Page 1: The act of persuasion through quality content

The Act of Persuasion through quality content

Online marketing is unaccomplished without a successful content marketing. Advertisement was basically classified into two categories based on their text and they were termed as long copy ad and short copy ad. Long copy ad were those which contain a lot of text in themselves like the way the advertisement of computer or a laptop is incomplete without stating its specification while short copy ads were those which contained a very little amount of text like the ways an advertisement of a cold drink like Pepsi or Coca-Cola makes. While going for long copy ads the quality of content decides the extent of your standardization and companies make a huge budget on writing the most innovative and catching text in the advertisement. Marketing teams spares countless hours analyzing statistics, attend expensive seminars and look out for new and brighter ideas for their contents. Online marketing has been one of the booming markets of the present and coming era and expanding your business over the internet is considered as one of the wisest decisions.

The concept of marketing has changed from the decades and this is an era where the art of persuasion is considered the wisest option to make new potential customers. Advertisement now contains a message in which it tries to persuade the customers for its product by specifying the qualities of the product and differentiating it form the other available products. The content of the advertisement contains in itself a message of uniqueness of the product and tries to stand out different form the other ones on some accounts. This art of persuasion is the key of advertisement these days. Other experts believe that the art of marketing strategy is very simple. All you have to do is to behave like a child.

SpinWeb President Micheal Reynolds wrote an article on Hubsopt on this particular subject and outlined several areas justifying the behavior of a child as the key of success to the art of persuasion and ultimately the advertisement.

He believed in the fact that children are mostly curious in nature and try to find out the why and who behind a mystery, which Mr. Reynolds believed as the prominent factor of learning.

Page 2: The act of persuasion through quality content

He believed that children are fearless and they hesitate less in putting something down on the paper which the grownups feel hesitant. He further emphasized on the fact that some of the best ideas of marketing are the ones which comes to the mind at the first instant, albeit of how silly they sound when they are taught to others.

Children are believed to tell the cold hard truth behind what are you looking for and these thing help in judging the ideas to a great extent.

Online adverting and marketing in a nutshell is describes as a product taking birth from the mind of an innocent child who looks after what the customers are actually looking for without going into the intricacies. He believes in bringing out what the customer is actually feeling and expecting at the last

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