Page 1: Technical Committee on Liquefied Petroleum Gases...Technical Committee on Liquefied Petroleum Gases First Draft Meeting Agenda NFPA Headquarters 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA Sept

Technical Committee on Liquefied Petroleum Gases

First Draft Meeting Agenda

NFPA Headquarters 1 Batterymarch Park

Quincy, MA Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2014

1. Chair’s welcome, call to order, and opening remarks at 8:30 a.m.

2. Self-Introduction of Committee Members and Guests

3. Approval of Minutes from the ROC Meeting held in September 2012 in Memphis, TN. See NFPA 58 Document Information page,, to review.

4. Staff Liaison Report

A. Committee membership update (For the period Sept 6, 2012 – Aug 1, 2014)

Name Category Change Date

Edgar Wolff-Klammer RT (Principal) Appoint 3/7/2013

Joseph Bablo RT (Alt. to E. Wolff-Klammer) Appoint 3/7/2013

Richard Gilbert IM (Principal) Appoint 3/7/2013

Robert McKinney IM (Alt. to R. Gilbert) Appoint 3/7/2013

Raymond Hinske M (Principal) Appoint 3/7/2013

Thomas Dunn IM (Principal) Appoint 7/29/2013

Steve Younis SE (Principal) Appoint 10/23/2013

Theodore Lemoff SE (Alt. to D. Barber) Appoint 3/3/2014

Frank Volgstadt M (Principal) Non-reappoint 11/5/2012

James Stannard SE (Principal) Resign† 12/11/2012

Phani Raj SE (Principal) Resign 2/28/2013

Robert Zeman RT (Alt) Resign 3/7/2013

Russell Rupp IM (Alt. to S. McTier) Resign 9/28/2013

Matt Sigler E (Principal) Resign 2/21/2014

Hugo Aguilar E (Alt. to M. Sigler) Resign 2/21/2014

Donald Switzer C – Nonvoting (Principal) Resign 6/5/2014

Wesley Hayes E (Alt. to T. Wilson) Resign 6/18/2014

John Cedervall Member Emeritus Resign† 6/30/2014

(Total Voting Members – 30; E=23%, SE=20%, M=17%, IM=20%, I=10%, L=3%, RT=3%, U=3%)

B. New NFPA Document Revision Process (Attachment A)

C. Revision Cycle Review and timeline (Attachment B)

5. New Business

A. Review of Public Input (Sent under separate cover)

B. Formal Interpretations (FIs). NFPA policy regarding FIs has changed. FIs cannot be renewed for subsequent editions. The committee must review the FIs issued for the 2014 edition (Attachment C) and take appropriate action. The committee is

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required to create First Revisions or Committee Inputs to address the FIs by section 6.6 of the Regulations Governing the Development of NFPA Standards.

C. Conflict between and In the last revision cycle, renumbering resulted in subsection 6.4.3 becoming independent of the underground containers subsection, resulting in it being applicable to all containers. This created an internal conflict between and The committee should determine appropriate action to resolve this conflict.

D. Report of the Editorial Task Group. B. Swiecicki (chair); R. Hoffmann; S. McTier; L. Woodward. The Editorial Task Group recommendations are included in Attachment D.

E. Conflict between Table and Table column (5). Table requires that points of transfer be located at least 10 ft from containers other than those being filled. Table. has graduated distances required between cylinders and dispensing stations based on how much LP-Gas is in storage. The committee should review the two sections and take appropriate action.

F. Security and Accessibility. Committee member Richard Fredenburg has requested that the committee review of and 6.19.4, specifically related to the use of locked gates that prevent “ready access” to control valves on containers during normal and emergency operations.

G. Hot Air Ballooning. A Formal Interpretation (FI) request was received by NFPA asking if ground operations associated with hot air ballooning (i.e. ground transportation and filling of cylinders) is excluded from NFPA 58 by 1.3.2(7). The FI cannot be processed because the committee has never discussed the topic. The FAA “Approved Parts List” permits cylinders with international markings that are not recognized by NFPA 58. The FAA Balloon Flying Handbook permits filling of cylinders installed in hot air balloons by volume. The committee should determine if ground operations related to hot air ballooning is under the scope of NFPA 58 or take appropriate action to clarify 1.3.2(7).

6. Old Business - S. Gentry Information Request. Mr. Gentry requested information regarding the shipping and handling of propane as a refrigerant. Mr. Lemoff indicated that when (9) was added to the code, it was the intent of the committee that NFPA 58 would continue to cover handling and container construction requirements. Mr. Gentry requested committee members to research the application and consider whether additional requirements or special connector requirements should be developed for this application.

