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1. TEEN DRAMA 2. CODES AND CONVENTIONS OF THE TEEN GENRE Presents typical teenagers life to adults Shows issues and concerns for teenagers such as drugs and alcohol Shows recognisable characters relating to certain typical teens 3. Binary opposites Anti-social vs social Big city vs small town Strong man/boy vs innocent girl Bad vs good Loud vs quiet Vulnerable vs confident 4. Typical stereotypes Chav Druggie Nerd Bitch girl 5. Stock characters A stock character is a fictional character based on a common literary or social stereotype. Stock characters rely heavily on cultural types or names for their personality, manner of speech, and other characteristics. Common stock characters in teen drama: Britney is a good looking girl who thinks highly of herself and downgrades others. A nerd who is the one responsible character who tries to persuade others to behave. 6. 90210- Drug Addiction- 7. Typical narratives. Most teen dramas tackle issues that some audience may find relatable such as: Addictions-Drugs, alcohol or gambling: Dixon is a character from 90210. In season 2 he becomes addict to gambling after meeting his mother and ends up owing his class mate $6,000. In season 4 Dixon decides not to go to college and becomes stressed out with his music career and takes some pills and later becomes addicted. Mental health issues Sliver is a character from 90210 in season 1 she gets into a relationship with Dixon. She becomes more stressed out with being in love she ends up making a inappropriate video about their relationship.After having a fight with Dixon she goes and attacks her teacher by breaking into his home. Dixon later finds her at the bus station and tells her she has Bipolar 8. Sexuality issues Rape ordeals In season 2 in 90210 Naomi pretends her teacher rape her but the school later finds out she is lying. She ends up losing her her boyfriend and friends. She ends up going to see her teacher but he ends up raping her and telling her that no one will believe her if she tells. She keeps the rape to herself until eventually telling her best friend Sliver when she starts getting close to the teacher. Naomi eventually tells the police about what happen and finds out the teacher has done this in the past. Teddy is a character from 90210 he is aTennis star and his dad is a famous movie star he is seen as a player. But ends up getting a long term girlfriend. One night whenTeddy gets drunk he thinks he had a pulled a girl but later finds out Its a boy.Teddy starts to have a secret relationship with his boyfriend but his boyfriend blackmails him into telling everyone he is gay. Teddy does in the end At the startTeddy friends are uncomfortable about him being gay but learn to live with it 9. Eating Disorders Cassie is a very complicated character. She suffers from anorexia, self harmHer entire self worth is dependent on her weight, in one episode saying "I didn't eat for three days... so I could be lovely She also drinks alcohol and takes drugs In the episode "Tony" she is seen sorting food, showing that she has Obsessive-compulsive tendencies DespiteCassie's many "problems", she is a very gentle, caring, and loving person. DomesticViolence In OneTree Hill the character Chuck isn't really mention but you know he doesn't come from a happy family.When Chuck finale gets someone that lucks after him more of his characters revealed and we learn that his father has come home. In an episodeChuck is seen with a bruise on his arms and just says he fell over. After his friend gets in trouble for beating up his dad chuck finale reveal his dad had been beating him 10. Teen pregnancy- Ade is a character from 90210 she is an actress and a drug addict. After her boyfriend paying for her to go to rehab she becomes pregnant. She later tells her boyfriend he isn't the father and it happen before they get together he boyfriend stays with her and explains they will get married and raise The child her boyfriend tellsAde she must tell the father she ends up telling him. He doesn't want anyone to know about the baby and pays her to go to Mexico to have it. Ade refuse. In the end Ade has the baby on prom night and ends up giving her baby away. 11. CONTROVERSIAL SUBJECTS Teen dramas often include a lot of controversial topics such as anorexia, self harm, suicide, depression, sexuality and more. An example of this is in Waterloo Road XA 12. Mise en Scene Typical costume within teen drama is often fairly simple and not too extravagant. However costume is used to present the different types of character. For example, a typical up to no good character may wear trainers and a hoody. Or the typical popular girl may be seen to be carrying a designer handbag and posh clothes. The setting of teen dramas often are schools, to represent the normal environment that teenagers are in. A school environment is also a way in which social groups within teenagers (such as geeks, popularity, Goths etc) can be shown. It also often shows a relationship between teachers and students often showing a negative portrayal of teens lack of respect. Typical props of this sub-genre is mobile phones, drugs, alcohol and knives. Common themes include : Drug and alcohol addictions, Mental health issues ,Domestic abuse ,Bullying (including cyber bullying) , Eating disorders ,Sexuality and gender issues , Rape ordeals , Teenage Pregnancy. The mood and atmosphere of this genre is a mixture between happy but also dark.The controversial issues tackled inTeen Drama can often make the atmosphere feel a little bit depressive when characters deal with certain issues.
