Page 1: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament

Divine Mercy Catholic Church

2231 Club Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95835

Tel: (916) 256-3134

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm

MISSION STATEMENT ~ To establish a faith-filled community bonded by love. To

proclaim the good news, foster personal encounters with the living Christ and strengthen the

family by witnessing the gospel values of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness and service to all.

Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM

Sunday Mass 7:30 AM

9:30 AM

12:30 PM

Youth Mass 5:00 PM

Every 1st Sunday of the Month followed by Eucharistic Adoration

Spanish Mass 5:00 PM

Every 2nd Sunday of the Month

Filipino Mass 5:00 PM Every 3rd Sunday of the month



Mon - Wed - Fri 6:30 PM

Tue - Thur - Sat 8:30 AM

Every Friday Holy Hour 3 - 6 PM

(Blessed Sacrament Exposed)

First Friday

Morning Mass 8:30 AM

Exposition* 9:00 AM

Benediction 5:45 PM

Evening Mass 6:30 PM

*Hourly Adorers needed during Exposition

Mass Schedule

Sacrament of Penance

Saturday 3:45 - 4:45 PM By Appointment Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament of Baptism

Every 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM or within the Mass (in some special cases to be determined by the Pastor). Please contact the Parish Office to talk with the Pastor 2 months before the Baptism day.

Sacrament of Matrimony

Please contact the Parish Office to talk with the Pastor 6 months before the wedding day.

Anointing of the Sick

Please call the Parish Office.


English: 30 mins before every Mass Spanish: Thursdays at 7:00 PM

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Immediately after every Mass

PASTOR Rev. Soane Kaniseli [email protected]

Deacon Rick Morales [email protected]

Deacon James Ogbonna [email protected]

Sacraments and Rosaries Look Inside For

Divine Mercy Catholic Church

Stewardship Drive Kick Off Weekend!

Watch for details!

Divine Mercy


Next Weekend!

Look inside!

Tickets for sale in the


October 13th, Sunday is the

102nd Anniversary of the

Miracle of the Sun at Fati-

ma. See bulletin insert for

the “Living Rosary and Pro-

cession we will have at Di-

vine Mercy Catholic Church!

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The apostles said to the Lord,

"Increase our faith."

Luke 17:5

Page 2: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament

Page 2 A Word From...

Today’s Gospel reading consists of two connected passages. The first,

briefer passage is Jesus’ response to a petition from His apos-

tles: “Increase our faith.” To the apostles’ asking for faith, Jesus answers

by discussing works.

In this first passage Jesus shows how the works of an authentic Christian

are rooted in the divine virtue of faith. The passage also reveals the pow-

er of faith: this power is shown by the disproportion between “faith the

size of a mustard seed” and the great work of a mulberry tree being up-

rooted and planted in the sea.

Often Catholics can find themselves in debates with separated Christian

brethren over the relationship between faith and good works. Perhaps

one problem in understanding the connection between these two is that

our faith is so meager that we’re content to carry out merely “good works”.

In fact, Christ calls His disciples not only to carry out good works that can

be accomplished by natural human abilities alone, such as the corporal

works of mercy, which can be carried out by persons who do not believe

in God. In addition to good works, Christ calls His disciples to strive to

carry out great works. If we Christians carried out great works, we’d have

less reason to ascribe such works solely to our own human efforts, since

we’d be forced by common sense to realize that such great works are only

possible by means of faith.

However, the Gospel Reading’s second passage offers another way to

reflect upon the connection between faith and works. It’s not quite a para-

ble. We might instead call it a guided reflection. Through it, Jesus illus-

trates one of the necessary motives of those whose works are animated

by faith. This motive is certainly not the only one that a Christian needs in

order to produce authentic works. But its absence in a Christian’s soul

inevitably leads to the chief vice of the Christian spiritual life.

Servanthood is the focus of Jesus’ guided reflection. Servanthood, or

servantship, is similar to stewardship. Servanthood and stewardship are

both demanded by those who follow Jesus. They have much in common,

but each has its own unique characteristics.

