
The Canobolas Rural Technology

High School

Friday 24th July 2015 Term 3 Issue 11

Icely Road Orange NSW 2800 Ph: 02 6362 1677 Fax: 02 6362 4481 Website: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Congratulations to Callan Naden, Berrigan Leonard, Kiea Wise and Maddison Griffiths-Leonard who

have all won Wudhagaragarra Awards. Wudhagaragarra is a Wiradjuri word meaning to hear, to

listen, to learn. The Wudhagaragarra Awards celebrate and recognise innovation, excellence and

achievement in Aboriginal education in New South Wales public schools and communities.

Callan won an Encouragement Award for Stage 4. Callan was nominated for his excellent attendance,

commitment to learning and dedication to all aspects of school life.

Berrigan won an Encouragement Award for Stage 5. Berrigan was nominated for his commitment to

school. He shows great potential in his academic studies as well as being dedicated to sporting and

cultural activities.

Maddison won an Encouragement Award for Stage 6. She has demonstrated a consistent effort and

positive attitude throughout her time at Canobolas.

Kiea won an award for Outstanding Achievement in Performing Arts. Kiea was nominated as a

talented dancer and for recognition in her leadership role within the Traditional Girls’ Dance Group.

Finally, congratulations to Mr Bliss who won an award for Outstanding Contribution to educational

achievement by a non-Aboriginal Staff member.

The awards ceremony will take place in Dubbo on 30th July.

Congratulations to all our award winners!

Toni Gibbs AEO (Relieving)

From the

Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents and Members of our School Community

Welcome back to another school term. I hope you had a lovely break with your family. I would like to

welcome some new staff to our school in a number of different capacities.

Peter Kell has joined the Industrial Arts team to replace Andrew Hetherington who has moved to a

Head Teacher Teaching and Learning position with the Lachlan group of schools.

Mr John Massang is currently working in Orange network office on some project work and Ms Lauren

Meys has joined the school to work in Science.

Mrs Hawke is on leave for the rest of this term and Mr Williams has moved into the position of Head

Teacher Special Education. Ms Susan Gottschall will relieve as Head Teacher English during this period.

Andrew Farley has taken on the role of canteen and catering manager for the P&C run school

canteen. Andrew brings with him a great deal of knowledge and experience cooking in a hatted

restaurant and will be a valuable asset to our school. The canteen is in the process of getting an EFTPOS

machine to make it easier for students to purchase their lunches. The new menu for July and August is

attached to this newsletter. I would encourage your children to support the canteen as much as

possible. The feedback has been extremely positive in the first two weeks the canteen has been open.

Next week is Education Week across NSW schools. The theme of Education week in 2015 is “Celebrating

Local Heroes”. Being part of the Canobolas community allows your children to develop into local

heroes. We are aiming to improve the outcomes of every child we teach and we will be continuing to

focus on this achievement to ensure your children become the future local heroes for our school and

wider community.

As the year progresses, we will be announcing a number of new programs which will be launched in

2016. Building on the success of our Academically Talented classes, the Canobolas High Performance

Athletes programs and the myriad of other programs we currently offer in the school, is an opportunity

to build skills across Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through the introduction

of a dedicated STEM centre in 2016. This is a lighthouse project and one which will continue to give our

student the skills and experiences necessary to be successful in the 21st century. We will provide more

details of this program in the coming weeks.

In addition to this program, we will begin an innovative model of teaching and learning totally turning

learning as we currently know it on its head. A small number of students will have the opportunity to

revolutionise how they learn in 2016 by being part of our “Big Picture” academy. More details to follow

in the coming weeks.

Year 11 2016 Subject Selection Evening

On Thursday 23rd July we held our Year 10 into 11 Parent Information Evening and Subject Selection. This

was a great opportunity for our parents and Year 10 students to look at what subjects are on offer for

2016 and to ask questions about studying as a senior student. For those families who could not make

Thursday evening, please feel free to contact Ms Matilka (Year 10 Adviser) who will be able to assist you

with your enquiries.

Year 12 Trial HSC Exams

The trial HSC begins for Year 12 students in week 4, Monday 3rd August. All senior students should now be busily preparing for their exams. Students have been given timetables for the exam period and are

expected to be in attendance for all of their exams. If you require any advice on assisting your child

prepare for their exams, please contact Mrs Udy or Ms Bertolin.

