  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Group members

    Samina Shahid, Fakiha Omar, Salma Naqvi, Apriland Faduma.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    YWCA is a Toronto organization strictly for

    women of all ages, races and statuses.

    On their web site it is written that it is anorganization by, for and about women and girls.

    YWCA stands for Young Women ChristianAssociation.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)



    YWCA offers many programs for women and girls.Some of their programmes are:

    Employment focus: which is a 10 week program that

    helps women who are receiving social assistanceprepare for paid work.

    General Education Development (GED)that is a 5week instructor led course that helps for the

    preparation of Grade 12 equivalency Exam

    Different workshopsfor helping women to buildadministration skills.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Programmes contdYWCA jump programmewhich is a settlement

    programme for newcomer women 13 years and over.

    Moving on to successwhich is about the employmenttraining for women who have experienced abuse.

    Computer training:They have computer lab with full

    internet access. 2 day training programme is free forwomen but they have other computer trainingprogrammes that are quite expensive starting from$59-$700.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Programmes contd Skills for change:this program helps immigrant

    women who are facing the systematic barriers inCanada. Its goal is the emergence and growth ofimmigrant women in leadership.

    Job search assistance. It offers different serviceslike job and co-op placement, assistance in preparingresumes and cover letters and financial assistance.

    Co-op placements

    Career assessment and counselling.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Programmes contd

    MicroSkills:These are offering funded programs forwomen to help them to enter technology and trades.Some of their programs are women in transportationprogram, womens horticulture technician and

    information technology training.

    English language trainingwith child-minding facility.

    Teen Mothers program

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Teen Mothers Program

    This program is for young women from 14 years to 22


    Their main aim is to help young mothers to feel theyare not lonely and make them proud to be moms.

    Young mothers are offered free lunch, differentinteractive activities for moms and children andcounselling

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Programs offered

    Budgeting workshops: for this they get money if theyattend workshop.

    Learn to earn and parenting (Leap)Certificate.

    Teen mothers can come every day and get counsellingand sometimes community escort can go and meetthem in their homes.

    They can help in grocery shopping also but notregularly.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    More programs

    Drop in programis twice a week from 4:30-6:30 sothe mothers can go and entertain themselves or dosome of their chores.

    Their programs run all year round and free TTCtokens, free condoms and whatever donations agencyis receiving are given to teen moms.

    On Wednesdays they offer parenting programs forevery age and both sexes are welcomed.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Other programs

    Safe sisters programitis a program for 9-13years for the safety inthe community.

    Child centreandinteractive activitiesfor mom and children

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)



    The main donors are United Waysand City ofToronto. It is the 4thbiggest United Way fundingagency.

    There are others also but not on regular basis. E.g.once Shoppers Drug Mart donated tons of diapers,so it was a good help for the agency.

    Second Harvestprovides free lunch.

    Every Tuesdaydonation truck comes from UnitedWaysand has different items each time.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    What are some of the circumstances leading up tofamilieschoosing to access support through thisagency?

    Ifhospitals, public health and welfare workers seeany case of teen mom who is being abused they callthe agency and tell it about the teen age mom.

    Sometimes parents of the teen moms do not approvethe pregnancyof their daughter and leave themalone.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    More circumstances

    Probation officers,Welfare Ontario Workcan recommend or youngwomen can come with

    their friends. Soeverybody is welcomed.

    If the girl is in abused


  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)



    Once a month a guest speaker comes like speakerfrom Credit Canada or a nurse from Public HealthServices to give information.

    Topic is decided after discussing with teen moms.

    Agency offers meditation workshops and workshops

    on boasting self esteem.

    Summer camps for 9-13 years and these are free.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    More circumstances

    Probation officers,Welfare Ontario Workcan recommend or youngwomen can come with

    their friends. Soeverybody is welcomed.

    If the girl is in abused


  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    What support is available to families through this

    agency (such as counselling, parenting workshops,childcare, living arrangement, financial support,community outreach, and/or advocacy services etc?)

    Helps teen mothers access to different resources but

    do not provide them.Offers parenting workshops for teen mothers.Grandparents and caregivers can also come in theseclasses/workshops.

    Advocacy is a huge part of their services. If youngmom is facing some problems e.g. getting referencethen they call and straighten out things.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    What is the process through which support tothe families is eventually tapered off and howis that decided?

    As such there is no concept of tapering off thesupport, as it is only for young mothers from the

    age of 14-22 years..After 22 years, some moms still want to comeand dont want to leave. They are also not refusedbut for them the agency is starting Mentors


  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    What community outreach/follow-up isprovided by the agency?

    If the young mothers are not coming to theprogram does not mean they cannot get help.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    The incharge of the program used to go to high schooland talk about parenting and teen mothers.

    Home visits, ongoing telephone calls and in personcounselling.

    She is also going homes if young mom cannot come to

    the agency. But if the area or the building is dangerous,she does not go. They can meet at some grocerystore/Tim Horton.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Once a 19 year Cantonese speaking newimmigrant woman came to their agency. Shecould not speak a word of English. But theyovercame this problem by inviting some

    volunteer who was able to understand andspeak Cantonese.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    How long it takes for the young moms to start

    receiving support?

    They can call first and are always welcomed. So it isnot a long process.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    How can we help?

    Funding is always in deficit, because of the peoplestereotyping young mothers.

    As they are always in need of things required forchildren, every thing for children is good to donate,these include toys, diapers, feeding bottles, childrenbooks, clothes and whatever one can think for theirown children.

    Can do volunteering as they need volunteers for their

    childcare centre.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    What are the typical problems does the agency seeteen moms are facing?

    Some problems arecommon in most of theteen mothers.

    Relationship withparents and partners isnot very strong andpositive.

    School and financial

    problems. Stress due to these


  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    As most of the times teen pregnancies areunwanted so they should be taught lots of birth

    control options before doing sex.Work should be done to establish healthyrelationship with parents and partners.

    Lots of encouragement and support should begiven to teen moms to improve their self esteem.

  • 8/12/2019 Teen Mother's Program (YMCA, Tronto)


    Bibliography Brochures of YMCA