Page 1: The Avoyelles pelican (Marksville, La.) 1861-03-16 [p ]...Chase declared, yesterday, that D u-ball, you've done a big thing, and you Provisional Government, we proceeded, ! Shis had




1:18. 16, 1881.

QÖice \\\ Marks\U\e,

Cwaer Marks aaJ Washington «îreeU.


VOLUME XVII. Number—46.



For District Judge.

MR. P. D'ARTLYS-Please announce Judge E. N. Cnllom, of Avoyelles, as.(a candidate for the Judgeship of the Dis­trict composed of the parishes of Avo­yelles, West Felieiarln, Pointe Coupee and West Baton Rouge. Election jù April — — 1—.


Doesticks on Billiards.

We are authorized to announce Hon. THOMAS J. COOLEY as candi* date or Judge in the Judicial District composed of the parishes of Avoyelles, Pointe Coupe«. Wuet Feliciana and West Baton Kotige. -*

To the Voters of Avoyelles, Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana.

This concluded the show, as I siippos- j "VTAR IMPENDING. 1 I f W U ed, but as I got to t'te corner of Broad- — j c>ISI 01 ^uICTS way and Broome streets, I caught sight Th< Army of Utah and New Mexico Which have not b-en withdrawn from tbe of Weil Bryant rushing round the corner, j Ordered Eastward. I Mark-vilie Postnfliee, and remaining on

>ftly persued by two billiard balls, j 1 ° J r —

"arlike Poliry of Chase and Cameron.

Having consented to be a candidate for the office of Judge of this district, my desire was to visit von in person to solicit your support at the coming elec­tion. But causes of a private nature put it out of my power to do so ; and I am obliged to deprive myself of that plea­sure, and to pay you my respects in this manner. I fe. l the more satisfied, how­ever, that t is omission on my part will not make any material difference ia your determination a« to whom your votes will be given, inasmuch as I can not my­self say anvthing as to my fitness and capaeitv to fil! t! e office I ask, and as my position at fhe Bar and on the Bench for the last thirty years has made me sufficiently known, either personnallv or by reputation, to almost every voter in the 'district.

Asking nothing: more than your sup-po "t if vour consider me worthy of the office, I subscribe m- self.

Y- ur very obedient servant, THOS. J. COOLEY.

Monsieur Berger, the celebrated FreRcli player, who is ns much the King of the d^y persued by two billiard balls» ] Billiard table as P ul Morphy is Empe- from w ich I suppose Berger must have ror of the Chess board, has lately arriv- j done another fancy shot or two-after I

ed in this country. j . . ... TT. j „ , , . , , ..I But Phelan* conspiracy with tne His wonderful playing has been the biHi,,rfl-markers all over the countrv is

theme of the daily papers for several outrageous. He has even- one of them days, but we think none of the reporters so far under his control, that there i«n(t from the dailies are quite equal to the a p'-ace iu the United States where when j t»sk ofrWrihWfW mim-nW slmN ! \ Pla/ J>'Wards uith Michael Phelan, |

the mark«r does'nt count more tor mm Hope than for nus

Saturday 16 th AI arch, 1861.

task of describing the miraculous shots of the rotund Frenchman, and therefore we copy the impressions of Doestick •s srSvU. |„.**r«VTorS paper :

I need hardly tell you that the game of billiards consists in punching ivory balls about on a big table covered wit'» green cloth, that looks like half an acre of meadow land with and India rubber fence round it ; that the balls is punc ed with long wooden ramrods, with wax on the end to save the wood, and leather

Cha$t Will Rule Lincoln's Administration.


Chafe Charges Douglas with Misrepre­sentation.

of" Peace .


Letter from the


• •»• -

Louisiana Delegates.

