Page 1: Summer Sitcom Sermon… · hotdogs, buns and drinks will be provided. You can bring along something to share

VOL. XXXIV - - - No. 7

June 28, 2009

Published monthly by:

Novesta Church of Christ 2896 N. Cemetery Rd. Cass City, MI 48726

Phone: (989) 872-3658 or 872-1195

[email protected]

Brad Speirs, Asso. Minister Brad Gniewek, Asso. Minister

PrayerWalk / Hot Dog Roast at the Cass City Track July 19 <> 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Join us at the Cass City Track on Sunday, July 19th for a great opportunity to pray for our commu-nity. We will meet at the track from 4:00 to 6:00 pm to pray, especially focusing on the following eight areas: Families/Marriages; Churches; Sick/Hospital; Work/Economy; the Lost; Those who Serve (government, firemen, police, etc); the Schools; and Youth. You can walk the track, walk the streets of Cass City, or sit in your lawn chair or in the bleachers as you pray. Stop by anytime or come for the entire 2 hours. Water and prayer ideas will be provided. Please consider making this a priority for your family and invite your friends as we lift up our area in prayer. After the PrayerWalk concludes, we will be enjoying a hotdog roast right there at the park. The fire, hotdogs, buns and drinks will be provided. You can bring along something to share if you'd like, and come enjoy the fellowship. If you have questions, or would like to help, please contact Patricia Little (872-2628) or Nev (872-3658).

“Nev” new Associate Minister for the Adults On Sunday, J une 7, a vote was taken and Brad “Nev” Gniewek was h ired as our new Associa te Minister for Adults … Brad Speirs is the Associa te Minister for Youth . P lease pray for our min isters as we move forward with the focus to bring more souls into the flock for God’s glory.

Summer Sitcom Sermon Series FAMILY ~ FRIENDS ~ FAITH

We’re heading in to the 2nd month of our summer sermons and we’re excited about the upcoming weeks. Dur ing the month of J u ly we’ll be focused on lea rn ing how to reach ou t to our fr iends with the message of J esus. We’ll be looking each week a t ways tha t we can a t t ract an apa thet ic wor ld to a magnet ic J e-sus. We invite you to join us each Sunday and to bring a friend along with you.

July 5th - Independence Day July 12th - Cheers (Making the Church a Place to Belong)

July 19th - Friends (Encouraging Each Other) July 26th - The Office (Sharing Your Faith)

As a reminder , if you a re away for a Sunday, there a re 2 ways for you to st ill hear the message: you can get a CD from the church office or you can listen to any message online by Tuesday of each week.

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7/5 Rob Hartwick 7/12 7/19 Skip Speirs 7/26 Ken Peters

DEACONS: Ked Miller Dave Speirs Scott Hendrian Jason Speirs Garold Peasley Bernie Wutzke Steve Ross

USHERS: Barry Brown Leonard Hawkins Lawrence Englehart Dave Ware Andy Gray Mark Zmierski

A.M. NURSERY: 7/5 9:15 Wanda Leboida

10:30 Jamie Little 7/12 9:15 Betty Powell, Robyn Murdoch

10:30 Marilyn Lester 7/19 9:15 Melissa Hicks

10:30 Jamie Peasley, Karen Speirs 7/26 9:15 Beth Marshall, Betty Powell

10:30 Jamie Little 8/2 9:15 Brenda Miller, Mary Helen Pratt

10:30 Marilyn Lester

SPECIAL MUSIC: 7/5 Samantha Corrion 7/12 Ada Kilbourn 7/19 7/26 Patricia Little

SOUND SYSTEM: 7/5 Scott Hendrian 7/12 Ken Peters 7/19 Duane O’Dell 7/26 Darla DeLuyck

VIDEO PROJECTION: 7/5 JoEllen Bukoski 7/12 Carol Hicks 7/19 Ron Kampo 7/26 Debbie Deering

KITCHEN DUTY: Wanda Lonsberry Mary Helen Pratt



GREETERS: 7/5 9:30 (main) Eddie & Marideth Nizzola

(center) Larry & Sherry Thick 10:45 (main) Donna Nye & Irene Nicol (center) Mike & Carol Gaszczynski

