2013

rallies or for updates look on the Website or

contact the Rally Programme Secretary


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Rally Programme continued Member to Member 2014

Thu 15 to Tue 20 May

AGM 2014 At Applewood Caravan & Camping Park Banham Norfolk. A return to the South Norfolk site of Banham for the

AGM. Site provides good facilities for the meeting and soc ia l is ing Max Unlimited

RM: Gwyn Weallans

Thu 18 to Tue 23 September

Autumn Fellowship 2014 At Freshwater Beach Holiday Park Burton Bradstock Bridport Dorset Once again the A F will be held in

West Dorset, a most beautiful part of the Heritage Coast- you will all remember the 2011 AF. A full programme will be put on, similar lines to last time. Looking forward to seeing you there.

RM: Peter Jennings

BO: John Dobinson

Following details are indicative only and the organiser is looking for

feedback from interested travellers

before finalising the programme. Anyone considering attending the

International Convention and joining the Muster should contact John Spath ([email protected]) for

more detailed information.

28 May to 10 June 2014

International Convention

Muster — Sydney The o rgan i se r o f t he 2014 International Convention Muster of the RVFR (Australia) has provided the following proposed programme: Enjoy the Convention and take in

Sydney at your leisure with some organised activities such as a Cruise on the Harbour, a Fellowship Dinner and a vis it through Sydney. Accommodation has been booked at Lane Cove National Park near the

Homebush Convention Site. Transport to and from the Convention will be provided.

10 June to 20 June 2014 After 10 June leave Sydney travelling west through the Blue Mountains and then heading north through the middle of New South Wales to Armidale and then onto the coast at Coffs Harbour or Port Macquarie and then north to the Gold Coast and into

Brisbane, probably taking about 10 days.

20 June to 4/11 July 2014 There is then the option of joining another muster for 2 or 3 weeks, travelling up to Cairns.

Dear Gerard,

Although it is some time since we

were able to caravan we still follow

the activities of ICFR through News

and Views. I still believe that ICFR is

the best part of Rotary. Many thanks

for your work for the Fellowship.

Frank Ashworth.

Dear Gerard

I hope you can find space in the

Summer edition of News and Views

for this letter.

The past four months have been

horrendous as far as Enid and I are

concerned. Enid was taken into

hospital on 15 December and since

then has been in for three very

serious but unrelated problems.

Thankfully, she is home today.

I have also been debilitated and was

taken in with pleurisy/pneumonia and

only returned home on 26 March.

Very regretfully, this means that forty

-five years of caravanning more than

half of them in our fantastic ICFR are


The many lifelong friends we have

made and the companionship we

have received makes us feel

privileged and proud to have

belonged to such an organisation. We

are of course going to remain

members and hopefully will attend

district lunches; and also look

forward to receiving and reading

News and Views.

Yours very sincerely

Geoff and Enid Travis, District 1180

Rally Planner

by John Stone

[John is an very experienced Chef and Rally Planner who has been kind enough to share his expertise with those of us who struggle to cater on


How much milk will l need?

1Pt = 24 cups

What is the ratio of Tea to Coffee

for the Coffee Mornings?

9O % coffee 10% tea

How far do Coffee and tea bags


Coffee 1 teaspoon = 2g so 100g jar gives 50 cups (Remember a pot of tea cuts down the amount of tea bags. 5 bags =12 cups)

How much Bread do I need?

Bread 20 slices to a medium loaf.

French sticks 8 to a stick

How much Cheese for the Cheese & Wine?

2 to 3 oz per head but do cut it up into fingers as the average customer will cut more from the piece than you


How much wine for the Cheese & Wine?

75cl bottle = 6 glasses,

3lt box =20 glasses & 5lt box = 32 Boxes are the best buy & poor wine is

never boxed. Don’t forget some people don’t drink alcohol so do provide soft (and low calorie) drinks

Congratulations Norman and Barbara Jarvis

On the 5th April Norman Jarvis & Barbara Coull of district 1120 got married

at St Marys Church Orlestone. Don Jeffrey

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Mobile phone security With mobile phones becoming more valuable and

containing more information they are now becoming

desirable to thieves and as such, we are seeing a steady

rise in thefts. There are some simple things you can do

to make it difficult for the thief:

Many people use their mobile phones at rail, tube stations and

other crowded places – thieves know this, so if you need to make

a call, be aware of your surroundings.

