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22 + 5 + 22 KING JESUS BIBLE

49 divine books

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BOOK 24 Secretary John MARK (for Peter)



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22 + 5 + 22

KING JESUS BIBLE 49 divine books

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MATTITYAHU LEVI--------------------- page 1-127

(John) MARK--------------------------------page 128 DR LUKE-------------------------------------page 214

LAZARUS (JOHN)-------------------------------page 331 ACTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT----------page 420 - 516

Notes:The 4th Gospel was written by

LAZARUS and not apostle John!

The Holy Bible itself not traditioin says so.




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22 + 5 + 22 KING JESUS BIBLE

49 divine books

7 x 7


BOOK 24 Secretary John MARK (for Peter)


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Prolog---------------------------------------------------------------- p 8 Chap 1 40 Days Fast, Apostle Simon’s Wife’s Mother, King Jesus Forgiver of Sins---------------- --------------------p 9

Chap 2 Matt Levi, Grape Juice-------------------------------------------p 12

Chap 3 Sabbath Day Miracle, Calling of 12 Apostles, Blasphemy of Holy Spirit--------------------------------------p 15 Chap 4 The Sower Parable, Great Sea Storm Obeys King Jesus The Creator---------p 20 Chap 5 Tomb Man Worships King Jesus,

Woman and Child Healed--------------------------------------------

Chap 6 Mary and Joe’s Other Children, John The Baptizer’s Head, 5 Loaves 2 Fishes Feeding Miracle ------------------------ p 21 Chap 7 Beware of Traditions, Dirty Heart, 4000 Fed Miracle, Puppies ------- p 27 Chap 8 The 7 Loaves Miracle, Leaven Warning,

Blind Man, Peter’s Confession-------------------------------p 29

Chap 9 Father: This Is My Son, The Cross, Dumb Spirit, Prayer & Fasting, Hell Is Real-------------------p 32 Chap 10 Marriage Is, Little Children, King Jesus -God is Good Eye of Needle, The Cross, Blind Man ---------------------------------p 35 Chap 11 Bethpage, Donkey, Temple Thieves

The Fig Tree Cursed-Why---------------------------p 43

Chap 12 Parables: Vineyard, Caesar, 1st Command---------------p 43

Chap 13 End Times-------------------------------------------------------p 46 King Jesus and Temple Prophecy------------------------------------p 46-56 Chap 14 Pitcher Sign, Perfume Box and Woman, Passover, New Covenant, Gethsemane, ------------------------------------------p 59

Chap 15 King Jesus – 6 Trials, Cross--------------------------------p 65 Chap 16 King Jesus Resurrection, Mission Work Orders-------p 69

Mark 16: A Defense vs. Modern Bibles ----------------------p 73

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OH ISRAEL: ' BEHOLD MY SERVANT'--ISA 42:1 John Mark was a cousin of Barnabas (Col 4:10) and secretary of Peter.

Thus this gospel is really the apostle Peter's.

Mark (Latin surname) means ‘Polite’ or ‘Shining’. John Mark's mother was Mary (Acts12;12).

Other refs to Mark are: Acts 4:36,12:12,13:5,15:37-39, Col 4:10,2 Tim4:11,Philem 24,

1 Peter 5:13.

Mark's gospel came from THE HOLY SPIRIT. This particular Gospel presents YAHWEH THE MESSIAH AS THE SERVANT. Thus the gospel is

full of The Servant's actions--notice what, how, when HE did things and when, how, HE said things.

Notice too that while all other 4 gospels (Matthew, Dr Luke, John and Acts) have over 100 references to King Jesus as LORD (by the Disciples and others) in Mark's gospel HE is only referred to as LORD just twice, i.e. by the Greek Woman at 7:28,and 9:24. The Holy Spirit then

gives Him back His proper title of LORD, only after His Death, Resurrection -and Ascension in


The minute details of how, when , HE said and did things: e. g . s. How The Lord went to pray --------------------------------------Chap 1:35

How He withdrew to the sea, and how HE sat in the boat ---Chap 3:7, 4:1

How the Disciples were sent in twos----------------------------Chap 6:7

How the people had to sit in ranks ------------------------------Chap 6:40

How the Centurion stood ' by, over against ' The Lord------Chap 15:39

The fear of the disciples ----------------------------------------- Chap 4:41, 6:51, 10:24-26

YAHWEH'S SERVANT's actions start with His Public Ministry (no long introduction in Chap 1).

Mark's gospel shows THE SERVANT in action--His Godly power (1:27,2:12,3:10,5:29,7:37),

HOW HE as a man is tired, weary (4:38), How HE is sympathetic to humans (6:34)

and How HE heals people. His Love is shown (10:21), His composure (4:38-40),

His wonder (6:6), His grief (3:6) His anger and displeasure (3:5, 10:14)

1:1-3 THE beginning of The GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of JESUS MESSIAH THE SON OF GOD

It is the start, not of the book but of THE FACTS of the Good News.



KING JESUS = Ox = Super Servant

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B 1:4-5 John's Mission

B 1:6 John's Personality

A 1:7-8 Prophecy: By John About THE MESSIAH


A A 1:9 KING JESUS: HE Comes To Prophet John

BB 1:10 KING JESUS is Seen -The Heavens Open

BB 1:10 KING JESUS is Seen-THE DOVE Descends


Mark. Chapter 1


As it is written in The Neviim (Prophets), Behold, I send MY messenger before THY FACE,

who shall prepare THY Way before THEE.

The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness, Prepare ye The Way of YAHWEH (THE LORD) make HIS paths straight (Malachi 3:1,Isaiah 40:3)

B 1:4 -5 John did Baptize in the wilderness, and preach the Baptism of Repentance for (eis-resulting in ) the Remission of Sins

and there kept going out unto him all the Land of Judaea

and they of Jerusalem,

and were all baptized of him in the Jordan River Confessing their Sins. B 6 And John was clothed with camel's hair,

and with a girdle of a skin about his loins;

and he did eat locusts and wild honey;

A 7-8 And preached, saying, HE WHO comes after me is MIGHTIER than I

of WHOM I am not fit to stoop down to loosen the throng of HIS sandals

I indeed have baptized you with water:

but HE shall baptize you with THE HOLY SPIRIT

AA 1:9 And it came to pass in those days,

that JESUS came from Nazareth of Galilee,

and was baptized by John in the Jordan.

BB 10 And immediately coming up out of the water,

HE saw the Heavens being torn

BB 10 and THE SPIRIT like a Dove descending upon HIM:

AA 1:11 And there came a Voice from Heaven, saying,


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Introversion Design

A 1:12 THE HOLY SPIRIT-Compulsion

B 1:13 The devil-Tempts

B 1:13 The Wild Animals-Friendship

A 1:13 The Holy Angels-Ministering

A 1:12 and immediately THE SPIRIT drove HIM into the Wilderness. B 13 and HE was there in the Wilderness Forty Days,

tempted of Satan;

B 13 and was with the Wild Beasts;

A1: 13 and the angels ministered unto HIM.










A 1:16 The Two Brothers: Simon & Andrew

B 17 Their Call C 18 Their Obedience

A 1:19 The Two Bothers: Yacov (James) & John

B 20 Their Call

C 20 Their Obedience

S 1:14-15 And after John was 'delivered up' (in prison) Y'SHUA (JESUS) came into Galilee,

Preaching The Gospel of The Kingdom from GOD and saying,

The time is fulfilled and The Kingdom from GOD is at hand (draws near):

Repent ye, (Turn around ye)

and believe in The Gospel. S A 1:16 And walking along beside the Sea of Galilee, HE saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.

B 1:17 And JESUS said unto them,

Come ye after ME,

and I will make you to become Fishers of Men.

C 18 And immediately they left their nets,

and followed HIM.

A 1:19 And when HE had gone a little further thence,

HE saw James the son of Zebedee

and John his brother, who also were in the boat mending their nets.

B 20 And immediately HE called them:

C 20 and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants,

and went after HIM.

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THE KING IS ANNOUNCED 1:21-8:30 (Repeated Alt Design) A 1:21 2:12 Education & Miracles

B 2:13-2:22 Levi is Called

A 2:23-3:12 Education & Miracles

B 3:13-3:19 The Twelve Are Called

A 3:19-6:6 Education & Miracles

B 6:7-6:30 The Twelve's Mission

A 6:31-8:30 Education & Miracles-

MINOR (Repeated Alt Design) of Mark 1:21-2:12 EDUCATION & MIRACLES

D 1:21-22 Tutoring With Power

E 23-34 Miracles-Unclean spirits, Fever, Many

D 35-39 Tutoring & Giving Power

E 40-45 Miracle: The Leper

D 2:1-2 Tutoring-GOD'S WORD

E 2:3-12 Miracle: Sick man & Sins Forgiven

D 1:21 And they went into Capernaum; and at once on The SABBATH Day HE entered into the synagogue

and taught

and they were astonished at HIS Doctrine: for HE taught them as One that had Authority,

and not as The Scribes (Torah teachers).

E 1:23-34 And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit and he shouted out saying

Let us alone; what have we to do with THEE,

THOU JESUS THE NAZARENE? Have YOU come to destroy us? I know WHO You are, THE HOLY ONE OF GOD. 25 and JESUS rebuked him, saying ,Be quiet and come out of him. and when the unclean spirit had (torn) convulsed him

and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.

27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying,

What thing is this?

What new doctrine is this? for with authority commands HE even the unclean spirits,

and they do obey HIM.

and immediately HIS fame (report) spread abroad into all the neighborhood of Galilee.

and immediately when they had come out of the synagogue,

they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew, with Yacov (James) and John.

and SIMON'S WIFE'S MOTHER lay sick stricken by a fever

and immediately they told HIM about her

and HE came and took her by the hand,and lifted her up

and immediately the fever left her,

and she begun serving (ministering) them.

and at even, when the sun did set, they kept bringing unto HIM all that were diseased,

and them that were possessed with devils (demons)

and all the city was gathered together at the door.

34 and HE healed many that were sick of many diseases

and cast out many demons (devils)

and did not allow the demons (devils) to speak, because they knew HIM.

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MARK D 1:35-39

And in the morning, rising up a Great while before day (ennuchion-yet night), HE went out, and departed into a desert place and was Praying there.

36 And Simon and they that were with HIM followed after HIM.

And when hey had found HIM, they said unto HIM,

All men are seeking for THEE and HE said unto them,

Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also for therefore am I come forth.

1:39 And HE preached in their synagogues in all Galilee

and cast out demons (devils).

E 1: 40-45 And there came a Leper to HIM, begging HIM

and------------------------------------- kneeling down to HIM

and saying unto HIM, If YOU will, YOU can make me clean.

and JESUS, moved with compassion, put forth HIS hand,

and touched him

and said unto him, I will. Be thou clean

and as soon as HE had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him,

and HE was cleansed.

and HE strictly warned him,

and immediately sent him away

and said unto him,

See you say nothing to any man: but go thy way, show thyself to The Cohen (Priest),

and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moshe commanded for a testimony unto them.

45 But going out he began to publish (preach) it much,

and to blaze everywhere (abroad) the matter,

so that JESUS no longer could openly enter into any city,

but was outside in desert places:

and they came to HIM from every quarter.

D2: 1-2 again HE entered into Capernaum, after some days

and it was noised (reported) that HE was in the house.

and immediately many were gathered together,

insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not even to the door:

and HE preached The Word unto them.

E 2:3-12 And they come unto HIM,

bringing a Paralytic being carried by four.

and when they could not come near to HIM for the crowd

they unroofed the roof where HE was:

and when they had broken it up, they let down the cot (krabatton-pallet-bed)

on which the paralytic lay.

5 When JESUS saw their faith, HE said unto the paralytic Child (teknon)

thy sins be forgiven thee

But there were certain of The Scribes (Torah teachers) sitting there,

and reasoning in their hearts

'' Why does THIS MAN thus speak blasphemies?

Who can forgive sins but GOD only? ''

8 And immediately when JESUS knew in HIS SPIRIT that they so reasoned within

themselves, HE said unto them,

Why reason ye these things in your hearts? ***********************************************************************

NOTES 1:35 King Jesus had to go out of the house for prayer. Why? Privacy.

Capernaum houses were built for communal activities not privacy --' the first Kibbutz'!

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MARK 2:9 Which is easier to say to the paralytic '' Your sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise,

and take up thy bed (cot) and walk?

but that ye may know that THE SON OF MAN Has power on (Planet) Earth to forgive sins HE said to the paralytic- '' I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy cot,

and go thy way into thine house.''

and immediately he arose, took up the cot,

and went out before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed,

and glorified GOD, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.

KING JESUS CALLS MATTHEW LEVI 2 : 13-22 (Division Design)

A 2:13-14 KING JESUS' Call

B 2:15-22 Matthew Levi's Feast

A 2:13 And HE went forth again beside the sea-side; and all the multitude (local peoples) kept coming unto HIM,

and HE kept teaching them

and as HE passed by,

HE saw Levi the Son of Alphaeus sitting at the Tax Office and said unto him, Follow ME.

and he arose and followed HIM.

B 2:15-22 (LEVI’s FEAST Alternation Sub Design) aa 15-16 Pharisees Question

bb 17 KING JESUS Reply-Proverb

aa 18 John’s Men-Questions bb 19-22 KING JESUS’ Reply-Proverbs

aa 15-16 And it came to pass, that, as JESUS reclined in his house, many Tax Collectors

and Sinners sat also together with JESUS

and HIS Disciples: for they were many, and they followed HIM.

and when The Scribes and Pharisees saw HIM eat with Tax Collectors

and Sinners, they said unto HIS Disciples,

How is it that HE eats and drinks with the Tax Collectors and Sinners?

bb 17And JESUS hearing it, said unto them,

They that are whole (strong) have no need of the doctor (physician),

but they that are sick:

I came not to call the righteous, but Sinners to Repentance (Change). aa 18 And the Disciples of John and of the Pharisees were fasting

and they come and said unto HIM

Why do the Disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast,

but THY Disciples fast not?

bb 19-22 And JESUS said unto them, Can the Children of the Bride-chamber fast, while the Bridegroom is with them?

as long as they have the Bridegroom with them, they cannot fast but the days will come,

when the Bridegroom shall be taken away from them,

and then shall they fast in those days.

21And no man sews a piece of new (un-milled) cloth

on an old garment, else it takes away it's fullness,

the new from the old and a worse tear happens

22 And no man puts new wine (pure grape juice) into old skins:

else the new wine (pue grape jiuce) will burst the skins and the wine is spilled,

and the skins will be destroyed but New Wine is put into Fresh Skins.

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Note: New wine = non alcoholic grape juice because not even new winskins could withstand the gas pressure made by fermenting new wine. Pure unfermented

new wine was either filtered or boiled.

TUTORING & MIRACLES (Division Design) of Mark 2:23-3:12

A 2:23-28 Tutoring

B 3:1-12 Miracles


A 23 The SABBATH Day

B 23 The Disciples-Their Actions

B 24 The Disciples - Objections

A 25-28 The SABBATH Day

A 2:23 And it came to pass, that HE went through the Corn Fields on the SABBATH Day

B 23 and HIS Disciples began to make way, plucking the ears of corn.

B 24 And the Pharisees said unto HIM,

Pay Attention (Behold), why do they do on the SABBATH day that which is not legal?

A 2:25-28 And HE said unto them,

Have ye never read what David did, when he had need,

and hungered, he ,

and they that were with him?

How he went into The House of GOD in the days of Abiathar Cohen Gadol (the High Priest),

and did eat The Shew-Bread (Bread of The Presence),

which is not legal to eat except for The Cohanim (Priests),

and gave also to them who were with him?

and HE said unto them, The SABBATH (The Rest) was made for man,

and not man for The SABBATH: so then THE SON OF MAN is LORD of THE SABBATH ALSO .

MIRACLE (Introversion Design) of Mark 3:1-12

A 3:1 Miracle of The Damaged Hand

B 2 Enemies Watch

C 3-5 Hand is Cured

B 6 Enemies Watch

A 3:7-12 Miracles- Many

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MARK A 3:1 And HE entered again into the Synagogue; and there was a man there who had a Withered Hand.

B 2 And they watched HIM, if HE would heal him on the SABBATH Day;

that they might accuse HIM.

C 3-5 And HE said unto the man who had the withered hand,

Stand forth into the middle.

and HE said unto them,

Is it legal to do Good on the SABBATH days, or to do Evil? to save Life ------------------------------------------ or to Kill?

But they 'held their peace'.

5 And when HE had looked round about on them with anger,

being grieved for the hardness of their hearts,

HE said unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand.

and he stretched it out:

and his hand was restored whole (sound) as the other.

B 6 And the Pharisees went out,

and immediately took Counsel with the Herodians against HIM, how they might destroy


A 3:7-12 And JESUS withdrew HIMSELF with HIS Disciples to the sea:

and a 'great multitude' (a great number of local people) from Galilee followed HIM,

and from Judaea and from Jerusalem,

and from Idumaea {Greek for Edom},

and from beyond Jordan;

and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they had heard what great things

HE did, came unto HIM.

3:9 And HE spoke to HIS Disciples, that a small boat should wait on HIM

because of the crowd, lest they should throng HIM for HE had healed many;

insomuch that they fell upon HIM that they might touch

HIM as many as had plagues

and unclean spirits,

when they saw HIM, fell down before HIM,

and cried out, saying,


12 And HE strictly warned them that they should not reveal HIM .

MISSION OF THE TWELVE (Introversion Design) of Mark 3:13-19 A 3:13 The 12 Their Calling

B 3:14 To Be With HIM-Purpose

B 3:14-15 to Be Sent Out -Purpose

A 3:16-19 The 12 -Their Naming

A3:13 And HE went up into the Mountain,

and called near whom HE desired

and they went unto HIM. B 14 and that HE might send them forth to Preach

and to have Power (authority) to Heal sicknesses,

and to Cast out the demons (devils ):

A 3:16-19 and Simon HE added the name Peter and Yacov (James) the son of Zebedee,

and John the brother of Yacov (James);

and HE surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The Sons of Thunder

and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew,

and Matthew, and Thomas, and Yacov (James) the Son of Alphaeus,

and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Canaanite,

and Judah (Judas) Iscariot, who also betrayed HIM

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KING JESUS TUTORING & MIRACLES (Introv Design) 3:19-6:6 A 3:19-4:34 The King Teaches (MINOR Ext'd Alt Design)

D 3:19 The Place-The House

E 3:20 The Talk

F 3:21-35 KING JESUS with Friends & Foes

D 4:1 The Place-By The Seaside

E 4:1 The Talk

F 4:2-34 KING JESUS with HIS Disciples

B 4:34:35-5:43 Miracles

A 6:1-6:6 Tutoring

D 3:19 and they went into an house.

E 3:20 And the multitude (people near by) came together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.

F 3:21-35 a a 21And when HIS friends heard of it,

b b 21 they set out to take hold of HIM:

c c 21 for they said HE is insane

d d 22 and The Scribes who came down from Jerusalem said,

HE has Beelzebub,

e e 22 and by the prince of the devils casts HE out devils

e e 23-27 And HE called them unto HIM

and said unto them in Parables,

How can satan cast out satan?

and if a Kingdom be divided against itself, that Kingdom cannot stand.

and if a House be divided against itself, that House cannot stand

and if satan rise up against himself,

and be divided, he cannot stand, but has an end.

27 No man can enter into a strong man's house,

and plunder his goods,

except he will first bind the strong man;

and then he will plunder his house.

d d 3:28 Verily I say unto you,

All the sins will be forgiven to the sons of men,

and whatever blasphemies they have blasphemed:

But whoever shall blaspheme against

THE HOLY SPIRIT has no forgiveness to eternity,

but is in danger of (liable to)

Eternal Judgment (Damnation)

because they said, HE Has an unclean spirit.

b b 31-32 Then came

a a3: 31 HIS brothers and HIS mother,

and, standing outside, sent unto HIM, calling HIM

and a crowd sat around HIM,

and they said unto HIM, Behold, Thy mother

and Thy brethren outside seek for THEE.

c c 3: 33-35 And HE answered them, saying,

Who is MY mother, or MY brethren?

and having looked around on those sitting around HIM in a circle HE said,

Behold MY mother and MY brothers!

For whosoever does the will of GOD,

the same is MY brother, and MY sister, and mother.

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D 4:1--A 4:1 And again HE began to teach by the sea-side: E 4:1 and there was gathered unto HIM a large crowd, so that HE entered into the boat, in order to sit in the sea;

and the whole crowd was facing the sea on the land.

F A 4:2-34 And HE taught them many things by Parables,

and said unto them in HIS Doctrine,

B 4: 3-9 x 3 Hearken;

y 3-8 Pay Attention (Behold), there went out a Sower to sow:

And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the Way Side,

and the fowls of the heaven came

and devoured it up.

and some fell on Stony Ground, where it had not much earth;

and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth:

and when the sun was up, it was scorched;

and because it had no root, it withered away.

and some fell Among Thorns,

and the thorns grew up,

and choked it,

and it yielded no fruit.

8 And other fell on Good Ground,

and did yield fruit that sprang up

and increased; and brought forth, some Thirty,

and some Sixty,

and some an Hundred.

x 9 And HE said unto them,

he that has ears to hear, let him hear.

C 4: 10-25 jj 10-11 And when HE was alone,

those around HIM with The Twelve asked of HIM the parable.

11 And HE said unto them,

Unto you it is given to know The Mystery of The Kingdom of GOD: but unto them that are outside,

all these things are done in Parables:

kk12-13 That seeing they may see, and not see (perceive)

and hearing they may hear, and not understand;

lest at any time they should be converted,

and their sins should be forgiven them.

13 And HE said unto them, Know (oida) ye not this Parable?

and how then will ye know all parables?

l l 14-20 The Sower sows The Word.

15 And these are they by the Way Side,

where The Word is sown; but when they have heard,

Satan comes immediately,

and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.

and these are they likewise which are Sown on Stony Ground;

who, when they have heard The Word, immediately receive it with gladness;

and have No Root in themselves,

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MARK 4 : 14-20 The Sower sows The Word.