Areau Zenou

13 Bovce C miss Bennett Mansel Bordelon Ant veuve Be.llson John

j Bennett J J Bordelon Evariste A ! Basseti W H

I t o ' Collum Me A Olavarie François ; Galligarie Jérôme Cocke «Tos A

TIE S0CTÏÏ MUST PREPARE FOR WAR! j Deshotels Aug Derosur David

j It is imported, on ve.rv reliable author- j jp j ity, that all the troops now stationed in ; p„mi<!9nn A T I New Jlexico and Utal> are ordered east-1 ward, to garrison the Southern forts. C* MONTGOMERY, March 2, 1861. 1 «T(UU| wv ^(W I lot>il me OHUllIClU

To the Convention of Louisiana: j Cameron favors the recapture of the Grémillion Simeon Gingrais Gabriolle GENTLEMEN—Vou will no doubt have' Post® * ich pasiwd-intn th« power of the j II

put on to save tne wax, and cn#lk put, obtained through tf,e public papers a Confederate States. Chaae, whose po- : Hadley John L dr Hujrh W Cauland K nn *r\ im..» i..«*i. />...«> .. . w . . » i • i: .. I ». : A ..L » o on to keep the leather from «earing out. j genera] knowledge of the progress which lou take your ramrod and run chalk ou j t|ie Coiiventiou has made in its labors, it; then you lean over the table; then : ^nt we have thought that a commit nica-you squint ; then you lift up your leg ; tjon directly from ourselves might be then you fiddle a little ou vour left hand acceptable with your ramrod ; then you punch your j Having adopted a Constitution for a

licy is of an ultra coercion character, will undoubtedly rule t'e Administra­tion. Seward will leave the Cabinet within ninety days, and will be sent as Minister to England.

Chase declared, yesterday, that D u-ball, you've done a big thing, and you Provisional Government, we proceeded, ! Shis had whoI! misrepresented the pur poke up a lot of buttons that are strung j in obedience to your instructions, to ea- nna* n( ÎAn"n]"'* —

Johns T L

Mayeux Pierre

Necati Jarge


The Pres'dc.nt of the Southern Confederate States, Gen. Jefferson Da­vis, has been elected for a term of six years. —- —JSÊÊÊ^ - - - -

TTTIS of Dis'irt Canrt.—Tim change made in the Judicial Districts has brought a change in the terms of ses­sions of the Cuurt for the different par­ishes.

However, we wer« notified that the tern s of sessions of t' e Court, in our parish, will remain as before, viz: the first Monday of April, and the first Monday of September.

all there is of the can and may be

on a wire. This is game of billiards—I you could.

Well, Berger has come, the great French puncher; and, of course, I've beeu to see him punch a few billiards with Phelan. Plielan is a pretty fair

tablish a government under that Cons titntiod, and to put it in immediate ope­ration.

As no free government can exist wit­hout laws to guide and control its action, the enactment of the laws necessary to put the government in operation embra-

puncher himself, but he can't punch so ced a wi(le of legislation. We had fast as Berger in fact, B. has to give j a Presi ent) it is trllH) but he was wit_ P. a hundred buttons or so in every j h out the executive departments, whoso game, I ve ofteu played with Phelan J ajj indispensably necessary in the myself but he always beats me; he has disc arge of Lis duties The Confede-a prnate understanding with the man . rucy was without a judiciaiy, without a that pokes the buttons—when Phelan p0Sfa[ system, and dependent for its punches the balls the man pokes the ; mail facilities on a foreign government buttons ; hen I punc > the balls nary j that might withdraw them at any mo-button will the man poke. So Phelan ment ; without the means of establishing goes out, but my games is a little the intercourse with foreign nations, wit-best in fact, I ve challenged Phelan to j ]10i]t an army or a navy, without money play me a thousand buttons for a lot ot or -jje authority to procure it ; in a word, money, and I ve offered to keep the game vve had a government on paper only, myself, so as to be sure all is fair 1 he- To supply these deficiencies and avert j lau s conspiracy with the man vh</ po- the evils whic'» would necessarily have kes the buttons is a disgraceful thin- - - - -

pose of Lincoln's Administration, and t'>at lie had undoubtedly deceived j Forsvth in representing himself as a me- Pfetzino-er Henrv dium of communication with Seward

According to Chase, the purpose of the Washington Government is to en­force the laws, to collect the revenues, J to lecapture and hold all the forts in the I Sellers J C Confederate States, and to conquer a | peace by force of arms.

There is nothing to warrant the hope lately entertained by tSi Commissioners, of a successful result to their mission, and a peaceful solution to the difficulties ! Winters G Ï. pending between the North aud the ; ——— South. i rrn vpw

The Tribune yesterday attacks Se- ; ward, and says his policy will demora- :

Robert Dornas E

! Voinché J


IV Neil Mc Mary miss JE*

R Rood G W S Shannon Wm


't of f usion at DE GENERES & GAUTHIER,

PUBLIC AUCTIONEERS. The ondersijrned, having formed a partner­

ship together, as public auctioneers, respect" fully solicit the patronage of their friend«, Prompt attendence will be given to all busi­ness entrusted to them.