Try not to walk and talk, you won’t be paying any attention to

what is going on around you.

If you have a recognisable expensive phone, don’t use the

headphones it came with as it says to potential thieves "Hey

look, I've got this really expensive phone right here...”

Never leave your mobile phone on counter tops, or tables in

coffee shops, pubs and restaurants

Keep a record of your phone’s unique reference number

(IMEI), some networks can permanently disable the handset if it

stolen. To get this, dial *#06#

Record the model, phone number and PIN number details.

Keep them somewhere safe

Always use the phone’s security lock or PIN number

Use an ultra violet property marker. Put your post code and

house number underneath the battery and on the back of the

battery itself

Register the phone with the Service Provider. If the phone is

reported stolen the SIM card can be blocked

If you have a 4th generation IPhone how about downloading the

free "Find my phone" App, (other makes of phone may have

similar services available).

Lastly don’t forget many mobile phones are mini computers and

contain confidential information which could be useful to a

potential thief.

Essex Police Essex Watch - Chelmsford District

Quality of life Team


90th Birthday 21/01/2013

Mary Brown, District 1120

Rotarian Harry Peachey. PHF.

Ludlow. D.1210

It was with much sadness that members of ICFR heard that Harry had died on the 6th January 2013. He was aged 91 years.

His Funeral at St Laurence Parish Church Ludlow on the 22nd January 2013 was well attended. The Rotary Club of Ludlow and Members of ICFR were well represented in the Congregation.

Harry will be long remembered for his Rallies held in

Ludlow and for his active support of ICFR throughout his many years as a member.

We extend to Jean and the family our sincere condolences.

Ken Roberts

A simple and cost effective

security idea

Buy a pair of 38mm padlocks (Poundshop)

The two rear steadies on my van have Two holes in

place already, so when the steadies are wound down

and the van is level fix the padlock through both holes

Submitted by President Peter

Don Cameron

Having lost Jackie so recently it was very sad to hear from their daughter that Don has also passed away.

They were a lovely friendly couple with a well restored caravan that took many back to their very early days of caravanning. Jackie carefully took photos to remind herself of people’s names and Don followed behind explaining what was happening.

I will miss their company on rallies.

Gerard Turley

In Memoriam

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[Many will know that Dorothy and Richard Swainston

are intrepid explorers visiting parts of the world others only see on maps.

As part of this wanderlust they also spend many

winters in the Spanish Costas joined by other intrepid members of ICFR.

At my request they have penned this report to let us know what they get up to. Ed]

We left for Spain straight from the Mack’s and Cary’s excellent New Year Rally in Bath.

Three days later we arrived in Javea to beautiful

sunshine. “Hello Sun “

We are part of the walking group from the Javea Baptist Church. So 26 of us all of a certain age set off for a trip to the Chocolate Factory. Oh yes that is right we were having a different walking experience this time.

We caught a train from Gata to Benidorm changing there for Villajoyosa. A quick cup of coffee with a brandy and a cake before the 10 minute walk to the Chocolate Factory. (It is a walking group ).

A film in English explaining the processes and history of

the family owned factory. “In 1881 Valeriano Lopez Lloret founded the small family business, Chocolates

Valor, a noble tradition to be followed by generation after generation.” This was followed by a tour finishing up at the Factory Shop. Samples of every type and kind of chocolate made there! Mountains of it!

A friend took Dorothy’s picture there and by a co-incidence Richard is standing with his Halo showing.

We left the factory and made our way down through the narrow streets to the sea front to spend two hours

wining, dining and enjoying the views.

We staggered back through the narrow streets to see once again the painted houses in the old town on our way back to the train station.

Back into Camping Javea at 6:30 to find a note pinned in the awning “Come around for sundowners” we did

not bother to unlock the caravan but went straight around.