7. Other Items?

8. Date/Location of Next Meeting. (The next meeting must take place between May 15 and Oct 30, 2015.)

9. Adjournment.

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Attachment A: Summary of Available

Committee Actions

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Attachment B: Annual 2016 Revision Cycle

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2016 ANNUAL REVISION CYCLE *Public Input Dates may vary according to standards and schedules for Revision Cycles may change.  Please check the NFPA Website for the most up‐to‐date information on Public Input Closing Dates and schedules at # (i.e. and click on the Next Edition tab. 

Process Stage 


Process Step  

Dates for TC 

Dates forTC with 

CC   Public Input Closing Date for Paper Submittal*  6/6/2014  6/6/2014 

  Public Input Closing Date for Online Submittal (e‐PI)*  7/7/2014  7/7/2014 

  Final Date for TC First Draft Meeting  12/12/2014  9/12/2014 

Public Input  Posting of First Draft and TC Ballot  1/30/2015  10/24/2014 

Stage  Final date for Receipt of TC First Draft ballot  2/20/2015  11/14/2014 

(First Draft)  Final date for Receipt of TC First Draft ballot ‐ recirc  2/27/2015  11/21/2014 

  Posting of First Draft for CC Meeting    11/28/2014 

  Final date for CC First Draft Meeting    1/9/2015 

  Posting of First Draft and CC Ballot    1/30/2015 

  Final date for Receipt of CC First Draft ballot    2/20/2015 

  Final date for Receipt of CC First Draft ballot ‐ recirc    2/27/2015 

  Post First Draft Report for Public Comment  3/6/2015  3/6/2015 


  Public Comment Closing Date for Paper Submittal*  4/10/2015  4/10/2015 

  Public Comment Closing Date for Online Submittal (e‐PC)*   5/15/2015  5/15/2015 

  Final Date to Publish Notice of Consent Standards (Standards that received no Comments) 

5/29/2015  5/29/2015 

  Appeal Closing Date for Consent Standards (Standards that received no Comments) 

6/12/2015  6/12/2015 

  Final date for TC Second Draft Meeting  10/30/2015  7/24/2015 

Comment  Posting of Second Draft and TC Ballot  12/11/2015  9/4/2015 

Stage    Final date for Receipt of TC Second Draft ballot  1/4/2016  9/25/2015 

(Second  Final date for receipt of TC Second Draft ballot ‐ recirc  1/11/2016  10/2/2015 

Draft)  Posting of Second Draft for CC Meeting    10/9/2015 

  Final date for CC Second Draft Meeting    11/20/2015 

  Posting of Second Draft for CC Ballot    12/11/2015 

  Final date for Receipt of CC Second Draft ballot    1/4/2016 

  Final date for Receipt of CC Second Draft ballot ‐ recirc    1/11/2016 

  Post Second Draft Report for NITMAM Review  1/18/2016  1/18/2016 


Tech Session  Notice of Intent to Make a Motion (NITMAM) Closing Date  2/19/2016  2/19/2016 

Preparation  Posting of Certified Amending Motions (CAMs) and Consent Standards 

4/15/2016  4/15/2016 

(& Issuance)  Appeal Closing Date for Consent Standards   5/3/2016  5/3/2016 

  SC Issuance Date for Consent Standards    5/13/2016  5/13/2016 


Tech Session  Association Meeting for Standards with CAMs  6/13‐16/2016  6/13‐16/2016 


Appeals and  Appeal Closing Date for Standards with CAMs  6/29/2016  6/29/2016 

Issuance  SC  Issuance Date for Standards with CAMs  8/4/2016  8/4/2016 


Approved:__October 30, 2012                                           Revised___December 4, 2013_____________________ 

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Attachment C: 2014 Edition

Formal Interpretations

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Formal Interpretation

NFPA 58Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code

2014 Edition

Reference: 6.13 F.I. No.: 58-04-1

Question: Is it the intent of 6.13 of NFPA 58 to allow a maintenance valve (locked in the open position) to be placed between a hydrostatic relief valve and the pipe upon which it is installed?

Answer: No.

Issue Edition: 2004 Reference: 6.11 Issue Date: September 23, 2004 Effective Date: October 12, 2004


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Formal Interpretation

NFPA 58Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code

2014 Edition

Reference: F.I. 89-2

Question: Is it a violation of NFPA 58, to install a 20 lb LP-Gas tank in a high school chemistry laboratory to supply Bunsen burners on the student lab tables, connected by permanently installed piping which complies with NFPA 58?

