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May 2013, 64 Issue, 6th year

و بسيار ي مطالب جالب ديگر در اين شماره از ماهنامه تبديل...

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با درود مسيحيائي بر تك تك شما دوستان عزيز؛ قبل از همه چيز اميدوار هستم كه شما از شصت و چهارمين شماره ماهنامه تبديل لــذت ببريـد. مـن و همكـاران بـسيار خوشـحال خواهيم شد كه از شما خواننده عزيز بشنويم. همچنين علاقمنـد

هستيم تا بدانيم كه نظر شما در باره اين ماهنامه چيـست! و كداميك از بخشهاي آن براي شما جالب بوده است؟ و در نهايت در انتشار بعدي چه نكاتي را مي توانيم بـه آن

اضافه كنيم! در اينجا جاي دارد كه از تمام نويسندگان مقالات، مترجمين و كساني كه در تايپ مطالـب

مرا ياري كردند تا چاپ اين ماهنامه ميسر گردد، از صميم قلب سپاسگزاري نمايم. خداوند شما را بركت بدهد. همينطور از كساني كه براي هزينه چاپ تبديل ما را حمايت كردنـد بـسيار

بطور ماهانه يكبـار منتـشر مـي گـردد و “ ماهنامه تبديل”متشكريم. همينطور كه مستحضر هستيد بصورت رايگان در دسترس عموم قرار مي گيرد و استفاده از مطالب آن بااجازه ناشر بلامانـع

مي باشد. خواهش مي كنيم اگر پيشنهاد و نظري داريد كه ما را در بهتر كردن اين نـشريه كمـك

مي كند و همچنين اگر خواهان شماره هاي بعدي نيز مي باشـيد بامـا بـه آدرس زيـر تماس بگيريد تا در اسرع وقت آن را برايتان بفرستيم.

IFCM P. O . Box: 371043 Reseda CA 9133 [email protected]

خداوند شما و خانواده تان را بركت بدهد. دوست شما الناتان باغستاني

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روشنی ساز نکته مبهم منی گرچه پاکی مملو از جاذبه

پیوند دونفس داری ضد احساس ومحاسبه

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Page 13: Tabdil Magazine, May 2013

The History of the Christian Fish Symbol

The fish's first known use as a Christian religious symbol was sometime within the first three centuries AD. Christians began using the Greek word for "fish" as an anagram/acronym for "Jesus Christ God's Son, Savior." More about this later. The fish outline is a logical symbol for the early Christian church to adopt. Not only was fish a common food of the day, it was also used by Jesus during His ministry.

13 P O Box 371043 Reseda, CA 91337 USA I [email protected] I 8000 - 681 )949 (

“Trying to become perfect by your own human effort?” Gal 3:3

Ann Landers wrote, “Rose-colored

glasses are never made in bifocals.

Nobody wants to read the small print in

dreams.” The small print in every dream

is— reality. You may fulfill your dream,

but you won’t do it perfectly. Looking back

you’ll say, “If I knew then what I know

now.” But if you could live all over again

you’d probably say the same thing. The

truth is, the journey will take longer than you

hoped. The obstacles will be more numerous than you thought. The

disappointments will be greater than you expected. The lows will be

lower than you imagined. The price will be higher than you anticipated.

Stop expecting more than what’s reasonable. Stop seeing minor

mistakes as major catastrophes. To break free from perfectionism, Dr. Chris Thurman says: “Humble yourself: repent of being so

filled with pride that you think you’re equal with God. Be reality focused: accept life as it is, not how you think it should be. Establish

attainable goals: make them realistic and achievable in the here-and-now. Set reasonable time limits: instead of spending time

struggling to do one thing perfectly, prioritize, and allot a reasonable amount of time to each activity. In less-important areas, accept

good-enough; not every job has to be (or can be) done exceptionally well. Lose the all-or-nothing thinking: not every situation is black

and white…most contain shades of gray. Learn from your mistakes: then move on. Confess your shortcomings: acknowledging your

weaknesses releases you from the pull of perfectionism. Find your worth in God: not in ‘your own human effort,’ in what you do and

how well you do it.”

