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Page 1: Summer Homework 8th Class


THE MISANTHROPE* A misanthrope is someone who dislikes or distrusts other people.

TASK 1. Read the first part of the story. Decide who is the misanthrope, the writer or his fellow passenger. ………………………

PART 1The compartment was empty. I sat down by the window and opened a book. The door slid open and a man with a large suitcase came in. I returned to my reading, as I had no wish to talk. It was bad enough to lose one's privacy. 'You've got my seat.' 'Your seat?' 'Please check.' I'd forgotten where I'd put my ticket. Eventually I found it. 'You should be occupying seat number 34 and this is my seat, number 39.'

I moved to the place opposite. I didn't want to leave the window because I like to look out at the countryside. 'Your luggage.' 'My luggage?'He pointed to the luggage rack. 'Ah, you mean my coat.' 'That is luggage, according to the regulations, since it's occupying space intended for luggage.' I removed my coat. He put his suitcase in its place with some effort, lecturing me meanwhile about that particular space being reserved for the exclusive use of the passenger in seat number 39.

TASK 2. Which statements do you think the writer and the fellow passenger would agree with?

…………….. 1 Rules and regulations are always a nuisance.…………….. 2 It is important to obey rules at all times.…………….. 3 There are circumstances when rules can be broken.…………….. 4 Rules and regulations are to help people.…………….. 5 Rules and regulations are to control irresponsible people.Now read the second part of the story and check.

PART 2 The train moved off somewhat abruptly. I was looking out of the window. 'You've taken seat number 38.' I looked at the seat number attached to the headrest behind me and found that that was indeed the case. 'Seat number 34 is over there.'He pointed to a seat by the door. 'Does it matter? The compartment's almost empty.' 'It's the principle that matters.' I had a choice: I could either start an argument with this maniac or give in. He would be pleased whichever I did, though for different reasons. I therefore decided to leave the compartment. I got up, and nearly lost my balance. The train had accelerated suddenly, and the carriage jerked. The suitcase above his head shifted almost to the edge of the rack. I realized I should await further developments.

I moved to seat number 34 without a word. It was less convenient for looking at the countryside, certainly, but it gave me a better - that is, a diagonal -view of my fellow passenger's suitcase. The train slowed down and the suitcase retreated. I began to wonder if my calculations were correct: one had to take slowing down into account. Should I leave after all? 'As I was saying, one has to follow the rules,' he reproved me. That decided me, and I stayed put. After all, the train hadn't reached full speed yet, and one could always hope. I closed my eyes. Dozing is a third pleasure to be had on train journeys, after reading and looking out of the window. But I wasn't dozing. I was watching the luggage rack from under half-closed lids without attracting his attention, something I could not have done if I were either reading or looking out of the window.

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TASK 3. Answer the questions.1. What 'principle' is the man talking about?………………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Why do you think he would be 'pleased' if the writer either started an argument or left the compartment? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 What do you think his 'calculations' are about?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4 What does he 'hope' will happen?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Now read the third part of the story.'

PART 3 My calculations were proving correct. Slowly but surely the suitcase was moving towards the edge again. An intense understanding had sprung up between me and its centre of gravity. The moment was approaching. And yet I decided to give him a chance. I was not moved by any humanitarian reasons, still less by the love of an individual. It was mere curiosity. 'It seems you like to obey rules. Could I ask you why?' He grew animated. It was obviously his favourite subject. 'Rules are necessary for keeping order. Without them we'd be in a mess.' 'In that case, let me make a suggestion: let's swap tickets. Then I can take your place and you can take mine. That way we won't break the rules, as there are no names on the tickets. What do you say?'He was taken aback, and remained silent for a while. 'But why?''Because I like to sit by the window. How about you?'I was waiting. If he admitted to liking it too, he would be saved. 'But number 39 belongs to me.'

'I understand. It would mean juggling with the rules. They can't be followed to the letter, by the nature of things, but that doesn't mean one should juggle with them. Is that how you see it?' 'Well, yes . . .' 'That means you identify rules with predestination.' 'With what?' 'With predestination, with Providence. Rules eliminate a free flow of events, or chance happenings, or chaos, and are thus a manifestation of destiny, the voice of Providence.' 'I don't quite follow . . .' 'I'm saying the same as you, only using different words. You say "order", I say "predestination"; you say "mess", I say "chaos". But it comes to the same thing. To you, rules have something divine about them. Now I see why you find them sacrosanct.' 'Rules are rules, and that's the end of it.' 'Very well,' I said, and closed my eyes to indicate that there was nothing more to be said. And so it proved.

