
TEP 2014/5: Highlights Pat Fitzsimons Director, Thames Estuary Partnership November 2014 TEP staffer Amy Pryor is the Secretary of this national organisation December 2014 Litter Forum on behalf of the PLA January 2015 A brand new seminar programme featuring: Time and Tide bimonthly after work drinks Thames Crossings Neil Kedar, Transport for London The Thames as a SSSI Martin Salter February 2015 TEP becomes Local Nature Partnership Board member March 2015 April 2015 Thames Learning Group reinvigorated after Annual Forum 2014 May 2015 First meeting of the Personal Watercraft Group to address jet ski disturbance at Holehaven Creek SSSI June 2015 Our Summer Event Transforming the Thames, at the Houses of Parliament attracted 200 delegates July 2015 Pat Fitzsimons is vice-chair of the group co-ordinating the London section of the Thames Path TEP is part of the steering group August 2015 Thames21 Thames Estuary Partnership Thames Strategy Kew to Chelsea Thames Landscape Strategy Supported by the Environment Agency and the Port of London Authority providing technical advice. September 2015 TEP submits first European bid, led in partnership with UCL and eight European organisations: ECOEStuaries October 2015 Improved communications November 2015 Whose River? London Journal launch An whole issue dedicated to the Thames The Future Next year: Joint conferences and seminars European bid to set up a North Thames Fisheries Local Action Group The Thames Pass Extension of area of operation to Chelsea Fundraising for projects in development with partners Thanks to our sponsors: ch2m, Tideway, Boskalis, National Maritime, Salix and Land and Water Pat Fitzsimons Director, Thames Estuary Partnership Climate Change St Pancras Room Education and Training Gallery Room - upstairs Health and Environment Limehouse Room Citizen Science Wenlock Room Plastic Litter Horsfall Room
