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Survey analysis

I have analyzed the results that I have received. The number of survey entries is 15. The results fit with my plans and target audience. The questions that I included in the survey I believe were the right choose because I think they are the must useful in terms of getting the most information that benefits my video and the genre that I am doing.

It is clear to see that the question about genre is answered evenly. Showing that there was an even number of males to females that answered and even though that does not apply to the survey as a whole due to the skipped question on this, it still does show that the survey has been shared evenly and with a similar number of entries from both genders. This was planned to a degree because I sent the survey out by email to both genders so I did expect this result and I believe it has helped my development of my music video.

This question about age shows that I had most of my entries answered by the ages 11 though to 18, this could be positive to my music video as generally younger people listen to rock and alternative rock more than the older ages. The outcome of this result I expected as I sent the survey out to that particular age

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range, that is not to say that this question was guaranteed because I also sent it to older ages including members of my family and other people that I know. I think what can be taken from this is the fact that the younger people or the people in the 11-18 age range are more willing to express there views and opinions about this sort of topic and therefore I believe might be more interested in the elements of music videos and what goes into making and producing them. I believe that with the fact that music video’s generally are not that old that they might have more of a market with younger people and I think that younger people might like the idea of them more than older people who have not got as of a connection.

This question I believe is a very general question and a one that could have provided me with a result that was not favorable to the genre that I am doing because there is a lot of genres listed and people have there own unique music tastes and choices, so I knew that I would have to make the best of the result that come of this question and try my best to act on it. Looking at the result I can see that the most voted for was the rock genre, this links with my previous response above about age and this to a degree backs up my claims of which I made. I think that rock is ahead of the other genres here because of the fact that I had most of my entries made by a young age group. Alternative that fits my genre is second which shows that there is an audience for this genre, and if you link the alternative choice and the rock choice which both link to my video then it shows that my video should have very popular support. The link between the results and the age that I received is also there with the fact that younger ages are choosing the likes of rock and pop over the more conventional types like folk and jazz, which received nothing.

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This question I feel very confident with because I shows that the target audience that I am aiming at. This shows that music videos are commonly looked at and viewed and shows that even though the majority look at them just sometimes the people who look must be looking at a wide variety of videos in there genre that they like. The other point about the chart is that in all the people who completed the survey none had ever not watched a music video of any kind which means that age group where at least interested in some degree to music and videos relating to it.

This question has been wildly answered which provides a lot of analysis points. The biggest point that I think can be made from the results that I have collected is that you can see that the 15 people have very broad music senses in other words they listen to music in different ways and at different times possibly to do work or to relax. It can clearly be seen on the graph that less than three hours is the most chosen option and to me in a day this seems a reasonable amount of

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time. And I feel that that is a suitable length that fits my genre and a length that I would feel happy with. There is people who listen to music for a lengthy period and that I believe is down to the fact that they must enjoy it that much or that they are a musician or that they could be taking some course that involves looking at music videos for long periods of time such as media or music. The other point that I wanted to make about the setup of this graph is that I have included the under times because some people might listen to music for just over 2 hours and in a regular selection question that answer would not be provided so I believe doing it this way provides a more accurate representation of how long a person listens.

this question was one of the questions where I wanted to try and get a little bit more info on what a person was interested in when they watch a music video, in other words what is the element they like the most or what catches there eye the most. I knew that the answers that I received off these questions would help me decided how to plan my own video and whether or not to have or show a story or performance in my video. It can clearly be seen that the one that the most look for is some narrative/story telling but having looked at the result for performance and the fact that most music videos now have a mix of both I knew I had to try and include them together but focus on a story that could some hoe find its way into the performance and this is something that I would think about having seen this result.

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This is very similar to the question above but this question asks what is your favioute element in a music video instead of what do you look for. You can see that in this question the favioute is the performance choice with the narrative coming second so I can take from this that I have to try and somehow combine them and try to come up with a video that emphasizes them in different ways to appeal to different people who get out of the video different things. But that is not to say that because the other choices where not as popular that I should not include them. In fact the camera/angles and camera positioning is going to play a big part in how I get the story across to the viewer. And yes that will include a host of editing techniques so just because they where not chosen does not mean they I will not be including that in the video. I just means that I have a sense of what my potential audience are looking for.

These questions coved things like what is your best band and what music video do you enjoy the most to what you most enjoy in a music video and to summarize what the responses where like they where surprisingly in favor of my genre and my ideas. One response even said that there best band was keane. And other responses where that they thought that the narrative and performance

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where import and and all the responses I have to take on board to help make my video the best that I can be.