7/12 9:30 (main) Keith Little & Ron Speirs (center) Phil & Cindy Klaus 10:45 (main) Skip Speirs & Irene Nicol (center) Gib & Pam Kern

7/19 9:30 (main) Chuck & Kelli Hendrick (center) Ann Hartel & Irene Nicol 10:45 (main) Jean Schulz & Mary Lou Spencer (center) Darla & Chelsa DeLuyck

7/26 9:30 (main) Irene Nicol & Deb Deering (center) Paul & Mickie Bessler 10:45 (main) Keith & Mary Ann Lowe (center) Melanie & Tara Nicholas

8/2 9:30 (main) Garold & Jamie Peasley (center) Barry & Kerry Brown 10:45 (main) Dave & Karen Speirs (center) Chris & Kim Summersett

JUNIOR CHURCH: (all month) 2’s—3’s: Kristie Speirs, Teacher 4’s—1st: Jessica Elston, Teacher

Chris Elston, Helper 2nd—4th: Sharron Hartwick, Teacher Snacks: Kathy Schenk Song Leaders: Sharron Hartwick

Lauren Walther Beth Mellendorf

Changes /Additions To Add To Your Directory

Donna Nye’s e-mail: [email protected]

Samantha Corrion 405 E. Dutcher Road - Caro, MI 48723

Phone: 975-6955 ~ E-mail: [email protected]

Dave & Karen Speirs (no more landline) Home phone (Karen’s cell ph): 325-1758

Women’s Huron Valley ~ Lisa Owens #589452 3201 Bemis Road ~ Ypsilanti, MI 481977

Craig & Dawn Maurer 4310 Ivanhoe Rd., Bad Axe, MI 48413

Phone: 989-553-4526

Mark & Patricia Peck 5680 Delong Rd, Cass City, MI 48726

Phone: 872-4192

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Cards & Notes

Novesta Church of Christ, Your kindness and concern have meant so very much and will always be remembered. Your thought-fulness is greatly appreciated.

Charles Nizzola family

Dear Ladies In Fellowship Together, I want to thank you for the Wal-Mart card. I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and thinking of me at college. Thanks for all the support. Thank you so much. God Bless You All. Love,

Ashley Hendrick

Novesta Church, Thank you so much for the wonderful breakfast and Bible. Also, thanks for being so welcoming and kind to me. Thank you for everything. Love,

Krysta Timko

Novesta Church of Christ, Thank you for all of the support and encouragement you all have given me through the years. Please con-tinue to keep me in your prayers as I go off to college. Thanks for everyone who helped and attended my open house. Your support means a great deal to me. Thanks,

Brandon Hartwick

L.I.F.T. Thank you for the gift card, it was very helpful with gas to get to college. Thanks again.

Tom Mittlestat

Dear Church Family, My heart goes out to all you wonderful people. THANK YOU for all the cards and prayers. With God’s help I’ll be back soon. I still pray each day for my church family. Your servant in Christ Jesus,

Bernie Wutzke

Dear Church family & friends, We both would like to Thank

everyone for all the many good wishes sent to us, with Lots of Love and encouragements and the prayers. He’s not able to talk or swallow right now, but it will come back the doctors say. His treatments will be done July 1 and we’re hopeful the tumors will be gone. It’s very uplifting to get so many cards and to know so many care and offer to help. We appreciate it all and Thank


everyone from the bottom of our hearts. Bless you all, we just can’t say thank you enough!

In Christian Love, Lawrence & Elfriede

A Mystery … Who Could It Be ???

Who could it be? When you th ink you’ve fig-ured ou t who the m ystery person is, ask them if you’re right.

Our last Mystery Person was

Janet Wright

Here’s the clues for this month:

I was born in Cass City but that’s not my address now. I worked as a dental assistant/receptionist for 13 years and then was a secretary in the education field for 14 years but that’s not my occupation now. I enjoy many crafts, reading, playing domi-noes, nature and enjoy music (I play a few different instruments). We have been married 24 years and have two adult (single) children who are in col-lege.

