Page 1: SUnstoppable You Intensive EFT Summit - Who Is Mark Bristow Looking Forward To Hearing at The EFT Summit?

Mark Bristow

The Financial Healer

Who Are You Looking Forward To Hearing Mark?

Page 2: SUnstoppable You Intensive EFT Summit - Who Is Mark Bristow Looking Forward To Hearing at The EFT Summit?

What IS The Unstoppable You

Teleclass Summit?

Brad Yates…

…and Nick and Jessica


…who have been very

successful with their

Tapping Solution book

Page 3: SUnstoppable You Intensive EFT Summit - Who Is Mark Bristow Looking Forward To Hearing at The EFT Summit?

What IS The Unstoppable You

Teleclass Summit?

There are lots of big

names in the EFT world:

Carol Look and Steve


I think everybody is worth

listening to…

…I think you’ll pick

something from every


Page 4: SUnstoppable You Intensive EFT Summit - Who Is Mark Bristow Looking Forward To Hearing at The EFT Summit?

What IS The Unstoppable You

Teleclass Summit?

This is of benefit even if

you haven’t heard of EFT

We’re talking about the

principles involved

Page 5: SUnstoppable You Intensive EFT Summit - Who Is Mark Bristow Looking Forward To Hearing at The EFT Summit?

What IS The Unstoppable You

Teleclass Summit?

There are things that I’ve

learnt from NLP, EFT and

Matrix Reimprinting, but

the principles are vital

EFT is a way of changing

beliefs, if you can pick up

the principles that’s your

starting point

Page 6: SUnstoppable You Intensive EFT Summit - Who Is Mark Bristow Looking Forward To Hearing at The EFT Summit?

What IS The Unstoppable You

Teleclass Summit?

If I’ve got a bad

relationship with money

because of my own

beliefs about myself…

…that was something that

really struck a chord

Page 7: SUnstoppable You Intensive EFT Summit - Who Is Mark Bristow Looking Forward To Hearing at The EFT Summit?

What IS The Unstoppable You

Teleclass Summit?

You can start from there

and you’ve got that, that’s

your foundation for the

work that you need to


…and you literally build

on that and EFT is just

one way of doing it

Page 8: SUnstoppable You Intensive EFT Summit - Who Is Mark Bristow Looking Forward To Hearing at The EFT Summit?

Matrix Reimprinting And Behaviour

Around Money

• For more information about teleclass


• …& get three chapters of my new book:
