Page 1: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan-Tammuz 5778

Page 2: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

2 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

SULAM registration for 2018-2019 has opened! Early-bird pricing expires after May 22.

We danced with scarves. We made resolution sticks.

We sorted Kol Nidrei food donations for the Kosher Food Pantry.

We wrote Poetree for Tu B’Shevat. We planted parsley seeds to grow for Pesach.

We made three different kinds of charoset for Pesach. We learned about our Torah portions, wrote Torah

introductions, and celebrated the completion of the project with our parents. We decorated our 1st siddurim

(Beth El’s new Lev Shalem). We learned the order of the books of the Torah

and the names of each portion. We explored the moon, Jewish holidays, and science.

We created our own mishkan, the tabernacle. We decorated the Sukkah.

We learned about “loving our neighbor.” We practiced chanting Ashrei (and more!).

We made Torah yads/pointers. We explored different versions of the Hebrew Bible.

We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online.

SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn. Act. Marvel.

Page 3: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan-Tammuz 5778 3

We Asked, You Answered: Reflecting on Israel at 70 “On our first trip to Israel we went by ship, from New York to Haifa. It took us 18 days. It was bitter cold and food was scarce. Water came through the pipes once every nine days...”

~ Rabbi Stanley Kessler, Beth El Rabbi Emeritus

“Amazing, when writing about Israel and my experiences, I am drawn to going beyond the raw and developed beauty of the country, the emotional experiences. I am drawn to that part of the world which is deep within me and has an amazing tie to my soul.”

- Constance Mindell, Beth El Member

Join the discussion on Facebook and share

your Israel at 70 story.

Celebrate Israel @ 70

Music University Israeli Experience Wednesdays, May 16 & 23 7:30 PM In these two lectures, Cantor Ness will focus on Israeli music and music that has been influenced by Israel in preparation for the June 3rd concert commemorating Israel’s 70th anniversary. Colorful musical examples and slides will highlight the lectures.

COST: no charge NOTE: each lecture immediately

follows the 7:30 PM Minyan

Micha Biton Movie Encore Presentation

Tuesday, May 22 7:00 PM Micha Biton is a featured singer at the concert in June.

Come see his story and hear his music in the documentary Rock In the Red Zone. Learn why music is their shelter from the area near Gaza.

COST: $10; $20 with CD (while they last), available at Beth El and Mandell JCC

CONTACT: Sharon Efron, [email protected], Robin Santiago, [email protected]

SPONSOR: Israel Engagement Committee

Micha will be joining us for Services that concert weekend: 6/1 at 6:00PM and 6/2 at 9:30AM

Page 4: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

4 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

A strong hand and an outstretched arm – these words from the Torah describe how God saved us from slavery in Egypt. You shall open your hand to the needy – we learn in Torah how to emulate God in our actions of repairing the world. Bind them (words of Torah) as a sign upon your

hand – the paragraphs of the Shema instruct us in the practice of wearing tefillin so that we remember all that God has done for us. The hand that took us out of Egypt. The hands that we open to help others. The hands upon which we bind reminders. And the hand that we use – the yad in Hebrew – to point to words of Torah. If the Torah is the most holy object (and indeed, it is) then that which points our way to Torah is a holy tool. This spring at SULAM, our Bar/Bat Mitzvah class of rising 7th graders created

their own yadayim, personalized Torah pointers. Working with their parents, they selected “jewels” and spelled their Hebrew names. As each learner crafted his/her yad, the beautiful but ordinary beads became part of something so extraordinary. Each yad came to life in the hands of these future adult Jews. Each will hold his/her personalized yad and point to the words of the Torah in just a few months. Our hope and prayer is that they use their yad to guide their reading of Torah – and to let Torah guide them – throughout their lives. As we sing Etz Hayim Hee when we return the Torah to the Ark, it is a tree of

life to those that hold it tightly. We pray that this is true for those who now hold a personalized yad in their hands. Just one of the many, many innovations of SULAM this year. We are eager to begin our 2nd year with a greater focus on Hebrew, individualized prayer learning, and even more joy! As we like to say: See You at SULAM!

~ Rabbi Ilana Garber

The Rabbi’s Desk - Hand in Hand

Trips to Israel ~ 2018 ~

with Rabbi Rosen Sunday, May 6 - Friday, May 18

Follow Rabbi Rosen’s trip on our Facebook page!

with Rabbi Garber The 70 Faces of Israel

Sunday, Nov. 25 - Friday, Dec. 7

Beth El women and friends are invited to the 3rd Women’s Journey to Israel!

PRICING AND RESERVATIONS: Rabbi Howard Sowalsky, [email protected], 860-233-9696

Share In A Community You Can Believe In at Beth El Temple

Fundraising is a critical part of our annual budget. Dues alone do

not cover all of our operating costs. This year – in response to many requests – we are again taking a Spring Event break. However, we still have a $75,000 fundraising need for this fiscal year. We invite you to participate in our Share In A Community You Can Believe In. Your donations will help meet our general needs, but also address some very specific realities such as meeting the challenges of keeping our security systems updated, addressing our aging plant that needs new HVAC and energy-efficient lightening equipment, SULAM’s need for updated technology and audio/visual equipment to keep our curriculum state of the art, and providing membership assistance to those families who are experiencing challenging life circumstances. It is our sincere hope that every member of our Beth El Community will participate in some way and help us reach 100% involvement. All who contribute will be invited to a Reception at 6pm prior to the Annual Meeting on Tuesday on June 12.

Note: if you did not receive information in the mail, please connect with the office; see back cover for details about the Annual Meeting

Page 5: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan-Tammuz 5778 5

Ascending the mountain to reach a new and deeper understanding of who we are, both as a people and as individuals, is an action taken by multiple figures in the Tanach (Bible):

אמר א וי קח־נ את־בנ יד את־יחבת ק אשר־אה את־יצח ־ל רץ ול אל־א

ריה הו המ על ה שם וה ל לעל ד ע ים אח הר ר ה ר אש י אמ אל

God said, “Take your son – your only son, whom you love, Isaac – and go up to the land of Moriah! Offer him up there as a burnt offering on one of the moun-tains which I will indicate to you.” (Bereisheet 22:2)

This powerful direction to Avraham initiates the drama of ascending to a place that is not where we usually make our lives, but to “a place higher,” where certain truths are revealed and have the capacity to add real meaning and illumination. There are many other instances of these high places in the Tanach. where Jacob has his dream of the "Ladder that

Reaches to the Heavens” the place of the Beit Hamikdash (the Holy Temple) and very consequential in this season – Mount

Sinai, where Moses receives the Aseret Hadibrot (10 Commandments)

Moses ascends Mount Sinai, and God speaks to him: So shall you say to the house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel. You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings,

and I brought you to Me. And now, if you obey Me and keep My covenant, you shall be to Me a treasure out of all peoples, for Mine is the entire earth. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of princes and a holy nation. (Shemot 19:3-6)

...continuing.... The dawn of the third day broke amid thunder and lightning that filled the air. Heavy clouds hung over the mountain, and a steadily growing sound of the Shofar horn made the people shake and tremble with fear. Moses led the children of Israel out of the camp and placed them at the foot of Mount Sinai, which was all covered by smoke and was quaking, for God had descended upon it in fire. (Shemot 19:16)

This text is so very powerful, depicting how these events lead to the reading of the 10 Commandments in the following chapter. The two examples of Abraham and Moses illustrate the continual drive to create meaning, substance and purpose in our lives, both individually and communally; taking who we are, and moving us to potentially reach “high, if not higher!”

לה סביב ,הרים -ירושלם עולם-ועד ,מעתה -לעמו סביב ,‘וה

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people, from this time forth and forever.

Chag Shavuot Sameach! ~ Cantor Joseph Ness

Cantor’s Corner - Climb Every Mountain

I enjoyed watching The Crown on Netflix and learning about Queen Elizabeth. It prompted me to read up on her. In so doing, I ran

across an interesting account of the Diamond Jubilee at St. James Palace on January 27, 2005, the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The Queen met with a group of Holocaust survivors. Generally speaking, the Queen arrives on time and leaves on time. However, when

it was time leave, she stayed. And stayed. She gave each survivor her focused and unhurried attention. She allowed each story to be told. One survivor commented afterwards, “Sixty years ago I did not know whether I would be alive tomorrow, and here I am today talking to the Queen.” 60 years earlier they had been regarded as less than human, yet now the Queen was treating them as if each were a visiting Head of State. Commenting on the event as an attendee, Rabbi Sachs remarked, “That was humility: not holding yourself low but holding others

high. And where you find humility, there you find greatness.” As we just moved through Passover, the concept of humility should resonate insofar as Moses was viewed in the Torah as the most humble man on earth. Pastor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?, writes that “humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” In an age filled with so much rhetoric and self-promotion, the notion of allowing people to respond to your acts of generosity and kindness seems royally appropriate.