TASK 4. Which of these statements best describes how the writer feels about the other passenger at this point in the story? …… (0.5 pt)

a) He is amused by the situation.b) He is irritated and just wants to enjoy the journey.c) The situation interests him and he wants to see what will happen.d) He is angry and he wants the man to suffer.

Which statement above describes how he felt at the beginning of the story? …… (0.5pt)

TASK 5. Can you guess how the story ends? Write the end of the story shortly. (3 pts)

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Starring: Eddie Murphy

Plot: John Doolittle is a successful doctor at work. One of his associates wants to sell their small hospital to a rich company. Without his consent they wouldn’t buy it. Although he isn’t against the sale, he doesn’t care for money so much. He seems to be an ideal doctor who is merciful to living things. At home he has a happy family. He has two daughters who are as weird as he is.The younger one is fond of animals and she doesn’t communicate with her peers. One day Dr. Doolittle runs his car into a dog and then suddenly he begins to understand animal talk. At first he can’t believe it, but when he is driving to the family camp, he realizes that he can communicate with his daughter’s pet (guinea rat) and he panics. In fact he used to talk to animals when he was a child and thinks it was weird. When animals know he is a doctor and can communicate with them, they ask for his help in many cases. Because he is a doctor, he can’t ignore them and tries to treat them. Among the animals he treats, there are birds, an owl, a horse, pigeons, dogs and even a rat. He also takes a tiger away from a zoo and operates on him in his clinic.People around him, even his wife, think he is weird and lunatic. So he is put in a mental hospital, which is managed by a doctor who studied together with Dr. Dolittle in the Medical School and was jealous of his success. He manages to get himself to be freed. But finally people understand that he is, in fact, gifted. Review: This is a comedy that you can watch with very close friends and you will not be bored. Moreover, you will definitely have fun if you understand the language. However, if you always look for reality in a movie, you may consider this one silly. There is a message in the film too: “Everyone has a weird side that they want to hide from people. If people know it, they will either laugh or degrade him/her. This may sometimes cause him/her to loose their social status. Yet sometimes this weirdness may, in fact, be giftedness. ”


TASK: Answer the questions after watching the film, write your answers QUESTIONS: 1. When did Dr. Doolittle realize that he could communicate with animals? What was his first reaction to this?2. How did he get out of the mental hospital?3. What was the contract about the clinic? Did he agree to sign the contract?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


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Task -1 Write a dialogue between agony aunt and a school boy Task -2 Read the given situation and write an e-mail and send it to your teacher.

You are at a summer camp. You aren’t very happy. A friend of yours didn’t come with you and you are writing this e-mail to him.Here are some of the things you don’t like. You can write more…

arrived three days ago a tennis-table for forty students came by bus a canteen bus trip took eight hours (only tea, biscuits and chocolate) bus had a flat tyre (waited one hour) terrible food very hot weather a TV set and video only a little cold drink (old films) stopped at a cafeteria for lunch reading for two hours

(only tea, piroshky and fruits) English and Turkish lessons stay at a hotel near the river free afternoons a swimming pool with no water go fishing (not much fish)

(cleaning) go for a walk(snakes, mosquitoes…)



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TASK 1 Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense.I was on time for my dentist’s appointment, but the dentist was still busy with another patient, so I _________________(1)(sit) in the waiting room and ________________________________ (2) (read) some of the old magazines lying there. While I _____________________ (3) (wonder) whether to leave come back another day, I _________________________ (4) (notice) a magazine article about teeth. It ____________________ (5) (begin): ‘How long is it since you last __________________ (6) (go) to the dentist? ________________________ (7) (you go) regularly every six months? Or _________________________ (8) (you put off) your visit for the last six years?’ Next to the article was a cartoon of a man in a dentist’s chair. The dentist ____________________ (9) (say): ‘ I’m afraid this _____________________ (10) (hurt).’ I ________________________ (11) (suddenly realize) that my tooth ________________________ (12) (stop) aching. But just as I ____________________ (13) (open) the door to leave, the dentist’s door __________________________________ (14) (open). ‘ Next please,’ he _____________________ (15) (call), as the previous patient __________________________ (16) (push) past me. ‘Actually, I’m not here to see you, I _________________________ (17) (wait) for my friend,’ I __________________________ (18) (shout), leaving rapidly as I could. ______________________________ (19) (you ever do) this kind of thing? Surely I can’t be the only person who ________________________________ (20) (hate) the dentists!

