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Page 1: Tajmahal Tea Project

PREFACEMarketing should not be looked upon in a vacuum or in isolation. It is an

essence taking a view of the whole business organization and its ultimate objective

concern for marketing must penetrate all areas of the enterprise. Market survey in

today’s competitive world is a must for every organization.

This project is a study of market potential of TAJMAHAL . The rational behind

this particular study is to find out the present market scenario of various brands &

to find out the corporate need and perception. It was a pleasurable experience to

conduct a research on behalf of TAJMAHAL pertaining to the study of the Tea


Conclusion and there by recommendation has been arrived at by proper and

justified interpretation of the result derived from the above said analytical tools and



Page 2: Tajmahal Tea Project

Preparing a project of this nature is an arduous task and I was fortunate enough

to get support from a large number o persons. I wish to express my deep sense of

gratitude to all those who generously helped in successful completion of this report by

sharing their invaluable time and knowledge.

It is my proud and previledge to express my deep regards to Respected , Head of

Department Dr.Pramesh Gautam, Miss. Ritu Khatri Department of Business

Management , Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology, College Sagar for allowing

me to undertake this project.

I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this project under the able and

inspiring guidance of Miss. Ritu Khatri He rendered me all possible help me guidance

while reviewing the manuscript in finalising the report.

I also extend my deep regards to my teachers , family members , friends and all

those whose encouragement has infused courage in me to complete to work



B.B.A I Sem


Page 3: Tajmahal Tea Project

I declare that the project report titled " Market Strategies of Titan

Watches " on Market Segmentation is nay own work conducted under the

supervision of Miss.Ritu Khatri Department of Business Management ,

Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology College, Sagar To the best of

my knowledge the report does not contain any work , which has been

submitted for the award of any degree , anywhere.



B.B.A I Sem


Page 4: Tajmahal Tea Project

The project report titled " Market Strategies of Titan Watches "

been prepared by Ashish Kumar Singh BBA I Semester , under the guidance and supervision

of Miss.Ritu Khatri for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of B.B.A.

Signature of the Signature of the Signature of the

Supervisor Head of the Department Examiner





1. Preface

2. Acknowledgement

Page 5: Tajmahal Tea Project

3. Declaration of the Candidate

4. Certificate

5. Introduction of TAJMAHAL

6. History of TAJMAHAL

7. Scope of the Study

8. Limitation of the Study

9. Research Methodology

10 Marketing Strategies

11 Company Comparison

12 Swot Analysis

13 Data Analysis & Interpretation

14 Limitation

15 Conclusion

16 Bibliography

17 Questionaire


The Tajmahal Group is a multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Mumbai,

India. In terms of market capitalization and revenues, Tajmahal Group is the largest private

corporate group in India and has been recognized as one of the most respected companies in the

world. It has interests in steel, automobiles, information technology, communication, power, tea

and hospitality. The Tajmahal Group has operations in more than 85 countries across six

continents and its companies export products and services to 80 nations. The Tajmahal Group

comprises 114 companies and subsidiaries in seven business sectors, 27 of which are publicly

listed. 65.8% of the ownership of Tajmahal Group is held in charitable trusts.

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Tajmahal companies operate in seven business sectors: communications and information

technology, engineering, materials, services, energy, consumer products and chemicals. Every

Tajmahal company or enterprise operates independently. Each of these companies has its own

board of directors and shareholders, to whom it is answerable. There are 28 publicly listed

Tajmahal enterprises and they have a combined market capitalization of some $60 billion, and a

shareholder base of 3.5 million. The major Tajmahal companies are Tajmahal Steel, Tajmahal

Motors, Tajmahal Consultancy Services (TCS), Tajmahal Power, Tajmahal Chemicals,

Tajmahal Tea, Indian Hotels and Tajmahal Communications.

About Tetley

Tetley, a fully-owned subsidiary of Tajmahal Tea Limited, is the world's second largest

manufacturer and distributor of tea. Owned by India's Tajmahal Group, Tetley's manufacturing

and distribution business is spread across 40 countries and sells over 60 branded tea bags. It is

the largest tea company in the United Kingdom and Canada and the second largest in the United

States by volume.