A long day but we slept well.

We are an ever varying group here in Javea at the

Camping Javea site.

Javea (or Xabia in Valenciana) is a small seaside town about 30 miles north of Benidorn. It has a small harbour, a marina, a beach, an interesting old town as

well as a good selection of supermarkets. All within walking distance of the site as also are numerous restaurants and a cinema (pictures in English three nights a week).

There are other places to visit in the area such as Castel de Guadalest (a pretty mountain village with an interesting history and spectacular views), also

Benidorm which has excellent entertainment and a nice


The buses and trains are not free but are cheap. A trip to Benidorm from Denia on the Orange Blossom train is only 1.65€ (for a pensionisto)

People leave and people arrive at the site, the card

games and nights out expand and contract like the tide. The excursions to the cinema likewise.

Our group consists mainly of Rotarians, Masons and Probus members from different parts of the UK supplemented by the occasional Belgian or German. A fairly large proportion of the British contingent are

members of ICFR.

We also have friends who live here in Javea and the surrounding towns of Denia Morora and Calpe. We tend to meet up with the residents at the Rotary Clubs of Javea, Denia and Calpe where Dorothy winds up the more sedate members of our group by referring to us as “Trailer Park Trash.”

We do fund raising here but on a gentle scale with

Charity Auctions being the favourite method.

Also here Dorothy is a member with her own badge. I

wonder if this means she can attend at Didcot as a visiting Rotarian?

Our daily routine tends to be a trip out and lunch somewhere then back to lie in the sun and have a doze

over a book and a drink. This is to rest us and make us sharp for the card games. No money at stake but prestige and honour. It’s a hard life.

The weak pound has again put the costs up this year so what previously was a 9€ lunch (£6) is now a 10€ lunch (£9). The same with food and site fees so we will be giving it a miss next year! Also something to do with

being President!

Monday afternoons, well that is Zumba dancing for golden girls, a 15 minute walk up the hill to the venue (which took Dorothy 30mins when she first got here).

Three ladies from ICFR joined Dorothy in the Zumba dancing. They Zumbad things they did not know they had and things that have not moved in years. They had

such a good laugh and for one hour they moved everything!, at least it was all downhill going back to the van.

One Tuesday a real Mountain Walk only David and Jane Mack accompanied us as it was a real walk along the coast and visiting a cove which was quite a scramble.

This finished at a bar just like an ICFR walk.

by Richard and Dot Swainston

A Report from the Costas

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Our own Keven Roberts and the Princess Royal

Three Lincolnshire sailors were presented with two of the Royal

Yachting Association’s most prestigious awards by HRH the

Princess Royal, President of the RYA, at the organisation’s

annual awards ceremony at London’s One Great George Street

on Friday (23rd November).

Hykeham Sailing Club stalwart, Peter Bayliss, was awarded with

a Lifetime Commitment Award, while Hykeham Sailability

chairman, Keven Roberts, received an Outstanding Contribution

Award, the same award also presented to Witham Sailing Club’s

Paul Burton.

The trio were nominated for their awards by their sailing clubs

and selected as winners by the Awards panel. A total of 56

voluntary awards were presented to winners hailing from across

the UK from as far afield as Cornwall to Argyll.

Peter, who started sailing in the RAF 50 years ago before joining

the Lindum Sailing Club, one of two clubs that amalgamated to

form Hykeham SC, in 1982, can still be found at the club more

days than not. His great and continuing contribution can’t be

underestimated. He has been involved in most club activities,

including the ongoing relationship with the RYA East Midlands

Regional Committee, and is presently the club’s Training Officer

and Bosun.

Despite not being a sailor himself, Keven set-up Hykeham

Sailability from scratch in 2009 to provide sailing opportunities for

disabled people around Lincolnshire. He has secured many tens

of thousands of pounds of funding, inspired and trained

numerous volunteers and worked tirelessly to establish what is

now a thriving vibrant Sailability group. Keven’s work has

enabled a new group of disabled sailors to access the freedom of


Meanwhile, when Witham SC was in danger of closing a few

years ago Paul led the remaining members in devising a club

development plan to turn the situation around. He led the club in

organising open days, recruitment events and kick started the

social programme. He put himself through the Senior Instructor

course so the club could become an RYA Training Centre and

has also organised the club’s grant applications. The club is now

in a far stronger position than in previous years.