Who do you think I am?


The next elders meeting will be Monday, July 27 at 7:00 p.m. If you have any praises or concerns, feel free to share them with any elder or either Brad.

Ladies, Girls !!

You are invited

to a

Baby Shower for

M el i ssa (Zm i er sk i ) Bu r ghdof f

Saturday, July 25

Noon—3:00 pm at the church

Any questions call 872-2938

It’s a Boy!!

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Thursday, July 2

8:45 p.m. Field 1 w/ Colwood I

Monday, July 6 7:00 p.m. Field 2 w/ CCUMC

Thursday, July 9

8:45 p.m. Field 2 w/ Ellington

Friday, July 10 8:45 p.m. Field 1 w/ R.O.C. III

Thursday, July 16

8:45 p.m. Field 1 w/ Colwood II

(As of the last report our team was 6-5. Why not attend the game and cheer them on!!!)


Average weekly attendance for the month of June (to date):

Bible School … 140 Worship … 265

New Members this year - 13

Offering averages for June (to date):

Bible School……………..…...$42.80 Sunday Offerings……….…$3,904.36

(Budget per Sunday: $5,672.00)

BRICK Fund: (Current balance: $95,444.96) Paid $6,000 extra on Principal in June

( Payment per month $1,206.75 )

Received in June (to date) for payment: $1,370.00

Graduation Open House Michael Howard

July 11 ~ 2:00— ? p.m. at his home, 4640 Elmwood Rd.


7/1 Alexis Board 7/2 Greg Lester 7/2 Doug Hiles 7/2 Tom Howard 7/2 Clem Koepf, Jr. 7/6 Becky Zmierski 7/10 Bonnie Ware 7/10 Julie Mozdzen 7/12 Andrea Ross 7/13 Brad Speirs 7/13 Ellen Speirs 7/13 Lauren Bukoski 7/13 Sarah Whisenant 7/13 Jacob Mozdzen 7/14 Anne Ziel 7/14 Earl Hendrick 7/15 Marilyn Lester 7/15 Mark Koepf 7/16 Heather Severance 7/16 Les Auten 7/16 Stacey Christian 7/17 Elsie Hicks 7/17 Barb Butterfield 7/19 Seth Mika 7/19 Kyle Koepf 7/19 Cohen Sherman 7/21 Michaela Romain 7/22 Caitlyn Healy 7/30 Melissa Hicks


7/1 Bill & Amy Claerhout 7/7 Brad & Cori Gniewek 7/8 Duane & Marilyn Lester 7/9 Melvin & Carolyn Mittlestat 7/16 Mike & Carol Gaszczynski 7/18 Greg & Jodie Mika 7/24 Dave & Donna Little 7/25 Joe & Carrie Luana 7/26 Mark & Robyn Murdoch 7/28 Brad & Kristy Speirs

The task ahead of us is never as great

as the Power behind us.

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With Deepest Sympathy We extend our most heartfelt sympathy to…

...Ed & Sandy, Eddie & Mar ideth Nizzola & fami-lies on the passing of Ed’s fa ther , Char les, on Sa t -urday, May 30

...Chris & Kim Summersett on the passing of Kim’s sister , Sue Dickens, who has been ba t t ling cancer

and Chr is’ uncle who found ou t on Tuesday, J une 23, tha t he had a la rge bra in tumor and he passed away that night.

P lease keep these families in prayer as they mourn the loss of their loved ones.

Here We Grow Again … On J une 3, Samantha Corr ion , having a l-ready been immersed, placed her membership with Novesta . Samantha lives a t 405 E. Dutcher Road.

Cra ig & Dawn Maurer were immersed in to Chr ist on J une 6. They have two daughters, Ca it lyn and J u lie. The Maurer family lives a t 4310 Ivanhoe Road, Bad Axe.

Mark Peck was immersed J une 17. Mark & Pa t ty live a t 5680 Delong Road. Pa t is Pau l Bessler ’s sister and is a lready a member a t No-vesta.

We welcome these new members and pray for others who need to make similar decisions.