P&C Meeting

The first P&C meeting for term 3 will be held on Wednesday 5th August at 6.30pm in the school admin

building. This will be a great opportunity for you to come along and meet our new canteen manager and hear more about the programs we intend to offer in 2016. All enquiries to our president, Keryn

Percival at [email protected]

I hope you have a great fortnight and I look forward to speaking with you in week 4.

With my warmest regards

Chad Bliss



Former students, Eliza Mills and Dean Pallier, are currently in Los Angeles preparing

to compete at the Special Olympics World Summer Games. Both are representing Australia in Basketball.

This is 22 year old Eliza's third world games, and she is hoping her team can

complete a "Three-Peat" and come home with her third Gold Medal.

Dean, 33, is attending his first world games, and wants to help his team to improve on last games Silver Medal.

Competition begins next week.

ESPN is covering the games, with the Opening Ceremony being broadcast LIVE Sunday at 11am.


We are pleased to welcome Andrew Farley, our new Canteen

Manager. He is creating a wide range of tasty and healthy treats every

day. Make sure you check out what's on offer on the ever changing menu.


Dear Parents,

This year we will be participating in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. Through this program we will

be able to get new educational resources for our school– and all we need you to do is shop for your groceries at Woolworths.

From Wednesday 15th July to Tuesday 8th September, we are collecting Woolworths Earn & Learn

Stickers. You will get one Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker for every $10 spent (excluding liquor, tobacco and gift cards). Place the Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker onto a Woolworths Earn & Learn

Sticker Sheet and when it’s complete, the Sticker Sheet can be dropped into the Collection Box here at

the school or at your local Woolworths.

At the end of the promotion, we’ll be able to get some great new equipment. The range is extensive and offers lots of items ideal for our students – including resources for Maths, English, Science and some

fantastic fun supplies for Arts & Craft, Sport and for our library. If you’d like to know more visit


Canobolas is going racing!

After a long wait we have finally taken delivery of the frame of our Human Powered Vehicle (HPV).

HPV racing is big business in Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and

Western Australia but has remained a relatively unknown attraction in


HPV Racing NSW has been working hard

to establish the first race of its kind in

NSW here in Orange with the first race planned for October 2016. Orange City

Council have approved a repurpose of

sections of the Gosling Creek Reserve to

be converted into a track suitable to hold these three wheeled machines.

We are current ly building the aerodynamic fairing that will surround

the tubular frame with the aim to have it completely track ready for an exhibition on Bike Week Mid-


If you would like to help be involved in this exciting endeavour please contact Mr Mal Kay via email:

[email protected] VET Construction

Mr Kay’s Yr 12 VET Construction Class have been hard at work putting their knowledge of Building and

Construction to good use. The class have been collectively working on constructing a Cubby House from scratch. More updates to follow with their progress and who the lucky people will be to collect this

fine bit of childrens play equipment.


Hospitality Team Serves Up Success at the Zonta Antique Fair

On Friday 13th June, the Year 11 and 12 Hospitality students catered for the Zonta Antique Fair at the

Orange Function Centre. This event takes place every year and is renowned for being the largest antique fair in Australia.

The hospitality team has catered for this event for the past 12 years and our school prides itself on

delivering the finest cocktail food and service every year.

Mrs Nash and Mrs Buckerfield were extremely proud of the hospitality students and enjoyed working

collaboratively with the commercial cookery and food and beverage students to prepare, cook and serve menu items to the 40 antique fair vendors and the 300 guests, who travel near and far to

appreciate and purchase antique furniture, clothing, jewellery and other collectables.

Students perfected their hygiene, food preparation, cooking and serving skills throughout the day and into the evening. The menu items served during the launch to the dignitaries were gourmet open

sandwiches, cheese and bacon quiche, caramelised onion tartlets, prawn sailboats, gourmet sausage

rolls, Vietnamese spring rolls, chicken kebabs, slices, fruit, cheese and antipasto platters.

The hospitality team looks forward to creating another menu for next year’s Antique Fair and enjoys

volunteering their time and effort to such a wonderful Orange charity.

Metals Recap!

Over the past 2 terms, 7T-1 have been working extremely hard in Technology (Mandatory) to complete

their practical projects. At the end of last term we finally finished our first project, a stick metal figurine. Students designed the shape of their figurine and cut, bent and filed them into shape. A huge thank

you to Brodie Totman in Year 10 who kindly braised the students figurines onto their bases.

