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  • We Will Be the Most Positive Mission on the Planet!

    We invite all of our friendsto have a positive view about God,

    about ones self and about the world.

    Our faith in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ causes us to make

    positive changes in our lives and in the lives of others.

    As we repent and help others repent, we serve with full purpose of heart

    and leave bad habits behind.

    We believe in the promises of our apostles to the people of Romania

    and the Republic of Moldova:

    Because we have creative courage to come unto Christ we will receive wisdom, vision and power to build

    the Churchthat stakes may be organized.

    Together, we will influence positive change and we will find great

    happiness as we help build Christs restored Church in Romania and in

    the Republic of Moldova.


    t h e a l m o s t m o n t h l y

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    Builders Not CaretakersBy Sister Ivory

    On his visit in November, Elder Kearon told the Romania Moldova Mission, We are builders, not caretakers. This statement has become our mission battle cry partly because President Ivory knows a little about the building process, and partly because we know the concept of building is exactly what Romania and Moldova need in this moment.

    Leaving our mission better than we found it is what we do as missionaries. Progress means that we will continue to get better and better as individuals and as a Church. Strengthening members, inviting less-actives back in to the fold, finding, teaching, and baptizing new members build the Church here in substantial ways. Sacrament attendance has increased fifteen percent since last year, indicating sustained growth and commitment.

    The Church in Romania and Moldova is still in the initial stages of development and growth. Every effort at this point matters because we are working to sure up the foundation of the Gospel. The foundation is the most essential part of the building process.

    We continue to shape the foundation that so many others before us established. Strong members and obedient missionaries pioneer through obstacles. As part of our pioneer heritage, we understand that putting one foot in front of the other and moving ahead with faith eventually gets us to the promised land. Incremental improvement and loyalty to the day-to-day tasks of missionary service will provide sustainable growth.

    And we are growing! The Lord is with us. He blesses us daily with goodness and hope. We will continue to serve with full purpose of heart, and He will continue to help us build the Church in the Romania Moldova Mission. Whereever we find ourselves, let us always remember to make our little spot in the world better than we found it, to be builders and not just caretakers, and to move the Gospel forward one step at a time.

    Please reference Elder Russell M. Nelsons dedicatory prayer for Romania and Elder M.

    Russell Ballards dedicatory prayer for Moldova.

  • By Elder and Sister SmithA Case Study In Becoming a Team that is Fittingly Yoked Together in the Lords Service Our story begins with our wonderful missionaries last fall, including Elder Boydstun, a district leader who wanted to understand and to better apply the Infinite Atonement, and Sister Nicole Smith, a sister missionary who wanted to end her mission by sprinting through the finish line. Our story continues today--not at its end but as it is still unfolding. Our story contains four major principles our district has learned. These principles are now beginning to impact the branch we are a part of and for which we have been called to serve.

    Following these principles has resulted in our own greater conversion and commitment as missionaries. It has also resulted in the acceptance of the Gospel message by five new Latter-Day Saints in Arad, with more to come.

    Following are illustratations of each principle with examples:

    Elder Boydstun taught us that we often have to understand a principle in our minds before we can apply it in our hearts. As a district we determined that our primary desire was to be effective tools in the hands of the Lord and to thereby bring souls unto Him. Sister Smith along with her companions Sister Cox and then Sister Routson taught us that consistent and constant hard work coupled with confidence eventually brings miracles. As a result we saw a nineteen-year-old woman join the Church after six months plus of study and the 75-year-old husband of a long time member join the Church after years of patient waiting.

    D&C 121: 45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity...then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven [and] the Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion...

    1 John 3:11For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.

    As time progressed Elders McArthur and Dunkley taught us that love begins at home. Their example taught us to express love for each other - and really mean it. They taught us that acts of kindness bring thoughts of friendship and appreciation which result in the sincere desire to help and accept, which gives birth to true Christlike love. Their example has been emulated and expanded by Elders Chatterton and Robinson,

    Galations 6:2Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

    who added the twist that fun is an important addition to love. For as Elder Robinson says, we are a tight, close district. Today it is a natural part of our day to express love for each other, to pray daily and specifically for each other and for all of our investigators by name and for the leaders and members of our branch. The natural outgrowth of this is spontaneous expressions of love to those around us. It is amazing to see what happens in response.