After Tetley was purchased by the Tajmahal Group in 2000, most of its business in Asia has

been integrated with Tajmahal Tea and the company plans to completely integrate its worldwide

business with Tajmahal Tea by 2006. The new merged group, Tajmahal Tea Group, is the

second largest tea brand in the world after Unilever.



In the early 1980s, the tea industry in India was experiencing rising input and labor costs and

dwindling margins as well as high taxes. India was facing competition on the world market not

just from China, but also from other countries entering the business.

In 1983, Tajmahal Tea bought the stake belonging to the James Finlay group to form the

individual entity Tajmahal Tea. In the same year, the company decided to move from the

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commodities business to consumer branding. The first brand Tajmahal Tea was introduced. This

was followed by other brands like Kannan Devan, Agni, Gemini and Chakra Gold. In spite of

being the largest market in the world, the concept of branded tea took time to be accepted.

In 1987, Tajmahal Tea set up a fully owned subsidiary, Tajmahal Tea Inc., in the USA.


In the 1990s, Tajmahal Tea decided to take its brands into the global markets. It formed an

export joint venture with Britain's Tetley Tea in 1992. Other new enterprises included a majority

interest in Consolidated Coffee Ltd. (Tajmahal Coffee Ltd.) and a joint venture to manage

agricultural estates in Sri Lanka. Tajmahal Tea Inc. in the United States processed and marketed

instant tea from its facility in Florida, based on sourcing of instant tea products out of Munnar

and Kerala. In 1993, they entered into a joint venture with Allied Lyons PLC in the UK to form

Estate Tajmahal Tetley.

In the mid-1990s, Tajmahal Tea attempted to buy Tetley and the Lankan JVC acquired 51%

shareholding in Watawala Plantations Ltd.

In 1997 the company was embroiled in a major scandal known as the "Tajmahal Tapes

controversy" which related to funds the company provided to the outlawed United Liberation

Front of Asom (ULFA), an armed-struggle group operating in Assam.

By 1999, Tajmahal Tea’s brands had a combined market share of 25% in India. The company

had 74 tea gardens and was producing 62 million kilograms of tea a year, two-thirds of it

packaged and branded. Towards the end of the year, the tea business was hit by a drought in

much of India. In addition, Russia, once the largest buyer of Indian tea, temporarily withdrew

from the market.

Changes in the Operational Structure of TAJMAHAL TEA as the tried to operate worldwide

and entered into JV with the Britain’s Tetley and even started TAJMAHAL COFFEE Ltd.

Moreover, had a JV to manage the agricultural estates in Sri Lanka.


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An important step for Tajmahal Tea was the acquisition of the Tetley Group (based in the

United Kingdom) in 2000. It was a £271 million ($432 million) leveraged buyout. Tajmahal Tea

reportedly outbid the American conglomerate Sara Lee in what was described as the largest

takeover of a foreign company by an Indian one to date. At the time, Tetley was the world's

second largest tea company after Unilever's Brooke Bond-Lipton and had an annual turnover of

£300 million. It was the market leader in Britain and Canada and a popular brand in the United

States, Australia and the Middle East.

The company Tajmahal went globalized when the two companies Tajmahal and

Tetley got merged. Tajmahal acquired Tetley in February 2000 and the

company thus become “Tajmahal Tetley Limited”

Comparison of Tajmahal Tea & Tetley

(3/31/00) – (3/31/01) Tajmahal Tea Tetley

Turn Over $207 million $417 million

Operating Profit $36.0 million $42.6 million

Employees 59,740 1,100

Tea Estates 54 0

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Key Markets India Britain, Canada, Australia,

United States

Tajmahal ’s Acquisition of Tetley

Rationale for the Tetley Acquisition

TAJMAHAL TEA: Developing Market

TETLEY: Developed Markets

CHANGE: Tajmahal had the all the plantations and the good tea crops and it had

customers all over India but with the joining of hands of Tetley it brought with the

technical expertise and significant experience making tea bags, the preferred method for

making tea in

the West

Purchasing: Tetley bought about 8,000,000 kgs of Indian teas annually from fragmented

sources. It was envisaged that Tajmahal Tea could help in sourcing or supplying Tetley’s

equirements of Indian teas

Brands: Markets where one or the other company had worked singly could be developed

jointly, leveraging the internationally known Tetley brand name. Tajmahal Tea could

help launch the Tetley brand in India, the Middle East, and Russia, traditional bastions of

Tajmahal Tea.

