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Tracer Android | User Guide

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TRacer Mobile Phone Spy App by Killer Mobile®

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Tracer Android | User Guide


Killer Mobile Software LLC will not be held responsible and accepts no liability for any unlawful or illicit use of any of its applications, and will use any technique available to prevent continued unlawful use including deactivation of the license or the remote web account where any data may be stored in the event a complaint is received.

Data Transmission Notice TRacer uses your device's IMEI as the identifier for our Trial feature as well as for uploading user data to our servers & your web panel account per your application settings. Based on your settings, the application will also report and store GPS, Location, Call Logs, Recorded

Audio, SMS, Emails, Website URLs, Contacts and/or other data to the server, as well as use your Data Connection, Send & Receive SMS's and Make/Answer Calls. This information is not shared with anyone outside of Killer Mobile Software LLC, nor will it be accessed by anyone at Killer Mobile Software LLC. This data can be deleted by you from your web account at any time. No backup of this data is made by us if you choose to delete this data. You also acknowledge that you are the owner of the device that the application is being installed on and that you accept sole responsibility for any legal actions, either criminal or

civil that result from the use of this application.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................4

2. Installation/Uninstallation .......................................................................................5

3. Registration ..................................................................................................................5

4. Application Settings ..................................................................................................6

5. SIM change notification ...........................................................................................8

6. Password Setting........................................................................................................9

7. Store/retrieve setting from server ..................................................................... 10

8. Report to ..................................................................................................................... 11

9. Call Recording ........................................................................................................... 13

10. After call recording .................................................................................................. 15

11. Spy calls ...................................................................................................................... 17

12. Enable Photo Taking ............................................................................................... 18

13. Enable Video Recording ......................................................................................... 18

14. Enable Audio Record ............................................................................................... 19

15. General Mobile Data ................................................................................................ 19

16. Device Media Storage ................................................................................................ 20

17. Third party application .............................................................................................. 20

18. SMS Commands .......................................................................................................... 21

19. Root Notice.................................................................................................................... 23

20. Web Panel / Server .................................................................................................... 23

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1. Introduction

TRacer is a Discreet Mobile Phone Spy & Tracking Application TRacer is ideal for tracking mobile activity & backing up Device Data of Employees, Family (when appropriate) or for personal usage.

The TRacer Web Panel access is available at:

You can Purchase a TRacer License at

Key Features:

1. Automatically & Discreetly track Call Logs, SMS Logs, Whatsapp Chats, Facebook Contacts, Photos, Videos & GPS Location via remote web panel, email or SMS

2. Discreet, High Quality Call Recording is available on Many Android Devices

3. 100% Invisible SMS commands for full application control including audio, video recording, settings changes, real time GPS tracking & more

4. User friendly & feature packed Web Panel

5. Remotely Trigger Audio Recording via SMS command

6. Remotely Trigger Photos & Video Recording via SMS to be taken and uploaded

7. Batch Upload Data by setting an Interval, Real time or scheduled way

8. Remotely monitor SMS, Call Logs, Contacts etc.

9. Spy Call feature – Application will automatically & discreetly answer an incoming call from a preset number

10. System App feature offers improved application hiding & Application uninstall prevention.

** Certain Features require the device to be rooted. These include the Spy/Monitor Call, Whatsapp Tracking, Facebook Tracking, System App, Auto On GPS & Gmail tracking

Mobile Device

Remote web panel Gmail Monitor Number

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2. Installation/Uninstallation

Below are quick steps to install app from our website

1. Download the application directly from your device browser from

2. You’ll be prompted to install the application automatically. If installation fails check

under Settings -> Applications that “Unknown Sources” is checked

3. Once the application is installed, it can be accessed by dialing the default application

password which is 555555 (Dial as you would a normal call).

To Uninstall TRacer when it is set as a System application, you can either disable the

System App setting, reboot, then uninstall as a normal application or uninstall as you would

normally or manually delete the TRacer installation file from


To uninstall TRacer when it is NOT set as a system application, go to Settings ->

Applications to uninstall.

