Page 1: Sysnosis 1 - In Cause of Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright


NAME: Tan Chee Siang ID: 0315159LECTURER: Lam Shen Fei TUTORIAL TIME: 2pm-4pmSYNOPSIS NO: 1 READER TITLE: In Cause of Architecture

AUTHOR: Frank Lloyd Wright“In the cause of Architecture“ Frank Lloyd Wright stated some of the importance principals in his

architectural “ Styles”. A building should be contained several conditions which give a rise and underfor the people’s living and architect should strive continually to simplify.

Firstly, simplicity and repose are qualities that measure the true value of any work of art. It is truethat simplicity can send clear message of the concept to the work of art itself. However, I feel thatcomplexity are more detailed and bring variety of value of the building. Furthermore,Wright suggestthat there should be as many variety of houses as there are type of people and asmany differentiation as there are different expression in his own environment The different styles arecreated are to suit for the human’s need and also suit to the site context Wright mentioned that abuilding should appear to grow easily from its site and be shaped to harmonize with its surroundingsif nature is manifest there. In my opinion, I see that the building should respond to the environmentand maybe the cultural aspect of the surrounding. Besides,Wright claimed that using the soft warm,optimistic tones of earths and autumn leaves in preference to the pessimistic blues, purples, or coldgreens and grays of the ribbon contour brings out the nature of materials, However, I feel that thestatement that Wright point out does occurred in that period of time but nowadays the modernarchitecture produce more to neutral color like white and grey. I think neutral color materialsexpresses more in terms of mass and voids.

Wright thinks that style will follow by the condition and at the time is the ideal of democracy, Iagree with his statement as trend comes and goes. In addition, people really care about the fashioninstead of the principle. However,I think that if it is trendy, it will do because fashions changes incertain periods or seasons, and those whose houses are not built out of principles, and then theycontain no truth and find no organization. Wright believes that design in all elements of a buildingforms should be coherent including small details. By then, architect has an individuality when hiswork reflect itself will bear a family resemblance to entrust his characterization. Wright also think thatarchitecture is a scientific art, the thinking basis will always will always from the architect his suretyby his feeling.I agree that architecture is a subjective piece of art. I think the thought of eacharchitects may not get the most appreciated value for each of artwork, that’s why this is wheredifferent pattern of works were created.

Wright sums up “in cause of architecture” in the future, claimed that the work shall grow to bemore simple, more expressive with just fewer lines; fewer forms; more articulate with less labor;more plastic; more fluent, although more coherent; more organic."

Page 2: Sysnosis 1 - In Cause of Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright


Key points (2.5)

Appropriateness of

Terminologies (2.5)

Clarity in Opinions and

Reactions (2.5)

Logical Progression (2.5)



Page 3: Sysnosis 1 - In Cause of Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright



Grades Marks Key points (2.5) Appropriateness ofTerminologies (2.5)

Clarity inOpinions andReactions (2.5)

LogicalProgression (2.5)

A 1.8 -2.5

Evidence ofoutstandingunderstanding of Keypoints through clearexplanation

Appropriate use ofTerminologies Indiscussing the Issues/Concepts/Theories

OutstandingClarity in opinionsand reactions -Supported withstrong Logicalexplanation

OutstandingArticulation oflogical expressionsending with well-developedparagraphs

B 1.5 -1.79

Evidence ofunderstanding of Keypoints throughreasonableexplanation

Reasonable use ofTerminologies Indiscussing the Issues/Concepts/Theories withMinor unfamiliarity

Reasonableclarity in opinionsand reactions -Supported withLogicalexplanation

ReasonableArticulation oflogical expressionsending with well-developedparagraphs

C 1.25 -1.49

Evidence of SomeUnderstanding of Keypoints throughacceptableexplanation

Acceptable use ofTerminologies Indiscussing the Issues/Concepts/Theories withNoticeable unfamiliarity

AcceptableClarity in opinionsand reactions -Supported withsatisfactoryexplanation

AcceptableArticulation oflogical expressionsending with someambiguousstatements

D 1 -1.24

Evidence of SomeUnderstanding of Keypoints through notquite acceptableexplanation

Evidence ofTerminologies howeverpoorly communicated indiscussing The Issues/Concepts/Theories With

Weak Clarity inopinions andreactions -Supported withLengthyexplanation

Poor Articulation oflogical expressionsending withnoticeableambiguousstatements

F 0 -0.99

Insufficient Evidenceof Understanding ofKey points throughweak explanation

Insufficient Evidence ofTerminologies indiscussing the Issues/Concepts/Theories With

Improperopinions andreactions. NotMatching theIssues/ Concepts/Theories -InadequateReasons

Unable toArticulate / illogicalexpressions.Poorly writtensynopsis.