Page 1: The Assembly of Confessing Congregations SA …...EM Bounds in his book called “Power through Prayer” said “What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not


YOUR ancient Ruins shall be REBUILT,

you shall raise uuuppp the

foundations of buildings that have laid


for many generations;

and you shall be called RRReeepppaaaiiirrreeerrr of the


Restorer of Streets to Dwell in.

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The Assembly of Confessing Congregations

within the Uniting Church


Mandy Scott

The Assembly of

Confessing Congregations within

the Uniting Church

Prayer Network Liaison Officer

Page 2: The Assembly of Confessing Congregations SA …...EM Bounds in his book called “Power through Prayer” said “What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not

The Assembly of Confessing Congregations SA Movement

“PrayerNet” Restoration



EM Bounds in his book called “Power through Prayer” said “What

the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not new

organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy

Ghost can use -- men and women of prayer, men and women mighty

in prayer.

A Call to Prayer.

20th April, 2010

Greetings everyone,

The Assembly of Confessing Congregations within the Uniting Church is committed to playing a vital role at this very special time in history and has a significant part to play within the Body of Christ, in order that we can positively be impacting not only the UCA, but Australia and beyond for Christ.

The corporate vision of ACC, is a very specific call and vision. Without Prayer and those who pray and intercede so faithfully, we as the Assembly of Confessing Congregations within the Uniting Church would not be able to do the work of the ministry.

Continued private and personal prayers are continually needed, in order that we as ACC may find and continue to find God‟s vision for the Church and be continually empowered, and undergirded by prayer in everything we do, in order that we may fulfill the mission and call to the UCA at this time. There is always a need for much prayer, and especially within the „foundational and building” phase of ACC.

I am so encouraged that we as ACC have committed ourselves to have prayer as our central activity and to be a people of Prayer. God enables us through unified prayer

and intercession, and we become a Church of vision and empowered mission.

One of the most central things Christians do when they gather together is pray. We gather to hear the Word, and to encourage each other in the faith and encourage new believers, in their faith. The Spirit of God, knits us together, and brings us close to Christ Himself. We hear, see, taste, smell, feel, and sing God's love. And we respond in prayer.

Without prayer, there is

1. no effective evangelism,

2. lacking in spiritual power,

3. no church growth,

Page 3: The Assembly of Confessing Congregations SA …...EM Bounds in his book called “Power through Prayer” said “What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not

The Assembly of Confessing Congregations SA Movement

“PrayerNet” Restoration



4. a church in spiritual poverty,

5. and no mission, serving and preparing the body for works of service, nor

reaching community and our Nation of Australia and beyond.

We all know that the church and faith is definitely under attack, and not working effectively as she should. It is as though there is a deep woundedness and fragmentation, like a fire kicked by a boot all scattered, and the coals going out. The word of God is being distorted and the enemy of God would seek to undermine the building of the Kingdom. We must be watchful (on the alert) in our prayers. Be watchful! Remember, this advice comes from Paul, a prisoner of war. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.( 1 Peter 5:8)

These attacks can be averted, as we spiritually discern the attacks and avert them by prayer.

But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this

threat. (Nehemiah 4:9)

We have, I believe a challenge to actively, be asking ourselves individually and corporately.

What are the problems

And how can we be actively finding, praying and involved to bring solutions.

The situation at times has seemed desperate, and perhaps we have thought it impossible, but let us turn to the God of the impossible in prayer. Can you imagine if we became a church that really prayed? Because prayer changes the church, nations and individuals.

Therefore, we are definitely and desperately in need of a church mobilized and energized to prayer. With individuals and groups, partnering together

in prayer.

As a Prayer Network we can change our world by mobilizing the Church in prayer, mission and justice.

Let us believe God in prayer, for the “Restoration” of the church, for our churches to be vibrant, alive and individual lives and relationships with God, transformed and renewed. Let us pray for many new people of all ages to respond to the gospel this year and beyond. Our hope is to see the move of God spread throughout Australia, leaders encouraged, fellowship and unity of heart, mind and purpose. In order for this to happen our level of prayer and intercession needs to be mobilized and energized.

Page 4: The Assembly of Confessing Congregations SA …...EM Bounds in his book called “Power through Prayer” said “What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not

The Assembly of Confessing Congregations SA Movement

“PrayerNet” Restoration



God wants to use ordinary every day average people, friends and strangers, who carry the baton of prayer and pass it on to another.

In order that the world be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.

As liaise person for the prayer network, I believe we need to be very intentional and to commit themselves to cast a „net” in prayer across Australia to pray for ACC and UCA.

We have started our new Prayer Diary with a publication for April, in order to more fully “net” in prayer. To pray for the Uniting Church, Leaders, individual members of ACC, ministry workers and their families, congregations and clusters, Presbyteries, Synods and the Assembly.

Do you have a concern upon your heart in prayer, a burden perhaps that could be shared with others, so that those requests can be “cast” out, to

others in our Nation to join with you in prayer. In order that we may carry the baton of prayer, cover the work of the Kingdom, support each other in

prayer, and also the advance of the Kingdom through ACC and UCA.

Pray for God‟s grace to be with and upon us all, as we set out on this new journey setting our course, as we seek God for this new direction and press into His presence, listening intently to His new direction. Asking God for strength and boldness to be witness for Him. In order that God move mightily and powerfully within the Church to change lives and hearts.

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

(1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Yours in Christ, Mandy Scott

Please send prayer requests to:

Prayer Network Co-ordinator: Revd Dr Hedley Fihaki: [email protected] and SA ACC Prayer Co-ordinator:

Mandy Scott: [email protected]