Attention!!! Single Ladies July 20 ~ 8:00 a.m.

In J une we met a t Gilligan’s for break-fast and then went to Pr ide & Count ry on 46 and had a grea t t ime looking a t the old & new displays there and we a te our lunch in the barn. This month we plan to go to the Big Boy restauran t in Caro for breakfast and then shop a t Peebles & Wal-Mar t (or we may de-cide on someth ing else as we a re having breakfast). Whatever is decided, you can be sure tha t we do have an en joyable t ime together . J ust being together with Chr ist ian fr iends is great.


Wednesday, J u ly 8, is our next Fellowship Pot luck a t noon . Br ing a dish to pass and invite some fr iends to join us. This pot luck is for anyone who is ava ilable dur ing the day and would like to come for a t ime of grea t food and fellowship.

MEN’S COOKOUT July 21 - 6:30 p.m.

ATTENTION MEN !! Every 3rd Tuesday of the summer months, the Novesta Men will have a cookout here a t the pavilion a t 6:30 pm. Br ing the mea t you want to gr ill, a dish to pass, your beverage, and table service. Come hang ou t with your Chr ist ian brothers and enjoy some great food and fellowship.

Ladies Summer Bible Study Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 p.m.

The Ladies a re en joying a summer Bible Study on Wednesday n igh ts from 7:00 - 9:00 here a t the church . We've been study-ing the Bible and lea rn ing about lies women believe - and the Tru th tha t set s them free. Pa t r icia Lit t le is leading our dis-cussion , so keep up the good work and get hungry for God's Word this summer!

If God is your Co-pilot, SWITCH SEATS!!

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“For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and

wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.”

Matt. 24:24 KJV

Please make these your Prayer requests for July 2009:

Pray for our faith to never waver but to keep growing in God’s word. Matthew 24:13 Pray for us to believe in the inspired word that speaks to us. Help us to place our lives in God’s hands. I Peter 1:25 Pray we will hide Thy Word within our heart because that inner strength will take us through the day. Psalm 59:16-17 Pray for us to know that good will always overcome evil. Rom. 12:21 Pray for us to keep our heavenly Father always in prayers knowing that when darkness comes over us and storms beat around us that our Father will shelter us under His wing. Psalm 23:4 Pray for us to have a goodness towards our neighbors at all times. Proverbs 3:27 Pray for us to be one who helps with no thought of recognition or reward. Help us to be one of those people. Galatians 6:9


Guardian Angels, to be faithful in your prayers.

Community Prayer Topic: Now is the time for our community to spend time with God in reading, studying and meditating on His Word. For every moment spent with God builds our faith and establishes us solidly in the place where nothing can by any means harm us.

Smile, Jesus Loves You and So Do I

Bernie Wutzke Prayer:

Don’t give God instructions - just report for duty!



Robert Cotton - Parkinsons (Bob’s dad) Heather Fisher - seizures (Eric & Wendy’s daughter) **Lee Nicol - (Irene's son) Linda - MS (Lena Teller's daughter) Chris Klco - (Amy Peters' brother) updates: Quinton Simpson - in a coma (Dena Anderson's nephew) Carol Hartman - awaiting heart transplant (friend of Pat McIntosh) Brennen Pitcher - leukemia (USA High School student) Kyle Hopper - cancer (neighbor of Ada Kilbourn) Bill & Josephine Richardson - (Carol Gaszczynski contact person) Vaughn Severance - seizures Shirley Zellar - (Pat McIntosh’s mother) Georgia Plementosh - cancer (Emmert’s sister-in-law) Lester O’Dell - Emphazema Lanettia Tuckey - stroke (Doris Hendrick’s sister-in-law) Maynard Stine - cancer (Marie Peasley contact person) Selma Schulz - (Elmer’s mother) Mark Matusik - cancer (Mittlestat’s brother-in-law) Shirley Turpin - (Carol Gaszczynski’s sister) Geraldine Deese - (Doris Hendrick’s sister) Marvin Touzeau - (Jean Long’s dad) Andrew Teller - cancer (Lena Teller’s grandson) Richard Marker - cancer (Jane Englehart’s dad) Brian Mallory - leukemia John Bailey - cancer (friend of Littles & Emmerts) Don Buehrly - Tendercare - stroke ** Roy Evans - heart issues Paula Yowell - cancer (June Blehm’s niece) Wally Wojtaszke - cancer (Ann Hartel contact person) Marilyn Dennis - cancer (Jimmy’s mother) Shirley Howard - cancer (Becky’s mother-in-law) William Richardson - (Carol Gaszczynski contact person) ** Pam Kern - lymphredema Daisy Williams - (Carol Gaszczynski contact person) Ed Osak - stint (Carol Gaszczynski contact person) Frank Sparks - (Carol Gaszczynski contact person) ** Lena Teller - aneurysm Lynn Fish - (Carolyn Mittlestat’s father) Greg Woodruff - accident/recovery Jean Helzer - cancer (Randy McConnell’s mother-in-law) Randy LaPeer - cancer (Lynwood & Jeanette’s son) The economy effecting our hospital, town, and community

