  • 1.The Affiliate Programme Lifecycle
    Ewan Darby
    Business Director, Affiliates
    Eve Ireland
    Head of Acquisition
    British Airways

2. Lifecycle of an affiliate programme
This infers that there is alimit to a programmes life
BA example
Launched 2005 and seen much evolution
How decisions are reached
Why clients and agencies need to find efficiencies
How this affects networks and affiliates
3. The Lifecycle of an affiliate programme
4. The tale of a mythical merchant
The merchant decides affiliate marketing is the right next stage for them
A network is appointed and all the prospects look good
Projections are made and the numbers stack up
The merchant is learning as they go...
5. Pre-launch and set-up
Technical set up and integration can take longer than expected
Tech team at the merchant
Specific programme requirements
Tracking and reporting fluidity
Recruitment of affiliates
When the programme goes live
No immediate sales volume
Unimpressive growth
6. Launch
First Quarter
Slow sales growth
Affiliates taking time to sign up
Programme understanding
Second quarter
Sales dramatically improve
Hundreds of affiliates now recruited
Impression and click volumes impressive
7. Learning
Merchants begin to understand how to incentivise affiliates
Promotions, additional commission etc
Merchants engage with increasing affiliate types voucher, cashback, incentive, email, ppc etc
Some merchants will begin to analyse performance in greater detail
8. Analysis
How can affiliates produce greater sales volumes?
How is the merchants paid search being affected?
Why do some affiliates have high impressions, but low CTR or CTS?
Is the programme delivering the right ROI?Is the ROI being calculated in the right way?
9. Understanding
Not all affiliate types are right for my programme
Some affiliates need greater support and materials to get a good EPC meaning they will send greater traffic volumes
Conversion is King!
10. Reaching a tipping point
Understanding channel value
Value of verticals within the channel
Deciding how a CPA or incentives can legislate
The implications around programme amendments
11. The British Airways affiliate programme launched in 2005 and now operates in 12 markets globally
Eve Ireland, Head of Acquisition (Global) for British Airways, is responsible for the affiliate channel as well as search marketing, display media and four agencies; creative and media
Neo is BAs media agency for their global affiliate work as well as regional search and display
Our work also encompasses alarge attribution project where individual media performance undergoes interrogation for effectiveness and cost efficiency
12. The British Airways Affiliate Programme
Programme launch October 2005
Major milestones:
Change of commission x3
Removal of incentive traffic
Removal of email
No paid search
APAC launch
Europe launch
Cross border sales
13. Understanding BAs digital marketing
How the team is shaped
How many
How is affiliate marketing perceived within BA, both in London and in the regions?
How has the channel developed since launch and what have the key considerations been?
What would you like to see changed in the channel ?
14. Questions
We have a few questions for you....
What would get you to sign up to a long-running programme?
What raises your interest levels about a programme?
What sort of things annoy you about programme changes?
What have merchants done well for you?
15. Questions
We hope you have a few questions for us....
Has de-duping turned any affiliates off?
Are you closed minded about certain affiliate types?
What further development plans do you have for the affiliate channel?
What are the most significant changes you have made?
16. Further questions and comments