
© Graphics & composition by

Luis B. Vega [email protected]



END OF THE TETRAD SERIES - NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS AND PROPHETIC IMPLICATIONS The purpose of this study is to investigate the Astronomical patterns based on the remaining eclipses for 2015 since the Equinox eclipse of Nissan 1. The backdrop of this pattern is taken into consideration because the eclipses occur either in Pisces or Virgo, thus a possible Astronomical Rapture depiction. The calculations will start with the Equinox eclipse of March 20,

2015 that this study suggests could have implications to the timing of when the end of the Church Age is to conclude and thus the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. This unique type of solar eclipse is only the 9th one to occur on the Equinox and that is total since Christ. What makes this one in particular unique is that it occurs when there is a Super Moon and on YHVH's

religious New Year, amazing. The prior 8 eclipses that have been total and on the Equinox have not had this unique signature that this study suggests is thus prophetic. This study will show that the religious New Year eclipse of March 20, 2015 is in phi ratio of time to the civil New Year partial eclipse of September 13, 2015 on Rosh HaShana, 5776. The solar eclipses are

also tied to the timing of the last 2nd

and 3rd

Blood Moons of the Tetrad, the last in the series of 3 since 1949. One other peculiarity about the eclipse patterns is that the 3rd

Blood Moon occurs in the constellation of Virgo and the last or 4th Blood Moon occurs in Pisces. The partial solar eclipse occurs in between Virgo and Leo and on YHVH’s New Year.

The New Year eclipses also have a phi ratio relationship to time as it pertains to the 365 year count and precisely accents the Jubilee on Yom Kippur of September 23, 2015 which also falls on an Equinox.



360 hours

15 Days

188 Days

178 Days

178 Days




A Type of the of Rapture the Bride of Jesus



9-28 5-24 Shavuot

3-20 New Year

Gate of GOD

Golden Gate Gate of Man

Silver Gate

New Year



Nissan 1 Mar 20 is the 79th day of the year

Passover Apr 04 is the 94th day of year

Ascension May 14 is the 134th day of year with 231 days remaining

Pentecost May 24 is the 144th day of the year with 221 days remaining

Rosh HaShana Sep 13 is the 256th day of the year

Yom Kippur Sep 23 is the 266th day of the year with 99 days remaining

Sukkot Sep 28 is the 271st day of the year

T h e R a p t u r e Z o n e ?

5-14 Israel Independence

Ascension Day

360 hours

15 Days

14,400 minutes

10 Days

5776 (49 years from 1966) Jubilee proclaimed on yom kippur ?

9-23 Yom Kippur

15 + 10 + 15 = 40



End of Tetrad Series 1) 1949-50: Tetrad = Nation 2) 1967-68: Tetrad = City 3) 2014-15: Tetrad = Temple?

End of Tetrad

666 Days

Comet ISON Perihelion

Eve of Nov 27, 2013 to 1st day of

Yom Kippur (Jubilee) on 24rd

May 20 is the center Φ between

1) May 14 Ascension and 2) May 24 Pentecost

A = 139th Day (May 20)

A + B = 225th Day (Aug 13)

Pisces The phi ratio for the entire year of 365 days is as follows. A+B: A= A:B A+B = 365 Days: A = 225.582 B= 139.417

Mar 20 to May 23 = 09 weeks Equinox eclipse to Pentecost Mar 20 to Sep 13 = 178 days (including end date) Equinox to Rosh HaShana Mar 20 to Sep 23 = 188 days (including end date) Equinox to Yom Kippur Apr 04 to May 23 = 49 days (7 weeks) 3

rd Blood Moon to Pentecost

Apr 04 to Sept 28 = 178 days (including end date) 3rd

Blood Moon to Sukkot May 23 to Sep 13 = 03 months 21 days (3-2-1) Pentecost to Rosh HaShana May 23 to Sep 23 = 123 days Pentecost to Yom Kippur

These 2 New Years’ solar eclipses mirror each other by time. Within this timeframe, perhaps the notion of a beginning and an end is to occur prophetically. Could these eclipse patterns allude to the conclusion of the Church Age and/or the Rapture of the Bride of Christ? For illustration, the chart accompanying this study will center on the celestial Rapture that is depicted by the constellations of Pisces and Pegasus.