No 2


Player in tea,




value chain

Page 10: Tajmahal Tea Project

Technology: Tetley would give Tajmahal Tea access to specialty products such as:

flavored teas, herbal teas, organic teas, and decaffeinated teas. These introductions could

be useful additions at the top end of the Indian market.

Cost synergies: Both companies could jointly relocate manufacturing of teas, both

packets and bags, and utilize a global supply chain approach and common platforms fo

the infotech, MIS, and finance functions. While the geographic spread of operations was

information technology, could work together without physically moving across country


Infotech: The acquisition was seen as an opportunity to improve the infotech

infrastructure of Tajmahal Tea, improving connectivity to remote plantations and

adopting an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to create a global supply chain

based on Tetley’s SAP-based ERP solution.

The merger was also important for Tajmahal Tea, because its main competitor in India,

Hindustan Levers Limited (HLL), a Unilever subsidiary, was gaining market share and also

because overall growth of the tea market in India had slowed. Tajmahal Tea acquired the Tetley

Group for £271 million. Tajmahal Tea used a leveraged buyout structure to acquire Tetley,

with the hopes that the cash flows from Tetley would repay the leverage over time.

Major Change occurred- “Globalization”

Type of Change- Transformational change, as with globalization there with more employees

from different countries which ultimately lead to change in cross- culture management and due

to which there was a resultant change in the system and structure of the organization.

Organizations have entered a new era characterized by rapid, dramatic and turbulent changes.

The accelerated pace of change has transformed how work is performed by employees in diverse

organizations. Change has truly become an inherent and integral part of organizational life.

Organizations operate in a global economy that is characterized by greater and more intense

competition, and at the same time, greater economic interdependence and collaboration. More

Page 11: Tajmahal Tea Project

products and services are being consumed outside of their country of origin than ever before as

globalization brings about greater convergence in terms of consumer tastes and preferences. Yet

at the same time, in the midst of greater convergence, there is the opposite force of divergence at

work where companies have to adapt corporate and business strategies, marketing plans, and

production efforts to local domestic markets.

The combined Tajmahal Tea-Tetley business, with a combined market share of 4 per cent, ranks

second in the global stakes, well behind Unilever, which has lorded it over the No 1 position for

many years. Understanding that challengers have to work that much harder, Tajmahal Tea is

now girding its muscles to narrow the gap with Unilever.

In terms of products Tajmahal Tea entered new geographies. It expanded its

thinking to take in beyond the local market; the growth canvas became global, as

did the priorities

Scope of the Study

The geographical scope of the study was restricted to

Mumbai due to time and resource constraints. The study being

exploratory in nature, the sample size was restricted to 80

consumers (mostly student group) and 20 retailers. Focus being

Page 12: Tajmahal Tea Project

mainly on in-depth probing, the generalizations drawn are only

indicative and not conclusive.

Limitations of the Study Response biasness could be one of the limitations.

The sample chosen may not be the true representative of the

whole population.

As the research was exploratory in nature, it was not possible

to study the accurate phenomenon of the fact.

Page 13: Tajmahal Tea Project

RESEARH Methodology:In order to address the above questions an exploratory study was conducted. The idea was to probe and get deeper insight into sales promotion scenario of Lux and to tap perceptions of retailers and consumers. In order to address above mentioned objectives

(i) Study of secondary sources was carried out,

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(ii) Responses of retailers were taken using structured questionnaire and

(iii) Structured questionnaire was designed to seek consumer responses.

Convenience sampling was used for both retailers as well as consumer studies. Twenty retailers ranging from small kirana store to big provision stores were approached. All the retailers were located in South Mumbai Area. The respondents for consumer study were mostly students and consumers found as per convenience in the market. The total respondents were 80 in number. Data analysis is done using software package like MS-EXCEL.