The image of servanthood sharply focuses our attention upon the relation-

ship between the master and the servant. It focuses upon the radical

dependence of the servant upon the master, and in particular, upon the

master’s will.

October 6, 2019 –

The 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Fr. Thomas Hoisington

Habakkuk 1:2-3;2:2-4 + 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 + Luke 17:5-10

By contrast, the concept of stewardship implies a distance between the

steward and his lord. The steward is independent, at least for whatever

period of time the lord chooses to be away. The steward acts in the name

of the lord during his absence, whether that lasts for days or years. In

J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece The Lord of the Rings, the stewards of Gon-

dor reigned for centuries while the heirs to the king’s throne lived in ex-

ile. In the case of the steward Denethor, such lengthy independence re-

sulted in consuming, self-destructive pride.

Pride is the target of Jesus’ preaching in today’s Gospel Reading. The

humility that Jesus calls for is reflected in His final words: “So should it be

with you. When you have done all you have been commanded, say, ‘We

are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.’” Of

course, humility is a virtue that both stewards and servants are called to

exhibit. What particular quality, then, does Jesus’ image of a servant de-

mand, and how does that quality work against pride?

Given that servanthood focuses on the radical dependence of the servant

upon the master’s will, servanthood demands the virtue of obedi-

ence. Obedience motivates and directs one’s works in accord with God’s

providential will.

Many Christians might be surprised to learn that the word “obedience” is

derived from the Latin infinitive “obedire”, which can be translated as “to

listen”. Naturally, a servant can’t obey his master unless he first listens to

his master’s command. This demands being ready for the master to issue

his command, which in turn demands attentive listening: not to stand at

attention, but to listen at attention, humbly waiting not for the master’s re-

turn, but for his word; not at the end of time or even at the hour of my

death, but here and now and at every moment that I live. +

Sunday Connection (Loyola Press

Gospel Reading: Luke 17:5-10

Jesus teaches the apostles the importance of faith and service to God.

Background on the Gospel Reading: In today's Gospel we hear Jesus

teach about faith and service to God. The context is a continuing dialogue

between Jesus and his followers about what it means to be a disciple of

Jesus. Jesus has just finished an instruction on sin and forgiveness. There

are two related teachings

that Jesus offers to his dis-

ciples when they cry out for

an increase in faith. The

first is the familiar reminder

that faith, even just a little,

will enable the followers of

Jesus to do wondrous

things. But this uplifting and

inspiring teaching is quickly followed by the second teaching, a caution

about knowing one's place in God's plans. The disciples of Jesus are to

understand themselves as servants to God and his plans. Even when God

works wonders through us, with our mustard seed-sized faith, we must not

seek praise. Our participation in God's plans is God's grace to us—

nothing more, nothing less. When we are graced enough to cooperate

with God, the work we do is nothing more than our obligation to God as

faithful stewards. And yet, our faith enables us to believe that what we

have offered in service to God, as his servants, can be made to produce a

hundredfold. +

Page 3: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament

Page 3 “Pray without ceasing-”...I Thessalonians 5:17

Prayers of the Faithful, Sunday, October 6, 2019


Sunday, Oct 6 St. Bruno

HAB 1:2-3; 2:2-4; PS 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9; 2 TM 1:6-8, 13-14; 1 PT 1:25;

LK 17:5-10

Monday, Oct 7 St. Artaldus

JON 1:1–2:1-2, 11; JONAH 2:3, 4, 5, 8; JN 13:34; LK 10:25-37

Tuesday, Oct 8 St. Pelagia

JON 3:1-10; PS 130:1B-2, 3-4AB, 7-8; LK 11:28; LK 10:38-42

Wednesday, Oct 9 Sts. Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius

JON 4:1-11; PS 86:3-4, 5-6, 9-10; ROM 8:15BC; LK 11:1-4

Thursday, Oct 10 St. Francis Borgia

MAL 3:13-20B; PS 1:1-2, 3, 4 AND 6; SEE ACTS 16:14B; LK 11:5-13

Friday, Oct. 11 St. John XXIII

JL1:13-15; 2:1-2; PS 9:2-3, 6 AND 16, 8-9; JN 12:31B-32; LK 11:15-26

Saturday, Oct 12 St. Wilfrid

JL 4:12-21; PS 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; LK 11:28; LK 11:27-28

Sunday, Oct 13 St. Edward the Confessor

2 KGS 5:14-17; PS 98:1, 2-3, 3-4; 2 TM 2:8-13; 1 THES 5:18; LK 17:11-19

Remembering the Sick in Prayer

With full trust and faith, we bring our needs before the Lord.

