


The monthly newsletter of Our Savior Lutheran Church 1103 N Broad St., Mankato, MN 56001 SEPTEMBER 2019

Growing In Wisdom Check out these great learning

opportunities. There’s plenty of times and

topics of which to choose.

Time Topic Leader Location

Sun 9:15am No Stupid

Questions Pastor Matheny Sanctuary

Sun 9:30am Ephesians Pastor Lauer Fellowship Hall

2nd & 4th Sun


“Education” by

Tara Westover Pastor Matheny Fireplace Room

Mon 6:30am (New Topic

Soon) Matt Brand Library

2nd Mon

11:30am for


“Bless These

Lips” (widows)


Weichmann Fireplace Room

2nd & 4th Tues

1:00pm Luke Deaconess Lisa Library

4th Tues 1:00pm LWML

Quarterly Varies Fireplace Room

Wed 5:15pm Family Trees &

Olive Branches Deaconess Lisa Chapel

1st Thur 1:30 LWML



Wiechmann Library

2nd Thur



(Men’s Group) Pastor Matheny Fireplace Room

4th Thur 5:30pm

for potluck

A Simple Way

to Pray Pastor Matheny Fireplace Room


Contact Info:

Church Office: Phone: 507-385-2180 Fax: 507-345-5113 [email protected]

Senior Pastor Office phone: 507-385-2184 Rev. Paul Lauer: [email protected] Emergency number: 507-304-2402

Associate Pastor Office phone: 507-385-2183 Rev. Adam Matheny: [email protected] Emergency number: 812-449-6866

Deaconess Office phone: 507-385-2185 Lisa Brand: [email protected]

Secretary Office phone: 507-385-2180 Sue Hendrickson: [email protected]

Custodian Office phone: 507-385-2180 Zac Painter: Cell phone: 507-381-4699 [email protected]

Music Coordinator Home phone: 507-341-4173 Suzie Gangi [email protected]

Office hours are Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 8:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Unless there is an activity or event taking place, please use the Broad Street entrance by the mailbox.

In case of emergency or urgent need, our pastors are available at all hours and all days by calling their cell phone. Please use the office phone for other business. Please also remember that Sunday morning and other worship times are not for bringing church business to other members or staff but for focusing upon the Word and gifts of God. “The seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work.” - Exodus 20:10


From Pastor Lauer

There’s something special about words. Words are what make humans unique and special among all the creatures of the earth. Words carry power: the power to create strong emotions, the power to get things done, and the power to convey significant meaning that changes our way of thinking or acting. Without words, we couldn’t think, communicate, or organize ourselves any more than the animals do. The Apostle John tells us that Jesus, the Christ, is the “Word of God made flesh.” He means that in His body, Jesus carries the power to create strong emotions, to get things done, and to change our relationship with God. With words, Jesus taught the people with great authority about the Kingdom of God. With no more than a word, Jesus would heal the sick, raise the dead, and grant forgiveness. The Evil One has also picked up on this great power associated with words. He used words to tempt Adam and Eve to rebel against God. With words, Satan lures us into sin, doubt, and despair. God’s Word restores us while evil uses words to destroy us. God’s Word unites us while evil uses words to divide us. God’s Word helps, heals, and gives hope while evil uses words to hurt, harm, and create hate. Words are very powerful indeed! Each of us is bombarded with words from the time we get up until the time we lay down. Even in our dreams, our minds go on processing all the words of the day. It’s a struggle to make sense of it all since not everything we hear can be true or helpful. We hear things that are contradictory. We hear things that mostly true, but not entirely true. We hear things that are outright wrong. This is why it is so very important that we always take the time – even make the time if necessary – to surround ourselves with the Word of God. Through preaching, teaching, study, and Christian conversation, God gives us His Word which has the power to strengthen and lead our thoughts, feelings, and actions according to His will and His ways. Our congregation is in “the Word of God” business. Our preaching and teaching is clearly focused upon the Word of God. Even the liturgy we sing and say during worship is taken from His Word. So are the hymns and the choir anthems which proclaim Him. Of course Sunday School, Confirmation instruction for youth and adults, and everything we do centers around and is built upon God’s clear Word. We are here for you, equipped with the Word of God which is the power of God for salvation through Jesus Christ. Make sure that His Word is a regular part of your daily and weekly schedules. Start with regular worship. God’s Word has the power you need for daily living.


