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Support Allocation Worksheet 3

Summary of Intra-Departmental Allocations

Unallocated Allocated Allocation Basis

Case Management

Pre-dev Mtgs B/S 178,574$

Pre-dev Mtgs PLNG 130,486$

Support to ZA Cases 510,192$ Direct to ZA

Support to Public Counter 92,209$ Direct to Pub Counter

Council Office Requests 72,886$

HIP Support 119,568$ SA 4 - DOL / ZA - # APPL

Special Projects 228,857$

Citywide Division

Gen Info - Dev. Proj Related 126,291$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

Gen Info - Council / Citywide Proj 120,577$

River Sign-Offs 16,585$ CPB - Fee 71

Support to NCPP 217,764$ CPB - NCPP

Other citywide Proj 1,661,986$

Code Studies

Codes - PLNG 383,415$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

Codes - BLDG 304,956$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

ZAI's 37,768$ ZA - Fee 38


Meeting Prep 469,071$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

Meeting Attend 361,641$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

Council Coord 78,944$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

Staff Assistance 174,680$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

Public Assistance 224,099$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

Post Mtg Activities 128,628$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

LOD's 418,906$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL

Historic Resources 159,446$ Historic Resources

Appeals 188,379$ SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA - # APPL


CPRA / Subpeonas / City Attny 103,693$

Records Ret., Dupl, Etc. 932,759$

SA 4 - CPB / DOL / ZA / PC - 50% FTE,


Public Counter Records Requests 125,255$

Internal Counter (Staff Support) 92,820$

SA 4 -ZA / DOL / CPB / PC - based on


Systems and Mapping

IT SURCH - F588 3,794,667$

B/S - F588 709,273$


GIS NCPP 700,631$ CPB - NCPP

ZIMAS 261,867$


Expedited Review 3,960,434$

Excluded 330,849$

TOTAL 11,876,275$ 5,738,751$

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Support Allocation Worksheet 1


Admin Services Accounting HR


Support TOTAL

Salaries - General 473,785$ 388,896$ 404,775$ 842,056$ 2,109,512$

Benefits 175,490$ 144,047$ 149,929$ 311,898$ 781,364$

Overtime 12,538$ 12,538$ 12,538$ 4,801$ 42,415$

Printing and binding 57,417$ 57,417$

Contract Svcs 299,481$ 299,481$

Transportation Expense 1,735$ 1,735$

Office / Admin 9,666$ 9,666$ 8,861$ 9,666$ 37,859$

Operating Supplies 100,000$ 100,000$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 196,905$ 161,625$ 168,224$ 349,958$ 876,713$

TOTAL 1,325,282$ 716,772$ 744,327$ 1,520,114$ 4,306,496$






Allocation FTE Allocation

50/50 Budget


Allocation TOTAL

CPB 470,411$ 254,420$ 241,208$ 516,089$ 1,482,128$

HIST REC 26,735$ 14,460$ 12,423$ 28,018$ 81,636$

UDS 11,361$ 6,144$ 4,141$ 10,744$ 32,390$

CITWIDE 50,443$ 27,282$ 24,845$ 54,300$ 156,869$

ZA 95,353$ 51,571$ 45,550$ 101,198$ 293,673$

DOL 134,461$ 72,723$ 68,325$ 146,883$ 422,392$

CASE MGT 31,538$ 17,057$ 14,493$ 32,887$ 95,975$

REVOCATIONS 16,020$ 8,664$ 8,282$ 17,645$ 50,611$

CODE STUD 17,225$ 9,316$ 8,282$ 18,336$ 53,159$

EXPEDITED 90,331$ 48,855$ 84,889$ 138,488$ 362,563$

COMMISSIONS 50,988$ 27,577$ 35,198$ 65,184$ 178,946$

RECORDS 29,795$ 16,114$ 24,845$ 42,458$ 113,213$

PUBLIC COUNTER 95,181$ 51,478$ 51,761$ 107,442$ 305,863$

GIS 72,180$ 39,038$ 47,620$ 90,023$ 248,862$

IT 52,871$ 28,595$ 26,916$ 57,806$ 166,187$

IT SURCHARGE 56,231$ 30,412$ 33,127$ 66,076$ 185,847$

B/S SURCHARGE 16,981$ 9,184$ 8,282$ 18,196$ 52,643$

ZIMAS 7,175$ 3,880$ 4,141$ 8,343$ 23,539$

TOTAL 1,325,282$ 716,772$ 744,327$ 1,520,114$ 4,306,496$

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Support Allocation Worksheet 2