4:15 And these are they by the Way Side, where The Word is sown; but when they have heard,

satan comes immediately,

and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.

and these are they likewise which are Sown on Stony Ground; who, when they have heard The Word,

immediately receive it with gladness;

and have No Root in themselves,

and so endure but for a time: afterward, when Tribulation

(affliction) or Persecution arises for The Word's sake,

immediately they are offended

and these are they which are sown among thorns;

such as hear The Word,

and the Cares of this world,

and the Deceitfulness of riches,

and the Lusts of other things entering in,

Choke The Word,

and it becomes unfruitful.

20 And these are they which are sown on Good Ground;

such as hear the word,

and receive it,

and bring forth fruit, some Thirty-fold,

some Sixty,

and some an Hundred.

jj 4:21-22 And HE said unto them,

Is a Lamp brought to be put under the grain measure,

or under the bed?

and not to be put on a lamp-stand?

22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be revealed;

nor any thing kept secret, but that it will come to light

kk 4:23-25 If any man have ears to hear,

let him hear.

and HE said unto them,

Take heed what ye hear:

with what measure ye mete (measure)

it shall be measured to you:

and unto you that hear shall more be given.

For he that has, to him shall be given:

and he that has not,

from him shall be taken even that which he has .

B 4:26-32 r 4:26 And HE said, So is The Kingdom of GOD,

s 26-28 as if a man should cast The Seed upon the earth

and should sleep, and rise night and day,

and The Seed should sprout

and lengthen (grows) he knows not how for the earth brings forth

fruit automatically; first the Blade, then the Ear,

after that Full Corn in the Ear.

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MARK t 4:29And when the Fruit is brought forth,

immediately he sends forth the sickle because the Harvest is


r 30 And HE said, To what shall we compare The Kingdom from GOD?

r 4:30 or with what Parable are we to compare it?

s 31 It is like A Grain of Mustard Seed, which,

when it is sown on the earth,

is less than all the seeds that be on the earth:

t 32 And when it is sown comes up

and becomes greater than all plants

and makes great branches;

so that the fowls of the heaven may roost

under the shadow of it.

A 4:33-34 And with many such parables spoke HE The Word unto them, as they were able to hear

34 but HE did not speak to them without a parable

C4: 34 and when they were alone,

HE kept Expounding all things to HIS Disciples.

MIRACLES 4:35-5:43 (Introv & Alt Design)

A 4:35 Departure to East Side B 37-41 Miracle-Storm Stopped

C 5:1 Landing

D5:2-10 Miracle for Demoniac (Introversion Sub Design)

r r 2 The Meeting

s s 3 Home: The Tombs

t t 3 None Able To Bind Him

u u 4 Fetters Used

v v 4 And Chains Used Too

v v 4 But Chains Broken

u u 4 Fetters Broken Apart

t t 4 None Able To Tame Him

s s 5 Home: Among The Tombs

r r 6-10 The Meeting (Minor Introv Design)

ww 6-7 Worship

xx 8 Unclean Spirit: Command

xx 9 Unclean Spirit: Name

ww 10 Prayer

E 5:11-13 The Pigs-Demons (devils):1st Prayer

E 5:14-17 The Citizens; 2nd Prayer

C 5:18 Embarkation

D 5::18-20 Miracle fort Demoniac:3rd Prayer-

A 5:21 Return to The West

B 5:22-43 Miracles for Jairus Girl and The Woman


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A 4:35 And the same day, when the even was come, HE said unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.

36 And when they had dismissed the crowd they took HIM along as HE was in the boat

And there were also with HIM other little boats.

B 4:37-41 And there arose a Great Wind-Storm,

and the waves were beating into the boat so that it was filled already

and HE was on the stern of the boat sleeping on the headrest

and they awakened HIM

and said unto HIM, MASTER carest THOU not that we perish? 39 And HE arose,

and rebuked the wind,

and said unto the sea,'' Shalom (Peace) , be still !.

And the wind ceased, and there was a Great Calm. 40 And HE said unto them,

Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?

4:41 And they feared exceedingly,

and said one to another,

WHO then is this ONE that even the wind and the sea obey HIM?

C 5:1 And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the Country of the Gadarenes.

D 5:2-10 r r 2 And HE coming out of the boat,

immediately there met HIM out of the Tombs a man with an unclean spirit

s s 3 who had his abode among the tombs;

t t 3 and no man could bind him, no, not with chains

u u 4 because that he had been often bound with fetters

vv 5:4 and chains,

v v 5:4 and the chains had been plucked asunder by him,

and the fetters broken in pieces

u u 4 neither could any man tame him.

s s 5 And always, night and day, he was in the mountains,

and in the tombs, crying,

and cutting himself with stones

r r 5:6-10.but when he saw JESUS afar off he ran

and worshipped HIM

and cried with a loud voice,

and said What have I to do with


I adjure THEE by GOD, that THOU torment me not E 5:11-13 And a Great Herd of Pigs were feeding there near the Mountain

and all the demons (devils ) begged HIM saying

Send us into the pigs that we may enter into them

and JESUS immediately allowed them

and coming out the unclean spirits entered into the pigs

and the herd rushed down the cliff into the Sea

and there were about 2000

and they were choked in the sea

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MARK E 5:14-17 And those who fed the pigs fled and told it to the City

and to the fields

and they came out to see what was happening

and they came to JESUS

and Stared at the one previously devil-possessed, sitting and being clothed

and being in his Right Mind, the one who had the Legion

and they Feared

and those who had seen related how it happened to the devil-possessed one

and about the pigs

and they begun to beg HIM to Depart

C 5:18 And when HE was come into the boat D 5:18-20 he that had been possessed with the demon (devil) begged HIM that he

might be with HIM

However JESUS allowed him not, but said unto him,

Go to your house to thy friends,

and tell them how Great things THE LORD Has done for you,

and Has had compassion on you.

And he departed,

and began to publish in Decapolis how Great things

JESUS Had done for him:

and all men did marvel.

NOTES: 5:2 Tombs were sometimes used as living places for criminals

or the poor and the mentally insane.

E.g. Isa 22:16

A 5:21 And JESUS having crossed over in the boat again to the other side, a large crowd gathered upon :HIM

and HE was by the sea.

B 5:22-43 j j 22 and, behold, there came one of the Rulers of the Synagogue,

Jairus by name; and when he saw HIM, he fell at HIS Feet,

k k 23 And begged him greatly, saying, My little daughter lies at the Point of Death: I pray THEE come

and lay THY Hands on her, that she may be healed;

and she shall live.

l l 24 And JESUS went with him;

and a large crowd followed HIM

and thronged HIM

m m 25-28And a Certain Woman, who had an Issue of Blood

12 Years, and had suffered many things (treatments) of many doctors,

and had spent all that she had,

and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,

when she had heard of JESUS, came in the crowd behind,

and touched HIS garment.

For she said, If I may touch but HIS clothes, I shall be whole.

n n 29 And immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up;

and she knew (ginosko) in her body that she was healed of that plague.

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MARK 5 :30-32 And JESUS, knowing in HIMSELF that Virtue (Power)

had gone out of HIM, turning in the crowd

and said, Who touched MY clothes?

and HIS Disciples said unto HIM,

YOU see the crowd pressing on YOU

and sayest THOU Who touched ME?

And HE looked around to see the one who had done this. m m 33 And the woman fearing

and trembling, knowing what was done in Her, came

and fell down before HIM, and told HIM all the truth.

n n 34 And HE said unto her, Daughter,

thy faith has made thee whole; go in peace,

and be whole (sozo-saved) of thy plague.

j j 35 While HE was speaking, they came from the Ruler of the Synagogue's house saying

'' Your daughter is dead: why troublest thou THE MASTER any further? ''

k k 36 Immediately JESUS heard the word that was spoken,

HE said unto the Ruler of the Synagogue,

Be not afraid, only believe.

l l 37 And HE allowed no man to follow HIM except Peter,

and Yacov (James),

and John the brother of James.

m m 38-39 And HE came to the house of the Ruler of the Synagogue,

and saw a tumult,

and weeping

and much wailing And going in

n n 5:39 HE said to them Why make ye this tumult

and weep? the Child is not dead, but sleeps.

o o 40 And they laughed HIM to scorn.

l l 40 But when HE had put them all out,

HE took the father

and the mother of the child,

and those with HIM m m 40 and entered in where the damsel was lying.

n n 41-42 And HE took the damsel by the hand,

and said unto her,

Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted,

Damsel (korasion) I say unto thee,


and immediately the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years.

o o 42 -43 And they were astonished

with a Great Astonishment.

And HE charged them strictly that no man should know it; and commanded that something should be given her to eat.

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CHAPTER 6--TUTORING (Introversion & Alt Design) of Mark 6:1-6:6

A 6:1 HIS Own Country

B 6:2 Tutoring-positive

C 6:2 Astonished

D 6:3 HIS Kindred

C 6:3 Stumbled

A 6:4 HIS Own Country

B 6:5-6 Mighty Works-negative

MARK A 6:1 And HE went out from thence,

and came into HIS native place and HIS Disciples follow HIM.

B 6:2 And when the SABBATH day was come,

HE began to teach in the synagogue: C 6:2 and many Hearing HIM were Astonished, saying,

From where did THIS MAN get these things?

and what Wisdom is this which is given unto Him,

that even such Miracles are done by HIS Hands?

D 6:3 Is not this The Carpenter, The Son of Mary,

The Brother of Yacov (James),

and Joses,

and of Judah,

and Simon?

and are not His sisters here with us?


C 6:3 And they were offended at HIM.

A 6:4 But JESUS said unto them,

A prophet is not without honour, but in his own native -place,

and among his own kin,

and in his own house

B 6:5-6 And HE could do no mighty work there except that HE laid His Hands upon a few sick

folk, and Healed them.

and HE marveled because of their unbelief.

and HE went around about the villages, teaching.

THE 12 DISCIPLES‘ MISSION STARTS & JOHN THE BAPTIZER’S ENDS (6:7-6:30) A 6:7-13 The 12’s Mission Starts

B 6:14 King Herod Hears of KING JESUS

C 6:15 John: Views of Others-John’s Mission Ends

C 6:16 John: View of Herod-John’s Mission Ends

B 6:17-29 King Herod Kills John

A 6:30 The 12’s Mission Reported

A 6:7-13 And HE called unto HIM The Twelve, and began to send them forth two and two;

and gave them power over unclean spirits

and commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey,

except a staff only; no bag, no bread, no copper in their belt:

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MARK 6:9 But be shod with Sandals;

and not put on two Shirts. 10 And HE said unto them, where ever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from there.

6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor Hear you, when ye depart thence,

shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them.

Verily I say unto you,

It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment, than for that city.

and they went out,

and preached that men should Repent.

13 And they Cast out Many Demons (devils), and Anointed with oil many that were Sick,

and Healed them.

B 6:14 And king Herod Heard of HIM

for HIS NAME was spread abroad-

and he said,

That John the Baptizer was risen from the dead,

and therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him.

C 6:15 Others said, That it is Elijah. And others said,

That it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets.

C 6:16 But when Herod Heard thereof, he said,

It is John, whom I beheaded: he is risen from the dead.

B 6:17-29 For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John,

and bound him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife: for He had married Her.

6:18 For John had said unto Herod,

It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.

Therefore Herodias had a Quarrel against him, and would have killed him;

but she could not for Herod feared John, knowing that HE was a just man

and an holy,

and observed him;

and when He Heard him, HE did many things,

and Heard him gladly.

and when a convenient day was come,

that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, top captains,

and chief estates of Galilee;

and when the daughter of the said Herodias Came in,

and Danced, and Pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel,

Ask of me whatsoever you wish, and I will give it thee.

6:23 And he swore unto her,

Whatever you shall ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the Half of my Kingdom.

and she went forth, and said unto Her mother,

What shall I ask? and she said, The Head of John The Baptizer. 6:25 And she came in immediately with haste unto the king,

and asked, saying,

I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptizer.

26 and the king was exceeding sorry; yet for his oath's sake,

and for their sakes which sat with him, he would not reject her.

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MARK 6:27 and immediately the king sent an Executioner, and commanded his head to be brought: and he went and beheaded him in the prison,

28 And brought his head on a platter,

and gave it to the damsel: and the damsel gave it to her mother.

29 And when HIS Disciples Heard of it, they came

and took up his corpse,

and laid it in a tomb.

A 6:30 And the Apostles gathered themselves together unto JESUS,

and told Him all things, both what they had Done,

and what they had Taught.

TUTORING & MIRACLES (Repeated Alt of 6:31-8:30)

A 6:31 -34 Teaching: Crowds B 6:35-56 Miracles

A 7:1-23 Teaching: Pharisees

B 7:24-8:9 Miracles

A 8:10-21 Teaching :Pharisees

B 8:22-26 Miracle

A 8:27-30 Teaching: Disciples

A 6:31-34 And HE said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place,

and Rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had No Leisure so much as to eat.

and they Departed into a desert place by ship privately.

and the People saw them departing,

and many Knew HIM

and Ran afoot there from out of all cities,

and Out went them,

and Came together unto HIM.

34 And JESUS, when He came out, saw much people,

and was moved with Compassion toward them,

because they were as sheep not having a PASTOR (Shepherd---Poimeen):

and HE began to teach them many things.

B 6:35-56 And when the day was now Far Spent, HIS Disciples came unto HIM,

and said This is a Desert place,

and now the Time is far passed:

36 Send them away, that they may go into the country round about,

and into the villages,

and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.

37 HE answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat.

And they say unto HIM,

Shall we go and buy 200 Penny-worth of Bread,

and give them to eat?

6:38 HE said unto them,

How many loaves have ye? Go and see.

and when they knew, they said Five, and ---------------------------------Two Fishes.

39 And HE commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the Green Grass.

And they sat down in ranks, by Hundreds,

and by Fifties.

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MARK 6:41 And when He had taken the Five Loaves and the Two Fishes, HE looked up to Heaven, and Blessed,

and Broke the Loaves,

and Gave them to HIS Disciples to set before them;

and the Two Fishes divided HE among them all.

and they did all eat,

and were filled.

and they took up 12 Baskets Full of the Fragments, and of the Fishes.

and they that did eat of the loaves were about 5000 men.

45 and immediately HE constrained HIS Disciples to get into the ship,

and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while HE sent away the People.

and when He had sent them away, HE departed into a Mountain to Pray.

47 and when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea,

and HE alone on the land.

and HE saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them:

and about the 4th Watch of the Night HE cometh unto them, walking upon the Sea,

and would have passed by them.

B 6:49 But when they saw HIM walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit,

and cried out: for they all saw HIM,

and were troubled

and immediately HE talked with them,

and said unto them,

Be of good Cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

51 And HE went up unto them into the ship;

and the Wind Stopped:

and they were sore Amazed in themselves beyond measure,

and wondered for they considered not the Miracle of the Loaves:

for their Heart was Hardened.

6:53 And when they had passed over, they came into the Land of Gennesaret,

and drew to the shore.

and when they were come out of the ship, immediately they knew HIM,

and ran through that whole region round about,

and began to carry about in beds those that were sick,

where they Heard HE was.

56 and wherever HE entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the Sick in the Streets,

and begged HIM that they might touch if it were but the Border of HIS Garment:

and as many as touched HIM were made whole.


NOTES: 7:3 they wash their hands 'OFT'.

The word 'oft ' can mean fist so ' unless they wash their hands (rubbing them) with the fist.' That is, not just dipping the fingers or hand in water for ritual signs but rubbing the hands together as a ball or fist as the

normal Israeli custom is when water is poured over them. The word can then mean ' carefully ' or diligently.

7:11 Corban was a any good gift for God

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MARK A 7:1-7:23 Then came together unto HIM the Pharisees, and certain of the Scribes, who came from Jerusalem.

and when they saw some of HIS Disciples eat Bread with defiled, that is to say, with Unwashed Hands, they found fault.

For the Pharisees,

and all the Judeans (Jews), except they wash their hands oft, eat not,

holding the Tradition of the Elders.

and when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not.

and many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the Washing of Cups,

and Pots, Brazen Vessels, and of Tables.

5 Then the Pharisees and Scribes asked HIM,

Why walk not THY Disciples according to the Tradition of the Elders,

but Eat bread with Unwashed hands?

HE answered

and said unto them,

Well has Isaiah prophesied of you Hypocrites, as it is written,

This people honours ME with their Lips, but their Heart is Far from ME.

but in Vain do they worship ME,

teaching for doctrines the Mitzvot (Commandments) of Men.

8 For Laying aside the Mitzvot (Commandment) of GOD, ye hold the Tradition of Men,

as the washing of pots and cups:

and many other such like things ye do.

and HE said unto them,

Full well ye reject the Mitzvot (Command) of GOD, that ye may keep Your Own Tradition.

10 For Moses said,

Honour thy father and thy mother;

and, Whoso curses Father or Mother, let him 'die the death':

But ye say,

If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift,

by whatsoever thou might be profited by me; he shall be free.

and ye allow him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;

making the Word of GOD of None Effect through your Tradition, which ye have delivered:

and many such like things do ye.

7:14 And when HE Had called all the people unto HIM, HE said unto them,

Hearken unto ME every one of you,

and understand: There is nothing from without a man,

that entering into him can defile him

but the things which Come Out of him, those are they that Defile the man.

If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

and when HE was entered into the house from the people,

HIS Disciples asked HIM concerning the Parable.

and HE said unto them,

are ye so without understanding also?

Do ye not perceive,

that whatsoever thing from without enters into the man,

it cannot defile him because it enters not into his heart, but into the belly,

and goes out into the sewer?

Thus all foods are ritually clean?

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MARK 7:20 And HE said, That which comes out of the man, that defiles the man.

For from Inside, Out of the Heart of men, proceed

Evil Thoughts,









an Evil Eye,




All these evil things come from inside, and defile the man.

B 7:24-8:9 THE MIRACLE of FEEDING 4000 8:1 And from thence HE arose,

and went into the Borders of Tyre and Sidon, and entered into an house,

and would have no man know it: but HE could not be hid.

For a Certain Woman, whose Young Daughter had an Unclean Spirit, heard of HIM,

and came

and fell at HIS Feet:

26 The woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phenician by Nation;

and she begged HIM that HE would cast forth the demon (devil ) out of her daughter.

But JESUS said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not good to take the children's bread,

and to cast it unto the pet puppies.

and she answered and said unto HIM, Yes, LORD yet the pet-puppies (kunarion) under the table eat of the children's crumbs.

B 29:And HE said unto her, For this saying go thy way;

the demon (devil ) is gone out of thy daughter.

30 And when she was come to her house,

she found the demon (devil) gone out,

and her daughter laid upon the bed.

31 And again, departing from the Coasts of Tyre and Sidon, HE came unto the Sea of Galilee, through the midst of the Coasts of Decapolis.

and they brought unto HIM one that was Deaf,

and had an Impediment in his Speech;

and they begged HIM to Put HIS Hand upon him.

and HE took him Aside from the local people (multitude),

and put HIS Fingers into his ears, and HE spat, and touched his tongue;

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MARK 7:34 And looking up to heaven, HE sighed, and said unto him,

Ephphatha, that is, Be opened.

and immediately his ears were opened,

and the string of his tongue was loosed,

and he spoke plain.

and HE charged them that they should tell no man:

but the more HE charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it;

37 And were beyond measure Astonished, saying,

HE Has done all things well: HE makes both the Deaf to hear,

and the Dumb to speak.


NOTES 7:31 King Jesus looped around and went through Decapolis area to reach the SW shore of the

Galilee Sea -Sidon and Tyre had many Gentiles and was thus scrupulously avoided by Rabbis.

King Jesus deliberately led His disciples to this Gentile zone -His last missionary trip as a

precedent for the disciples' future missionary work among the Gentiles. See Acts 1:8

Mark 8 THE MIRACLE of FEEDING THE 4000 aa 8:1-3 KING JESUS: Compassion

bb 8:4 DISCIPLES: Question

aa 8:5 KING JESUS Question

bb 8:5 KING JESUS :Reply

aa 8:6-7 KING JESUS: Miracle

bb 8:8-9 People :Well-Fed

aa 8:1-3 In those days the local peoples being very great,

and having nothing to eat, JESUS called HIS Disciples unto HIM

and said unto them,

I have compassion on the local peoples, because they have now been with ME 3 Days,

and have nothing to eat:

3 and if I send them away fasting to their own houses,

they will faint in the way: for some of them came from afar.

bb 8:4 And HIS Disciples answered HIM,

From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread Here in the Wilderness?

aa 8:5 And HE asked them,

How many loaves have ye?

bb8:5 And they said, Seven.

aa 8:6-7 And HE commanded the people to sit down on the ground:

and HE Took the 7 Loaves,

and gave Thanks,

and Brake,

and Gave to HIS Disciples to Set before them;

and they Did set them before the People.

8:7 And they had a Few Small Fishes:

and HE Blessed,

and Commanded to set them also before them.

bb 8:8-9 So they did eat,

and were Filled:

and they took up of the Broken Food that was Left 7 Baskets.

and they that had eaten were about 4000: and HE sent them away.

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MARK A 8:10-21And immediately HE entered into a ship with HIS Disciples

and came into the Parts of Dalmanutha.

11 And the Pharisees came forth

and began to Question with HIM, seeking of HIM a Sign from Heaven, Tempting HIM

8:12 And HE sighed deeply in HIS SPIRIT,

and said Why does this Generation seek after a Sign?

Verily I say unto you, There shall No Sign be given unto this generation.

and HE left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side.

Now the Disciples had forgotten to take bread,

neither had they in the ship with them more than One Loaf.

15 And HE charged them, saying

Take Heed, Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees,

And of the Leaven of Herod. and they Reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread.

17 And when JESUS knew it, HE said unto them,

Why reason ye, because ye have no bread?

Perceive ye not yet, neither understand?

Have ye your Heart yet Hardened?

Having Eyes, see ye not?

and having Ears, Hear ye not?

and do ye not Remember?

When I broke the Five Loaves among 5000 how many baskets full of Fragments took ye up?

They said unto HIM, Twelve.

and when the Seven among 4000 -------------how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?

and they said, Seven.

21 And HE said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand?

B 8:22-26 and HE came to Bethsaida;

and they brought a Blind Man unto HIM

and begged HIM to touch him.