    We now consider investigators to be a district responsibility. While a companionship may have the primary responsibility to teach and monitor the development of an investigator, all of us together share the responsibility to help each investigator progress. A few months ago one of the sisters investigators was having a serious crisis of faith. We met together as a district to discuss the problem and to think of ways to address it. We finally determined to all visit the investigator together and to have the district leader review with her the baptismal interview questions--even though she was not yet ready for baptism. As she responded to the questions she realized that she did have a testimony of the restored Gospel, of living prophets, and of the Book of Mormon. She was baptized a few weeks later. To quote Sister Gibson, I like how every single missionary is involved with every investigator. Or as Sister Dupont says, our district is like a family. We love each other. We pray and fast for each other. We get things done.

    D&C 112:14...Arise and gird up your loins, take up your cross, follow me, and feed my sheep.

    Elders Chatterton and Robinson have a nineteen-year-old investigator whose family does not want him to be baptized. He has accepted all the lessons and desires to become a member of the Church. As a district we decided to treat him like a member. He teaches us from the Gospel Principles manual several times each week, helps us teach English classes, and participates in YSA and Branch activities. We and the YSA youth helped him celebrate his birthday. Unfortunately, he felt embarrassed and even distraught at a recent branch activity because he is not a member and because it hurts to see member families at church together. We explained that to the Elders Quorum President, who with the branch first counselor, successfully helped to console him. Its nice when members of the branch join the team.

    In conclusion, Sister Gibson says it best. We play together, pray together, eat together, and serve together. We support each other. And that works!

    The Arad District

    The Arad District works as a team to help build the Branch in Arad.

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    During the time Sister Monson and I served in the Canadian Mission, we were witness to and strengthened by the deep faith of the Canadian Saints.

    Evidence of faith took place when I first visited the St. Thomas Branch of the mission, situated about 120 miles from Toronto. My wife and I had been invited to attend the branch sacrament meeting and to speak to the members there.

    As we drove along a fashionable street, we saw many church buildings and wondered which one was ours. None was. We located the address which had been provided and discovered it to be a decrepit lodge hall. Our branch met in the basement of the decrepit lodge hall and was comprised of perhaps 25 members, 12 of whom were in attendance. The same individuals conducted the meeting, blessed and passed the sacrament, offered the prayers, and sang the hymns.

    At the conclusion of the services, the branch president, Irving Wilson, asked if he could meet with me. At this meeting, he handed to me a copy of the Improvement Era, forerunner of todays Ensign magazine. Pointing to a picture of one of our chapels in Australia, a new chapel, President Wilson declared, This is the building we need here in St. Thomas.

    I smiled and responded, When we have enough members here to justify and to pay for such a building, I am sure we will have one. At that time, the local members were required to raise 30 percent of the cost of the site and the building, in addition to the payment of their tithing and other offerings.

    President Wilson countered, Our children are growing to maturity. We need this building, and we need it now!

    I provided encouragement for them to grow in numbers by their personal efforts to fellowship and to teach. The outcome, brothers and sisters, is a classic example of faith coupled with effort and crowned with testimony.

    President Wilson requested six additional missionaries be assigned to the city of St. Thomas. When this was accomplished, he called the missionaries to a meeting in the back room of his small jewelry store, where they knelt in humble prayer. At the conclusion of the prayer, he then asked one elder to hand to him the yellow-page telephone directory, which was on a nearby table. President Wilson took the book in hand and observed, If we are ever to have our dream building in St. Thomas, we will need a Latter-day Saint to design it. Since we do not have a member who is an architect, we will simply have to convert one. With his finger moving down the column of listed architects, he paused at one name and said, This is the one we will invite to my home to hear the message of the Restoration.

    President Wilson followed the same procedure with regard to plumbers, electricians, and craftsmen of every description. Nor did he neglect other professions, feeling a desire for a well-balanced branch. The individuals were invited to his home to meet the missionaries, the truth was taught, testimonies were born, and conversion resulted. Those newly baptized then repeated the procedure themselves, inviting others to listen. Week after week and month after month the procedure continued.