Salaries - General 1,116,955$ 133,442$ 1,217,424$ 367,654$ 2,835,475$

Benefits 413,720$ 49,427$ 450,934$ 136,179$ 1,050,260$

As Needed Salaries 9,750$ 9,750$

Overtime 7,560$ -$ 30,000$ 37,560$

Contractual Services 1,404,500$ 1,404,500$

Office / Admin 20,656$ -$ 20,656$

DEPT ADMIN & SUPPORT 166,187$ 23,539$ 185,847$ 52,643$ 428,217$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 464,206$ 55,458$ 505,961$ 152,797$ 1,178,423$


TOTAL 2,199,035$ 261,867$ 3,794,667$ 709,273$ 1,595,159$ 8,560,001$

50/50 FTE / #

APPL F588 F588 F588 # APPL



CPB 737,286$ 538,687$ 1,275,972$

HIST REC 41,479$ 32,595$ 74,074$

UDS 6,337$ -$ 6,337$

CITWIDE 42,140$ 5,972$ 48,111$

ZA 283,234$ 309,776$ 593,009$

DOL 361,308$ 372,478$ 733,785$

CASE MGT 22,180$ -$ 22,180$

REVOCATIONS 15,419$ 3,981$ 19,400$

CODE STUD 12,675$ -$ 12,675$

EXPEDITED 129,914$ -$ 129,914$

COMMISSIONS 53,867$ -$ 53,867$

RECORDS 38,024$ -$ 38,024$

PUBLIC COUNTER 307,832$ 331,672$ 639,504$

GIS 72,879$ -$ 72,879$

ADM SVCS 19,012$ -$ 19,012$

ACCTG 19,012$ -$ 19,012$

HR 17,428$ -$ 17,428$

EXEC SPPT 19,012$ -$ 19,012$

TOTAL 2,199,035$ 1,595,159$ 3,794,194$

* Alloc Basis Excludes Admin Services, Acctg, HR, and Exec Sppt 4,765,807$


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Support Allocation Worksheet 4


# APPL % # APPL % FTE % FTE %

CPB 2165 44% 2,165 35% 115.5 68% 115.5 59%

DOL 1497 31% 1,497 24% 33 19% 33 17%

ZA 1245 25% 1,245 20% 22 13% 22 11%

PC 1,333 21% 25 13%

4907 100% 6,240 100% 170.5 100% 195.5 100%



50 /50 APPL



Gen Info -

Dev. Proj





All Except


Support to

Hist Res

Records Ret.,

Dupl, Etc.




Support) TOTAL

CPB 55,720$ 303,714$ 901,979$ 437,347$ 62,878$ 1,761,638$

DOL 65,278$ 38,528$ 210,004$ 623,678$ 190,610$ 17,965$ 1,146,064$

ZA 54,289$ 32,042$ 174,653$ 518,690$ 145,534$ 11,977$ 937,186$

PC 159,268$ 159,268$

TOTAL 119,568$ 126,291$ 688,371$ 2,044,347$ 932,759$ 92,820$ 4,004,156$

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Salary and Wage Analysis

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningZoning Administration - Case ManagementFY 2008 - 09

Position Title / NameAnnual Salary &

Benefits % ($) % ($) % ($)1 CITY PLANNER (Ferguson) 137,928$ 15.0% 20,689$ 20% 27,586$ 10.0% 13,793$ 2 CITY PLANNER (Mailian) 137,928$ 12.0% 16,551$ 10% 13,793$ 18.0% 24,827$ 3 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Perez) 137,928$ 8.5% 11,724$ 20% 27,586$ 10.0% 13,793$ 4 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Soto) 92,063$ 2.5% 2,302$ 10% 9,206$ 17.5% 16,111$ 5 CITY PLANNER (Gervais) 137,928$ 0.0% -$ 5% 6,896$ 0.0% -$ 6 CITY PLANNER (Helene Ly) 137,928$ 5.0% 6,896$ 0% -$ 0.0% -$ 7 CITY PLANNER (Vacant - formally Kuntzman) 137,928$ 15% 20,689$ 20% 27,586$ 10% 13,793$

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 919,632$ 9% 78,851$ 12% 112,653$ 9% 82,317$

Reallocation of General / Admin Salaries (78,851)$ 13% 10,565$ 10% 7,720$

1090 - Genral Overtime Expense 4,969$ 666$ 486$ 6010 - Office / Admin 11,123$ 1,490$ 1,089$

IT/GIS 22,180$ 2,972$ 2,172$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 95,975$ 12,859$ 9,397$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 278,896$ 37,368$ 27,306$

TOTAL 1,332,775$ 178,574$ 130,486$


Predevelopment Counseling Sessions - Planning as Lead

AgencyPredevelopment Meetings -

B&S as Lead Agency

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Salary and Wage Analysis

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningZoning Administration - Case ManagementFY 2008 - 09

