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Carrie Berard Survey Questions LBSC 741, April 2, 2014 Bailey Part A: Teacher Survey As part of my program at the University of Maryland, I must survey teachers at my placement school about issues of collaboration and the library. Thank you so much for agreeing to participate in my survey.

1. How often do you meet together as a faculty? a. Once a week b. Bi-weekly c. Monthly d. Other____

2. Do you meet together as departments/teams?

a. Yes b. No

3. How often do you meet with your department/team?

a. Once a week b. Bi-weekly c. Monthly d. Other____

4. Does the environment of the school support collaboration between teachers?

(used scale ) 1 = not enough support 5 = lots of support

5. How is collaboration between teachers supported? ____________________________

6. Did you receive instruction on collaboration and co-teaching while doing your teacher training?

a. Yes b. No

7. Are you currently collaborating with another teacher?

a. Yes b. No

8. Do you use data to determine, understand, and make changes to your teaching

methods? a. Yes b. No

9. Do you share what you learn from that data with your department/team?

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a. Yes b. No

10. How do you share knowledge with peers?

a. Face to face b. Email c. Google app d. Wiki page e. Online tool f. Other

11. Are there factors that assist in collaboration with peers? Factors that hinder


12. Does collaboration affect student achievement?

13. If yes, how does collaboration affect student achievement?

14. Do you believe that creating a culture of collaboration among the faculty would be key to establishing innovative new methods of teaching for this school?

Part B: Student Survey, Post Citation Lesson Please complete the following questions as your exit card for today’s citation assignment.

1. How often do you visit the library? a. Daily b. Several times a week c. Once a week d. Only when I have to

2. Please check all the reasons you visit the library

a. Check out books b. Use the computers c. Use the printers d. Find information/research e. Visit with a class

3. Are you able to find what you need in the library?

4. Do you use the catalog/

a. Often b. Sometimes c. Rarely d. Never

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5. What is your favorite type of reading a. Adventure b. Fantasy c. Mysteries d. Realistic e. Romance f. Science fiction g. Sports h. Non-fiction

6. Are there any book or author recommendations that you would like to make?

7. What is your favorite thing about the library?

8. What is your least favorite thing about the library?