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Ro 12:6 NIV

One Chrisan writer says: “When my friend had her first child she applied all her career talents to making a smooth transion

into motherhood. She kept a rigid schedule, napped her son on me, planned me for grocery shopping, and always managed

to have a nice dinner prepared by the me her husband got home. She kept up this façade ll she could handle the stress no

longer. Finally, she cracked. She le$ the house a mess, forgot to shower, never went to the grocery store, and when her

husband came home she handed him the dirty baby…and declared the house a dinner-free zone! What did her husband do? He

fell to his knees in an exaggerated ‘Hallelujah!’ then spun his long-lost wife into a magnificent hug. ‘You’re back!’ he declared…

Her gi$s, apart from being a great wife, mom and businesswoman, are her sense of humor, her sass, her fun, and her authenc-

ity…all the things her husband missed when her personality went on a postpartum hiatus.” If you’re “trying to become perfect

by your own human effort” (Gal 3:3 NLT), it’s not going to happen! “We have different gi$s, according to the grace given us.”

When you strive to be somebody other than the person God intended, you end up feeling angry, inadequate and frustrated.

God purposely gi$ed us all in different areas. Once you realize that, you can start to minister from your parcular area

of gi$edness. Remember, every one of us is a work-in-progress, so cut yourself some slack. Instead of trying to become perfect,

begin to thank God for making you one-of-a-kind.

Allen Nazari



Mark 1:17 "Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men."

Matthew 12:40 "..Jonah was three days & three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days & three nights in the heart of the earth."

Matthew 14:17 "And they said to Him, 'We have here only five loaves and two fish.'"

Luke 5:6 "And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking."

Luke 24:42 "So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb."

John 21:6 "And He said to them, 'Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.' So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish."

Page 14: Tabdil Magazine, May 2013





A Persian Christian Monthly Magazine May 2013, 64 Issue, 6th year

Consequences of a False Unity

Some of us Christians are too captivated by the contemporary democracy and are unaware or do not want to be aware that the word ‘democracy’ is a dynamic word and can be led by either freedom or self-centeredness. For this reason, the democ-racy of our present day is different to the democ-racy of 20 or 30 years ago; the democracy of multi-culturalism is different to the democracy of one culture, so as the democracy of a party to the democracy of another one. There is also a democracy that can bring us to our knees at the altar of a capricious philosophy, pushing us to compromise our faith in Christ. For this reason, we need to know what kind of democracy we have now, where it is going to take us and what urgent things we need to do in order to get back our freedom. Democracy can lead us to either freedom or despotism, depending on the beliefs of leaders who rule over us. The leading relativ-ists in our societies have been trying to change the meaning of democracy in order to suit their desires and beliefs. If we look at the relational changes that have occurred in the last decades in the West, we will be able to figure out how the adversaries of Christ grew stronger and became extraordinarily intolerant and offensive towards the followers of Christ. Their foremost method in penetrating offices and strengthening their pres-ence was to promote indifference, silence, com-promise and passivity among Christians with the excuse of democracy. It is astonishing to see the level of successes they have made and the per-centage of Christians’ votes they have been re-ceiving. The fantasy of these leaders is welcomed as a reality by many Christians. There are Chris-tians who defend these people with the utmost zeal. I have received aggressive comments from some Christians concerning my criticism about some politicians who are advocates of socialism, abortion, same-sex-marriage and radical Mus-lims. What a brave harmony these Christians have with the politically correct and ungodly politi-cians! This is happening in a time in the West when many Christians are suffering or losing their jobs because of their strong stance in Christ. Look at just one:

The reality is that there can be no unity between godly and ungodly people, unless the unity offered by ungodly people is one with ulterior motives. But, if the unity is false, then there is a secret doctrine behind it. A secret doctrine can only be in the service of a person or a certain group of people who disregard the rights of oth-ers. It cannot be in the service of all. The Gospel sees this secret scheme as a preparation for the rise of the anti-Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:7). He is the master of secret ideas and false unity with the purpose of destroying the Church. Satan cannot enter and destroy the church unless he makes some Christian friends who are not equipped with the truth and the breath of God but are ready to turn their ears to myths (2Thimothy 4:3-4). The false

unity between these Christians and adversaries of Christ has been and will be very costly to the followers of Christ and to everyone else in our families and societies. It is this false unity that has increased ignorance, forcefulness, and is aiming at violence; the same routine history has repeat-edly witnessed in the establishment of dictator-ships, from outset to completion. These confused Christians are calling it a genuine unity. A genu-ine unity must create reciprocal attitudes and shared visions. Is this what we see in our schools and universities? Absolutely not. Are Christians able to teach about Creation similar to what evo-lutionists have been doing in universities and schools about evolution? No.