Position Title / Name1 CITY PLANNER (Ferguson)2 CITY PLANNER (Mailian)3 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Perez) 4 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Soto)5 CITY PLANNER (Gervais)6 CITY PLANNER (Helene Ly)7 CITY PLANNER (Vacant - formally Kuntzman)

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits

Reallocation of General / Admin Salaries

1090 - Genral Overtime Expense6010 - Office / Admin




% ($) % ($) % ($) % ($)30.0% 41,378$ 5.0% 6,896$ 5.0% 6,896$ 0.0% -$ 10.0% 13,793$ 3.0% 4,138$ 7.0% 9,655$ 25.0% 34,482$ 20.0% 27,586$ 12.5% 17,241$ 8.0% 11,034$ 3.0% 4,138$ 20.0% 18,413$ 10.0% 9,206$ 5.0% 4,603$ 25.0% 23,016$ 40.0% 55,171$ 10.0% 13,793$ 5.0% 6,896$ 10.0% 13,793$ 90.0% 124,135$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 0.0% -$ 30% 41,378$ 5% 6,896$ 5% 6,896$ 0% -$

35% 321,854$ 6% 58,170$ 5% 45,980$ 8% 75,429$

38% 30,185$ 7% 5,455$ 5% 4,312$ 9% 7,074$

1,902$ 344$ 272$ 446$ 4,258$ 770$ 608$ 998$

8,491$ 1,535$ 1,213$ 1,990$ 36,740$ 6,640$ 5,249$ 8,610$

106,763$ 19,296$ 15,252$ 25,021$

510,192$ 92,209$ 72,886$ 119,568$

Public Counter Support

Support to ZA Case Processing: Clearance Sign

Off Sheets, Letters of Clarification, Ghost Writing

HIP: Other internal/external coordination, referrals and

special supportCouncil Office Support


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Salary and Wage Analysis

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningZoning Administration - Case ManagementFY 2008 - 09

Position Title / Name1 CITY PLANNER (Ferguson)2 CITY PLANNER (Mailian)3 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Perez) 4 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Soto)5 CITY PLANNER (Gervais)6 CITY PLANNER (Helene Ly)7 CITY PLANNER (Vacant - formally Kuntzman)

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits

Reallocation of General / Admin Salaries

1090 - Genral Overtime Expense6010 - Office / Admin




% ($) % ($)15.0% 20,689$ 100% 137,927$ 15.0% 20,689$ 100% 137,928$ 18.0% 24,827$ 100% 137,929$ 10.0% 9,206$ 100% 92,063$ 30.0% 41,378$ 100% 137,927$ 5.0% 6,896$ 100% 137,927$ 15% 20,689$ 100% 137,927$

16% 144,374$ 100% 919,628$

17% 13,540$ 100% 78,851$

853$ 4,969$ 1,910$ 11,123$

3,809$ 22,180$ 16,480$ 95,975$ 47,891$ 278,896$

228,857$ 1,332,772$

CROSS CHECKMiscellaneous / Special


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Salary and Wage Analysis

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningGISFY 2008 - 09

Position Title / Name

Annual Salary &

Benefits % ($) % ($) % ($) % ($) % ($)1 GEOG INFO SPECIALIST 91,434$ 100.0% 91,434$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 91,434$ 2 DRAFTING AIDE 69,522$ 100.0% 69,522$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 69,522$ 3 GEOG INFO SYS SUPVR I 107,663$ 100.0% 107,663$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 107,663$ 4 GEOG INFO SPECIALIST 91,434$ 100.0% 91,434$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 91,434$ 5 CARTOGRAPHER 85,440$ 100.0% 85,440$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 85,440$ 6 GEOG INFO SYS SUPVR I 107,663$ 100.0% 107,663$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 107,663$ 7 GEOG INFO SPECIALIST 91,434$ 100% 91,434$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 91,434$ 8 SR CARTOGRAPHER 91,470$ 100% 91,470$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 91,470$ 9 GEOG INFO SPECIALIST 91,434$ 100% 91,434$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 91,434$