From Pastor Matheny

Hear my cry, O God,

listen to my prayer;

from the end of the earth I call to you

when my heart is faint.

Lead me to the rock

that is higher than I,

for you have been my refuge,

a strong tower against the enemy.

Let me dwell in your tent forever!

Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings!

For you, O God, have heard my vows;

you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

Prolong the life of the king;

may his years endure to all generations!

May he be enthroned forever before God;

appoint steadfast love and faithfulness to watch over him!

So will I ever sing praises to your name,

as I perform my vows day after day. – Psalm 61

You know who to call when you are in trouble. When you

are weak and near to fainting. Cry to the Lord, for He is the only

one who can deliver you. He is the one who can lift you up from

the muck and mire of your sin and seat you high upon a rock. To

provide you a firm foundation, and a steady place to stand. When

enemies surround you and foes draw near He is the tower that

receives your flight, that shields you from your opponents’ fiery

darts. It is the Lord that nurtures you, who feeds and provides for

you. He has welcomed you into His tent and kept you safe and

warm as a mother bird protects her chicks.

Your Lord has also anointed a king to rule over the whole

creation forever and ever. He raised this king from the dead, so that

He will never die again. This way He can sit on His throne for all

eternity, ever watchful over His subjects.

Because of all this it is your joy daily to sing the praises of

your God and king. To walk every day as His child, knowing what

He has done and is doing for you.


OSLC Treasurer’s Report Commentary Period Ending July 31, 2019

Income and Expense Summary

Current Month Y-T-D

Income $33,499.74 $315,036.76

Operating Expenses -$44,974.72 -$344,128.46

LCEF Mortgage Principal Payment -$893.38 -$6,189.75

Net for Period† ($12,368.36) ($35,281.45)

✝Positive net value indicates we received more than our expenses, a negative number

indicates that we have spent more than we have received for that period (deficit).

Cash Summary

Amount Notes

Checking Account $25,296.42 Daily checking account

Joyful Response $18,372.35 Joyful Response deposits and loan pmts

Library Fund $20,107.12 Certificate of Deposit

LWML Fund $10,000.00

Accounts Receivable $0.00

Total Cash Assets $73,775.89

Dedicated Accounts -$106,618.97 Amount of our cash balance designated for specific activities

Other Liabilities -$810.77 Accruals for HSA payments, youth, etc.

Available Cash Balance

-$33,653.85 Last month: $-23,518.33

Long Term Debt (LCEF Mortgage)

Current Balance $276,254.35

Monthly Payment $1,845.99

Interest Rate (Variable Annually) 4.125%

Pay-off Date 7/2036

Additional Comments: A draft letter was put together by Matt Brand and approved by the other officers to address the hemorrhaging of funds we are currently experiencing. My understanding is that this letter will go out in this month’s edition of the Voice and put in plain language where we are at and make clear that we need to do something now to avoid additional borrowing. Respectfully submitted, Immanuel Mueller, Treasurer


In Memoriam

Dorothy Louise Anderson January 20, 1926 ~ August 1, 2019

Violet Marian Macho January 29, 1927 ~ August 10, 2019

Janice Kay Dalluge December 13, 1936 ~ August 13, 2019

Holy Baptism

Cecilia June Doering Born: August 23, 2018

Baptized: August 11, 2018 Parents: Justin & Michelle Doering

Theodore Adler Emmitt Nelson Born: June 1, 2019

Baptized: August 11, 2019 Parents: Travis & Trisha Nelson


Membership Changes


Cody Meschke; Zion Lutheran Church, Hopkins, MN; LCMS; August 12, 2019

Widowed to Widowed

Welcomes all Widows ~ Encouraging one another

in the love of Christ.

Big Welcoming invitation to visit Widowed to Widowed on Monday, September 9th, at 11:30am at Our Savior Fireplace Room for Potluck and Bible Study. All who are able may bring their favorite dish to share.

Lesson from Bless These Lips, Power of Encouragement (Day 5). Each widow may choose to lead a lesson or add interesting topics and activities if so desired. We are praying for good health and a beautiful summertime. Lesson books are available for all guests.