Answer: Yes.

Issue Edition: 1989 Reference: 3-4.6.1 Issue Date: May 22, 1990 Effective Date: June 10, 1990


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Attachment D: Editorial Task Group Report

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Editorial Changes Recommended by NFPA 58 Task Force

1.4.2 In those cases where the authority having jurisdiction determines that the existing situation presents a distinct hazard to life and property, the authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to apply retroactively any portions of this code that are deemed appropriate. Chapter 3 Definitions 3.2.4 Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.

3.2.5* Listed. Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets appropriate designated standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose. Propane. For the purposes of this code propane is a liquefied petroleum gas that conforms to ASTM D 1835. Butane. For the purposes of this code butane is a liquefied petroleum gas that conforms to ASTM D 1835. (Note: These two definitions may be more than editorial.)* Internal Valve. A container primary shutoff valve that can be closed remotely which that incorporates an internal excess flow valve with the seat and seat disc located within the container so that they remain in place should external damage occur to the valve. Chapter 4 General Requirements Table 4.1.1 Containers

Containers . Used

Water Capacity Approval Applies to …

gal m3

Cylinders <120 <0.445 Container valves and connectors

Manifold valve assemblies

Regulators and pressure relief devices

ASME containers

<2000 ≤4000

<7.6 ≤15.2

Container system,* including regulator, or container assembly* and regulator separately

ASME containers

> 2000

>15.2 Container valves .

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Containers . Used

Water Capacity Approval Applies to …

gal m3

4000 Container excess-flow valves, backflow check valves, or alternate means of providing this protection, such as remotely controlled internal valves . Container gauging devices . Regulators and container pressure relief devices Notification of intent for to transfer LP-Gas directly from railcar to cargo tank shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction before the first transfer. 5.2.3 Cylinders Filled on Site at the Point of Use. DOT cCylinders in stationary service that are filled on site at the point of use and, therefore, are not under the jurisdiction of DOT shall comply with one of the following criteria: (D) Seismic loading on containers shall be in accordance with ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. A (add a space) seismic analysis of the proposed installation shall be made that meets the approval of the authority having jurisdiction.* ASME containers of more than 30 gal through 2000 4000 gal (0.1 m3 through 7.6 15.2 m3) water capacity that are designed to be filled volumetrically shall be equipped for filling into the vapor space. (A) If the pressure relief valve is located within a well inside the ASME container with piping to the vapor space, the design of the well and piping shall have a flow capacity equal to or greater than that of the pressure relief valve. All containers that contain unodorized LP-Gas products shall be marked “NOT ODORIZED”. (A) The marking shall have a contrasting background surrounded by a rectangular border in red letters and red border both the letters and the border shall be in red in the sizes shown in Table (2) Nonmetallic materials, for bonnets or bodies of valves or regulators The rated flow capacity of the pressure relief valve (CG-7) shall meet the requirements for a liquefied gas as defined in CGA S-1.1, Pressure Relief Device Standards, Part 1 — Cylinders for Compressed Gases. Cylinders shall not be solely equipped with C-2 or

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CG-3 fusible plugs as defined in CGAS-1.1, Pressure Relief Device Standards, Part 1 — Cylinders for Compressed Gases. A composite cylinder shall be permitted to be equipped with a combination device containing a pressure relief valve (CG-7) with 212ºF (100ºC) fuse metal (CG-3). DOT nonrefillable metal containers shall be equipped with a pressure relief device(s) or system(s) that prevents propulsion of the container when the container is exposed to fire. ASME containers for LP-Gas shall be equipped with direct spring-loaded pressure relief valves conforming with the applicable requirements of ANSI/UL 132, Standard for Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas, or other equivalent pressure relief valve standards. (A) The start-to-leak setting of the pressure relief valves specified in, in relation to the pressure rating of the container, shall be in accordance with Table (B) Containers of 40,000 gal (151 m3) or more water capacity shall be equipped with either a spring-loaded pressure relief valve or a pilot-operated pressure relief valve, as follows: (1) The pilot-operated relief valve shall be combined with, and controlled by, a self-actuated, direct, spring-loaded pilot valve that complies with Table The minimum rate of discharge of pressure relief valves installed in ASME containers shall be in accordance with Table or shall be calculated using the following formula: F A0.82 where: F = flow rate (SCFM air) A = total outside surface area of container (ft2) Relief valves for abovegroundASME containers shall relieve at not less than the flow rate specified in before the pressure exceeds 120 percent of the minimum permitted start-toleak pressure setting of the device, excluding the 10 percent tolerance in Table The flow capacity of pressure relief valves installed on underground or mounded containers shall be a minimum of 30 percent of the flow specified in Table Each pressure relief valve shall be plainly and permanently marked with the following: Shutoff valves shall not be installed between pressure relief devices and the container unless a listed pressure