~ Jonathan Alter

Reflections from the President

Page 6: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

6 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

Birthday Aliyah Saturdays ALL AGES! May 12*, June 2, July 7 DURING SERVICE On the first Shabbat of every month we celebrate birthdays with a special group aliyah (Torah honor) and blessing from the Rabbi.

NOTE: * in May, second Shabbat of the month

Friday Night Forum Friday, June 8 KABBALAT SHABBAT SERVICES 7:00 PM

FORUM & ONEG 8:00 PM Guest speaker: Irene Berman, We Are Going to Pick Potatoes: A Personal History of Escape from the Shoah in Norway.

NOTE: this is the only service this evening QUESTIONS: Eliane Freund, 860-233-7157,

[email protected]  SPONSOR: Chai Society  

Fridays, May 4, June 15 5:45 - 6:45 PM

DINNER: follows for both programs, chicken nuggets for kids and hors d’oeuvres for parents; vegetarian or gluten-free by request

NO CHARGE: participating families are invited to serve as sponsors in honor of their children

RSVP: requested so we prepare enough food


Join Morah Barbara Checknoff in welcoming Shabbat through prayers and songs. Includes a Shabbat story!

Shababa BABIES THROUGH PRE-K Join Rabbi Garber for songs, dances, a Torah parade, and more as we welcome Shabbat together.

For all family and children’s programming, contact: Rabbi Garber, 860-233-9696, [email protected] RSVP: to the office, 860-233-9696

Saturdays, May 12, June 2 11:00 AM - NOON

Shabbat Club GRADES 3-5

Beth El dads Jason Kay and Alan Tuvin lead an interactive Shabbat service complete with games, activities, stories, and more. There’s always fun, food, and friendship.

Mazel Tots AGES 5 & UNDER Celebrate Shabbat in a kid-centered, creative, and totally cool way! Jennifer Schwartzman leads our youngest friends and their parents as Jewish

traditions and stories come to life through play!

Shabbat Club Mini GRADES K-2

Join in a program designed just for the K-2 set! Fellow parents, Sarah Willen and Janel MacDermott, will co-lead this fun, energetic group in age-appropriate prayers, songs, and Shabbat-friendly activities!

Worshipping Together - Shabbat

Weekly Shabbat – Friday Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 PM

Our standard evening service. Some weeks offer an additional service (kid-friendly, musical, or guest speaker). NOTE: except June 8, at 7:00 pm

Weekly Shabbat – Saturday Shacharit Service 9:30 AM

The morning service.

Children’s Playroom 9:30 AM - NOON A place geared for your energetic child (up to age 5); parents must supervise their children. Also May 21, Shavuot Services

Mincha Service 12:30 PM This brief afternoon service includes both a Torah reading introducing the next week’s portion and Mourner’s Kaddish. The Saturday evening service, Ma’ariv with Havdalah, is not regularly scheduled.

Sicha 12:50 PM After services and Kiddush, join Rabbi Rosen for a conversation about current events through the lens of Jewish values.

NOTE: after June 16, this program takes a break until Fall

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Observing Together - Daily, Spring, and Modern Daily Minyan

Morning 7:00 AM Mon–Fri 8:45 AM Sun Evening 7:30 PM Sun–Thu Note: Special Times Mon, May 28 9:00 AM Sun, June 3 6:30 PM Tue, June 12 6:30 PM See page 8 for Shavuot

schedule, May 19-21.

Shabbat & Havdalah Times Shabbat Friday Saturday

May 4-5 7:32 PM 8:33 PM May 11-12 7:40 PM 8:41 PM May 18-19 7:47 PM 8:48 PM May 25-26 7:54 PM 8:54 PM Jun 1-2 7:59 PM 9:00 PM Jun 8-9 8:04 PM 9:05 PM Jun 15-16 8:08 PM 9:08 PM Jun 22-23 8:10 PM 9:10 PM Jun 29-30 8:10 PM 9:10 PM

Yom Yerushalayim Sunday, May 13 Jerusalem Day Celebrating the 1967 reunification of Jerusalem is a national holiday in Israel but obviously one put on the calendar very recently! The rabbis have ruled it to be a day to thank God for the victory in the Six-Day War and for answering the 2,000-year-old prayer of Next Year in Jerusalem. Sing Jerusalem songs, watch the “Kotel-cam” (the 24-hour video surveillance of the Western Wall), and start to plan your next trip to Jerusalem! (see page 4 for Rabbi Garber’s fall Israel trip)

Lag Ba’Omer Thursday, May 3 Lag Ba’Omer, a minor holiday on the Jewish calendar, is a festive day. It falls on 18 Iyar, the 33rd day of the Omer count. The Hebrew letters lamed and gimel which make up the acronym “Lag” have the combined numerical value of 33. This day is an occasion for happiness during an otherwise mournful period. The Omer counting period, seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot, is a relatively somber time: we do not permit weddings, and many Jews

do not listen to live music or get haircuts. This is because of a plague that wiped out many of the students of Rabbi Akiva, one of the greatest rabbis of the Talmud. We are told that the plague stopped on the 33rd day of the Omer, so that day is one of celebration, picnics, bonfires, and

outdoor fun. In Israel, they also plant trees. Grab some friends and enjoy!

Michael Barker Henry Cohn Dave Diamond Tom Falik Ron Ferraro Arthur Freedman Matthew Friedman

Annette Gavens Harry Goldberg Caryl Goldberg Marilyn Goldman Harley Graime Rich Gutcheon Herb Hoffman

Jacob Kovel Shari Kovel Eileen McMurrer Steve Rabb Phil Schulz Marty Schulz Eli Simon

Carrie Berman, SULAM gr. 6:

Evan B Ilana B Julia C Joel H Dara H

Joelson K Ava L Jordan L Owen L Alex N Mark S Hanna S

mc Yellow Candle Packaging

Marci Alter Ronni Breiter Corin Coleman Meryl Danitz Alison Demarest Dave Diamond Arthur Freedman Eliane Freund Debbie Goldstein

Laura Gottfried Ethan Harris Lisa Harris Dara Hechter Janice Hechter Cheryl Hinze John Hinze Michal Klau-


Jacob Kovel Sally Kritzman Sophie Kritzman Jordan Lang Rachel Leventhal-

Weiner Diane Lieberfarb Tovah Lowy Janel MacDermott Eddie Malakh

Brian Neiberg Summer Neiditz Jared Neuhausen Maya Patt Steve Rabb Amy Raider Judy Rosenthal Tara Rothstein Phil Schulz Limor Shefer

Paula Steinberg Jared Stevens Ilana Waynik David Weiner Laurie Wetherbee Jane Winkleman Maya Winkleman Dan Zittoun

Purim Carnival Recognizing our Volunteers

mc World Wide Wrap Program

Tom Falik Ron Ferraro Harley Graime Jacob Kovel Marty Melnick Phil Schulz

wn Torah Fund Event

Marci Alter Alison Demarest Diane Lieberfarb Lois Koteen Leah Katz Francine Stier

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8 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

Worshipping Together - Spring HolidayShavuot Shavuot is one of those holiday gems that seems to get lost. Everyone knows Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Chanukah and Pesach. But what is Shavuot and why is it considered one of the “biggies” in Jewish life? Coming seven weeks (Shavuot is Hebrew for weeks) after the second Passover Seder, Shavuot celebrates not one but two important events: Spring’s first harvests and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Once out of Egypt and settled down, our ancestors brought to the Temple the first and best fruits of their spring harvest. With everyone coming together, it was a perfect opportunity to also honor God’s historic giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, marking the covenant between God and the Jewish people. It’s a joyous festival that lasts for two days.