On your own, you may want to include a reading of Luke 1:39-45 in three steps for Facts, Meaning, and Pursue Application.

If you need a ride, you may call WS Transportation (420-4503 or 388-0708) one-half to one hour ahead of time. This service is provided by Our Savior’s Taxi Fund.

Thank you for the cards I receive daily, and also for the prayers and many visits. It was encouraging to have all the company. God has blessed me greatly. I am at home now, but continue my speech therapy at Hillcrest. ~ Betty Mace

Encourage one

another daily, as

long as it is called

“Today,” so that

none of you may

be hardened by

sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13


The Our Savior’s book club will continue

our discussion of Tara Westover’s

Educated. This Memoir tells the story of

Tara’s struggle to gain a college education

after growing up in a fringe LDS

household. For our September eighth

meeting we will discuss chapters five through nine and on

September 22nd we will discuss chapters 10 through 15.

ATTENTION MEN! Don’t forget that our Men’s Bible Study

meets at 7:30pm on the second Thursday of each month (Thursday

the 12th in September). This month we will begin a study of the

book of Galatians.

Families aren’t perfect and getting along can be a challenge.

We’ll look at families that are real and not just putting up a

false front. We’ll look for hope and learn about grace.

This is a book to read and ponder. There’s room to jot in your

own notes on your own story. You’re also welcome to join us

for discussion in the Chapel at 5:15pm on Wednesdays

beginning September 25. Contact Deaconess Lisa Brand

(385-2185 or [email protected]) to order your book.


Trees &




Education Sunday – Sept 8 “Enduring Faith” is our new

Sunday School curriculum. It

emphasizes Bible Knowledge and

Life Application at age appropriate


Age 3 – 8th grade, join us in the

Sanctuary at 9:15am with your

parents on September 8 to meet

your teacher and find your room.

LWML Mites

Mite Sunday is September 15th. Prayers and Mites will support the mission grants that were adopted by District and National LWML. Refer to August Voice for complete list of 212 National Mite Mission Grants for 2019-2021. Our Minnesota South Mission Goal is for the 2018-2020 Biennium (listed in WOM). Our gifts of Mites goes 75% to District and 25% to National.

Go to or to keep up with the district news and activities.

Watch Our Savior’s Sunday Worship anytime on KTV (Public Access)

After Our Savior’s worship has been uploaded for viewing on KTV, it may be viewed on their web site at your convenience. Go to:, hover over “Watch KTV”, then slide down and click on “Public Access”. Scroll down to the calendar and click on the original date aired (Tuesday or Wednesday). Select “Our Saviors Lutheran Church” from the schedule. Then click on the arrow to start play.


Mission Service Wednesday, September 18, 4pm

Mission Service is an Our Savior volunteer group who actively prepare mission projects. Volunteers are needed. With you, we are able to continue Mission Service and help more than 50 in need each month. Yes, you are very important to this Mission. If you are able, Mission Service needs “U”, man, woman, or child, on Wednesday, September 18th at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Supplies needed. If you are able, please bring any of the following donations for newborn kits and homeless kits to the former Card Shop. (Cloth items can be new or gently used):

Bath towel (approx. 48-52” long)

Wash cloth

Bath size bar White Ivory Soap (in original packaging)

Newborn cotton t-shirt (size 0-3 or newborn)

Cloth diapers

Diaper pins

Travel size shampoo

Travel size soap

Travel size lotion

Travel size Kleenex

Tooth paste

Tooth brushes with cover



Portals of Prayer are also needed. Please bring your Portals of Prayer to the Mission Center when you are

finished with it. Thank you for sharing.

Donations of clean used cotton sheets are also needed. Please mark them “For Bandages”.

Remember to save Christian Christmas card fronts for our operation Christmas Child boxes. Now is the time to gather Shoe Boxes. Thanks for putting them in the Mission Center.

Cancelled Stamp Program: All proceeds go to projects supporting Bible translation. Thank you for serving in the Lord’s work through your efforts in collecting, saving, and trimming stamps. Here are a few guidelines:


Save all stamps, US and foreign, cancelled and

uncancelled, and computer-vended postage.

For stamps on envelopes, when possible leave a ½-

inch border around the stamp; do not attempt to trim

too close.

Picture postcards are also collected.