10 GEOG INFO SPECIALIST 91,434$ -$ -$ 100% 91,434$ -$ 100% 91,434$ 11 GEOG INFO SPECIALIST 91,434$ -$ 100% 91,434$ -$ -$ 100% 91,434$ 12 GEOG INFO SYS SUPV I (Web Mapping) 107,663$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 107,663$ 100% 107,663$ 13 GRAPHICS DESIGNER II - 50% FEES 82,375$ -$ 50% 41,187$ 25% 20,594$ 25% 20,594$ 100% 82,375$ 14 GEOG INFO SPECIALIST 91,434$ -$ 100% 91,434$ -$ -$ 100% 91,434$ 15 GEOG INFO SPECIALIST 91,434$ -$ 100% 91,434$ -$ -$ 100% 91,434$ 16 CARTOGRAPHER - 50% FEES 85,440$ -$ 50% 42,720$ 25% 21,360$ 25% 21,360$ 100% 85,440$ 17 GRAPHICS DESIGNER II - 50% FEES 82,375$ -$ 50% 41,187$ 25% 20,594$ 25% 20,594$ 100% 82,375$ 18 GRAPHICS DESIGNER III - 50% FEES 101,488$ -$ 50% 50,744$ 25% 25,372$ 25% 25,372$ 100% 101,488$ 19 GRAPHICS DESIGNER I - 50% FEES 70,070$ -$ 50% 35,035$ 25% 17,517$ 25% 17,517$ 100% 70,069$ 20 GEOG INFO SYS SUPVR II 119,658$ 100% 119,658$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 119,658$

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 1,842,302$ 51% 947,152$ 26% 485,175$ 11% 196,871$ 12% 213,100$ 100% 1,842,298$

Reallocation of General / Admin Salaries (947,152)$ 54% 513,363$ 22% 208,309$ 24% 225,481$ 100% 947,152$

1070 As Needed Salaries 9,750$ 5,285$ 2,144$ 2,321$ 9,750$ 1090 - Genral Overtime Expense 24,919$ 13,506$ 5,480$ 5,932$ 24,919$

3040 Contractual Services 114,732$ 62,185$ 25,233$ 27,313$ 114,732$ 6010 - Office / Admin 36,546$ 19,808$ 8,038$ 8,700$ 36,546$

IT/GIS 72,879$ 39,501$ 16,028$ 17,350$ 72,879$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 248,862$ 134,885$ 54,733$ 59,244$ 248,862$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 593,077$ 321,452$ 130,436$ 141,189$ 593,077$

TOTAL 2,943,066$ 1,595,159$ 647,273$ 700,631$ 2,943,063$


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Salary and Wage Analysis

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningCitywide Planning Division2008 - 09

Position Title / NameAnnual Salary &

Benefits % ($) % ($) % ($)1 OPER & STATS RES ANL II (Beckerman) 138,579$ -$ -$ 5% 6,929$ 2 CITY PLANNER (Bibas) 137,928$ 15% 20,689$ 30% 41,378$ 10% 13,793$ 3 PR CITY PLANNER (Blumenfeld) 195,959$ 88% 172,444$ 7% 13,717$ 5% 9,798$ 4 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Bowin) 92,063$ -$ 5% 4,603$ -$ 5 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Oper & Stat Analyst I) (Cherene) 118,063$ -$ -$ 10% 11,806$ 6 CITY PLANNER (Planning Asst) (Choi) 137,928$ -$ -$ 5% 6,896$ 7 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Guth) 118,063$ -$ -$ 5% 5,903$ 8 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Kahen) 92,063$ -$ 5% 4,603$ -$ 9 OPER & STATS RES ANL I (II) (Tsao) 116,033$ -$ 5% 5,802$ -$ 10 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (ICO) (Turner) 118,063$ -$ -$ 5% 5,903$ 11 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Vallejo) 118,063$ -$ -$ 5% 5,903$ 12 SR CLERK TYPIST (Vines) 72,979$ 100% 72,979$ -$ -$

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 1,455,784$ 18% 266,112$ 5% 70,103$ 5% 66,931$

Reallocation of General / Admin Salaries (266,112)$ 6% 15,681$ 6% 14,971$

1070 As Needed Salaries 9,750$ 575$ 549$ 1090 General Overtime Expense 12,004$ 707$ 675$

6010 Office/Administrative 19,067$ 1,124$ 1,073$

IT/GIS 48,111$ 2,835$ 2,707$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 156,869$ 9,244$ 8,825$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 441,618$ 26,023$ 24,845$

TOTAL 2,143,203$ 126,291$ 120,577$

GENERAL / ADMIN DUTIESGeneral Information - Council Requests or Citywide Related

General Information - Development Projects Related

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Salary and Wage Analysis

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningCitywide Planning Division2008 - 09

Position Title / NameAnnual Salary &

Benefits1 OPER & STATS RES ANL II (Beckerman) 138,579$ 2 CITY PLANNER (Bibas) 137,928$ 3 PR CITY PLANNER (Blumenfeld) 195,959$ 4 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Bowin) 92,063$ 5 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Oper & Stat Analyst I) (Cherene) 118,063$ 6 CITY PLANNER (Planning Asst) (Choi) 137,928$ 7 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Guth) 118,063$ 8 PLANNING ASSISTANT (Kahen) 92,063$ 9 OPER & STATS RES ANL I (II) (Tsao) 116,033$ 10 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (ICO) (Turner) 118,063$ 11 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Vallejo) 118,063$ 12 SR CLERK TYPIST (Vines) 72,979$