ATTENTION: If you know any of these on this list that are well and can be eliminated from it, please let the church office know.

Page 7: Summer Sitcom Sermon… · hotdogs, buns and drinks will be provided. You can bring along something to share

Hi! I’m Novesteeta, your friendly church mouse/reporter, reporting on what I see and hear.

V.B.S. was lots of fun. I heard some great Bible stories and eve-ryone enjoyed the delicious snacks. (I can’t de-cide which was my favorite!)

There was a good turn ou t for th is summer’s fir st campfire, in spite of the ra in . We were a ll sa fe and dry in the pavilion . They served good food too (hope I don’t sound like I on ly th ink of food).

The Single Ladies group met th is week. I would love to sneak in and go with them (because they a lways go somewhere to ea t - bu t you know how ladies react to mice — EEEK!! I wouldn’t want to sca re them). I have an idea - how about help-ing the Ladies name their group - pu t on your thinking cap - jot your suggested names on a slip of paper - and drop it in the ja r on Mary Helen’s desk.

Signing off for now, Novesteeta

ROCK LAKE 2nd & 3rd - June 28-30 2nd & 3rd - July 12—14 (On-Site Wilderness) 3rd & 4th - Aug. 9—14 3rd & 4th - July 14—17 (On Site Wilderness) 3rd—7th - Aug. 2—7 (All Girls Camp) 3rd—8th - July 5—10 (All Boys Camp) 5th & 6th - July 26—31 5th & 6th - June 28-Jul 3 (On Site Wilderness) 7th—9th - July 19—24 (Canoe Trip 1) 7th—9th - July 26—31 (Canoe Trip 2) 8th—12th - July 5—10 (All Girls Canoe Trip) 9th—12th - July 12—18 10th—12th - June 28—July 3 (Canoe Trip) Ages 10-14 - July 19—24 (All Girls On-Site

Wilderness Camp)

RETREATS AT ROCK LAKE Sept. 4—7 - Labor Day Weekend Family Camp Sept. 15—16 - Fall Adult Retreat


1st & 2nd - June 28—30 3rd & 4th - July 5—8 4th & 5th - July 12—17 6th—8th - August 9—14 7th—9th - July 26—31 8th—12th - Aug. 2—7 (All Girls Camp) 9th—12th - July 19—24

RETREATS AT WOLVERINE Aug. 27—28 - Senior Retreat (age 50+) Sept. 11—12 - Women’s Retreat Sept. 25—27 - Teen Retreat

PLEASE NOTE: Novesta pays half of the Camp Fee at Rock Lake and Wolverine for those who at-tend Novesta. At Rock Lake, you need to register at least two weeks before the camp date you are attend-ing or else pay $25 extra. At Wolverine, you need to send $40 deposit with your registration.