Factors St Commission

No. 88 (old No. 102) Magazine street, N E W O R L E A N S .


& Parrjpibs Cöntintssitrnaircs,

No. 88 (vieux No. 102.) rue Magazine, NLLE-OKLEANS.

W Wyatt T Spencer Winter; Lilly miss

Winn J M

and Licences

lize and ruin the Republican partv. The South must immediatly prepare

for war.


Hnn.B. C. Bon i.—According to an or-d r of the Gov. Moore, in date of the 6 h ultimo, our esteemed friend, the Hon. 11. C. Boud. of the Ascension pa­rish, has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Artillery of the Loui-sianan army.

We sincerely eongatulate Gov. Moore of this nomination, as Mr. Bond proved himself worthy, in every respect, of sue an honor by his merits and intellect ; and, no doubt, he will fulfill the duties of his new position in a loyal and chi­valrous manner.


EdP" We are indebted to our obliging friends, F. Edwards & Sloat, L. & A Barbin ; to Capt. J. J. Compère, of the fine packet F. W. Roberts; and to A. Dalférès, of the favorite steamer Mary T., for a file of papers iu advance of the mail.

Assessment to the ßegzars,—Our Jury of Police is to assemble on the 25th inst., in order of assessing the allowed funds by the State to the beggars of our parish.

The Jus'ire Z. Richer.—We learn with reg et that Justice Z. Richer, of the Bor-d MUX district« will resign the office which he is filling since several years with much ability and justice. The motive attributed to such a détermina-1

ti >n is that t! e profits of the Justice of Peace are too small to pay the loss of ti ne and t'-e troubles to which a man is al > avs submitted. That's our opinion, too, but it is to, be hoped ^hat, the citi­zens of Bordeaux 'will Usé of t eir influ­ence to decide otir friend Z. Richer to fill this post for a longer period.

it discourages roung men. and im>kes them think t'iey c'ant punch billiards as well as Phelan can. I'm bound to break it up. But Berg.r has outgeneraled Phelan. Berger has bought over all Phelan's button-pohersp, ays'm more money than Phelan did, and now they give Perger all fhe buttons.

IIa! ha! big thing on Michael ! Well, on Frida-, Berger was going

Death of Mrs. T. ti. Davi Ison.—Our ci­ty is in mourning as we write at the sud-

.esulted from this state of p rtial anar- j 4en #nd unexpected death of -1rs. Da-cliy, required prompt legislation, and ; vif*!»!, wifu 0f jjon T. G. Davidson, the Convention has labored assiduously ! She iied at the family residence o.i to provide it. The result of these la- i Weduesdy night after a few hours ill-bors has partly been mad« known to you ; ness, supposed to be from apoplexy. S e in laws which have been published ; was endeared to a large circle of ac-ot' ers are in t'ie course of preparation quainiances on account of noble and ge-and will shortly be completed. j nerouiqualities of head and heart.

B. R. Advocate.

Don. John Perkins, Jr.

That these la vs will exhibit traces of ! the haste with which they were prepar- |

1 - - y '-d, a,,d will be found defective in some j to do some punching ; and there was I 0f their details, we entertain no doubt, j in t-e mulst. Berger is a fat man; t'e but we have the consolation to reflect! _ T _ . , top of his bead is as bald as a goose egg, that d,f(jcts that mav exists in them ! _ H°l JoH

TN',Pf K^'f; 'r" ;vas hornin

and has got a stomack like a three foot j bti corrected by the regular Con- ! Louisuna Julv 1. 1819. In 184 > In-celestial globe—-in fact, he is s aped ; wllich win at now distant period ! gr^uMed at. 1 ale College, and subset-like a billiard-ball, and might be used j „lectcd uudt.r the pennauent Consti- he Law School of Harvard for one if you take' is boots off and j tu*i<>n ; Collegf. He began the practice or hs his heels to the back of his neck—only : ^ Convention is now engaged in ' ProfVfon 1,1 ^ 0r'eans" .In ?85„l h" I d ont want lum to carom on me ! I {,,e diëcussion of tjl}8 Constitution, and, wa