3. Registration

TRacer will run for 3 days as a full featured trial, after which time you will need to purchase

a license (from or one of our many resellers) for continued use. Licenses are offered in 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year & 2 year terms.

Immediately upon installation you will be prompted to input your email address. This will serve as your username for your web panel account.

Registration as well as renewal of an existing license is done automatically. Once you have submitted your IMEI after purchase, your registration as well as panel account will be updated automatically.

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4. Application Settings

We’ve designed TRacer to be very simple to use. The TRacer User Interface consists of three settings screens. Simply set your password and the general application settings such as hiding the application, set where & when the data should be reported, and finally what data to report and you’re ready to uncover the truth.

1st Tab - General Settings (hide application, password, etc)

2nd Tab - Send Settings (send via email, panel, etc) 3rd Tab - Data Settings (select what data to Track/Record)

Pressing the Menu Key gives you two options:

1) Upload Any Queued – This will upload any data that failed to upload due to data

connectivity issues, or because the application was not set to automatically upload

2) View Captured Media Data – This will let you view any media (photos, videos, audio or recorded calls) the application currently has stored.

3) Fix Call Recording – This option is for Rooted Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note devices running OS 4.0 (ICS). This will patch your recording libraries to enable two-sided call recording. Root is required for this feature.

Enable/Disable Tracking When this box is checked, the application is active and will report per your settings. If left unchecked, the application is effectively shut down.

Hide Application

TRacer is hidden by default directly after installation. The only way to access the application is by dialing the application password which by default is 555555

System app This feature prevents application uninstallation and allows TRacer to run as a higher priority application will helps prevent shut down during low RAM situations. It also makes TRacer more difficult to detect

Note: device needs to be rooted to use this feature

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Confirm Commands When enabled will send a confirmation SMS back to the mobile that sent the SMS command.

Auto Delete Media Since Photos, Videos & Call Recordings can eventually build up and consume a lot of space, we added in this nifty feature. This allows you to have the media file automatically delete from the device AFTER they have been successfully uploaded or sent via Email. Note that this data is normally stored in /sdcard/andr_media/data/.

Upload Media Wifi Mode When enabled Media Files, such as Photos, Videos, Audio or Recorded calls will only be uploaded to the panel or sent via email if the device is connected via a WiFi connection. This is to help prevent data over usage.

Debug Logs This setting is for debugging ONLY. Please do not enable this unless you are specifically working with us to track down an issue you are having. The Debug log will write to your Sdcard/TRacerDebugLog.txt

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5. SIM change notification

When enabled, and a valid number is set for the Notification Number to send the SMS to, the application will send an alert SMS indicating that the SIM has been changed. This is useful as by looking at the “sender number” of the SMS you will know the new phone number of the device. The sent SIM change SMS will NOT appear in the sent SMS logs.

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6. Password Setting

The default password is 555555, however can be changed to any 6 numerical digit password. This password is used for accessing the hidden application (by dialing the password as you would a call) as well as for use in the Remote SMS commands

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7. Store/retrieve setting from server

1 Automatic Downloading option 2 Downloading setting 3 Upload setting 4 Activate Schedule Download This feature allows you to enable the application settings to be remotely updated directly from your Web Panel account. Auto Download Settings | Check this setting to have the application automatically retrieve updated settings from the web panel. ** It’s important that you either set the application settings in the app then choose “Upload Settings” or modify the settings on the panel before enabling this setting.

Download Settings | This will manually download the settings set in your web panel. This will overwrite any existing application settings. * Note, if your panel settings have not been configured, this will reset your current application settings to their default.

Pressing the Upload Settings option will upload all of your current application settings to the web panel overwriting any existing Panel settings.

Enabling the Activate Schedule Download setting, and setting a download interval, will instruct the application to automatically download the settings from the panel at the set interval. The exact settings on the panel will overwrite your current application settings so it is highly suggested you initially “Upload” the settings manually from the application before enabling this.

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8. Report to

TRacer allows you to report data to your Web Panel Account, by Email (the emails go through our server which means no need for a dedicate email account setup on the Target Device) or via SMS. Please note that Media will not be sent Via SMS. You can have one or all three options enabled simultaneously.