That the Church will stir into flame the many and varied gifts which the

Spirit gives to the laity, and always encourage them.

For the priests serving in this Diocese, that those entering into Convoca-

tion and those staying behind to serve will be blessed according to

God’s holy will.

For all those called to the priesthood or consecrated life in this Diocese,

that they will joyfully do what they are called to do.

That there may be an end to the violence of crime, war, abortion and


That God's people may take an active, informed, and responsible role

as citizens of our great nation.

That those who no longer practice the faith, especially among our own

families, may not harden their hearts but rather hear the Lord calling

them back. .

That the sick may be comforted and healed, and in turn serve the needs

of others.

That all who have died may be received into everlasting life and joy.

To be added to the Parish’s Warrior Prayer Chain

email: [email protected]

Divine Mercy Catholic Church is not liable to users of the data or information provided herein, or to any other party, for

any loss or damage, consequential or otherwise, including but not limited to time, money or goodwill, arising from the

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I command you: be strong and

steadfast! Do not fear nor be

dismayed, for the LORD, your

God, is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

Allen Jay Cayabyab, USAF

Chad Cayabyab, US Marines PO2

Stephen J Ramirez, Navy

Samantha Chaidez, Navy

TSTT Jesse R. Bose, USAF

Jose Robledo, US Army

LCpl Alex Penick, US Marines

Deven Aguiar-Frank, USAF

Jonah Edward Pagala, US Navy

Vincent Santos, US Air Force

Capt Jessica G. Dacpano ,USAF

Christopher Robledo, Navy

Veronica Santos, Air Force

Prayers for the military

He heals the brokenhearted and

binds up their wounds.

(Psalm 147:3)

God offers us comfort and the medi-

cine for everything broken and

wounded to our being. We may feel

that nothing is going right in our lives

and the pain is growing day by day,

yet those sufferings are not perma-

nent. No wounds can be left un-

healed if we offer them to Him.

