Page 1: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

SI. No.-1



(To be enveloped in separate sealed cover)

Name of the work : Procurement of Electrical materials to BMC Electrical store for

maintenance of street lights for the year 2015-16.

Issued against Bank Draft/Banker’s Cheque

No. ………………………..Dt…………………

(No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the name of the purchaser at the time of purchase, Before receiving the tender documents, the prospective bidder shall check the name of the work, for which/ he intends to purchase)

Page 2: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation

Detailed Tender Call Notice

Name of the work : Procurement of Electrical materials to BMC

Electrical store for maintenance of street lights for the year 2015-16.

Cost of Tender Paper : Rs.6000/- + VAT @ 5%

E.M.D : 1% of the quoted value.

Period of contract : 1 (one ) Year

Last date of Sale of Tender Paper : Dt.03.02.2016 up to 3.00 p.m.

Last Date of receipt of Tender Paper : Dt. 03.02.2016 up to 3.00 p.m. Date of Opening : Dt. 03.02.2016 at 3.30 p.m.

Detail of the DTCN can be seen on BMC web-site


Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Page 3: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning


File No-XXXXIV E/S- 03/2015

No. 827 Date. 18.01.2016

Notice Inviting Tender

Sealed tenders, in conformity with the detailed tender call notice in two bids system are

invited from “The reputed manufacturers such as M/S. Philips, M/S. Bajaj, M/S. Crompton

Greaves, M/S. G.E Lighting, M/S. Havells and M/S. Surya Roshni” for Procurement of Electrical

materials to BMC Electrical store for maintenance of street lights for the year 2015-16 to BMC

electrical store with eligibility criteria as mentioned in technical bid, so as to reach the Executive

Engineer, Division No-I, BMC through registered post / speed post only up to 3.00 p.m on


The tender documents are to be obtained from the Executive Engineer, Division-I, BMC on

deposit of non-refundable cost of the tender documents plus VAT @ 5% of the tender document

cost, in shape of A/C Payee / Bankers Cheque / Bank Draft drawn in favour of Municipal

Commissioner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, Bhubaneswar from dt.20.01.2016 to dt.

03.02.2016 during Office hours. The DNIT can also be down loaded from the BMC web-site , from dt.20.01.2016 to dt. 03.02.2016 for which the document cost amounting

to Rs.6,000/- + 5% as VAT, should be submitted in separate envelope marked “Cost of Bid

document down-loaded from the internet”, along with the bid documents. The technical bid of the

two bid tenders will be opened at 3.30 p.m on the same day i.e on dt. 03.02.2016 in presence of

the bidders or their authorized representatives, who may be present at the time of opening of the

tenders. BMC, will in no way, be responsible for any delay in receipt of the tender document. The

financial bid of those, who have qualified in technical bid, shall be opened in presence of the

bidders after evaluation of the technical bid for which date shall be communicated through letter /

over telephone / e-mail, incase, it can not be completed in the same day.



Description of work EMD in Rs. Cost of Tender

Document Period



1 Procurement of Electrical

materials to BMC Electrical

store for maintenance of

street lights for the year


1% of the quoted

rate Rs.6,000/-

+ VAT @ 5 %

One year

Page 4: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

NB:- The bid is valid for one year & supply order will be issued from time to time in phase manner

as per requirement.

The tender must be accompanied with the attested photocopies of qualifying documents as

mentioned in eligible criteria & the required EMD in shape of NSC / KVP, duly pledged in favour

of the Municipal Commissioner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation or Bank Draft / Pay Order /

Banker’s Cheque from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank, in favour of the Municipal

Commissioner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, Bhubaneswar and the cost of the tender

document (Non-refundable) in shape of Bank Draft / Pay Order / Banker’s Cheque from any

Nationalized / Scheduled Bank, in favour of the Municipal Commissioner, Bhubaneswar

Municipal Corporation, Bhubaneswar separately, failing which, the tender shall be rejected out-


Mere procurement of Tender Document does not guarantee for fulfillment of the eligibility


Names of the purchaser at the time of procurement of DNIT should not be disclosed.

No BMC money receipt shall be given indicating the name of the purchaser at the time of

purchase of DNIT.

The price quoted should be valid for minimum one year from the date of acceptance of


Comparison will be made on item wise.

The authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning

any reason thereof.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Memo No.- 828 / BMC. dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy M/S PEARL ADVERTISING AGENCY Bhubaneswar for information & requested to

publish this notice through two daily Oriya News paper “The Samaya”, “The Suryaprava” &

one daily English News paper “The Statesman.” Bhubaneswar edition with letter size-9 for wide

publicity at an early date.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Memo No- 829 / BMC dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary, H & U.D Deptt./ Water Recourses Deptt.