23 and HE took the Blind Man by the Hand,

and led him out of the town;

and when He had spit on his eyes,

and put his hands upon him,

HE asked him if HE saw anything.

24 and he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.

After that HE put HIS Hands again upon his eyes,

and made him look up:

and HE was Restored,

and saw every man clearly.and HE sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the

town, nor tell it to any in the town.

A 8:27-30 And JESUS went out, and HIS Disciples, into the towns of Caesarea Philippi:

and by the way HE asked HIS Disciples, saying unto them,

Whom do men say that I AM? 28 and they answered, John the Baptizer:

but some say, Elijah;

and others, One of the Prophets.

29 And HE said unto them,But whom say ye that I AM ?

And Peter answered and said unto HIM, THOU art THE MESSIAH 30 And HE charged them that they should tell no man of HIM.

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SUFFERINGS (Introv & Alt Design) of 8:31-9:13 aa 8:31 Sufferings: HIS OWN

bb 8:31 HIS Glory: HIS OWN

cc 8:32 Peter: Rebukes THE LORD

cc 8:8:33 Peter Rebuked By THE LORD

aa 8:34-38 Sufferings: THE DISCIPLES

bb 8:38 Glory of THE DISCIPLES

A 8:31-9:13

aa 8:31 And HE began to teach them, that THE SON OF MAN must suffer many things,

and be Rejected of the Elders,

and of the Chief Priests,

and Scribes,

and be Killed,

bb 8:31 and after three days Rise Again.

cc 8:32 And HE spoke that saying openly.

and Peter took HIM,

and began to Rebuke HIM.

cc 33 But when He had turned about

and looked on HIS Disciples HE Rebuked Peter, saying,

Get thee behind me, Satan:

for you mind not the things that be of GOD,

but the things that be of men.

aa 8:34-38 And when He had called the People unto HIM with HIS Disciples also, HE said unto them,

Whosoever will come after ME,

let him Deny himself,

and take up his Cross,

and Follow ME.

For whosoever will Save his Life shall Lose it;

but whosoever shall Lose his Life for MY Sake

and the gospel's, the same shall Save it

for what shall it Profit a man, if he shall Gain the Whole World, and Lose his own Life (psuche-soul)?

Or what shall a man give in Exchange for his Life (psuche-soul)?

Whosoever therefore shall be Ashamed of ME and of MY Words in this Adulterous and Sinful Generation;

of him also shall THE SON OF MAN be ashamed,

bb 8:38 when HE Comes in the Glory of HIS FATHER with the holy angels.

9:1-9:10 MESSIAH’S SUFFERINGS & GLORY (Introv Sub design)

KK 9:1-2 Ascent-Disciples Taken Up

LL 9:2-4 Vision: KING JESUS, Moses & Elijah

MM 9:5-6 Voice of Peter

MM 9:7 Voice of THE FATHER

LL 9:8 Vision Ends-KING JESUS Alone

KK 9:9-10 Descent-Disciples Told

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MARK K K 9:1-2 And HE said unto them,Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, who shall not Taste of Death,

till they have seen the Kingdom of GOD come with Power.

And after six days JESUS takes with HIM Peter, and Yacov (James), and John,

and leads them up into an High Mountain apart by themselves:

L L9:2-4 and HE was Transfigured (metamorphoo-transformed) before them.

and HIS garments became shining (stilbo-gleaning),

exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth (ge) can whiten them.

and there appeared unto them Elijah with Moses:

and they were talking with JESUS.

M M 9:5-6 And Peter answered

and said to JESUS, RABBI, it is good for us to be here:

and let us make three tabernacles;

one for THEE,

and one for Moses,

and one for Elijah for he knew not what to say; for they were sore afraid.

M M 9:7 And there was a Cloud that Overshadowed them:

and a VOICE came out from (ek) the cloud, saying,

This is MY SON THE BELOVED hear ye HIM. L L 9:8 And suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more,

except JESUS only with themselves.

K K 9:9-10 And as they were coming down from the mountain,

HE ordered them that they should tell no man what things they had seen,

till THE SON OF MAN were Risen Out From (apo) the Dead.

And they kept that word to themselves,

Debating what the Rising out from the Dead should mean.

9 :11-13 SUFFERINGS & GLORY EXPLAINED (Introv & Alt Sub Design) aa 9:11 What The Scribes Said

bb 9:12 King Jesus-Admission cc 9:12 Prophecy About King Jesus

bb 9:13 King Jesus-Addition cc 9:13 Prophecy About Elijah

aa9:13 What The Scriptures Said

aa11 And they asked HIM, saying,

Why say The Scribes that Elijah must first come?

bb12 And HE answered and told them, Elijah truly comes first, and restores all things;

cc 12 and how it stands written of THE SON OF MAN, that HE Must Suffer many things,

and be Despised (Set at Nought).

bb 13 But I say unto you, cc 9:13 That Elijah has indeed come, and they have done unto him whatever they desired

aa13 as it has been written of HIM

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rr 14-16 And when HE came to HIS Disciples, HE saw a great crowd around them,

and The Scribes questioning with them.

and immediately all the crowd, when they saw HIM,

were Greatly Amazed,

and running to HIM saluted HIM.

and HE asked the Scribes,

What are ye arguing with them?

ss 9:17-18 And one of the crowd answered

and said, TEACHER, I have brought unto THEE my son, who has a Dumb-spirit;

and wherever it seizes him, it tears him:

and he foams,

and gnashes his teeth,

and wastes away:

and I spoke to THY Disciples that they should cast him out;

and they could not.

tt 19 HE answered them, and said,

O Faithless (Unbelieving) Generation,

how long shall I be with you?

How long shall I endure you?

Bring him unto ME.

uu 20 And they brought him unto HIM:

and when he saw HIM, immediately the spirit tore him;

and he fell on the ground,

and wallowed foaming.

tt 9:21 And HE asked his father,

How long is it ago since this came unto him?

uu9:21-22 And he said, from childhood.

and often it has cast him into the fire,

and into the waters, to destroy him:

but if THOU can do any thing, have compassion on us,

and help us.

tt 23 JESUS said unto him,

If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believe

uu 24 And immediately the father of the child cried out,

and said with tears,

LORD, I believe; help THOU mine unbelief. tt 25-27 When JESUS saw that the crowd came running together,

HE rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto it, you dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him,

and enter no more into him.

and the spirit cried,

and tore him sore,

and came out of him:

and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, he is dead.

But JESUS took him by the hand, and lifted him up;

and he arose.

rr28 And when HE was come into a house,

HIS Disciples asked HIM privately, Why could not we cast him out?

ss 9:29 And HE said unto them,

This kind can come forth by nothing, but by Prayer and Fasting.

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MARKC 9:30-32 And they departed thence,

and passed through Galilee;

and HE desired that no one should know.

9:31 For HE taught HIS Disciples,

and said unto them,

The SON OF MAN is Betrayed into the hands of men,

And they will Kill HIM;

and after that HE is Killed,

HE shall Rise the Third Day.

But they understood not that saying,

and were afraid to ask HIM.

D 9:33-50 dx 33 And HE came to Capernaum:

and being in the house HE asked them,

What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way?

dy34 But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves,

who should be the greatest.

dz 35 And HE sat down,

and called The Twelve,

and said unto them,

If any man desire to be first, the same shall be Last of All,

and Servant (diakonos) of All.

dz -36-37 And HE took A Child, and Set him in the midst of them:

and when HE had taken him in HIS Arms (enankalisamenos),

HE said unto them,

Whosoever shall receive one of such children in My NAME, receives ME

and whosoever shall receive ME, receives not ME,

but HIM that sent ME.

dx 38 And John answered HIM, saying,

MASTER, we saw one casting out demons (devils ) in THY NAME,

and he follows not us:

and we banned (forbade) him, because he follows not us.

d y 9:39-50

MARK 9:39-50 SPEECH REPLY & REASON (Introv & Alt Design) a 9:39-40 General

b 9:41-42 Particular c 9:43-44 Hand-Stumbling Block

c 9:45-46 Foot--Stumbling Block c 9:47-48 Eye- -Stumbling Block

a 9:49-50 General

b 9:50 Particular

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MARK a 9:39-40 But JESUS said, Forbid him not: for there is no man who shall do a miracle in

MY NAME that can lightly speak evil of ME for he that is not against us is on our part.

b 9:41-42 For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in MY NAME,

because ye belong to MESSIAH, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his Reward.

and whosoever shall offend one of these Little Ones that believe in ME,

it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,

and he was Cast into the Sea.

c 9:43-44 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life

maimed, than having two hands to go into Hell (Gehenna),

into The Fire that Never shall be Quenched

(to put to asbeston-the fire, the unquenchable)

where their Worm (Scole ) Dies Not,

and The Fire is Not Quenched. c 9:45-46 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter lame into

life, than having two feet to be cast into Hell, into the Fire (the Gehenna of Fire)

that never shall be quenched: where their Worm Dies Not,

and the Fire is Not Quenched. c 9:47-48 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into

The Kingdom from GOD with one eye,

than having two eyes to be Cast into Hell-Fire: where their Worm (Scolex) Dies Not and the Fire is Not Quenched.

(Isaiah 66:24) a 9:49-50 For every one shall be salted with fire,

and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.

b 9:50 Salt is good: but if the salt has become salt-less, with what will ye season it?

Have salt within (en) yourselves,

and have Peace (Shalom) among (en) yourselves.


FOOT-NOTE: verse 42 b 9:41-42 For whosoever shall give you a Cup of Water to drink in MY

NAME because ye belong to MESSIAH, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his


And whosoever shall Offend one of these Little Ones that believe in ME, it is better

for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were Cast into the Sea.

verse 42 The millstone was big and turned by a donkey. This was a Roman &

Greek way of punishing people-not Jewish..

verse 35 dz 35 And HE sat down, and called the twelve, and said unto them,

KING JESUS sat down as a Jewish Teacher did.

Hell is For Real & Everlasting

9:44 where their SCOLEX dies not --a self-propagating tape worm **************************************************************************

9:50 Salt is good: but if the salt has become salt-less, with what will ye season it?

Have salt within ( en ) yourselves,

and have Peace among ( en )yourselves.

This verse refers to verses 34-35 But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest

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E 10:1-12

aa10:1 And HE arose from thence,

and came into the Borders of Judaea by the other side of Jordan: and the crowds came unto HIM again;

and, as HE usually did,

HE Taught them again.

bb 10:2 And the Pharisees came to HIM and asked HIM

Is it Lawful for a husband (aner) to Divorce (Put away) his wife?

cc 10:2 Tempting HIM.

dd 10:3 And HE answered

and said unto them,

What did Moshe Command you?

dd 10:4 And they said,

Moshe allowed to write a Bill of Divorce,

and to Put her away. (Deut 24:1)

cc 10:5-9 And JESUS answered and said unto them,

For the Hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.

But from the Beginning of the Creation GOD made them Male and Female for this cause shall a man (anthropos) Utterly Leave (kataleipo) his father

and mother, and Cleave to (pros--glue to) his wife;

and they Two shall be One Flesh:

so then they are no more two, but one flesh.

9 What therefore GOD Has joined together,

let not man put asunder.

bb 10:10 And in the house HIS Disciples asked HIM again of the same matter.

aa 10:11-12 And HE said unto them, Whosoever shall divorce ( 'put away') his wife,

and marry another, commits adultery against her.

and if a woman shall put away her husband,

and be married to another, she commits adultery.


yy 13 And they brought Young Children to HIM,

that he should touch them:

xx 13 and HIS Disciples rebuked those that brought them.

xx 14-15 But when JESUS saw it, HE was Indignant, and said unto them, Allow the little children to come unto ME

and forbid them not: for of such is the Kingdom of GOD.

Verily I say unto you,

Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of GOD as a little child,

he shall not enter into it.

yy16 And HE took them up in HIS Arms, put HIS Hands upon them, and blessed them. (made a Brakhah over them)

MARK Chap 10:1-12 QUESTION (Introv Design)

aa 10:1 King Jesus-Teaches

bb 10:2 Pharisees Question

cc 10:2 Temptation dd 10:3 What Did Moses say/

dd 10:4 What Moses said

cc 10:5-9 Answer

bb 10:10 Disciples’ Question

aa 10:11-12 King Jesus-Teaches

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MARK E 10:17-25

kk 17 And when HE was gone forth into the way, there came one Running, and kneeled to him, and asked HIM,

GOOD MASTER, what shall I do that I may inherit Eternal life?

LL 18 And JESUS said unto him,

Why callest thou ME GOOD?

there is none GOOD but ONE, that is, GOD. m m 10:19 You know The Mitzvot (Commandments),

Do not commit adultery ( Law 7 ----Ex 20),

Do not Murder ( Law 6 ),

Do not Steal ( Law 8 ),

Do not Bear false witness ( Law 9 )

Defraud not ( Law 10 ),

Honour thy father and mother ( Law 5 ). n n 20 And he answered and said unto him,

TEACHER, all these have I observed from my youth.

m m 21 Then JESUS looking upon him loved him,

and said unto him,

One thing you lack go thy way, sell whatever you have ( Law 10 )

and Give to the poor

and you shall have Treasure in Heaven:

and come, take up the Cross,

and Follow ME.

n n 22 And he was Sad at that saying,

and went away grieved:

for he had Great Possessions.

LL 23 And JESUS looked round about,

and said unto HIS Disciples,

How hardly shall they that have Riches enter into the Kingdom of GOD!

kk 10:24 And the Disciples were Astonished at HIS Words but JESUS answered again, and said unto them,

Children, how hard is it for them that Trust in Riches to enter into the Kingdom of God!

It is easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle,

than for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of GOD.

F 10:26-31 aa 26 And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves,

Who then can be saved?

bb 27 And JESUS looking upon them said,

With men it is impossible, but not with God:

for with God all things are Possible.

aa 28 Then Peter began to say unto HIM,

Lo, we have left all, and have followed THEE.

bb 29-31 And JESUS answered and said,

Verily I say unto you,

There is no man that has left house,

or brethren, or sisters,

or father, or mother,

or wife,

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MARK bb 10:29-31 And JESUS answered and said,

Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house,

or brethren,

or sisters,

or father,

or mother,

or wife,

or children,

or lands, for MY sake,

and the Gospel's, But he shall receive an 100-fold now in this time, Houses,

and Brethren,

and Sisters,

and Mothers,

and Children,

and Lands, with Persecutions;

and in the world to come Eternal Life. But Many that are first shall be Last;

and the Last First.

C 10:32-34 gg 32And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem;

and JESUS went before them:

and they were amazed;

and as they followed, they were afraid.

And HE took again The Twelve,

hh 32 and began to tell them

what things should happen unto HIM,

gg 33 Saying, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem;

and the SON OF MAN shall be delivered unto the Chief Priests,

and unto The Scribes;

hh 33-34 and they shall Condemn HIM to Death,

and shall Deliver HIM to the Gentiles: and they shall Mock HIM

and shall Scourge HIM

and shall Spit upon HIM

and shall KILL HIM:

and the Third Day HE shall Rise Again.

D 10:35-44

j j 35 And Yacov (James) and John, the sons of Zebedee, come unto HIM, saying, MASTER, we would that THOU should do for us whatsoever we shall desire.

k k 36 And HE said unto them,

What would ye that I should do for you?

j j 37 They said unto HIM

Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand,

and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.

k k 38 But JESUS said unto them,

Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of The Cup that I drink of?

and be baptized with The Baptism that I AM baptized with?

j j 39 And they said unto HIM We can.

k k 10:39-40 And JESUS said unto them,

Ye shall indeed drink of The Cup that I drink of;

and with The Baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized:

But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not Mine to give;

but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared.

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MARK j j 10:41 And when The Ten heard it, they began to be indignant with James and John.

k k 10:42-44 But JESUS called them to HIM,

and said unto them,

Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise

lordship over them;

and their great ones exercise authority upon them.

43 But so shall it not be among you:

but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:

44 And whosoever of you will be the Top Man (chiefest),

shall be servant of all.

A 10:45 For even THE SON OF MAN came not to be ministered unto, but to minister,

and to give HIS Life a Ransom for many.

B 10:46-52 r 46 And they came to Jericho:

and as HE went out of Jericho with HIS Disciples

and a great number of people,

Blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the Highway side begging.

s 47-48 And when he heard that it was JESUS of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say,

JESUS, THOU SON of David, have mercy on me.

48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace:

but he cried the more a great deal,

THOU SON of David, have mercy on me.

t 49 And JESUS stopped,

and commanded him to be called.

u 49 And they called the Blind-man,

u 49 saying unto him,

Be of good comfort, rise; HE is calling thee.

t 50 And he,

casting aside his garment,


and came to JESUS.

s 51-52 And JESUS answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?

The Blind-man said unto HIM, LORD (RABBONI-MY MASTER),

that I might receive my sight.

52 And JESUS said unto him,

Go thy way;

thy faith hath made thee whole.

r 52 And immediately he received his sight,

and followed JESUS in The Way.

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(Rept’d Introversion Design)

A 11:1-7 Bethphage - Arrival-Outside

B 11:8-11 In Jerusalem -Entry-Inside

B 11:11-11:11 In the Temple-Observations-Inside

A 11:11 Bethany-Arrival-Outside

A 11:12-14 Bethany-Return From-Outside

B 11:15 In Jerusalem

B 11:15-18 In The Temple-Cleansing-Inside

A 11:19 Bethany From Jerusalem (Out of Jerusalem to Bethany) Outside

A 11:20-26 Bethany: Return From -Outside f 11:20 Fig Tree Withered: Nation Cut Off

g 11:1 KING JESUS’ Word Remembered

h 11:22 GOD The Only True Source of Israel’s Restoration

g 11:23-24 KING JESUS’ Word To Be Believed

f 11:25-26 Israel’s Blessings To Be Based On Israel’s Repentance

B 11:27-13:2 In Jerusalem

B 11:27-13:2 In The Temple-Inside

aa 11:27-33 KING JESUS’ Authority Questioned

bb 12:1-11 Teaching By Parable

cc 12:12 Foes: Conspiracy

dd 12:13-17 Question: Political

dd 12:18-27 Question -Doctrinal dd 12:28-34 Question-Moral

bb 12:35-37 Teaching by Question

cc 12:38-40 Foes: Condemnation

aa 12:41-44 KING JESUS’ Authority Put Into Action

A 13:1-14:25 Bethany-Return To

Bethphage = HOUSE OF FIGS

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A 11:1-7 And the next day when they drew near to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, towards the Mount of Olives,

HE sent forth Two of HIS Disciples, and said unto them,

Go your way into the village below and opposite you:

and immediately ye be entered into it,

ye shall find a colt tied, upon which no man sat; loose it

and bring it

and if any one say unto you,

Why do ye do this?

say ye that THE LORD Has need of it;

and immediately he will send it here.

and they went their way,

and found the colt tied by the door outside in the quarter (amphodos) that THE LORD Had said

and they untied it.

and certain of them that stood there said unto them, What are ye doing, loosing the colt?

6 and they said unto them even as JESUS Had commanded:

and they let them go.

7and they led the colt to JESUS,

and cast their garments on it

and HE sat upon it.

B 11:8-11 And many spread their garments on (eis) the way:

and others cutting down branches from the trees,

and were spreading them on the way.

and they that went before,

and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna;

Barucah-Addonai (Blessed is HE that comes in THE NAME of THE LORD) (Psalm 118)

10 Blessed be the Kingdom of our father David, hat comes in THE NAME of YAHWEH: Hosanna in the Highest.

11 And JESUS entered into Jerusalem,

B 11:11 and into The Temple (hieron):

and when HE Had looked around at all things,

A 11:11 and now the hour already being late,

HE went out unto Bethany with The Twelve.

A 11:12-14 And on the morrow, when they were come away from Bethany, HE was hungry: and seeing (eidon) a Fig Tree afar off having leaves,

HE went, if haply HE might find any thing on it:

and when HE came to it, HE found nothing but Leaves;

for the Time of Ripe Figs (sukon) was not yet.

14 and JESUS answered

and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. (eis ton aioni)

and HIS Disciples heard it.

B 11:15 And they come to Jerusalem: B 11:15-18 and JESUS went into The Temple,

and began to cast out them that Sold

and bought in The Temple,

and overthrew The Tables of the Moneychangers,

and the seats of them that sold Doves;

and did not let any man carry any vessel (skeuos) through The Temple.

and He Taught, saying unto them,

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MARK B 11:15 And they come to Jerusalem: B 11:15-18 and JESUS went into The Temple,

and began to cast out them that Sold and bought in The Temple,

and overthrew the tables of the Moneychangers,

and the seats of them that sold Doves;

and would not let any man carry any vessel (skeuos) through The Temple.

and He Taught, saying unto them,

Is it not written, (Jer 7:11 & Isa 56:7)

MY House shall be called of All The Goyim (Nations)

The House of Prayer? but ye have made it a Den of Robbers (lestes).

18 and the Scribes and Chief Priests heard it,

and begun to seek how they might destroy HIM: for they feared HIM,

because all the people was Astonished at HIS Doctrine.

A 11:19 and when evening was come, HE went out of The City.

A 11:20-26 Bethany: Return From -Outside

f 11:20 Fig Tree Withered: Nation Cut Off

g 11:1 KING JESUS’ Word Remembered

h 11:22 GOD The Only True Source of Israel’s Restoration

g 11:23-24 KING JESUS’ Word To Be Believed

f 11:25-26 Israel’s Blessings To Be Based On Israel’s Repentance

B 11:27-13:2 In Jerusalem

B 11:27-13:2 In The Temple-Inside

aa 11:27-33 KING JESUS’ Authority Questioned

bb 12:1-11 Teaching By Parable

cc 12:12 Foes: Conspiracy dd 12:13-17 Question: Political

dd 12:18-27 Question -Doctrinal

dd 12:28-34 Question-Moral

bb 12:35-37 Teaching by Question

cc 12:38-40 Foes: Condemnation aa 12:41-44 KING JESUS’ Authority Put Into action

A 13:1-14:25 Bethany-Return To

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Tree of Evil --represented Miracle of withered Fig Tree acted out BEFORE crucifixion in A.D. 30 Cursed in ' wrong season '

Fig tree had LEAVES (a miracle !) ----------one month too early.It should have had NO

figs on this Travelers Road. Next day it was dried up --- Mark 11:20-22, Matt 21:18-21

ADAM'S TREE: of sin was now dead ------- dried up -symbolically.