Ofelia Cardanes Bella Dial Pauline Brown

Kim Torres Patrick Salas Lucille Sandoval

Oliva Duran Blanca Rodriguez Estrellita Perez

“The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest,

think of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

– St. John Vianney, Patron Saint of Parish Priests

Page 4: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament

Page 4 Mark Your Calendars



8:30 am (P7) Adult RCIA Adapted Year II

8:30 am (P8) RCIA Adapted Year I

8:30 am (P9) RCIA Adult Class

9:00 am (P1-4, 5, 7&8) CFF

9:30 am (Narthex) Children's Liturgy

10:30 am (Rectory) RCIA II

10:45 am (All Portables) CFF Class

10:45 am (Narthex) CFF Class

2:00 pm (P5) Women's Welcome Meeting Team 4

2:00 pm (P3) Men's Welcome Team 4 Meeting

4:00 pm (P7/8) Columbian Squires Planning Meeting

6:00 pm (Church) Youth Adoration & 7:00 pm (Narthex) Youth Potluck

Monday, October 7

6:00 pm (All portables) Children CFF Class

7:30 pm (P9) Media Ministry Meeting

7:30 pm (Narthex) Bible Study: Romans

Tuesday, October 8

9:00 am (P1,2, &3) CGS

9:00 am (Narthex) The Gospel of Salvation

11:00 am (P5) Inner Circle Prayer Circle

7:00 pm (Narthex) Youth Leadership Meeting

Wednesday, October 9

9:30 am (Narthex) Divine Mercy Cenacle

5:00 pm (P1) Children's Choir Practice

7:30 pm (P1, 2) FPU Class

7:30 pm (Narthex) Baptism Prep Class

Thursday, October 10

9:00 am (Narthex) Altar Society - Flower Arrangement

5:00 pm (P5) Legion of Mary

6:00 pm (P9) Beloved Meeting

6:00 pm (Narthex) Stewardship Council Meeting

7:00 pm (Church) Spanish Rosary

7:30 pm (P7 & 8) Knights of Columbus 4th Degree

Friday, October 11

3:00 pm (Church) Holy Hour until 6:00 pm

7:30 pm (Church) Adult Choir Practice

Saturday, October 12


3:45 pm (Church) Confession Fr Soane

6:00 PM (P7 & 8) Divine Mercy Daughters of the King

Sunday, October 13


8:30 am (P7) Adult RCIA Adapted Year II

8:30 am (P8) RCIA Adapted Year I

8:30 am (P9) RCIA Adult Class

9:00 am (P1-4, 5, 7&8) CFF

9:30 am (Narthex) Children's Liturgy

10:30 am (Rectory) RCIA II


10:45 am (All Portables) CFF Class

10:45 am (Narthex) CFF Class

2:00 pm (P5) Women's Welcome Meeting Team 4

6:00 pm (P1, 2 & 3) Life Teen Meeting

There is no Mass

October 7th -11th

Due to Convocation for Priests.

Sunday, October 6

7:30 am Jesus Rojas + (Death Anniversary) Fr Soane

Januaria Villanueva +

Evelyn Rohrer & Group (Safe Trip)

9:30 am Faustina & Amador Bangalan + Fr Soane

Angel Escarcha +

Agripina & Victorio Baldonado +

Bess Dagcasin +

12:30 pm Ma. Salud Castillo Diaz + Fr Soane

Andres Carpio, Jr. +

Robert Green (Birthday)

5:00 pm YOUTH MASS Fr Soane

Rosalia & Gerardo Rosario +

Monday, October 7


Tuesday, October 8


Wednesday, October 9


Thursday, October 10


Friday, October 11


Saturday, October 12

8:30 am Joshua Tamondong (Birthday) Fr Michael

Edy Martin (80th Birthday)

5:00 pm Don White (Thanksgiving) Fr Soane

Jesus Rojas +

Rolando Delfin, Jr. (Thanksgiving)

Sunday, October 13

7:30 am Celie H. Pagala + (Birthday) Fr Soane

9:30 am Bess Dagcasin + Fr Soane

Renato Perez +

Romeo Mejares +

12:30 pm Ma. Salud Castillo Diaz + Fr Michael

Xavier Nicolas (Thanksgiving for EMT Graduation)

5:00 pm SPANISH MASS Fr Michael

CONFESSION: Saturdays at 3:45-4:45.

or make an appointment for Confession by calling 916-256-3134.

Page 5: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament

Page 5 Giving is Worship



Fiscal Year July 2018- June 2019

The Mortgage Reduction Offering is this Weekend!

Please prayerfully consider what you can give to help the

Church’s efforts in reducing the balance on the mortgage.

We will be taking a second collection for this all important


Tickets for the Divine Mercy Conference on October 12th are on sale! Only

$20. They go up to $25 at the door…..

Get your tickets after Mass on Saturday, 5:00 pm, Sunday after 7:30, 9:30

and 12:30! You can also buy them at the office. The office is open Monday

through Friday, 9:00-4:00. You don’t want to miss this!

Looking for the pictures you

had taken at the GALA? See

Oscar Misola after October 6th,

both 9:30 and 12:30 Masses!

Oscar took your smile! He’s

ready to give it back to you!


