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    Summer Art Camp 2019Teens

    Fuller Lodge Art Center2132 Central Ave.

    Los Alamos, NM 87544(505) 662-1635

    Week 1 (June 3-7) 9 am to 12 pm: Art Clocks with Reverse Glass Painting (Deborah Brink)- Design and make an art clock, using a reverse glass painting technique on Plexiglass. Students will take home a fun and functional clock to hang on their wall. 1 pm to 4 pm: Everything Duct Tape (Eben Bold)- In this class students will learn the basic fundamentals of how to work with duct tape and receive instruction on how to make a variety of duct tape crafts. Such crafts will include wallets, flowers, animals, and sushi.

    Week 2 (June 10-14) 9 am to 12 pm: The Broformers Junior Circus 9 am to 12 pm: The Broformers Junior Circus (Eben Bold)- The Broformers are here to teach the next generation of young circus performers! This is a wonderful class if you want to learn juggling, balance, and other mesmerizing acts! Boys and girls step right up and learn how to be an honorary Junior Juggler! 1 pm to 4 pm: Basic Beading and Wire Wrap (Eliana Drew)- This innovative class will take you from basic beading techniques to wire wrapping. You will create a lovely beaded bracelet, and a coordinating beaded necklace with a unique wire wrapped pendant. This class is geared toward participants who have never made their own jewelry and will open up a world of possibilities.

    WWeek 3 (June 17-21) 9 am to 12 pm: Collage Creations (Jacob Spill)- Lots of playing with scissors and glue as well as some collage drawings 1 pm to 4 pm: Dry Erase Board and Claymation Stop Motion for Smart Phones and Tablets (inc. Kindle Fire) (Karen Trythall)- We will use dry erase boards and markers as well as modeling clay, pipe cleaners, pom poms, and hot glue to make narrated stop motion clips. We begin with stories and drawing storyboards. Then we will work on simple dry erase clips and experiment with narration. We will create Claymation characters and portable stop motion sets in “clam” boxes.

    Week 4 (June 24-28) 9 am to 12 pm: Comics and Manga 9 am to 12 pm: Comics and Manga (Jacob Spill)- We will be making comics, developing characters, learning how to market yourself, and other tricks of the trade. 1 pm to 4 pm: Writing Unforgettable Characters (David Daniel)- For aspiring authors and content creators, this course is a deep dive into the methods of fleshing out and staying true to characters in fiction. Whether fantasy, science-fiction, or contemporary, students in this course will explore a variety of techniques and exercises for creating rich and vibrant characters that live on and off the page. Work with peers to create and critique new work. Connect with fellow authors in the local area to provide continued support even after the course is over.

    Week 5 (July 1- July 3) 9 am to 12 pm: Basic Henna Instruction (Heather Beemer)- History of Henna and how to make and apply designs. 1 pm to 4 pm: Preparing Monologues 1 pm to 4 pm: Preparing Monologues (David Daniel)- AUDITION NOTICE! If you aren't sure what to do when you see these two words, then this course is a great place to start. Focusing especially on the rigorous and sometimes stressful process of auditioning, students will learn how to select, analyze, and perform short monologues. Students will perform and provide useful feedback to fellow performers that will end with a polished monologue for use at auditions, as well as a command for the stage when performing solo.

  • Week 6 (July 8-12) 9 am to 12 pm: Basics of Shakespeare (David Daniel)- If the Bard hast ever intimidated thee, then thou shouldst take this course! Students will learn how to read and perform classic works of Shakespeare, as well as begin to create their own plays written in the iconic style of the great Bard. Expand your horizons and learn why these fantastic theatrical works have endured even to the modern day. Prepare and perform a soliloquy or monologue by the end of the course. Share this oft-misunderstood passion with friends and family. Learn the sickest burns of the 16th century! Verily. 1 pm to 4 pm: All-Over Realist/Surrealist Doodling Afternoons (Karen Trythall)- This doodling workshop will give you the time, space and materials to intensely doodle on pages, fabrics and other surfaces. We will use realistic and surrealistic ink drawings with patterned backgrounds to grow rows of “things” into all over unique textures. Bring your own white 100% COTTON t-shirt, scarf, pillowcase, or another surface to draw on for a final piece.

    Week 7 (July 15-19) 9 am to 12 pm: Fiber Arts Ornaments (Samuel Buelow)- In this class, we will explore a number of fiber arts techniques including needle felting, Temari balls, embroidery, and needle tatting. We will use these techniques to make small projects that can be used as ornaments or jewelry. 1 pm to 4 pm: Fairy Tales: Creative Writing and Performance (Samuel Buelow)- Most of us grow up with fairy tales, but the genre is not just for little kids. In this class, we will go beyond Disney; examine fairy tales, folk tales, and urban legends; write our own tales, and learn about and practice storytelling.

    Week 8 (July 22-26) 9 am to 12 pm: 9 am to 12 pm: Typography of Today (Marshall Jansen)- This class will focus on how to put that personal touch into projects and bring out your style into the everyday alphabet to make things from stylized personal cards to presentations that pop. 1 pm to 4 pm: Movie Making Magic (Jacob Spill)- Wouldn’t you just love to star in a movie created by you and your classmates? Well, prepare yourself for a week of lights, camera, action! We will be creating movie props, set design, and of course, acting. At the end of the week, we will have completed a short film ready for you, your family, and friends to enjoy. (Note to parents, mild violence and use of prop weapons will be used in the movie. We will be making a Sci-Fi B-Movie)

    Week 9 (July 29-August 2) 9 am to 12 pm: Basic Theatrical Design (David Daniel)- Help Build STAR WARS sets!: For any student that loves the theater, but hates the stage, this course will cover the basics of theatrical design and stage management through practical construction of props and small set pieces for the upcoming production of Star Wars: Verily A New Hope, the Shakespearean retelling of the beloved science fiction film classic. Explore the techniques and tricks used for setting the stage for any production, big or small. Perfect for visual artists and those interested in learning to direct theater. 1 pm to 4 pm: Draw, Pastel, and Paint from Observation (Karen Trythall)- We will draw and sketch small objects and outdoor scenery. Then we will work with multiple mediums, drawing from models and landscapes. By mid-week, we’ll use watercolor pencils, watercolors, and ink for still life’s inside as well as Ashley Pond gardens outside. On Thursday and Friday, we will paint in acrylic from things and places.