During Shavuot we read the beautiful story of Ruth, who, after the death of her husband, followed her also widowed Jewish mother-in-law Naomi back to her homeland of Canaan. This is the origin of the beautiful speech that begins, “whither thou goest, I will go, where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, thy God my God.” Her steadfast loyalty – and ultimate conversion to Judaism – was rewarded: Ruth’s offspring gave birth to King David.

We will read the Book of Ruth during morning services on the 1st day of Shavuot. Shavuot is also known as the dairy holiday; we eat blintzes or cheesecake. Why dairy? One reason, the sweetness of Torah is often compared to the

sweetness of honey and milk. Another, Moses received the Torah on Shavuot – including the laws of kashrut – but the people had not yet internalized what was and wasn’t allowed. Eating dairy was a safe bet.

Shavuot Calendar Saturday, May 19 8:00 PM Mincha, Festival Ma’ariv 8:45 PM Tikkun Leyl Shavuot 8:48 PM Candle Lighting 9:00 PM JTConnect Tikkun Leyl

Shavuot (until 2am) Sunday, May 20 9:00 AM sulam Show Off Shavuot 9:30 AM Festival Services 7:30 PM Festival Mincha & Ma’ariv 7:49 PM Candle Lighting Monday, May 21 9:30 AM Festival Services 9:30 AM Children’s Playroom 11:00 AM Yizkor (approximate time) 7:30 PM Festival Mincha, Ma’ariv

& Havdalah 8:50 PM Havdalah

(Joint program at Emanuel Synagogue) Tips for a Meaningful Family Shavuot

Re-enact the Israelites waiting at the base of

Mount Sinai by camping out (or in, if it’s raining)! Pitch a tent or build a fort and tell stories about the Torah and Ruth.

Shavuot is a community-centered holiday. Be sure to join us

for Show Off Shavuot and see our SULAM learners show off their skills!

Shavuot marks the end of the grain

season. Try your hand at baking your own challah!

If wheat isn’t your thing, opt for challah

made from pantyhose! Little ones can enjoy it all week long.

Shavuot comes with the tradition of decorating your home or

the synagogue with beautiful flowers. Go for a nature walk or find flowers outside to inspire a bit of nature at home. For the weeks around Shavuot, nominate people in your family for “Ruth Awards.” Whenever someone does something nice, give them a flower (real or made from paper)!

Page 9: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan-Tammuz 5778 9

New Members Miriam & Steven Bleich, Sophie & Alexa Nicolette Wernick & Joseph Belkin

Congratulations Leah & Rabbi Steven Chatinover, on birth of grandson

Caleb Langdon Chatinover Faye Glass, on engagement of grandson Nadav Swarttz to

Molly Wolfberg Jane & Gary Rubin, on birth of granddaughter, Miri

Sophie Diane & Ron Salm, on birth of granddaughter, Piper Lillie Jennifer & Steven Wolfberg, on engagement of daughter

Molly to Nadav Swarttz

Mazal Tov! and Appreciation for Sponsoring a Kiddush or Lunch

Gayle & Steven Temkin in honor of daughter Alyssa’s Bat Mitzvah

Ivy & Avi Patt in honor of daughter Maya's Bat Mitzvah Taste of Shabbat Janine & Ed Leshem in honor of son Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah Meryl & Scott Braunstein in honor of daughter Hallie's

Bat Mitzvah

Of Blessed Memory Walter Askinas, husband of Mae Sofia Barzach, mother of Peter Alice Eisenberg, mother of Judith Rosenfeld Gladys Franzman, mother of Barbara Green Susan Stein Gavens, daughter-in-law of Annette & Sy Glen Hait, father of Jamie Hait Cohen Alan H. Kaufman, father of John Gertrude Kaminer, sister of Ben Rosen Celia Kavaler, mother of Bernard Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey, father of Barrie Irwin Lutt, father of Howard Abraham Weinberg, loving companion of Ellie Jainchill Janet Zimmerman, wife of Richard

Please send all Life Cycle announcements to Laurea in the Office: [email protected].

Engaging Generations Bar and Bat Mitzvah Celebrations

Emma Lexington Krug May 12, 2018 Emma, daughter of Cary & Bob Krug of Avon, sister of Madison and Hannah, granddaughter of Donna & Dee Smith from Ellington, and Carole & Lawrence M. Krug from Boca Raton, FL, is a 7th grader at Avon

Middle School. Mitzvah Project: Artforms. Art for MS, Art for Military Service. All packages sold will go back to MS and Veterans.

Eliana Hannah Simmons May 26, 2018 Eliana, daughter of Elizabeth Plotkin Simmons & Adam Simmons of West Hartford, sister of Rachel, granddaughter of Phyllis & Jack Plotkin from West Hartford, and Lynda & Robert Simmons from

Leominster, MA, is a 7th grader at King Philip Middle School. Eliana is sewing blankets for premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Hudson James Hollander June 9, 2018 Hudson, son of Michelle Hollander of West Hartford and Josh Hollander of West Hartford, grandson of Cheryl & David Epstein from Bloomfield, Carol Hollander from West Hartford, and Brian

Hollander z"l, is a 7th grader at Bristow Middle School. He is collecting old sneakers for Dunk Your Kicks, for the benefit of pediatric cancer research.

Benjamin Loeb Margolis June 16, 2018 Ben, son of Kim & Scott Margolis of West Hartford, brother of Sadie, grandson of Lynne & Michael Feldman from Los Angeles, and Ellen & Jerry Margolis from Farmington, is a 7th grader at King Philip

Middle School. Ben is raising money so a child from Hartford can attend Camp Courant for free.

Experience Camp Ramah...for the whole family! Friday-Monday, May 26-29

This is the perfect opportunity to introduce your family to the Ramah experience. Participate in spirited and age-appropriate prayer services, fun and engaging family programming, nighttime activities for adults, and all of the fun camp has to offer.

LOCATION: Camp Ramah in New England, Palmer, MA CONTACT: Simon Luxemburg, 781-702-5290 x111,

[email protected],

Camp Ramah in New England - Palmer, MAProspective Campers Days Sundays, July 15 OR August 5

10:30 AM - 2:00 PM Visit camp in session, Meet staff, Tour the facilities, Join in a sample of camp activities, Learn how we create a joyous Jewish experience, and Discover for yourself how a few weeks at

Ramah will enhance your child’s life forever! LOCATION: Camp Ramah in New England, Palmer, MA CONTACT: Lori Fish Bard, 781-702-5290,

[email protected]

Information on Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations is available

from the Temple Office.

Page 10: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

10 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

Lifelong Learning Ongoing Weekly Classes

New participants welcome, no registration, no charge

Writing Workshop Tuesdays 10:30 AM - NOON Open to all Beth El fiction and non-fiction writers. Write, read,

discuss, and improve your craft in a supportive, friendly atmosphere.

CONTACT: Betty Hoffman, 860-233-4853, [email protected]

Lunch & Learn Tuesdays NOON - 1:00 PM Rabbi Rosen explores the Hebrew Bible. He has been going through

the entire book, chapter by chapter. NOTE: bring a brown-bag, dairy lunch NOTE: no class 5/8, 5/15 NOTE: the last class until Fall is 6/12

LIBRARY CORNER Marilyn Simon Rothstein, Novelist Extraordinaire Roberta J. Buland Long-time Beth El Temple member Marilyn Simon Rothstein gave up her day job as an advertising queen to write novels. What a timely decision she made, as evidenced by the huge crowds who attended her book launches at BET! Her debut novel, Lift and Separate,

took off running. With readers clamoring for more, Marilyn set to work producing novel #2, Husbands and Other Sharp Objects. Marcy, a 50-something woman, wife, mother, and friend, wakes up to find that her husband of 33 years and the

head of a global brassiere empire, has decided to take up with a 21-year-old 32DD model. The challenges Marcy faces permeate the pages of both well-written, humorous tellings of a modern-day woman who does not stand by and let life happen to her. She faces her do-over with wit and resiliency. Funny and genuine, Marcy is a heroine who is easy to root for. Here’s what readers say about “our” Marilyn’s books: There was so much humor in the storyline

despite the fact that Marcy was experiencing the hardest time in her life.

Even though life threw Marcy several curveballs she handled herself with humor and grace, a total class act.

Introspective coming of age story.

I loved, loved, loved this book!! It is a heartbreaking yet laugh out loud funny book.

The novel thrums with honesty, balanced with the perfect mix of tension, laughter, and self-discovery.