Week ending September 29, 2019

OFFERTORY REQUIREMENTS (July 2019 - June 2020)

Average 5 week Month Requirement $ 75,000

Weekly Average Requirements $ 15,000

Week of: 1-Sep wk 1 $ 19,376

Week of: 8-Sep wk 2 $ 15,866

Week of: 15-Sep wk 3 $ 11,093

Week of: 22-Sep wk 4 $ 11,500

Week of: 29-Sep wk 5 $ 11,403

Total Collections This Month $ 69,237


Mortgage Loan Balance 9/30/2019 $ 2,226,450

This Week:

Weekend Mass attendance totaled 1,599

279 families gave 77.5% of our weekend offertory of $9,932

We are thankful to the 27 families who gave sacrificial gifts totaling $1,227 for our Mortgage Reduction collection.

Plan ahead, sign up for On Line Giving

God Bless You for Your Continuing Generosity

Have your gift recorded by using envelopes. We will provide you with a record of your tax-deductible donations every year. Don’t have enve-

lopes? Call Parish office to request – it’s easy!

Powerful and poignant images speak to the biblical injunction

“Arise, shine, for your light has come” (Isaiah 6:1) Come, see

the visual depictions. They are far more than words.

Trinity Art Show A, National Christian Art Show juried by Scott Shields

Sparrow Gallery October 11-November 1.

Gallery Hours: Tues-Fri 10 am-6 pm, Sat. 10 am-4 pm. Sun 11:00 am-4

pm. Opening reception October 12 ,6pm—9pm .

The Sparrow Gallery, 1021 R Street, Sacramento.

Parishes having daily Mass during Convocation week are:

St. Ignatius Church Sacramento

Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament Sacramento

St. Dominic's Church Benicia

St. Peter Dixon

Carmelite Monastery Georgetown

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Fairfield

St. Stephen the First Martyr Church (Extraordinary Form) Sacramento

Infant Jesus Syro-Malabar Sacramento

Vietnamese Martyrs Sacramento

St. Joseph Marello Granite Bay

St. John the Baptist Folsom

St. Mary’s Vacaville

St. Mel Fair Oaks

St. Vincent Ferrer Vallejo

Hospital and Sick Calls: The following parishes and/or clergy are available to

those seeking sacrament in an emergency:

F. William P. Kinane Citrus Heights

Fr. Thomas L. Seabridge Carmichael

Page 6: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament

Page 6 Divine Mercy Catholic Church Ministries


Day Date Event Time Place

Sunday Oct 6

Youth Mass, Holy Hour, and

Potluck Dinner

5:00 - 8:00 PM


Monday Oct 7 Adoremus 7:00 PM

Christ the King



CFF Schedule

October 2019

Fall 40 Days for Life-

Come pray for just an hour and save a LIFE!

Thursday, October 17th

Choose your hour! (8:00 am-6:00 pm)

The Divine Mercy Parish is sponsoring Thursday, October 17th as our day to

support the 40 Days for Life from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will pray and offer assis-

tance on the sidewalk. The Sign-up Sheets for prayer at, 2322 Butano Drive, in

Sacramento can be found in the Narthex on the long counter. Father Soane

supports this as one of our Parish efforts to the 40 Days for Life Program.

If you have any questions, please call Brian Kelly at 916-761-8206

I AM Fearfully AND

Wonderfully MADE.

Psalm 139:14

October 6/7 CFF Class

October 13/14 CFF Class

October 18-20 6:00 p.m. Friday (arrival) 1:00 pm. Sunday (end)

Confirmation Retreat at Marello Youth Retreat Center 6530 Wells Ave, Loomis, CA 95650

October 20/21 CFF Class

October 27/28 CFF Class / Family Mass at 12:30 p.m.

October 28 (Sunday)

CFF Class – All Saints’ Day Activity / Family Mass

October 29 (Monday)

CFF Class – All Saints’ Day Activity / Family Mass

Tuesday Oct 8

Youth Minis-try Com-mittee


7:00 PM Narthex

Thursday Oct 10 Beloved Meeting

6:00 PM P9

Saturday Oct 12 K-Cup

Competition 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

St. John Vianney Parish

Saturday Oct 12 Divine Mercy Conference

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Outside Parish

Sunday Oct 13 Life Teen Meeting

6:00 PM P2 & P3

Thursday Oct 17 40 Days For

Life Prayer Vigil

5:00 - 6:00 PM

2232 Buta-no Dr.,


Sunday Oct 20 Squires & Daughters Meeting

6:30 - 8:30 PM

P7 & P8

Thursday Oct 24 Beloved Meeting

6:00 PM P9

Sunday Oct 27 Life Teen Meeting

6:00 PM P2 & P3

The next

Divine Mercy Men's


Is November 9th and 10th!