TASK 2 Look carefully at each line. Some lines are correct, but some have a word should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.Dear Harry,Do you remember me? _______________________We have met last year when you were on holiday _have__________________in Brighton. I’m sorry I haven’t been written to you 1 _______________________since by then. I have been working abroad and 2 _______________________I have only just come back home to England. 3 _______________________Next week I’m planning is to be in Bristol, and 4 _______________________I was thinking about that we could meet. 5 _______________________Do you remember Shirley, the girl we have met 6 _______________________In Brighton? We are getting married next month, 7 _______________________And we are want you to come to the wedding. 8 _______________________I have lost your phone number, but when 9 _______________________I have get to Bristol I’ll try to contact you. 10 _______________________It will be great to see you again. Are you still 11_______________________studying, or I have you found a job? 12_______________________You won’t recognise me when you will see me! 13 _______________________I had my hair cut last week, and now I look at 14 _______________________Completely different. Shirley doesn’t like men 15 _______________________With long hair, you see!Best wishes.


1 it’s a long time since / when I last saw you2 what exactly is this job involving / does this job involve?3 I’d like to stay longer. But I come / have come just for the weekend4 This new teaching job is really difficult, but I survive / I ma surviving5 What does it say / does it write on the notice?6 Don’t be so patient! I’ll just come / I’m just coming7 By the time Jean gets back, it’ll be / it will have been too late8 What do you think you’ll do / you’ll be doing in five years’ time?9 Quick, here comes a police car! What will we say / are we going to say about the broken window?10 I can’t believe it, inspector. You mean that Smith stole / has stolen / has been stealing money from the till

all the time!11 You three boys look very guilty! What did you do / have you done / have you been doing since I left / have

left the room12 what did you think / have you thought of Brighton? Did you stay / have you stayed there long?13 Can you remember what you were doing the time / usually / every day / at the time


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1.The teacher ………. attendance when I arrived.a)was taken b) was taking c) has taken d) were taking

2.Jane is a fashion designer, but currently she ……….. shoes.a)sold b) is selling c) was selling d)will sell

3.She prefers a place of her own ; for the time being , however, she ………. with her aunt.a)stayed b) has stayed c) was staying d) is staying

4.No wonder Mary is cross with you. You ………. to her for quite a long time .a)hadn’t written b) didn’t write c) haven’t written d) aren’t writing

5. I became concerned when he ………… home by midnight.a)wasn’t coming b) hasn’t come c) hadn’t come d) doesn’t come

6.The moment he ………… this message , he must call me.a)received b) will receive c) receives d) is receiving

7.I hope you……… the elections to be held soon.a)are winning b) will win c) have won d) won

8. Alice ……… in musical shows hundreds of times up till now.a)has danced b) has been dancing c) had danced d) danced 9. It’s the first time I……… Brazilian food.a)eat b) have eaten c) am eating d) ate

10.He ……….. me twice since he went to England.a)has called b) has been calling c) has been called d) called

11.When I went to London , I stayed at the same hotel where I ……. five years earlier. a) had stayed b) have been staying c) have stayed d) stayed 12 . He ……. to me several times this year. a) wrote b) has been writing c) had written d) has written

13. I ……….. Brazilian food up till now. a) never ate b) have never eaten c) had never eaten d) never eat 14. When you …….. you work , you can go out. a) finished b) have finished c) will finish d) had finished

15. Tell him I …… anything with him until I’ve spoken with my wife. a) don’t discuss b) haven’t discussed c) won’t discuss d) didn’t discuss

16. I’ll start cooking after I ……. a rest. a) had b) will have c) have had d) am having

17. When the war broke out , Mary ……… in Berlin for 6 years. a) lived b) had been living c) has been living d) was living