Well done 7T-1! Your completed Metal figurines look fantastic!

2015 Semester One Faculty Achievements We have had a very busy first half of the year here in Home Ec. It has been amazing to see so

many of our students developing their knowledge and skills across a wide range of subject areas.

This year we have already participated in a wide range of events and had some fantastic achievements!

We participated in a wide range of catering events including Principal’s conferences, the New

Scheme Teacher’s conference and Australian Curriculum conference events. We were awarded ‘The School that Contributed the most to Orange’s Relay for Life’. We assisted

the Relay for Life committee in the running of this event back in March. Our students set up equipment, prepared and donated lunch for the committee and assisted in the preparation and

service of food items at the Survivors and Carers’ Afternoon Tea.

Our Year 12 CAFS students travelled to Sydney to participate in the ACHPER HSC CAFS seminar.

Here they heard tips and top examination techniques from Senior HSC markers.

Catered for the Zonta Antique Fair Opening Night at Orange Function Centre. We prepared and

served a range appetisers to paying guests all in support of the Zonta Club of Orange biggest

fundraiser of the year.

Our Year 10 Child Studies students visited Orange Public School and guided Kindergarten

students through a range of interactive activities including story reading and active games.

Our Year 9 Hospitality students visited ProVista restaurant to experience the tastes and flavours of

Meditteranean cuisine.

Our Year 7 and 8 Technology (Mandatory) students have been learning new skills and

techniques in the Textiles and Food Specialisation areas. The quality of the projects that have been produced so far this year has been exceptional!

In Semester 2, we are not slowing down. We have many more exciting events on the way: Our Year 11 and 12 Hospitality students are preparing and serving dinner for Rotary on Monday

17th August.

Annette from S&S Creativity will be here at Canobolas on Friday 21st August to run a series of

hands-on Textiles workshops for our students.

We are running a session of the Canobolas Buon Ricordo Restaurant on Thursday 27th August.

Please see below for details.

Many of our food students will attend excursions to restaurants to experience different tastes and

flavours from around the world. Home Ec Subject Selections

Do you want the opportunity to participate in the many events that Home Ec has to offer?

Then make sure that you choose a subject from the Home Economics Faculty! In 2016 students will have the opportunity to elect the following subjects:

Year 8

MasterChef MasterClass

Textiles Technology

Year 9

Food Technology

Child Studies

Textiles Technology

Year 11

Food Technology

Community and Family Studies Exploring Early Childhood

Textiles and Design

Hospitality: Kitchen Operations Hospitality: Food and Beverage

Want to find out more information?

Come and see the friendly Home Ec team. We can be found in the A6A staffroom.

We look forward to seeing more students join us in Home Ec in 2016!

The Home Ec Team

Ms Lynch, Mrs Nash, Mrs Buckerfield, Mrs Shepherd, Mrs Judd and Mrs Rouse.

We are hosting a sitting of the Canobolas Buon Ricordo Restaurant this term! Our Year 11

and 12 Hospitality students prepare and serve a delicious 3 course meal for our guests.

When: Thursday 27th August (Week 7).

Time: 6pm for 6.30pm service

Cost: $25 per head – Beverages extra

Theme: Recipes from the hit TV Show ‘My Kitchen Rules’.

Bookings are essential. Please phone the front office on 63621677 to secure your place.

(Alternate serve)


Arancini Balls

Caramelised Onion Tartlets


Peppered beef with Texas green beans and barbeque corn with garlic butter

Sweet potato and chicken roulade with white wine jus and buttered greens


Banana spring rolls with coconut custard and caramel popcorn

Mint slice with salted caramel toffee


Year 7 Ag is learning about egg production this term…

These babies are currently ‘cooking’ in the incubator in the Science Prep Room. One day they’ll be real

chooks running around up at the Ag Farm! Contrary to popular belief, these chickens weren’t first bred in Mt.Isa, Queensland, but by a French

company, the “Institute de Selection Animale”.

Apparently ISA Browns are one of the best breeds to have in your chook pen at home or at school –

they lay lots of eggs and it seems they love kids – especially if they know food is part of the relationship! But … among themselves they can be quite bossy. Once they’re settled into a flock with an established

pecking order they can be pretty hard on newcomers. If you want to add new chooks to the flock it

seems the best thing is to get new ones about the same size as the old ones (or bigger!) so they can’t be so easily attacked and you need to provide plenty of room for them to run away until they find their

place in the flock. Year 8 are finishing their Earth & Space Unit by …

Year 9 Science are preparing for their skills tests by practising testing for pH, identifying acids and bases

in common foods….