Kid’s Water Park Trip August 29th

Our summer lea rn ing pro-gram for our 4 year olds th ru 4th graders is under -way. The kids a re busy ea rn ing poin ts by being here, br inging their Bibles and saying memory verses. We want your kid to join

us for our water pa rk par ty—but they have to ea rn it and we want you to help! We encourage paren ts to memor ize the verses with their kids and then to make sure tha t your kids a re saying their verses each week. Poin ts will be accumu-la ted th rough August 23rd and verse booklets a re st ill ava ilable. For more in format ion , ta lk to your ch ild’s teacher or Brad Speirs.


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Joshua Larkin - (Mittlestat’s nephew) Clinton Maurer - (Gloria Maurer's son) Lester Maurer - (Gloria Maurer's son) Jamie Parrish - (Kristie Speirs’ brother, Betty

Stilson’s grandson) - serving in Iraq Ryan Reid - (Jeff Hartel’s nephew) Julie Roche - Air Force (Doctor in training) Chris Skiles - North Carolina Karl Stuckey - (Mittlestat’s nephew)

Scott Brownson - (Tom & Doris Stimpfel’s nephew) - in Afghanistan

Andrew Caig - (Lynn & Terry’s son) - in Iraq Michael Coy - (David Nordquist's nephew) Justin Fischer - (Tom & Doris Stimpfel’s nephew) Aaron Hackett - (friend of Soper's) Brad Hartel - (Jeff & Ann’s son) John Kiehl - (Brenda Miller’s brother) Toby Kilbourn - (Jim’s son) Ben Knoblet - (Tim Knoblet's nephew)

You can plan to find one of us in the offices from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day Monday thru Friday except holidays. Mary Helen has Mondays off, Brad Speirs

has Thursdays, and Brad Gniewek has Fridays. Below are listed additional days out of the office.

Brad Speirs will be out of the office July 3—7; July 14—17; July 18—24; August 2—4; and August 5—12.

Brad “Nev” Gniewek will be out of the office July 26 thru August 1.

If there is an urgent need, Brad Speirs’ cell phone is 989-550-3940 and Nev’s is 989-553-0021


Three kids are going to camp this year at no cost to them because an anonymous person paid their way in memory of Jack Hartwick, Marv Win-ter, and Mardell Ware. What a neat way for these loved ones to be remembered and I’m sure the kids are go-ing to enjoy their week of camp.

NORTHMEN & NORTHWOMEN August 4—6 (in and near Kalkaska)

NORTHMEN: This is the 48th meeting of Dads and Lads in the woods. The theme this year is “Who Am I?” Titles of the sermons are: I Am a Sinner Saved by Grace; I Am a Free Moral Agent; I Am a Servant; I Am Dead to Self and Alive Unto Christ; I Am a Citizen of Heaven. They have a use permit that allows camping at the Northmen site beginning Friday, July 31. Cost of camping there will be $1.00 per night per person. You can camp there until the meeting ends or until Friday, August 7. Ladies will please leave by Tuesday noon.

NOTE: There is a Monday Night Concert under the big tent for the entire family on August 3 at 7 p.m.

NORTHWOMEN: Ladies meet at the Kalkaska Church of Christ with great speakers, workshops, children’s sessions, and fellowship. The Main speaker is Becky Hammond of Wooster, Ohio. Music is by Judy Beavers & Co. of Lansing. [Camping for families is also available at Wilderness Christian Assembly (989-258-7916) or in area campgrounds. Call the Chamber of Commerce for available motels in Kalkaska (231-258-9103) or Grayling (989-348-4945). Both these towns are 20-25 miles from the Northmen grounds.]

LOOKING AHEAD: August 27-28 … Senior (50+) Retreat at Wolverine Christian Service Camp September 18 … Great Lakes Christian College will celebrate it’s 60th Anniversary with a meal and pro-gram in the Doty Center at 6:30 p.m. - please RSVP by Sept. 4 - Cost: $15/person or $25/couple.

(More information for both of these events is posted on the foyer bulletin board and will be in our next Newsletter)

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REMINDERS Remember ... to save your Er la ’s and VG’s receipts. We collect the poin ts near the bot tom of the re-ceipt and they get tu rned in for

cash . This goes in to our camp fund (we pay ½ the fee for our campers).

Remember … to save Spar tan UPC codes. They a re used to get money to help out our awesome Bible Bowl team.