18. The system …….. surprisingly well up till now. a) works b) worked c) has worked d) is working

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19.He …… television before he went to bed. a) has been watching b) was watching c) watched d) has watched

20. They …… for ten days when they ran into a terrible storm. a) sailed b) had been sailing c) have sailed d) were sailing

21.Shuhrat…… hard for the last three days. a) worked b) has been working c) is working d) was working

22. He ….. three children so far. a) has b) had had c) has had d) had

23.Once you……. the examination , you’ll be able to relax. a) have taken b) have been taken c) took d) will have taken

24.He’s very good player . He………. consistently well recently . a) is playing b) has been playing c) was playing d) had played

25.By May , I …….. this car for five years. a) will have b) will have had c) will be having d) have had

26.When you arrived home , we ……… lunch. If you had come a bit earlier , we could have had lunch together. a) just had b) have just had c) had just had d) had just

27.Mary……. the dishes at the moment. a) washes b) was washing c) is washing d) has washed

28.You are making a lot of noise . I wish you……. quiet for a while. a) will keep b) would keep c) keep d) have kept

29.Mr. Brown …….. a capable , dedicated doctor, and his patients have missed him ever since his death. a) is b) has been c) was d) was being

30. If you ……. me earlier , I could have helped you. a) told b) would have told c) have told d) had told

31. If only …….. enough money, he would have bought that house. a) he has had b) had he had c) he didn’t have d)he had had

32. ‘’ How long have you been with the company?’’ ‘’ I …….there two years by January. a) will work b) will have worked c) will be working d) have worked

33. Your hair is too long. It’s time ….. a hair cut. a) you have b) you should have c) you had d) for your having

34. Since calculators were first introduced , they …… to be useful tools for people weak in mathematics. a) proved b) have proved c) will prove d) are proving

35. As soon as he …… , tell him that I want to see him. a) arrived b) is arriving c) arrives d) will arrive

36. The commissioner has assured the crowd that the problem …….. care of as soon as possible.

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a) will take b) has been taken c) had been taken d) will be taken

37. When he saw the crowd , he regretted that he …… his ticket earlier. a) can’t have bought b) hasn’t bought c) hadn’t bought d) wasn’t buying

38. They ….. for seven hours when they arrived at the border. a) are driving b) have been driving c) had been driving d) drove

39. She complains that she …… headaches. a) has frequently b) frequently has c) has had frequently d) have frequent

40. Whenever the safety commission ….. its regulations , there are complaints. a) is enforcing b) enforce c) will enforce d) enforces

41. Oh dear , I don’t feel very well . I think ……… . a) I’ ll faint b) I’m going to faint c) I’m fainting d) I’ve fainted

42. Unfortunately the train ……. by the time I reached the platform. a) left b) leaves c) had left d) has left

43. Don’t forget that ……. to our new office by the time you get back. a) I move b) I’ll have moved c) I’ll move d) I’ll be moving

44. I’m afraid I didn’t hear the doorbell when you rang . I …….in the garden at the time. a) worked b) have been working c) have worked d) was working

45. It was 4 o’ clock when the ambulance finally arrived , by then the severely injured man ……… . a) had died b) died c) has died d) dies

46. The girls seem to be fully satisfied with their English course . So far , They …….. even a single class. a) don’t miss b) haven’t missed c) didn’t miss d) won’t miss

47. For the past few nights he ….. on the floor. a) sleeps b) is sleeping c) slept d) has slept

48. Jimmy is still doing his homework. He will come out to play when he …… his homework. a) did b) will do c) will have done d) has done

49. This is the best steak I ………… . a) had ever tasted b) have ever tasted c) ever taste d) ever tasted

50. Hamid ……. in London for five years - from 1985 to 1990. a) lived b) has lived c) was living d) would live

51. Last semester , we ……… beginning grammar . a) study b) studied c) were studied d) have studied

52. There …….. a lot of cowboys in America a hundred years ago. a) was b) did c) were d) have been

53. When I finish this course , I …….. to the next level.

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a) have gone b) will go c) went d) will have been going

54. The teacher was writing on the blackboard when he ……. the chalk . a) was dropping b) was dropped c) is dropping d) dropped