Watch this

Space …

we’re going to have babies –

little Isa Brown ones!!

… creating their own solar system… and inventing their own mnemonic …


During the holidays some interesting new books have arrived in the library.

The ever popular Morris Gleitzman has written another book which continues the story of Felix, a Jewish boy, still struggling to survive in the wake of the liberation of Poland at the end of WWII. Soon

makes the reader consider: when is a war really over? Food is scarce, living conditions abhorrent and the hope of helping people slim. As Felix tells us: “I hoped the Nazis would be

defeated. And they were. I hoped the war would be over. And it was. I hoped we would

be safe. But we aren’t.” Children have to do things to survive which would not have been considered before the war and morals and values are, in many cases, ignored. This is set

against the Nazis performing medical experiments on Jewish people. Can experimentation

of this sort ever be justifiable? It is up to the reader to decide whether this is a story of hope or

hopelessness and gives further insights into the holocaust and its aftermath.

Another popular author, Jackie French, has turned to Shakespeare again in her latest offering: Ophelia: Queen of Denmark. Following from I am Juliet, Ophelia focuses on the reinterpretation of

Hamlet. She is the girl who will be Queen. While Hamlet’s family stab, poison or haunt one

another, Ophelia plans a sensible rule, one filled with justice and the making of delicious

cheeses, even if she has to pretend to be mad to make it happen. Lines from the play are interwoven into the story and Ophelia is revealed as a complex personality, very poised

outwardly but not immune to love and lust. This is Shakespeare’s play with what might have

happened behind the scenes. The book explores the main theme of the play, how vengeful madness destroys lives, but incidents are seen from the point of view of a young woman who thinks that cheese is more important to the happiness of a land than feuds and warfare. I am Juliet is

also in the library collection.

Based on real events, Freedom Ride by Sue Lawson explores the racial tensions in the town

of Walgaree during the summer of 1965. Robbie’s journey from ignorance and acceptance to awareness, disappointment, anger and action will challenge and confront the reader, as

it was only 50 years ago that there was this unwritten apartheid. Robbie, a white teenager,

has his own family issues stemming from his late mother, his highly racist and generally

uncaring father and his cruel and nasty grandmother. Anything bad or unsavoury that happens around town is immediately blamed on an Aboriginal, even when there are no

witnesses. It goes further, with corruption of the bigoted Mayor and the RSL management.

As the Freedom Ride nears from Sydney, tensions boil over, with a few brave men and women

demanding change. This is an excellent read about some of Australia’s history of relations with Aboriginal people.

Another perceptive look at Australian history My Australian Story: Vietnam covers more turbulent

change in Australia in the 1960s. Davey, Pete and Johno are best friends. Pete is clever, Davey is

average and Johno is bad at schoolwork but good at fixing things. They live in Newcastle,

love surfing and rock’n’roll. In diary format, Davey tells the story of two years in their lives, 1969 to 1970, the years when Davey’s brother, Tom, is sent to Vietnam. Davey’s dad, who

served in WWII, is proud, his mother, angry and worried, joins the protest movement, Save

Our Sons. The reader learns of other world events: landing on the moon, the musical Hair, mini skirts and Mick Jagger coming to Australia to film Ned Kelly! We also gain insights into

the heat and sweat of Nui Dat and the sleazy streets of Vung Tau, where soldiers who are

drafted in a lottery to serve in the far-away world of Vietnam create waves very close to

home. Deborah Challinor has brought this period of Australian history to life, including the impact of this being the first televised war.

Dark, thrilling and eerie, Afterlight by Rebecca Lim takes the reader into the heart of a

dangerous love story, revealing the otherworldly and deadly pull of past wrongs which only

the living can put right. Sophie is a teenager, living in Melbourne and coming to terms with

the death of her parents in a freak accident. That’s until Eve, a beautiful ghost clad in black, starts making nightly appearances in Sophie’s bedroom. Eve doesn’t speak or write, she just

hovers, transmitting images and pleading for Sophie’s help. What happened to Eve? Does it

have something to do with a recent murder which has a bikie gang leader on the run? Sophie, with the help of enigmatic Jordan, sets out to answer these questions.

