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Today we are talking about the importance of Customer Service/Customer Experience and how this directly impacts your business.

How many of you have ever had a good customer service experience? How many of you have had a bad customer service experience? How many of you have no idea what customer service is?

CUSTOMER SERVICEthe assistance provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.


Customer service is defined as the assistance provided by a company to people who buy or use its products.

A huge part of customer experience relies on customer service.


You will hear me mention the terms Customer Support/Service and Customer Experience, but those are not necessarily the same things. A huge part of customer experience, if not the BIGGEST part of the customers experience, relies on customer service.

Lauren Jeffcoat


I am passionate about customer service because I work as a customer service representative, and I am also a customer service representative because I am passionate about customer service.

Customer Service is something I deal with on a day to day basis. I am part of the customer support team for, the WordPress Multilingual Plugin created by OnTheGoSystems. I have been working with them for just about a year now, and before that I was a freelance web designer. I have seen both the benefit and the struggle of being both the business owner and the customer support person, and I have seen how it works to be part of a larger company support team. And I have found that there are actually a lot of the same philosophies no matter the size of your company or support team.

Why is customer experience important? Because it builds trust.


Earning a customers trust starts with giving great service. Great service matters to customers, and it matters a lot. Think about how you like to be treated as a customer. Not only that, but customer support touches Every. Single. Person.

EVERY. SINGLE. PERSONAre you a customer support representative?

Do you own a business?

Do you work for a business?

Do you buy things?


Customer service touches EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON.-Are you a customer service representative like me? Then customer service definitely touches your life.-Are you a business owner? Then customer service definitely touches you.-Do you work for a business? Then customer services touches you.-Do you buy things? Then customer services touches you.

Customer Service touches EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON.

85%Consumers will pay more for a good customer experience.


86% of consumers are willing to pay more to ensure good customer service. By providing excellent customer support you are automatically increasing the value of your products and services.

4By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.years


By the year 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. This means that in just 4 years, it doesnt matter if you have the same exact product as your competitor for a lesser price. If your competitor has excellent customer service and you dont, your consumers dont care about the discounted price. They want better service.

89%Of customers get frustrated because they need to repeat their issues to multiple representatives.


72%happy customers will share a positive experience with 6 or more people.


72% of customers will share a positive experience with 6 or more people.

13%Unsatisfied customers will tell 15 or MORE people that they are unhappy.


13% of unsatisfied customers will tell 15 or MORE people that they are unhappy.

1 OUT unhappy customers complain.The rest? They just leave.OF 26


While 67% of customers mention bad experiences as a reason for churn, only 1 out of 26 unhappy customers complain.

The rest, they just leave. Clearly, its important for us to understand that Customer Support is imperative to the success of our business. How we can do it better, and what we can do to stop our customers from leaving.

Lets talk about why customers leave.

BYE-BYEDo you know why your customers are leaving?



9% go to competition3% move away.

14% are dissatisfied5% develop other relationships.

68% leave because of rude service




Sure, there will be times when youve tried your best and cant seem to make any headway with a particular problem. And unfortunately, bad customer service or a bad customer experience can and will spread like wildfire.



What are some steps we can take to avoid those types of situations?



The worst thing you can do with a frustrated customer is not respond. Failure to respond can lead to 15% increase in churn for already existing customers. Also, wasting the customers time by shifting from department to department (as we mentioned earlier) leaves the customer frustrated. Even if you have to make the customer wait, its less frustrating if they dont have to repeat the problem over and over again. So instead of moving them a long the line, as the customer supporter, you go and talk to the team members that you need to get the answers from, but keep the customer in touch with one person as much as you possibly can.



Your customers may be discussing you without @ mentioning you. If you set Google Alerts, you will be able to find these discussions and respond positively and publicly. This allows you to turn a potentially bad customer experience into a great one and everyone watching can see. Responding publicly also builds trust, because youre not hiding behind an email address. Youre putting yourself out there.



If you want customers talking about your good customer experience, its not enough to be average. Be awesome. Think of ways that you can go above and beyond. In my experience, sometimes its just a matter of acknowledging



Take responsibility if necessary. Not owning the issue exhibits arrogance and lack of humility. Dont shift blame. Pointing fingers demonstrates a lack of unity on the business team. A brand that shows discord is difficult to trust.



Follow up and ask for feedback. This is a great way to learn how to improve practices. A support queue is a goldmine of unsolicited feedback.



Weve all heard the saying The Customer is always right. How many people in here believe that to be true. Raise your hands Should you follow this mentality?



Its SO not true that the customer is always right. But we cant just tell the customer that they are wrong. To make it a better customer experience, we have to teach them. When a customer asks for support, its an opportunity to improve their knowledge and understanding and even possibly turn them into a repeat customer if you can upsell them. If they can clearly understand the solution, they wont care if they were right or wrong to begin with. They will just be happy that the problem was solved.



It may be tempting to yell and scream at a client, but that is unprofessional. Its always best to kill em with kindness. Smile and stay calm. There are always going to be that handful of customers who are unhappy no matter what you do. They are probably just generally unhappy people.

Dont waste your time trying to win over the haters. Youre not the jackass whisperer. (Scott Stratten)

And when you absolutely frustrated, Scream Into the Void.




So now that we know what NOT to do, lets talk about how we can get things rigth with the customer.

The more time you spend planning for great service, the less time you spend actually delivering it.


Have a plan, but dont over plan. The more time you spend planning for great customer service, the less time you spend actually delivering it. By saying that I dont mean you should have a plan at all, just that customer service should come naturally, instead of being too strategically planned.