55. How long ago ………. her? a) were you met b) have you met c) you met d) did you met

56. ‘’I have a highly reliable watch.’’ ‘’ How long …….. it?’’ a) did you have b) you have had c) have you had d) have you got

57.We ….. for a long time . I don’t know how she looks now. a) didn’t meet b) haven’t met c) don’t meet d) hadn’t met

58. You must wait here until your parents ……… back. a) came b) come c) will come d) are coming

59. As soon as we ……. home tomorrow , we’ll call you. a) got b) get c) will get d) are going to get

60. I didn’t quite appreciate the opera we saw last week as I ……. to the opera before. a) hadn’t been b) haven’t been c) didn’t go d) wasn’t going

61. The little boy burst into tears when he saw that his brother …… his jigsaw puzzle apart. a) was broken b) has broken c) had been broken d) had broken

62.A:’’ How are you feeling ?’’ B: ‘’ I’ve been feeling better since ……… . a) the doctor has come b) the doctor will come c) the doctor had come d) the doctor came

63. This is a secret . I’d rather you …….. anything to anybody about it. a) shouldn’t say b) don’t say c) haven’t told d) didn’t tell

64. What a lovely night! The moon …….. brightly. a) shines b) is shining c) shined d) was shining

65. Before anyone could photograph the strange - looking bird , ……… . a) it was flying away b) it has flown away c) it flew away d) it had been flying away

66. Barbara: It’s curious that Roy can’t ski better. Jane: I know. By the end of the month, he …………. lessons for a full month. a) will have b) will be having c) has been having d) will have beenb having

67. When I last talked to him , he ………… English. a) studies b) study c) was studying d) studied

68. I met her at yesterday’s party, but I ……her by sight for years before that. a) had known b) have known c) will have known d) had been known

69. By 2009 , scientists surely ……. a cure for cancer. a) are discovering b) have been discovered

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c) will have discovered d) had discovered

70. Since the day he ……. ill he ……………….a lot of reading. a) was / had done b) is / has done c) was / has done d) is has been done

71. A: What’s the time ? B: I’m sorry I ……… My watch…….. . a) can’t tell / stopped b) didn’t know / stopped c) don’t know / has stopped d) don’t know had stopped

72. He …………….in the library every night for the last two months. a) would be studying b) will have studied c) has been studied d) has been studying

73. Last Sunday we …….. out of the house where we …….. for five years. a) had moved / lived b) have moved / had lived c) moved / had lived d) will move / have lived

74. We spent hours talking about what we ……. since we left school. a) have done b) had been doing c) have been doing d) were doing

75. They …….. married but in the end they changed their mind . a) are going to get b) will have been c) were going to get d) had been

76. When I counted my change I realized they …….. me 3 dollar too much. a) gave b) had given c) had been given d) have given

77. As soon as she …….. out bed she got dressed. a) had got b) gets c) has got d) would get

78. In a fortnight’s time they ………. their exams . a) have taken b) will have taken c) will have been taken d) had taken

79.They very rude to us. We ………. there again . a) won’t go b) hadn’t gone c) didn’t go d) wouldn’t go

80. In about forty years ‘ time we’ll probably ……… on pills. a) be living b) have been living c) have been lived d) have lived

81. A: Why have you set your alarm clock to go off at 5:30? B: Because I ……….then. I have to catch the early train. a) get up b) was going to get up c) am going to get up d) have got

82. A: I’ve planned my future for the next five years. B: That’s very clever of you . What …………. when you retire? a) will you do b) are you going to do c) have you done d) do you do

83. You feel a lot better after you …….. a rest. a) had b) have had c) will have d) had had

84. Next August , while you …… for your exams, I …… on a Mediterranean beach. a) are preparing / will be b) were preparing / would be c) prepare / will be d) were preparing / was

85.He………… my name , so I reminded him. a) forgets b) has forgotten c) had forgotten d) forgot

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86. By 5:30 this afternoon , Tom ……… at work for eight hours. a) had been b) would have been c) will have beeen d) has been

87. She ………. unwell for several days when she was taken to hospital. a) had been feeling b) has been feeling c) was feeling d) had left

