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Teaching Grade 2

Speaking and Writing

B. A. Final Semester VI

Department of English

Govt. Degree College Burhanpur

Signature Guide Signature Student............K.A.Q. Ansari

Jitendra Bidihare

Declaration of the Student

I Jitendra Bidihare assure that the project work entitled Teaching Grade 2: Speaking and Writing, is prepared by me, is my personal and an authentic work under the guidance of K.A.Q. Ansari head of the department of English, Govt. Degree College Burhanpur.


Signature of the Student.....


Jitendra Bidihare

B.A. Final, VI Semester

Contact No. 8602962844


I am indebted to my teachers specially guide K.A.Q. Ansari, whose guidance, effort and moral support are instrumental in accomplishing this project successfully at time. I would like to thanks every people who helped me by any means, in completing this project work.

My parents also deserve credit for their contribution. I am truly thankful to their constant moral supports, inspiration and encouragement.

I wish to express my gratitude to my colleagues who helped me to complete this project.

Certificate of the Institute

This is to certify that Student; Jitendra Bidihare, B.A. VI semester of Govt. Degree College Burhanpur has done his project work successfully in this institute.

During his internship project, he was very sincere to the work and his behaviour was satisfactory.

I wish for his bright future and success in life.


Signature Head of Institute


Teaching of Speaking and Writing: Problems and RemediesSpeaking

Speaking is a natural mode of expression. We speak more then we write. We spend out time speaking to one another. The language and manner our speech depends upon the audience and the speaking situations. Sometimes we converse with someone; we make an oral presentation, sometimes we instruct someone, sometimes we brief a team and even sometimes we speak to ourselves. The matter and manner both change from one speech activity to another speech activity. When we communicate through speaking we are judged by the audience in terms of how well we communicate. We enjoy listening to a person who impresses us, who gives us something new, who relates us things and ideas properly, who imports knowledge to us, who knows how to choose words, who knows what we want to listen to or what we want to learn from him/her, who knows how to bind us to himself or herself emotionally by his or her expressions and styles. It is the personality or the identity of the person that gets manifested through our speech.

Some of these are the formal, informal, polite, tentative and direct styles. These styles are context bases and it is important for speaker to strike the right attitude and choose the right language. As with many other languages, in English too, one has different ways of expressing the same content and message.

Speaking is the most neglected skill in the English class-room as a result, the students speaking time is negligible or nil. The only time a student opens his/her mouth is to answer to a question. This is so at all level from primary to postgraduate. Outside the classroom also, students rarely get a chance to speak in English language. As compared to this no scope to learn speaking English in schools and colleges, students make a bee line to spoken English institutes where also they learn nothing. The result is frustration and fear of speaking in English.

Speaking in English must be encouraged right from the early stage. Young learner in particular should be encouraged to speak in English from the beginning. In higher classes, every opportunity must be taken to make students speak in the classroom. Importance should be given to clarity of speech and use of intelligible pronunciation. The question whether phonetic symbols should be taught or used is to be decided by the teacher keeping in view the level of the students and their background.

Speaking activity has to be graded according the age group of students and the level of their knowledge of English. While imitation drills and recitation of rhymes may be suitable for beginners, students in higher classes may be given more suitable task like story telling, narrating an accident, taking part in a discussion of role-play or summarizing the news of the day, problem solving etc.

A very enjoyable way of learning to speak in English is through reading poetry aloud. Children in the primary/ upper primary classes enjoy repeating nursery rhymes, short poems and tongue twisters. In higher classes, passages suitable for pronunciation practice may be selected from English poetry and prose. Similarly humorous stories and excerpts from novel may be selected for reading aloud. As models, recording of nursery rhymes, short poems and prose piece may be played. Short passages from journals and newspapers may also be used for loud reading. Tongue twisters, this is sentences of phrases which are difficult to say quickly and correctly may be used for the pronunciation practice. On all these activities, care should be taken not to humiliate or make fun of the students trying to read aloud. On the other hand they should be gently corrected and helped to gain confidence to speak in English.

Pictures of objects, scenery, games, current events etc, may be used to help students to begin to speak in English. Students may be asked to describe what they see in the pictures. If they do not know the names of certain objects the necessary words should be supplied. Fluency in speaking English is to be encouraged; care should be taken to correct any errors of language or pronunciation immediately. The point is that learners should gain confidence first. Learners must also be helped with prompts whenever necessary.Narrating story or joke is another method of making students speak in the classroom. Short biographies of well-known person may also be used.Writing

Writing is regarded by many as a difficult skill because it needs a combination of ideas, vocabulary, grammar and organization. Hence students must be helped through the different stage of writings, such as finding ideas, arranging them logically, grouping them into paragraph and ensuring accuracy of expression. In spite of its supposed difficulty, it has great practical value. Generally teachers give more important to mechanics feature of writing such as hand-writing, spellings and punctuation. But creativity in writing should also be encouraged, while attempting longer piece of writings such as essay, letters, and reports etc. students should be made familiar with proper organization of matter.