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 1,455,784$

Reallocation of General / Admin Salaries

1070 As Needed Salaries 9,750$ 1090 General Overtime Expense 12,004$

6010 Office/Administrative 19,067$

IT/GIS 48,111$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 156,869$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 441,618$

TOTAL 2,143,203$

% ($) % ($) % ($) % ($)-$ 10% 13,858$ 85% 117,792$ 100% 138,579$ -$ 20% 27,586$ 25% 34,482$ 100% 137,928$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 195,959$

5% 4,603$ 5% 4,603$ 85% 78,254$ 100% 92,063$ -$ 20% 23,613$ 70% 82,644$ 100% 118,063$ -$ -$ 95% 131,032$ 100% 137,928$ -$ -$ 95% 112,160$ 100% 118,063$

5% 4,603$ 5% 4,603$ 85% 78,254$ 100% 92,063$ -$ 30% 34,810$ 65% 75,422$ 100% 116,034$ -$ 10% 11,806$ 85% 100,353$ 100% 118,062$ -$ -$ 95% 112,160$ 100% 118,063$ -$ -$ -$ 100% 72,979$

1% 9,206$ 8% 120,879$ 63% 922,553$ 100% 1,455,784$

1,455,784$ 1% 2,059$ 10% 27,039$ 78% 206,361$ 100% 266,112$

75$ 991$ 7,561$ 9,750$ 93$ 1,220$ 9,309$ 12,004$

148$ 1,937$ 14,786$ 19,067$

372$ 4,888$ 37,309$ 48,111$ 1,214$ 15,939$ 121,647$ 156,869$ 3,417$ 44,871$ 342,461$ 441,618$

16,585$ 217,764$ 1,661,986$ 2,143,203$

CROSS CHECKSupport to NCP Maintenance

and UpdateRiver Sign-OffsAll Other Citywide Division

Projects and Activities

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Salary and Wage Analysis

CLIENT City of Los AngelesDEPARTMENT NAME Department of City PlanningDEPARTMENT / DIVISION Zoning Administration - Code StudiesFISCAL YEAR 2008 - 09

Position Title / NameAnnual Salary &

Benefits % ($) % ($) % ($) % ($)1 CITY PLANNER (Rothmann) 137,928$ 60% 82,757$ 30% 41,378$ 10% 13,793$ 100% 137,928$ 2 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Mo) 118,063$ 70% 82,644$ 30% 35,419$ -$ 100% 118,063$ 3 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Cuza) 118,063$ 30% 35,419$ 70% 82,644$ -$ 100% 118,063$ 4 CITY PLANNING ASSOC (Obrien) 118,063$ 50% 59,031$ 40% 47,225$ 10% 11,806$ 100% 118,062$ 5 -$ -$ -$ 0% -$

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 492,116$ 53% 259,851$ 42% 206,666$ 5% 25,599$ 100% 492,116$


1070 As Needed Salaries 9,750$ 5,148$ 4,095$ 507$ 9,750$ 1090 General Overtime Expense 2,840$ 1,500$ 1,193$ 148$ 2,840$

6010 Office/Administrative 6,356$ 3,356$ 2,670$ 331$ 6,356$

IT/GIS 12,675$ 6,692$ 5,323$ 659$ 12,675$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 53,159$ 28,068$ 22,327$ 2,764$ 53,159$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 149,244$ 78,801$ 62,682$ 7,761$ 149,244$

TOTAL 726,139$ 383,415$ 304,956$ 37,768$ 726,139$


New Codes and Amendments to Existing Codes -

Ministerially Enforced by B&S

New Codes and Amendments to Existing Codes -

Discretionary Application / Land use Related

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Salary and Wage Analysis


Position Title / Name Annual Salary % ($) % ($) % ($)1 CH CLERK (MARK LOPEZ) 28,249$ 100% 28,249$ -$ -$ 2 CITY PLANNER (PHYLLIS PARKER) 137,928$ 30% 41,378$ 10% 13,793$ 3% 3,448$ 3 CITY PLANNING ASSOCIATE (IRIS) 118,063$ 25% 29,516$ 15% 17,709$ 15% 17,709$ 4 CLERK TYPIST (BAYUTAS) 55,526$ 40% 22,210$ 15% 8,329$ 10% 5,553$ 5 -$ -$ -$ -$ 6 -$ -$ -$ -$ 7 CLERK TYPIST (VACANT) 55,526$ 45% 24,987$ 50% 27,763$ -$ 8 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (JEFFERSON/HAMILTON) 145,959$ 10% 14,596$ 30% 43,788$ 15% 21,894$ 9 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (3 VACANT) 218,938$ 10% 21,894$ 30% 65,681$ 15% 32,841$ 10 -$ -$ -$ -$ 11 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (1of 6) F.P. 90,422$ 10% 9,042$ 20% 18,084$ 20% 18,084$