Email: Email address to which data will be sent can be entered here(should be valid email id).

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Monitor number: Mobile numbers to send the Data Reports to. Keep in mind that Standard SMS charges apply. Note: Data (Phone Log, SMS, Contact, and GPS) can be sent to SMS only in Real-time Setting.

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9. Call Recording

Enabling this feature will result in automatic call recording. Note that note all Android devices are capable of call recording, however many are. There are currently 5 “recording strategies”. Typically the correct recording strategy for your device will already be configured. Audio quality of the recorded calls will vary by device and OS version. Not all devices will be compatible with the Call Recording feature and you may need to adjust the recorder setting in the application to get call recording working properly. Please test prior to purchase. All other TRacer features will work fine, including remote Audio recording (non-calls).

You can adjust the recording strategy by setting the Call Record Strategy Setting right below the Call Record check box in the settings. By default it is set to Strategy C. Try the “Mic” option as a last resort (this works on most devices) *** Recorded calls will be found in /andr_media/rec/ Refer Appendix section 23.1 Call Strategy for details.

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Record Format: TRacer currently supports Call & Audio

Recording in either AMR (highly compressed) and 3GPP formats. AMR format is recommended.

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10. After call recording

After Call Recording allows you to automatically trigger ambient sound recording following a call from a preset number. Many times you can instigate a conversation simply by calling. This allows you to capture that conversation with ease. Simply enable this feature, set how long the application should record for after the call ends and specify the numbers that will trigger the After Call recording and you’re ready to go.

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Auto turn GPS on Enabling this will allow GPS to be tracked even when the device user disables GPS in the Device settings.

Note: device needs to be rooted to use this feature

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11. Spy calls

The Spy Call feature allows you to call into the Target device from a predefined phone number and the application will automatically and discreetly answer the call allowing you to listen to the background conversation. You can input up to 5 Spy Call numbers. Input the number just as it would appear in the Target device’s call logs, however it is not required to input the Country Code or + when inputting the Spy Call number. The incoming call on the target device will be 100% invisible.

Do Not Record Spy Call:- If you have Call Recording enabled, however do not wish to Record the Spy Calls, enable this.

Note: device needs to be rooted for the Spy Call


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12. Enable Photo Taking

The application will automatically, at your set interval, take a photo and upload per your reporting settings. Application will continue this action until it is disabled.

13. Enable Video Recording

The application will automatically, at your set interval, Record a Video for the set duration and upload per your reporting settings. Application will continue this action until it is disabled. Recording interval is set in Minutes, recording duration is set in Seconds.

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14. Enable Audio Record

The application will automatically, at your set interval, Record Audio for the set duration and upload per your reporting settings. Application will continue this action until it is disabled. Recording interval is set in Minutes, recording duration is set in Seconds.

15. General Mobile Data

Report SMS: Sent & Received SMS’s (even if deleted) will be reported Report Call Logs: Incoming & Outgoing call logs will be reported Report Contact: Newly added contacts will be reported Report Web Browser: Web browser Activity/Websites Visited will be reported.

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16. Device Media Storage

Report New Photo: Any Newly Taken Photos will be Reported

Report New Videos: Any Newly Recorded Videos will be Reported

17. Third party application

*Report Gmail: Incoming & Outgoing Emails from the primary email account will be reported

*Record Whatsapp Chats: Whatsapp Chats will be Reported Record Facebook Chat: Facebook Chats made through the Standard Facebook App will be reported Record Facebook Photos/Videos: Any Shared Photos/Videos via the Standard Facebook App will be Reported

* Note: device needs to be rooted to use this feature

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18. SMS Commands

Our Remote SMS Commands add additional functionality and flexibility to the application allowing you to remotely configure and even trigger certain events. The SMS are 100% invisible and do not appear in the SMS logs nor is there an incoming SMS notification when these messages are received. SMS commands can be sent from any device. A Few things you can accomplish with Remote SMS commands

GPS Location On Demand Remotely trigger Photos and automatically upload Remotely trigger Audio Recording Remotely Restart or even Uninstall TRacer & More