88. During this year we ……… many advances in computer science. a) had seen b) have seen c) saw d) are seeing

89. Our Math teacher ……… us a lot of homework last week but he …….. us very so far this week. a) would give / didn’t give b) had given / didn’t give c) gave / didn’t give d) gave / hasn’t given90. It is expected that a man …….. on several planets by the end of this century. a) would have landed b) will be landing c) will have been landed d) will have landed

91. A: I’m going to the pop concert . ……….. with me? B: Thank you very much. I’d love to. a) Are you going to come b) Do you come c) Will you come d) Were you coming

92. It rained ! I didn’t think it ……… . a) is going to rain b) was going to rain c) was raining d) had rained

93. I ………. to see you tomorrow , but now I find I can’t a) will come b) come c) was coming d) am coming

94.He found everything rather strange as he ……. never ……… abroad before. a) has /been b) will / be c) hasn’t / been d) had / been

95.I ……… you know as soon as the telegram……… . a) will let / arrives b) would let / arrives c) will let / arrived d) let / had arrived

96.Please …….. until after the plane ……….. . a) not smoke / takes off b) don’t smoke / has tahen off c) don’t smoke / took off d) not smoke / has taken off

97.It is the first time I …….. of anything like that. a) had heard b) have heard c) hear d) am hearing

98. He ……. about to give up his job when they offered him a rise. a) was b) is c) has been d) had been

99. Hello! I …….. to phone you all week . Where ……… ? a) am trying / were you b) have tried / did you go c) tried / were you d) have been trying / have you been

100. It is time we ……….. goodbye to each other .The train is due to leave in a minute. a) said b) say c) will say d) had said

PART -E FUN Crossword

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Can you find 8 differences between the two pictures?

Example: The gate is open. The gate is closed.


Across2. hard-working5. drunk6. fat7. coward

Down1. shy2. small3. modest4. sharp

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REQUIRED READINGS: Read the following novels and write a summary for each novel

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald DahlTreasure Island, by Robert L StevensonRailway childrenSilas Marner

Revision:TOP SCORE (BOOK 4)Getting started and units 1-2 (Student’s Book Page No: 04-25)(Work Book Page No: 03-18)Note:Do all the exercises on a separate note book.

OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR(Unit: 1 to 8 Unit: 14,15,16)Unit: 44,45,47,48) Page: 372and 373Note:Do all the exercises on a separate note book.

Summer Home WorkQuestion # 01: Narrate story of the novel in your own words?

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Question # 02: Answer multiple choice questions by encircling the right option.

1. If science is related to intellect than heresy is related toa) Emotional stabilityb) Religionc) Intuitiond) Proven fact

2. What is Carew's first name?a) Davidb) Dorseyc) Danversd) Dagwood

3. What time did the maid call the police?a) 11 P.M.b) 2 A.M.c) 3 A.M.d) Midnight

4. What emotion does Hyde inspire?a) Pityb) Revulsionc) Angerd) Fear

5. Jekyll says that his fears cannot be amended by...a) Arguingb) Running awayc) Dwelling on themd) Talking

6. What trait is highly sought after in the time of the book?a) Respectabilityb) Cunningc) Having moneyd) Honesty

7. What evidence does Jekyll give to Utterson?a) Letterb) Murder weaponc) Bloody shoed) Invitation

9. What is Jekyll accused of?a) Forgeryb) Lyingc) Destroying evidenced) Murder

10. Who identified the victim?a) The maidb) Police chiefc) Jekylld) Utterson

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11. What did Lanyon leave behind for Utterson?a) His dogb) 1000 poundsc) Nothingd) A personal letter

12. The stranger reminds the man of whom?a) His fatherb) The constablec) Santa Clausd) Satan

13. What is the initial thought regarding the stranger's relationship with Jekyll?a) Clientb) Blackmailc) Strangerd) Family

14. Who is Hyde supposedly connected to?a) Harrisonb) Jekyllc) Renfieldd) Metzger

15. Which of these words is not used to describe Hyde?a) Deformedb) Angryc) Evild) Foul

16. What trait is highly sought after in the time of the book?a) Having moneyb) Cunningc) Honestyd) Respectability

17. What does Utterson suggest Jekyll bring along on their walk?a) A caneb) A hatc) A coatd) An umbrella

18. What activity does Utterson suggest to Jekyll?a) Sleepingb) Walkingc) Moving away from Londond) Going on a vacation

19. How does Utterson react to the news?a) Utterson writes off the news as hysteriab) Utterson weepsc) Utterson calls the policed) Utterson goes to Jekyll's house