Stamp collections, accumulations, and any other

stamp-related items are collected.

Please drop them off in the box in Mission Center. Thank you for all the donations!

Information available for other projects including: Orphan Grain Train, Hygiene Kits, Layette Kits, T-shirt diapers, Sweaters, Mittens, Feminine Kits, Pillowcase Dresses, School Kits, and Sleeping Mats.

Stamp ministry needs a contact person. Here I am, Send Me! This project supports Bible Translations, see LWML bulletin board. Volunteers, call Trudy at 507-327-7082.

& Devotion

Wednesday Night Meals will begin on September 11th.

Supper begins at 6pm with prayer together. Then at

6:45pm Pastor Matheny leads us in Devotion.

All are welcome to come eat together. The choirs join us

when they are able. Come each Wednesday evening to

enjoy a good meal and good fellowship.


Music Notes

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and

extol him with music and song. Psalm 95:2

September Worship Schedule:

September 1: Immanuel Muller

September 8: Pastor Lauer

September 15: Mike Blomquist

September 22: Adult Choir

September 29: Woodwinds

Woodwind Group- Mark your calendars! We will have short

rehearsals Wednesdays September 18th and 25th at 7:50 pm and

play for worship Sunday September 29th. Anyone who plays a

woodwind instrument is welcome to join us! Please let Suzie know

if you can join us.

We are blessed to have many different groups with talented

musicians. As fall approaches, please consider joining a music

group! Wednesday Evening Rehearsals begin September 11

Kids Ring- Kids 3rd grade through 12th grade. Kids learn how to

play, take care of the bells, and play for worship 3-4 times during

the year. Kids Ring will meet in the balcony. Contact Edith

Williams 507-625-2153 for more information.

JAM (Jesus And Me)- Kids Choir for 2rd grade and up. Kids sing

for worship services 3-4 times during the year. JAM will meet in

the Sunday School Music Room. Contact Emily Holman 507-340-

8365 for more information.

Adult Bells- Is for anyone with some experience reading music.

Adult Bells will meet in the balcony. Bells provide special music

on several holidays and for 2-3 other worship services throughout

the year. New rehearsal time is Wednesday at 7 pm. Contact Matt

Brand 507-327-5059 or Joe Gangi 507-340-2511 for more



Adult Choir- Is for anyone who likes to sing. The Adult choir

sings 1-2 times a month for worship services. New rehearsal time

is Wednesday at 5:45-6:30. Contact Judd Schultz 507-317-9932

for more information.

Christus Choir-Senior choir sings for our Wednesday afternoon

services during Advent and Lent. Contact Suzie Gangi for more


Brass - Anyone who plays a Brass instrument. The Brass group

plays several times throughout the year for worship services.

Contact Lisa Gahler 507-340-5125 for more information.

Woodwinds- Anyone who plays a Woodwind instrument. The

Woodwind Group will play a few times throughout the year.

Contact Suzie Gangi for more information.

Wednesday Evening Schedule

5:00-5:40 Kids Ring

5:45-6:30 Adult Choir JAM

6:00-6:45 Meal

6:45-7:00 Devotion

7:00-7:45 Adult Bells 7:00 – 8:00 Jr. Confirmation

7:50-8:15 Brass Small Group Choirs


Suzie Gangi

507-341-4173, [email protected]


Ladies, fall is just around the corner and its time to think about quilting.

Our first quilting day is Monday, October 14th from 9am to noon.

The quilts are assembled upstairs in the Youth Room on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Tops, middles, and backs are sewn together and then the quilts are tied.

Everyone is invited to come join us to enjoy coffee, fellowship, and working together.


Cancer Care Packages Facing cancer can be a challenging time. We want to offer our support, so the Board of Deacons is putting together Cancer Care Packages. These gifts may be given

to members, or friends and family who are dealing with cancer. If you know someone who could use one, contact a member from the board or Deaconess Lisa (385-2185). It’s just another small way to share God’s love.

Articles for the October VOICE are due by Friday, September 20th at 4 pm

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl, simply put, is a soft warm shawl, knitted or crocheted, which is given to persons who are ill, have suffered a loss or are in the midst of a crisis. Shawls. . . made for centuries are universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving God.

If you know of anyone who you would like to receive a prayer shawl, please contact Nancy Clausen at 345-3063.