Peter said: “I get tremendous satisfaction in teaching newcomers

to sail safely. As well as still sailing and racing I organise the club

training programme and assist with the Lincoln and District

Sailing Association, which teaches sailing to schoolchildren, and

run the Lincolnshire Junior Sailing Championships. Sailing is a

good way to meet and make new friends, with friendly

competition. It’s a great outdoor sport. It is nice to know the RYA

appreciates the effort and commitment put in by all volunteers. I

consider this award pride in what I’ve achieved over the years.”

Keven said: “For our disabled sailors the sport provides an

opportunity to be independent when so often they are very

dependent on others. When a sailor spends a large part of the

week in pain and in bed it is humbling to see them enjoying a sail

or the young blind man who goes out independently in a boat

leaving his guide dog waiting for him on the shore. When we set

out we had no boats, no equipment, no sailing expertise, no

volunteers and no potential Sailability members. We are now a

fully affiliated Sailability club with boats, equipment, a senior

instructor and other experienced sailors and regular members

with disabilities and volunteers. This award is recognition of all

the work our volunteers put in each week to enable there to be

Sailability in Lincolnshire.”

Peter, Keven and Paul, along with the other RYA Award winners,

enjoyed a celebratory lunch in the presence of HRH the Princess

Royal and were presented with a commemorative medallion and

certificate each.

Sarah Treseder, RYA Chief Executive says “The RYA is

delighted to make this award in recognition of Peter, Keven and

Paul’s enthusiasm, promotion of our sport and many years’

contribution to the East Midlands’ boating scene. The 56 RYA

winners are an inspiration to us all and it is my pleasure to

recognise and celebrate their hard work and dedication.”

Press Release from the Royal Yachting Association


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Page 29

Decaravan, Downsize and Depart.

The time arrives when, not only have you given up your

caravan, but you have to give serious consideration to

the next moves in your lives. The garden, indeed any

garden, is too big: the house is too big and you discover

that your family (who have not told you anything about

this) appear to live further away than before and wish to

stress upon you that it is necessary for you to move

nearer to them in case of some undisclosed problems.

After many family discussions you make all the decisions

that are going to lead to a complete change in your lives

– you downsize to an apartment specially designed for

people in your circumstances, you move away from your

friends of many year’s standing and you do, as you have

always done, adapt to all the changes.

Fear not! In a short time you will wish that you had kept

a record of the many interesting and often amusing

incidents that occur in you new life. Here is one of ours.

Door bell of apartment rings. “May I borrow your

husband?” I am called and I must go to my neighbour’s

apartment to discover that she has been trying to open

her wine box and has damaged the tap and cannot get at

the contents. We go to the recycling area of our

apartment block and select four suitable bottles. She sets

to work washing the bottles while I locate a suitable jug

and find a funnel. Carefully we dispense the wine into the

newly washed bottles. We discover that only a small

quantity of the wine has been lost and we make her

kitchen tidy. As I leave she hands me one of the bottles

remarking, “this wine has a sharp fruity flavour along

with spicy overtones and an aftertaste of washing up


One of the Ancients Regime, Name and address supplied


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Diana’s Cookery Page The first three of these recipes are probably best hade at

home but the final three recipes can all be made easily

in the caravan. Apologies for some recipes being in

metric and others in imperial measures. Diana

Courgette Tea Bread 350gr (12oz) Plain Flour 350g (12oz) Caster Sugar 7 5ml (1½ level teasp) Baking


5ml (1 level teasp) Salt 175g (6oz) Shelled Walnuts roughly chopped 4 Eggs lightly beaten

150ml (¼pint) Vegetable Oil 350g (12oz) Courgettes grated 10ml (2teasp) Grated Lemon or Orange Rind