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20. Utterson compares Jekyll to...a) A cheerful maidenb) His old school friendc) A disconsolate prisonerd) A grieving widow

21. When is Hyde first spotted?a) 1 P.M. b) 8 A.M.c) Midnightd) 3 A.M.

22. Mr. Enfield has a rule about what?a) Crossing against a lightb) Smoking in publicc) Asking questionsd) Giving advice

23. What emotion does Hyde inspire?a) Fearb) Angerc) Pityd) Revulsion

24. Who narrates the chapter?a) Hydeb) Uttersonc) Igord) Reilly

25. Who is the beneficiary of Jekyll's will?a) His dogb) Hydec) Orphanaged) Utterson

26. If science is related to intellect than heresy is related toa) Emotional stabilityb) Religionc) Proven factd) Intuition

27. Jekyll says that his fears cannot be amended by...a) Arguingb) Dwelling on themc) Running awayd) Talking

28. How does Jekyll react when Utterson mentions Hyde?a) Jekyll ignores Uttersonb) The conversation is interruptedc) Jekyll becomes angryd) Jekyll turns pale

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29. What topic does Utterson broach when he is finally alone with Jekyll?a) The servants' conductb) Lanyonc) The willd) Jekyll's health

30. What is Jekyll's title?a) Sirb) Dr


D) Colonel

31. What was used as the murder weapon?a) Walking stickb) Canec) Umbrellad) Cricket bat

32. Who did the made recognize on the street?a) Pooleb) Jekyllc) Her masterd) Hyde

33. Approximately how much time passed before the murder took place?a) One yearb) Two yearsc) Three monthsd) Six months

34. What object did Hyde carry?a) Caneb) Handkerchiefc) Umbrellad) Gun

35. What time did the maid call the police?a) 11 P.M.b) Midnightc) 3 A.M.d) 2 A.M.

36. How does Utterson handle being shut out from Jekyll's life?a) Utterson goes to Jekyll's house every dayb) Utterson makes angry phone callsc) Utterson gives upd) Utterson writes a letter to Jekyll

37. Which phrase does Jekyll use to describe himself?a) Chief of sinnersb) Man with a missionc) Chief of chiefsd) Director of science

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38. Carew's death is almost an equal pay off for...a) Heavier police patrolsb) Hyde's incarcerationc) Jekyll's break from Hyded) Hyde's disappearance

39. What has changed with Dr. Lanyon?a) He has gained weightb) He has retiredc).....

40. Who begins to weep at the site of Utterson?a) The cookb) Jekyllc) Pooled) The maid

41. What is the new observation about Hyde's door?a) It has been barredb) It leads to Jekyll's housec) It has been paintedd) There is crime scene tape across it

42. What does Poole think has happened to Jekyll?a) Jekyll has fallen illb) There has been foul playc) Jekyll has gone insaned) Jekyll and Hyde have reunited

43. Who is the new beneficiary of Jekyll's will?a) Pooleb) Surgical hospitalc) Orphanaged) Utterson

44. According to hide what has Lanyon disregarded?a) Friendshipb) Transcendental medicinec) The lawd) Truth

45. Who is waiting to greet Lanyon?a) Hydeb) Uttersonc) Pooled) Jekyll

46. What behavior did Lanyon find unacceptable?a) Hyde's lack of mannersb) Making a house call late in the eveningc) Enfield's excitementd) Jekyll's insinuations

47. What color is not associated with the potions?a) Greenb) Purplec) Blackd) Red

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48. How did Lanyon react to meeting Hyde?a) Lanyon was annoyedb) Lanyon was afraidc) Lanyon was puzzledd) Lanyon was disgusted

Question # 03: Write down essays on the following questions.1. Discuss Jekyll's progression throughout the novel and his fall from grace. What key

moments and decisions determine Jekyll's fate? Identify these specific moments and analyze the aspects of Jekyll's character that force him to continue with his experiments.