(yes we know nobody knows the color of Adam and Eve)

Recall Eve went for figs on the tree and ate.

King Jesus went for figs on the tree and got NO figs -- NO repeat of man's sin here King Jesus: 4 days later was to die on another tree on the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel

The tree was next to Bethphage (House of Figs) -- the Sanhedrin's 2nd

Court. This was a Rebel Elders town -- Deut 17:8-13. So the Sanhedrin too would dry up. The two trees were outside The Temple The two trees were outside The Garden of Eden area but a Mount of

Olive's area was allowed for Cain and Co

Two Robbers and Messiah = living menorah shape with their six arms

TREE was = 7th

See Rev 1:13 And in the CENTER of the seven candlesticks one like unto The Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

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A 11:20-26

f 11:20 And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw The Fig Tree dried up from the roots.

g 11:21 And Peter calling to remembrance said unto HIM,

MASTER, behold,

The Fig Tree which THOU cursed is withered away.

h 11:22 And JESUS answering said unto them,

Have Faith in (pistis) GOD. g 11:23-24 For verily I say unto you,

That whosoever shall say unto This mountain, Be thou removed,

and be thou cast into the sea;

and shall not doubt in his heart,

but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass;

he shall have whatsoever he says.

Therefore I say unto you,

What things soever ye desire, when ye Pray,

Believe that ye receive them,

and ye shall have them.

f 11:25-26 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have something against any:

that your FATHER also WHO is in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses (paraptoma).

26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your FATHER WHO is in Heaven forgive your trespasses.

B 11:27 And they come again to Jerusalem:

B 11:27-12:44

aa 11:27-33 and as HE was walking in The Temple, there come to HIM the Chief Priests,

and the Scribes,

and the Elders,

and said unto HIM, By what authority do YOU do these things?

and who gave THEE this Authority ( excousia ) to do these things?

29 And JESUS answered and said unto them,

I will also ask of you One Question, and answer ME,

and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

The Baptism of John, was it from Heaven, or of men? answer ME And they reasoned with themselves, saying,

If we shall say, From heaven; HE will say, Why then did ye not believe him?

But if we shall say

Of men-it will not be wise they feared the people:

for all men counted John, that he was a prophet indeed.

33 and they answered and said unto JESUS, We do not .know

and JESUS answering said unto them,

Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.



11:25 ancient Jewish custom of standing or kneeling during prayers.

E.g. 1 Sam 1:26, 1 Kings 8:22, Dr Luke 18:11-13 11:30 The Baptism of John, was it from Heaven, or of men? answer ME

The word ‘ Heaven’ in Jewish thinking can simply

and many a time be a polite way of saying ‘ GOD ’. ********************************************************************

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bb 12:1-11 And HE began to speak unto them in Parables A Certain Man planted a Vineyard, and set a Fence around it,

and dug a wine-vat,

and built a tower,

and let it out to vine-dressers

and went away.

2 and at the Season he sent to the vine-dressers a Servant,

that he might receive from the vine-dressers from the fruit of the vineyard.

and they caught him,

and beat him,

and sent him away empty.

4 and again he sent unto them Another Servant;

and at him they cast stones,

and wounded him in the head,

and sent him away shamefully handled.

5 and again he sent Another; and him they killed,

and Many Others;

He sent whom they used shamefully, beating some, and killing some.

6 Having yet therefore One Son, his well-beloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying,

They will respect my son.

12:7 But those vine-dressers said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him,

and the inheritance shall be ours.

and they took him,

and killed him,

and cast him out of the vineyard.

9 What shall therefore The Lord of the Vineyard do? He will Come and Destroy the vine-dressers

and will Give the vineyard unto others.

10 And have ye not read This Scripture;

THE STONE which the builders Rejected is become THE HEAD of the Corner: (Psalm 118:22)

11 This was THE LORD'S (YAHWEH’S) doing,

and it is marvelous in our eyes? cc 12:12 And they sought to lay hold on HIM,

but feared the people:

for they knew that HE Had spoken the Parable against them

and they left HIM,

and went their way.

dd 12:13-17 And they sent unto HIM certain of the Pharisees

and of the Herodians, to trap (catch) HIM in HIS Words.

14 And when they were come, they say unto HIM,

TEACHER, we know that THOU art True,

and care for no man:

for THOU regard not the person of men,

but teach THE WAY of GOD in TRUTH: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

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MARK 12:15 Shall we give, or shall we not give?

But HE, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them,

Why tempt ye ME? bring me a penny (denarion), that I may see it.

and they brought it.

12:16 and HE said unto them,

Whose is this image and superscription?

and they said unto HIM, Caesar's.

17and JESUS answering said unto them,

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's,

and to GOD the things that are GOD’S.

and they marveled at HIM.

dd 12:18-27 Then come unto him Sadducees,

they who Say there is No Resurrection; and they asked HIM, saying,

19 MASTER, Moses wrote unto us, If a man's brother die, (Deut 25:5-6)

and leave his wife behind him,

and leave no children, that his brother should take his wife,

and raise up seed unto his brother.

20 Now there were Seven brethren:

and the First took a wife,

and dying left no seed.

21and the Second took her, and died, neither left he any seed:

and the Third likewise.

12:22 And the Seven had her,

and left no seed: last of all the woman died also.

12:23 In The Resurrection therefore, when they shall rise,

whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife.

24 And JESUS answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know (oida)

not The Scriptures, neither The Power of GOD? 25 For when they shall rise from the dead, they Neither marry

Nor are given in marriage;

But are as the angels which are in Heaven.

26 and as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in The Book of Moshe,

how at the Passage of The Bush, GOD spake unto him, saying,

I AM THE GOD of Abraham,

and THE GOD of Isaac,

and THE GOD of Yacov (Jacob)? (Exodus 3) 27 HE is not THE GOD of dead people,

but THE GOD of the Living: ye therefore do Greatly Err.

dd 12:28-34 And one of the Scribes came,

and having heard them reasoning together,

and perceiving that HE Had answered them well, asked HIM

which is the First Mitzvot (Commandment) of all?

12:29 And JESUS answered him, The First of all the Mitzvot (commandments) is,


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MARK 12:30 And thou shalt love YAHWEH thy GOD

with all thy heart,

and with all thy soul,

and with all thy mind,

and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. (Deut 6:4-5) 31 And the Second is this,

Thou shalt Love thy Neighbour as thyself. (Lev 19:18)

There is none other mitzvot (command) greater than these.

12:32 And the Scribe said unto HIM,

Good, TEACHER,THOU Hast said The Truth:

for there is One GOD; and there is none other but HE:

and to Love HIM with All the Heart,

and with All the Understanding,

and with All the Soul,

and with All the Strength,

and to Love his Neighbour as himself,

is more than all whole burnt offerings

and sacrifices.

12:34 And when JESUS saw that he answered intelligently,

HE said unto him,

You are not far from the Kingdom from (of) GOD And no man after that dared ask HIM any question.

bb 12:35-37 And JESUS answered

and said while HE Taught in The Temple,

How say the Scribes that THE MESSIAH is The Son of David? For David himself said by THE RUACH HO KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) (Psalm 110)

THE LORD (YAHWEH) said to my LORD, Sit THOU on MY Right Hand,

till I make YOUR enemies THY Footstool.

David therefore himself calls HIM, LORD (YAHWEH) so how is HE his Son?

And the common people heard HIM gladly. cc 12:38-40 And HE said unto them in HIS Doctrine,

Beware of the Scribes, which love to go in robes,

and love salutations in the marketplaces,

39 And the best seats in the synagogues,

and the uppermost rooms at feasts:

40 who devour widows' houses,

and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive Greater Damnation. aa 12:41-44 And JESUS sat over against The Treasury,

and observed how the people cast money into The Treasury:

and many that were rich cast in much.

42 And there came a Certain Poor Widow,

and she threw in Two Mites (lepton-coin), which make a Farthing (kodrantes).

43 And HE called unto HIM HIS Disciples,

and said unto them,

Verily I say unto you,

That this Poor Widow has cast more in, than all they which have cast into the Treasury: 44 For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want (poverty)

did cast in all that she had, even all her living.


NOTES: 12:42 Mite = smallest Greek copper coin It was about 12% of an Assarion

The Farthing was the smallest Roman copper coin. It was worth about 25% of an Aassarion

(Adonay Y’Shua Ha Moshiach )

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Mark 13:1-14:25 RETURN TO BETHANY


AA 13:1-Disciples Comment

BB 13:2 King Jesus Reply: Prediction

AA 13: 3-4 Disciples Double Question

BB 13:5-13:37 KING JESUS’ Reply: Prophecy

x 13:5 Warning :Be Not Deceived

y 13:6 Reason: Why: Things Seen

x 13:7 Warning: Be Ye Not Troubled

y 13:7 Reason :Things Heard

AA13:1 And as HE went out of The Temple,

one of HIS Disciples said unto HIM

MASTER, see what manner of Stones

and what Buildings are here!

BB 13:2 And JESUS answering said unto him,

Seest thou these Great Buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another,

that shall not be thrown down.

AA 13:3-4 And as HE sat upon the Mount of Olives over against The Temple,


and Yacov (James)

and John

and Andrew asked HIM privately,

4 Tell us, when shall these things be?

and what shall be THE SIGN when all these things shall be fulfilled?

BB 13:5-13:37 x 13:5 And JESUS answering them began to say,

Take heed lest any man deceive you

y13:6 for many shall come in my name, saying, I am MESSIAH

and shall deceive many.

x 13:7 and when ye shall hear of Wars

and Rumours of Wars,

be ye not troubled:

y 13:7 for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.



Each Temple Stone weighed as much as 400 stones and standing at 10 feet high!

Some found to be 40 x 13 feet .

In AD 70 all The Temple' stones were destroyed. The present Wailing-Western Wall is NOT part

of any ancient Jewish temple. Jews today are praying at the old Roman Fort Antonia !

'A true perspective of those two buildings that occupied the greater part of northeastern Jerusalem (west of the Mount of Olives and the Mount of Offense) will provide a panoramic view that will show the sheer beauty and majesty of the Mother City of the Jews in the early part of the first century. It was a splendid and awesome display of architectural grandeur at its best. The conclusion of this Report is the description of the Temple and Fort Antonia as presented by Josephus, the Jewish historian---an eyewitness to the City of Jerusalem before the Romans

destroyed it in A.D 70. The vertical sight will be that from the top of the southern part of the Mount of Olives known as the Mount of Offense directly east of the old city of David formerly located south of the Gihon Spring. This is the best place to view ancient Jerusalem.

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A Panoramic View of Ancient Jerusalem

The archaeological remains of the Jerusalem of Herod and King Jesus is best observed from the Mount of Olives just in front of the Seven Arches Hotel. This is where people can obtain the best over-all view of the ancient and modern City of Jerusalem.

Observing Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives

The view is spectacular. What dominates the scene, as one looks westward, is a rectangular body of walls with gigantic stones perfectly aligned with one another in their lower courses. These four walls show great architectural design and surround the area presently known as the Haram esh-Sharif (the Noble Enclosure). The stones of the lower courses in those walls are in their pristine positions and are still placed neatly on top of another without

any major displacement from their original alignments. These lower stones are Herodian in origin, and in some places in the eastern portion of the wall pe-Herodian. There are more than 10,000 of these stones still in place as

they were in the time of Herod and King Jesus.


At the holy site at the Western Wall (often called the "Wailing Wall") there

are seven courses presently visible within that 197 feet length of the wall in the north/south exposure. That section contains about 450 Herodian stones. There are, however, eight more courses of Herodian stones underneath the soil down to the ground level that existed in the time of Herod and King

Jesus. Even below that former ground level, there are a further nine courses of foundation stones. If that whole section of the "Wailing Wall" could be exposed, one could no doubt count around 1250 Herodian stones (probably more) of

various sizes. Most stones are about three to four feet high and three feet to twelve feet long, but there are varying lengths up to 40 feet (with the larger stones weighing about 70 tons). One stone has been found in the Western

Wall that has the prodigious weight of 400 tons (Meir Ben-Dov, Mordechai Naor, Zeev Aner, "The Western Wall," pp.61, 215). Extrapolating

the number of stones making up the four walls surrounding the Haram, gives us over 10,000 Herodian and pre-Herodian stones still very much in place as they

were some 2000 years ago. All of these stones in those four walls survived the Roman/Jewish War of A.D.70-73.

The grand centerpiece within the whole enclosure is the Arab Empire (Moslem) shrine called the Dome of the Rock. It is centrally located in a north/south dimension within the rectangular area of the Haram. To the south of the Dome and abutting to the southern wall is another large building called the Al Aqsa Mosque with its smaller dome. And though from the Mount of Olives modern Jerusalem can be seen in the background (and its contemporary skyline of buildings is interesting), the whole area is overshadowed and dominated by the Haram esh-Sharif with those ancient

walls that impressively highlight the scene.

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This same spot is where Roman General Titus looked on the ruins of Jerusalem after the Roman/Jewish War in A.D.70. The description of what Titus saw is very instructive (preserved by Josephus because Josephus and Titus were both eyewitnesses.) Notice not only what Titus observed, but also what he left out of the narrative (War VII.1,1). This omission is of

prime importance regarding the true location of the Temple.

Titus commanded that only a part of a wall and three forts were to remain of what was once the glorious City of Jerusalem. War VII.1,1."Now as soon as

the army had no more people to slay or to plunder, because there remained none to be the objects of their fury (for they would not have spared any, had there remained any other work to be done), Caesar gave orders that they

should now demolish the entire city and Temple, but should leave as many of the towers standing as were of the greatest eminence; that is, Phasaelus, and Hippicus, and Mariamne; and so much of the wall as enclosed the city on the west side. This wall was spared, in order to afford a

camp for such as were to lie in garrison [in the Upper City], as were the towers [the three forts] also spared, in order to demonstrate to posterity what kind of city it was, and how well fortified, which the Roman valor had subdued; but for all the rest of the wall [surrounding Jerusalem], it was

so thoroughly laid even with the ground by those that dug it up to the

foundation, that there was left nothing to make those that came

thither believe it [Jerusalem] had ever been inhabited. This was the end

which Jerusalem came to by the madness of those that were for innovations; a city otherwise of great magnificence, and of mighty fame among all mankind" (Whiston trans., italics, bracketed words mine).

This eyewitness account of the total ruin of Jerusalem has given visitors to Jerusalem a major problem in relation to what we witness of ancient Jerusalem today. The fact is, Titus gave orders that the Temple was to be


The only man-made structures to be left in Jerusalem was to be a portion of the western wall and the three fortresses located in the Upper City. This was Titus’ intention at first. But within a short time, even that portion of the western wall and the three fortresses in the west were so thoroughly destroyed that not a trace of them remained (unless the so-called "Tower of

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David" near the present day Jaffa Gate as scholars guess is a part of the foundation of Hippicus or Phasaelus). At the conclusion of the war, the Tenth Legion left Jerusalem a mass of ruins. Stones from those ruins were finally used in the following century to build a new city called Aelia. But by late A.D.70, there was nothing left standing of the Temple or the buildings of Jerusalem. Josephus stated:

"And truly, the very view itself was a melancholy thing; for those places which were adorned with trees and pleasant gardens, were now become desolate country every way, and its trees were all cut down. Nor could any

foreigner that had formerly seen Judaea and the most beautiful

suburbs of the city, and now saw it as a desert, but lament and mourn

sadly at so great a change. For the war had laid all signs of

beauty quite waste. Nor had anyone who had known the place before, had

come on a sudden to it now, would he have known it again. But though he [a

foreigner] were at the city itself, yet would he have inquired for it" (War VI.1,1).

What the Modern Visitor Observes

These descriptions by Josephus are what he and Titus saw from the Mount of Olives. But this is NOT what we observe today. We see something remaining from the period of Herod and Jesus that is quite different. Directly to the west, we view an awe-inspiring architectural relic of the past that is splendidly positioned directly in front of us. It dominates the whole western prospect of this panoramic view. That ancient structure is the Haram esh-Sharif. Its rectangular walls are so large in dimension that the Haram effectively obscures much of the view of the present old city of Jerusalem. And certainly, without the slightest doubt, the Haram (in its

lower courses of stones that make up its walls) is a building that survived the Roman/Jewish War. Indeed, it is an outstanding example of the early architectural grandeur that once graced the Jerusalem of Herod and king Jesus that has withstood two thousand years of weathering, earthquakes,

wars and natural deterioration.

What is strange, and almost inexplicable at first, is the fact that Josephus

mentioned the utter ruin of the Temple and all the City of Jerusalem, but he gave no reference whatever to the Haram esh-Sharif or that Titus had commanded that those walls should remain intact. And through the centuries, up to 1999 there are over 10,000 stones still in their original

positions making up the four walls of the Haram. As a matter of fact, in Titus’ time there were probably another 5,000 stones that were left on the upper courses of the four walls that have been dislodged and fallen to the ground over the centuries since the first century. Titus deliberately left the rectangular shaped Haram esh-Sharif practically in the state he found it when he first got to Jerusalem with his legions. Strangely, Titus must have

ordered that those four walls be retained for all future ages to see.

Without doubt, the Haram esh-Sharif with its gigantic walls was a survivor of the war. But how could Josephus have failed to account for the retention of such a spacious and magnificent building that was clearly in existence in

pre-war Jerusalem? The continued existence of those extensive remains of the Haram esh-Sharif seem (at first glance) to nullify the appraisal of Josephus and Titus. Remember, they said that nothing of Jerusalem was left. "It [Jerusalem] was so thoroughly laid even with the ground by

those that dug it up to the foundation, that there was left nothing to

make those that came thither believe it [Jerusalem] had ever been


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Even more strange is the modern belief that the Haram esh-Sharif must be reckoned as the site of the Temple Mount. If present scholarly opinion is correct, this means that Titus and the Roman legions did not destroy the outer walls of the Temple in its middle and lower courses. The Romans left over 10,000 stones in place around the Haram. This modern belief of scholars and religious authorities (whether Jewish, Muslim or Christian) that

the retention of those 10,000 stones around the Haram represents the remnants of the walls of the Temple make the above descriptions of their demolition by Josephus and Titus as being outlandish exaggerations. And true enough, this is precisely how most modern scholars, theologians, religious leaders and archaeologists view the matter. They are all wrong though.

Professor Williamson, who translated Josephus, said this was the case. He

remarked that the thorough desolation that Titus was supposed to have seen in front of him was: "An exaggeration. A great deal of the southern part of the

Temple enclosure was spared. The whole of the south wall of its successor, the

present wall round the Haram esh-Sharif, the southern section of the west wall

(the ‘Wailing Wall’, where the fall of Jerusalem is still lamented) and a short stretch of the east wall running up from the southeast corner are Herodian to a considerable height" (The Jewish War, p.454, note 2). We will see abundant

evidence in my new book that Josephus was not exaggerating. This is because that enclosure known as the Haram esh-Sharif was NOT the Temple Mount, nor was the structure then officially reckoned as a part of the municipality of


Our modern scholars and religious authorities consistently state that we cannot believe Josephus literally in his accounts concerning the important

descriptions that he provides. We will discover, however, that it is the modern scholars and the religious leaders who are wrong and not Josephus. Josephus, the historian/priest, knew what he was talking about. Jerusalem and the Temple were totally destroyed and not a stone of them

was left in place.

The truth is, the Haram esh-Sharif was NOT the Temple Mount.

Josephus Was Not Exaggerating

Josephus told us all the walls around Jerusalem were leveled to the ground.: "Now the Romans set fire to the extreme parts of the city [the suburbs] and burnt them down, and entirely demolished its [Jerusalem’s] walls" (War

VI.9,4.). All the walls, even those enclosing the outskirts of Jerusalem, were finally leveled to the ground. "When he [Titus] entirely demolished the rest of

the city, and overthrew its walls, he left these towers [the three towers

mentioned above] as a monument of his good fortune, which had proved [the destructive power of] his auxiliaries, and enabled him to take what could not otherwise have been taken by him" (War VI.9,1). Josephus, confirms a literal destruction of all the walls surrounding Jerusalem (except the small section of the wall in the western part of the Upper City that was afterward destroyed because not a trace of it has been mentioned of its retention by later eyewitnesses or found by modern archaeologists). After A.D.70 there are no

historical records that even speaks of those three fortresses in the Upper City having a continuance that Titus at first thought to leave as standing monuments showing the power of Rome over the Jews.

Yes these descriptions of Josephus and Titus of total ruin are at variance with what we witness today. From the Mount of Olives we see the four walls of the Haram still erect in all their glory, and they are prominently displayed. The lower

courses of those walls have 10,000+Herodian and pre-Herodian stones on top of

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one another. Those rectangular walls are even functioning ramparts of Jerusalem today. They have been in constant use throughout the intervening centuries to protect the buildings that were built in the interior of that monstrosity called the Haram esh-Sharif.

A Quandary for Modern Christians

These facts present a major problem for Christians. If those rectangular walls of the Haram are indeed the same walls (in their lower courses) that formerly embraced the Temple Mount, why are these stones (more than 10,000 in number) yet so firmly on top of one another? The continued existence of those

gigantic and majestic walls would show that Titus did not destroy the walls of the Temple, if those walls did surround the Temple. Why is this a difficulty for Christian belief? The reason is plain.

Christians know the four prophecies given by King Jesus that there would not be one stone left upon another either of the Temple and its walls or even of the City of Jerusalem and its walls (Matthew 24:1,2; Mark 13:1,2; Dr Luke 19:43,44;

21:5,6.). But strange as it may appear, the walls surrounding the Haram esh-

Sharif still remain in their glory with their 10,000+ Herodian and pre-Herodian stones solidly in place in their lower courses. If those stones are those of the Temple, the prophecies of King Jesus can be seriously doubted as having any

historical value or merit in any analysis by intelligent and unbiased observers.