Remember … to log you miles tha t you accumu-la te while bike r iding, running, or walking. This currently goes from April 1st to October 31st.

Playdates We a re planning a fun t ime for paren ts and their ch ildren to meet each Fr iday to en joy t ime together, playing, picnicking, etc. Somet imes we’ll meet a t the P layscape next to the Elemen-ta ry school. (If it ’s a ra iny day, we’ll meet at the church). As a group, we will decide each week where to meet the following Fr iday. (Since tha t will be too la te for the bu llet in , listen for it to be announced on Sunday or call the church for details). So tha t we don’t have to wonder how many to plan for , pa ren ts will pack a sack lunch for their crew. Invite your fr iends and their ch ildren to join us as well and plan on having a great time GOLF SCRAMBLE

JULY 29 ~ 5:30 P.M. at

Sherwood on the Hill in Gagetown

For more information, talk to one of the Brads.





Summer Campfire Schedule We will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Sunday evening of the month at various homes for our campfire service. As we have done in the past, please bring lawn chairs and any snacks you would like to share in our afterglow.

July 12 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ at Summersetts (Chris & Kim live at 3295 Huron Line Road)

July 26 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ at Venema’s pond (Stu & Brenda live at 5636 Kelly Road)

August 9 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ at Gaszczynskis (Mike & Carol live at 6525 E. Gilford Road)

August 23 ~ 6:00 p.m. ~ at Speirs, down by the river (Dave & Karen live at 4866 Akron Road)

The other Sunday evenings during the Summer you are encouraged to meet with family and friends for fellow-ship, and/or Bible Study and prayer. Please Note: If you’re unable to be in a morning worship on one of the Sundays when there is no p.m. service but would like to be served the Lord’s Supper, please contact any elder or minister.

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Nev’s Note Acts 2:44-47 (New International Version) “44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” When thinking about this newsletter I asked myself, “What is July or better yet what does July consist of?” As I got on-line to search out the answer I came across a site that lists “holidays” of July. Their listing included July being/having: Cell Phone Courtesy Month, Family Reunion Month, National Ice Cream Month, National Make a Difference to Children Month, National Ventriloquism Week (16-19), Zip Code Day (1), I Forgot Day (2), Choco-late Day (7), Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together Day (7), Tell The Truth Day (7), Gummi Worm Day (15), Toss Away The “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day (18), National Hug Your Kid Day (20), and the list went on and on. Well, for many, when we think of July and “holidays” we think of the Fourth of July/Independence Day; we also think of the old red, white, and blue, of fire works, parades, cotton candy, slip and slides, freedom, and our beloved country in general. Unfortunately, the idea of freedom, our beliefs on being independent, and our desire to be self-governing, has gotten away from their original intent. We began wanting freedom so that we could be free of certain persecutions, with the idea of forming a better nation, later becoming a quest for a uniting of states. The word independence it-self means- freedom from the control, influence, support, or help of another; but we’ve taken that word to its fullest and become too independent and proud to ask one another for help, to count on one another for a hand in times of need, and I believe this has taken us away from our original identity; I’m no longer talking about our identity as a nation, but as the body of Christ. Acts 2 is the example of how we’re to live; to give help and receive help, working together with one another so that there aren’t any needs amongst us; one body meaning ONE body. We are to be breaking bread with glad and sincere hearts and praising GOD together. We are to be independent from the control the world may try to have on our lives, as we are aliens in this foreign land, but we are not to be independent as a body. If one has a need then the body as a whole has a need and when that need is met, the body should rejoice together. Think of the words in the Pledge of Allegiance “…ONE nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” That word indivisible means- NOT CAPABLE of being divided. And that’s what we need to be today, tomorrow, and always = incapable of being divided; united as ONE body. So, this Fourth of July as we celebrate our independence as a nation, may we also celebrate being indivisible under God as a church.

July: 6 months behind us, 6 months ahead, 6 months of opportunities gone, 6 months of possibilities still to come.