Sample Command: KMS<password>ENBL = KMS555555ENBL *NOTE: Anything inside <> is mandatory while [ ] is optional. By default <password> is 555555

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Command Name Commands

Enable Tracking KMS<password>ENBL

Disable Tracking KMS<password>DSBL

Get SMS GPS Locations KMS<password>GSSMS

It will respond back to the sending number with the GPS location in real time

Start uploading GPS KMS<password>GSWEB<interval>

Note: No default <interval> value

Stop uploading GPS KMS<password>GSSTOP

Start uploading Video KMS<password>SVID<interval> <duration>

Note: Interval and duration are optional. Duration default values are 5 secs. Interval default value is 5 mins.

Stop uploading Video KMS<password>STVID

Recording start KMS<password>SREC <intervalminutes> <duration seconds>

Should have no problem recording at +5 mins for 60 seconds.

Note: Triggering audio recording (with a set recording duration) that is then uploaded to the panel.

Recording stop KMS<password>STREC

Start uploading Images KMS<password>SIMG<interval>

Note: No default value for interval.

Stop uploading Images KMS<password>STIMG

For Enabling/Disabling “Auto settings download”

KMS< password >ENBLOTA KMS< password >DSBLOTA

Uploads Any Stored Data KMS< password >UDATA

Reboots The Device KMS< password >RSRT

Note :- it will not send a 'confirm reply' back since the device reboots immediately

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19. Root Notice

It is HIGHLY suggested that your device be ROOTED. The following features REQUIRE root, there's no way around it:

System app (which provides uninstall protection as well as moves the app away from the "downloaded" apps list

Spy Call (after OS 2.3) Whatsapp Facebook Some call recording patches/fixes Gmail (after OS 2.3) Auto On GPS (allows the application to still track GPS even if the device user turns

GPS off in the settings. Also, root will greatly increase the stability of the app and help prevent it from being shut down. See the forums for detailed information on rooting your particular device.

20. Web Panel / Server

When TRacer is set to report to “Web” your data will be uploaded here. Even when you have the application set to report by Email, your data will still go through our server (which means you don’t need to send the emails through the device you have TRacer installed to). However when you have the application set to send by Email, not data is stored on the server.

The Web Panel is located at:

Your username will be the Email address you submitted when installing TRacer

The default password is 555555 (you should change this after logging in for the first time)

Our web panel is packed with powerful, useful features including:

Global Keyword Search

Bulk Data & Media Export

View Location/GPS Directly on a Map (and in Real Time)

Remote Settings Management

GPS Leash – Set specific location points where you will receive an Email Alert if the device moves in or out of the area.

Keyword Alert Triggers – Receive a Priority Email Alert when a specific keyword is found within any Email, SMS or Chat message.

*Note: All user accounts are automatically deleted including all stored data 30 days after the license expiration (for both paid & trial users)

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Keyword Search Feature

Keyword Trigger Priority Email Feature

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Keyword triggers

GPS Coordinates

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Call Logs

SMS Logs

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Web Browser History

Media/Files - Recorded Calls

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Total Recall, TRacer and SecureMe are applications designed to enhance the productivity of the device(s) the

application(s) is installed on. Your use and or purchase of the aforementioned applications is your acceptance of our policy to only use the application(s) in a legal fashion, to obey your local laws, and your acknowledgment that

you are aware of your local laws regarding each application's use. If you are in doubt, please contact your local law enforcement agency, or local legal counsel. Installation of Total Recall, TRacer or SecureMe must only be

performed on device(s) for which you are the rightful owner, and under no circumstances are to be installed on a third party device, or a device for which you are not the owner.

Killer Mobile Software LLC will not be held responsible and accepts no liability for any unlawful or illicit use of any of

its applications, and will use any technique available to prevent continued unlawful use including deactivation of the license or the remote web account where any data may be stored in the event a complaint is received.

Legitimate use can include: Device Anti-Theft & Security, Employee Activity Tracking, Data Backup, and Call

Recording (where and when legal - consult your local one and two party recording laws) and Law Enforcement use.


If you have any additional support queries or feedback, please contact us directly at [email protected] or use

the technical support form located at
