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The Quest for Potential Savings: Large Retrofit Projects

Wen LeeAlliance to Save Energy

[email protected]

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Wanted: Potential Savings

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Large Retrofit Projects:Not scary!


• You don’t need previous experience to do this

• You won’t be coordinating the actual retrofits

• You won’t have to do all the calculations by yourself

So relax already…

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What Am I Doing, Exactly?

You are helping your university identifygood places on campus for a retrofit. Facilities departments are often understaffed, and your research may help “spark” retrofit projects that were on hold/never would have happened.

Potential savings are valuable!

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What You’ll Need

• Stakeholder support

• Strong math skills

• Google

• Willingness to ask questions and take feedback

• A good, feasible project

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Find a Good ProjectMust be:

– Simple

– Worthwhile

– Measurable

– Of interest to stakeholders

• Ask around– Facilities stakeholders

• Look around– Be on the hunt for energy hogs on campus

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Find a Good Project

Water ideas

– Low-flow aerators/showerheads/toilets

– Irrigation improvements

And more! Be persistent – don’t give up!

Lighting ideas

– T-12 to T-8 conversion

– Delamping

– Powering down

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Calculating Savings

• Ask for help!

– Energy Manager – Campus Lead

– Building Manager – Teammates

– Facilities Director – Professors

• Do your research!

– Do it yourself

– Find answers online, do your homework

• Be comfortable with uncertainty…

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Campus Cafe: Converting T-12’s to T-8’sEXAMPLE

Assumptions from metrics

tracking sheet

Source: UC Berkeley Green Campus

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Financial Analysis Metrics• Annual Savings

How many kWh/$/CO2 emissions saved per year as a result of


Calculate kWh savings Convert to $ and CO2

• Simple Payback PeriodHow many years would it take before the university makes its

money back?

Upfront costs ÷ Annual $ savings

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Financial Analysis Metrics• Net Present Value

What is the university’s total profit from this retrofit, taking

into consideration project life and time value of money?

Discount RateUC 6.6%CSU 6.0%

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Look for Rebates!

There are lots of rebates out there for energy efficiency retrofits

– Up to thousands of $$$– Rebates for universities– Check utilities website– Call and ask!

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Run your calculations by someone!

(Someone knowledgeable)

– Stakeholders

– Alliance Staff

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Calculations done! Now what?

Present your findings to stakeholders

• Report

• Presentation

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• Come up with multiple strategies (2 or 3)

– Let them choose one!

• Show the pretty stuff (a.k.a. money)

– Only explain data and calculations if someone asks

• Cut to the chase

– Stakeholders have a million other things to do

• Be professional

– You are setting a precedent for Green Campus

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Dining Hall Lighting RetrofitCal Poly Pomona Green Campus

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Giving a Presentation

• Accompanies the report

• May be more convincing

– (Not everyone may read the report )

• Number of audience members may vary

• Formal public speaking experience, yay!

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Claim Metrics!(the best part)

Source: UC San Francisco Green Campus

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Thank You! Questions?

Wen Lee

Alliance to Save Energy

[email protected]