Ladies of Our

Savior . . .

September 2019 News

Topics for Our Savior

Email and mail information that comes for the ladies of Our Savior from LWML National, LWML District, Missionaries, and Mission organizations are placed on the LWML Bulletin Board or on the shelves in the Mission Center. Take and read (ex. Pablo, Orphan Grain Train, notes from missionary Johanna Heidorn, Lutheran Hour Ministries, Gloria Sauck, Rachel Streich, 2018 Quilt Report, LWML e-news, etc.) New items every week.

You are welcome to attend the LWML Mankato Zone Board Meeting on Thursday, September 5th at 3:30pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, North Mankato.

The Christian Life LWML Committee invites you to upcoming event planned for 2019 on Saturday, September 28th. Mark your calendars.

Priority for 2020, the LWML MN South District Convention will be held June 19-20, at the newly renovated Willmar Conference Center. The topic is “Tell Everyone What He Has Done”. The convention planners believe the state-of-the art audio/visual equipment will be an added bonus and hope that it will be possible for more women to attend and more societies to send a Young Woman Representative. Plan this month to do one or more specific acts of grace (e.g. create a card or gift to show appreciation for a friend, your boss, your pastor, or a home-bound member; pay for the lunch of the person behind you in line; phone or visit someone who is recently widowed.)


Be kind to one another,

tenderhearted, forgiving

one another, as God in

Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32


& Bible Study

Please join us for food and Bible study! On Thursday, September

26th we will gather at 5:30 in the Fireplace room for a potluck

dinner. Then at 6:30 we will study God’s Word together. This

month we will begin a study on prayer written by Dr. Martin

Luther. See you there!

Luke The Gospel according to Luke obviously centers on Jesus, but also causes us to consider reactions, unworthiness, and focus. Come learn more about Jesus and His teachings as we study Luke in our Tuesday Bible Class.

If you are available during the day, join us in the library on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 1:00pm. There’s always lively discussions and a welcoming atmosphere.

Trap League

Hey guys, would you like to shoot some

trap? Then join the other men of Our

Savior’s in representing our congregation

in a church trap league. We will leave from

the back parking lot at 1:00 on Sunday, September 15th and travel

to the Fairmont Trap Club to compete against other area

congregations. Bring your shotgun, 50 rounds of ammunition, and

$15 to cover targets and refreshments.


Young at Heart / Lutheran Hour Ministries (formerly Lutheran Laymen’s League)

(YAH / LHM) FOR YOU of every age!!!

The YAH/LHM meetings are recessed until October. LHM is very active for the whole family all year. The Lutheran Layman Magazine for July-August 2019 is filled with family resources. Your copy is available in the narthex. The Lutheran Hour Ministries has sent Our Savior LLL (now LHM) a letter to answer this month about LHM Affiliated Groups. All interested in the Lutheran Hour Ministries are needed to help answer the questions. Meet Trudy at the back of the Sanctuary after each of the morning services on September 8th. 32nd S.A.G.E.S. Gathering will be May 4 and 5, 2020 at the Country Inn and Suites in Mankato. Plan now to attend. S.A.G.E.S. of Minnesota South District is especially for the over 50 crowd. The newsletter “Sagacity”, is humorous and informative and it contains Bible Study and puzzles. The August/September issue is now available at Listen to The Lutheran Hour Sunday 6 p.m. on KJLY 107.1, and 6 a.m. on WCCO 830 Lutheran Hour Ministries: Bringing Christ to the Nations – and the Nations to the Church. Many new activities for all ages. Visit the LHM website. Read the Lutheran Layman News. Hardcopies are available in the Narthex. Check out the Men’s network: and for children,


You are invited to the Dedication of

The New University Lutheran Chapel September 8, 2019

316 10th Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414

10am Divine Service 3pm Dedication Service

Reception following

Go to:

to check out the construction and for more information.

From the Stewardship Committee:

What is a steward? Most people will say a steward is a manager.

That is correct, but it is only half right. A steward is indeed a manager, but he is a manager of what does not belong to him. Someone else is the owner, and the steward manages the owner’s property on the owner’s behalf.