/Engineer In Chief cum Secretary, Works Deptt. / Special Secretary, G.A Deptt. for kind


-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Page 5: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

Memo No- 830 / BMC dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy to Computer Asst. BMC for publication of this Notice through NET.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Memo No- 831 / BMC dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy submitted to Chief Engineer, P.H (Urban)-Orissa-cum-Inspector of Local works, BMC

for information.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Memo No- 832 / BMC dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy forwarded to Chairperson, Standing Committee on Public Works / Public Health, W/S,

Electricity, Drainage & Environment / Finance / Establishment / Education / Planning &

Development / Grievance, BMC for information.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Memo No- 833 / BMC dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy forwarded to Additional Commissioner, BMC/ City Engineer, BMC / Executive

Engineer, BMC Division No-II / Chief Finance Officer / Asst. Executive Engineer (Elect.), BMC

for information and necessary action.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Memo No- 834 / BMC dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy forwarded to P.A to Mayor / Steno to Municipal Commissioner, BMC for kind

information to their respective authority .

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Memo No- 835 / BMC dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy forwarded to H.A-cum-Acct.-I, works section, BMC/ Advertisement section, BMC for

information and necessary action.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Memo No- 836 / BMC dt.- 18.01.2016

Copy to Notice Board of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation for wide circulation.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC

Page 6: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

Each Tender should be accompanied with :

1) Cost of DTCN Rs.6,000.00 + VAT @5% in shape of Bank Draft / Pay order / Bankers Cheque

2) Requisite EMD (1% of quoted rate)

3) Attested photo copies of PAN & TIN cards.

4) Attested photo copy of appropriate valid Registration Certificate.

5) Attested photo copy of up to date VAT clearance certificate(Form No.– 612).

(A) Eligibility criteria .

The technical bid shall be accompanied with the following documents failing which the bid

shall be out rightly rejected .

(1) Attested photo copy of Valid Registration Certificate.

(2) Attested photo copies of PAN card & TIN card.

(3) Attested photo copy of up to date VAT clearance certificate (Form – 612)

(4). Cost of the tender documents, in shape of Bank Draft / Bankers Cheque / Pay order from

any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank.


(B) Submission & opening of tender:

The bids shall be filled up and submitted separately in sealed envelopes in two parts, viz, Part-I &

Part-II clearly indicating on the covers PART-I (Technical bid) & Part-II (Financial bid). The cover

shall be super scribed “Procurement of Electrical materials to BMC Electrical store for

maintenance of street lights for the year 2015-16.” and addressed to the Executive Engineer,

Division No.I, BMC. Full name, postal address, e-mail address (if any) and telephone number of the

bidder shall be written on the bottom left corner of the sealed envelope. The financial bid of those

will be opened who qualify in technical bid after evalution.


Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Page 7: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

Terms & Conditions

1. The bidder has to submit the sample of each item before opening of technical bid, if fails, rate quoted for

item will not taken in to consideration.

2. All items of materials should be compatable to BMC existing fittings.

3. The successful bidder shall give an undertaking to replace the defective materials during the guarantee

period i.e. one year from the date of supply.

4. The rate quoted should be valid for one year

5. Supply order will be issued as per requirement of BMC in phase manner.

6. The materials to be supplied should conform to ISI specification.

7. The bidders are expected, to examine all the instructions, terms and conditions in the bid document. Bids

not substantially responsive to bid document in every respect, will be at bidder’s risk and shall result in

rejection .

8. The contract period of the bid is meant for a period of one year from the date of approval of corporation..

9. The BMC shall have the right to terminate the contract on the ground of poor performance and violation of

the terms of the contract without assigning any reason by giving 15 days prior notice.

10. Any conditional and incomplete bid is not acceptable.

11. No claim shall be entertained towards any expenses made by bidder for submission of the bid in case of

cancellation / rejection.

12. Letter of authorization for representing the manufacturer to sign the bid document should be enclosed

along with the bid documents.

13. Any overwriting, additions, alterations, erasers, obliteration and other discrepancies in bid should be

properly attested.

14. The NIT forms is a part of the agreement and its each page should be signed by the bidder, which

considered as a token of acceptance of the terms and conditions.