    The St. Thomas Branch experienced marvelous growth. Within two and one-half years, a site was obtained, a beautiful building was constructed, and an inspired dream became a reality. That branch is now a thriving ward in a stake of Zion.

    When I reflect on the town of St. Thomas, I dwell not on the wards hundreds of members and many dozens of families; rather, in memory I return to that sparse sacrament meeting in the lodge-hall basement, 12 people, and the Lords promise, Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).

    Many years have passed since that video was recorded. The voice you heard was younger, but the principle of faith as it pertains to missionary work remains just as true today as it was half a century ago in the St. Thomas Branch.

    President Monson Recalls the Builders in the St. Thomas Branch in Canada

    Taken From a Video Clip of President Thomas S. Monson




    Q u o t eB E D N A R Excerpts from Elder Bednars Training of New Mission Presidents Learning and Teaching in the Lords Way.If we always do what we have always done, then we will always get what we have always

    gotten. May I suggest that what we have always done and always gotten were good in their

    time but need to improve as the Lord is quickening the pace. The Lords hastening of His work

    requires us continuously to learn, to change, and to press forward with faith in the Savior.

    Prepare to Learn Interact to EdifyInvite to Act

  • The Couples CornerBy Elder and Sister Alson

    There just may not be words to express our tender emotions as we leave our beloved Romania Moldova Mission and the indelible impression it and especially you have left on our hearts. What a wonderful blessing this experience has been in our lives. Our testimonies have grown, our hearts have been filled and our understanding expanded. We have a greater appreciation for young missionaries and the sacrifices they make to further the work of the Lord in bringing the restored Gospel to those who so desperately need it. We have enjoyed the tender embrace of the promptings of the spirit as we have tried to do our best. We have been inspired by your courage, and the courage of the faithful members of the branches as you and they have battled what appears to be, on the surface, a most improbable task. But the promises of the Lord are sure and success is guaranteed.

    We share with gratitude some of our special memories. When we asked a faithful 60-year old member who rode her bike 4-5 miles to church every Sunday all dressed in her Sunday clothes and without a hair out of place, how she did it. She said, God and I have a deal, it never rains on my way to church. When we asked an elderly brother in the branch, a convert of 5 years who had crippling arthritis and could barely walk, how he made it to church faithfully every Sunday, he simply said, When I was baptized I made a covenant. We watched a faithful member of a branch give his only couch to another member of the branch that he believed needed it more than he did. We speak of these memories with tears in our eyes and have asked ourselves, would we be so faithful if we were asked to walk in their shoes? What wonderful, courageous and faithful people we have been called to serve.

    Enjoy with us our last week in Romania as we were blessed to be a part of the baptism of a wonderful man and his two sons in the Black Sea. The outside temperature was 60 degrees and the water temperature was 41 degrees, but somehow the spirit was strong and the overall feeling was tender and warm. May the lord continue to bless the Romania Moldova Mission and its incredible missionaries!

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    Easter In Romania

    Sisters Elliott and Bischoff streetboard contacting with an Easter message in Chisinau

    Sister Doyna and Ellis sharing the tradition of cracking eggs

    Sisters Mits and Lunt encounter the Easter Bunny at Cismigiu Park

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    The English Explosion

    Cursurile vor avea loc:ncepnd cu data de: 17 MartieMari ntre orele: 17:00-18:00Smbt ntre orele: 12:00 - 13:00timp de patru sptmni.

    Numr de telefon: 0753.058.806Locaie: Panduri- Locaie: Panduri- os. Panduri Nr. 16

    Engleza Gratuita Bucureti

    Biserica lui Isus Hristos a Sfinilor din Zilele din Urm

    President Ivory challenged every branch to increase its English class attendance ten-fold. In order to do this, the curriculum has been edited and improved, Facebook pages have been created, and targeted marketing efforts have been increased. Our missionaries are approaching English classes with greater purpose. While our focus is on creating a high-quality experience, we have seen an increase in church attendance and many of our students have become friends who are learning more about the Gospel.

    Each branch or area has created a Facebook page and so far the various Engleza Gratuit pages have just under 12,000 likes.