We are God’s stewards. Our stewardship is that God has made us managers of what belongs to Him:

“For we brought nothing into this world, and we cannot take anything out of the world” (1 Tim. 6:7)

Everything that we have and everything that we are comes from God’s fatherly divine goodness and mercy. God is the owner.

This is not only because He created all things; He is also the redeemer. He has redeemed – that is, purchased – and won all things. Therefore, it all belongs to Him.

We are simply managers of everything in this world. Like Joseph in Egypt, we are put in charge of managing what belongs to God. What a privilege.


Think about that for a minute. The all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wise God has asked us to manage his possessions on His behalf here on earth.

And by doing this, He invites us to take part in the allocation of His good gifts. He wants us to give our input and advise Him in where His gifts are to be used. What a privilege indeed.

But what a responsibility!

“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required” (Luke 12:48b).

We are not the owners. And while He puts us as managers, we are still to do with His property what He wants done with it. That means we need to know what He desires and wills for His property.

How do we know this? How can we know the will and mind of God?

We find the will of God in the Bible. There God tells us what His will is for all of His gifts. He tells us how we are to spend our time and use our talents and treasures. He instructs us in the use of our minds, bodies, and souls.

There is nothing we have that doesn’t belong to Him.

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Cor. 6:19–20).

God informs us of the big picture, the overarching policy, of how we as His stewards – managers and custodians – are to manage His property.

And that is stewardship. It is simply doing what God wants us to do with what He has given us.

As St. Paul said,

“Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness” (Rom. 6:13).

So, let’s dive into God’s Word, and listen to what He desires from His stewards.



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September 2019 Our Savior Lutheran Church, Mankato, Minnesota

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8:00 Worship 9:15 Adult Bible Class 10:30 Worship

2 Labor Day

Office Closed

3 10:00 Staff Meeting 7:00 Bd of Deacons 7:00 Bd of Elders 7:00 Bd of Trustees

4 7:00 Student/Parent Confirmation Meeting

5 9:00 Circuit Pastors 1:30 Ruth/Lydia Circle Bible Study 3:30 LWML Board @ Good Shepherd


7 6:00 Worship

8 8:00 Worship 8:45 Coffee Time 9:15 Sunday School 9:15 Adult Bible Class – NYG Presentation 10:30 Worship 4:30 Book Club 7:00 TSNT

9 6:30 Early Bird Bible Study 11:30 Widowed to Widowed

10 10:00 Staff Meeting 1:00 Tuesday Bible Study 7:00 Church Council

11 5:00 Kids Ring 5:45 JAM / Adult Choir 6:00 Meal 6:45 Devotion 7:00 Adult Bells 7:50 Brass Men’s Boundary Waters Canoe Trip

12 7:30 Men’s Bible Study


14 6:00 Worship

15 Mite Sunday

8:00 Worship 8:45 Coffee Time 9:15 Sunday School 9:15 Adult Bible Class 10:30 Worship

Men’s Boundary Waters Canoe Trip Ends

16 6:30 Early Bird Bible Study

17 10:00 Staff Meeting

18 4:00 Mission Service 5:00 Kids Ring 5:45 JAM / Adult Choir 6:00 Meal 6:45 Devotion 7:00 Jr. Confirmation 7:00 Adult Bells 7:50 Brass

19 6:30 Stephen Minister Meeting

20 4:00 The Voice Deadline 6:00 Wedding Rehearsal

21 3:00 Schaus/ Altenhofen Wedding 6:00 Worship

22 8:00 Worship 8:45 Coffee Time 9:15 Sunday School 9:15 Adult Bible Class 10:30 Worship 2:00 Fellowship Hall Rental 4:30 Book Club 7:00 TSNT

23 6:30 Early Bird Bible Study

24 10:00 Staff Meeting 1:00 Rebekah Circle Bible Study 1:00 Tuesday Bible Study 5:15 Board of Ed

25 5:00 Kids Ring 5:15 FT&OB Bible Study 5:45 JAM / Adult Choir 6:00 Meal 6:45 Devotion 7:00 Jr. Confirmation 7:00 Adult Bells 7:50 Brass

26 5:30 Potluck Meal / Bible Study

27 5:00 Wedding Rehearsal

28 3:00 Holmen / Stanley Wedding 6:00 Worship

29 8:00 Worship 8:45 Coffee Time 9:15 Sunday School 9:15 Adult Bible Class 10:30 Worship

30 6:30 Early Bird Bible Study

Sunday Matins is aired at 9:02am and 5:45pm each Sunday on KTOE 1420AM

Our Savior’s Worship service is aired Tuesday at 7pm and Wednesday at 2pm on KTV.