Appropriate use of Words

English is very rich in synonyms. Thus the word person has as its synonyms human being, woman, individual, chap, bloke and guy. But the last three words, chap, bloke and guy are informal or colloquial expression and can not be used to describe the people of respect. The word Home has as its synonym words like house, abode, dwelling and residence. But each word carries a different shade of meaning and has to be used appropriately.Vocabulary

Vocabulary plays a crucial role in language. In fact, we can not think of a language without thinking about its vocabulary or words. We can still communicate in a language even if our grammar and pronunciation are not good. But we can not communicate without words. Our command over a language depends partly on how many words we know in that language. The more words we know, the greater command on language we have. When it comes to the teaching of vocabulary in a particular class or to a particular group of students, the choice of vocabulary will depend on the books, which are being studied. While it may be necessary to understand all the words in a book, it may not be necessary to remember or retain all the words for later use. When compared to grammar and pronunciation, vocabulary is easier to teach or learn. Students also enjoy learning vocabulary as it gives them better command over the language. While it may be difficult to judge how much grammar a student has mastered, it is easy to find out how many words have been learned. The learning of words gives a feeling of progress being made and acts as an encouragement of the learners. So it is very important that sufficient attention is given to vocabulary teaching and learning. There are many techniques used in the teaching and learning of vocabulary. One technique which the students can follow right from the beginning is maintaining a vocabulary notebook. In this, students must be encouraged to write down new words they come across either in the classroom or outside.


In writing the punctuation marks play a crucial role, and make the context comprehensive. Due to the lack of punctuation marks or misrepresentation of them in writing make the text ambiguous, and one can not understand the text easily. It is often seen that even high educated people are unable to use punctuation marks or they dont use them because they are not familiar with them. Only about a dozen marks need to be mastered and the guidelines are fairly simple. What is more, you can see the marks being applied every day in the newspapers. A good command of punctuation helps you to say more, say it interestingly and exactly, and be understood at first reading. Punctuation is an essential part or writing as important as choosing the right words. Without the good punctuation sentence can be interpreted in different ways or make no sense at all, distracting the readers and causing them to stop and backtrack. Punctuation helps to fix the meaning and smooth the path. Punctuation shows how words and strings of words are related, separated and emphasized, so its main purpose is to help the reader understand the contraction of the sentence.

So it is important for every one to learn punctuation marks and use it on the right place such as where to use full stop, comma, semicolon, inverted comma hyphen etc.

Full Stop (.)

The main use of a full stop is to show where a sentence ends. For this reason, full stop should be the most common mark of the page. It represents the greatest pause and the separation. It is used to mark a declarative or an imperative sentence; as,

Dear, noble Tom was dead.

Comma (,)

The comma represents the shortest pause and is used: -

(1) To separate the same construction in; as,

England, France and Italy formed an alliance.

(2) To separate each pair of words connected by and; as,

High and low, rich and poor, all must die.

(3) After a nominative absolute; as,

The wind being a favourabe, the squadron sailed.

(4) To mark off a Noun and Phrase in Apposition; as,

Milton, the great English poet, was blind.

(5) To mark off words used in addressing people; as,

Come into the garden, Jim.

(6) To mark off two or more Adverbs or Adverbial phrase;

Then, at length, tardy justice was done to Oliver.

(7) Before and after a Participle phrase, provided that the phrase might be expended into a sentence, and is not used in a merely qualifying sense; as,

Caesar, having conquered his enemies, returned to home.

(8) To indicate the omission of a word especially a verb; as,

He was a Brahmin; she, a Rajput.

(9) To mark off a direct quotation from the rest of the sentence; as,

He said to his disciple, Watch and pray.

(10) To separate an Adverbial clause from its principal clause;

When I was a bachelor, I lived by myself.

Semicolon (;)

The Semicolon represents a pause of great importance than that shown by the comma. It is used:-

(1) To separate the clauses of compound sentences, when they contain a comma; as,

He was a brave, large-hearted man; and we honoured him.

(2) To separate the loosely related clauses; as,

Her coat was pure; her life serene.

Colon (:)

The Colon marks a still more complete pause than that expressed by the Semicolon. It is used often with a dash after it.

(1) To indicate a quotation; as,

Bacon says: - It is impossible to love and be wise.

(2) Before enumeration, examples, etc; as,

The principal parts of a verb in English are; Present tense, Past tense and Past participle.

(3) Between sentences grammatically independent but closely connected in sense.

Study to acquire a habit of thinking; no study is important.

Question Mark (?)

The Question Mark is used, instead of the full stop, after a direct question; as,

Have you written the letter?

But Question Mark is not used after an indirect question; as,

He asked me whether I had written my letter.

The Exclamation Mark (!)

It is used after Interjections and after phrased and sentences expressing sudden emotion or wish; as,

Alas! He failed.

What a terrible fire that is!

Inverted commas ()

These are used to enclose the exact words of a speaker, or a

Quotation; as,

I would rather die, he said.

Apostrophe is used:-

(1) To show the omission of a letter or letters; as,

Dont eer Ive

(2) In the Genitive Case of Nouns.

(3) To form the plural of letters and figures.

Dot your is and cross your ts.

Sentence Structure

In writing it is necessary that the sentence structure must good,

so that the reader can extract the meaning, or they would be able to comprehend it at first time reading. One should avoid split infinitive because it causes miss understanding in the meaning of sentence, readers also face problem to understand such structured sentence.

A sentence should short and its length may be 20-25 words.

Many writers prefer short sentences in writing. A good sentence is made up of words which are rightly placed. They have syntactical order and are meaningful.

Often it is seen that many people like, using passive sentence structure, but it is good to use active structure; it helps reader to understand the content more easily. Now a day many writers are using active structure rather than passive, it sound good and understandable.