12 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (2of 6) S.A. 90,422$ 15% 13,563$ 10% 9,042$ 15% 13,563$ COMMISSION EXEC ASST II (1 of 2) J.W. 90,422$ 15% 13,563$ 10% 9,042$ 15% 13,563$

14 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (4 of 6) L.S. 90,422$ 0% -$ 0% -$ 0% -$ 15 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (3,5&6 VACANT) 271,265$ 10% 27,127$ 15% 40,690$ 20% 54,253$ 16 COMMISSION EXEC ASST II (2 of 2) G.W. 120,895$ 15% 18,134$ 10% 12,090$ 20% 24,179$ 17 -$ -$ -$ 18 -$ -$ -$ 19 -$ -$ -$

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 1,514,036$ 17% 264,259$ 18% 266,011$ 14% 205,087$

Re-allocation of General / Admin Salaries (264,259)$ 21% 56,247$ 16% 43,365$

6010 Office/Administrative 6,356$ 1,353$ 1,043$

IT/GIS 53,867$ 11,465$ 8,839$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 178,946$ 38,088$ 29,365$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 450,593$ 95,907$ 73,942$

TOTAL 2,203,798$ 469,071$ 361,641$

2008 - 09

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningAuto Records, Publications, Doc. Imaging, and Duplication

GENERAL / ADMIN DUTIES Meeting AttendanceMeeting Preparation

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Page 13: Support Allocation Worksheet 3 - LA City Planning › Code_Studies › FeeStudy... · Support Allocation Worksheet 3 Summary of Intra-Departmental Allocations Unallocated Allocated

Salary and Wage Analysis


Position Title / Name Annual Salary1 CH CLERK (MARK LOPEZ) 28,249$ 2 CITY PLANNER (PHYLLIS PARKER) 137,928$ 3 CITY PLANNING ASSOCIATE (IRIS) 118,063$ 4 CLERK TYPIST (BAYUTAS) 55,526$ 5 -$ 6 -$ 7 CLERK TYPIST (VACANT) 55,526$ 8 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (JEFFERSON/HAMILTON) 145,959$ 9 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (3 VACANT) 218,938$ 10 -$ 11 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (1of 6) F.P. 90,422$

12 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (2of 6) S.A. 90,422$ COMMISSION EXEC ASST II (1 of 2) J.W. 90,422$

14 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (4 of 6) L.S. 90,422$ 15 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (3,5&6 VACANT) 271,265$ 16 COMMISSION EXEC ASST II (2 of 2) G.W. 120,895$ 171819

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 1,514,036$

Re-allocation of General / Admin Salaries

6010 Office/Administrative 6,356$

IT/GIS 53,867$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 178,946$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 450,593$

TOTAL 2,203,798$

2008 - 09

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningAuto Records, Publications, Doc. Imaging, and Duplication

% ($) % ($) % ($)-$ -$ -$

10% 13,793$ 15% 20,689$ 5% 6,896$ 15% 17,709$ 10% 11,806$ 10% 11,806$ 0% -$ 5% 2,776$ 5% 2,776$

-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5% 2,776$

0% -$ 5% 7,298$ 10% 14,596$ -$ 5% 10,947$ 10% 21,894$ -$ -$ -$

2% 1,808$ 2% 1,808$ 10% 9,042$

2% 1,808$ 10% 9,042$ 10% 9,042$ 2% 1,808$ 10% 9,042$ 10% 9,042$ 0% -$ 0% -$ 0% -$ 2% 5,425$ 5% 13,563$ 10% 27,127$ 2% 2,418$ 10% 12,090$ 10% 12,090$

-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

3% 44,769$ 7% 99,061$ 8% 127,087$

4% 9,466$ 8% 20,946$ 10% 26,872$

228$ 504$ 646$

1,930$ 4,270$ 5,478$ 6,410$ 14,184$ 18,197$

16,141$ 35,715$ 45,820$

78,944$ 174,680$ 224,099$

Public AssistanceStaff AssistanceCouncil Coordination

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Page 14: Support Allocation Worksheet 3 - LA City Planning › Code_Studies › FeeStudy... · Support Allocation Worksheet 3 Summary of Intra-Departmental Allocations Unallocated Allocated