Marilyn grew up in New York City, earned a degree in journalism from New York University, began her writing career at Seventeen Magazine, married Alan whom she met in an elevator, and owned an advertising agency for more than 25 years. She holds an M.A. in Liberal Studies from Wesleyan University and an M.A. in Judaic Studies from the University of Connecticut. Here at Beth El, Marilyn and Alan spent many years coordinating activities for USY when daughters Marisa and Sharyn were teens. If you’re looking for fun books to take on vacation, these will fit the bill!

Talmud Study Wednesdays, 10:30 - 11:30 AM This is a self-led, interactive study, in English, and all participants are invited to contribute. We are studying Tractate Sanhedrin, focusing on questions of jurisdiction, criminal law, and punishments.

CONTACT: Steve Stier, [email protected]

Bible & Breakfast Thursdays, 8:00 - 9:00 AM After Minyan, we discuss the weekly Torah portion. Led by our Rabbis during the school year.

SPONSORS: Elaine & Cal Price, Susan & Michael Schenker, Myra & Bill Kleinman

Hebrew Reading Crash Course Sundays, 11:00 - noon Sidra Sperling is teaching beginning Hebrew, with a focus on the Shabbat morning service and Havdalah. Drop in any time.

CONTACT: [email protected] NOTE: class meets following SULAM’s schedule, ends 5/6

Women’s Network welcomed Marilyn as she debuted Husbands and Other Sharp Objects, at Beth El this past March. The event was a benefit for Torah Fund. Guests enjoyed wine and refreshments while Marilyn read from her book and talked about the writing process and her experiences on tour with Lift and Separate.

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Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen Mondays, May 7, June 4 10:00 AM - 12:45 PM

The group prepares and serves lunch the first Monday of each month.

LOCATION: Immanuel Church, Woodland St, Hartford CONTACT: Ellen Solomon, [email protected]

KNITzvah Group Sunday, June 10 10:00 - 11:30 AM If you knit or crochet, this is a fun way to spend 90 minutes. We chat and schmooze, while creating something useful to be

donated to local charities for people who need a little "extra love.”

NOTE: bring #10 needles CONTACT: Annette Gavens, [email protected], Norma

Jean Sternschein, [email protected] NOTE: not meeting in May

Doing Mitzvot

Charter Oak Project May 30; June 3, 4 COOK, SUNDAY 9:00 - 11:00 AM SERVE, WEDNESDAY/MONDAY 5:30 - 7:00 PM Prepare and serve dinner for Hartford school children and their families. Volunteers also needed to shop and deliver the food to Charter Oak. Donations welcome.

LOCATION: cook at Beth El, serve at Charter Oak Cultural Center, Hartford

CONTACT, COOK: (meal will be purchased in May) Craig Diamond, 860-899-4918, [email protected]

CONTACT, SERVE: Myra Kleinman, 860-508-3672, [email protected]

Jessie’s Garden Cleanup and Planting Day Sunday, May 6 10:00AM Jessie’s Garden was established eight years ago by the Kostin family, longtime Beth El members, in memory of their daughter, Jessica. We grow and deliver nutritious organic vegetables to the Anja Rosenberg Kosher Food Pantry at Jewish Family Services. We need volunteers throughout the summer to water, weed, pick, and drive the vegetables to JFS. This can be a one-time project, or you could commit to the same day every week. Volunteers can sign up to fill in whenever extra help is needed, or for a specific task. Whatever fits your interest and schedule will work for us. It’s up to you. Plus, you don’t need to have

gardening experience. Jessie’s Garden co-chair Herb Hoffman is always ready to answer questions. Come as an individual, family, or group of friends.

If you are looking for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah project, Jessie’s Garden welcomes you. Jessie’s Community Garden at Beth El was one of four synagogue projects from around the nation to receive the Centennial Schechter Yesode-Foundation Award in 2013. This prestigious award recognized our garden’s success in creating a sense of community while teaching Jewish values and having a positive impact in the greater community.

CONTACT: Betty Hoffman, 860-233-4853, [email protected]

The Anja Rosenberg Kosher

Food Pantry There is need within our community, all year long. Please consider donating food, hygiene products, and/or cleaning supplies.

LOCATION: JFS of Greater Hartford, 333 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford

CONTACT: Susan Fried at [email protected]

Our Syrian Family We can help the family become financially independent with the acquisition of a car. The dad has been working hard with our volunteers and is about to pass his driving test; a car will enable him to find a higher paying job, with over-time. The goal is a used minivan, safe and reliable, whether donated or purchased. Contact us directly, or send your donations to Rabbi Garber. Thank you for the continuing support through gift cards (especially when purchased at Beth El).

CONTACT: Carrie Berman, [email protected], Robin Landau, [email protected]

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12 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

Making Connections

Leonard Bernstein: Reaching for the Note Luncheon and Film Wednesday, May 9

12:00 - 3:00 PM Cantor Ness introduces this film celebrating the 100th anniversary of Bernstein’s birth. The documentary follows his life and career and features rare footage of his concerts,

home movies, selections from the Broadway shows he helped compose, and interviews with his friends, relatives, and colleagues.

COST: $15 RSVP: Sidra Sperling, 860-523-4703, Jay Cudrin, 860-236-6706, [email protected] SPONSOR: Chai Society

Daycare Update Beth El’s new tenant, Bright & Early Day Care, has begun renovation of the lower level. It will take approximately 4 months and conclude with the opening of the day care in late summer. During this time there will not be access to the downstairs, and some minor inconveniences might occur. We are working with them to minimize such.

QUESTIONS: Rabbi Howard Sowalsky, 860-233-9696, [email protected]

Empty Nester Moms’ Walk Tuesday, May 1 6:15 - 7:30 PM If your youngest child has recently left home, you are invited to join in as we

discuss this new stage of our lives. LOCATION: MDC Reservoir #6, Albany Ave, West Hartford (in

case of bad weather, WestFarms Mall) CONTACT: Lonni Schulz, 860-651-0072,

[email protected] RSVP: by 4/30 for meeting point

Calling All Beth El Softball Players Sunday mornings 9:30 AM The Beth El Softball Team is ready to come out of a long Winter hibernation and take to

the softball diamonds.  We play in the Greater Hartford Synagogue Softball League, a 6-team co-ed slow pitch league – year 25! We are always on the lookout for new players to fill our depleted roster, especially women. If you would like to renew your athletic career, it isn't too late to get in on the fun this season. See everyone on the softball diamonds this summer!

LOCATION: CIGNA (in Bloomfield off Simsbury Rd.)  PRACTICES: May 6, 13, and 27 GAMES: June 3 through August 12 (no games 7/1

and 7/22-Tisha B’av) CAPTAINS: Alan Cetel, 860-232-9515,

[email protected], Jacob Kovel, 860-651-9366, [email protected]

Monuments Men: A Daughter’s Discovery of her Father’s Role in the Search for Nazi Plunder Wednesday, May 9, 7:00 PM

Baltimore Journalist Susan Fisher Sullam will tell the fascinating story of her discovery of her father’s role in Task Force Fisher. A member of General Dwight Eisenhower’s staff, Lt. Cmdr. Joel Fisher kept records detailing one of the greatest treasure hunts in history. His documents, found by his daughter after his death, chronicled how Fisher led a task force

during the closing month of the war that located and recovered billions of dollars’ worth of gold, silver, currency, and artwork looted by the Nazis.

LOCATION: Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford COST: $10 in advance, $12 at the door REGISTER: CO-SPONSORS: Jewish Historical Society, Voices of Hope, The Emanuel Synagogue,

Beth El Temple, Farmington Valley Jewish Cong, and Congregation Beth Israel

Celebrate! West Hartford Sunday, June 10 12:00 - 5:00 PM As Beth El's membership season begins, we are excited to host a booth – can you help for 75 minutes? It's so important for prospective members to learn from current Beth El members. All we need is your smile and your presence.

LOCATION: West Hartford Center CONTACT: Rabbi Garber, [email protected]

Jew in the City Tuesday, May 8, 7:30 PM An evening with Allison Josephs, the founder and face of Jew in the City, an organization whose mission is to break down stereotypes about religious Jews and offers a humorous look into Judaism through social media.

LOCATION: Mandell JCC COST: $18 INFORMATION: CO-SPONSORS: Beth El Temple, Mikveh Bess Israel

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Men’s Club

Family & Faith Day with the Yard Goats Sunday, August 26, 1:05 PM Stay tuned for details! Post game: kids run the bases!