Serving in September

Date Elder 8:00 Elder 10:30 Assistant Usher Usher Team Acolyte Greeter

EOD Assisting EOD Assisting 8:00 10:30 8:00 10:30 8:00 10:30 8:00 10:30

9/1/2019 Matt W. Kirk Y.

Thad S. Lon W.

Gordy W.

Kurt A.

1st Early 1st Late

Teresa K.; Alex J.

Jordis L.; Miah B.

Doris E.; LeAnn Z.; Karen F.

Randy & Barb P.; Betty M.

9/8/2019 Alex J. Matt R.

Chris T.

Gaylen L. Kevin H.

Steve J.

2nd Early

2nd Late

Macy N.; Madelyn M.

Mike L.; Jack B.

LeAnn Z.; Bernice W.

Bob & Janet T.; Jean B.

9/15/2019 Randy B. Zak T.

Mike B. Judd S. Gary R.

Mark S.

3rd Early

3rd Late

Olivia A.; Mackenzie H.

Alexa W.; Jay C.

Orville & Renee Z.; Lorraine K. Larry D.; Bev F.

9/22/2019 Kirk Y. Matt W. Lon W. Thad S.

Gordy W.

Dave H.

4th Early

4th Late

Teresa K.; Alex J. Abby L.

Jerry & Nancy C.; Lyle K.

Dave E.; Elaine S.; Lisa G.

9/29/2019 Matt R. Alex J.

Gaylen L. Chris T. Kevin H.

Kurt A.

3rd Early

3rd Late

Macy N.; Madelyn M.

Jordis L.; Miah B.

Bruce & Jeanne A.; Rhonda R.

Steve & Wendy J.; Gin K.


Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Deaconess Music Coordinator Secretary Custodian Rev. Paul A. Lauer Rev. Adam M. Matheny Lisa Brand Suzie Gangi Sue Hendrickson Zac Painter Office: 385-2184 Office: 385-2183 Office: 385-2185 Home: 341-4173 Office: 385-2180 Office: 385-2180 Cell: 304-2402 Cell: 812-449-6866 Home: 389-9088

Home: 388-3557 Cell: 381-4699

Congregational Officers and Elected Board Members President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Financial Secretary

Denise Painter Matt Brand Mel Hendrickson Immanuel Mueller Judy Mensing 387-4963 389-9088 388-3557 995-2953 387-4908

Council Members at Large Board of Elders Board of Trustees Board of Education Rob Hobbs 243-3232 Judd Schultz-Chair 524-4521 Chris Anderson-Chair 388-6491 Heather Johnson – Co-chair 382-2432

Barb Anderson 388-6491 Lon Whitehead 388-4891 Thomas Williams 995-0352 Kathy Whitehead 388-4891 Dale Bergemann 317-8989 Chris Thompson 388-2300 Bruce Anderson 327-8559 Lindsey Marso – Co-chair 382-6168

Dave Eberhart 549-3686 Gaylen Lenz 726-6403 Jerry Clausen 612-619-2810 Deb Simpson - Secretary 726-6477

Board of Endowment Fund Kirk Yungerberg 345-8059 Kurt Anderson 381-9537 Vacant Perry Eimers-Chair 387-1650 Matt Williams 995-0350 Jerry Dehn 385-0600 Vacant

Denny Zellmer 387-6939 Alex Johnson 507-272-6657

Board of Deacons Brian Schroeder 625-6153 Mike Blomquist 351-5051

Dianne Willett 420-4010

Janet Timm 388-9213 Randy Burmeister 720-6985

Ann Lauer 304-2128 Jan Eimers 387-1650 Thad Simpson 726-6477

Wanda Schwanke 340-6442

Gretchen Zellmer 387-6939 Matt Rottermond 317-8337

Michelle Rottermond 317-8338 Garvin Eichhorst 388-9227 Zachary Tess 920-265-8436

Samantha Tess 507-217-0354

Jen Larson 340-6441