The origins of personal cleanliness date back to prehistoric times. Since water is essential for life, the earliest people lived near water and knew something about its cleansing properties - at least that it rinsed mud off their hands. A soap-like material found in clay cylinders during the excavation of ancient Babylon is evidence that soap making was known as early as 2800 B.C. Inscriptions on the cylinders say that fats were boiled with ashes, which is a method of making soap, but do not refer to the purpose of the "soap." Such materials were later used as hair styling aids. Soap got its name, according to an ancient Roman legend, from Mount Sapo, where animals were sacrificed. Rain washed a mixture of melted animal fat, or tallow, and wood ashes down into the clay soil along the Tiber River. Women found that this clay mixture made their wash cleaner with much less effort.

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Some of the early instances of commercial manufacturing of soap are:

In Britain references began to appear in the literature from about 1000AD, and in 1192 the monk Richard of Devizes referred to the number of soap makers in Bristol and the unpleasant smells which their activities produced

A century later soap making was reported in Coventry. Other early centers of production included York and Hull. In London a 15th century "sopehouse" was reported in Bishopsgate, with other sites at Cheapside, where there existed Soper's Lane (later renamed Queen Street), and by the Thames at Blackfriars Andrew pears. In 1789, he commenced production of a transparent soap at a factory in Wells Street, off Oxford Street and became hugely successful.

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Strategic measures and acquisitions have led the growth over years-

Strategic Benefits for Tajmahal Tea

Change in business mix

Tajmahal Tea’s business mix to include significant sales from high growth new

age drinks – a more balanced portfolio of brands from different beverage


Reduced impact of cyclicity of tea and coffee businesses

Stronger brand presence

Global focus on beverage brands

Opportunity to achieve greater globalisation







32 40135 140

314 281434


26 25105 115

265141 179










1983 1989 1993 1996 1999 2000 2003 2006




Page 17: Tajmahal Tea Project

Taking the Glaceau brands to new geographies within developed markets outside

the US

Developing opportunities in emerging markets (including India) with new or

adjusted formats

Operational Synergies

Pooling of global talent within Tajmahal Tea’s beverage businesses to develop and

execute an integrated business plan

Cross-utilisation of distribution channels for tea, coffee and enhanced water sales

Coordination of a US beverage growth agenda for Tetley, Good Earth and Eight

O’Clock Coffee and Glaceau

New Product Development: integrated NPD and applications across Tajmahal 's beverage


Financial Synergies/Benefits

Tax shield on interest paid on debt to finance the acquisition

Avoidance of double taxation of any dividends or capital gains repatriated from the US

Savings in distribution and marketing costs in the US

Tajmahal Tea GB will be able to consolidate the earnings of Glaceau to the extent of its

30% ownership

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Tea industry is highly fragmented with a large number of small companies. The branded tea market in India is dominated by two major players Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) and Tata Tea with a combined market share of more than 50%. Other players include Duncans Tea, Goodricke and some well-known regional players like Jivaraj and WaghBakri



Demand for tea has been growing at some 2% per annum

Technical & Manpower Skill: Due to a huge population base in India Technical & Manpower Skill is available in abundant

Good Research Support by tea growers has will help industry grow further






Tata TeaAgniTata TetleyChakra Gold

Red LabelTajMahalTaazaLipton Green Label

SargamDouble DiamondShakti

GoodrickeZabardastCastleton Caddy

WaghBakriTezJay Shree Tea

Page 19: Tajmahal Tea Project


Labor intensive industry: The second generation labors are reluctant to join this industry hence it could pose a problem of skilled labor in the near future

No Effective Cost Management system adopted by companies and other regulatory bodies

Supply from more efficient players like Kenya, China, Sri Lanka

Declining Export of India over the years


Export Potential if India can increase its production capacity

To make tea more acceptable and fashionable like coffee

To come up with new flavors/formulation of the tea, tea houses etc. to popularize the concept of tea in India