Fleur Ferris, a former police officer and paramedic has written a novel inspired by true stories of online predators and love gone wrong. The reader knows this is the real deal! Risk explores the

potential dangers of social media and the internet. Sierra thinks Jacob Jones is the one

and asks Taylor to cover for her when she goes to meet him for the first time. After three

days, Taylor finally tells Sierra’s mum that she is missing, at first thinking Sierra is up to her

usual selfish tricks. The police do everything they can, but “Jacob Jones” has used an online proxy box to create a fake untraceable identity, the photo he sent is photoshopped

and security cameras where he and Sierra met show a man with his face obscured by a baseball cap. Risk explores one of the many outcomes that can occur when meeting

someone online, then in person, without fully understanding the lengths to which a predator

will go to gain a person’s trust. Gripping, devastating and terrifying, the scariest thing is that everything that happens in Risk is all too possible.

An epic seafaring quest for trust and freedom Empire of the Waves: Voyage of the Moon

Child is the first in a new series by Christopher Richardson. This fantasy novel is filled with vivid

creatures, vibrant settings and characters which keep you guessing. If you are interested in pirates and giants teaming up to fight an evil villain’s plot to destroy the world, borrow this

book soon!

Frankie and Joely are best friends. They love each other like no one else can. When a summer break in the country brings fresh distractions, jealousies and secrets, can their friendship survive? Frankie and Joely, written by Nora Weetman, will appeal to fans of

Maureen McCarthy. Weetman deftly goes from one teenage head to another, a brilliant device. As much as the reader sympathises with one girl because the other is physical

perfection and turns every boy’s head, in the next moment we see how worthless that is for

the beautiful girl who longs for family but only knows how to be desired. Two brothers, one

tough and dominant, the other more sensitive, also get a point-of-view. This is a magnetic young adult novel about friendship, rivalry and new love.

Come to the library soon and explore these new books, as well as magazines such as Top Gear, Game

Informer, Dolly and National Geographic.


Snow won’t stop Canobolas Music!!

AcTal students in the Band program Canobolas Music students’ workshop at Landers Music

“Feed me Seymour,” - Mr Riles the singing bus driver.

Last Thursday 20 Canobolas Music students were treated to pre-show entertainment as Mr Riles sang his

favourite showstoppers from when he starred in TCRTHS’s Little Shop of Horrors in 2007 whilst he drove us into town. We were on our way to a workshop at Lander’s Music and then to see Kinross Wolaroi School

perform Little Shop of Horrors at Orange Civic Theatre. Mr Riles enjoys rehashing his favourite lines and

tunes from the Canobolas production when he enthusiastically starred as the voice of the plant.

The excursion last Thursday was a lot of fun for all. At Lander’s Music the staff provided a workshop on

different instruments and music types. You can watch a video from this day on either the school’s

Facebook page or Lander’s Music Facebook page.

At the theatre, we sat near the front with a close-up view of the stage. Students enjoyed seeing the

singing, dancing and acting performed by KWS students to tell the story of this strange plant and its

effect on young Seymour and those around him.

All students enjoyed both the Lander’s Music workshop and the musical. We thank the Lander’s Music

staff for their time and we congratulate KWS for their stellar performance.

Our students at the Australian Institute of Music

Budding Year 9 musicians Kyle Fardell

and Sharon Jansen enjoyed 3 days at

the Australian Institute of Music (AIM) in Sydney, where they completed the

Music Factory workshops. Along with

students from metropolitan schools, Kyle and Sharon worked alongside AIM tutors

and musicians to learn about different

rock instruments and music styles. Kyle

says he most enjoyed playing with everyone and learning so much cool

stuff about music and skills for playing in

bands. Kyle has come back with a new appreciation for Jazz music. “It’s also

cool that we got to meet other kids who play guitar and drums and we are all friends on Facebook now

and will try to go to more AIM events in the future,” he says. The students also got to meet and learn

from renowned music personality, John Foreman.

Performing ensembles

We send our well wishes to Mr Ross Welch (Drum Group tutor) who is in hospital after an accident in the


Choir students are urged to use the rehearsal materials on the faculty website to rehearse our songs for the upcoming eisteddfod. Please try rehearse at home to learn the songs before Sam goes overseas.