Life Teen


our teens' Catholic identity, while

rooting them firmly in Christ and in

His Church.

What’s going on? Life Night for Teens

When? 2nd and 4th Sunday

of EVERY month

Time? 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Where? Portable Rooms 1/2/3

Contact? Donovan Serrano (916) 529-7769

Teens (ages 13-17) & Parents are more than welcomed to attend.

Life Teen Meeting

October 13th at

6:00 pm. See

you there!

Page 7: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament

Page 7 Divine Mercy Catholic Church Ministries

13 October (Sunday)

Original Sin and Mystery of Iniquity (Jn 3: 16-21/Gen 1:26-31)

20 October (Sunday)

Intro to Prayer (Mt 7:7-11/ Ps 143:8

27 October (Sunday)

The Church (Mt 16: 13-19/2 Pt 1:3-11)



Come and See!


Class Schedule

for September & October

RCIA II Class Schedule for September & October

13 October (Sunday)

Paschal Mystery (Mk 10:32-45)

20 October (Sunday)

Virtues; Cardinal (Lk 16: 19-31) {Prudence, Jus-tice, Temperance, Fortitude} and Theological {Faith, Hope, Love} (Jn 14:1-6/Mt 5:3-12/Lk 10:25-37)

27 October (Sunday)

Liturgical Prayer (Lk 22: 7-20) w/Adoration Rosary & Devotion

Divine Mercy

Catholic Church

Fund Raising


“Funding Our


to Heaven”


Tuesday October 15!

Ono’s Hawaiian BBQ

on Del Paso Rd.

by Sprouts Market.

Get ready Ono’s, because

Divine Mercy is coming!

he meaʻai maikaʻi

Marriage Enrichment For

All Our Years! Looking for a

way to increase the love and ro-

mance in your marriage? Do you

need time just for the two of you?

A Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Weekend Experience may be the

answer. Instead of simply listening to lectures about how to improve your

marriage, you will actually learn a practical communication technique and

have an opportunity to rediscover your hopes and dreams for your marriage.

Per Father Soane’s direction, he suggested a core team created for

the Filipino Ministry at Divine Mercy. A team met and discussed how

to progressively re-group our Filipino Ministry under one umbrella.

We invited majority of our Fil-AMs a week before and 15 of us

showed up!

By God’s good graces and guidance, this bulletin announce-

ment is here to spread the good news that - by a majority of votes,

the Divine Mercy Filipino American Community (DMFC) is

now established.

And so, to keep the momentum going, we are calling all Fil-AMs

to come and be part of this DMFC -- to UNITE, COLLABORATE,

and SHARE our resources in our collective effort To Serve God

through our Own Divine Mercy Parish-Our Place of WORSHIP.

Our next meeting will take place this Sunday, October 6,

2019 at 2:00pm @ Portable Classroom #1!

The topic: Election of Officers, the Brick Project, the upcoming Sim-

bang Gabi and the Santo Niño Feast Day!

Let’s do this KABABAYAN!

The time, talents, and

treasure entrusted to us are all God’s.

Our very lives belong to Him. Whatever we do

on God’s behalf with our lives and our gifts is

simply our God-given responsibility.

Our Second Annual Parish-wide Stewardship

Drive is on! This 4-week program will culmi-

nate with our Parish Giving Day, November 2nd/3rd. It’s your weekend to

sign up to give your time, talent and treasure to our church.

The Stewardship Drive

is here!

Page 8: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament
Page 9: The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke · 10/6/2019  · Saturday 3:45 -4:45 PM Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament

Call the

Church Office

at 916-256-3134

for a quote!