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TestCase 1: Login to main menu

1. From form Login, Type “Quanly” into textbox UserName2. Type “quanly” into textbox Password3. Press Enter

Expect Result:Login OK, Main menu is displayed

TestCase 2: Login to main menu

1. From form Login, Type “Quanly” into textbox Username2. Type into textbox Password any word that’s not “quanly” 3. Press Enter

Expect Result:Login fail, MessageBox is displayed, and show “Username and Password is not correct”

TestCase 3: Login to main menu

1. From form Login, Type “Quanly” into textbox Username2. Don’t type anything into textbox Password3. Press Enter

Expect Result:Login fail, MessageBox is displayed, and show “Password is required”

TestCase 4: Logout to Login Form1. From Main menu “QUANLY”, Click “Hệ thống” menu item2. Click “Đăng xuất” menu item

Expect Result:Main menu is closed, and Login form is displayed again.

TestCase 5: Open the “Quan ly sach” Form1. From Main menu “QUANLY”, click “Quản lý” menu item2. Click “Quản lý sách” menu item

Expect Result:“Quản lý sách” Form is displayed.

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TestCase 6: Test “Quản lý sách” Form GUI1. Perform TestCase 5 (to open “Quản lý sách” form)2. Test the displayed Form is the same this image

Expect Result:“Quản lý sách” form GUI display correctly.

BUTTON TEST Test Case 7: Buttons test

1. From “Quản lý sách” form, press button “Thêm” or button “Sửa”Expect Result:These buttons are disable, Textboxes and buttons group “Lưu – Không lưu” are enable.

Test Case 8: Buttons test1. Contrary to the above testcase, press button “Lưu” or button “Không lưu”

Expect Result:These buttons are disable, Textboxes and buttons “Thêm” or button “Sửa” are enable.

ADD NEW A BOOK RECORDTestCase 9: Add new a book record

1. From “Quản lý sách” form, Press button “Them”2. Type “XH01” into textbox “Mã sách”3. Type “Xã hội xưa và nay” into textbox “Tên sách”

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4. Type “Nguyễn Văn Phúc” into textbox “Tác giả”5. Type “NXB Thống kê” into textbox “Nhà xuất bản”6. Type “50000” into textbox “Giá bán”7. Type “100” into textbox “Số lượng tồn”8. Choose “Xã hội” into combobox “Thể loại”9. Press button “Lưu”

Expect Result:A book record is added and a row is added to the ListView below

TestCase 10: Add new a book record1. From “Quản lý sách” form, Press button “Them”2. Don’t type anything into textboxes3. Press button “Lưu”

Expect Result:Isn’t saved, this record isn’t added, messagebox is displayed, and show “Information isn’t full”

TestCase 11: Add new a book record1. Perform Testcase 7.2. But try to type “abc” into textbox “Giá bán” or type “abc” into textbox “Số lượng tồn”3. And Press button “Lưu”

Expect Result:Not allowed to type any letter From A-> Z the textbox “Giá bán”, textbox “Số lượng tồn”.

TestCase 12: Add new a book record1. After the database have a record with BookID “XH01”2. Perform Testcase 7 (to add new a new record)3. But type “XH01” into textbox “Mã sách”4. And Press button “Lưu”

Expect Result:Isn’t saved, this record isn’t added, messagebox is displayed, and show “This bookID has already existed ”

TestCase 13: Add new a book record1. Perform Testcase 7 (to add new a new record)2. And Press button “Không Lưu”

Expect Result:Isn’t saved, this record isn’t added, textboxes are disable, button “Thêm” is enable and focused.

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EDIT INFORMATION A BOOK RECORDTestCase 14: Edit information a book record

1. Choose a book record that you want to edit into the Listview below ( to load information into textboxes. Example: a record have id “XH01” and name “Xã hội xưa và nay”

2. Press button “Sửa”3. Edit “Xã hội xưa và nay” to “Xã hội hiện đại”4. Press button “Lưu”

Expect Result:This book record is edited and this data is update to ListView.

TestCase 15: Edit information a book record1. Choose a book record that you want to edit into the Listview below ( to load information into

textboxes. Example: a record have id “XH01” and name “Xã hội xưa và nay”2. Press button “Sửa”3. Edit id “XH01” to “XH02”4. Press button “Lưu”

Expect Result:Not allowed to type anything into textbox “Mã sách”.

TestCase 16: Edit information a book record1. From “Quản lý sách” form, while Listview item isn’t selected, press button “Sửa”

Expect Result:Messagebox is displayed, and show “Choose a book that you want to edit information”

TestCase 17: Edit information a book record1. Perform testcase 14 ( to choose a book)2. But this time press button “Không lưu”

Expect Result:Isn’t save, this record isn’t update, textboxes are disable, button “Sửa” is enable.

DELETE A BOOK RECORDTestCase 18: Delete a book record

1. Choose a book record that you want to delete into the Listview below 2. Press button “Xóa”3. After messagebox is displayed, and show “Are you sure you want to delete this book, Warning !

Delete Data”.4. Press Yes.

Expect Result:This book record is deleted and this data is deleted from ListView.

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TestCase 19: Delete a book record1. Choose a book record that you want to delete into the Listview below 2. Press button “Xóa”3. After messagebox is displayed, and show “Are you sure you want to delete this book, Warning !

Delete Data”.4. Press No.

Expect Result:This book record isn’t deleted.

TestCase 20: Delete a book record1. From “Quản lý sách” form, while Listview item isn’t selected, press button “Xóa”

Expect Result:Messagebox is displayed, and show “Choose a book that you want to delete”.

FORM TRA CỨU SÁCHTestCase 21: Open the “Tra cứu sách” Form

1. From Main menu “QUANLY”, click “Tra cứu” menu itemExpect Result:“Tra cứu sách” Form is displayed.

TestCase 22: Open the “Tra cứu sách” Form1. From Login Form, click “Tra cứu” button

Expect Result:“Tra cứu sách” Form is displayed.

TestCase 23: Test “Quản lý sách” Form GUI1. Perform TestCase 21 or testcase 22 (to open “Tra cứu sách” form)2. Test the displayed Form is the same this image

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Expect Result:“Tra cứu sách” form GUI display correctly.

TestCase 24: Search1. From Login Form, choose a option in combobox “Tra cứu theo”2. Choose “Tất cả”3. Press Search button

Expect Result:All books is displayed into Listview

TestCase 25: Search1. From Login Form, choose a option in combobox “Tra cứu theo”2. Choose “Theo tựa sách”3. Type “phong thủy” into textbox “Nội dung tra cưu”4. Press Search button

Expect Result:Books which the word “phong thủy” in the name, is loaded into Listview “Kết quả” below.

TestCase 26: Search1. From Login Form, choose a option in combobox “Tra cứu theo”2. Choose “Theo tựa sách”3. Don’t type anything into textbox “Nội dung tra cưu”4. Press Search button

Expect Result:Messagebox is displayed, and show “ Search term is required”

TestCase 27: Search1. From Login Form, choose a option in combobox “Tra cứu theo”2. Choose “Theo tựa sách”3. Type into textbox “Nội dung tra cứu” any word that the search tern doesn’t return any result.4. Press Search button

Expect Result:Messagebox is displayed, and show “ Search tern is not found”