Page 1: SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure · SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure. Features • Realized with a telescopic guide, with hardened tracks and steel balls

049900006 July 2014


SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOORInstallation procedure

Page 2: SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure · SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure. Features • Realized with a telescopic guide, with hardened tracks and steel balls


• Realizedwithatelescopicguide,withhardenedtracksandsteelballsforbearing.

• Highreliabilityoftheslidingsystemduringtime.

• Reducedoveralldimensionsinsidethevehicle.

• Quickassemblyandeasyuse.

• Basedonadoorwithwidth900mm,maximumthickness85mm,maximumweight100kg.

• Forslidingdoorsfromrighttoleftandfromlefttoright




Page 3: SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure · SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure. Features • Realized with a telescopic guide, with hardened tracks and steel balls

Components of the kit

1 � N° 1 zinc plated plate

2 � N° 1 stainless steel lower rail

3 � N° 1 small limit stop plate

4 � N° 1 door block

5 � N° 1 stainless steel rail bar for the lower door

6 � N° 2 zinc plated linear guides

7 � N° 1 zinc plated telescopic guide L=900 mm

8 � N° 1 limit stop rubber

9 � N° 1 limit stop block



Page 4: SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure · SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure. Features • Realized with a telescopic guide, with hardened tracks and steel balls


Picture 2

The roof and the door must be properly reinforced with suitable plates where the fixing holes are located.

Assembly stages






4. Fixingthesmalllimitstopplate3andthelimitstoprubber8onthezincplatedplate1throughacountersunkM5screw(seepicture3)

Page 5: SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure · SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure. Features • Realized with a telescopic guide, with hardened tracks and steel balls

Picture 3 door completely opened

Picture 4 door completely open - detail of the limit stop block





Page 6: SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure · SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure. Features • Realized with a telescopic guide, with hardened tracks and steel balls

5. Assembly of the zinc plated plate 1 to the telescopic guide 7 through countersunk M5 screws

Verifying the correct functioning of the system composed by the limit stop plate 3-limit stop rubber 8-door block 4

6. Fixing the rail bar of the lower door 5 onto the door through countersunk M8 screws

Picture 5 door completely open – detail on M6 screws on linear guides



7. Positioningofassembleddoorontothevehicletocheckthepositioningofthelinearguides.6

Itmustbeverifiedthatthelimitstopofthelinearguides 6 correspondstitheconfigurationofmaxcomingoutofthedoor.(picture5)

Page 7: SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure · SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure. Features • Realized with a telescopic guide, with hardened tracks and steel balls

8. Fixing the linear guides 6 to the roof through countersunk M8 screws through a stop limit screw on the side of the door (picture 5)

9. Mounting the door on the vehicle through assembly of the zinc plated plate 1 to the linear guides 6 through M8 screws.

10. Fixing the stainless steel lower rail 2 on the external side of the body or the frame.

Verifying that the positioning of said stainless steel rail 2 is so that the door is maintained in vertical position and the limit stop is guaranteed when closing.



Page 8: SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure · SYSTEM FOR SLIDING DOOR Installation procedure. Features • Realized with a telescopic guide, with hardened tracks and steel balls

PASTORE & LOMBARDI S.p.A. con socio unico soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di HILBE S.p.A.

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