The majority of Christian visitors to Jerusalem who first view those huge stones surrounding the rectangular area of the Haram (and who know the prophecies of king Jesus) are normally perplexed and often shocked at what they see. And they ought to be. Is this an apparent failure of the prophecies of King Jesus? Why do those gigantic walls still exist? If those walls represent the

stones around the Temple, then the prophecies of Christ are false.

The usual explanation, to justify the credibility to King Jesus’ prophecies is to say that king Jesus only have been speaking about the inner Temple and its buildings, NOT the outer Temple and its walls that surrounded it The truth is this explanation will not hold water when one looks at what king Jesus prophesied. One should carefully observe the prophecies of king Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. They plainly state that one stone would not rest on another of the Temple, its buildings, and his prophecies also embraced its outer walls. The Greek word King Jesus used in his prophetic context to describe the Temple and its buildings was heiron (this means the entire Temple including its exterior buildings and walls). The word temple (heiron, lit., sacred place) signifies the whole compass of the sacred enclosure, with its

porticos, courts, and other subordinate buildings; and should be carefully distinguished from the other word, naos, also rendered temple, which means the temple itself — the "Holy Place" and the "Holy of Holies." When we read, for instance, of Christ teaching in the temple (heiron) we must refer it to one of the temple-porches [outer colonnades]. So it is from the heiron, the court of the

Gentiles, that Christ expels the money-changers and cattle-merchants"( Vincent, Word Studies in the New Testament, Vol. I., p.50).

The exterior buildings of the Temple including its walls were always reckoned within the meaning of the word heiron that Jesus used in his prophecies concerning the total destruction of the Temple. There were several outer divisions of the Temple that were distinguished from the Inner Temple, and these

outer appurtenances were accounted to be cardinal features of the Sanctuary. note the account stating that Satan took king Jesus to the "pinnacle of the Temple" (Matthew 4:5). The pinnacle section was the southeastern corner of the outer wall that surrounded the whole of the Temple complex. The wording in the

New Testament shows that this southeastern angle belonged to the Temple — it was a pinnacle [a wing] "of the Temple." That area was very much a part of the

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sacred edifice to which Jesus referred when he prophesied that not one stone would remain on another.

There is an important geographical factor that proves this point. When King Jesus made his prophecy that no stone would be left on one another, Matthew said that King Jesus and His disciples had just departed from the outer precincts of the Temple. This means that all of them were at the time viewing the exterior sections of the Temple (the heiron) when HE gave his

prophecy (Matthew 24:1). The Gospel of Mark goes even further and makes it clear that the outside walls of the Temple were very much in the mind of King

Jesus when he said they would be uprooted from their very foundations. "And as he [king Jesus] went out of the Temple [note that king Jesus and the disciples were standing outside the Temple walls and looking back toward the Temple enclosure], one of His disciples saith unto him, ‘Master, see what buildings are

here!’ And King Jesus answering said unto him, ‘Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down’"(Matthew 24:1). Without the slightest doubt, when king Jesus in

his prophecy spoke about the destruction of the Temple, he was certainly including in his prophecy the stones of the outer walls that enclosed the Temple as well as the buildings of the inner Temple.

The Whole City of Jerusalem Also Destroyed

King Jesus went even further than simply prophesying about the destruction of the Temple and its walls. He also included the stones that made up the whole

City of Jerusalem (with every building and house that comprised the metropolis — including the walls that embraced its urban area). According to King Jesus in Dr Luke 19:43,44, every structure of Jewish Jerusalem would be leveled to

the ground —to the very bedrock. "For the days shall come upon thee [Jerusalem], that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the

ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another."

So, in the prophecies of King Jesus, not only the stones that made up the Temple and its walls were to be torn down, but even the stones that comprised

the totality of the City of Jerusalem. We are left with no ambiguity concerning this matter. The prophecies about the Temple and the City of Jerusalem either happened exactly as King Jesus predicted or those prophecies were false and unreliable. There can be no middle ground on the issue. If one is honest with the plain meaning of the texts of the Gospels, King Jesus taught that nothing would be left of the Temple, nothing left of the whole City of Jerusalem, and nothing left of the walls of the Temple and the City.

Josephus and Titus Agree With KING JESUS

Was King Jesus correct in his prophecies? Was Jerusalem with its Temple and walls leveled to the ground? What is remarkable is the fact that the eyewitness accounts given by Josephus and Titus agree precisely with what King Jesus prophesied. Note what these two men observed. "It [Jerusalem with its walls] was so thoroughly laid even with the ground by those that dug it up to the

foundation, that there was left nothing to make those that came thither believe it [Jerusalem] had ever been inhabited" (War VII.1,1).

All the land surrounding the city of Jerusalem was a desolate wasteland. Note Josephus’ account.

"They had cut down all the trees, that were in the country that adjoined to the city, and that for ninety stadia round about [for nearly ten miles], as I have

already related. And truly, the very view itself was a melancholy thing. Those

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places that were before adorned with trees and pleasant gardens were now become a desolate country in every way, and its trees were all cut down. Nor could any foreigner that had formerly seen Judaea and the most beautiful suburbs of the city, and now saw it as a desert, but lament and mourn sadly at so great a change. For the war had laid all signs of beauty quite waste. Nor, if any one that had known the place before, and had come on a sudden to it now,

would he have known it again. But though he were at the city itself, yet would he have inquired for it notwithstanding" (War VI.1,1, following the Whiston translation).

After A.D.70, people saw utter desolation in all directions. Every stone of every building and wall in Jerusalem was dislodged from its original position and thrown down to the ground. Josephus provides reasonable accounts of later events after the war was over to show how this complete destruction was

accomplished. Much of the destruction came after the war had ceased.

For six months after the war, Josephus tells us that the Tenth Legion "dug up" the ruins of the houses, buildings and walls looking for plunder. They

systematically excavated beneath the foundations of the ruined buildings and houses (they had many of the Jewish captives do the work for them). They also had the whole area turned upside down looking for gold and other precious

metals that became molten when the fires were raging. This caused the precious metals to melt and flow into the lower crevices of the stones. Even the foundation stones contained melted gold from the great fires that devoured

Jerusalem. This plundering of every former building or wall in the municipality of Jerusalem resulted in the troops overturning (or having the remaining Jewish captives overturn for them) every stone within the city. We will soon see that this activity resulted in every stone of Jewish Jerusalem being displaced.

This continual digging up of the city occurred over a period of several months after the war. Indeed, after an absence of about four months, Titus returned

to Jerusalem from Antioch and once again viewed the ruined city. Josephus records what Titus saw.

"As he came to Jerusalem in his progress [in returning from Antioch to Egypt], and compared the melancholy condition he saw it then in, with the ancient glory

of the city [compared] with the greatness of its present ruins (as well as its ancient splendor). He could not but pity the destruction of the city…. Yet there was no small quantity of the riches that had been in that city still found among

the ruins, a great deal of which the Romans dug up; but the greatest part was discovered by those who were captives [Jewish captives were forced by the Roman troops to dig up the stones of their own city looking for gold], and so they [the Romans] carried it away; I mean the gold and the silver, and the rest of that most precious furniture which the Jews had, and which the owners had treasured up under ground against the uncertainties of war."

Three Years After the War

We now come to the final appraisal of the complete desolation of Jerusalem. Note what Eleazar, the final Jewish commander at Masada, related three years after the war was finished at Jerusalem. He gives an eyewitness account of how the Romans preserved Fort Antonia (the Haram) among the ruins. What Eleazar said to the 960 Jewish people (who were to commit suicide rather than fall into the hands of General Silva who was on the verge of capturing the Fortress of Masada) is very important in regard to our present inquiry. This final Jewish commander lamented over the sad state of affairs that everyone could witness at this twilight period of the conflict after the main war with the Romans

was over.

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Jerusalem was to Eleazar a disastrous spectacle of utter ruin. There was only one thing that remained of the former Jerusalem that Eleazar could single out as still standing. This was the Camp of the Romans that Titus permitted to

remain as a monument of humiliation over the Mother City of the Jews. Eleazar acknowledged that this military encampment had been in Jerusalem before the war, and that Titus let it continue after the war. The retention of

this single Camp of the Romans, according to Eleazar, was a symbol of the victory that Rome had achieved over the Jewish people. His words are recorded in War VII.8,7. Several words and phrases need emphasizing, and

I hope I have done so:

And where is now that great city [Jerusalem], the metropolis of the Jewish nation, which was fortified by so many walls round about, which had so many fortresses and large towers to defend it, which could hardly contain the

instruments prepared for the war, and which had so many ten thousands of men to fight for it? Where is this city that was believed to have God himself inhabiting therein? it is now demolished to the very foundations, and hath nothing

left but THAT MONUMENT of it preserved, I mean THE CAMP OF THOSE [the Romans] that hath destroyed it, WHICH STILL DWELLS UPON ITS RUINS;

some unfortunate old men also lie ashes upon the of the Temple [the Temple was

then in total ruins — all of it had been burnt to ashes], and a few women are there preserved alive by the enemy, for our bitter shame and reproach."

What Eleazar said must be reckoned as an eyewitness account of the state of

Jerusalem in the year A.D.73. This narrative is of utmost importance to our question at hand. This is because Eleazar admitted that the City of Jerusalem and all its Jewish fortresses had indeed been demolished "to the very foundations." There was nothing left of the City or the Temple. This is precisely

what Jesus prophesied would happen.

Eleazar enforced this. He mentioned the "wholesale destruction" of the city. He said that God had "abandoned His most holy city to be burnt and razed to the ground" (War VII.8,6 Loeb). And then, a short time later,

Eleazar concluded his eyewitness account:

"I cannot but wish that we had all died before we had seen that holy city demolished by the hands of our enemies, or the foundations of our Holy Temple dug up, after so profane a manner" (War VII.8,7).

Yes, even the very foundation stones that comprised the Temple complex (including its walls) had been uprooted and demolished. They were then "dug up" and not even the lower courses of base stones were left in place. According to Eleazar, the only thing left in the Jerusalem area was a single Roman Camp that

still hovered triumphantly over the ruins of the City and the Temple. He said that Jewish Jerusalem "hath nothing left." The only thing continuing to exist was the "monument" (a single monument) preserved by Titus. And what was that "monument"? Eleazar said it was "the camp of those that destroyed it [Jerusalem], which still dwells upon its ruins." What was this Camp of the

Romans ? This is quite easy to discover when one reads the accounts of the war

as recorded by Josephus. The main military establishment in Jerusalem prior to the war was Fort Antonia located to the north of the Temple (which is now the Haram esh-Sharif. The Haram was considered Roman property even before the war. Because Antonia was the property of Rome, they had no reason to

destroy those buildings that already belonged to the Romans. That is why Titus left Fort Antonia (the Haram esh-Sharif) and its walls in tact (as we see them today).


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Mark 13:8-13:27 TIME:THE BEGINNING (Introv Design)

R 13:8 The Start S 13:9 Persecution

T 13:9-10 Testimony & Reason

S 13:11-13 Persecution

T 13:13 The End

R13:8 For Nation shall rise against nation,

and kingdom against kingdom:

(British troops evacuating Dunkirk's beaches, World War 11)

and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles:

these are the Beginnings of Birth-pangs (Sorrows).

S 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to Sanhedrins (Councils)

and in synagogues ye shall be beaten:

and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for MY sake,

T 13:9 for a testimony against them. 10 And the Gospel must First be Published among All Nations.

S 13:11-13 But when they shall lead you,

and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak,

neither do ye premeditate:

but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour,

that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak,



12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death,

and the father the son

and children shall rise up against their parents,

and shall cause them to be put to death.

13 And ye shall be Hated of all men for MY NAME’S


T13:13 but he that shall Endure unto the end,

the same shall be saved.


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Mark 13:14-13:20

D 13:14-17 Flight

E 13:18 Commiseration

D 13:19 Flight

E 13:20 Commiseration


Mark 13:21-23 (Alt Design) and 13:24-27 (Introv Design)

F 13:21 false Messiahs

G 13:21 Warning: Believe Not

F 123:22 False Messiahs

G 13:23 Warning: Take ye Heed S 13:24 Signs IN Heaven

T 13:26 Arrival of Son Of Man

T 13:27 Sending of HIS Angels

S 13:27 Signs ON Planet Earth

D 13:14-17 but when ye shall See the Abomination of Desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet (Dan 9),

standing where it ought not----let him that Reads understand

-- then let them that be in Judaea

Flee to the mountains: and let him that is on the Housetop not go down into the house,

neither enter therein,

to take any thing out of his house:

and let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment.

17 But woe to them that are with child,

and to them that give suck in those days!

E 13:18 And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter.

D 13:19 For in those Days shall be Affliction, such as was not from the Beginning of the Creation which God created unto this time,

neither shall be.

E 13:20 And except that THE LORD Had shortened those days,

no flesh should be saved:

but for the Elect's sake,

whom HE Has chosen,

HE Has shortened the days. *********************

THE SIGN:FALSE MESSIAHS & TIME Mark 13:21-23 (Alt Design) and 13:24-27 (Introversion Design)

F 13:21 False Messiahs G 13:21 Warning: Believe Not

F 13:22 False Messiahs G 13:23 Warning: Take ye Heed

S 13:24-25 Signs IN Heaven T 13:26 Arrival of Son Of Man T 13:27 Sending of HIS Angels

S 13:27 Signs ON Planet Earth

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MARK F 13:21 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is MESSIAH; or, lo, HE is there;

G 13:21 believe him not:

F 13:22 For False Messiahs and False Prophets shall rise,

and shall show Signs and Wonders, to Seduce, if it were possible, even the Elect.

G 13:23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

S 13:24-25 But in those days, after that Tribulation,

the Sun shall be darkened,

and the Moon shall not give her light,

and the Stars of heaven shall fall,

and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.

T 13:26 And then shall they see THE SON OF MAN

Coming in the clouds with Great Power and Glory.

T 13:27 And then shall HE Send HIS angels,

S 13:27 And shall gather together his elect from the Four Winds,

from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.


K 13:28 Now learn The Parable of The Fig Tree (Israel)

When her branch is yet tender,

and puts forth leaves, ye know absolutely that Summer is near:

L 13:29 So ye in like manner,

when ye shall see these things come to pass,

M 13:29 get to know completely (ginosko)

that it is near, even at the doors.

N 13:30-33 Verily I say unto you,

that this Generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

Heaven and earth shall pass away:

but MY Words shall not pass away.

32 But of that day and that hour knoweth

(oida ---perception, immediate knowledge)

no man, no, not even the angels which are in Heaven,

neither THE SON but THE FATHER.

13:33 Take ye heed,

watch (agrupneo--chase sleep away)

and pray: for ye know (oida) not when the time is.

K 13:34 For the SON OF MAN is as a man taking a far journey, WHO left HIS house, and gave authority to his servants,

and to every man his work,

and commanded the porter to Keep Awake

L 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know (oida) not when the lord of the house


at even, or at midnight,

or at the cock-crowing,

or in the morning:

M 13:36 Lest coming suddenly he find you deliberately sleeping (katheudo). N 13:37 And what I say unto you I say unto all,

Keep Awake . ******************************************************************************

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NOTE 32 But of that day and that hour knoweth (oida ---perception, immediate knowledge)

no man, no, not even the angels which are in Heaven, neither THE SON but THE FATHER.

OR 32 But of that day and that hour no man has immediate knowledge or perception, no, not even the angels which are in Heaven, neither THE SON but THE FATHER.

Oida is not a definitive absolute or unconditional know but is an abstract and conditional on

circumstances knowing. It is a perfect tense with a present meaning verb. Thus you can know later.

King Jesus as a man had to grew in knowledge ---Dr Luke 2:40, Heb 2:16-17.

This was BEFORE His Ascension. Afterwards He got back His glory of eternity-- John 17:4-5, Philip

2:9-11, Eph 1:20-23, 1 Peter 3:22 so HE knows when HE HIMSELF is coming back again.


MARK 14:1-14:25 ARRIVAL IN BETHANY (Introv Design)

A 14:1 The 2 Days Pre Passover B 14:1-2 Jewish Leaders Conspiracy

C 14:3-9 The 2nd Supper & 2nd Anointing (Introv & Alt Design) ee 14:3 The Passover Feast

ff 14:3 The Woman

gg 14:4 Anger-Some hh 14:5 Reason

gg 14:6 Reprehension hh 14:7 Reason

ff 14:8 The Woman

ee 14:9 The Prophecy B 14:10-11 Judas’ Conspiracy

A 14:12-25 The 1 Day Pre-Passover


14:13 The Pitcher Sign It was very unusual for a man to be a pitcher or AMPHORA. Women normally carried water.

14:20 THE SOP of John 13:26 Israeli food is normally eaten without knives, spoons or forks because it is well cooked as to allow the fingers to easily separate the various items. But if the food

is in a semi fluid state or very soft and the fingers cannot grab it then a piece of bread is used to carry the food from the dish. This bread is the sop.

MARK 14:26-42 THE AGONY (Division Design)

A 14:26-31 Mount of Olives (Alt Design) aa 14:26-28 Stumbling of All

bb 14:29 Peter’s false Bravado aa 14:30 Denial of One

bb 14:31 Peter’s Disclaimer

B 14:32-42 Garden of Gethsemane g 14:32 Departs

h 14:32-34 Aim Stated h 14:35-41 Aim Actioned

g 14:42 Departs

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MARK A14:1 After two days was the Feast of the Passover,

and of Unleavened Bread:

B 14:1 and The Chief Priests

and The Scribes sought how they might take HIM by craft,

and put HIM to Death.

2 But they said,

Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar of the people.

C14:3 -9 ee 14:3 And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the Leper, as HE sat at meat,

ff 14:3 there came a Woman having an Alabaster box of ointment

of spikenard very precious;

and she broke the box,

and poured (katacheo) it on HIS Head.

gg 14:4 And there were some that had indignation within themselves,

and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? hh 14:5 For it might have been sold for more than 300 pence,

and have been given to the poor

and they murmured against her.

gg 14:6 And JESUS said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her?

she has done a beautiful work on ME.

hh14:7 For ye have the poor with you always, (Deut 15:11) and whenever ye will ye may do them good:

but ME ye have not always.

ff 14:8 what she had to do she did ,

she came before -hand to anoint MY Body for embalming.

ee 14:9 Verily I say unto you, Where-ever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world,

this also that she has done shall be spoken of for a Memorial of her.

B 14:10-11 And Judas Iscariot, one of the 12, went unto The Chief Priests,

to betray HIM unto them.

and when they heard it, they rejoiced,

and promised to give him money.

and he kept seeking how he might conveniently betray HIM.

A 14:12-25 And the First Day of Matzah (Unleavened Bread )

when they killed the Passover, HIS Disciples said unto HIM

Where do YOU want us to go and prepare YOUR Seder (that YOU may eat the Passover)?

13 And HE sent forth Two of HIS Disciples,

and said unto them,

Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you A Man Bearing A Pitcher of Water: follow him.



14:13 The Pitcher Sign It was very unusual for a man to be a pitcher or AMPHORA .

Women normally carried water.

Mary Perfume cost her about a year's wages!! Maybe it was her entire lifetime's savings ***********************************************************************************

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MARK 14:14 And where-ever he shall go in, say ye to the Master of the House,

THE MASTER says, Where is The Guest-Room where I shall eat the Passover with MY Disciples?

14:15 And he will show you a Large Upper Room furnished

and prepared: there make ready for us.

16 And HIS Disciples went forth and came into The City,

and found as he had said unto them:

and they made ready the Passover.

17 And in the evening HE came with The Twelve.

18 And as they sat and did eat, JESUS said,

Verily I say unto you, One of you which eats with Me shall betray ME.

14:19 And they began to be sorrowful, and to say unto him one by one, Is it I?

and another said, Is it I?

20 And HE answered and said unto them, It is one of the Twelve, that dips matzah with ME in the dish.

21 THE SON OF MAN indeed goes as it is written of HIM

but woe to that man by whom THE SON OF MAN is betrayed!

good were it for that man if he had never been born.

22 And as they did eat, JESUS took Bread, and blessed and broke it,and gave to them,

and said, Take, eat: this is MY Body.

23 And HE took the Cup,

and when HE had given thanks, HE gave it to them: and they all drank of it.

24 And HE said unto them,

This is MY BLOOD of THE NEW COVENANTwhich is Shed for many. 25 Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of The Fruit of the Vine,

until that day that I drink it New in the Kingdom from GOD.


NOTES 14:20 THE SOP of John 13:26 Israeli food is normally eaten without knives, spoons or forks because it is well cooked. This allows the fingers to easily separate the various items. But if the food is in a semi

fluid state or very soft and the fingers cannot grab the food then a piece of bread is used to carry the food from the dish. This bread is the sop. Josephus calls the freshly squeezed grape juice "the fruit of the vine ‘’

MARK 14:26-42 THE AGONY (Division Design)

A 14:26-31 Mount of Olives (Alt Design)

aa 14:26-28 Stumbling of All

bb 14:29 Peter’s false Bravado

aa 14:30 Denial of One

bb 14:31 Peter’s Disclaimer

B 14:32-42 Garden of Gethsemane

g 14:32 Departs

h 14:32-34 Aim Stated

h 14:35-41 Aim Actioned

g 14:42 Departs

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MARK A 14:26-31 aa 14:26-28 And when they had sung an Hall EL (an Hymn)

they went out into the Mount of Olives. 27 And JESUS said unto them,

All ye shall be offended because of ME in this night: for it is written


and the sheep shall be scattered. (Zech 13:7)

28 But after that I AM Risen, I will go before you into Galilee.

bb 14:29 But Peter said unto HIM,

Although all shall be offended, yet will not I.

aa 14:30 And JESUS said unto HIM, Verily I say unto thee, That this day, even in this night,

before the cock crow twice, you shall deny ME thrice.

bb 14:31 But he spoke the more vehemently,

If I should die with thee, I will not deny THEE in any wise.

Likewise also said they all.

B 14:32-42 g 14:32 and they came to a place which was named Gethsemane:

h 14:32-34 and HE said to HIS Disciples, Sit ye here, while I shall Pray.

and HE took with HIMSELF Peter and James and John,

and began to be very amazed (ekthambeo)

and to be very heavy;

34 and said unto them,

MY Soul (Psuche) is exceeding Sorrowful unto Death: tarry ye here, and keep Awake.

h 14:35-41 And HE went forward a little,

and fell upon the ground,

and was Praying that, if it were possible, the hour might pass away from HIM

and HE said, ABBA , FATHER

all things are possible unto THEE; take away This Cup away from ME

nevertheless not what I will, but what THOU wilt.