Large untapped rural market for branded tea companies like HUL and Tata Tea


Global competition

Low Cost in some countries like China, Sri Lanka and Kenya

Import of Tea from other countries

Cost escalation on account of increase in the cost of production

Comparing the current market position of Tata Tea and HUL


Profitability Positive but declining Profitable

Page 20: Tajmahal Tea Project

SWOT Analysis High threat from substitutes. Opportunities in functional

drink market

Already exist in functional drink market

Porter Analysis Less Profitable Profitable

Value Chain Analysis Strong Distribution network Strong Value Chain

Core Competency Resource and Capabilities Supply chain including the distribution network and

marketing strategies

Selling USP Brand Name Price

BCG Matrix Analysis Cash cow moving towards dog Cash Cow

Comparing the HUL and Tata Tea on a BCG Matrix


Cows Dogs

High Market Share Low Market Share

Tata Tea is moving from Stars to Cash cows with reducing growth while HUL is enj


(1)Sales Promotion Schemes Offered On Tajmahal Tea



Page 21: Tajmahal Tea Project

0 5

1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0


P r i c e o ff P r o d u c t B u n d l i n g

C a sh R e f u n d

C r o ss P r o m o t i o n


P r i z e s

S a l e s P r o m o t i o n sc h e m e s


primary analysis found that “Price off” is the best sales promotion schemes offered on Tajmahal (40% of the retailers agreed on this). “Product Bundling” was the next best with 30% of the retailers in favour of the same.


Page 22: Tajmahal Tea Project

F requency of Schemes O ff ered


20 %

5 %

L ess than 3 months

6 months- 1 year

3 - 6 M o n t h s

Theprimary analysis found that “1 month – 3 month” is the normal accepted duration of sales promotion schemes (60% of the retailers agreed on this). “More than 3 months” was the next best with 25% of the retailers in favour of the same








15 Days –

1 Month

1 Month –

3 Month

More than

- 3 months





Page 23: Tajmahal Tea Project

A f f e c t o n S a l e s


2 0

4 0

6 0

8 0

1 0 0

I n c r e a s e in S a le s

C a n t s a y N o E f f e c t

7 5 % S a le s

1 5 % 1 0 %

The primary analysis found that “Less than 3 months” is the general perceived frequency for sales promotion schemes offered on Tajmahal Tea (75% of the retailers agreed on this). “3 months – 6 months” was the next best with 20% of the retailers in favour of the same.


Page 24: Tajmahal Tea Project


The primary analysis found that “Wholesalers” were the best medium of communication of sales promotion schemes (45% of the retailers agreed on that). “Sales representatives” was the next best with 25% of the retailers in favour of the same

0 1 0

2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0

T h r o u g h S a l e s R e p r e s e n t a t i v e

T h r o u g h w h o l e s a l e r s

T h r o u g h P r i n t

M e d i a

T h r o u g h E l e c t r o n i c

M e d i a

M o d e o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n

f o r p r o m o t i o n s c h e m e s

2 5 %

4 5 %

2 0 % 1 0 %

Page 25: Tajmahal Tea Project


There were many problems in integrating the two companies and these are as follows:

1. How to Integrate : The Tajmahal ’s decided that the best way to integrate was not to

integrate initially but to maintain a “joint-venture “type of arrangement. Furthermore, the

integration process was not rushed in order to protect Tajmahal Tea from the risk of

Tetley’s debt. Tajmahal Tea did not want to change that structure until the debt level was

manageable. The arms-length relationship required that Tajmahal Tea retain existing

management at Tetley. Ken Pringle remained as the Tetley Group CEO, and Tajmahal

management took new positions on the Tetley board of directors.

2. Size Difference : Tajmahal Tea was half the size of Tetley in terms of revenues and

number of upper management. Tajmahal Tea feared a domination of Tetley’s corporate


3. Financial Constraints : There were three financial constraints restricting integration.

The first constraint was that legal and capital controls in India made the listing of Tetley

shares in India unattractive. The second constraint was that Tajmahal Tea did not want to

carry the heavy debt burden held by the SPV, particularly as Tajmahal Tea was an

AAArated Indian company. The third constraint was the restrictive covenants at Tetley as

a consequence of the LBO, which meant that changes in Tetley’s structure needed to be

pre-approved by bankers.