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relief valve manifold meeting the requirements of is used. Pressure relief valves shall be designed to minimize the possibility of tampering. Externally set or adjusted valves shall be provided with an approved means of sealing the adjustment. Table Start-to-Leak Pressure Settings of Pressure Relief Valves in Relation to Container Pressure Rating Containers Table Pressure Relief Valve Flow Capacity as Function of Container Surface Area Where used on aboveground ASME containers of 1200 gal (4.5 m3) or less water capacity in addition to springloaded pressure relief valves, fusible plugs shall meet the following criteria: All cylinders used in industrial truck service (including forklift truck cylinders) shall have the cylinder’s cylinder pressure relief valve replaced by a new or unused valve within 12 years of the date of manufacture of the cylinder and every 10 years thereafter.* Cylinders requalified after September 30, 1998, shall be equipped with a listed overfilling prevention device and a fixed maximum liquid level gauge, sized in accordance with or Table, prior to being filled.(this requirement is stated in the next paragraph) (D) (2) Shutoff valves used on DOT cylinders shall comply with ANSI/UL 1769, Standard for Cylinder Valves. Table Recommended Dip Tube Lengths for Various Cylinders Propane Cylinder 10 Steel 8.9 26.1 3.6 (I don’t think the water capacity for a 10 lb steel cylinder is 26.1 – more like 23.8 or so) ASME containers of 2001 gal through 4000 gal (is this covered by the TIA – change to 4,000) (7.6 m3 through 15.2 m3) water capacity used for bulk plants and industrial plants shall be fitted with valves and other appurtenances in accordance with Table* Every container designed to be filled on a volumetric basis shall be equipped with a fixed maximum liquid level gauge(s) to indicate the maximum filling level(s) for the service( s) in which the container is to be filled or used. (See (A).)

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5 (B) (2) Horizontal filling: With the letters HDT followed by the vertical distance (to the nearest tenth of an inch), measured from the centerline of the coupling opening into which the gauge is installed that is located at the maximum filling level in the horizontal position, to the inside top of the cylinder (B) If temperature correction markings are provided on variable liquid level gauges on containers greater than 1200 gal (4.5 m3) water capacity that will be used for volumetric filling as allowed by,, and, the markings shall indicate the maximum liquid level at liquid temperatures in accordance with Table or Table Temperature markings shall be from 20°F to 115°F (−6.7°C to 46°C), with increments not to exceed 20°F (11°C) for propane, for 50/50 butane–propane mixtures, and for butane. Container inlet and outlet connections onASME containers of more than 2000 4000 2,000 gal (7.6 m3) water capacity shall be labeled either on the container service valve or on the container to designate whether they communicate with the vapor or liquid space. Every ASME storage container of more than 2000 4000 gal (7.6 m3) water capacity shall be provided with a pressure gauge. 5.7.9* Container Refurbishment. To prevent the intrusion of foreign matter and physical damage during the container refurbishment process, either of the following shall be required: (1) The container appurtenances shall be removed and the container openings shall be protected. (2) The container appurtenances shall be protected. Material specifications for pipe, tubing, pipe and tubing tube fittings, valves (including hydrostatic relief valves), hose, hose connections, and flexible connectors shall be in accordance with Section 5.9. Piping, pipe and tubing tube fittings, and valves used to supply utilization equipment within the scope of NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code, shall comply with that code. 5.17.3 Bypass Valves. Bypass valves shall have a maximum design pressure in accordance with Table