37 And HE came

and found them sleeping,

and said unto Peter, Simon, sleepest thou?

Were you not able to keep awake one hour?


Watch ye and Pray, lest ye enter into temptation.

The spirit truly is ready,

but the flesh is weak.

and again HE went away,

and Prayed,

and spoke the same words.

and when HE returned, HE found them asleep again-for their eyes were heavy-

and they knew (oida ---to know without effort, to perceive)

not what to answer HIM.


And HE came the third time,

and said unto them,

Sleep on now,

and take your rest:

It is enough, the hour has come;

Pay Attention (Behold),

THE SON OF MAN is Betrayed into the Hands of The Sinners.

g 14:42 Rise up,

let us go;

lo, he that betrays ME is at hand.

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S 1 Chap 14:43-15:39 KING JESUS’ DEATH

S 2 Chap 15:40-16:8 KING JESUS’ BURIAL


MARK 14:43-15:39 KING JESUS’ DEATH (Introv & Alt Design) D 14:43 Judas Arrives

E 14:44-52 Judas’ Conspiracy

F 14:53 KING JESUS Led to Caiaphas

G 14:54 Peter-Follows

H 14:55-64 KING JESUS Before Caiaphas (Alt Design)

aa 55-59 Witnesses Wanted

bb 60-62 Exam (Alt Minor Design)

X60 Question of High Priest

Y 61 KING JESUS-Silence

X 61 Adjuration of High Priest

Y 62 KING JESUS’ Assent aa 63 Witnesses Super-seeded

bb 64 Condemnation

J 14:65 KING JESUS Suffers Pilate’s Abuse

K 14:66-72 Peter’s Denials ( Repeated Alt )

P 14:66-68 Peter-Denial

C 14:68 A Cock Crows

P 14:69-71 Peter Denial

C 14:72 A Cock Crowing

P 14:72 Peter-Repents

E 15:1 Jewish Rulers’ Conspiracy

F 15:1 KING JESUS Led to Pilate

H 15:1-15 KING JESUS Before Pilate (Introv Design)

xx1-5 Pilate & KING JESUS

yy 6-13 Pilate & The People

yy 14 Pilate & The Crowd

H 15:1-15 KING JESUS Before Pilate (Introv Design)

xx1-5 Pilate & KING JESUS

yy 6-13 Pilate & The People

yy 14 Pilate & The Crowd

xx 14-15 Pilate & KING JESUS

J 15:16-23 KING JESUS Suffers Pilate’s Abuse (Alt Design) q 16 The Place: The Praetorium

r 17-21 Treatment: Mocking q 22 The Place: Golgotha

r 23 Treatment: Bitter Drink

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MARK D 14:43 And immediately, while HE yet spoke,

Judas came, One of The Twelve,

and with him a great crowd with Swords and Clubs (xulon), from the Chief Priests

and the Scribes

and the Elders. E 14:44-52 And he that betrayed HIM had given them a Sign (sussemon), saying,

WHOMEVER I shall Kiss, that same is HE; Seize HIM,

And lead HIM away securely.

and coming at once coming near to HIM he said , MASTER, MASTER

and effusively kissed HIM.

and they laid their hands on HIM

and seized HIM.

and one of them that stood by drew a sword,

and struck A Servant of The Cohen Hagadol (The High Priest),

and cut off his ear.

14:48 and JESUS answered and said unto them,

Are ye come out, as against a robber, with swords

and with clubs to seize ME ?

I was daily with you in The Temple Teaching and ye took ME not: but The Scriptures must be fulfilled.

and they all forsook HIM

and fled.

51 and there followed HIM a Certain Young Man,

having a linen-cloak (sindon) cast about his naked body;

and the young men caught him:

52 and he left the linen cloak, and fled from them naked.

F 14:53 And they led JESUS away to The High Priest:

and with him were assembled all the Chief Priests

and the Elders

and the Scribes. G 14:54 And Peter followed him from afar, to the inside of The Court of The High Priest:

and he sat with the Deputy Officers,

and warmed himself at the fire.

H 14:55-64

aa 14: 55-59 And the Chief Priests and all The Sanhedrin sought for witness against JESUS to put HIM to Death;

and found none.

56 For many bare false witness against HIM,

but their witness agreed not together. 57 And there arose certain

and bore False Witness against HIM, saying,

58 We heard HIM say,

I will destroy This Temple (Naos) that is Made with Hands,

and within three days I will build another (allos) made without hands.

59 But neither so did their witness agree together.

bb 14:60-62 x 60 And The High Priest Stood up

and Came down into the midst,

and further asked JESUS

saying, Answerest THOU nothing?

what is it which these testify against THEE?

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MARK 14 Y 61 But HE held HIS Peace, and answered Nothing.

x 14:61 Again the High Priest asked HIM

and said unto HIM,


Y 14:62 And JESUS said,

I AM: and ye shall see THE SON OF MAN Sitting on the Right hand of Power (dunamis),

and Coming in the clouds of the heavens.

aa 14:63 Then The Cohen Hagadol (High Priest) tore his clothes, (Lev 21:10)

and said,

Why do we still need any further witnesses?

bb 14:64 Ye have heard the Blasphemy: what think ye?

And they all condemned HIM to be Guilty of Death.

J 14:65 And some began to Spit on HIM

and to Cover HIS Face,

and to Buffet HIM

and to say unto HIM, Prophesy:

and the Deputy Officers kept Striking HIM

with a Fist (rapisma-smart blows).

K 14:66-72

P 66-68 And as Peter was Beneath in the Palace, there came one of the Maids of the High Priest:

67 And when she saw Peter warming himself,

she Looked upon him,

and said,

And you also were with JESUS of Nazareth. 68 But he denied, saying, I know (oida) not,

neither understand I what you say.

C 68 And he went out into the porch


and the cock crew.

P 14:69-71 And the maid saw him again, and began to say to them that stood by, This is one of them.

and he denied it again.

and a little after, they that stood by said again to Peter,

Surely you are one of them: for you are a Galilaean,

and your speech agrees.

71 But he began cursing and swearing, saying,

I know not THIS MAN of WHOM ye speak.

C 72 And the Second time a cock crowed.

P 72 And Peter called to mind the word (rhema) that JESUS said

unto him,

Before a cock crow twice,

thou shalt deny ME thrice

And thinking on it he wept.

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MARK CHAPTER 15 E 15:1 And immediately in the Morning the Chief Priests held a Council with the Elders

and Scribes and the whole Sanhedrin

and bound JESUS

and carried HIM away (apenegkan),

F 15:1

h 15:1 xx 15:1-5 and delivered HIM to Pilate.

2 And Pilate asked HIM, Art THOU the King of the Jews?

And HE answering said unto him,

Thou sayest it (you yourself said it).

And the Chief Priests kept accusing HIM urgently of many things: but HE answered nothing.

4 And Pilate asked HIM again, saying,

Answerest THOU nothing?

behold how many things they testify against THEE.

5 But JESUS yet answered nothing; so that Pilate Marveled.

yy 15:6-13 Now at that Feast he released unto them one prisoner,

whomever they desired.

And there was one named Bar-Aabbas (son of father),

who lay bound with the insurgents that had made Insurrection with him, who had

committed murder in the insurrection.

15:8 And the crowd crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them.

But Pilate answered them, saying,

Wish ye that I release unto you THE KING OF THE JEWS ? 15:10 For he was starting to know (ginosko)

that the Chief Priests had delivered HIM up for Envy. But the Chief Priests vehemently stirred up (anaseio) the people,

that he should rather release Barabbas unto them.

12 And Pilate answered and said again unto them,

What will ye then that I shall do unto HIM WHOM ye call


13 And they cried out again, Crucify HIM.!!

xx 15:14 Then Pilate said unto them,

Why, what evil (kakos) has HE done ?

yy 15:14-15 And they cried out the more exceedingly,

Crucify HIM!!. 15 And so Pilate, willing to content the people,

released Bar-Abbas (Son of a Father) unto them,

and delivered up JESUS,

when he had scourged HIM, to be Crucified.

J 15:16-23 q 15:16 And the Soldiers led HIM away into The Hall, called Praetorium;

and they called together all the Cohort.

r 15:17-21 And they clothed HIM with Purple,

and platted a Crown of Thorns,

and put it on HIS Head,

18 And began to salute

HIM, Hail,


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MARK 15:19 And they kept Striking HIM on the head

with a Reed,

and kept Spitting upon HIM

and bowing their knees Worshipped HIM. 15:20 And when they had Mocked HIM,

they took off the purple from HIM

and put HIS own clothes on HIM,

and led HIM out to Crucify HIM.

21 And they forced one Simon a Cyrenian, who was passing by,

coming out of a field the father of Alexander

and Rufus, to bear HIS Cross.

q 15:22 And they brought HIM unto the place Golgotha, which is, being

interpreted, The Place of a Skull.

r 15:23 And they gave HIM to drink wine mingled with

Myrrh: but HE received it not.


NOTES: 21 And they forced one Simon a Cyrenian (OF AFRICA), who was passing by, coming out of a

field the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.

This verse destroys the false Muslim Koranic saying that King Jesus was not killed. Simon an

African helped carry KING JESUS Cross!! No Arab did this.

21 Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus --two African early Church fathers.

MARK 15:24-39--CRUCIFIXION OF KING JESUS (Introv & Alt Design)

A 15:24 Many Soldiers-Garments Divided

B 15:25 Time:9am Event

C 15:26 The Charge

D 15:27-28 Two Robbers Brought

C 15:29-32 The Charge D 15:33-38 Time:12-3 pm Events

B 15:39 A Soldier

A 15:24 And when they had Crucified HIM, they divided HIS Garments,

casting lots upon them, what every man should take.

B 15:25 And it was the Third Hour (9 am)

and they Crucified HIM. C 15:26 And the Superscription of HIS Accusation was written over (epigrapho),


D 15:27-28 and with HIM they crucify Two Robbers the one on HIS Right hand,

and the other on HIS Left.

28 And The Scripture was fulfilled, which said

and HE was Numbered with the Transgressors. (Isa 53:12)

C 15:29-32 and they that passed by Railed on HIM,

Wagging their heads and saying, Ah,

THOU that destroyest The Temple (naos)

and build it in 3 Days,

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15:30 Save THYSELF and Come Down from the Cross.

31 Likewise also the Chief Priests Mocking

kept saying among themselves with the Scribes,

HE saved others; HIMSELF HE cannot save.


Descend now from the Cross,

that we may see

and believe.

and they that were Crucified with HIM Reviled HIM.

D 15:33-38 And when the Sixth Hour (12 Noon) was come,

there was Darkness over the whole Land until the Ninth Hour (3 pm).

and at the Ninth Hour JESUS cried with A Loud Voice, saying,

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?

which is, being interpreted,

MY GOD MY GOD, why Hast THOU forsaken ME? (Psalm 22)

35 and some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said,

Behold, HE is calling Elijah. and one Ran

and filled a Sponge full of Vinegar,

and put it on a Reed,

and gave HIM to drink, saying,

Let alone; let us see if Elijah will come to take HIM down.

37 and JESUS cried with a Loud Voice, and expired (ekpneo -gave up the spirit)

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15:38 and the Veil of The Temple was Torn in Two

from above (anothen) to the bottom.

B 15:39 And when the Centurion,

who Stood over against HIM,

Saw that HE so cried out,

and expired,

he said,



MARK 15:40-16:8 KING JESUS’ BURIAL (Alt & Introversion Design)

A 15:40-41 Women-Many

B 15:42 Before High Sabbath

C 15:43-45 KING JESUS’ Body-Obtained

D 15:46 Fine Linen-Obtained

E 15:46 Laid in Tomb

F 15:46 Two Ton Stone Rolled To Tomb’s Door

A 15:47 Women-Two

B 16:1 After High Sabbath

D 16:1 Spices Obtained

E 16:2 Came to Tomb

F 16:3-4 Two Ton Stone Rolled Away From Door of Tomb C 16:5-8 KING JESUS’ Body Cared For

A 15:40-41 There were also Women looking on afar off: among whom was Mariam (Mary) of Magdala,

and Mariam (Mary) the mother of Yacov Junior (James the less)

and of Yosi (Joses),

and Salome;

who also, when HE was in Galilee, followed HIM

and-------------------- --------- ministered unto HIM;

and Many Other Women who came up with HIM unto Jerusalem.

B 15:42 And now evening already having come,

because it was The Preparation, that is,

the day Before The Sabbath,

NOTE: 15:43 Honorable Counselor or member of The Sanhedrin

C 15:43-45 Joseph of Arimathaea, an Honourable Counselor, who also waited for the Kingdom of GOD,


and went in Boldly unto Pilate,

and begged the Body of JESUS.

44 And Pilate wondered if HE was already dead:

and Calling unto him The Centurion,

he asked him if HE had been Long Dead.

45 and when he Knowing (ginosko) it of The Centurion, he gifted (doreo)The Body (soma) to Joseph.

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D 15:46 and he bought Fine Linen, and Took HIM Down,

and Wrapped HIM in the linen,

E 15:46 and Laid HIM in a Sepulchre

which was hewn out of a Rock,

F 15:46 and Rolled a stone unto the Door of the Sepulchre.

A 15:47 and Mary of Magdala

and Mary the mother of Joses Attentively Saw where HE was laid.

Mark 16:1-20

B 16:1 And when the Sabbath was past, Mary of Magdala, and Mary the mother of James,

and Salome,

D 16:1 had bought Sweet Spices,

that they might come

and anoint HIM.

E 16:2 And Very Early

in the Morning the First Day of the Week,

they came unto the sepulchre at the Rising of the sun.

F 16:3-4 And they said to themselves,

Who will Roll us away the stone from the Door of the Sepulchre?

4 And when they Looked up,

they saw that the Stone was rolled away:

for it was Very Great.

C 16:5-8 and Entering into the sepulchre,

they saw a young man Sitting on the right side,

clothed in a long white robe (stole)

and they were amazed.

and he said unto them,

Be not afraid:

Ye seek JESUS of Nazareth,

WHO was Crucified:


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Pay Attention (behold) THE Place where they laid HIM. But go your way,

tell HIS Disciples

and Peter that HE goes before you into Galilee:

there shall ye see HIM, as HE said unto you.

8 And they went out Quickly,

and fled away from (apo) the sepulchre;

for they Trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man;

for they were Afraid.

RESURRECTION DAY (Repeated Alt Design of Mark 16:9-13)

R 16:9 KING JESUS Appears to Mary

T 16:10 Mary’s Report

U 16:11 Disciples Unbelief

R 16:12 KING JESUS Appears to Two Disciples

T 16:13 Disciples Report

U 16:13 Disciples Unbelief

Reporter outside the empty tomb: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is DON B AND A

SPENCER live for ABC News with new developments on the amazing ´Resurrection´, the events of all time..

NOTE: E 16:2 And Very Early in the Morning the First Day of the Week, they came unto the

sepulchre at the Rising of the sun.

JESUS was already Resurrected on 6pm Saturday

(The Jewish day starts Eve 6pm and ends 6pm. Thus Sat 6pm and Sunday morning and Sunday 6pm was THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK


MARK 16:14-20 THE NEW HERALDS (Alt Design)

AA 16:14 After KING JESUS’ Resurrection

BB 16:15-18 The Great Commission

AA 16:19 After KING JESUS’ Ascension to Heaven

BB 16:20 Obeying The Great Commission

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MARK R 16:9 Now when JESUS was Risen Early the First Day of the Week,

HE Appeared (phaino) First to Mary Magdalene, out of whom HE had cast seven demons (devils).

T 16:10 And she went

and told them that had been with HIM, as they mourned and wept.

U 16:11 And they, when they had heard that HE IS Alive Again,

and had been Seen (theaomai) by her, believed not.

R 16:12 After that HE Appeared in a different (heteros)

Form (morphe) unto two of them, as they walked,

and went into the country. T 16:13 And they went and told it unto the rest:

U 16:13 neither believed they them.

AA 16:14 Later HE Appeared unto The Eleven as they reclined,

and upbraided them for their unbelief

and hardness of heart, because they believed not them who had seen HIM after HE was Risen.

BB 16:15-18 And HE said unto them,

Go ye into all the World (kosmos)

and Preach the Gospel to all the Creation.

He that believes

and is Baptized shall be Saved; but he that believes not shall be Damned.(katakrino -condemned)

and these Signs shall follow them that believe;

In (en- through) MY NAME shall they Cast out demons (devils);

they shall Speak with new (kainos) tongues;

They shall take up Serpents;

and if they Drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;

they shall Lay hands on the sick,

and they shall Recover.

AA 16:19 So then after THE LORD (YAHWEH) Had spoken unto them, HE was Received Up into Heaven,

and Sat on the Right hand of GOD.

BB 16:20 And they went forth,

and preached every where,

THE LORD (YAHWEH) working with them,

and confirming The Word (Logos) with Signs following.


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Mission Missionary speaking with a Bible to children.


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´Dull? That´s most books about the Bible are!

Well-written, some! Informative, many. Contradicting each other, most!

As gut-wrenching as the original, none!, None! NONE!


Mark and DR Luke NOTES that The HOLY SPIRIT led HIM into the wilderness but as a Servant in Mark so ' driven '

Parables of Chap 4 --show Working of The Gospel Parable of Lord's Return with Service emphasized ---Only in Mark


Multitudes came to hear Messiah. HE had no time to eat, rest but He never hurried in His dealings with the ministry needs e.g. only in Mark is there the Deaf Man / Blind Man --

He took asisde and healed both or the little children in the arms for blessing


BOOK OPENS WITH The Start of The Gospel

Ends WITH : The CONTINUATION of The Gospel

(See Hebrews 2:1-4

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard,

lest at any time we should let them slip.

2 For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;

3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so Great Salvation;

which at the first began to be spoken by THE LORD,

and was confirmed unto us by them ( Mark. Matthew, John, Peter etc ) that heard HIM;

4 God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders,

and with divers miracles, and gifts of THE HOLY SPIRIT, according to HIS Own Will? )






The following is a summary of the most excellent work of that wonderful champion of The Bible,

Dean Burgon. His work has not been refuted by the critics --just ignored.

The Evidence is as Follows:Early Assembly ( 'Church ') Fathes testimony, Lectionaries, Bible

Mss, Internal Structure of The Gospel of Mark, and The Romanism of Aleph and B

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Augustine A.D. 395-430 ' in diebus Paschalibus ' states Mark was publicly read in the assembly Arch bishop Ambrose of Milan A.D. 374-397

Ambrose cites these verses 16 to 18 three times (Hexameron 6.38, De Interpell 2.5)

Aphraates (Demi 1-bis) , Didymus (Trin 2.12) ,

Apost can and const ( can 1; 5.7; 19; 6.15,30; 8.1, )

Clementines (Eph 141); Hippolytus ( C. Haer. Noet, ad fin) ;

Cat Pilati (14.2)

Chrysostom A.D. 400 ' This (verses 19-20) is the end of the Gospel'

Cyril Jerusalem (Cat 14.27)

Cyril of Alexander

Eusebius (Mai Script. Vett.Nov . collect. 1 p 1) ,

Gregory Nyss (In Christ . Resurrect .11) ,

Hesychius of Jerusalem of 6th

century in ' Homily on The Resurrection ' Jerome and his Vulgate

Justin Martyr (Trypho 53; Apol 1:45);

Irenaues (C. Haer 3 X 6; 4.56);

Nestorius the Heresiarch

Papias (Eus. H.E. 3:39);

Syriac Table of Canons; Macarius Magnes (3.16,24 )

Syriac Acts of The Apostles, Epiphanius ( Adv . Haer .1 .54.6 ),

Tertullian ( de resurr. Carn 37; Adv Prataxeam 30 );

Vincentius ( 2nd

Council of Carthage --Routh, Rell. Scar 3 p 124 ) ;

LECTIONARIES This was the early church practice of copying the Jewish synagogue method of a systematic and public

reading of ALL Scripture including Mark's gospel.

Literally all assemblies (churches) spread all over the 1st

- 4th

century world had public readings.

It is inconceivable that if these verses were false the early Ekklesia would still read them for public

edification. Not a single voice is on record as denouncing them.

Nearly 75% of Chrysostom's Homilies on Matthew's gospel either begun at the first verse of a well

known ecclesiastical lection or else at the first ensuing verse after the close of one.

Augustine (in AD 416) did the exactly the same thing with John's gospel.

So too did Cyril of Alexander (on Dr Luke's gospel) Augustine (385-430 AD) also said that in Africa these verses 9-20 were read publicly at Eastertide.

In the evangelelistarium used in the Monophylite churches of Syria Mark 16:14-20 was read at the

Liturgy. The Greek church not only read Mark 16: 9-20 on Ascension Day but also on successive

Sundays at Matins throughout the year and daily during Passover week.

(The same Greek churches read Mark 16:9-20 at The Festival of St Mary Magadalene, July



Mark's Gospel, especially verses 9-20 formed an integral part of their eleven

' Matin Gospels of The Resurrection '

The British Museum has a rubricated Peshitta copy of Mark in Syriac dated older than AD 583 attests that Mark 16:9-20 was the ' Lection for the great First Day of The Week' (megalae kuriake i.e. Passover day)

The Monophylite churches of Syria also read Mark 16:9-20 as part of Passover Tuesday's Matin.

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The Gallican church had Mark 15:47-16:11 read at Passover Monday's 3rd



Syrian Peshitta -- 2nd

century AD --------------------------------------older than Aleph or B

Curetonian Syriac -- 450AD (but really from AD200)- - older than Aleph or B Jerome at pope Damasus' request of AD 382 made the Vulgate-- a revision of an earlier text that is

the Vetus Itala, or the Old Latin of Africa (dated 2nd

century AD. This African text was of

apostolic times

Gothic bishop Ulphicas AD 350. This Cappodocian bishop had the oldest extant text.