GIVE THE CUSTOMER WHAT THEY WANT.Greet MeValue MeListen to MeHelp MeInvite Me Back


To the customer, contacting customer support is about more than just getting help. Its about building a relationship. They want to be greeted - dont just jump right in to the solution. THe customer needs to be wooed. Then repeat and acknowledge the problem. This helps to show that you listening to the customer and also is a great way to make sure you understand the problem correctly. There have been many times that I have spend hours troubleshooting what I thought was the issue when all along it was something entirely different. Save yourself the hassle and make sure you are on the smae page.

Now is when you offer assistance. Offer clear, concise instructions. Use screen shots. Use screen casts. Make notes on screenshots. Go the extra mile to make sure your documentation is clear. Then, just incase its not, invite your customer to get back in touch if things are not immediately resolved.



Mobile search will generate 2.7 billion more queries than desktop search.

MULTIPLE CHANNELS OF SERVICEBut at the same time, remain consistent.


Todays customers interact across muliple different channels - phone, online chat, social media, email, written tutorials, video tutorials, etc. Make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Its important to provide the channels that your consumers are comfortable with. Research your demographic. Ask for customer feedback. Find out the best way(s) that you can communicate with your customer and then maintain a consistent experience across these channels. Use similar tone, use similar procedures.



Self service help is the consumers first choice. Customers want to be able to find answers to their own questions. 50% of customers think its important to solve their own problems, while 70% of customers expect a website to include self help applications. What do I mean by self help? FAQ section and online Tutorials, both written and video.



Customers are smart. If honesty is the best policy, theyll appreciate and admire you more when you admit to a mistake, rather than playing games or even worse, avoiding the topic altogether.

Dont try to hide or cover up your errors. Address the issue directly, explain how you will handle it and share what steps are being taken to prevent the errors from occurring in the future. To implement transparency effectively, lead by example. Your employees will also admire you more for your honesty.

At WPML, when we release a new version that has a bug, we quickly address it. First, we find a suitable workaround, then we release an announcement on our site and then we work to release an updated version that contains a fix. This way,the customer knows about the problem, has a temporary solution, and knows when to expect a permanent fix.



You may not think that customer reviews are directly related with Customer Service. After all, reviews come directly from the client, right? Well, yes, but online reviews also give us the chance to control online reputation management. Allowing reviews is excellent customer experience for NEW customers. It also gives a platform for existing customers to voice their opinion. If the opinion is good, then great! Its free marketing. If the opinion is negative, then it gives you a social platform to show potential customers how you gracefully handle tough situations. It allows you to earn trust of customers you dont even have yet. And thats powerful.

12xOnline reviews are 12 times more trusted than marketing efforts.


67%of online shoppers are influenced by reviews.


67% of online shoppers are influenced by reviews. If you remember in the beginning of this presentaiton, I mentioned that 85% of shoppers are willing to shop somewhere else and even pay more for the same products and services simply due to excellent customer service. Reviews are a great way to show how great you are and to let your customers do the marketing for you.

Awesome Customer Service = Happy Customers = Free Marketing


Marketing is no longer traditional marketing. Marketing is engaging. Customer service and marketing now go hand in hand. When you focus on being awesome, your customers do the marketing for you.

THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLYReal life examples of customer experiences.



Heres an example of poor customer service.

I was on the way to the airport to leave the country when multiple clients called or emailed that their sites were down. So I immediately called hostgator and go the whole We are currently experiencing higher than usual wait times

Which - by the way - if everytime I call your customer support you have that same message about unusually long wait times - then guess what? Thats NOT unusual!!! Its irritating!

After waiting 45 minutes on hold, I was told that one of their internal servers was down causing all of my sites on this particular hosting plan to go down and it took 3 days to resolve. I lost three of my hosting accounts during that time.

What would have been better: An alert to let me know before my clients did. An estimated time frame of when it would be back up, and a backup plan for how they would handle this moving foward.


Bad example:

There was a story floating around on Facebook of a Dominos Pizza in North Carolina. Shortly after Hurricane Matthew blew through, a worker from the electric company ordered pizza from Dominos. He waited close to an hour while others came in and out with their food and finally asked at the counter - Any idea what is taking so long

The worker said If you think its okay for me to wait three days for my electricity to come back on, I think itsokay for you to wait an hour for your pizza.

Needless to say, the worker was fired and the owner of the store publicly apologized on Facebook.


Recently on a trip to WordCamp San Antonio, my first flight was delayed, causing me to miss my connecting flight. I was made aware of this before I even left my house, which was helpful because I then arrived to the airport early to see what kind of changes could be made.

The attendant at the desk was so helpful, he immediately rerouted my flight so I would arrive as close to on time as I could. He remembered me from flying a few weeks prior and set me up with all window seats, since he remembered my preference. And because of the inconvenience I was upgraded to first class on my return flight.

Now, Im a loyal American Air flyer and will only book with them as long as it is possible. They took a negative situation but earned my trust and loyalty.



Shortly after having my son, we had purchased a MamaRoo Swing - the coolest swing ever invented for infants. Immediately he fell in love with it and it soothed him to sleep pretty much every day. So it was devastating when one day it just stopped.

I called the company and they very quickly shipped a new one to me and provided the box and postage to return the broken one. On top of that, they followed up with a hand written card a week later to make sure the new one was working great. In the card was a $10 Starbucks gift card, becasue they figured as a new mom I could use a little pick me up. I was pleasantly stunned and shared this experience with everyone!!! Now I am a loyal customer and brand ambassador for them.



So why is it so important to go the extra mile?

14xmore likely to sell an existing happy customer than sell to a new customer.


You are more 14 times more likely to sell an existing happy customer than sell to a new customer.

Satisfied customers are the best way to market your business, because they are the ones that become your word-of-mouth army. They are your customer evangelists. - Scott Stratten


Your goal should be to make each and every customer a customer evangelist.

Thanks!!Any questions?