The endeavor of the opponents of Christ in cre-ating such a false unity was to prepare the ground and sow the seed of authoritarianism for the rise of an immodest leadership, contrary to the mod-est leadership of Jesus Christ, in order to pro-gressively rule out Christian values. Even some of them called themselves Christians so that they could penetrate and gain Christians’ favor, but their Christianity later proved to be for the estab-lishment of their ideologies, not for the creation of real harmony. The second important step the opponents of Christ took were their political sup-port for each other in order to gain power. In some ways, their doctrines are incompatible with each other, but since Christianity was seen as the major enemy they therefore decided to justify their differences (‘the end justifies the means’), unite and earn the majority votes. In this way, they were able to establish laws for the purpose of limiting the Gospel teachings and practices, and for tyrannizing their opposition against the true followers of Christ. They were aware that the most powerful way to marginalize the values of Christ in a democratic environment was to pene-trate and change the characteristics of democra-cy, from a democracy that protects the rights of everybody to a democracy that only protects the rights of those who rule or whose voices are loud-er. They succeeded. Now, we have a democracy that is tolerant to everything but Christianity. Churches and Christians are daily forced to give up teachings that contradict their new established anti-Christian laws. Now the voice of false unity is louder and the anti-Christian laws are estab-lished. Only the enemies of God have full rights to talk about God and Christianity. Our children are now learning from them in schools that God has gone too far in giving absolute moral values to families and communities; Christianity is seen as a chauvinistic religion since it introduces Jesus as the only Way. If a student stands up against this, s/he can be suspended or expelled. With their invasive attitudes, they have spread fear every-where and people are afraid to stand up; all they do is step back. After a while, the silence will shadow over people everywhere, and the West will be exactly what Egypt or Iran or communist countries are now; the violent storms against Christians are everywhere. If we do not stand up, the enemies of Christ will never give up. They will continue their teachings and restrictions until many more Christians and churches, intentionally or unintentionally, enslave themselves to the norms of these oppositions and accept everything they say or do. As abortion, homosexual marriage and unity with radical Muslims are now ok, all the

coming unethical models will also be ok all under the guise of democracy, a good excuse to legiti-mize every evil. Surely, many westerners will be horrified if they hear about a child-sacrifice that is offered to please a god or a goddess in India. But none of them will blink an eye over the slaughter of hundreds of thousands babies who rest in their mothers’ wombs and like all of us have the right to come to this world and make a history. Why? Because these killings in the West are done through a higher technology and in the name of democracy for the will of their mothers, but those in India are apparently nothing to do with democ-racy! See how deception has penetrated into every aspect of our lives, made us self-centered, and led us to call chaos democracy! We would not be able to call this anarchy a democracy un-less we lost our freedom in Christ. True democra-cy should stand for the rights of everybody, in-cluding the rights of unborn babies who deserve to be protected from the threat of those who do not own their lives but desire to impose their will on them. These are the standards offered by the enemies of Christ to those who compromise their faith. They transfer us from loving beings to self-centered-aggressive-killers if we say yes to their standards. Therefore, it is vital for us to take the advice of Jesus seriously: (Matthew 7:15MKJV) Let us Christians present our sincere gratitude to Jesus who revealed the true means for the estab-lishment of a true unity and instructed us to know the doctrines of people before putting any confi-dence in them or uniting with them. And let us fulfill the command of the Gospel that says: Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the world's rulers, of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places. There-fore take to yourselves the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Therefore stand, having your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching to this very thing with all perseverance and suppli-cation for all saints. (Ephesians 6: 11-18MKJV)

TEL: 949. 681. 8000 [email protected] {} P. O. Box 371043 Reseda, CA 91337 USA

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