Prophetic Times of Phi One unique observation that this study seeks to illustrate is that the whole timeline of the eclipses, both solar and lunar are pegged to its phi ratio proportion of time when they occur. These are a constant and true with all other relationships of planets’ positions and even the construct of the constellations. The notion of time and space existing and manifesting in a phi ratio of progression is suggested to be a primary factor of how time, space and motion are developed and were created. The phi ratio for the entire year of 365 days for 2015 is as follows. From January 1, 2015, the phi ratio spiral corresponds to the center point in-between the time of the March 20, 2015 Equinox eclipse to the 3

rd Blood Moon of April 4, 2015.

The focal point of this phi ratio spiral is in-between the May 14 Independence/Ascension Day and Pentecost on May 24, 2015. What this shows is that such eclipses are not random events without intelligent design. As noted in previous studies, the phi ratio is the invisible ‘code’ of Creation. The following are some observations of key date to year timeframes.

The reversed phi ratio count from December 31, 2015 to January 1, 2015 renders the opposite day count where Yom Kippur on September 23, 2015 approximates the focal point of the phi ratio spiral. This depiction is transposed onto the timeline that is illustrated in the chart. Thus the symmetrical New Year solar eclipses are complimentary in more ways than one, astronomically, mathematically and prophetically. This same phi ratio pattern can be scaled down and applied from the 3

rd Blood

Moon on April 4, 2015 to Yom Kippur of September 23, 2015 as well.

This study will rely heavily on the constellation

depiction and Biblical interpretation per E.W.

Bullinger. The constellation of Pegasus with

Andromeda and the adjacent 2 Fish of the

constellation Pisces make up the entire

segment of the Mazzaroth that encompasses

the Astronomical Rapture. The Rapture of the

Bride of Christ is not only foretold in the Bible

that will occur but it is edged in the very stars of

the heavens as a sure sign.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fall Equinox

Spring Equinox

Peculiarity of the Equinox Eclipse

1. On the Equinox

2. On a Super Moon

3. A Total Solar Eclipse

4. On YHVH’s religious New Year

5. Only the 9th since Christ

6. A reversed 27-19-19 year pattern

Spring Equinox - Mar 20, 2015

Fall Equinox - Sep 23, 2015

Summer Solstice - Jun 21, 2015

Winter Solstice - Dec 22, 2015


© Graphics & composition by

Luis B. Vega [email protected]



Fall Equinox

Spring Equinox



360 hours

15 Days

188 Days to YK

178 Days

178 Days






9-28 5-24 Shavuot

3-20 New Year

Gate of Man

Silver Gate

New Year


Peculiarity of the Equinox Eclipse

1. On the Equinox

2. On a Super Moon

3. A Total Solar Eclipse

4. On YHVH’s religious New Year

5. Only the 9th since Christ

6. A reversed 27-19-19 year T h e R a p t u r e Z o n e ?

5-14 Israel Independence

Ascension Day

360 hours

15 Days

14,400 minutes

10 Days

5776 (49 years from 1966) Jubilee proclaimed on yom kippur ?

9-23 Yom Kippur

15 + 10 + 15 = 40



End of Tetrad End of Tetrad Series 1) 1949-50: Tetrad = Nation 2) 1967-68: Tetrad = City 3) 2014-15: Tetrad = Temple?

666 Days

Comet ISON Perihelion

Eve of Nov 27, 2013 to 1st day of

Yom Kippur (Jubilee) on 24rd

Gate of GOD

Golden Gate

May 20 is the center Φ between

1) May 14 Ascension and 2) May 24 Pentecost

A = 139th Day (May 20)

A + B = 225th Day (Aug 13)


Nissan 1 Mar 20 is the 79th day of the year

Passover Apr 04 is the 94th day of year

Ascension May 14 is the 134th day of year with 231 days remaining

Pentecost May 24 is the 144th day of the year with 221 days remaining

Rosh HaShana Sep 13 is the 256th day of the year

Yom Kippur Sep 23 is the 266th day of the year with 99 days remaining

Sukkot Sep 28 is the 271st day of the year

Another very unique inference to sacred

numbers is that having to do with the infamous

comet ISON. This comet was named the

Hanukah Comet because it reached its

perihelion or closest approach to Earth on

the eve of Hanukah in 2013. That date from

November 28, 2013 to the 1st day of Yom

Kippur 2015 is exactly 666 days, including the

end date.