4. Regional Players : Soon after the merger, the highly fractionated regional tea makers

in India grew faster, putting pressure on Tajmahal Tea’s market share and profitability at

home. Regional players gained 6 percent market share in 2001.

5. Operational challenges : The merger posed a variety of operational questions, such


Page 26: Tajmahal Tea Project

a. Growth issues: How could the combined corporate vision of “Challenging for

leadership in tea around the world” be achieved? The merger required vertical

integration between a tea production company and a global marketing company,

and the question was what growth targets needed to be defined for the individual


b. Supply chain: How should they set up processes to harness the synergies on tea

sourcing and blending, purchasing, packing, logistics, and supply to allied

functions to the mutual advantage of both companies?

c. Support processes: How should they integrate various support processes

covering Finance & Legal, IT, R&D, HR, and Communications so that the

objectives of both companies were in sync? The back-office integration was

complicated by the fact that Tetley reported in UK GAAP, while Tajmahal Tea

adhered to Indian GAAP.

d. Commercial processes: How should they put in place benchmarked processes,

which would be adopted uniformly by the two organizations?

6. Cultural/Racial: There was a great deal of concern that British employees would

resent having Indian managers. These concerns were largely the result of the fact that

India was a former British colony. Anecdotally, Tetley employees were given substantial

retention packages to avoid exodus, which may have created negative feelings among

Tajmahal Tea employees.

7. Corporate Philosophy : The two companies had different opinions on how the

business should be run. Tajmahal Tea was a collection of estates that just happened to

sell package tea and focused on Asia (excluding China), Middle East, and Eastern

Europe. Tetley was a marketing and packaging company that had relationships with tea

estates and focused on North America, Australia, and Western Europe. Due to the

significant differences in customer base, the two companies had dissimilar products. In

Tajmahal Tea’s markets, tea was usually brewed in pots, so Tajmahal Tea was an expert

in bulk and loose teas, while Tetley was an expert in tea bags and instant tea. This gave

rise to three types of differences:

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a. Objectives of the company: Tajmahal Tea was an integrated tea company, with

its dual emphasis on plantation as well as domestic marketing, whereas Tetley

was primarily a global marketing company. Whose approach was correct?

b. Geographical spread: Tajmahal Tea’s international presence was limited to bulk

tea sales, whereas Tetley was into brand marketing with sizable international

presence. Which customers should the organization focus on?

c. Differences in skill-sets: Tajmahal Tea was a plantation company whose major

strengths were managing the estates, dealing with a huge work force, and making

teas. There was a drive since the mid-80s to create domestic brands and export

bulk teas. In contrast, Tetley’s strength lay in its ability to buy quality teas

worldwide, perfect its blending skills, bring about innovation in packaging, and

combine good logistics with management skills. How were people to be cross-


8. Kenya vs. India : It was initially believed that huge synergies would be achieved

because Tetley could source teas substantially from Tajmahal Tea’s estates.

Unfortunately, the majority of Tetley’s teas were of a different flavor, quality, and cost

from teas found in Tajmahal ’s estates. Therefore, the integration process had to focus

more on new products than on substitution.

9. Branding : Both companies had very strong brand names in their respective regions.

There was debate as to the surviving name of the new entity. The Tajmahal name was

not strong in Western markets, while Tetley was relatively unknown in Tajmahal Tea’s

markets. There were also talks about pensioning off the lovable—but old fashioned—

Teafolks in favor of promoting tea as a modern lifestyle choice.

10. Conglomerate : Tajmahal Tea was ultimately part of a huge conglomerate. The impact

of the conglomerate on the operations of a related foreign entity and the strength of

Page 28: Tajmahal Tea Project

Tajmahal Tea within the conglomerate was unknown to Tetley employees. The Tajmahal

organization required group companies to pay fees for the use of the Tajmahal name and

adhere to standards of financial and social responsibility. The ramification of these

standards on Tetley was still a mystery.

11. Auctions/Commodity Price : The acquisition of Tetley by Tajmahal Tea came at a

time when the prices of raw materials for making Tea were increasing. There were also

rumors in the market about Hindustan Lever Limited and Tajmahal Tea controlling the

price of Tea.