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6 If a bypass valve is installed in the system, it shall have a flow capacity equal to or greater than the pump in the system at the specified differential pressure. Liquid meters shall be installed so that the meter housing is not subject to excessive strains from the connecting piping. Where used to provide flexibility in the fixed piping system, flexible connectors shall not exceed 36 in. (1 m) in total length. This information is contained in Chapter 6 – (3) Name or symbol of the manufacturer A valve shall be provided to turn off the gas supply to the main burner and the pilot. Could we not use the same wording as in “The A means for manually turning off the gas to the main burner and pilot shall be provided. The minimum rate of discharge in cubic feet of air per minute for pressure relief valves for LP-Gas vaporizers, of either the indirect type or direct-fired type, shall be at least 150 percent of the rated vaporizing capacity. LP-Gas containers or systems of which that they are a part of that are installed within 10 ft (3 m) of public vehicular thoroughfares shall be provided with a means of vehicular barrier protection. LP-Gas piping systems shall not be used as a grounding electrode. Polyethylene and polyamide pipe and tubing systems shall be buried as follows: Liquid meters shall be installed so that the meter housing is not subject to excessive strains from the connecting piping. If not provided in the piping design, the use of flexible connectors that shall not exceed 36 in. (1m) in total length shall be permitted. Single trip, non-refillable, or and disposable cylinders shall not be refilled with LP-Gas. In the first line change “125 gal (0.5 m3 )” or more water capacity to “125 gal (0.5 m 3 ) water capacity or more” shall contain no more than 5 percent of the water capacity in liquid form during transportation. 13.2.2 Electrical Equipment. Skip a line and Insert “ All electrical equipment and wiring installed on the pier or dock shall comply with”. Delete “6.12.12(2) and” as they are not valid anymore and insert in the second and third lines.

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Chapter 15 Pipe and Tubing Sizing Tables Delete “Undiluted” in front of “Propane” in the Sizing Tables’ “Gas” titles. Substantiation:There is a new docket on this issue as commercial propane is diluted with other hydrocarbons as shown in ASTM D 1835. As this table was from NFPA 54, their committee was probably concerned about propane-air systems. We do not address propane-air systems in NFPA 58. Figure A. Change “1000 gal (3.8 m3 ) tank” to “1000 gal (3.8 m3 ) container” in five places. FIGURE I.1(a) Change “bulk truck” to “cargo tank vehicle” in drawing and in Note 2. FIGURE I.1(b) Add “Nearest line of adjoining property that can be built upon” to the property line that is shown on the drawing

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3.3.25 (New) Fixed Piping System. Piping, valves, and fittings permanently installed in

a location to connect the source of the LP-Gas to the utilization equipment.

Substantiation: This definition is needed because the term “fixed piping system” is used

throughout the code and it is not clearly understood what is meant by it.

5.12.2 Valves in Fixed Piping Systems Insert “fixed” before “piping” in third line. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in first line. In the second line insert ”fixed” before “piping”. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in each subparagraph. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in each subparagraph. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in each subparagraph. Insert “fixed” before each of two “piping” in the second line of “(B)”. Insert “fixed” before “piping “ in the second line. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in the first line. 6.9.2 Sizing of LP-Gas Vapor Fixed Piping Systems”. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in the first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping” in the first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping” and Insert “system” after “piping” in the first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping”and insert “systems” after “piping” in the first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping”and insert “systems” after “piping” in the first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping”and insert “systems” after “piping” in the first line. Insert “Fixed” before “Piping” and delete “in” after “Piping” in the first line. Insert “Fixed” before “Piping” in the first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping”and insert “systems” after“piping” in the first line Insert “fixed” before “piping” in the first line. Insert “fixed” before “piping” and insert “systems” after “piping”. Insert “fixed” before “pipe” and insert “systems” after “tubing” in the first line.

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6.9.5 Insert “Fixed” before “Piping Systems”. 6.12.3 Insert “fixed” before “piping” in the third line. 6.15 Leak Check for Vapor Systems. Insert “Fixed” before “Vapor“ and insert “Piping” after “Vapor”. 6.15.1 Insert “fixed” before “vapor piping systems” in the first line.