African Texts: Old Latin of Africa


The basic ' Sahadic ' Version of Upper Egypt --3rd century AD

The ' Memphitic 'or ' Coptic ' of Lower Egypt --4

th century AD

Thus there are 11 earlier texts all before the Aleph or B

The Greek is of the 4th

century -- same time as B or Aleph;

1 Syriac, 2 Latin fathers, the Vulgate, the Gothic, The ' Memphitic and The basic ' Sahadic '.

Or looked at in another way:


century: Irenaeus, The Peshitta, and the Italic in Gaul, Mesopotamia and Africa -- three

different areas of the world


Century: Hippolytus, Curetonian Syriac, and the Thebac-- three different areas of the world


th cent AD Charles Freer Mss,that is, Codex W from Akhmim, Upper Egypt confirms Masrk 16

Thus we have 6 independent witnesses for these verses as real. Interestingly over 7early church fathers

had more ancient texts than the oldest extant mss opf Aleph and B.

We can thus say: so far the vast majority of all uncials including A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, M, S, U, V, X

etc and the cursives as a whole read verses 9-20 without notes while only about 20 state that these

verses were found in the best mss though wanting in some. All known lectionaries for Passover and

Ascension Day . Old Latin, Vulgate versions, African translations, Curetonian, Syrian Peshitta,

Harcleian, Jerusalem Syriac and the many fathers and Latin writers as well as the apostolic

Constitution, the Gesta Pilati and Syrian Aphrates all with one voice declare these verses are part of

God's Word.


Modern critics have thought 6 early church fathers were hostile to verses 9-20. Actually it is only one:

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The three: Hesychius. Jerome and Victor are only echoes not voices. The two: Gregory of Nyssa and

Severus were just names. In fact Severus and Hesychius. are the same man.

Eusebius is the only remaining witness or was he? (Ref: Mai, Sct.Vett Nov Collect 1 p 1)

EUSEBIUS: WAS HE AN EXCEPTION? In 1825 the so-called lost work of Eusebius was found --' Inconsistencies in The Gospels'-- a Vatican


It was published by cardinal Angelo Mai in his ' Nova Patrum Bibliutheca ' in 1847.

But crucially it was an abridged not full selection. As such it would not be used by honest scholars as a

critique of Mark 16.

Eusebius actually agrees with the verses 9-20 being real. Critics have used these ideas (a) that in his time there was a huge number of copies without Mark 16:9-20

(correlative being an equal if not greater number of copies with Mark 16:9-20)

(b) that by adding a comma after the word ' anastas '-- Mark 16:9 agrees with Matthew 28;1

JEROME'S METHODOLOGY The lady Hedibia incident shows Jerome's method of not giving his own opinions or views or speaking

his own sentiments on doctrinal maters and exegetical questions. Jerome was only a translator not an

original author. Thus the words attributed to him as casting doubt on Mark 16 are really Eusebius'

words. But even then Eusebius does not doubt Mark 16.

Jerome actually quotes Mark 16 as real in his revised Old Latin version.

Jerome knew and rejected such Vaticanus and Sinaticus' corruptions as Matthew 6:19 ' works ' (ergon) for ' children ' (teknon).

VICTOR OF ANTIOCH A.D. 401 (see Cramer's 1840 ' Caetena volume 1') An interesting very early church father ---- sadly much neglected.

His Commentary or compilation on Mark is important as his note on Mark 15:38-39 is from

Chrysostom's 88th

Homily on Matthew. This is the same as his notes on Mark 16:9.

Hence the ideas are not Victor's but other authors like Chrysostom and Eusebius.

However he does write that Mark 16 is real.

.'….many copies of the ..Gospel …beginning ' now when (Jesus) was risen early the first day of the

week he appeared to Mary Magdalene ' be not found (certain individuals having supposed it to be


yet …we have discovered it to exist… have out of accurate copies subjoined also the account of our

Lord's ascension following the words ' for they were afraid ' in conformity with the Israeli (' Palestinian

') exemplar of Mark which exhibits the gospel verity: that is to say, from the words ' now when ( Jesus)

was risen early from the first day of the week ' etc down to ' with signs following ' . Amen.'

Victor tells us:

(1) Copyists deliberately omitted some ancient copies

(2) This was because of certain subjective views not documentary proof

(3) He himself had carefully investigated the data and found very many accurate copies with all the

verses intact

(4) The exemplar had a very good reputation of accuracy. It too had the so-called disputed verses.

(5) Following all this he made a copy of Mark with the disputed verses as genuine,

On page 1512, next to Hebrews 1:3, the text contains an interesting marginal

note, "Fool and knave, can't you leave the old reading alone and not alter it!"—

"�µαθέστατε κα� κακέ, �φες τ�ν παλαιόν, µ� µεταποίει" which

suggests that inaccurate copying, either intentional or unintentional, was a

known problem in scriptoriums.Codex Vaticanus

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' It is notorious that the worst corruptions to which the New Testament has ever been subjected

to originated within a hundred years after it was composed: that Irenaeus and the whole

Western, with a portion of the Syrian Church, used far inferior mss to those employed by Stunica, or Erasmus,

or Stephens, 13 centuries later, when molding the Textus Receptus.' page 75 ' The Last 12 Verses of St


Origen ( AD 185-254 ) himself complained of the licentious tampering of the Scriptures in his

own day: ' men add to them or leave out , as seems good to themselves ' Dionysius of Corinth ( AD 168-176 ) complained of the same thing.

If Mark's gospel had originally been written by Mark without verses 12-20 surely these early church

fathers would have drawn attention to it. No one argued with him that this was wrong.

THE MINORITY TEXTS Vaticanus (B) & Sinaiticus (Aleph)There are other extant Greek texts which are referred to as the

'Minority Texts' simply because they represent only about 5% of existing manuscripts. Another 5% are

Neutral Texts: sometimes agreeing with the majority and at others with the minority. The 'Minority

Texts' are also known as the Alexandrian Texts because they were produced in Alexandria in Egypt.

The Minority Texts were rejected by the early Christians and also by all the Protestant Reformers of the


and 17th

centuries. The Reformers, who were well aware of the existence of the Minority Texts,

considered them unfit for translation purposes. These are very important points to bear in mind. Why

did the early Christians and the Protestant Reformers reject the Minority Texts? The answer is:

• The Minority Texts were the work of unbelieving

Egyptian scribes who did not accept the Bible as the

Word of God or JESUS as the SON of GOD!

• The Minority Texts abound with alterations, often a single manuscript being amended by several different scribes over a period of many years; something the Aaronic priests and Masorites would never have tolerated

when making copies of the Scriptures.

• The Minority Texts omit approx 200 verses from the Scriptures. This is equivalent to 1st and 2nd Peter. Pause and consider that stunning fact!

• The Minority Texts contradict themselves in hundreds of places.

• The Minority Texts are doctrinally weak and often dangerously incorrect.

Proof of these astonishing allegations will follow where we will take a close look at some 80+ Bible verses corrupted by the Minority Text.

Yet, startling as it may sound, virtually every modern English Bible relies on the Minority Text as its underlying New Testament text in preference to Textus Receptus! Isn't that an amazing revelation? What brought about this almost

incredible switch from the reliable Textus Receptus, beloved by the early Christian church and the Protestant Reformers, to the corrupt minority text favoured by the Roman Catholic Church? It is important that you find out soon:

because the modern "Bible" you may be faithfully studying every day is really nothing more than a counterfeit posing as the Word of God! If it is any consolation to you, do remember that I was equally in the dark and totally devastated by my findings.

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Misleading Footnotes

Modern translations abound with misleading footnotes, which do little else but cast doubt on the Textus Receptus. Examples are:

• The Hebrew of this line is obscure.

• The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain - or unknown.

• Other ancient mss add …

• Other ancient mss omit…

• Other ancient mss read …

• Other ancient mss insert…

• Some early mss read…

• The most ancient authorities omit John 7:53 - 8:11

The best manuscripts omit this verse. (e.g. Matt.17:21, 18:11, 23:14, Mark 7:16, John

5:4) John William Burgon was born August 21, 1813. He matriculated at Oxford in

1841, taking several high honours there, and his B.A. 1845. He took his M.A. there

in 1848…the thing about Burgon, however, which lifts him out of the nineteenth

century English setting and endears him to the hearts of earnest Christians of other

lands and other ages is his steadfast defence of the scriptures as the infallible Word

of God. He strove with all his power to arrest the modernistic currents which during

his lifetime had begun to flow within the Church of England, continuing his efforts

with unabated zeal up to the very day of his death. With this purpose in mind he

laboured mightily in the field of New Testament textual criticism.

• In 1860, while temporary chaplain of the English congregation at Rome, he

made a personal examination of Codex B (Vaticanus), and in 1862 he

inspected the treasures of St. Catherine's Convent on Mt. Sinai. Later he made

several tours of European libraries, examining and collating New Testament

manuscripts wherever he went…Of all the critics of the nineteenth century

Burgon alone was consistently Christian in his vindication of the Divine

inspiration and providential preservation of the text of Holy Scripture

Burgon regarded the good state of preservation of B (Codex Vaticanus) and Aleph

(Codex Sinaiticus) in spite of their exceptional age as proof not of their goodness

but of their badness. If they had been good manuscripts, they would have been read

to pieces long ago. We suspect that these two manuscripts are indebted for their

preservation, solely to their ascertained evil character; which has occasioned that

the one eventually found its way, four centuries ago, to a forgotten shelf in the

Vatican Library; while the other, after exercising the ingenuity of several

generations of critical Correctors, eventually (viz. In A.D.1844) got deposited in the

wastepaper basket of the Convent at the foot of Mount Sinai. Had B (Vaticanus) and Aleph (Sinaiticus) been copies of average purity, they must

long since have shared the inevitable fate of books which are freely used and highly

prized; namely, they would have fallen into decadence and disappeared from sight.

Thus the fact that B and Aleph are so old is a point against them, not something in

their favour.

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It shows that the Church rejected them and did not read them. Otherwise they

would have worn out and disappeared through much reading. For an orthodox Christian Burgon's view is the only reasonable one. If we believe

that God gave the Church guidance in regard to the New Testament books, then

surely it is logical to believe that God gave the church similar guidance in regard to

the text which these books contained… Who but those with Roman Catholic sympathies could ever be pleased with the notion

that God preserved the true New Testament text in secret for almost one thousand

years and then finally handed it over to the Roman pontiff for safekeeping? Surely

every orthodox Protestant will prefer to think with Burgon that God preserved the

true text of the Greek New Testament in the usage of the Greek-speaking Church

down through the centuries and then delivered it up intact to the Protestant

reformers." (Ref:F11)

Codex Sinaiticus (Aleph) This codex was produced in the 4

th century. In his book Let's Weigh the Evidence, Barry Burton

writes of Codex Sinaiticus:

"The Sinaiticus is a manuscript that was found in 1844 in a trash pile in St.Catherine's

Monastery near Mt. Sinai, by a man named Mr Tischendorf. It contains nearly all of the New Testament plus it adds the 'Shepherd of Hermes' and the 'Epistle of Barnabas' to the New

Testament. The Sinaiticus is extremely unreliable, proven by examining the manuscript itself.

John Burgon spent years examining every available manuscript of the New Testament. He writes about Sinaiticus... 'On many occasions 10, 20, 30, 40 words are dropped through very

carelessness. Letters, words or even whole sentences are frequently written twice over, or begun

and immediately cancelled; while that gross blunder, whereby a clause is omitted because it

happens to end in the same words as the clause preceding, occurs no less than 115 times in the

NewTestament. THAT'S NOT ALL!

On nearly every page of the manuscript there are corrections and revisions, done by 10 different

people. Some of these corrections were made about the same time that it was copied, but most of

them were made in the 6th and 7th century.

… Phillip Mauro, a brilliant lawyer who was admitted to the bar of the US Supreme Court in

April 1892, wrote a book called "Which Version" in the early 1900s. He writes concerning the

Sinaiticus… 'From these facts, therefore, we declare: first that the impurity of the Codex

Sinaiticus, in every part of it, was fully recognized by those who were best acquainted with it, and

that from the very beginning until the time when it was finally cast aside as worthless for any

practical purpose.' " (Ref:C1)

In his excellent book An Understandable History Of The Bible, Samuel Gipp

writes of Codex Sinaiticus:

: "One of the MSS is called Sinaiticus and is represented by the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet,

Aleph. This MS from all outward appearances looks very beautiful. It is written in book form

(codex) on vellum. It contains 147 1/2 leaves. The pages are 15" by 13 1/2" with four columns of

48 lines per page. It contains many spurious books such as the 'Shepherd of Hermes,' the

'Epistle of Barnabas' and even the Didache.

The great Greek scholar, Dr Scrivener, points this out in his historic work A Full

Collation of the Codex Sinaiticus. He speaks of correctional alterations made to the

MS: 'The Codex is covered with such alterations... brought in by at least ten

different revisers, some of them systematically spread over every page, others

occasional or limited to separated portions of the MS, many of these being

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contemporaneous with the first writer, but the greater part belonging to the sixth or

seventh century.' " (Ref:B5) Codex Vaticanus (B)

The second major manuscript of the Minority Text is known as Codex Vaticanus, often referred to as 'B'. This codex was also produced in the 4


century. It was found over a thousand years later in 1481 in the Vatican library

in Rome, where it is currently held. It is written on expensive vellum, a fine parchment originally from the skin of calf or antelope. Some authorities claim that it was one of a batch of 50 Bibles ordered from Egypt by the Roman

Emperor Constantine; hence its beautiful appearance and the expensive skins which were used for its pages. But alas! this manuscript, like its corrupt Egyptian partner Sinaiticus (Aleph) is also riddled with omissions, insertions and amendments.

Of Codex Vaticanus Samuel Gipp writes on page 72:

"This codex omits many portions of Scripture vital to Christian doctrine. Vaticanus omits Genesis 1.1 through Genesis 46:28; Psalms 106 through 138; Matthew 16:2,3; Romans 16:24; the Pauline Pastoral Epistles; Revelation; and everything in Hebrews after 9:14. It seems suspicious indeed that a MS possessed by the Roman Catholic church omits the portion of the

book of Hebrews which exposes the 'mass' as totally useless (Please read Hebrews 10:10-12). The 'mass' in conjunction with the false doctrine of purgatory go hand-in-hand to form a perpetual money making machine for Rome. Without one or the other, the Roman Catholic

Church would go broke! It also omits portions of the Scripture telling of the creation (Genesis),

the prophetic details of the crucifixion (Psalm 22), and, of course, the portion which prophesies

of the destruction of Babylon (Rome), the great whore of Revelation chapter 17. Vaticanus ,

though intact physically, is found to be in poor literary quality. Dr Martin declares, 'B' exhibits

numerous places where the scribe has written the same word or phrase twice in succession. Dr J

Smythe states, 'From one end to the other, the whole manuscript has been travelled over by the

pen of some… scribe of about the tenth century.' If Vaticanus was considered a trustworthy text

originally, the mass of corrections and scribal changes obviously render its testimony highly

suspicious and questionable."

Gipp continues on page 73:

"The corrupt and unreliable nature of these two MSS (Sinaiticus and Vaticanus) is best summed

up by one who has thoroughly examined them, John W Burgon: 'The impurity of the text exhibited

by these codices is not a question of opinion but fact...In the Gospels alone, Codex B(Vatican)

leaves out words or whole clauses no less than 1,491 times. It bears traces of careless

transcriptions on every page…

If we are to be thorough and discriminatory in our evaluation of the true New Testament text, then we must not -- we cannot -- overlook these facts.' How did these MSS come into

being? How did it happen that they should be beautiful to the eye, yet within contain such vile and devastating corruption? It seems that these uncial MSS along with the papyrus MSS included in this category all resulted from a revision of the true, or Universal Text. This revision was enacted in Egypt by Egyptian scribes! " (Ref:B6)

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Gipp continues: "So we see that once a pure copy of the Universal Text (Textus Receptus) had been carried down into Egypt, it was

recopied. During the process of this recopying, it was revised by men who did not revere it as truly the Word of God.

This text was examined by the critical eye of Greek philosophy and Egyptian morals. These men saw nothing wrong

with putting the Book in subjection to their opinion instead of their opinion being in subjection to the book. This

process produced a text which was local to the educational centre of Alexandria, Egypt. This text went no further than

southern Italy where the Roman Catholic Church found its unstable character perfect for overthrowing the true Word

of God which was being used universally by the true Christians." (Ref:B7)

The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible has this to say

about Codex Vaticanus (B) on page 624 under article


Quote: " It should be noted, however, that there is no prominent Biblical MS. in which

there occur such gross cases of misspelling, faulty grammar, and omission, as in B." (Ref:H2)

Barry Burton comments further:

Quote: "For one thing…Vaticanus and Sinaiticus disagree with each other over

3000 times in the gospels alone… Facts about the Vaticanus.

"It was written on fine vellum (tanned animal skins) and remains in

excellent condition. It was found in the Vatican Library in 1481 AD.

In spite of being in excellent condition, it omits Genesis 1:1-

Gen.46:28, Psalm 106-138, Matt.16:2-3, the Pauline pastoral Epistles,

Hebrews 9:14-13:25, and all of Revelation. These parts were probably

left out on purpose." "Besides all that - in the gospels alone it leaves out 237 words, 452

clauses and 748 whole sentences, which hundreds of later copies agree

together as having the same words in the same places, the same

clauses in the same places and the same sentences in the same places...

The Vaticanus was available to the translators of the King James

Bible, but they did not use it because they knew it is unreliable."


Dean Burgon comments on Codices Sinaiticus

(Aleph)and Vaticanus (B).

Quote: "Compromise of any sort between the two conflicting parties, is impossible; for

they simply contradict one another. Codd.B and Aleph are either amongst the

purist of manuscripts,- or else they are among the very foulest. The Text of

Drs.Westcott and Hort is either the very best which has ever appeared,- or else it

is the very worst; the nearest to the sacred Autographs,- or furthest from

them."… "There is no room for both opinions; and there cannot exist any middle

view." (Ref: P3)

Oldest and Best Bible students are often told that Codices Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are older and better

than other manuscripts: the implication being that they must, therefore, be more accurate. But this conclusion is wrong. We have already seen how Sinaiticus and

Vaticanus are corrupt beyond measure. To be sure they are 'better' in appearance, but certainly not in their content. Remember they are written on expensive vellum; so they ought to be in good shape. They are older, but older than what? They are older than

other Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. But they are not older than the earliest versions of the Bible: the Peshitta, Italic, Waldensian and the Old Latin Vulgate:

versions which agree with the Majority text. These ancient versions are some 200 years

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older than Aleph and B. Yes Aleph and B are older than other Greek mss, but for anyone to suggest that they are more accurate is absurd. It is like someone saying 'You

will find the greatest TRUTH being preached in the oldest and most beautiful cathedrals of the world,' or, 'the most beautiful women have the best characters.'

In his masterful book Revision Revised Dean Burgon wrote, over a hundred years ago, concerning the ages of Codices Vatican (B) and Sinai (Aleph):

: "Lastly, - We suspect that these two Manuscripts are indebted for their

preservation, solely to their ascertained evil character, which has occasioned that

the one eventually found its way, four centuries ago, to a forgotten shelf in the

Vatican library; while the other, after exercising the ingenuity of several

generations of critical Correctors, eventually (viz. In A.D. 1844) got deposited in

the waste-paper basket of the Convent at the foot of mount Sinai. Had B and

Aleph been copies of average purity, they must long since have shared the

inevitable fate of books which are freely used and highly prized; namely, they

would have fallen into decadence and disappeared from sight." (Ref: P1)

In short these two codices are old simply because: • First: They were written on extremely expensive and durable

antelope skins.

• Second: They were so full of errors, alterations, additions and

deletions, that they were never used by true believers and seldom even by their own custodians. Thus they had little chance of wearing away.

αµαθεστατε και κακε, αφες τον παλαιον, µη µεταποιει

(Fool and knave, can't you leave the old reading alone and not alter it!)

Complaint of a scribe, written in the margin of Codex Vaticanus at Heb. 1:3.—

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Interesting to mention that on the right side an umlaut appears. This probably refers to the word-order change

των αµαρτιων ποιησαµενοςτων αµαρτιων ποιησαµενοςτων αµαρτιων ποιησαµενοςτων αµαρτιων ποιησαµενος to

ποιησαµενος των αµαρτιωνποιησαµενος των αµαρτιωνποιησαµενος των αµαρτιωνποιησαµενος των αµαρτιων.

This umlaut is on the "wrong" side. The question now is: Is it on the wrong side because on the left is this note? This would have serious consequences for the dating.

Can any true believer imagine YAHWEH, the Holy One of Israel, hiding Codex Vaticanus away for over 1000 years in the Vatican Library till 1481? or prompting the deeply religious monks of St Catherine's Monastery to dump Sinaiticus into a waste basket? The

very idea is ridiculous.

A vital fact to remember is that though codices Aleph and B (produced in the 4

th century) are older than other Greek manuscript

copies of the Scriptures, they are not older than the Peshitta, Italic,

the Old Latin Vulgate and the Waldensian versions

which were produced 200 years earlier in the 2nd

century. All these

versions, copies of which are still in existence, agree with Textus

Receptus, the underlying text of the King James Bible. I repeat: these ancient versions are some 200 years older than Vaticanus and Sinaiticus: so the 'oldest is best' argument should not be used. All Bibles fall, basically, into one of two categories.

• Those based on the Majority Text. (Textus Receptus)

• Those based on the Minority Text. (Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus etc.)

Which Bible you select for study each day is going to have an enormous effect on your spiritual growth and well being. Bear this vital fact in mind.

The Invention of Printing

The invention of the printing press in the 15th

century was a giant step forward in the circulation of the Bible. The printing press

reduced the time taken to produce a Bible from about nine or ten months to a few hours: and once proof reading had been done, every copy was as good as the

master. Printing also greatly reduced the price of a Bible.

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"In the reign of Edward 1 of England, about 1272, the price of a complete (hand-

written) Bible was from £30 to £37, and occupied a careful scribe in his scriptorium

about ten months, while the days wage of a working man only averaged 1.5 pennies.