LOCATION: Dunkin’ Donuts Park, Hartford COST: $25, includes kosher lunch; $10, game only RSVP: by 8/10, David Diamond, 860-965-3157,

[email protected]

Men’s Club Shabbat Saturday, June 23 Men’s Club will lead services and install next year’s board, followed by a luncheon.

Men’s Club Breakfasts To commemorate a special birthday, anniversary, bar/bat mitzvah, or any other occasion, you can help sponsor one of our monthly breakfast programs.

MINIMUM CONTRIBUTION: $36 INFORMATION: Bruce Shein, 860-677-8300,

[email protected]

Walk Around the Reservoir Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:45 AM Informal walks for camaraderie and exercise. We walk year-round, weather permitting.

LOCATION: Route 44 Reservoir, meet in parking lot closest to the street

COST: no charge CONTACT: Stu Bernstein, 860-232-2012,

[email protected]

Post-Minyan Breakfast Sundays NOTE: follows SULAM’s schedule and breaks for the

summer after April 29

Breakfast & Basketball Tournament Sunday, May 6 9:30 - 11:30 AM This tournament of Bankshot Basketball™, with prizes, will be held on Kevin’s Kourt, funded by the Kevin Ollie Charity Golf Classic and part of the recently

rebuilt Jonathan’s Dream (Boundless) Playground. This is a non-aggressive sport – players do not play against but along-side one another, it is non-running and accommodates wheelchair players, the physically and cognitively challenged, and all ages. For additional info, see 

LOCATION: Jonathan’s Dream Playground, at Mandell JCC RSVP: by 5/3, Jacob Kovel, 860-651-9366,

[email protected] COST: no charge, open to all ages 

TheRetreat Thur, June 7, 3:00 PM THROUGH Sun, June 10, 12:00 PM Join nearly 100 men from New England for a weekend of learning with outstanding speakers, lay-led worship, sports, and camaraderie. Scholars-in-Residence include

Dr. Richard A. Freund, Prof. of Jewish History and Director of Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford, and a field archaeologist and historian; and Rabbi Leonard Gordon, co-director of Interfaith

Partners for Peace, an organization helping Rabbis and Ministers rebuild centrist discourse around the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

LOCATION: Camp Ramah New England, Palmer, MA

COST: $135/person, $70/first-time attendees QUESTIONS: Marty Melnick, 860-236-8822,

[email protected] REGISTRATION: NOTE: subsidized $100 each from Beth El Men’s

Club and the FJMC - CT Valley Region

3rd Annual Dan Miller Men’s Club Membership Dinner Thursday, May 10 Invitations were mailed to all Men’s Club members!

QUESTIONS: Tom, [email protected], 860-206-9605

Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program Donations for our Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program in any amount are welcome, but please consider a gift in multiples of $18 to symbolize chai, life, and celebrate the ongoing life of our people, even as we remember those who perished in the Holocaust. Funds in excess of program costs are donated to Beth El’s Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund, which helps to provide an outstanding Jewish summer camp experience to our Temple’s youth.

TO SUPPORT THIS PROGRAM: please mail a check, payable to Beth El Men’s Club, or donate on-line at

NOTE: donations received after July 1 will be allocated to next year’s program

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14 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

Supporting Beth El

Camp Ramah Fund in Appreciation of Erica & Avi Smith-Rapaport & Julie &

Evan Schiff for hosting Ariel Plevan for Shabbat – Shapiro-Plevan family

in Honor of 75th wedding anniversary of Shirley &

Yuddie Wachtel – Annette & Sy Gavens Bar mitzvah of Josh Azia, son of Becky &

Jeff, grandson of Gloria – Ariel Plevan & family

Special birthday of Bob Gold – Jennifer & Steven Wolfberg

Chai Society in Honor of

in Memory of Abe Weinberg – Branzburg Family, Leslie

& George Friedland, Michael Gallerizzo, Annette & Sy Gavens, Lawrence Gebhardt, Beatrice Goldberg, Steven, Suzanne, Michael & Zachary Goldberg, Anne & Leonard Goldman, Alice & Robert Gurne, Arlyne & Herbert Hershenson, Miriam Lappen, Helen & James Lehmann, Luskin, Stern & Eisler, Paula Mandell, Gino Martocci, Suzanne & Vance Mason, Irene & Vance Novack, Molleson & Charles O’Donovan, Maria Panella, Sarah Pugh, Susan & Frederick Ross, Susan & Michael Schenker, Mr. & Mrs. James Smith, Roberta & Marvin Smith, Ruth Solomkin, Ann Stein, Margaret & David Tuck, Lorraine & Farrel Vogelhut, Theresa & Michael Whartenby

Marjorie Malitz, mother of Steven – Libby Pearl

Ruth Blecker, sister of Shirley Brody – Florence Shakun

Marjorie Malitz, mother of Steven; Mollie Melnick, mother of Marty; Leo Novarr, father of Susan Schenker – Rosalind Rachlin

Beautification Fund in Memory of Leo Novarr, father of Susan Schenker –

Norma Jean & Robert Sternschein Ceremonial Court

in Memory of Barbara Gluck, mother of Susan – Sally &

Harris Chorney Cemetery Fund

in Memory of Leo Novarr, father of Susan Schenker –

Rivka Dvorin & Arthur Freedman Education Fund

in Memory of Estelle Ducker, mother of Meryl Danitz;

Phyllis Gelles, wife of Gerald, mother of David; Edith Coen, mother of Bonnie Wolf; Antoinette Peikes, mother of Ron; Roselea Cohn, mother of Anne Martha Pitegoff – Lee Ann & Claudio Benadiva

Ian Fedder, uncle of Rabbi Ilana Garber – Diane Salm

Library Fund in Memory of Marvin Cremer, husband of Marilyn,

brother of Reeva – Paula & Alan Smith for the Yahrzeit of Lois Johnson, mother – Carol Johnson

Prayer Book Fund in Memory of Susan Gavens, daughter-in-law of Annette

& Sy – Joyce Flescher Rabbi Garber’s Discretionary Fund

in Appreciation of Rabbi Garber – Edith Denes Rabbi Garber & Adam Berkowitz for

hosting Bill Plevan for Shabbat – Shapiro-Plevan family

in Honor of Bar mitzvah of Jonah Genser, son of Amy

& Geoffrey, grandson of Patricia & Stuart Genser and Vicki & Leonard Eisenfeld – Roberta & Harry Berry

Rabbi Rosen’s Discretionary Fund in Appreciation of Rabbi Rosen – Buckman family, Marc,

Ivie & Morgan Cremer, Reeva Cremer, Susan Gluck, Edward Greenbaum, Abbey Kreinik, Arlene Neiditz, Lynda Clare & Stuart Vidockler, Linda Weinberg, Wachtel family

Ellen Nirenstein for her constant thoughtfulness – Jeanne & Marshall Elman

Rabbi Rosen for the naming of daughter, Iris Sidney Klau – Meghan & Nathan Klau

in Honor of Bat mitzvah of Alyssa Temkin, daughter of

Gayle & Steve, granddaughter of Abby & Bonnie Weiner – Sharon Bercowetz

Bar mitzvah of Max Diamond, grandson of Fredda & Jon Goldstein – Jeanne & Marshall Elman

Bar mitzvah of grandson, Andrew Gilson Shavitz – Harriet & Jerry Gilson

75th birthday of Ron Saxon – Fredda & Jon Goldstein

in Memory of Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey –

Sharon Bercowetz Alan Kaufman, father of John – Scott,

Kristen, Jeff & Rachel Bortman, Leigh, Greg, Sami & Matt Farber, Roberta & Benson Monastersky, Andrea & Ron Saxon, Nancy & John Schwarz, Laurie Strauss

Marvin Cremer, brother – Reeva Cremer Geraldine Rudman, mother of Dana Keller

– Leigh & Greg Farber, Fredda & Jon Goldstein, Beth & Bernie Schillberg

Marvin Cremer, husband of Marilyn, brother of Reeva – Ellie & Mel Feldman

Marjorie Malitz, mother of Steven – Fredda & Jon Goldstein, Andrea Lawson, Janet & Steve Selden

Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey – Lorraine & Farrel Vogelhut

We deeply appreciate the following Thoughtful Contributions.