12. Demand for Tea: The general demand for tea in many of Tetley’s core markets was

slowing or decreasing. This was partly because tea was viewed as a boring or

sophisticated drink. Sodas, coffee, and juices were gaining significant ground. There

were a number of questions about how to revitalize tea as a drink of choice.

13. Exchange Rate: The rupee was strengthening relative to the pound, which caused the

acquisition of teas from India to be more expensive for Tetley and made the transfer of

money back to the Tajmahal organization less remunerative.

Page 29: Tajmahal Tea Project


The world retail packaged tea market is worth US$ 20.3 billion and the world ready-to-drink tea

market is US$ 24.5 billion. Currently Tajmahal Tea Ltd and Tetley operate in countries

accounting for 53% of the world packaged tea volume. Thus a significant canvass is yet to be

tarred by its global brush. The complexion of mature markets such as the UK and Canada is

changing. Consumer demand for traditional black tea products is declining, while sectors such as

specialty, green, fruit and herbal infusions are growing rapidly. To take advantage of this trend,

Tajmahal Tea has been building its business in these high value sectors during the past year by

supporting key products, anticipating and responding to consumer needs with a range of new

product developments, and making acquisitions.

The fragmented nature of the global tea market makes it ripe for consolidation and many tea

markets have strong, established brands whose presence makes organic growth slow and costly.

In this environment, acquisition is, and will remain, a vital element of our Tajmahal Tea’s

growth strategy.The Good Earth and Jemca brands have improved Tajmahal Tea’s US portfolio

and made it the brand leader in the Czech market.

Given the brand leadership role in its key markets and the current upturn in domestic demand in

most countries,Tajmahal Tea continues to invest in new product launches and explore


expansion.The out-of-home is a big opportunity that the company is looking to address. Out-

ofhome is becoming a significant feature of the tea market in India and elsewhere in the

world.The company has made progress in this direction through Real Brew iced tea concentrate

in the US and Comic vending machine, a real breakthrough.

The acquisition of 8 O’Clock has transformed Tajmahal Coffee from being a regional plantation

layer to a significant branded player globally.The company would be looking to build a coffee

play by moving up the value chain and extending existing brands into new geographies.With the

foray into the mineral water through Glaceau acquisition the company has signalled its intentions

of looking at an integrated beverage company where it leverages cross synergies for both

branding and distribution.

Page 30: Tajmahal Tea Project


Books Consulted

An experiential approach to organization development

By: Donald R. Brown &Don Harvey

Links Visited

http://www.Tajmahal .com/media/releases/inside.aspx?artid=oJbaL9LmLPs=

http://www.Tajmahal _tetley.htm



http://www.Tajmahal .com/media/articles/inside.aspx?artid=Ho84/twpG+M=

http://www.Tajmahal .com/media/interviews/inside.aspx?artid=Y1VmRENiA68=

http://www.Tajmahal .com/company/Articles/inside.aspx?artid=tidRQ98HOBM=

http://www.Tajmahal .com/company/Media/inside.aspx?artid=vRxAuj/Xs94=


http://www.Tajmahal _Tea

http://www.Tajmahal .com/aboutus/articles/inside.aspx?artid=vyj45RCRud4=

Page 31: Tajmahal Tea Project



Researcher's Name : Mr.Pushpendra Sen Name of Person : ___________________

Class : B.B.A. Ist Sem Age : _____________________________

Gender : Occupation : ________________________

Address :

Q.1Do you know about Tajmahal Tea ?

a. Yes. b. No.

Q.2. Have you used Tajmahal Tea ?

a. Yes. b. No.

Q.3 How Often Sales Promotion Schemes are offered on Tajmahal Tea

a. 6 months – 1 year b., 3-6 months c. less than 3 months.

Q 6. Rate the following factors you consider are important for building brand


a.Price b. Clarity c. Durability d. Lookse. Quality

Q 7. What do you look for while purchasing Tajmahal Tea ? Please rank in order of


a. Comparative Advantage b. Price

c. Scheme/Discount/Free Gift d. Quality