When it is borne in mind that it only cost £25 to build two arches of London Bridge

in 1240, while the price of a complete Latin Bible was considerably more, it will

readily be allowed that only the rich and scholarly had access to the Word of God." "While Martin Luther called the art of printing 'the last and best gift of providence'

the R ( oman)

Catholic Rowland Phillips, in a sermon preached at St.Paul's Cross, London in the

year 1535, frightfully remarked. 'We must root out printing

or printing will root us out.'



Tischendorf's 1859 Sinai or Aleph Codex and Vaticunus exhibits a gap of 50 years and with many

differences. Both are corrupted codices.

In both, after verse 8 's ' ephobounto gar ' comes the subscription ' kata mapkon in codex B; in Codex Aleph it is ' eyatteaion kata mapkon ' Codex B comes to us with no history, no recommendation from anyone, and has careless transcription

errors on every page. In the gospels, codex B leaves out over 1491 words, entire clauses --- the

majority in Mark. Why?

It has many repetitions. Why? The original scribe wrote the same words twice over, and never took

notice of what he had done. Many times 1 to 40 words are dropped through with careless ease.

Letters, words, whole sentences are frequently written twice over or started and immediately cancelled,

while over 115 times is a clause omitted because it ends in the same words as the clause preceding it.

It appears the text had at least 10 different revisers.

Strangely here and there the two codices have very many and unique minute corruption's -- all bearing

testimony to the shared common corruption of an original.

Notice too that the original scribe of codex Aleph had also omitted the end of John-- verse 25.

Here codex Aleph stands ALONE among all 24,000 New Testament MSS. ' A cloud of primitive witnesses vouch for the genuiness of the verse ' Codex B omits 2 verses of the Lord's pain ' agony and bloody sweat ' and ' ministering of angels

of Dr Luke 22:43-44

Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Epiphadoret and even Codex Aleph contradict codex B


So what use is codex B?


It omits ' Then said Jesus, Father forgive them for they know not what they do' Didn't King Jesus The Jewish Messiah pray for Israel to be forgiven?

Recall the Vaican Roman Catholic system has always been anti-Jewish.


It omits John 9:38 's confession of the man born blind Biblical confession is always agreeing that King Jesus is LORD GOD and Savior and not confessing in

a box to a Vatican type priest.


B and Aleph omit words and verses and phrases that emphasize the deity of K Jesus Burgon lists at

least 23 examples including 1Tim 3:16 where ' Theos ' is replced by Hos.

See also hell removed in Mark 9:44,46

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The Lord 's word from the cross, Dr Luke 23:34

and destruction of The Disciples Prayer as taught by King Jesus in Dr Luke 11:2-4

So why the flagrant, unauthorized frequent deletions of God's Word?


The Codex B ----yes the oldest we have -- has Mark 16 ending at verse 8 with the so-called usual

subscription ' kata mapkon '

Here the scribe has deviated from his normal practise of starting each and every new book on the Bible

at the top of the next ensuing column to that which had the concluding words of the previous book.

Instead there is a huge blank column--the ONLY such blank in Codex B.

Yet the blank has enough space to fill in the missing verses. Why the blank? Maybe because the older ms from which Codex B copied must have had the disputed verses. Why was

the copyist told to leave out these verses yet being honest left the blank page as his witness?

This blank page makes the Vatican Codex B refute itself.

We notice that the Sinatic has no such blank page. This means the Sinatic was copied from an already

badly mutilated codex.

Notice too that the older and better Codex B contradicts s the junior Codex Aleph at this point.

THE COLUMN PAGE PROBLEM OF ALEPH We have proof in the very mss itself that the writer was aware of having made an important omission

at the end of Mark

'…the scribe manages to conclude Mark not with a blank page as in B ...but with A COLUMN such as

in this mss is usual at the end of a book, exhibiting the closing words, followed by an arabesque pattern

executed with the pen and the subscription but by the very pains he has taken to conform this final

column to the ordinary usage of the mss his purpose of omission is betrayed even more conclusively '

( Appendix 7, The Trad Text of the Holy Gospels p 299-300)

THE NON INDEPENDENCE OF ALEPH AND B Westcott and Hort's so called double witness for B and Aleph: ' unique criterion supplied by the

concord of the independent attestions of a and B' (The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels p 233)

But when two Gospel copies are taken from one and the same original how can they be independent?

The non independence of B and A is indeed unique for the very leaf on which Mark 16 ends and Dr

Luke starts is written (Mark 16:2-Dr Luke 1:56) is one of the 6 leaves of Codex Aleph which was

written by the scribe of Codex B

Thus at least in the leaves codices Aleph and B make just one witness, not two.


Using stichometry and proof of omissions by copyists Clark agrees with Burgon .the champion of

lost causes. Prof. Clark is a Latin not theological scholar who found large numbers of words and phrases absent in

Westcott and Hort's text have 10-12 Greek letters or multiples of 10 and 12.

In the mss they are set out in narrow columns. So why their marked absence in aleph and B?

Yet the same word or syllable occurred just before or just after. Thus the scribe skipped one or more

lines--but always the same multiple. What a strange thing to do in Aleph and B.

FURTHER PROBLEMS: Of the 4 oldest codices of the gospels extant - B, Aleph and A (Alexandrius), C two (B and Aleph) are

without these 12 verses and two (A and C) are with them.

B the oldest codex in existence, itself says that from itself they are an omission.

Recall all 12 verses are found in every gospel copy except codices B and Aleph

SCHOLIA Notes or scholia which state the exact reverse namely that in the 'older ' or ' more accurate copies ' the

last 12 verses of St Mark are contained recur even perpetually.'

The plain truth is this: these modern day critics have taken their information second hand, partly from

Griesbach (AD 1796-1806) the first modern doubter of these verses or from Scholz (AD 1830) without

suspicion and inquiry ' (Burgon page 77)

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Griesbach got 11 references from Wetstein, and 14 from Birch. Scholz unsuspiciously adopted

Griesbach's fatal enumeration of codices. Scholz is thus to be blamed for all that has been written since

1830. Yet Scholz's work was slovenly in style, continued the old mistakes, and invented new ones--

reproduced by 20th

century critics who have translated or transcribed him.

Burgon for example tested SCHOLZ'S NOTE ' Z '.

He found that Scholz copying Griesbach first states that in two Mss in the Vatican library the verses in

question are marked with an asterisk. The original author of this statement was Birch who explained

that fatal signification of this mark. From that day to this, the asterisks in Codices Vaticanus 756 and

757 have been religiously reproduced by every critic in turn and taken for granted that they represent

two ancient witnesses against the genuineness of the last 12 verses of Mark's Gospel.

And yet the solitary asterisk, which is not a rare phenomenon in ancient Mss, has no real significance at


And even it did would have no relevance here as well.

In fact the Danish critic has made a sad blunder for there are NO asterisks in Codex 756 or Codex 757!

So there is no evidence for the modern critics. Further more the witness has been put in a different box.

In short the witness is now testifying for the reality of Mark's last 12 verses .The autograph was correct

all along. What a switch.

The other codex has no asterisk or cross but has the same note or scholion attesting to the genuineness

of the last 12 verses of Mark's gospel.

In codices 20 and 300 Scholz takes no notice of the singular circumstance that the

two Mss he mentions have been exactly assimilated in ancient times to a common model that

the foregoing rubrical annotation appears in the wrong place in both of them -at the close of

verse 15, where it interrupts the text.

This was once a scholion written in the margin of some very ancient codex, which has lost its way in

the process of transcription. Its testimony is express and confirms the last 12 verses of Mark's gospel.

Even more important is that both codices (and Scholz is strangely quiet here) exhibit a text collated

with ancient and approved copies at Jerusalem.

Of the other 20 codices, one (No 38) has been cited in error while the other 19 are simply copies of

Victor of Antioch's comments on St Mark.

So what do we find?

Nine codices have a note to the effect that the end of Mark's gospel, though wanting in some was yet

found in others, ' in many ' and ' in the ancient 'copies '.

Four codices have subscriptions vouching for the genuineness of the last 12 verses of Mark's gospel.

Sixteen codices have a ' weighty critical scholion asserting categorically that in 'very many' and

'accurate copies ', specially in the ' true Palestinian exemplar,' these verses had been found by one who

seems to have verified the fact of their existence there for himself.'

As the inimitable Burgon says, quoting Scripture, Judges ' ' I called thee to curse mine enemies, and

behold thou hast altogether blessed them these three times '

Codex L, an uncial Ms of the 8th


century in the library at Paris was the work of an ignorant copyist

. While incompetent to determine which reading to adopt and which to reject he interrupts himself, at

the end of verse 8 to write

' something to this effect is also met with: ' all that was commanded them they immediately rehearsed unto Peter and the rest. And after things from East even unto West, did Jesus Himself send forth by their means the holy and incorruptible message of eternal Salvation.' ' But this also is met with after the words, ' for they were afraid', ' Now, when HE was risen early, the first day of the week', etc etc The same worthless supplement is found in the margin of the Harklean Syriac (AD 616)


St Mark brings new data about King Jesus and Hnot revealed in other gospels.

This is something each and every one of the five gospels does.

(1) Mary Magdalene --the first to see King Jesus alive on 17th

April AD 30 Resurrection Day

(2) King Jesus had rescued her from 7 demon (devil )s

(3) The behavior of the men to whom she announced her wonderful resurrection news

(4) The same men did not even believe Cleopas' testimony.

(5) The Ministerial Commission's terms are unique: see verses 15-16

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(6) The signs following are also unique --confirmed in Heb 1-2

(7) This is the only place in the Gospel where the session at the Right hand of God is recorded.

St Mark also has lovely picturesque and striking details. Thus Mark alone records King Jesus came

from Nazareth for His baptism. And that wild beasts were with HIM in His temptation trial by satan.

and that the father of St Yacov (James ) and St John was left ' in the ship with the hired servants '

when these two were being called to be apostles.

Notice too that in Mark1: 1 Mark writes that King Jesus was ' JESUS and MESSIAH ' while in the last

verse of his gospel , Mark 16:20 HE is ' HO KURIOS ' that is THE LORD or YAHWEH LORD. Why

because at His circumcision He was named ' Jesus ' or Y'Shua -- a name given before His birth;

at His baptism He was declared THE MESSIAH --a title for His office; and at His ascension into

heaven HE is YAHWEH or LORD---properly so as THE LORD OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE.

As Burgon says ' No inventor or fabricator would have planted his foot ' in exactly this way.

It is extraordinary that such a vast number of minute, important facts are found within just these 12

verses and nowhere else. Mark is an independent witness of King Jesus not dependent on John or


His last 12 verses fit in like the hand of a glove. Mark 1:9-20 's style fits Mark 16:9-20.

Mark's gospel has unique Greek structure and vocabulary. Mark emphasizes faith throughout his

gospel. And in Mark 16 faith is indeed mentioned 8 times. This is in addition to ' unbelief ' in King

Jesus' resurrection.

The signs of Mark 16 are also related to the ones of chapter 6:13 and 11:23 where faith works greater



A 1:1-1:8 The Fore-Runner

B 1:9-1:11 The Baptism with Fire

C 1:12-13 The Test-Temptation: In The Desert

D 1:14-20 The Kingdom--Announced (Part One of King Jesus' 4 Fold Ministry)

E 1:21-8:30 The King of Kings Rejected (Part Two of King Jesus' 4 Fold Ministry)

E 8:31-10:52 The King of Kings Rejected (Part Three of King Jesus' 4 Fold


D 11:1-14:25 The Kingdom-- Rejected (Part Four of King Jesus' 4 Fold Ministry)

C 14:25-42 The Agony Test In The Garden

B 14:43-16:14 The Baptism with Death (Cross, Burial and Resurrection)

A 16:15-20 The New Fore-Runners


A 1:1-3 Prophecy: By GOD & About John

B 1:4-5 John's Mission

B 1:6 John's Personality

A 1:7-8 Prophecy: By John About THE MESSIAH


A A 1:9 KING JESUS: HE Comes To Prophet John

BB 1:10 KING JESUS is Seen -The Heavens Open

BB 1:10 KING JESUS is Seen-THE DOVE Descends


Mark Chapter 1 1:1-3 THE beginning of the Gospel of JESUS MESSIAH


As it is written in The Prophets,

Behold, I send MY messenger before THY FACE,

Who shall prepare THY Way before THEE.

The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness, Prepare ye

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The Way of YAHWEH make HIS paths straight ( Malachi 3:1,Isaiah 40:3 )

B 1:4 -5 John did baptize in the wilderness,

and preach the Baptism of Repentance for ( eis-resulting in ) the Remission of Sins

And there kept going out unto him all the Land of Judaea

and they of Jerusalem,

and were all baptized of him in the Jordan River Confessing their Sins.

B 6 And John was clothed with camel's hair,

and with a girdle of a skin about his loins;

and he did eat locusts and wild honey;

A 7-8 And preached, saying, HE WHO comes after me is MIGHTIER than I of WHOM I am not fit to

stoop down to loosen the throng of HIS sandals

I indeed have baptized you with water:

but HE shall baptize you with THE HOLY SPIRIT

AA 1:9 And it came to pass in those days,

that JESUS came from Nazareth of Galilee,

and was baptized of John in the Jordan.

BB 10 And immediately coming up out of the water,

HE saw the Heavens being torn

BB 10 and THE SPIRIT like a Dove descending upon HIM:

AA 1:11 And there came a Voice from Heaven, saying,



KING JESUS TEMPTED INTHE WILDERNESS (1:12-1:13) Introversion Design

A 1:12 THE HOLY SPIRIT-Compulsion

B 1:13 The devil-Tempts

B 1:13 The Wild Animals-Friendship

A 1:13 The Holy Angels-Ministering

A 1:12 and immediately THE SPIRIT drove HIM into the Wilderness.

B 13 and HE was there in the Wilderness Forty Days,

tempted of Satan;

B 13 and was with the Wild Beasts;

A1: 13 and the angels ministered unto HIM.










A 1:16 The Two Brothers: Simon & Andrew

B 17 Their Call

C 18 Their Obedience

A 1:19 The Two Bothers: James & John

B 20 Their Call C 20 Their Obedience

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S 1:14-15 And after John was delivered up (in prison)

JESUS came into Galilee,

Preaching The Gospel of The Kingdom of GOD and saying,

The time is fulfilled and The Kingdom of GOD is at hand (draws near):Repent ye,

and believe in The Gospel.

S A 1:16 And walking along beside the Sea of Galilee, HE saw Simon

and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.

B 1:17 And JESUS said unto them, Come ye after ME,

and I will make you to become Fishers of Men.

C 18 And immediately they left their nets,

and followed HIM.

A 1:19 And when He had gone a little further thence,

HE saw James the son of Zebedee

and John his brother, who also were in the boat mending their nets.

B 20 And immediately HE called them:

C 20 and they left their father Zebedee in the boat

with the hired servants, and went after HIM.

A 15:40-41 There were also Women looking on afar off:

among whom was Mariam ( Mary ) of Magdala,

and Mariam (Mary) the mother of Jacob (James ) junior ( the less )

and of Yosi (Joses),

and Salome;

Who also, when HE was in Galilee, followed HIM

and ministered unto HIM;

and Many Other Women who came up with HIM unto Jerusalem.

B 15:42 And now evening already having come,

because it was The Preparation, that is,

the day Before The Sabbath,

C 15:43-45 Joseph of Arimathaea, an Honourable Counsellor,

who also waited for the Kingdom of GOD,


and went in Boldly unto Pilate,

and begged the Body of JESUS.

44 And Pilate wondered

if HE was already dead:

and Calling unto him The Centurion,

he asked him if HE had been Long Dead.

45 and when he Knowing ( ginosko ) it of The Centurion, he gifted ( doreo )The Body ( soma ) to Joseph.

D 15:46 and he bought Fine Linen,

and Took HIM Down,

and Wrapped HIM in the linen,

MARK 15:40-16:8 KING JESUS’ BURIAL (Alt & Introv Design)

A 15:40-41 Women-Many

B 15:42 Before High Sabbath C 15:43-45 KING JESUS’ Body-Obtained

D 15:46 Fine Linen-Obtained

E 15:46 Laid in Tomb

F 15:46 Two Ton Stone Rolled To Tomb’s Door

A 15:47 Women-Two

B 16:1 After High Sabbath

D 16:1 Spices Obtained

E 16:2 Came to Tomb

F 16:3-4 Two Ton Stone Rolled Away From Door of Tomb

C 16:5-8 KING JESUS’ Body Cared For

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E 15:46 and Laid HIM in a Sepulchre

which was hewn out of a Rock,

F 15:46 and Rolled a stone unto the Door of the sepulchre.

A 15:47 and Mary of Magdala

and Mary the mother of Joses Attentively Saw where HE was laid.

Mark 16:1-20

B 16:1 And when the Sabbath was past, Mary of Magdala,

and Mary the mother of James,

and Salome,

D 16:1 had bought Sweet Spices,

that they might come and anoint HIM.

E 16:2 And Very Early

in the Morning the First Day of the Week,

they came unto the sepulchre at the Rising of the sun.

F 16:3-4 And they said to themselves,

Who will Roll us away the stone from the Door of the sepulchre?

4 And when they Looked up,

they saw that the Stone was rolled away:for it was Very Great.

C 16:5-8 and Entering into the sepulchre,

they saw a young man Sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white robe ( stole )

and they were amazed.and he said unto them,

Be not afraid:

Ye seek JESUS of Nazareth,

WHO was Crucified:


behold the Place where they laid HIM. But go your way,tell HIS Disciples and Peter

that HE goes before you into Galilee: there shall ye see HIM, as HE said unto you.

8 And they went out Quickly,

and fled away from ( apo ) the sepulchre;for they Trembledand were amazed:

neither said they any thing to any man; for they were Afraid.

NOTE: E 16:2 And Very Early in the Morning the First Day of the Week, they came unto the sepulchre at

the Rising of the sun.

JESUS was already Resurrected on 6pm Saturday ( The Jewish day starts Eve 6pm and ends 6pm

Thus Sat 6pm and Sunday morning and Sunday 6pm was THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK )

RESURRECTION DAY ( Rept’d Alt Design of Mark 16:9-13 )

R 16:9 KING JESUS Appears to Mary

T 16:10 Mary’s Report

U 16:11 Disciples Unbelief

R 16:12 KING JESUS Appears to Two Disciples

T 16:13 Disciples Report

U 16:13 Disciples Unbelief

MARK 16:14-20 THE NEW HERALDS ( Alt Design )

AA 16:14 After KING JESUS’ Resurrection

BB 16:15-18 The Great Commission

AA 16:19 After KING JESUS’ Ascension to Heaven

BB 16:20 Obeying The Great Commission

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R 16:9 Now when JESUS was Risen Early the First Day of the Week,

HE Appeared ( phaino ) First to Mary Magdalene, out of whom HE had cast seven demon (devil )s.

T 16:10 And she went

and told them that had been with HIM, as they mourned and wept.

U 16:11 And they, when they had heard that HE IS Alive Again,

and had been Seen ( theaomai ) by her, believed not.

R 16:12 After that HE Appeared in a different ( heteros )

form unto two of them, as they walked,

and went into the country.

T 16:13 And they went and told it unto the rest:

U 16:13 neither believed they them.

AA 16:14 Later HE Appeared unto The Eleven as they reclined,

and upbraided them for their unbelief

and hardness of heart, because they believed not them who had seen HIM after HE was Risen.

BB 16:15-18 And HE said unto them,

Go ye into all the World ( kosmos )

and Preach the Gospel to all the Creation.

He that believes and is Baptized shall be Saved;

but he that believes not shall be Damned.( katakrino -condemned)

and these Signs shall follow them that believe;

In (en- thru ) MY NAME shall they Cast out demon (devil )s;

they shall Speak with new ( kainos ) tongues;

They shall take up Serpents;

and if they Drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;

they shall Lay hands on the sick,

and they shall Recover.

AA 16:19 So then after THE LORD ( YAHWEH ) Had spoken unto them,

HE was Received Up into Heaven,

and Sat on the Right hand of GOD.

BB 16:20 And they went forth,

and preached every where,

THE LORD ( YAHWEH ) working with them,

and confirming The Word ( Logos ) with Signs following. Amen.


Did Mark write his gospel without a proper ending or did The Holy Spirit close this gospel with verse 20? That's the real issue. Mss evidence and early church

father's testimony on these mss and the practice of public readings in Africa, Asia and

Europe all show that these disputed verses were widely accepted as part of Mark's

gospel. The Vaticanus and Sinaticus may be the oldest complete codices in the world

but ancientness does not always mean it being genuine. The Vatican Codex B ' Blank

Page Problem 'and Codex Aleph's Column Problem still remain big problems.

Aleph and B may indeed be the oldest mss we have but it does not follow they are the

most accurate.

Why look at P47 for example. It is the oldest most complete papyri mss of Revelation but even Kurt Aland who does not like Mark 16:9-20 admitted ' is

certainly not the best '. (The Significance of the Papyri in New Testament Research' in

The Bible and Modern Scholarship, ed by J. Philip Hyatt, Nasshville: Abingdon Press, 1965 p 333)

The Eusebius (AD 300-340) question has simply been a

misrepresentation of Eusebius:

' Mirinus ' is said to have asked how Mark's opening statement would be reconciled with Matt 28:1

Euesbius simply replies that people may get rid of the problem by leaving out the last verses of Mark.

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Eusebius does not say the verses are are not real.

In AD 256 the African bishop Vincenttius of Thiberi (one of 87 African bishops assembled at the


council of Carthage) quoted verse 17 in the presence of the august council. None said it was

wrong. There are at least 18uncial mss and 600 cursive mss of Mark 16 which contain all these verses.

The design structures in the last paragraphs in this document show how God DESIGNED Mark's

Gospel. Notice how these designs would break if verses 9 to 20 were taken out.

All honest seekers of the truth on textual criticism must consult Dean Burgon's works.

Ignorance is not bliss when satan and his cohorts are

busy attacking and deleting God's word.

Enough is enough. I repeat no one has managed to refute

Dean Burgon's defense of the Byzantine Majority

Textus Receptus (King JESUS Bible,

King James Authorized Version text)

Modern Bibles must go back to this text and forget

Westcott and Hort's fancy ideas.


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BOOK 24 Secretary John MARK (for Peter)