In the classroom this term

Year 8 – Rock Music – keyboard and guitar

Year 9 – Jazz Music – keyboard, guitar, bass guitar, drumkit

Year 11 – Music and the Related Arts

Miss L Aldrick

Music Teacher

Western Region Softball Champions rev up for NSWCHS Knockout



As our Open Boys softball team took out the Western Region Softball Knockout in March

of this year, they are now gearing up to compete in the NSWCHS Softball Knockout in Newcastle from the 17th-19th August. The 10 boys have started training in the lead up to

the NSW Top 16 playoffs. We are also taking Georgia Kiel who was the UIC (Umpire in

Charge) of the Western Knockout and was selected as an official for the NSWCHS


Students, staff, parents/ carers and the

wider school community are very proud of these students who are to be

commended on their dedication, commitment and

enthusiasm whilst representing the school and

participating in school sport. A big thanks goes out to all the parents/ carers of these students who provide their

child with these opportunities and give wonderful team

support. We couldn’t have had the success without you!

Well Done Canobolas!


Premier’s Sporting Challenge

“Get Active” Session with Integra Wellbeing!

This term we have 130 students and 36 staff participating in the annual NSW Premier’s Sporting

Challenge. The challenge aims to engage students and staff in sport and physical activity over a 10 week period. As part of the challenge, we are to track and record the amount of physical activity we

are doing each week and then set personal goals in improving these levels; enhancing the likelihood of

leading active, healthy lifestyles.

Community members from Integra Health and Fitness club have jumped on board

with the Premier’s Sporting Challenge and are providing a free Personal Training session for the whole school next Wednesday 29th July. Anthony with three other

trainers from Integra Wellbeing will be running our first “Get Active” fitness session to

show us some new ways of being physically active in a group setting.

Students are to wear full sports uniform on the day! Looking forward to seeing as many students as we

can to take advantage of this free PT session!


Hall Hockey Field Footy Field Basketball

Courts Library Synthetic


9.55 7/8 GIRLS


9/10 BOYS




10.40 9/10 GIRLS


7/8 BOYS







11.25 7/8 GIRLS


9/10 GIRLS


7/8 BOYS


9/10 BOYS




12.10 9/10 BOYS




9/10 GIRLS






12.55 9/10 GIRLS



9/10 BOYS





1.40 7/8 BOYS





Year 9/10

Year 10 Futsal – PCYC = $3.00 40 Students

Squash =$4.50 and $4 Bus ($8.50) 40 Students

Golf- Wentworth =$5.00 and $4 Bus ($9.00)

40 Students

Ten Pin Bowling =$7.00 80 Students

Gym- School =$20 annual member-ship

35 Students

Dance =$5.00 40 Students

Year 9 On Campus School Sport = NIL 30 Students

Year 10 On Campus School Sport = NIL

30 Students

Year 8 Sport A and B



TERM 3!!!!

Marianne Murphy Netball Shield

On Tuesday 21st of July, Canobolas sent 3 netball teams to the PCYC to compete in the local Marianne Murphy Shield. This competition started in 2002 to commemorate the achievements of local girl

Marianne Murphy, who made selections for NSW netball in under 17s, under 19s and open teams. The

Shield is an interschool competition played between all the High Schools in Orange.

In the under 14s division, Canobolas demonstrated effort and determination to

improve every game. Catherine Nicholson was a key player throughout the centre

court, showing stamina and endurance, having only 1 quarter off over 4 games. Lisa Collyer showed skill as a defence and showed great anticipation for opposing plays.

While not a regular netball player, Jordan Price proved a valuable asset, putting in

100% effort and improving every game. Congratulations to Chloe Walton, Courtney

Apps, Kattie-Lee Bennett, Tegan Wood and Amelia-Rose Koller for their efforts on the day.

The under 16s team started the day with no substitutions and some tough competition ahead. With all girls being under 15, this was a

learning experience which will hopefully make them all the more

prepared for next year when they are top age. Some tight and consistent defence

from Destinee Navale and Caitlin White created some great struggles from opposing teams, while Ellena Hicks played a clean and consistent defensive game. Ayla Frost

shot well in every game, while Jada Murphy worked tirelessly to get the ball to the

attacking end of the court and then shot consistently every game. Sarah White and Erin Naden worked strong in the midcourt in both the attack and defence. A big thank you to McKenha Elliot and Lacey

Duncan who assisted in the last game when injury struck.