T8 c??n a ot \ e tl,rcu't ^ourt

He brought all his own tools with ag f ( ) U r o r l i v e h o u r s o f e a d l d a y a r e d e . j of Lo*»ana, whic ' position he held un-him from J ranee—a table that isn't so j voted to this WP hope that it i ti ele^d to Congress in i853, where he long by a few feet as Phelan genera y ; w i„ b e i ( | o n r p o w , r t 0 8 u b m i t i t t o y o u r j advocated States Rights Democratic makes lus-a lot of balls and ramrods, j conÊideratioil iu the course of eight or , • c and everything. Room was full, all an- j t e M d a v s ° j himself to planting in his native State. xious to see the Frenchman punched, j In'a wisiative bodv so nume | The p.« of Secretary of the Navy to the and pretty good punching ,t -vas. He and employed in so important a work as Confère States ,s a post requinng made the balls hop all over the table, t|)e foi.uiation ofa new Government and ! prompt energy and sound practical judg- j Bontel and generally had three balls in the air at once. Neil Br ant was there, and Neil is a pretty good judge of billiard-punching. I did my favorite shot with great success jumped mv b**ll off the

•table, caromed on Neil Bryant and holed it in a spittoon.

Phelan said it was a big thing ; so did Neil. Berger roled himself round to to the corner of the table, chalked his ramrod, executed a fancy lick; i.e made his ball run three times round the table, on the edge of the cushion, leap off at a sharp angle ; carom on Neil Bryant, come back to the table, take eighteen Cushions, aud stop exactly on the center spot.

Phelan had a try. He did one of tSe simple shots that I taught him—the one when the cue-ball takes tweut}'-owe cus­hions, knocks the hats 6ff three Dutch­men iij the corner, conies back and stops inside thu string. Berger did'nt think much of that; so he took off his

the inauguration of its policy, individual ra«nt- f ,,avv is ? ̂ organized, and, — oi. ng we j,ave recently had occasion to

the undersisrn'd. Sh.-riff and collector ol State and Parish tax« s. in order to ac-

i commodate all tix and licences payers, giv-j notice that 1 will commence to collect as foi j low«, to-wit—

From 9:h of March to the 15th April, at ! my office. Marksviile.

Tues lay 16th April, and Wednesday 17th April, at ..Ibrahum Fe'sendall's store, Pointe

; Alaisr.e. Friday 19th April, at Josina J. Bonnet's

: store. Saturday 20ih April, at the School-house,

i (Joa.-it Is and. Monday 22d and Tn-s lay 23d April, at

j the Hotel ol Victor Prostdame, Mansura. \Vedn«-sday 24th-April, at Henry J. Uor-

; delon's store, (Jorn'-r. Thursday 25th April, at Jos. Bordelon s

store Corner. Friday 2oîh. and Saturday 27th, at the

Hotel of P. Fournier, Moreau\ille. Monday 29th April, at A. B. Coco and

brothers store, St. Hyacinthe church. Tuesday 30th April, at Oleophas Gauthier 's

store, Borodino. Thursday 2d May, and Friday 3d May, at

G F. Saacier's store, Big B<'ud. iWouday Üth May, at the Simmesport coffee

housiî. Wednesdiy 8th may, at S. Couvillion's

store. Choupique. Thnrsiluy 9th may, at Gremillioa & Co..

Chonpique. Friday 10th may, at Paulin Gremillion's

store. Bordeaux. Saturday 11th may, at P. O., Evergreen. Monday 13th may. at the house of H. N.

Bayou Rouge.



Commission ^crrji^nts, (FACTORS' ROVV)J

No 69 Carondele.t Street, NEW-ORLEANS.




Parc^nbs Coimnissi(mnain5r

N° 69, rue Carondelet. 5mai*lan-60 NOU VRLLE-ORLK ANS^

, 'S CslCB SfcCs.

COT Tö.V F % € rOK »

COMMISSION M ERC H A NTS, Carowlelet street. — Nett Orkans, La


DUPONT3 GUNPOWDER No 31,Tchoupitoulas Street,



OUti JL%È fJ JTtfC /«f I*OmujR JßJf

D U P O N T ' , No 31, rue Tchonpitoulas.

Smai-1 anfio NT.LK-ORLK A NS.

differences of opinion sre, of course, una-voidable, but it affords us pleasure to be able to announce to your honorable body that the proceedings of the Con­vention have beeu marked by a spirit of harmony rarely to be found, and by a disposition to sacrifice all minor conside­rations to t' e attainment ofthe great ob­jects for which » e are assembled.