It is rather intriguing that the coming of the AntiChrist is

to occur in the Jewish year of 5776. This reckoning of

the prophetic time of the Jubilee is based on a 1966 set

time and liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem from

the Muslims. What might be ominous and is that the

year 5776 is speculated by some that study End Time

prophecy to be the year the 3rd

Temple is to be build

and by the unveiling of the AntiChrist that will initiate its

reconstruction. Subsequently, this same AntiChrist, will

enforce his mark, that of a 666 on every human that will

require full allegiance in every way, even to the point of

forfeiting ones’ soul and eternal salvation.

In a Stereographic rendering of the universe using Stellarium, it is rather interesting that the depiction of Pegasus and Andromeda take center stage in-between the 2 celestial gates. The Astronomical Rapture is center from that of the Golden Gate, the Gate of GOD and the Silver Gate, the Gate of Man. This astronomically interpretation of a possible celestial Rapture gate is speculative but possible as the Rapture does not necessitate such a rendering.

The Bible only depicts that the Bride will

meet the LORD first in the air. This though is

just the rendezvous place for the Dead in

Christ that are raised up first and then those

that are alive are caught up together. There

is no lagging of 40 days as some assert that

the raised ‘Dead’ will be witnessing to loved

ones after the Resurrection of the Dead.


A Type of the of Rapture the Bride of Jesus

Many believe as this study strongly suggests and with a book entitled, the Tetrad and the Temple, that there is a reverse decree of judgment by the LORD occurring at this present time. This prophetic sequence as disclosed by the Olivet Discourse pronounces the sequence of Israel’s judgment and End Times restoration; in the reverse order. Jesus foretold that the Temple, the City and the Nation would be destroyed because they rejected His Messiahship and did not recognize the time of His visitation as clearly calculated by the Prophet Daniel. It is presented that the this restoration is prophetic in that the restoration of the Nation, the City and eventually the Temple are coming to pass and are in approximate tandem with the Blood Moon

phenomena. Moreover, the 3 series of Blood Moons occur in a phi ratio of spacing of time. The peculiarities of several of the number to date associations of the remaining eclipses since the Equinox eclipse are very intriguing. For example there are 15 days from the Equinox eclipse of March 20, 2015 to the 3rd

Blood Moon of April 4, 2015. This is exactly 360 hours. This has a connotation of circle or that of a complete revolution. Perhaps it also is connected to t This time clearly has overtones of the 144,000 Spirit sealed Jews that are to be the chosen Evangelists during the Tribulation period as the Church commission comes to a close. It has a connotation of a ‘code’ of a Rapture as it was 10 days prior to Pentecost in which the ascension of Jesus

occurred. Jesus did warn the Church of Smyrna that they were to experience 10 Days of Tribulation. Thus such timings of Blood Moons and eclipses have within its very DNA the imprints of prophetic time; as it has been in the past that will occur in the future. The 3 main astronomical events for 2015 of the Equinox eclipse, the last 2 remaining Blood Moons to conclude the Tetrad and the partial solar eclipse on September 13, centers on the Equinox eclipse. he very cycles of the Moon’s rotation. Then there is the time span of 10 from the anniversary of Israel’s Independence on May 14, 2015. This date in 2015 also synchronize to that of the Ascension of Christ per the western calendar. This 10 day period is the same as 14,400 minutes.

Could this be significant or perhaps coincidental?

Nothing is inconsequential in YHVH’s timeline. As to

the ramifications, that remains to be seen but the

synchronization of this timing is unsettling because

Yom Kippur of 2015 is by many to be the calculated

time of the Jubilee.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Spring Equinox - Mar 20, 2015

Fall Equinox - Sep 23, 2015

Summer Solstice - Jun 21, 2015

Winter Solstice - Dec 22, 2015