15. All bids will remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of receipt.

16. The bidders should quote rates inclusive of all taxes for each item, both in figures and words. Wherever there is a difference between the rate quoted in figures and words, the rate quoted in words will be taken as


17. The successful bidder has to submit an original challan , if supplied through authorized dealer and also

to furnish a certificate regarding their original product.

18. The successful bidder shall submit bill in triplicate along with guarantee certificate for trouble free and satisfactory service for a minimum period of one year.

19. The successful bidder shall furnish the manufacturer test certificate of the materials at the time of


Page 8: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

20. The quantities mentioned in BOQ is the indicative figure to be purchased during a year. Supply order will

be issued as per requirement in phase manner. The materials are to be delivered to BMC electrical store in a single lot within 30 days from the date of issue of supply order positively, failing which penality will be

imposed as per rule enforced.

21. Security @ 5% shall be deducted from every bill and the same shall be released after expiry of guarantee period with due procedure.

22. The BMC shall deduct the statutory deductions as applicable under the Income Tax Act, 1961, Orissa Value Added Tax Act, 2004 and any other statutory deductions.

23. In case of any dispute in the meaning of specification & description of items, rates or due to errors/typo-

graphical errors, omissions, the decision of the bid accepting authority of BMC with due recommendation of the Engineer-in charge of work is final and binding to the firm.

24. All the documents furnished by the bidders are subject to verification by the issuing authority. In case

any manipulation is found, the EMD will be forfeited and steps shall be taken for black listing the bidder

from BMC.

25. Govt. tax as applicable from time to time will be born by the bidder.

26. The bidder should quote single rate for each item according to required specification wherever

mentioned. More than one rate for a particular item will be summarily rejected. The scheduled appended to the tender notice should be filled up and signed. No other annexure than the scheduled will be entertained.

27. The quantity of materials specified in tender schedule may vary as per requirements of BMC.

28. If the bidder fails to supply the materials as per order in time, the S.D will be forfeited. The case will be

recommended to Contracts Committee for blacklisting the agency.

29. In case of any dispute arising out of the contract, the matter shall be referred to the Commissioner, BMC,

whose decision shall be final.

30. Consideration will be taken for the lowest bidder for item wise quoted rate.

31. If the manufacturer will supply through dealer/Firm, then one dealer/Firm should have been authorized

by one manufacturer only, more than one authorization to a dealer/Firm will not be accepted by BMC. Authorization will be accepted on priority basis.

32. In case of any legal dispute arises, the matter will be taken in to Bhubaneswar Jurisdiction only.

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

Page 9: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning



(To be enveloped in separate sealed cover)

Name of the work : Procurement of Electrical materials to BMC Electrical store for

maintenance of street lights for the year 2015-16.

Issued against Bank Draft/Banker’s Cheque

No. ………………………..Dt…………………

(No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the name of the purchaser at the time of purchase, Before receiving the tender documents, the prospective bidder shall check the name of the work, for which/ he intends to purchase)

Page 10: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation

Name of the work : Procurement of Electrical materials to BMC Electrical store for maintenance of street lights for the year 2015-16.

Page 11: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation Bill of Quantities

Name of the work:- Procurement of Electrical materials to BMC Electrical store for

maintenance of street lights for the year 2015-16.



Description Quantity Unit

1 250 watt HPSV (3 way) Choke.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

2000 No.

2 250 watt HPSV Lamp.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

3000 No.

3 Ignitor (3 way)


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

2000 No.

4 40 watt Tube light (4 ft)


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

5000 No.

5 40 watt Choke.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

500 No.

Page 12: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

6 Tube light Startor


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

5000 No.

7 150 watt HPSV lamp.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

200 No.

8 150 watt HPSV Choke.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

100 No.

9 70 watt HPSV Lamp.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

100 No.

10 70 watt HPSV Choke.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

50 No.

11 14 watt CFL Lamp


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

100 No.

12 18 watt CFL Lamp.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

100 No.

Page 13: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning

No. of Corrections: -Sd- No. of Over writings: Executive Engineer, Signature of Supplier No. of Interpolations Division-I, BMC.

13 15 watt CFL Lamp.


Rate in Figures:-

Rate in Words:-

100 No.

Page 14: TECHNICAL BID- DOCUMENT - · (No BMC Money Receipt shall be given indicating the ... the tenders without assigning




List of documents Details of


For office use only

1 2 3

1. EMD Furnished

(Signature of bidder)

Name of bidder:-

Address of bidder:-

Phone No.-

E- mail No.-

-Sd- Executive Engineer,

Division-I, BMC.

i)Total no of Corrections:-

ii)Total no of Over writing :-

iii) Total no of Interpolation :-