    Posters have worked really great. They have been the most effective form of advertising--Elder Alfin

    We have been hanging-up our posters inside of colleges and high schools--Elder DeGraw

    A curriculum change allowed us to be more engaged and better prepared in our

    classes. We focused on two things; determining the needs of our classes and how we

    could best provide them with a meaningful experience. --Elder Armistead

    Under the direction of Sora Ivory, the missionaries updated the english curriculum.

    In Chisinau, we used Facebook to find 450 English students and tons of

    investigator friends! We worked together as a district to make the idea happen

    and show the students how much we love the Gospel. --Elder Bateman

  • Real Growth

    Melinda Iuliana Craciun faithfully decided to follow her Savior and be baptized on April 4, 2015 in Arad. She plans to serve Him as a missionary some day.

    Diana Raetchi was baptized in Chisinau on February 27, 2015. Her desire to get closer to God is what helped her gain a rock solid testimony!

    Lorica Mocanu, was baptized in to the Panduri branch on March 7, 2015. After praying for guidance, Lorica found the Gospel and accepted it immediately.

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    Steve Hannesson and his two sons, Joshua (13) and Tyler (10) were baptized in the Black Sea on March 30, 2015. Gheorghe (Ghiti) Aioanei was baptized in Arad on March 14, 2015

    Spring Concert in the Park

    Trifon Baciu was baptized on April 11, 2015 in Chiinau. After praying, an overwhelming power came over him, prompting him to be baptized.

    Cristina and Andre Borbea were baptized by their father on April 12, 2015 in Braov. They are excited that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can unite their family for eternity.

    Ecaterina was baptized on April 18, 2015. She is so happy and says she has found a little island of heaven in Chisinau

  • Happenings Around the Mission

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    The Rutley Family from the UK Visit The Peoples Palace in


    David and Rachel Rutley, President an d Sister Ivorys close friends, presented at Zone Conference in Bucharest

    Sister Ivory Presenting at Zone Conference in Cluj

    Ellis Skiing with the Rutley FamilySisters Tanner and Seare with Elena Alexandroia

    President Ivory with his Dad in front of the transfer board

    Transfer Day

    Sunset over the lake at Herastrau Park

    Enjoying time with President Ivorys Parents , who spoke at Zone Conferences in Cluj and Chisinau during their visit

    Ellis and Meg (President and Sister Ivorys Niece who is helping out in the mission until July)

    Zone Conference in Chisinau

    Visiting the Cominescu Family

    Dinner at the mission home with Egmont and Corina Passasu...Egmont was a freedom

    fighter during the revolution

    New intensive trainer training at the new mission office

    Freedom Fighters During the Revolution

    D is for President Doru Our beautiful reception area at the new mission office

  • Arrivals

    March 3, 2015--President and Sister Ivory greet new missionaries at the Airport in Bucharest--Elders Blaylock, Cressman, Erickson, Simmons, Myers and Sisters Smith, Spangler, Draper, Harper, Smullin and Dupont

    We are excited to welcome this great group of new missionaries to The Most Postitive Mission on the Planet!

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    April 14, 2015--President and Sister Ivory along with Ellis welcome a wonderful group of new missionaries--Elders Lafoou, Cochran, Jardine, Woodruff, Swafford, Paterson, Nango, Seaich, Jensen, Cernat and Sisters Lunt, Mits, Moon, and Brinkman

    March 3-4, 2015--Our new arrivals join their trainers on the traditional run with President Ivory through Herastrau Park and at the mission home for new missionary orientation

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    April 14, 2015--Our new arrivals in front of the mission office and with their trainers on the traditional run with President Ivory through Herastrau Park.

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    DeparturesOur departing missionaries join our new arrivals in Chismigiu Gardens for a reading of the dedicatory prayers of Romania and Moldova. We are so thankful for the service provided by these wonderful departing missionaries and wish them every success as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.

    March Departures - Sisters Bray, Merkley OBrien and Elders Collison, Hokkanen, VanDyke and Jarmin.

    April Departures - Sisters Bird, Bischoff, Bynum, Hovey, Tanner and Elders Cloward, Danielson, DeGraw, Feil, Harper, Lake, Mayans, McAllister, McArthur, Middlebrook, Montoya and Reed.