Change your default search engine to GOODSEARCH.COM and select Beth El as the non-profit

you wish to support. It is powered by YAHOO.COM, and they will donate to Beth El for every search you do! Even if you prefer a different search engine, try Yahoo – you might be surprised how well it works, and every search earns money for our synagogue.

Beth El is now part of AMAZON SMILE! When you shop at SMILE.AMAZON.COM, you'll find the exact same prices, selection and shopping experience as, with the

added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Beth El. It's no charge to you! Just go to, type us in, and shop as you normally would!

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Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan-Tammuz 5778 15

for the Yahrzeit of Sherman Bercowetz, husband; Joelle &

Jack Levin, parents – Sharon Bercowetz Joseph Friend, father – Roberta Buland Scott Friedman, son – Ken Friedman

Cantor’s Music Fund in Appreciation of Cantor Ness – Susan Gluck Devorah & Herman Rubin for Mishloach

Manot – Lillian Rosenberg Dan Cohen – Stan Sokolow Kinyon, Koteen, Kreinik & Nirenstein

families for Misloach Manot – Lorraine & Farrel Vogelhut

in Honor of 75th birthday of Bruce Parker – Irma &

Mort Handel, Mimi & Jeff Kaplan 75th birthday of Ron Saxon – Faith &

Bruce Parker in Memory of Phyllis Gelles, wife of Gerald, mother of

David – Meryl & Mitchell Danitz Danielle Rothstein, daughter of Andrea &

Lance – Lawrence Dvorin Estelle Ducker, mother of Meryl Danitz –

Robin & David Gelles Mollie Melnick, mother of Marty – Bob

Gruskay Marjorie Malitz, mother of Steven;

Gertrude Sucoll – Jeanne & Dan Kleinman

Phyllis Gelles, mother of David – Donna & Victor Fontana

Alan Kaufman, father of John – Jackie & Marvin Pilo, Judith & Joel Weisman

Sophia Barzach, mother of Peter – Ron Buckman, Judy & David Satlof

for the Yahrzeit of Lillian Friend, mother – Roberta Buland David Greenberg, brother – Leah Katz Helen Springut, mother-in-law – Honey

Sue Springut Wishing a Speedy Recovery to Michael Kaplan – Annette & Sy Gavens Stephen Weinstein – Jeanne & Dan

Kleinman Early Childhood Fund

in Memory of Alan Kaufman, father of John – Jill Maloney

Taste of Shabbat Fund in Appreciation of Dr. Alan Solinsky for your kindness &

compassion – Danitz family Howard Meyerowitz – Barbara & David

Klau Tzedakah Fund

in Honor of Lois & Chuck Koteen; Ellen & Jeffrey

Nirenstein – Lois Saffer in Memory of Phyllis Gelles, wife of Gerald, mother of

David – Phyllis Grinspan Alan Kaufman, father of John – Wetsman

family for the Yahrzeit of Ethel & Louis Zionts, parents – Lois Saffer

Temple Fund in Appreciation of Rabbi Kessler for his loving attention to

the Rachlin family – Rosalind Rachlin in Honor of Rivka Dvorin & Arthur Freedman – Ron

Buckman 75th wedding anniversary of Shirley &

Yuddie Wachtel – Tobye & Edward Karl Phyllis Hoffman – Diane & Seymour Sard 80th birthday of Charlotte Bazer – Debby &

Richard Strauss in Memory of Alan Kaufman, father of John – Paula

Amazeen, Shelley & Michael Barker, Edward Fishman, Drs. Suzanne & David Gelb, Donna & Ray Herz, Labinger & Gothers families, Joyce & Richard Leibert, Wendy & Howie Levinbook, Alberta & Steve Liebman, Robert F. Ludgin, Bernice Matty, Bonnie & Jay Roston, Kim & Brian Roth, Carla & Steve Schwartz, Jaime & Mark Seltzer, Sonny & Mark Shipman, Reba & Alden Stock

Joseph Rachlin, husband of Rosalind, father of Rebecca Berman; Dr. Leo Saidel, father of Matt; Joseph Springut, husband of Honey Sue – Ron Buckman

Marjorie Malitz, mother of Steven – Faye Cohen, Ryan Deluca, Barbara & Alan Porter, Cheryl, Jeffrey & Lori Sard, Diane & Seymour Sard

Phyllis Gelles, wife of Gerald, mother of David – Harriet Carpenos, Tobye & Edward Karl, Marylin & Arthur Noll

Joseph Rachlin, husband of Rosalind, father of Rebecca Berman – Faye Cohen & Irving Etkind

Leo Novarr, father of Susan Schenker – Gail & Barry Deutsch

Abe Weinberg – Ellen & Peter Donshik, Debra Weinberg Harvey, Laura Huff & Marko Madjavoc, Pamela Pasqualini & Greg Huff

Allen Kruh – Joyce & Richard Leibert Dr. Norman Weinstein, father of Robert –

Gilda Liebowitz Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey –

Marilyn Steinmetz & Stephen Lieberman

Geraldine Rudman, mother of Dana Keller – Reba & Alden Stock

Antoinette Peikes, mother of Ron; Geraldine Rudman, mother of Dana Keller – Julie & Mark Wolman

for the Yahrzeit of Seymour Kaplan, father – Marjorie Abel Max Alpert, husband – Eve Alpert Dr. Herbert Basch, husband; Freda

Rosenblatt, mother – Bobbe Basch Esther Beckenstein, grandmother & great-

grandmother; Louis Beckenstein, uncle & great-uncle – Roz-Lynn & Julie Beckenstein

Lewis Belkin, husband – Louise Belkin Norman Bellinger, father – Michelle

Bellinger & Jeffrey Katz (continues)


From jewelry to Judaica, mezuzah to menorah, and tallit to tzedakah box, our beautiful craft gallery is the perfect place to shop: for your holiday table, a gift for bar/bat mitzvah, new baby, or other simcha. We carry items by well-known Israeli artists and update our merchandise frequently.

OPEN: most Sundays during

the school year, 9AM - 12PM APPOINTMENTS: Jill Jones, 860-236-7895; Shelley Barker, 860-232-6468

This list reflects contributions received and processed through March 22, 2018.

For the next edition of Temple Topics, contributions need to be received in the office by May 22, 2018.

The minimum donation for each listing is $10.

To help us process your gift, and ensure accuracy, please include: How you want your name listed. Correct spelling of all names in

your tribute message. Address to which an acknow-

ledgement should be sent. If possible, submit it typed; or

print clearly.

Every dollar contributed can and does make a difference and will be acknowledged. Unrestricted funds support the timely needs of Beth El Temple. Restricted funds benefit specific purposes and objectives. For a complete list of funds, and any specific designa-tions, please visit our website. Your gift may be mailed to the Temple office or submitted online.

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16 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

Supporting Beth El, cont.

for the Yahrzeit of (cont.) Jean Thorpe, mother – Lee Ann & Claudio

Benadiva Florence & Louis Wasserstein, parents –

Estelle Bernstein Louis Asheroff, father; Samuel Bernstein,

father – Carolyn & Stuart Bernstein Barbara Birnbaum, wife – Robert

Birnbaum Ruben Blinder, father & grandfather –

Jordan Blinder & family Marge Miles, mother – Allison & Michael

Bloom Belle Bober, mother – Shery & Stewart

Bober Samuel Kling, father & grandfather –

Shirley K. & David Brody & family Pauline Illions, mother – Barbara & David

Brown Sadie Sternstein, mother – Marilyn Bubbs David Borus – Naomi & Michael Cohen Rita Helfand Cohen, mother – Georgianne

& Jonathan Cohen Ida Cohen, mother; Israel Helfand, father-

in-law; Esther Ogens, sister – Sam Cohen Jack Eisler, father – Edith Denes Stanley Efron, father; Alex Akimow,

Holocaust remembrance – Sharon & Robert Efron

Millie Eisenberg, mother – Barbara Eisenberg-Greene

Anne Stevenson, mother – Nancy Erman Jozef Drazek, Holocaust remembrance –

Tom Falik Claire Silverstein, aunt – Korine Ferraro Michael Kulick, husband; Emanoil

Braunstein-Florescu, father – Alexandra Flowers

Grace Markman – Matthew Friedman Esther Miller, mother – Betty Garber

Melvin Garfinkel, father – Marcia & Michael Garfinkel

David Goldman, husband – Felice Goldman

Ruth Green, mother – Barbara & Robert Green

Frances Greenberg, mother – Arnold Greenberg

Nettie & Louis Greenspoon, parents; Salomon Albohair, Holocaust remem-brance – Judy & Albert Greenspoon