In HIS service, Brad “Nev” Gniewek

PIONEER BIBLE TRANSLATORS Last summer, Matt & Shelby purchased a van for traveling between Michigan, Ohio, Vir-ginia and Texas. They planned on selling it on their return to Russia. However, due to the economy, they are having a hard time selling it.

Unfortunately, importing it to Russia, mostly due to import tax, would cost them more than twice the vehicle’s worth. So they have sent pictures of the van which you can see on the mission board. The van is a 2005 Ford Freestar S and has 93,000 miles. Honigs and the previous owners, other PBT missionaries, put a lot of highway miles on it during furloughs. The van has air, cruise control, CD and is nice and clean. The Honigs would like $5,000.

If you are interested, call Clare or Wanda Graham at 989-681-2076 or 989-763-1636.

Page 11: Summer Sitcom Sermon… · hotdogs, buns and drinks will be provided. You can bring along something to share


9:30 a.m. - Bible School + Worship 1

10:45 a.m. - Worship 2 + Jr. Church + Bible School

6:00 p.m. - July 12 & 26 - Campfire Service

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Men’s Prayer Breakfast @

Gilligan’s—6 am

Ladies Bible Study—7 pm


Softball game w/Colwood I

8:45 pm on field 1


Playdate 11:00 am


5 6

Prayer Time 10:00 am

Softball game w/CCUMC 7 pm field 2

7 8 Men’s Prayer Breakfast @


Fellowship Potluck—noon

Ladies Bible Study—7 pm


Deacons Meeting 6:00 pm

Softball game w/Ellington

8:45 pm field 2


Playdate 11:00 am

Softball game w/ROC III

8:45 pm field 1


Michael Howard’s Open House

2 pm— ? at his home


Campfire Service 6:00 pm @



Prayer Time 10:00 am

14 15

Men’s Prayer Breakfast @

Gilligan’s—6 am

Ladies Bible Study—7 pm


Softball game w/Colwood II

8:45 pm field 1


Playdate 11:00 am

Soup Kitchen 9:00 am



Prayer Walk @ C.C. Track

w/ hotdog roast 4:00-6:00 pm

20 Single Ladies Outing 8 am

Prayer Time 10:00 am

C.E. Ministry Meeting—6 pm

Prayer Ministry Meeting—7 pm


Men’s Cookout 6:30 pm

Finance Ministry Meeting 7:00 pm


Men’s Prayer Breakfast @

Gilligan’s—6 am

Ladies Bible Study—7 pm

23 24

Playdate 11:00 am


Baby Shower for Melissa Zmierski

Burghdoff Noon—3:00 pm


Campfire Service 6:00 pm @

Venema’s pond


Prayer Time 10:00 am

Elders Meeting 7:00 pm

28 29 Men’s Prayer Breakfast @

Gilligan’s—6 am

Ladies Bible Study—7 pm

Golf Scramble 5:30 pm

30 31

Playdate 11:00 am




Page 12: Summer Sitcom Sermon… · hotdogs, buns and drinks will be provided. You can bring along something to share

Y outh M inistry U pdate Stuff for the Summer

Laser Tag Trip August 2nd - 4th

Attention All High School Students. The event of the Summer is coming. There will be a sign-up in Speirs’ office Soon.

2 nights in a sweet hotel Incredible fellowship with cool people

Awesome Laser Tag time in Alpena Cost will be approximately $80—includes everything!

Don’t Miss this!

Bible Bowl—Nationals! Our Bible Bowl Team will be traveling to Indianapolis on July 3rd for the National Tournament. The team has had a great month traveling to various college tournaments and they will conclude their year with the Grand Daddy! Good Luck Guys, you’ve all worked very hard and we’re very proud of you!

Fantasy Football Aug 30th

It’s coming soon… Draft Day is August 30th! Sign-up will be coming middle of July in Speirs’ office. Can you handle the league? We’ll be looking for a few new teams, so come on… jump in, give it a shot!

V.B.S. A H uge T hank-You to Everyone that contributed to a great vacation bible school. W e averaged about 80 kids a day and had o v e r 3 0 volunteers each day as well… Awesome Job!

Laser Tag Fantasy Football