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Chapter 5 LP-Gas Equipment and Appliances 5.2 Containers. (see Section 6.2 and Section 6.6). 5.2.2 Cylinders. (see 6.6.2) 5.7 Container Appurtenances and Regulators. (see Section 6.7 and Section 6.8) 5.7.4 Container, Valves and Other Appurtenances. (see 6.24.4) 5.7.8 Container Appurtenance Installation. Insert “(see Section 6.7)” after “Installation”. 5.8 Regulators and Regulator Vents. [Insert “ (see Section 6.8)” after ”Vents”]. 5.9 Piping (Including Hose), Fittings, and Valves. [Insert “(see Section 6.9)” after “Valves”]. 5.9.4 Fittings for Metallic Pipe and Tubing. [Insert “(see 6.9.3)” after “Tubing”]. 5.9.5 Fittings for Polyethylene and Polyamide Pipe and Tubing. [ Insert “(see 6.9.4)” after “Tubing”] 5.9.6 Hose, Quick Connectors, Hose Connections, and Flexible Connectors. [Insert “(see 6.9.6)” after “Flexible Connectors”]. 5.11 Internal Valves. (Reserved) [ Insert “(see Section 6.11)” after “Valves”] 5.12 Valves Other Than Container Valves. [Insert “(see Section 6.12)” after “Valves”]. 5.13 Hydrostatic Relief Valves. Insert [“(see Section 6.13)”] after “Valves”. 5.17.2 Pumps. [Insert [“(see 6.18.2)”] after title. (The first sentence should skip a line to be separated from the title and becomes as shown next). 5.17.3 Bypass Valves. [Insert “(see” after title. Skip a line and insert the following: 5.17.4 Compressors. Insert “(see 6.18.3)” after “Compressors”. 5.17.6 Meters. Insert “(see 6.18.5 and]” after “Meters”. 5.20 Appliances. Insert “(see Section 6.21)” after “Appliances”. 5.21 Vaporizers, Tank Heaters, Vaporizing Burners, and Gas-Air Mixers. Insert “(see Section 6.22)” after “Mixers”.

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5.21.2 Indirect Vaporizers. Insert “(see 6.22.2)” after “Vaporizers”. 5.21.3 Direct-Fired Vaporizers. Insert “(see 6.22.3)” after Vaporizers”. 5.21.4 Tank Heaters. Insert “(see 6.22.4)” after “Heaters”. 5.21.5 Vaporizing Burners. Insert “(see 6.22.5)” after “Burners”. 5.21.6 Waterbath Vaporizers. Insert “(see 6.22.6)” after “Vaporizers”. 5.21.8 Gas-Air Mixers. Insert “(see 6.22.8)” after “Mixers”. 6.2 Location of Containers. Insert “(see Section 5.2)” after “Containers”. 6.6.4 Installation of Vertical ASME Containers. Insert “(see 5.2.7)” after “Containers” 6.7 Installation of Container Appurtenances. Insert “(see Section 5.7)” after “Appurtenances.” 6.7.2 Installation of Pressure Relief Devices. Insert “(see 5.7.2)” after “Devices”. 6.8 Regulators. Insert “(see Section 5.8)” after “Regulators” 6.9 Piping Systems Insert “(see Section 5.9)” after “Piping Systems” 6.9.3 Installation of Metallic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings. ( Insert “(see 5.9.4)” after “Fittings”) 6.9.4 Installation of Polyamide and Polyethylene Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings. [“Insert (see 5.9.5)” after “Fittings”]. 6.9.6 Flexible Connectors. Insert “(see 5.9.6)” after “Connectors”. 6.11 Internal Valves. Insert “(see Section 5.11)” after “Valves”. 6.12 Emergency Shutoff Valves. Insert “(see Section 5.12)” after “Valves”. 6.13 Hydrostatic Relief Valve Installation. Insert “(see Section 5.13)” after “Installation”. 6.18.2 Pump Installation. Insert “(see 5.17.2)” after “Installation”. Insert “(see 5.17.3)” after “discharge pressure” in the third line.

Page 22: Technical Committee on Liquefied Petroleum Gases...Technical Committee on Liquefied Petroleum Gases First Draft Meeting Agenda NFPA Headquarters 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA Sept

6.18.3 Compressor Installation. Insert “(see 5.17.4)” after “Installation”. 6.18.5 Installation of Meters. Insert “(see 5.17.6)” after “Meters”. 6.21 Installation of Appliances. Insert “(see Section 5.20)” after “Appliances”. 6.22 Vaporizer Installation. Insert “(see Section 5.21)” after “Installation”. 6.22.2 Installation of Indirect-Fired Vaporizers. Insert “(see 5.21.2)” after “Vaporizers”. 6.22.3 Installation of Direct-Fired Vaporizers. Insert “(see 5.21.3)” after “Vaporizers”. 6.22.4 Installation of Tank Heaters. Insert “(see 5.21.4)” after “(Tank Heaters)”. 6.22.5 Installation of Vaporizing Burners. Insert “(see 5.21.5)” after “Burners”. 6.22.6 Installation of Waterbath Vaporizers. Insert “(see 5.21.6)” after “Vaporizers”. 6.22.8 Installation of Gas-Air Mixers. Insert “(see 5.21.8)” after “Mixers”. . 6.24.4 Installation of Container Appurtenances. Insert “(see 5.2.4)” after “Appurtenances”.