Salary and Wage Analysis


Position Title / Name Annual Salary1 CH CLERK (MARK LOPEZ) 28,249$ 2 CITY PLANNER (PHYLLIS PARKER) 137,928$ 3 CITY PLANNING ASSOCIATE (IRIS) 118,063$ 4 CLERK TYPIST (BAYUTAS) 55,526$ 5 -$ 6 -$ 7 CLERK TYPIST (VACANT) 55,526$ 8 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (JEFFERSON/HAMILTON) 145,959$ 9 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (3 VACANT) 218,938$ 10 -$ 11 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (1of 6) F.P. 90,422$

12 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (2of 6) S.A. 90,422$ COMMISSION EXEC ASST II (1 of 2) J.W. 90,422$

14 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (4 of 6) L.S. 90,422$ 15 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (3,5&6 VACANT) 271,265$ 16 COMMISSION EXEC ASST II (2 of 2) G.W. 120,895$ 171819

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 1,514,036$

Re-allocation of General / Admin Salaries

6010 Office/Administrative 6,356$

IT/GIS 53,867$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 178,946$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 450,593$

TOTAL 2,203,798$

2008 - 09

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningAuto Records, Publications, Doc. Imaging, and Duplication

% ($) % ($) % ($)-$ -$ -$

3% 3,448$ 5% 6,896$ -$ 5% 5,903$ -$ -$

10% 5,553$ 10% 5,553$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

5% 7,298$ 15% 21,894$ -$ 5% 10,947$ 15% 32,841$ -$

-$ -$ -$ 10% 9,042$ 20% 18,084$ -$

3% 2,713$ 30% 27,127$ -$ 3% 2,713$ 30% 27,127$ -$ 0% -$ 0% -$ 100% 90,422$ 8% 21,701$ 25% 67,816$ -$ 3% 3,627$ 25% 30,224$ -$

-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

5% 72,945$ 16% 237,562$ 6% 90,422$

6% 15,424$ 19% 50,231$ 7% 19,119$

371$ 1,208$ 460$

3,144$ 10,239$ 3,897$ 10,444$ 34,015$ 12,947$ 26,300$ 85,650$ 32,601$

128,628$ 418,906$ 159,446$

Historic ResourcesLetters of DeterminationPost-Meeting Activities

(minutes, etc.)

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Page 15: Support Allocation Worksheet 3 - LA City Planning › Code_Studies › FeeStudy... · Support Allocation Worksheet 3 Summary of Intra-Departmental Allocations Unallocated Allocated

Salary and Wage Analysis


Position Title / Name Annual Salary1 CH CLERK (MARK LOPEZ) 28,249$ 2 CITY PLANNER (PHYLLIS PARKER) 137,928$ 3 CITY PLANNING ASSOCIATE (IRIS) 118,063$ 4 CLERK TYPIST (BAYUTAS) 55,526$ 5 -$ 6 -$ 7 CLERK TYPIST (VACANT) 55,526$ 8 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (JEFFERSON/HAMILTON) 145,959$ 9 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (3 VACANT) 218,938$ 10 -$ 11 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (1of 6) F.P. 90,422$

12 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (2of 6) S.A. 90,422$ COMMISSION EXEC ASST II (1 of 2) J.W. 90,422$

14 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (4 of 6) L.S. 90,422$ 15 COMMISSION EXEC ASST I (3,5&6 VACANT) 271,265$ 16 COMMISSION EXEC ASST II (2 of 2) G.W. 120,895$ 171819

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 1,514,036$

Re-allocation of General / Admin Salaries

6010 Office/Administrative 6,356$

IT/GIS 53,867$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 178,946$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 450,593$

TOTAL 2,203,798$

2008 - 09

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningAuto Records, Publications, Doc. Imaging, and Duplication

% ($) % ($)-$ 100% 28,249$

20% 27,586$ 100% 137,927$ 5% 5,903$ 100% 118,061$ 5% 2,776$ 100% 55,526$

-$ 0% -$ -$ 0% -$ -$ 100% 55,526$

10% 14,596$ 100% 145,960$ 10% 21,894$ 100% 218,939$

-$ 0% -$ 6% 5,425$ 100% 90,419$

5% 4,521$ 100% 90,421$ 5% 4,521$ 100% 90,421$ 0% -$ 0% -$ 5% 13,563$ 100% 271,265$ 5% 6,045$ 100% 120,897$

-$ 0% -$ -$ 0% -$ -$ 0% -$

7% 106,830$ 100% 1,514,033$


9% 22,589$ 100% 264,258$

543$ 6,356$

4,604$ 53,867$ 15,296$ 178,946$ 38,516$ 450,592$

188,379$ 2,203,793$

Appeals - (notices, decisions) CROSS CHECK

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Page 16: Support Allocation Worksheet 3 - LA City Planning › Code_Studies › FeeStudy... · Support Allocation Worksheet 3 Summary of Intra-Departmental Allocations Unallocated Allocated