Rabbi Dr. Sidney Kosofsky, father – Vivian Haas

Goldie Spiegel, mother – Cheryl & John Hinze

Solomon Fischer, father – Renee Holden Richard E. Hotes, husband, father –

Andrea Hotes, Todd & Jessica Hotes, Joshua & Gennifer Lipman & family

Friedel & Dr. Nachman Kacen, parents – Eva Kaplan

Kurt Katz, father – Peter Katz Alvin Kavaler, father; Bernard Bergwerk,

grandfather – Bernard Kavaler Estelle Kleinman, mother – Debbie &

Steve Kleinman George M. Davis, brother – Diane

Lieberfarb Ida Simon, mother; Martin Lindenberg,

father – Andrea & Robert Lindenberg Jack Greenberg, father; Sol Moskowitz,

father – Janet & Harold Moskowitz Zelda & Horace Manacher, parents; Alissa

Manacher, sister – Amy Nulsen Julia & Samuel Heine, parents –

Jacquelynne & Marvin Pilo Minnie Goldenberg, mother – Sherri &

Fred Pliskin Isaac Rausch, father – Kerry & Fernando


Herman Leavitt, grandfather; Jeffrey Alan Willick, cousin – Deborah R. Rosenfeld

Sarah Duker & Matthew Eisenfeld – Bonnie & Jay Roston

Sylvia Roth, mother – Dr. Shari Roth Morris Rulnick, father – Sandra &

Marshall Rulnick Harry Eisner, father – Susan Saidel Dorothy Kellner, mother – Barbara

Samberg Edward Schupack, father – Beth & Bernie

Schilberg Jennie Weisman, mother; Betty Schwartz,

mother-in-law – Florence Shakun Samuel Drapel, father – Edith Shapiro Bernard Goldberg, father; Elizabeth Singer,

mother – Judy & Irwin Singer Morrie Stein, father – Regan & Barry Stein Lewis Steinberg, husband, father,

grandfather – Paula Steinberg, Laurie, Josh, Abby & Sydney Kaufman

Eliot Shapiro, father – Marilyn Steinmetz Martin Vogelhut, father – Lorraine &

Farrel Vogelhut Shelley Semmel, sister – Alden Stock Robert Simonovitz, father – Susan &

Stuart Wachtel Sheldon Mesnick, father – Marcia & David

Waitzman Jennie Weisman, mother – Joel Weisman Estelle Wolf, mother – Michael Wolf Fanny Levin, mother – Roslyn Yellin Fay Zern, mother – Howard R. Zern Jacob Fundiller, father; Murray Zweig,

father – Doreen Fundiller-Zweig & Elliot Zweig

Wishing a Speedy Recovery to Alan Cetel – Marlene & Bob Levine Howard Weiner – Diane & Richard


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General Unrestricted Endowment Fund in Memory of Marvin Cremer, husband of Marilyn, brother of Reeva – Annette

& Sy Gavens Barbara Gluck, mother of Susan; Irwin Lutt, father of Howard –

Abbey Kreinik Alan Kaufman, father of John – Julie & Jay Spivak

Friends Fund for Members in Need in Honor of Bat mitzvah of Alyssa Temkin, daughter of Gayle & Steve, of

Bonnie & Abby Weiner – Judy & David Rosenthal in Memory of Alan Kaufman, father of John – Michelle & Carl Goldsmith Joseph Springut, husband of Honey Sue – Barbara & Robert

Green Geraldine Rudman, mother of Dana Keller – Joanne & Arthur

Rome, Judy & David Rosenthal Marvin Cremer, husband of Marilyn, brother of Reeva – Judy &

David Rosenthal Alan Kaufman, father of John; Stephen Kreinik, husband of

Abbey – Patti & Howard Weiner Mildred Glasband Memorial Fund

In Memory of Edward Glasband – David Abramson, Barbara Brooks, Nancy

Brown, Elaine Burton, Colleen Casey, Mary Jo & Samuel Cote, Nancy Fushan, Terry Gellin & Samuel Schrager, Leslie & Michael Goldberg, Phyllis & Larry Kimmelman, Rosa & Paul Liberty, Denis, Joanne & Kevin Mahoney, Linda & Mike Platt, Jeanne & Steve Prawer, Rhoda Reiner, Sheila, Mike, Sarah, Evan & Jake Reiner, Jeffrey Renert, Cheri & Art Rolnick, Nadine Glasband Shapiro, Spivak family, Carol Starr, Maxine & Ben Steinberg, Barbara & Barry Wenglin, Margie & Jeffrey Winnick, Linda & Bruce Zempel

for the Yahrzeit of Hyman Glasband, father – Linda & Mike Platt

Kreinik Family Endowment Fund in Memory of Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey – Marci & Jonathan Alter,

Eliot & Vida Barron, Carolyn & Stu Bernstein, Judith Borus, Ron Buckman, Naomi & Michael Cohen, Susan Dalrymple, Meryl & Mitchell Danitz, Pat DeWolfe, Yael Etzkin & Karen Trager, Emmy & Steven Fast, Korine & Ron Ferraro, Hilary Freedman & Howard Zern, Ellen & Steven Friedell, Ruth Fitzgerald & Dave Sageman, Annette & Sy Gavens, Ava & Harold Geetter, Susan Gluck & Ruby Gainen, Barbara & Robert Green, Carol & Neale Hauss, Caroline Hewitt, Eleanor Jainchill, Susan & Allen Kallor, Eva & Michael Kaplan, Leah Katz, Janice & David Klein, Jeanne & Dan Kleinman, Myra & Bill Kleinman, Gina & Dennis Koppel, Lois & Chuck Koteen, Elaine & Jerry Leshem, Diane & Rich Lieberfarb, Janet Locke, Jacquelynne & Marvin Pilo, Suzanne & Andew Pinkes, Deborah Prince & David Goldberg, Eva Rigamonti & Paolo Saguato, Joanne & Arthur Rome, Deborah & Glen Rosenfeld, Judy & David Rosenthal, Marilyn & Alan Rothstein, Susan & Michael Schenker, Lea & Bernie Selig, Charles Silberstein, Judy Silberstein & Ned Benton, Sheila & Joe Silberstein, Roberta & Marvin Smith, Dorine & Martin Toyen, Lorraine & Farrel Vogelhut, Stacey & Ernie vonRichthofen, Susan & Stuart Wachtel, Janice Weinstein, Judith & Joel Weisman

Sowalsky Gabbai Rishon Endowment Fund in Appreciation of Rabbi Howard Sowalsky – Susan Gluck, Arlene Neiditz in Memory of Marvin Cremer, husband of Marilyn, brother of Reeva; Marjorie

Malitz, mother of Steven – Clara Sowalsky (continues)

CT Mohel

Ron Buckman, MD

Brit Milah Simchat Bat

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18 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

Ann & David Brandwein Family Fund in Honor of Birth of Nathaniel Robert Brandwein, grandson of Ann & David –

Sally & Harris Chorney in Memory of Samuel Epstein, brother of Ann Brandwein – Sally & Harris

Chorney Edward & Susan Chestler Family Endowment Fund

in Memory of Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey – Sue & Ed Chestler

Gavens Family College Youth Fund in Memory of Susan Gavens, daughter-in-law of Annette & Sy – Naomi &

Michael Cohen, Meryl & Mitchell Danitz, Eleanor Jainchill, Lois & Chuck Koteen, Abbey Kreinik, Deborah & Glen Rosenfeld, Lea & Bernie Selig

Marjorie Malitz, mother of Steven – Annette & Sy Gavens Irving & Shirley Gutcheon Congregant Assistance Fund

in Appreciation of Diane Lieberfarb for her service and devotion to Beth El –

Paulette & Jim Lotstein in Honor of Birth of Avery Elizabeth Dzen, granddaughter of Paulette & Jim

Lotstein – Carolyn & Stuart Bernstein, Judy Borus, Annette & Sy Gavens

Birth of Nathaniel Robert Brandwein, grandson of Ann & David; Nancy & Rabbi Jim Rosen – Paulette & Jim Lotstein

in Memory of David Borus, husband of Judy; Samuel Epstein, brother of Ann

Brandwein; Horace Lipkin, father of Gail Deutsch; Mina Pearl; Dr. Leo Saidel, father of Matt; Joseph Springut, husband of Honey Sue; Gertrude Sucoll – Paulette & Jim Lotstein

for the Yahrzeit of Shirley & Irving Gutcheon, parents; Jack Lotstein, father;