We have tijO honor to be, very res­pectfully,

C. 51. Conrad, Alex. De Clouet, H. Marshall, D. F. Kenner, Edw. Sparrow.

Important Appoint,nen!s an 1 Movements. —Gen. Braxton Bragg, of the army of Louisiana, has been appointed Brigadier General of the army of the Confederate States nd has been ordered to proceed

I is also reported that Brigadier Ge­neral Beauregard has been ordered to

coat and rolled up his sleeves and made to Pensacola and take command of alt a tremendous lick; the ball hit P. elan the troops of the Republic there assem-?" .I , vt?st-button, caromed on bled, and conduct tue operations against îml Bri ant, caine back to the table and Fort Pickens. took four cushions, went out ofthe win­dow, gave a stage driver a black eye, came back and took a cushion, caromed Charleston to take charge of the opera-on Is ell Bryant, took two cushions^ «/ent i tious against Fort Sumter. twice round the block, took a eus ion went out throng i another window, ^md came in through the sk light, took four Presi.lent Davis' Private Secretary.—Pre-cushions, and caromed on Neil Bryant, sident Davis has appointed Capt. Robert

•and all in four minutes, without stoping Joselyn—the popular "Bob Joselyn" of for breath or sweating a hair. poetical and Mexican fame—as his pri-

Avoyelles Riflemen.—Th# company of Avoyelles Riflemen, under the command of the able captain Johnson, is drilling every day satisfactorily, and it will be soon the "model company" of all the other companies in our parish.

^ Our thanks are due to our esteem­ed friend, Col. F. Cannon, for precious d 'cements and newspapers we constant­ly receive t rough his care.

Th.* Fla? of the C^nfeJera.;y.—The flag < f the Confederate States is determined on unanimously. The design "as origi­nated by the Committee on Flag, and not fVom any of the models presented. Tii>> following is the des ription ol our flag; Blue union, with seven w ite stars; t ree horizontal stripes," red, white and red. T e first red and white extending from the union to the end of the flag, and the lower red stripe extending the whale length of the flag, aéeupviug the rai, into a shooting gallery, rang the ! winde space below the union. 1 e stri-, beH nihe times in ^ BUCCH8sio ° and !

« *U,|'h' P° ^l}'1 W4

l Vi J naSi ! come back to the table, previously exe- IUUI uuu. u.nun UM uom»™ «. t au'à »p V" ~ " '"•* ei on the Capitol at 4 o clock on the 4th ! cutiug two brilliant caroues on Neil Bry- mission to Europe which was tendered ™te

qu 6 louer de Sa maisOQ qu'il iePie'

; 8nt * bim by President Davis. j NoaTeii».ori<aD9.27 octobre 1S60 la.

AU i y - poetic; All hands were occupied for forty mi- vate Secretary

nutes in reviving P.^Ian, who had faint He is the author of the

Young Widow, Girl with the Calico ed from envy. ! Dress," and other Mississippi State Ly-

Berger then made his grand shot—ne lies ; he obtained Iiis brevet of Captain put such a tremendous twist on his ball in t.,e battle-field of Mexico ; is a defeat-that it took every cushion on every table ed candidate for the United States Con-in the room, carorned on ÎVeil Bryant, gress; is known as the "Prince of Good dodged out of the window, traveled Fellows" among the jolly men. once or twice up and down Broadway,

Don. John Slidell.—The "Delta" learns he table, previously exe- that Hon. John Slidell has declined a

suggest tit lenght, t' e manner of that or­ganization is of lasting consequence. Upon the wisdom exercised m fitting it to the wants of the South, and t'-at as early as practicable, much property and many lives not to say the Confederate character before t' e world, may depend. Mr. Perkins bears a high c aracter, and we trust rill prove himself fully equal to the task.

The news we receive about the taking ofthe Southern forts by the Fe­deral Government, are entirely contra­dictory."

ruesdav 14ih, und Wednesday 15th amy, at Ho'mosville.

Saturday 18th may, at the School-house on Black Rivet.

The undersigned or his deputies will collect in these d'Ef-rent places

Marksviile, this 16th March. 1861. P. P. NORMAND. Sheriff.