Salary and Wage Analysis


Position Title / Name Annual Salary % ($) % ($) % ($) % ($)1 CH CLERK (MARK LOPEZ) 70% 65,915$ 33% 21,752$ 27% 17,797$ 20% 13,183$ 13% 8,569$ 2 CLERK (STAPLES) 57,476$ -$ -$ 100% 57,476$ -$ 3 CLERK TYPIST (CAMELLO) 55,526$ 5% 2,776$ -$ 90% 49,973$ 3% 1,388$ 4 CLERK TYPIST (VACANT) 55,526$ -$ -$ 100% 55,526$ -$ 5 PRINCIPAL CLERK (PACHECO) 87,917$ 20% 17,583$ 53% 46,596$ 22% 19,342$ 3% 2,198$ 6 SR CLERK TYPIST (LARIOS) 72,979$ -$ -$ 100% 72,979$ -$ 7 SR CLERK (DAUZART) 74,858$ 4% 2,994$ -$ 32% 23,955$ 36% 26,949$ 8 SR CLERK (PENDLETON) -$ 0% -$ -$ 0% -$ 0% -$ 9 SR CLERK TYPIST (ARRIVILLAGA) 72,979$ -$ -$ 90% 65,681$ 5% 3,649$

10 SR CLERK TYPIST (HOLAZA) 72,979$ -$ -$ 90% 65,681$ 5% 3,649$ 11 SR CLERK TYPIST (MCFARLANE) 72,979$ 15% 10,947$ -$ 23% 16,785$ 38% 27,732$ 12 SR CLERK TYPIST (WALKER( 72,979$ -$ -$ 90% 65,681$ 5% 3,649$ 13 SR CLERK TYPIST (GABRIEL) 72,979$ -$ -$ 100% 72,979$ -$

Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 835,093$ 7% 56,052$ 8% 64,393$ 69% 579,241$ 9% 77,783$

Realocation of General & Admin Duties (56,052)$ 8% 4,633$ 74% 41,675$ 10% 5,596$

6010 Office/Administrative 6,356$ 525$ 4,726$ 635$

IT/GIS 38,024$ 3,143$ 28,271$ 3,796$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 113,213$ 9,358$ 84,175$ 11,303$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 261,825$ 21,641$ 194,671$ 26,141$

TOTAL 1,254,511$ 103,693$ 932,759$ 125,255$


Records Retention / Duplication / Mail Services / Case File Processing and

Closing / Document Imaging Unit

Public Records Act and Subpeonas and City Attorney


2008 - 09

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningAuto Records, Publications, Doc. Imaging, and Duplication

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Page 17: Support Allocation Worksheet 3 - LA City Planning › Code_Studies › FeeStudy... · Support Allocation Worksheet 3 Summary of Intra-Departmental Allocations Unallocated Allocated

Salary and Wage Analysis


Position Title / Name Annual Salary1 CH CLERK (MARK LOPEZ) 70% 65,915$ 2 CLERK (STAPLES) 57,476$ 3 CLERK TYPIST (CAMELLO) 55,526$ 4 CLERK TYPIST (VACANT) 55,526$ 5 PRINCIPAL CLERK (PACHECO) 87,917$ 6 SR CLERK TYPIST (LARIOS) 72,979$ 7 SR CLERK (DAUZART) 74,858$ 8 SR CLERK (PENDLETON) -$ 9 SR CLERK TYPIST (ARRIVILLAGA) 72,979$


Allocation of Salaries and Benefits 835,093$

Realocation of General & Admin Duties

6010 Office/Administrative 6,356$

IT/GIS 38,024$ DEPT ADMIN / SUPPORT 113,213$

CENTRAL SERVICES 41.56% 261,825$

TOTAL 1,254,511$

2008 - 09

City of Los AngelesDepartment of City PlanningAuto Records, Publications, Doc. Imaging, and Duplication

% ($) % ($)7% 4,614$ 100% 65,915$

-$ 100% 57,476$ 3% 1,388$ 100% 55,525$

-$ 100% 55,526$ 3% 2,198$ 100% 87,917$

-$ 100% 72,979$ 29% 21,709$ 101% 75,607$ 0% -$ 0% -$ 5% 3,649$ 100% 72,979$ 5% 3,649$ 100% 72,979$ 23% 16,785$ 99% 72,249$ 5% 3,649$ 100% 72,979$

-$ 100% 72,979$

7% 57,641$ 100% 835,110$

7% 4,147$ 100% 56,052$

470$ 6,356$

2,813$ 38,024$ 8,376$ 113,213$

19,372$ 261,825$

92,820$ 1,254,527$

CROSS CHECKInternal Counter Support

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