Grease 2 x 700g (1½lb) Loaf Tins or 3 x 1lb Tins

Sift the Flour, Sugar, Baking Powder and Salt into a bowl

and stir in the walnuts. Mix the eggs, oil, courgettes and

lemon rind. Add to the dry ingredients all at once and

stir until just moistened. Spread mixture evenly in the

tins. Bake at 180C (350F) mark 4 for 1 hour. Cool in the

tins for 10mins. Then turn out and leave to cool


From Maureen Smith

Glamorgan Sausages (suitable for vegetarians)

5oz. (150g) fresh breadcrumbs 1 small leek finely chopped 3oz (75g) Caerphilly (or other crumbly) cheese, grated 1tblsp chopped fresh parsley Salt and pepper Pinch of dry mustard 3 eggs

Flour Oil or bacon fat for frying

Extra breadcrumbs to coat.

Mix together the breadcrumbs, leek, cheese, parsley,

seasonings and mustard. Beat together 2 eggs and 1

yolk and use this to bind the mixture, adding a little milk

if the mixture is still too dry to hold together. Divide into

12, roll into sausage shapes and toss in flour. Beat the

remaining egg white until frothy, brush over the

sausages then coat them in the extra breadcrumbs. Chill

them in the fridge for 20/30 minutes. Fry gently in oil or

bacon fat until crisp and golden brown on all sides.

Serve with a warm plum or fruity chutney with new

potatoes, a salad or fresh vegetables.

Tomato chutney 500g finely sliced red onions 1kg chopped ripe tomatoes 4 garlic cloves, chopped 1 red chilli – chopped (optional) 4cm [piece of ginger, peeled and


250g brown sugar 150ml red wine vinegar

Small teas. paprika pepper

Tip all the ingredients into a large heavy based pan and bring to a gentle simmer, stirring frequently. Simmer

for about an hour then bring to a gentle boil so that the mixture turns dark, jammy and shiny. Spoon into sterilised jars and allow to cool before covering.

Potato farls 2lbs floury potatoes, peeled and


2oz melted butter Approx. 2/3 tblsp flour Slug of olive oil Butter for frying

Cook potatoes in salted water

until tender. Drain and put back

in pan with lid on to dry out. While still

warm, mash, and transfer to a bowl. Add a pinch of sea

salt and pour over melted butter and 2 tblsp flour.

Lightly mix and work in flour to make a soft dough. Use

more flour if necessary. Turn mixture out onto a board

and pat into a thick round. Slice into quarters, heat oil

in pan and fry gently until underside is golden. Turn

them over and cook on other side. Add more oil if

necessary. Serve warm with cold meats and pickles as a

supper dish.

Raid-the-cupboard tuna sweetcorn cakes about one pound of potatoes 2 tblsp mayonnaise

2 small tins of tuna

1 small can of sweetcorn Small bunch of chives or parsley

(or 1 teasp dried from a jar) 2 eggs beaten Handful of breadcrumbs Oil for frying

Cook the potatoes in salted water until really tender.

Drain and allow to steam dry. Season and mash. Stir

in mayonnaise, tuna, sweetcorn and herbs. Shape into

four cakes and chill until cold and firm. Dip each cake

into the egg, then coat with the breadcrumbs. Heat a

little oil and gently fry the cakes on each side until

golden . Serve with salad leaves, extra mayonnaise or


Fastest-ever lemon pudding 100g caster sugar 100g softened butter 100g S.R. flour 2 eggs Zest one lemon, with juice 4 tblsp . lemon curd

Ice cream or cream to serve.

Mix sugar, butter, flour, eggs,

lemon zest and 1 teasp lemon juice until creamy, then

spoon into a medium micro-wave proof dish. Microwave

on high for 3 mins Turn halfway through cooking until

risen and set all the way through. Leave to stand for

one minute. Meanwhile, heat the lemon curd for 30

secs in the microwave and stir until smooth. Pour all

over the top of the pudding and serve with a dollop of

cream or scoop of ice cream.

Alternatively, omit the lemon zest and juice and beat in

25g. cocoa powder and pour over chocolate sauce at the

end of cooking.

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