2. Discuss the physical descriptions of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and their respective homes (Jekyll's main house vs. Hyde's neglected laboratory cabinet) as they relate to major themes of the novel.

3. Stevenson creates a balance of realism and the supernatural. How does he integrate these concepts?

4. Discuss the concept of control in regard to Jekyll's relationship with Hyde. Is absolute control possible? Can one choose when to be completely good or evil? What does Stevenson's conclusion appear to be?

5. Discuss the novel's most violent events, including the trampled girl, Carew's murder, and Jekyll/Hyde's ultimate demise. What if any progression arises here and how does it parallel the progression of the novel?

6. Discuss the role of the city throughout the novel, both during the day and at night. How does the city contribute to the novel's progression? What role does it play?

7. Clearly, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is an examination of the duality of human nature. Discuss the duality expressed in not only Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but also Utterson, Poole, and the city of London.

8. How does the notion of loyalty contribute to the novel? Discuss this in reference to Utterson, Lanyon, and Dr. Jekyll. Upon close examination, does loyalty help prevent or expedite violence and tragedy?

9. Discuss the possible meanings and relevance on the names Utterson, Jekyll, and Hyde in the context of the novel.

10.Compare and contrast Dr. Lanyon and Dr. Jekyll's approaches to scientific pursuits and manipulation of natural laws.

Question # 04: Read this Character List and write them down in your own words.

Mr. UttersonThe narrator of the book, Utterson is a middle-aged lawyer, and a man in which all the characters confide throughout the novel. As an old friend of Jekyll, he recognizes the changes and strange occurrences of Jekyll and Hyde, and resolves to further investigate the relationship between the two men. He is perhaps the most circumspect, respected, and rational character in the book, and it is therefore significant that we view Hyde's crimes and Jekyll's hypocrisy through his observant, but generally sympathetic perspective.

Richard EnfieldMr. Utterson's cousin, a younger man who is assumed to be slightly more wild than his respectable and sedate relative. While initially it is assumed that Enfield will play a large role in

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this novel as it is he who is witnesses Hyde's initial crime, Enfield only appears in two scenes. In both, he walks past Hyde's mysterious door with Mr. Utterson.

Dr. LanyonA former friend and colleague of Dr. Jekyll. Ten years before the events in the novel, he suspended his friendship with Dr. Jekyll because of a disagreement over scientific endeavors. Lanyon is highly respected, rational, and values truth and goodness above all else.

Dr. Henry JekyllA prominent middle-aged doctor described as both tall and handsome. He is also extremely wealthy with a fortune well over two million dollars. All that know him describe him as respected and proper. However, as the novel progresses, we subtly witness his hypocritical behavior, which Stevenson claimed was Jekyll's fatal flaw. The doctor's belief that within each human being there exist forces of good and evil leads to his experiments that try to separate the two. Although presented as a scientific experiment, Jekyll undertook this task to allow himself a release from the respectable guise of Dr. Jekyll. In the book, Jekyll's voice is only heard in the concluding chapter, only after being described through the lens of Utterson, Lanyon, Poole, and Enfield.

Edward HydeA small, deformed, disgusting man somewhat younger than Dr. Jekyll who is apparently devoid of a profession. Lanyon, Utterson and Enfield all describe witnessing something indefinably evil and horrific in Edward Hyde's face. He is often compared to animals, implying that he is not a fully evolved human being. Despite these descriptions, Hyde is generally civilized in his interactions with others, most notably Utterson and Lanyon. Dr. Jekyll describes Hyde as "pure evil," who menaces society at night, trampling a girl in the street and murdering Sir Danvers Carew. We learn at the end of the story that Edward Hyde and Dr. Henry Jekyll are in fact the same person.

Sir Danvers CarewA highly respected and prominent member of English society who Edward Hyde brutally murders. Carew is described as "silver haired" and "gentle."

Mr. GuestMr. Utterson's law office clerk who discovers the handwriting similarity between notes from Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll.

Richard PooleDr. Jekyll's faithful butler. When fearful for his master's life, Poole seeks out Mr. Utterson's assistance. The two men discover Edward Hyde dead in Dr. Jekyll's cabinet and then, from a letter written by Dr. Jekyll's hand, learn of the doctor's fantastic experiments.