Benjamin Gutcheon, grandfather – Paulette & Jim Lotstein Ruth & Harry Kleinman Endowment Fund

in Memory of Barbara Gluck, mother of Susan; Susan Renert – Myra & Bill

Kleinman Diane & Richard Lieberfarb Endowment Fund

in Honor of Bat mitzvah of Rachel Fischel; bat mitzvah of Alyssa Temkin,

daughter of Gayle & Steve, granddaughter of Bonnie & Abby Weiner – Diane & Richard Lieberfarb

Wishing a Speedy Recovery to Sheila Diamond; Ken Schwartz – Diane & Richard Lieberfarb

Arthur & Stella Mostel Fund for Adult Education for the Yahrzeit of Fannie Krampf, grandmother – Carolyn & Jeff Weiser


Supporting Beth El, cont.Gift Cards

Buy GIFT CARDS from Beth El for your own shopping and dining. Use them in place of cash, checks, or credit cards for purchases you were going to make anyway! The Office stocks

commonly requested cards, and can order others. Visit for a six-page list of participating stores, restaurants, entertainment, and more. It costs nothing to participate, and Beth El benefits from your shopping!


Page 19: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan-Tammuz 5778 19

Beth El Temple of West Hartford Inc. 2626 Albany Avenue

West Hartford, CT 06117

Main Office: 860.233.9696 SULAM Beth El: 860.233.9891

Jim Rosen, Rabbi [email protected] Ilana C. Garber, Rabbi [email protected] Stanley M. Kessler, Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Ness, Cantor [email protected] Caryl Goldberg [email protected] Education Director Rabbi Howard Sowalsky [email protected] Ritual & Executive Director Jonathan Alter, President [email protected] Lydia Lutt [email protected] Social Media and Marketing Coord. Deborah R. Rosenfeld, Editor [email protected]

Published every two months. Following the deadline schedule below, please submit articles to: [email protected] Other Beth El questions, email updates, etc., should be sent to: [email protected] Send Life Cycle announcements to: [email protected]

1/25 for March-April 3/25 for May-June 5/25 for July-August 7/25 for September-October 9/25 for November-December 11/25 for January-February

@BethElWH @BethElWH beth.el.temple.wh

Note: The calendar grid is now a separate document and can be downloaded from our website. Each month is a separate page, designed for legal-sized paper (8.5”x14”). Copies are also available in the office.

Naomi & Michael Cohen Endowment Fund

in Honor of Marriage of Josh Gottfried & Shanna

Miller; birth of Julia Evelyn Kempner, daughter of Kim & Jeremy – Naomi & Michael Cohen

in Memory of Abe Weinberg – Naomi & Michael Cohen for the Yahrzeit of Paula S. Steinberg – Naomi & Michael

Cohen Sharon & Bob Efron Family Fund

in Memory of Marjorie Malitz, mother of Steven; Sally

Gross, mother of Marlene Brown – Sharon & Bob Efron

Anna Heineman Memorial Fund for the Yahrzeit of Sheldon Fertig, brother-in-law; Riva &

Lonya Shneerson, aunt & uncle; Baby girl Shneerson, cousin – Francine & Steven Stier

Mort Shechtman Men’s Club Fund in Memory of Mollie Melnick, mother of Marty –

Annette & Sy Gavens Leigh A. Newman & Gary S. Starr

Family Fund in Memory of Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey; Abe

Weinberg – Leigh Newman & Gary Starr

Eleanor Weinberg Jainchill Family Fund in Honor of 90th birthday of Ellie Jainchill – Jeanne &

Marshall Elman, Abbey Kreinik in Memory of Abe Weinberg – Lois & Chuck Koteen,

Abbey Kreinik for the Yahrzeit of Harold Jainchill, husband – Eleanor

Jainchill Ludgin Family Endowment Fund

in Memory of Allan Abramson; Alan Kaufman, father of

John; Ruth Federman, mother of David – Karen & Rob Ludgin

Lois & Alvin Reiner Family Fund in Memory of Marvin Cremer, husband of Marilyn,

brother of Reeva; Seymour Grobard; Bert Madnick; Susan Renert – Alvin Reiner

Michael & Susan Schenker Endowment Fund

in Memory of Sally Gross, mother of Marlene Brown;

Alan Kaufman, father of John – Susan & Michael Schenker

for the Yahrzeit of Harriet Novarr, sister; Daniel Novarr,

brother – Susan & Michael Schenker Laurie & Marshall Shakun Family Fund

for the Yahrzeit of Aaron Shakun, father – Marshall Shakun

Muriel G. & Morton L. Schenker Fund for the Arts

in Memory of Abe Weinberg – Jill Gerhart

Lewis A. Steinberg Family Fund in Memory of Marvin Cremer, husband of Marilyn,

brother of Reeva; Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey – Paula Steinberg

Dr. Manuel & Evelyn Stier Memorial Fund

for the Yahrzeit of Albert Weinstein, uncle – Steven Stier

Sussman Families Endowment Fund for the Yahrzeit of Bernard Sussman, father – Marc Sussman

Ruth Sweedler Family Endowment Fund

for the Yahrzeit of Wendy Joy Sweedler, daughter; Louis

Rosen, father – Ruth Sweedler Amy E. Toyen Endowment Fund

for the Yahrzeit of Sol Simon, uncle – Marilyn & Alan

Rothstein I. Milton Widem Adult Education Fund

in Memory of Gloria Bein; Alan Kaufman, father of John;

Stephen Kreinik, husband of Abbey – Susan Widem

Page 20: Temple Topics Vol. LIII, No. 5 May-June 2018 Iyar-Sivan ... Topics Ma… · We played Bingo and Twister. We watched Torah portions online. SULAM Beth El - Seek. Understand. Learn

20 Beth El Temple West Hartford, CT 860.233.9696

2626 Albany Avenue West Hartford, CT 06117

Presorted First Class

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Permit No. 4331

Temple Topics Note: The calendar grid is now a separate document and can be downloaded from our website. Each month is a separate page, designed for legal-sized paper (8.5”x14”). Copies are also available in the office.

Beth El Temple Annual Congregational Meeting

Tuesday, June 12 ANNUAL FUND RECEPTION* 6:00 PM


TRUSTEES MEETING 8:00 PM Let your voice be heard and cast your vote as we elect the officers and Trustees for 2018-2020. The Nominating Committee is proud to recommend for nomination the following congregants to serve as Officers and Trustees.

Ann Brandwein Lois Koteen

Diane Lieberfarb Michael Schenker

Gary Starr Past Presidents

Carrie Berman Marsha Fisher* Shera Golder* John Hinze Jeremy Kempner Justin Kudler

Jerry Leshem Rachel Leventhal-

Weiner Janel

MacDermott* Judith Resnick

Ellen Sanders-Nirenstein

Melissa Weinstock

* new trustees

Trustees nominated to serve new terms July 2018 through June 2020

Dave Diamond  Allan Geetter  Steve Rabb Auxiliary Board Members

Sharon Efron Len Eisenfeld

Eliane Freund Lisa Harris 

Sharon Neiberg

Trustees to continue their terms through June 2019

Officers and Trustees to continue their terms through June 2019

President Jonathan Alter 1st Vice President Judith Rosenthal 2nd Vice President Sheila Diamond Treasurer Stuart Wachtel Financial Secretary Meryl Danitz Asst. Financial Secretary Marshall Shakun Secretary Ellen Sanders-Nirenstein Assistant Treasurer Jerry Leshem

Jason Kay, chair Justin Kudler Natalee Martin Sharon Neiberg

Sue Saidel Kate Schaeffer Howard Weiner

ex-officio: Jonathan Alter Rachel Leventhal-

Weiner Judy Rosenthal

Nominating Committee, 2017 – 2018

The Beth El Mission In everything we do, we work to create and sus-tain a vibrant, informed and engaged synagogue community – today and tomorrow. Our goal is to build community and deepen personal engage-ment through learning, caring and spirit.

Community You Can Believe In

Notice of Annual Meeting

* see page 4 for information about the Reception