Congratulations to the girls on a huge day – where they never

stopped pushing and gave everything their all.

In the Open’s division, Canobolas came up against some quality

competition, with Orange High, James Sheahan and Kinross all represented by their Division 1 teams from the local Orange

competition. The girls worked hard throughout the day and made

every effort against tough teams. Congratulations to Lacey

Duncan, McKenha Elliot, Brooke Kingston, Caitlin Masila, Emily Merchant, Zali Pettit, Natasha Spicer and Megan Dodds for their

consistent attempts throughout the day.

Thank you to Jacqui Harris and Emma Kable who volunteered as umpiring representatives for the day,

and best of luck to Emma who will be umpiring grand final matches on Thursday night. Thank you to Mrs

Udy and Mrs Rouse who coached teams and showed great enthusiasm and support for the girls.

Term 3 Sport Choices



Dance on campus =$5.00 30 Students

Tenpin and PCYC = $25.00 up front payment

40 Students

Year 8 On Campus School Sport = NIL

30 Students


During this Term each PDHPE year will be commencing a new topic, most years will have an assessment task associated with the topic. To support your child in the completion of the classwork and the

assessments please check over their bookwork and discuss the tasks or revision for tests that they


Year 7 ‘Commit to Be Fit’ and ‘Eat Right Be Bright’

Year 8 ‘Live Strong, Live Long – Lifestyle Diseases and the ‘Look at Me It’s Puberty’

Year 9 ‘RESPECT- Relationships’ Year 10 ‘Reduce the Dead Load, Be safe on the Road and ‘Move if Your Way Everyday’

Year 11 Option 1- First Aid and then Option 2- Outdoor Recreation

Year 12 Improving Performance Option Sports Medicine Option

PDHPE Assessment Reminders

It is important to remember that the marks from assessment tasks are combined with students’ effort and participation in practical lessons to form a grade for reports. Non completion of assessment tasks

limits the ability of teachers to accurately assess each student fairly. All work must be completed and

handed in on time. #Please check the table above for your class.

Canobolas Rep Shorts and Socks!!!

School sport representative shorts are available for purchase for $40 through the school office. Payments can be made

online and socks are also available in limited sizes for $10 each.

Important if you have made a CKC Cup team you have

playing socks!!! See the PDHPE staff for more details.

3rd Annual Canobolas High PDHPE Faculty Ski Trip

Where- NSW Snowy Mountains (Perisher)

When- 26-8-15 returning 28-8-15

(Week 7 Term 3)

Mr Skein

Head Teacher PDHPE

Task Due

Yr 7 PDHPE ‘Healthy Eating’ Wk 2 Term 4

Yr 8 PDHPE ‘Live Long, Live Strong’ Wk 7 Term 3

Yr 9 PDHPE ‘RESPECT’ WK 3 Term 4

Yr 9 PASS Event Management Wk 6-9 Term 3

Yr 10 PDHPE Road Safety Exam Wk 3 Term 3

Yr 10 PASS Participating with Safety Wk 8 Term 3

Yr 11 SLR Social Perspectives in Sport Wk 5 Term 3

Yr 11 PDHPE First Aid Quiz Wk 3/4

Yr 12 SLR Trial Exam Wk 4/5

CHPA PHOTO GALLERY Visit to NSWIS Hosted By Ex Olympian Katrina Powell, Sydney Swans AFL

and Sydney City Experience

YEAR 7 2016

If your child is attending our school

next year in Year 7, please ensure

that you have completed an

Application for Enrolment. It is

important that a completed

enrolment form, proof of residency

and a birth certificate is received at

our school AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so

that enrolments can be finalised

before next year.

Mrs E Richard 6362 1677



If your child/student is absent from

school, please ring or advise the school

of their absence.

It is important that absences are

recorded accurately.

Absences cannot be changed more

than 7 days after the absence.


There will be a meeting to discuss the

proposed trip to Japan in September

2016 on Tuesday August 18th. To

register your interest please contact

the school. There will also be notes

available next week from Mr Brown.

REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN! Junior age 4-16 Male & Female.

Registrations close 4th September 2015

Cost $60per person

Season Commences


7th October 2015

Season Concludes

24th February 2016

For all info visit:

If you have any questions please contact

Tracee Honeyman on 0431 393 240 or email

[email protected]

Please Note: All registrations and Payments

are now online so there will NOT be a

sign-on day held for juniors.