P. S.—The undersigned informs the per sons of this parish that the parish tax was levied at the rate of one hundred p<r cent, on the State tax. The licences remain as before.




J. Boulenger k Co

No. 75

Rae de Chartre

Conti et Bienville, NOUVELLR-ORLEA.VS

Importateurs D ' A R T I C L E S D E F A N T A I S I E

Des fabriques Françaises, Anglaises, Al­lemandes et Américaines.



Variétés et Artieles de Nouveantfs,

P._ Alphonse DURA NIL», si connu dans le? paroisses des^ Avoyelles, St-Martin et autres paroisse» voisines, a l'honneur de n ré venir ses M°m >reux amis qu'il est entré dans la maison

' & C').. t-t il espère que tes ma cnaiias de la campagne lui forout le plaisir de 'IU F™«*: visite, et lui accorderont uue partie de leur» faveurs. La maison J. Boulenger & eo. * a j11® ^es premières maisons de la Reine au sua dans la ligne d'affaires qu'elle a en tiepris. etie est. à même de remplir, aux pri.v es p us modérés, toutes les commandes qu'on

lui enverra n

T." aesure à ses amis qu'ils n'au

DISSOLUTION OP CO-PARTNERSHIP— The Co-partnersb'p in Commendain he­

retofore existing between tbe irid.-rs:gaed. • inter the firm of G. W DUN AU &• Co., is hiüUay <1 >solve<l l>y mutual consent, and G. V. tUT.VBAR alone* >s authorized to liquidate

the bus'ness of the late firm. G. W DUNBAR. ) Active Partner' 0. VOORHIAS f Active CH'UIEN DUPRB,

Partner in Commendam. New Orleans, Feb. 2S, Itilil.

T IE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Co-partnership iu Commendam. and will

c > tiune the Wholesale Boot and Shoe trade. ..tid-r the nam • «f G. W. DUNBAR, at No. 5 Magazine street.

G. W. DUNTBAR, Active Partner.

CYPRiEN DU PRE, Commendam Partner.

New Orleans, Feb. 2ti, 1861. mar9 lm

D IPSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP-— The partnership heretofore existing be-

t w» en the undersigned, under the name and style of ROUSSET & GKNIN is this day dis­solved by mutual consent. The successors of said firm. ROUSSET & VOORHIES, will at­tend to the settlement of the business of the concern.


Partner in Commendam, - N"vr Qrlpttnw. Feh. 2ti. 1861.

THE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a LO-pa< tnership iu Commendam. under

th-i firm of ROUSSET & VOORHIES. and will continue the Hardware and Fanev Goods business cf thp late firm of ROL&SET & GE­NIN, at the old stand, No. 83 Canal street.


Partner in Commendam. New Orleans, Feb. 26. 1861. raarP ïm

L A Z A f i E , L E F A S S E U R k C O ,

No. 10, CHAItTRES STREET,, near Canal.


French, Belgian. German and English Cloths Merinos. Fancy Velvet Ve t-«. Serço. China Satin. Fiâmes. Buttons, Séw Silk of the beet manufactories. Besides that, they have tho

•.ai'Uest iMni'tment of articles for Tailors use, that has ever been offered in the city.

LAZARE, LEVASSE UR & CO., No. 10, Chartres street.-


Jules Boiilcager. Jf. Claudel.


Frcnch, English, German and Ameriean FANCY GOODS,

Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Combs and Small Wares,

No. 75 CHARTRES STREET,. Be'weeu Conti »tuï Bienville sts.,


Mr. P. A. Durand, the well-known estimât-id citizen in the Avoyelles, St. Martin and ot heparishé s, is the courteous c erk at J. Boulenger & Co.'s. oc27 ly


mm G U N - S M I T H ,

Si-Lou is St., opposite Si-Louis Exchange.

RKCOMMEN OS binirH-lf lo all those who are in new! of a good g>.n. He has con-

stantly on hand an assortnii nf of g:n?, of the best make, at the most iru iî. #ate prices.

He repairs* ot the shortest IM ice, all fire­arms entrusted to him.

He has in hi.0 establish HUT;; a ifu'lery of Pistol. Gun and IlifflV slxioting.


On order' he nh»k)-s all-flie ornaments and decorations.

F re" Masonrv — 28—ly


Au bureau de l'office du greffier de la Cour MaTirville. 12 mai 18C0.

