Page 1: Technical magazine deconstruction

Technical Magazine Deconstruction

Page 2: Technical magazine deconstruction


Dateline, Price & Issue Number

Main Sell line

Sell lines

Main Image

Page 3: Technical magazine deconstruction

Terminology broken down Typography: font

A Masthead: Magazine title

Main Image: Typically showing the person(s) or object directly associated with the main feature/article – usually a medium close up

Tag: The word or phrase is used to engage a reader’s interest in a story by categorising it e.g. ‘Exclusive’

Sell lines: The essential articles inside the magazine are stated through sell lines, these are regularly seen at the right hand side of the cover.

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Terminology – Inside the magazineTypography:Serif- Fonts with fancy feetSans Serif- Fonts without fancy feet

Drop- Cap: The first letter of the article tends to be in a larger/different/elaborate font.

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Pull Quotes: Enlarged quotes

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Your Task

Select 2 front covers, 2 contents pages and 2 double page spreads from your chosen genre (appropriate imagery and article content) from 2015.

Technically deconstruct each page – suggesting how they exhibit technical features of magazines and how use forms and conventions of your chosen genre.

Write a paragraph saying how your work will be influenced by your findings.